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*lnid in it.< ilnr.ruc, nrnl Win BM r tHIt, Ibfl I'rc*!-fUi.it'* |il:tn rui'i.vuiM the iiiit.icliitc tiltnUttrtfl ifI'al.f,ruin, iiiitranmirloill»y tlie liiiitmiilhiml Tcx.uiipmtirasi Iti« viitliliit tin*ultra vmtiirni fnrttirirflifliitlihoiMFI will ei|>]m»«» tin- ii.liiiiv.«i:inf CsUilnPni>t n< n frro st.ito, Hti'lir ntiy rirciuni.tn.iHr*. ThentacUittloQl ami ditwiiajmiimi Uic nolijwlwillpmbiflily I..1 In hillil to ;ili>',id in the nffiftf'nf iirxtmonth,•irirt* tin* niitnuil ti;>|>i t>pr i;iVi<n liilN, wliiiliIlio inorc

ilenigliill? *iilllicrilliK'inlier^i'lt"tliltKtttirnin 11:1 1:11:>1It*to he wiiiUril in f:i\i>r of vl;i\rry rstcn.imi, mu^t li<-lia.ixfd licFirr lite :<l)th .limp. Tlic luvilhim)il _t,:li ,1petition Wfaioh (,';ililmni;i rniiliiiiirs to iiinintiiiii,btlwon liT tin? niltiiirotinn nml reupwi Blhtft frlpndu intJi««- Atlantic side of tlio roiitiuriit. They Inisl thatIn i time of |iroliatioa linr*uly ovrr.


|}oin|« Nt Trinlir<llr.Affair*nt thi*plnco na well m Ihroiuh Ilie Valloy of

Tuiilunino, are tlnily Incrcasinir in jntprcuf. The follow-ing BfttTMt ofa loiter to a rcujniInl.le bottlt in thin rily,«J»to<l at TriiiiilnilCity. July 3. kivci a lucid nccount ofMatters in tlint region :

"A rift'-lyleft here n few tlnyn since for tlio d'^trinrr*.and when withinlive inilcs ol* (lip plncc were ntlarkcdl»y gome liiclintia. A few ilnys altif a KCOnd party itnrt-cd fur tlie unino plnco, nnd on coming tip to when- theCrat party were attacked they fouinl Iwo of them aevoro-lywoniuleil, n halt VU tawiO tlicre iinil Mnjor SmythClark went into town fornutliUact. OB the foUowibg<ii'>niin ,' tho Mnjor hennVd np.irt/ of >ix men, nnd nt mm-<iuwn nnivi-ilat tho rump, where a li(.-hthrcaslwork limlbeen thrown np nnilor tho stijicrintciiilnnce of MajorRowo, lute of the K.y. Army. Thu wiiniiileilinou wereproperly cured for hv Dr. Andi'i-goii, who nccoinpnnicilt'no expedition. Mr. 'i'luia. Ijliinnwm pioirvilwith aevuuarrow*, and rercivod a aevcre cut in tlie liond from nImtchet. Mr. K/riiUnit wna wounded with four UTDWI,

They wore lirnu^lit into town on mule* and nro now do-ing wo11. While the woiunleil men were being rnredfor a imrty ofSO men started oifnftrr the. fndiniu: theykilled two and took three prisoner!, tliey burnt clcvoiihouses or wigwams alter takiuf; ntl the curiositica out of•.hum. Wo all returned to cnuiti thu Rtunc dny. mil anlumr before lun-donn tho three In,linns wcro fnirly triedfiya jury and coiidemned to he uliot thnt niuht. The «en-i.eiico was duly execute!, nnd the bodies decently buried.

We heard to day from "Huiuboldt" that the Indlsttl ntthnt plnco Imdscalped n white man.

To-morrow nn election will tnUe plnco for Justice, ofthe Pence [ W. W. Hawks is the Only candidate, hiselection, ofcourse, is cotniidisrcd certain.

ARRIVALSAT THE ST. FRANCIS lIOTKL,JILV!», 18;*V\ in.J. I'.ri'iit; \V.M.Donaldson, fnr.City; ('.«>. (Minnie,

.San FrancilCO) K. V.Arklcy, iSan Jose; Itr.J. MciNullr,Hne.«:ity: C. W. Smith, do; 11. 11. Lawrence, Nap a City'; J. A.Uradly; Wm, r'oiter, San Jose; \\. M. lil.-n klmrii:1.. I.Kewrs, Sac. City;(ieo. Hart, New York;E. 11. Winn,Ilenecla;A.J. Kaston, New York;f'upt. Cole, rUcumsliip Tennessee j

i'ajit.Duryea, ship .\utrhez; R. A. Kodnmn, Hau Jo'c*


A fair business in doinir. Flour has advnnrrd—whnla sackstiare heeu sold nt $14. CoilVe tin* declined to 40r. Bricks are$:if«.10; Cement s.2s ;Lumber about tho same except IJ to'Jloch plonks which have advanced. £ii£tir and Molasses are alittle lower. Kramly has advanced n little and is now firm,jlarl.'yisHIr;Jlfj.inikia lower nnd held at Sv!U.

STOCKTON MARKF.T.—JILV 6—naKAl)—Pilot IO»lflc£ tb, miry SS~Br, Chile SECr. Cakdlks

—."perm 90c#|], »,l«

uantinn SOffiCOe, mould 253370. Corrr.r.~ ltio 30933c, Mani-la rtOaSoc, proiiud 50c. DbikiiFbi'its

—Apples 4.~>P5Ur \u25a0I* In,

peaches 8.1W45c, fig's iXiir'.lOc,Unisins tSall f liox. I'i.otn—Chile SOU lv sacks *7.5U V lUUIh. do 100 do H (Ml. do .r>o.

r>o doH3T>; American $15 P1 bid. Fefd— llnrley 0910 c|v th, torn-JuHJ. l'OßK—Clear .OJ'.l </:td. half l.liU. inesx 'ADU'i'X bbls,lirime. misi—933,bbls ;beef. salt. |S»9, hnms :tOr>:i> \> in,*hniilders2o%3sc, bacon 05 930c, lard .Vinliile, rice (iw.-'c,»u-gar339So& Teas— (ireen (i'<ra^l t» n>. 1.1n.-k 378 40c, Li-4JDORS—Urandv.canes, J7S .""..M). gin lOffl'i, ('hampn^ne Stiff


claret OS 7, l'ort win«HaH..Vi, brandy $1311 Jp- pal. rin 1.30«."!, wlii»key198.50, rum GOSUOr. Bricks $301*35 1» M.;luin-her *•'(!«.I-in VM.

Shipping Intelligence.TOItTOI'NAJII'K.IX'IMIO.JII.V 10,f550.

Arrivnl,July Otli

—Barque Lydla, lt*o tin finLiverpool via \"nlp:iriii>ii—

SturkiM &Janimi,Mpolicii,

Aprill>, (ifT Clip..St Uo'pie, propeller 1jnlurn,IV.rWniiiii,fmNew York for Sun Frmiriaco^all well.

T!ie t-temner (iolinh, Tlioiiih», from New York (April17) for.S ivFruuci'ro, putinto llarbmlocf nn the 2d in«l. for a supplyof rii.il,which she will eooii get :tml thruproceed on lier voyugc—all trail.

April10, liit15 0" S, lon :W 11. «liip Medora, of Churlittonfor California.

Jan 88, lulrniritlS, lon64 \V,nth Emily, 41 il> fin BultimoreforSnn Krnuei»ro.' Peh It,Lit 445."), lon f»r. 39, barque Con^-eu, 05 da fin Mystic,lor California


March VI,lalBN, lon25 \V, c.-h Aron, Hallett, tin IWi..n(March 3) for Oallfornia.

Anril10, IntUWS, lon 33, bnrrjiie Snrnh Boyd, Wfcitmore,fin I'liilaitelphiaMurch 7, lor California

—nil well.

AUrrh111, lit ~(S. 101lHii nil, wn> teen Am m-Ii Josephine,-t.-erinv \V, (probably Josepbine, from N York) Keb SO, for SailFranci-ro.

April4,Lit 29 35 N, lon87 35 W, brir Veto, Dutch, I'm Provi-dence. (Murch 15) for Sun Francisco, nil well.

April'-'7, In!14 ."<, loiiKl W, ship Maruthon, Waterman, fromBo>ton fur, Sjiir'ruiirix'ii—ull well.

AprilI.*,lut Vi58,lou 46 56, brig Swisi Roy, from Bootoo forC.'iliiurui.i,51 di out.

PORTtiF RIO J.WF.IIIO.—ApbiISI—Sliipi Venice, Younifjfinrhiladi'lphUforSub Frnnciseo, in 10 cja;lioodwin; Wirki,fa Baiitoa for Haa Fraiicuco, SWth April j ltoiu'my,Merrill;fmtitw \ntk for Man Francisco, repairing. Hbip Scotland, for*<»n FraneUco, had been ordered to discharge, lirintf leaky ;h.T Utu captuin* Folifur,died 19th ult. Hurquet Uullilen, i ,ttaai Itotioiifor San Francisco, 2Hih ; Touro,Low,for do, 23d ;bri» Tower, lMchor, fm Charlrnlou for Hun Francisco.

' *£& Yon S\tr.— Thr fi»*» sailing A1 llnf.•*™"tiinorobuilt ship. THOMAS W'ATTSON. -Jrt mo«

, nlii. 3 4.1 ton* rvcMer, c»rrie« aUmt 3>*o<' barrel*. b»« spiop rleck, *ii.l *ii|»«<rior aooommodfttinna fur oop,o p,• •

njcM,nrwly ivpprred, iivilbheavy mppor.) in Kcbruarv. l*l!».built of thr ho«t material* l">y Ibo present ownor*, i* well found in Mil*,ricfrinp, rte , for a two \e*r*

vny*«e. Kor farther particular*, ap]ily to tho csplnin. onbonrd. or *t MiildletoiiA Hinml'* **)«•*nvinv M|

+41^ l-'on Sam:.— TlioA 1fiist-MiilinirAuiori-**"**ranSchooner L AltKl)O.!>969,Mon* rraistor. coppercd snd copper Insfcnrd. well fonnil in every rr«peit,•Irswinir liuhi draught of water, how lylnij in thi* h*;,from Chnrle*'on H. C, with C*ri»o, ron*i«tiiiii i>f ;lA,r»t»ofeet pitch pine lumber— *iB'lllinc. hoard*, etc


iliintlo. Apply to tbo rnptnin on b ur.lor UtTHKO. kIfIITMANN.V CO,

ly!> 3* __ Montgomery st. l»ctween California *Pino..&s£: Hi Mitoi.itr Tuanxpoiitation Link—JJWia&Tlip fine aclwioncr KIIANCKH HKLKN,havingin.id,. a very sltort pa*«*gi< to Iliunlvililt,ngninst ItfOlUbend wimls', will **ilasnin on MONDAY NK.\T. IMbinstnnt, i«witivelv. Iliimboldt i* only 1 } to 9 dn\* trnvelfrom the Trinity gold mine*, to which a rond hn* b.-enout; tntm fifteen to twenty mile* *horter than from iinyother port. I"or freiuht of pn»»sifr. npplv In'

orriNiiKii* luiown,

,i.\M i! Ceiitrnl whnif

Kon Sax Hlas—

Tlio Anioricnn clip*iSlper bnnpio HKCTOH, 9.V1 ton* burthen, wi'l *ailon or nhout the l.Mh July. For freight or pnssnfrc. npplvto A. MULLOT iV TALLOT, Hntramento street.

KfifiS I'aua Sin Hlas— Ln Biuj valrra/•Ui^lniKatn Amcricaiin HKCTOH,anldrn el i|iiiiu.ide e*te me* de Julio. Por Held D pasenjer liahieudoucoiniKlncioiies suporiore* venme con

A. MULLOT r A. TALLOT,Jy9-S Callo de Siicriimeiilo.

K^^rV '^'IO -Moxicnn uliip Camilla, Copt!JaflsflHs-- Puttier, oxprcted daily from Mnxnllnn. will ski!nu'iiin for tho snme purl ouor nlmut tbo SOth July. Forfreight or pn**ni;oi,apply to

A. MULLOT* TALLOT, Sacramento .trer-t.

JtfirV Para Mazatlan—

La inuy vnlora frn-aM^r—

'- Mcjicann CAMILLA,su enpitnn Potier,snldra ol veinte o vointo cinco de este presonte me*doJulio. Por Metii npnsenjes hnbiendo ncimodsicinnc* su-periorcs vcuuso con

A. MULLOT r A. TALLOT,jy!)-!Ui:t _ Cnllo do Sacramento,

*|Sy Foil Launckston, V.D.L.,via Svi»«ffffir.nkt, "cnlling at tho Islnnd* nluiuld sulllciont-in-dncemont offer."

—To snil on HATI!IM)AY.the 2(llhin-

stnnt, the lino fast aniltajr brig lIAVKN,29.1 tons, Wmillrll, coiniiiiiiiiler. Kor freight or pn**nKO,having verysuperior uceoiiunodntion*, npply to tho enptnin on bonrd,or to CIIAHD,JOHNSON & CO,

,jyl(K»_ Ji^H\ ot\lnck*on street.

jf£gL i'oa Sam;, Fuci'uiit ou Quarter—

fisßCTho new nnd splendid A 1 schooner JAMKtiL.DAY,Cnnt. .Inmcs S. Nnsh. The nbovo vessel is readyto proceed on any Voyage that niny offer, "bus" a full in-ventory for two vonrs. Kor furtlier particulars npply toDIJNIIAII

*GuBBS, Weshingtun st, or to Cait.Nash,on biuird. ,|y!l(iis

Kor AcAruH'o, San Dikoo nnd In.fltSv terniedints Ports

—Tho A Ifast sailing clipper

biirk AKUKNNES,T. M. Ouh, innater, will have im-

mediate dispatch for the abuvo ports. For freight orpassage, apply to J. W. HANSON,

jyfl-S Jackson, near Snnsome street.

jgt For Sydney, Dihect—

Thu lirst classSSfcbnr(|uu n.EEPEE,V(33 tons register, J. Hose, mas-ter, to snil in ten days, positively. To passengers, this is nfirst rate opportunity. Cabin, jrj.">. !?teenii;e, St>o, andcomfort ofpassengers studied. Apply to Ca)PT, Homk,oiiboard, or to 11AP1IAKL FOLK A.CO.,

jy6-9 S.vT" Monttfoinery Htroet, iionr.Inckson Hlroet.ȣg: For Montkkky, Sak Luis, Santa

ttScH inmiu; San Plbno, and Has Pifiio.—Tho linohnniiio EMMA ISADORA,H. <X Trussoll, mnster, willreceive Immediate dispntrh for tho abovu pints. Furfr.ight or passngo, apply to

ALKIIKI)lIODINSON,jylO12 Howison's pier.foot of Hncrnmonto *lrect.

"fi^ifFoTSali^Fkkigiit or Ciiaktkv—

"liicir^'rtiiri&iA 1, tiut snilintr, eoppci-eil nnd copper fustenedBaltimore clipperbrig NOHLK,2O7 tons regiater/ln com-plcto order for any voyage, and can be scut to soa ut amoments notice. For terms apply to

j36 S. H. WILLIAMS*Co., California street.

<g£A For Canton, via Sandwich Islands.—•™*The AI,clipper brig; MAHYfc KLLKN,willsuil

on the 10th July. For froinhtor pnssnuo apply toWM. HUrKLKH,Jr., orHOWARD & GHEKN,

jvl-9 Iron storo, Montgomery street.

j^vr ilu»inoLUT Transportation Line—

&M£Tho schooner FRANCES IIKLKN,ofthis regu-lar lino, will have muck dispatch, taking freight and p«»-sengers to Hunilioldt within 1) to il day's travel of tlio"TrinityGold Mines." For freight or passago, apply to'


)y6J •-\u25a0:\u25a0- Contral whnif.jrr For I'uget's SSounu, Ohkcon


I^CbrigGKOROK KMKRY,Lafayette Hnlch, mnstor,

willhnvu immediate dispatch for the above place. Korfreight or pnssngo, apply to JOHN IiKKtiON,at A. M.Van Nostraud's. Dupont street Jy6-3*

Sfig^ For Sydney and Newcastle, NewfISKSouth Wales.— The splendid A 1 ship ALHA-TROSS, 7CO tou«, having superior accommodations, willbe immediately dospntohed. Kor freiKht or passage, nji-ply to HUtfSKY, HOND ti IIALK,

jy6-3 Xiantio Ship Warehouses, Clny Htreet Wharf.

j(£§i Fou Sale—

Tho line fust Builing pilotyllrbuilt schooner WOODBIDI2, 55 tons, recentlyfrom ltostun. She was heavily coppered lust November,is copper fustened and hns a lullinventory. Apply to

FAY, PEIRCH k WILLIS,fy4-3 corner Clay and Moiitgomory.

t&k For Sai,k.—

TJiu superior A 1, liritish"""^brig FANNY, 231) Urns register, 4 years old, well

found ivchains, anchors and otlior appuitonaneos. Applyto DICKSOX, DkWOIiF k Co.,

jyS fi lloss' brick building, Montgomery street.

riEAMEIt^EAMBACH^&tCO^Saoraiv-^ mento street, brick building, between Kearny andMontgomery, offer for »ule, ox Herman, Hylpbidu andlowa, fresh Chilo Hour in half nnd quarter bag*, sugar,eggs, chocolate, corks, eonsurves, assorted, Miirtellbrandy inhalf pipes, bleached muslin, printed calico* inpieces aud dresses, printed and embroidered lawns, cot-ton thread iii spools and balls, cotton aud woolen under-shirts and drawers, cotton handkerchief*, gauze, cottonlace, silks and velvet for dresses, silk pocket liiindker-cbiefs, silk cravats, fringes, silk shnvrlii, satin, purasoln,ailk ribbons, ailk Imiiucls, muslin de luiuo, uipncas, tar-tans, fancy caasiuierc, cloth, billiard cloth, bulzariucs,stockings, buizo*, merino, Irish linen, crcwi, bretaguc*.linen shooting, canvas. Oil cloth, paper hanging, decun-ters, feather brooms, tubes fur lamp*, olc. » JyHH*

ESIEABLE GOODS—Just received, perAmerican ship Pacific, from Valparaiso, and for«n!o

by the subscriber*, the following assortment :—2OO cnsli*Bcotch ale and porter, MtiO kegs choice Dutch butler, 14lbs. each ;3 Chile do. inbladder*, 30,000 lirst iiualityHa-vana cigars, 400 ennes champagne, 1000 da claret wine,2.i do. assorted pickle* iv jars,ISO CUM Malaga ruisins,

,'jo cusei dried peaches, .W) keg* fresh American lard,500 kegs burlov. Iibales pressed bay, 10 tines old port,luo chscs tillplates, iv cases zinc Hcusc* Kujrlisliprints,20 one* paper hangings, ficane* brugun*. AUo, vampcouches, empty bugs, curruiiH. imtiitiics,etc. Apply to

j3j3 io ti IS, MICKLg &C0.,.

STAHK tc CO., Sansomc street, nenr Ctili-I'uruia street, have for *ab). BOW landing from ship

Yandalia :—l>cf, 50 bbU., 90 baitdo.. New lluveiimen*;pork, W bills., lilObnlf do, dear ;pilot breml, luo bbl*.Hiipeii.ir; cm< ker», 44 hbls. water ; .'iJ tins gingers pre-served vefctiiblen, «;i Ihixos Kcusott'u aborted; pickle*,\IMkeir*.igalla. each, assorted; ti.buci'o, 40 Uixes, 1Ib.,

cavenuisu, Also, landing fromship*] VlrpaUd ami \Vi«coimin, Hour ofpeas and beau*, liucUwlicut floal inbosei,corn meal in ball' bbl*. JylU

IJICKKD LT ADUIFT—A Hat bottomed. boat withcentre board. UoleM culled for withinIddm*, sho will bo »old to pnv expenses. ApplyIt tboSewuf HKLKNAP fc WlllTi:.

ivlU-ti* iSuiuviine street.

BiiicKs. OaKUM and soa v—ao,oouK<x,d hard brinks, 1000 liand»oun- fucubiU'k, 4UtU lb».

oakum. 1.0 b'jxcs bruwn noup. F<t «*le allout byCOOKS, DAKKU &<-'o,

jjjO t" I'ur.icr I'inv aud tfaniomo iM

• Ural Rotate.- -. i.IK,j,ill Al^»-.;.A \u25a0, -i \u25a0_'4 ,' „, li.f,

MTor Sale or lUnt.—

Five dwi'llinjrb.>il«e*. with ihp fifty*nr*fot* on »hioh they arr

situated. Tho house* aro now. and nrnr tli<> prinVip^lbmine** street*. A!«o for snlo, aevrral v»lua\>lo Wnter

1 n'nl Ileaeli lots, which willbe divrdrd t,< MMpiothn«er*.\l*<» for salo. 11 number nf fitly tsr*. *n,| «mnller l.»t« m

Iho centre of Iho cilv. Apply'to K.P. JONK.**.,i> 1 N. yf,cor. Cnliforti!*snd Kenrny *t*.

*<& DWKKUNU_ IIOIiSKS.IDU HKNT.JIMJL 5 «>• frame Imildinc*. ono story rach, bpnutifnllv

sit'int. .1 in the north west section of this city, with it*pringufc Mvl w sler on tbo |«rrmi*o», willbelei\»cd for nlew inn it)*, on the mo*t rea'onnble term*; pWlfMtullBiTr-n jmni.<dinti'lv. -\ppl\ nt tbi.< olliee |\ 1

fl|| l'()|{SAIjKOH I.KASK.—A !«»t lw<i»".ly three by Olio bnmlrfd nn.l thirty «rTrli feet, with

a hou*r. tMent) threo by forty feet in r1™^ nmento, be-tween Kenmj nnd Dupont street. Apph In

OOHKFFHOV, HILLKM\ Co,j>:ilni Ninnlic wme!iou»e. to.it «fClay street.

MFOII SAlili Oil I.KASi:—Tlip linewnroliim»i\ just coinj.leted on Hneramenlo Ktreet

Wbarf. one di«ir from HIIMM,nnd ndjoiniin our present•lon .i«nllVred for sale or lease. ApphI1

DA1. 1. £ AISTIV,jjli) cnnierol Sacramento nnd Snnwuiio ft*.

Jtek FOR SATiK—Tho* Ut nml Huiiiiiiig,|"'|L on Pike street, known m the Roman Hestniirnnt.together M'itb all the furniture nnd fixture* nt thn name.The lot n 30by Mfeet. Tlio llestnurunt is now doum nvrrypiiifltablobu«ine»». For further pnrtuulnrs, rmpiireon the premises. Jj-t 1•

MFor Salk,— A roltngß house, liiriu.ihcd ;logelher with tho lot, which i*uiiinlierv! In Hart's

sub division, lot number U4 at i-oniorofPaeilic nnd War-on street. Apply to F. COLLIKH,

jyl • fiHitofJni'ksnn *treot.

STOllk TO 17KT—

AlmmMiicntatorc^:.>:, x M,with a wellnftimd wnter 011 tho promise*,

cornerof Cnlifnrnin, near Moiit^cmor)1 stieet. Apply to

if** _1IA£!^Ul*HAHHISO^;


A Jliio builtliiiglot on iho NUniilic wlmrf,fiKitof Clnv streot, frontiiignn tbo aamo.


Co..jy:ilm Ninntic wnrchouse*.

M" TO LElr—

Tho jiriMnisJn iiiliitit:tif>-toin liiuiso buildini;, l'ornierly pccii|iirxl by the Alta

California printing otlico. Apply at the countlna roomof thi* ofneo. jyl_

FOU SAIiK—A lot,niul ImildiiiK*,00 footsouth slda of Washington stroet, and 45 on Dupont

Street, forming corner. Payable one bnlf rash, nud ihorost M two nnd four month*, or in produce, or Kuode suit*alilu for the South Americnn markets ;tb« »nid lotmightbo divided iv two, to unit purchaser*. Vor furthor partic-ular*, npply to FKANCIH C. FAIHU^. at John Lo-clew'*, Jackson street, between Keamy awl Dapontstruct*. tSJLIrpo'LMASlJrior'biioor "tnoro yean. a. voryX desirnbio already graded fifty>nr« lot of hind, on

Montgomery street, coiiimencinn nenr line street, nndruniviigto Hush struct, It*short distance. from Cnlifor-nia street must soon innko it. very valuable. Terms low.Apply to CIIAIILKSMlNTl'ltN,A^ent,

jy!>.3 Clark'a Point.

''j^O"It'KNT,"Tn"•' Coiiiinori-inl JJuildin^,'J- now noiiily linirdiod, en Control whnrf, suits of tho

most eligible business OuiOOS in town. AUo,an elognntbasement, for a

"t.'ominorciiil Lunch" or rcstnurnnt. Ap-

Blvto , OTTISGEH & lIHOWNJylO-fl Cuiitrnl wlmrf.


JiXPiIESS MAIIi STAGKiiilli'liS.i,i.\KFOR PUEBLO DE SA!V JOSHHicnponi) A Co. will dispatch a stago I'mm their olllcoevery morning at 8, for the nbove place, nnd go throughin about six hours, nt a reduced fare. Ncnts mny bo se-cured lor the present ot Pkndlktom & Co.'s storo, cornerofClay and Kenrny streets. jyl

jours m. ijAiam,,,WHOI.KSAI.K ANH niCTAII, DKAI.I.II IN |

PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW (JLASB,Ilruskr*, ArtlalM' Colorn» Ac.

Orders for bouso, ship, sign nnd ornamental puiiiting,promptly attended to nml noatly oxoeutud. Montgomerystreet, nenr Sacramento, Snn l''i-iiiici*co,California. ,|y-!lm

JOII.X Iff. C'Ol'Cilll.llV,[i.utn 11. 11. Taylor a Co.)


Coniintion Mcnlumt uuil C/riirrat Dealer in MeichowlUe.iylO tf

rf^^a~MUSlC nml""lNSTilUMENTS.jjQljiA completo aaaortmout, jmt recoivod fromHuston: violins, buiijos, guitar*, arrordninia, ihitos. lil'es,clnrionels, Iriniiglcs,buglos, ophicloido, t roiiiliniM'H,valvotruinpeto, cnriiopunns, sax born*, bass do. Alino tonedniclodooii, nnd musical boxos, st rings, peg*,reeds, screws,etc. Instruction iMHiks,nud sheet musieof every descrip-tion. Church music, MAItVINk HITCHCOCK;

Pioneer Music Store, llcrnld building, Montgomery si.\u25a0i>« 1 ; *^_xfiTifrji STATIONERY uml IiLANK

#l?U~Jjss HOOKS— A large nnd si-loet Invoice, Just&Sj".j(k:"iy openod, nnd for Mule nt tlir Pioneer HookStore, Moiitgomory street, nenr Clny._jy£ji» MARVINA HITi:iI(M)CK.


Tho following goods ox Finn-\u25a0Jt} ces, Tinilm,and llurmouy, pork iiibbU.mul half do.,butter, jnms, lmtatoes, onions, ont*, hnv, HiigurM in tulliunit*,pickles, lime juice, oranges, pumpkins, loaf vugnrs,moliiitseif, preserved fruits,.. apples, bmon, hnms, honey,coll'eo, rousted und groinnl, in tuts, flour ivbbls. und bugs,barley, bricks, rolls of lead, grindstones aud Hugging, twospring nuts.

Jyfe _, __ STABKKYj_JANI_O_N tc CO.]!

DOOR riiATKS.—'I'lie Hiil)scril.or"\votililrespectfully inform thu citizens ofSun I'Vancisco and

vicinitythat he La* just received an Invoice of SuperiorDoor Plates, ofvarious nizos and pattern*, tome of whicharo particularly adnptod for Dontist* nnd otlior profits-sioua, « Inch lie olliirs for Hide very low. Please cull, exa-mine specimens and piire.luise. JOII.V S. KACiATf,

jyll-G Montgomery *t, iiourHiirraniento. Him Friiuci«co.

GIOODS'FOII THE INDIANTRADE—ICbiilk white nnd blue boads, colored RJuas beads,

looking Rliuics.KUiniowdcr, pumusion oajn, giltJuwelry,wooden bowls, <'Ih)' i>ipo«, rUi. forsnle by

WOODWOItTII k MOnillS,j\!i:i Cliiy stroet wharf.

LANDINGTHIS DAY|lind f.FwITh7TTnSsubscribers, fioslien butter in 13 Ib.kegs, Kngli*h

dairy cheese in lioxes, vory superior i «periu eaii.lk-*,llrat<iiialityiand Jersey leuf bird 111 tin*.

BIMMONH, UUTOIUNfION ft CO.,jyll-tj" Cluy street wlmrf.

ODA FOUNTAIN—An Ajiimrutus, com-plete for iiiHking Sodii Water, consisting of two liuiii-

tuius, tiirce pump and gearing, and pump framv, a genu-rator, gasometer and cooler. For side by

HTAltfc &. CO,jyl Banaomn stroet, near Calilbrnia st.

Ij*DR6JALK OR TO liliT—AJiorol J^nnd? r.iixv.'o.oiiKenrny at. F.in|uiro (ifSIMMONS, LII,

LV iV CO., SuiTiiiiieiito Wlurl, foot of Sacramentoat roe t. ii>'H-ii?BRICKS, CEMENT, MORTAR AND

IIOLS.KH, of vuriitua dimoiiaioiis, for sulo by thesubscriber. Olllco neaf foot of California struct, iv tirstbuilding (routing 011 Hamtoiiic. street.

jyl <;llAf|' II.\B&AVKU~x*9A i[W\a"Ibs. I'KRNAMIiUCOSUIiAR,IWUi1/1/1/ just arrivod.

MYIIiCK,CHOSKTT k «'O-.jvMi \" fool of .liii'khiuiatret-t wharf.

Cli'lKKSJi—200 boxes priiuV'j :j(j \bt, i-urh.1 Hultcr— (i!)koL'< (jotlicn,lou Hm. eucli, fur salo by

jylO 1'

SALMON ft KLLIS.Pacillc st.

ASIIIPMIiNT ol lirnt qutthty AsUtrnAaUFlour— Can be procured Ihi* nmrning by early up-

plication to JOSHUA NOIITON A CO.JylO-I Vi!Montgomery st, cor. Jackson.

___Vl/ANTKI)T(-) I'IJUCHASK—Aiiy «lJ*.Vf scripliou ofshoe and limi-iickh leiitlier. Ifby letter,

|dcaso direct to J. 11, i-uri) of >lo.i»i'». Kelsey, Hmith k('o., Clay street . J> 1°}"__

1?OR SAlilO—Siit'iiiliii'ifjMftiiiauul Nuils,. of iini,ilr<lti;i'.,;a'*n, Iwbulu boats, juat urrivvd,apply lo CH VKLKS MrHKAVKU,

jyl(J sfIRMBVi "'\u25a0\u25a0"'""'

t«l i'a'il-ji.i:-.i stici't.

D»;inf?« Stlitti.\u25a0 jr 1. -i. .^ i

,.-...\u25a0» .-

t'lPSllir Hvkmvvi. W»l«li. M.M r. Inun Hiilfcl,I. phi*.—

Consignors or r.wner* of tbo following«tikml« l.yIthis tfHeljare hc.r< by notified lhat th. y aro ihiw rrndyj fir ilo'ivery. nnd mill .«.« tliey nre cnllel f.iron or IvforoItlie Id'1 in.«tant. the iioiie or sulTi.ient < f t'lein willbe•

fold to pay freight itn.lchariie*. nnd the babince utored nt

:llu% ttpVBM of IrHpMrd >''•: PJ hose* nicrcliHiidino.Ialiipped by Clin«. W. llciider and con«ianf d 111 1order ;fi, CMinp ki ttle* mid 4 l«nTrs, consiirnril lo Hobt. Palmer:'0 Iioii«o Irnmo*. 7.liojt•* nnd 30iiO shinclo*. shipped byj Jnn. Rl Minintul rons'irupit tn order: 1 \*>\ ine«linn«li«e.

r:)ii*i(.'iiei| t<» Abm. Kent/in:?, .lr.;l.'il.i piece* flooringlnmriU, H^.lroujh lKianln. SP!I piece* *cnr.tliiij;,?>** lath*.iipiece* frnmins, 'i'J bundle* nnd llll.ViO sliinirle*. ship-lied by F. S. lllit)!and consigned to order; 19ijA flißirinal«>:ir'Is. piece* frsniinp, IH!1 siding bonrdd, 19 Imxe**:isliand IQ.iMX) sbiiiu'le*. shipi'e.l by H. K. Sa\lor nnd H.LtZlrDiand coiuk'ncd to order: Ht;7 *row piece*. 14 fiarj,

Vi Jinlrv 4 wheel*. 1 piece, 5 axle* nnd Ifront, mid HOiron knee.", shipped by Wm. Hiilsteil nnd cniuigtied toorder: 21 boxe« indsc.. S tin N>xe*do. rt iron siife*. Inc*ttub*,Ibundle broom*. Ibundle, washing mneliine, .1 bbls.unite, arid 1bundle hrnahc*, 101 sxnod t >.ln<i. Ilaldwiu.

DAMLIMA McKri.jyl-."* No. .*.lark»on stroet, nenrS*n*rmo *t.

{\u25a0JTTlio following Consigners per Stilt* Wm. QhaVarc hereby notilicd tlmt mile** they cnll ami pay freightnndclinrirc* on or belon- the 17th of July on the followingarticles, they willbo sold nt pnlilienuctioii :

—Three boSM

mcrcbniidise marked IP inn ilininond, consigned to Aub.Leeliind; soventeen bnivllc* n irtnble home*, ono Ihixiron rouling,eon*igncdt<> L.J. Fox; Iwoonk ltou*r franie*,itinsistilig of 21C ps timber, ond two !»>xe* Wood pins,mnrkod D,A EC., consigned toorder of.I. T. Smith; twotierces nud nine bbln. vinegar, marked Ueo. Heinli. andtoiisignod toItoo.Hench ione Uix ooi.t.liningnxik *tovo,

Rltrited O#* W. Haitlieniew, consigned to Z*cb*ri»on,Nelson &Co. ;twenty seven bundle* pmtnbloliiHiae*, onobox iron nxiflng,mnrkeil J.O. H. «V Co., eonnliriiod to l(4i**.

Itenton A. Co.; M0M shingles, snweil pine, consigned toAnron (Juild ororder; nine bundles window snsbes, throeboxes gins*, twelve joist, ten walljoist, sixty three weath-er bniirilH. thirtysix drcss'd lioards, four plank, consignedtv.1. 11. Pollard ; four lioxes merchandise, mnrkod LountA Dillon, consigned to Lnnnt &Dilloni5ti,475 It. Iwinnl*.17 Mpin* shingle*, 8393 tt. plnnk, 3.'.<>(< ft. joist, 30 lioxe*clapboard*, MO'J light* stish, twenty-*even door*, mnrkodtrinnglo N, consigned to Cook, Hakor *t!o. j two bnxesnnd lino bid., marked S. iV F., consigned to Sherwood A

Fitzgerald,jyti Iti:i.KNAP A\VhitK,Consignees.

["yIlnrquo Loi'.imasa, ('npt. Kniory, fnun Xow Or-lenns.

—Consignees of the following described articles by

tliis vessel, are hereby notiliod llint,unless they comeforward, pay freight, and receive their shipments beforeSaturday next, tho 13th inst . tho samo willbo aold onthat day, nt public nuctioii, to pay freight and charges :—:

—A. McDonald, consignee, mark A.McD. 13H8 piece* lum-ber, one dray nnd harness, ono wheelbarrow, two trunks,

0110 tierce two kosr* nnil*, two boxes glnns ;lliu-gnyno &Co., consignees, IIin a diamond, »!» small wheels, 41 largodo., 7 wagon lnidios, 89 double trees with singlo trees nt-tnched: W. 11. Itiglitor, 11 in a diamond, 111!) cypressboards. [jyi'iil »• H- lUvmond.

tyBILUARuSI Settiik. Hai.i.s in Motion!! .Tustput up in 1«. F.Williams' Pnrkor Hou*e Saloon, four mng-niticeut billiard tnbles, Uassford's iiutont nircushions, ofIho most approved style. These tnbles nro entirely new,just arrived from New York, and siirpnss inbeauty andaccuracy of workmanship, anything of the kind overbrought to this city. The public aro respectfully. Invitedto examine nud satisfy thoinsolvea.

j>H.:,» 11. F. Williams.

US* Notice.—Masters of vessels requiring pilots out-Ward, or wishing to settle pilotngo bills, willplenso callnt the otlice,cornerof Montgomery and California, streets,

opposite tho Custom House, or ut Charles Minturu's,otlicoof steamer Senator, Clark's Point.

W>t. J. lluknsidb, )Airont«Jamks Nelson, pgoms.

San Francisco, .Tune 34, 1*50. JOBlljPCalifohnia Hociß,

—This establishment, situated

onJackson, between Montgomery and Kenrney streets,

was opened yostcnlny for tho receptiou ofquoits. Thohouse is newly furnished aud littod to accord with home

notions. Tbo proprietors nro now prepared to innkoarrangements with transient or permanent boarders bytlie dnv, week, or montli, at modernto charges. Singlemeals,"*l. [jylO-3

-J John Oottib & Co.

SiT Notice.— The friends of the Into Hobert ClintonWright, who fell a victimto tho pestilence ruffing ot Hiodo Janeiro nt the last accounts, nro requested to meet ntthe store of Winter k Lntimer. Moiitgomory street, th s(Wednesday) evening, at 8 o'clock, to take tlioso meas-ures due to commemorate tho death ofone so eminent inevery good quality as ho. jyl°1

l"yFREIGHT Notice.— Shippers to Sacramento Cityby steamers Gold Hunter and McKim aro requested tosend their freight to the foot of11roadway, at our olllco inFlint &l'eabody's building, where a clerk willbo in at-

tendance at all times to receive it. Orders forgoods to

be licbtered to tho steamer, should bo left ut the aamoplace. [jy2] Simmons, Hutcuinson & Co.,

rp* IfNathaniel Handasvde l'ATKnsoy, formerly'seaman on board the American frigate Lexington, willcallupon me, or informmo where a letter willreach him,ho willhear of something to his advantage, or if any per-son can supply legul and satisfactory proof ofhis death,

he shall receive a liberal reword. D. Uibb,jyj).6 Ninntic atores, foot of Clay atreet.

l~&*Bauquk Clarissa.—

Consignees per this barque

from Panama, are hereby notilied that their goods, unlesstho froight bo paid and taken away belore tlie 15th inst.,

willbe sold for freight and charges.jyB . lU'tton & Timmekman, Clark* Point.

IjTNotice— The subscriber having purchased tho flatbottomed schooner "Miners' Friend," just returned fromMarysville, is desirous of meeting witha competent per-son to take charge and work the vessel oushares or sellhor. She may be seen at tho bottom of Jacksun street.Gkoiige Scott, Carpenter, head of Sacramnuto atreet.

jj» . 3#

pp* Notice.—lhave appointed BoiUCI P. Janesmy Agent aud Attorney during my absence from Califor-nia- Persons having businesa with mo will pleaso call

\u25a0\u25a0 pon hiinjathia olllce, ivthe no wbuilding, bead of Centralyt\mrf, Ijy3] Chaklo B.Makvin.

g3P* Consignees per ship Burlington are hereby notifi-ed that said ship is now ready to commence discharging,and will please cull on Iward, pay their froight and ro-ceive tb«;ir goods. The Burlington lies off Clark a Point.jvS B. Cook, Master.

IJff* Ship John tt. Adams.— Consignees by this shipare hereby notilied that sho willbo ready to discharge onthe sth instant, and ar« requested tocall at the olllco ofthe subscriber, pay their Ireigbt and receive an order lor

1their goods."

Chabi.ks M. Bkavkil,

jy-j Sansomc, near foot of California st.

IV*Consignees per Ship Valfauaiso, W. H.Osgood,master, Irom New York,are requested to call at tho olllceof tho undersigned, pay freight, in conformity with theirbill*of lading, and leceive orders for their goods.

lyl Oiiuoou k Kaoleston, Clork's Point.

l"»* Atthe solicitation ofmany friouds, witliout respect

to party, in tho several wards ol the city, C, C.Uiuimondbus consented to otter himself to tho sulfiagei ot tbo citi-tens far Assistant Aldcnuau at the election tobo lioldenuu the 17th instant. jj

-17*Consignees per Ship llihkuma, ofNew llcdfoid,

aro notified tlint she is now ready to discharge, and arerequested to call and pay freight and receive, an order fortheir goods. S. 11. I.nuallk, corner ol' Sacramento andMontgomery streets, up stairs. jyl

ftf*LICIMIKP Pii.otii.—Cuptains and consignees re-(]uiriug Pilots tnr the Uiver*, willplcaio to call at theirotlii.'e uinlui- Huttou & Tiiiinuriuau's store, on Clark 1*Point. j>t:«

Iy is*ki,'m: Jli viiNuiios.—

Consignees of merchan-dise by this vessel willplease call on us,pay their freightnut receive orders fur their goods.

|y9-0 I)i:Wit:X Hahiu.^on, Bansoine street.

Iff'Shi* Vasuai.ia—

Consignees, are requested tocall and pay llicir freight and receive an order for theirniods, in compliance. «itlibiIUof lading at our oHlct).

JyJQ-lU Muumuiav A: Co.

J^"Sllir Pl.lMollH.—

Consignees by tliis vutscl art*

requested to call at our otttco and pay their freight andreceive* »» orJtr

'lor 11ll"'r t'ood».

|v.j \t M»COM>IUV 4. CO.

!"&\u25a0 B4*iv> MiANTOXOMl.~Con»if;n«es by tliis vesselsre re'rio»tcd to pay lUeir freight and reivive au order fortheir ipioda-at our otfre l»Jl«| Macondiuit & Co.


'Ata meeting of the Howard Knuine Co. No. I,

held nt Justice Win. 11. Hollman's otHce, the lbllowingg?ntlumcn were unanimously elected otticers of tho Cum-pauy for the ensuing year :

'.ions S. Kauas, Foreman,T. K. Uattki.l.i:, Ist Assistant Foreman.Fn.\M>r.iN Wiiitnkv, 2d do. do.(}ko. Lewis Cu'okk, ('lcrk.

.1. P. Havkn, fIt. K. Uahcock, >Stuudiui; Committee.Ki>vv. L. BTITfUtT, 3

A vinniiimons votoof tlmnks wm given to Mr. Wm. H.ir'tfiiiaiifor the use of bia ullice.

jylO1 H- E. Haiicoi.k, Secy.l_^* NOTICK

—Pasnonjrcrs per the schoonor Jacob M.

Uvkihon, h,nind for Huiuboldt Bay, aro requested to boon board To-Morrow, the 1lib, at 10 o'clock, A.M. And•liippers will plenne cull nt our olliee and arrange tliuirfrncht bilk. CotT A V'KBPr.ANrK,

jylO-1 over the Herald Office.|VFor AmlSTAn't A'U>CR)U!f.

—The numerousfrieadt of JAMKS QUANT take this method, of pro-*eiitmghis iiamc as a candidate for Assistant Aidermau.Itis unnecessary to stnto his ipialitications

—bo is aworkin!;man, and tho poor man's friend. jylO-6"


Tiik Pi'ni.ic School will lw reeommonccd onMr:i,lin, July 28th, at the usual hour inthe morning.


B~OAKDERgT \VANU'ED.—Tho subscri-bers having taken tho large and pleasant house on

Califoniin street, two doors übove Kearny, are preparedto receive gentlemen and families. The rooms are wellliniahed and fumuhed. nnd the lublo will bo auppliedwithnil thut iudustrv mid a Hau Kruicuco market can.apply.


jylO-lm MUS. SMITH.

1INTELLIGENCE;OFFICK, Clay street,1between Portsmouth simnre will Dujwintstreet.


undertako to sell and lease lots of land,ii'iini'j,moms. ete.| also, to obtain situatioim for farmera,labtir«r«, uifclinuics, *ervaiits. etc. Onlera promptly cxe-cmted.

- Xl).MAHKUX,iyiulm P. ANDHIOT.

MAKULKHEARTHS oiul MANTLES".13 Italian and Egyptian marble luantlo pieces; 40

marbli)hearths ; also, I-grnteii with lixtures, various putTor.is; 'i\ sets of steel lire imus; 1} doztMi tire stuudii; 3\u25a0 ;•,".1 conl lixits,for Huh- by


JVjS'V liEC'EI VED a hnudiorae awortmeniof (iuilkUllil PUtole, (iold Si'lllcf, with WelgtlUl

'vnob nml mortice luck*,screws nnd hinge*, 'JO sets ofJiiV lmra(al| also. 11 tew si'U (ifbona liioh.-hs. bri'lll'S..-t<-. for aide by WHITK IIUOTHKIIS'.) 10-IM* Culiluvuiii »t. between Keuniv snd Montgomery

Q')j) UEWAKD.—Lost oa the 7tli ot•JpOV/.luly, a clink built boat, iqoare stem, paiutod

!\u2666 idoiilur,litibt green inside—

hud two oarn, rudder nudtUISf in her when lost. Tb« aUivv reward willho. paid«>\u25a0 ber roturn to WILLIAM."SMITH, on bunrd bri«TwoVtieutM. jyloi*


Persons Laving \u25a0team sawiiiilN,or saw mil! work*,may lipar of » purchuer by•sDiri*at tin? t.fflrL- u:1 OTTI.N'tiKH \ HHOW.N.

JZluttlou OaUa.tipjfw.h. vTcnoMisD.

;I'.>mi.t nf J i,K-..i> n,,.) MnnirnmrrT HtffXl.]

This WKDNKSUaS MOIININ(»Tm !>J o'clock, wiIsell, withnut reserve. 400 tm\» fiimr, eo.ooo lbs. lighthrown »n«ar, S.Vortrt lbs. p<'tst«>'-«, H.\ tubs rrnahrrl loafsucar 1*boxoa sperm and mould candle*. 10,1 ipurter anifb.ilfbarrels mr«* polk.Mpiece* nfprint* 100 krg*prinmNew Yrtlldnin buttrr. 8.100 lh». enrrnnta, WW llm. lU.loirna ssiunqr", i-VH) llm. rrtined lifnej. SM) 11*. cicin.r

cofl'ee. 1.',00 ll>a. vory snpofiof rboeso in tins. \u25a0.'..,•> ll>«.rn«pl<cfrvji»m and ,|rfly.ROOO IN.bailoy, lOddrtzpn picklmami ri\«iibi-rry %inoaar, IIk>* prtrdon need*, nworted iHdnirn elinrnpncno cider. 10kcjrissbrratns. HXK» llm. Chilli.Iti.-.l |,enrlie«. 100 pair heavy boots. 1000 crnpe banda*.:.o,ni lU*.'corn, •-•-•ii pair hflnvy blank els, assorted colors,inn.:,«,., pure llollnnd oin. Iliodo.French and • domostinbrandy, • °' C!unmp irold boves and drenshiff rairi WInrtte sold scale*. 0.*.0 cbi-sts imperial nnd b'nrk tr». 70iu»

ll««. iirimr oat*, lot dsmnired tlonr, 10,000 rignra. AUo.\u25a0.hi lilts s««orted mprcliandiao. worthy tho nt lent ion ofdenier*. M<u>d« ready fur immedinto delivery. JylO-1*

Dy J. L. niDDLD & Co.'[I'nrnrr nf Clnv sn.l IMnnlfnmnry >inn<|

Al CTIO.V NOTICU-IIKMOVAI.-,?.I..niiiUf.R ACo. hnra removed fnun Calilornin street lo stunt cornerof Clay nnil Montgomery street. .t.V t

THIS DAY.|Wcdiie«iln),) at our unlrs-room, cunir-rofClny mid Moiitgomery streets, nt IIn'rlook Ian inrnimofValolUe furniture, consisting ofmnrlilo topbureaus andpier tables, brdnlends. aiuks, clinir*, Frenrh bedsteniN.centre nnd dining tables, nicking clinir*.sets tnnple furni-ture, toilet glnsses, comforters, hair nnd fonlber pillows',matrf sscs, bnles blankets, rouehea, otc.

Also, n number of brautifiil ongrn^nit* in rii-h pileIrnnics. AUi>. an invoice ofvarious kinda lirusbos. jyH

Alao, loodoaon chnnipagno, l.bl*.lime juice, !'ii nos«ti

rnstor oil,hnga rice, cnnks lime, whole and ijr.inrks flour,bam*, Mint. Imei'ii, .Mi bundles windows, boxes w imlowrgls^s, chcsla tea, V0iloxon liniklng glnsso*.

Also, a llo«t<ui made piano fnrte. of superior tono andfinish; 9 Iloalon mailo rxpresn wagon*, Involco miner*'tools, bnr*. sifter* and pick*. jy»

Alsn nn invoice of glnna nnd Itritnnnin warn, Just iv-

celved, consisting offtodnx Innloilit,100 do* gin** Ininp*-.no solnr tamps, nritannin ten pnt*, prs srlnsi vasos, nracandelabra withclass drops, Japan lamps, Ao. Ao.j also800 whole bnxo* best i|iinlilyMnlnira rni»ln« Inlnyor*, 10t>bnlflKiTes do, 100 o,r b.ixes do. 7iHHVlha almond*, M)llpa-pers Inik*. Also nn invnioe dry gooda. JylO

On fATITIIHAYNBfXT; nt 11 nVlook, nt Ptoro mr»nor of Clnv nnd Montgomery street*, tho cutter rlgflr.lvnebt PIIANTt>M,now lio*nt iMiirk'ePoint, i*nlmut C 4ion* biirtb.-n, her sailing qualities aro unsiirpns*ed, eon«-plete suit anila. etc., nnd is road) for «on. Jy It)

By BACKUS & lIARRISON.[tloiil|[<>iiii'i*>Urort, nppnaitn tlir t'uM.uii lli.iMr.J i

Tlllrf DAY, l\Vedne«diiy,) totb in*tant. llnrkti*«;Hnrrison will sell on tho prrabtei, nn olllco 10 x la,stnndiiig on tbo Central wharf, and occupied by Messrs.Ottlngor &Drown. Snlo nt io o'clock. iyiu

On THURSDAY, llth Instant. Hnckit* * Harrisonwill sell at their sides room, an invnioo of l)r>- (totida,OOnilltißf of stripeil muslins, Krencli cnlico, vory wirlo;senrfs, blue and gold ciUieo. L. C. lidkls , oi^iuidy dresser,colored blnnkuts, mud Ihkils, furnituro, consisting ofenuobei, sol'im, cots, chairs, etc. nud other good*. Salo at10 o'clock.

Also, soy, assorted aonps, crockery nnd glassware.Also, <>00 quarter sucks flour, dimingeil.

"By WILLIAM"H. JONES,(\Vathiii|totl slipi-l.n|ipurlln Itnus' new jirlckliuilillnjt.J

/VcJiirWi' Oikmli nt Auction.THIS DAY,(Wednesday,) the Will inst., atlOnViiM-ic

l.Vicasrshrnndv. 1 dor.on onchj M)rn*o»clnrrt,suporinr;9t) boxes mouldcandles, 1000 sernpes, In bnlo* of S.I«»r :«»Oachj 20 dnxni iron crow burs, 10,000 lbs. brown gtlflar,inbugs of nboiil 119 lbs. enrh;I.lcn»oa peppermint oonllnJ.

Also, tho followingnrticloson bonrd tbo ship llhrono.Ifnot cnlleil fur previous to the *nloI1000 board*,14H halfvegns, at) hplfaarka Hour, 10 lioxes merchandise, 5 Inrjjobuys do, S skins, 1 hoiiso,

Ynlunhh Ticnl l'.tlati1 at Aurtimt.TOMOttKOW, (Thursdny,) July llth,nt 13 o'clock-,

on thu premises, will bo sold on netxmnt of Tiirnbull*

Wullon, they not having complied with tho trrins ofsale, tlio reur lot of pound now in tlio occiipnncy of Mr.Hentlv A Co. Full description nt snlo.' Hnid lot is s!lua«tod In the rear of Mr. Nngleo's bnnkiiiHt lionso in Mont-troraory streot, between Wiil'.ilniiton nud (Mny atrreti.Terms nno-third cash, tho bnlnnco in cipml payments ofn, iinnd [imonth*.

' ,ly^°t

~~Hy 3. B. STARR & Co., Auctioneers.H»crnmMiln_(|ily.

__ALarge Sale of Valuable I'roprrty at Auction.

Ator on tho Ist of August, IMO,at it o'clock, on th<ipromises, that beautiful andsubstantial storo situnted on I.street, between 2d und 3d streets. Tho storo is 88 feetfrontby (it) foot deep, threo (:i) slorlos high, and is wallcnlciilitied for a warehotiso or liotol. Tho lot on which itstand* is 40 foot on Lstreet, and running back 100 feet.This rtlnto willbo sold to close a concern. Terms liberaland iniido known at tho sale.


Also, the property in tliuroar oftho nbovo, consisting ofa two story house, well llnisbtfd, making a front ot tnfoot, and nowon a lonso of #47.1 unr month, and tlm lotnu whichiho bouse spinds is 40 feet front by (lOdeeit.

N. 11. Tho nbovo entitles nll'ord to cnpilnlists and biuii-nuss men a X""doiiportuuity for a jirolitnbloinvestment,and uu iloubL willduublu iv viiluo inU'hh than ono year.

J. 11. BTAIIU A CO., Auclioueura.lloutc ami I.t>t.

Will bu aold by J. 1». HTAHU A. CO,, at the sametime tlio nbovo sain takes plnco, a lioiiku aud lot, adjoin*ing iho iimpurty übova mentioned, btdonging to nuotiierestate. Tho lot i*UOxIOO feel,nml tho hoiisu l'Jx'JO i«i

the. alloy. Terms inndo known tlsalo., J. B. HTAUII&CO., Auctuinocre.

flactamento Citj^july3,1850. _JyjL_By aUYOIh OALBRAITH St Co.

[Muiitjumrry strrct, lintwrriijliii'kson«ud_Wusklu|{ton *ls.|

Vice Conmilat de l\nnr.r—

Vrnte a l.cncnn."

La trois mats IVanynis lvChtitcmibriand.du port doS7TtonucuiiK 53 100, sera uxpoio en vonto publi(|Uo ot adjn-gu nilplus oflVant et deruier encberlasour lo Merrmdi I»

dv courant a mldi precis dv Portsmouth B<|unre, parOlyoi,, (UKIinAITH*Co., Kneanteurs. Au eomptant,

Un invent uiru dv nuviro estdejioso an V'lco Consulatilu

France ot ebei Mours. Uuynl, (lalbrnlth A. Co., runMiiiitgnniL'ry,ou iljiourriietro Consulto.

Victt Cullmlfile of France.AUCTION BALK—Terms Cash

—Tho French ship

C'IIATKAI/JIRIAN'O.377 SH 100 tons rogj«tor, will1..»oxposed at publio nuctiun, and sold intbo highest bidder,ou WKDNKHDAY,loth instant, at twolvo o'clock pre-cisely, ou Portsmouth Square, by Uuyol, oai.iikaimi0 ai.iikaimi4.Co., Auctionoi'rs. .

An inventJjry of tho ship can be soon at the Vico Con-sulate orFranco, and ut the oliiou ofsaid Messrs. Ouyol,tiiilbniitli& «'»., Moii|(jiimerystreet. Jy4-3 4 H«loth

By ICENDIO & WAINW^RIOHT.(I'.iimr Jnrkm iimill k.un.v streets.]

~~/'u»- Halt.r.i.noo laths; 13,973 pickets.l:ioOku nhingles, sawed. .130,000 do split.SI.OOU do illhalf bundle*.

Ileingpurt of tho corgo of tho ship Murtha. Anplv toKKNDIO A WAINWKIOHT,

J-.m comer ofJai'kaon and Keurny ate.

U1'AN1Sifund liNGLISIIGKAMMAlls,O keys and dictionaries, tarih's, nautical almanacr,chart* of thm Pocilic, of riuiauu lluy, of the Mines, of thuCity Land Titles in California,'

MARVIN A HITCHCOCK.•-JyO-6* Pioneer jto»k_ Wttre^

BUlLblNd JMATKLtIAL—Such a» imimiand sprncn plunk, llouring bourda, joint, timber aud

bricki. Also, '-'3 call*, 1 light mula curt, 1 light openbuguy wagon, 1 Kn^linlidmj dv, It sets buggy iiariieas,U riilini-H.grrcn blinds snd ImliuUitiUa." Also, prencrmlmnats, ihi'iliik-m,aud onion*,ivboxen, for aalo by

HAMUKLL. WINSOII,jyti Sui'innieiilo street, 5doora übove Moiilgininir>.

UUICIvSILVKIIMINKof New Aimmlen".Hliarca in tbi* vnluablu and productive iniue, lor

auloby JAMIiH ALKX.FOUUKK.|yH.u rinnta Hare.

(MOt/Jit Hl)lA1'liIVWAN'l'KI)—A(lunn:v^ titv of colored paper, either printing or luttcr, iawanted al tbi*oilier. J>;8_tiOlil'lI>UST— SOO ossGoki J)u>t, lor wtloIby UACKIHA HAttttlfltlKijy,j.3 op|Misit(i lli« Custom Ituuap.

"i^OUCE PLJMi'— A poweriul forco pump

j.,, Lower California street*

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