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  • wm> PBW" mmm —•- I .liiaajjui


    I am now OtMsg yuu one of the most complete lines of


    TlN'A'HAi:, .

    THE BEST BED ON EARTH Don't Be Deceived.

    TIM: GREAT srm:* OF

    Our Royal Elastic Felt Mattress,

    which is duo 10 if* merit, mid also our .IgOlWM advertising, has caused other* In pul mattresseson the market, which they are ottering for los m v and claiming they am "Just as good as the BOYAL Kl. \sTlc l'Kl.T." Don't be deeeived b» tawe, we enipusticiy deny thai they arc • Jnst a* good", and are ready at any time to com pair.mis v,in. other*. If your lonal dealer doe* uot handle them. write na direct tor descriptive pamphlet.

    BOY ALL «fc BORDEN, s»le Manufacturers, QOLWJBOBO, X. C.

    Get a good Safe

    from boarding house license for

    | boarding• lelative without protit. The motion was adopted thai no

    I private family who'takes school | teachers Mi pupils exclusivly to

    ; board shall be subjected to lioard in,: house license.

    p.. It. Pick leu rei|nested that HI

    l/.ulieth ■treat, in West Greenville, IM' extended to Fifth street. The matter relerred !■> th • street com milteefor iuvestiguliou.

    The lioard fllinniawl the mailer of requesting the next ill to permit the i.>w ii to vo'eue i he ujoaatiau of h* suing bond* 10 provide the town water w.oks, elelric lights, street

    drainage, graded school building

    and market bouse, Mo definiteao- tion area taken at tbia meeting, hoi

    i it was the sentiment thai Midi a

    ■tap will be taken. License to ran a pool table in

    Uarringtoo building on Fourth street was granted lo .lohu Tucker.

    Restaurant licenses were granted |lo the following parties: W. .I.S.

    I Clark* Oo., in building next to 1 Forbes' bar on Fifth slreel; It. M.

    Moye, in one More of Barnard build

    |ing00 Kvaus slreel; .1. II. MlJf- ■ phy in Bdwards A Cobb building ' near Flanagan coach shop, ami to Stanley Hopkins ill same building.

    Delia l'luiiiuier was given per- mission to move her restaurant bus-

    iness from tobacco town to the Tyson building on Fifth Street,

    Account* «eie allowed and paid amounting to *:i7'.'.:»>.

    ilic Viet -i sii'o i- mad© in all sixes con- venient for home, larra, -ffieo and genoral use, Every Riilo bol 1 with ;v g larautoe to bo lire proof. Prices range from 115 up.

    J. L. SUGG, Agt Greenville, N. C.

    Static ii. liasb

    This is the time of year wheu the frost is on the pumpkin and the

    cost io on the wedding present.

    The bunco man naturally looks

    for a victim who i* well to do. Heaping coals of tire ou the heads

    of our enemies promises to be ex-

    pensive. A standing order-"Move up

    front." The leporter who interview*

    theatrical people musn't believe all

    the stars aa), BOOM people are so disagreeable

    that even what they eat doesn't

    agree with them. •The road to success." says the

    Matiawnik Philosopher, 'has lols

    pf gross glowing in the nits.''

    No, Maude, dim, we lave r.tve

    beard that the Inn of 'be Eskimo was always decorated with a frieze.

    Veils are always sold at their

    tare value. It lakes "rocks" lo build a lirick

    house. The messenger boy is out of the

    general run. A remark has to 1* pointed lo

    get into some heads. It doesn't do a man any good to

    know the ropes ii he hasn't got a

    pull. \\ hen some man barrow a dollar

    they seem lolhink they have earn

    edit. Koine actors are like eggs. They

    get on the Mage when they're good

    for nothing else. ••Heeaiisea man's busy," says

    (he Manayunk Philosopher, "that

    no sign he's doing anything."

    A Bright Csllcctlea

    The usually quiet and careful Mr. Hauna has beeu doing so uu- usual amount of talking during this campaign aud a collection of some of bis saying* makes rather

    interesting reading*. Here are

    some ol the gems: 1 would like to tear the mask

    from the face of that hypocrite,

    William J. Bryan. 1 believe there is uot a trust in

    the I'uited States. This so called trust issue i* the

    veriest rot. There are uo trusts iu the mean-

    iugof the law. The Democratic newspapers gar

    bleeverything I say, as they gar bled Roosevelt's St. l-oais speech.

    I don't know how many Cabinet

    positions Hryau has promised, but I guess he will have to create sev-

    eral new places if he expects to

    make good his promise*. I don't know that Bryan has

    prom'sed C'roker one of the Cabinet positions, and probably more than

    oue. Roosevelt started out by declar-

    ing that all Democrats are cowards

    liul it doesn't matter much what Teddy says.—« barloltc lews.


    lit Al I.If > A l> OO.



    ovrsn Jalr «. 1«0.

    Uava Wrlaoa. ar Hociv »««»' LaaveTartooro L» Kortr Sooal Laava Wllaua l.aa.a lalau LT raf etuvlila i>n«w ArGuUlaburo Lv li«M*l»oro LT Maanniia


    «-»* ill . SHI in a a ■ AM ra 11 SO • H

    I al f M 11*1 IS •* 1 a) 10 » 1 i■ ■I M ISKS 1 a IM pa AH

    ra AM ra

    ID « n 111 111 IH » »1 ll

    Ill IH IS .oo to 110.00 per cord for same, V. O. II. (loldsboro, N. itirnn fed enre fui clillls ami

    (e,ei mid nil malnriul it ml I il i me ti mblea. Por «la by

    Harrington, Barber 6c Jo., j;i atit. Wluterville, N. t"

    mi rrtf ft iu X.-i Sc LB s. Till'. "'I Mi ltOAJj|OV ■-> iittui. nii:i:i TOB8 UAVfl Ai-roiMKH mi.

    Reflector Jooli^toro As mil' of the driuoai ori ■ for L'liblio ~-»i.■ -■ ■ I Hooka in Pill Ci tnty. We handle ihe books desinnated on the

    Btal e\

    It is a great thing for a nan to have a good tamily record. To bear an honored name i.- a great

    heritage, lint it baaoatai ■ r» l.uiiily when one depends IIIMIII

    what his atieenloin did rather than

    what he i-au do hiinsell. Se\eral

    gentlemen ware diawtilog the old worthies' in their families ..ne day.

    land patting a little extra Coloring |uii theiriibiltty and worth, when a

    member of the part) who had pre

    ylousllj ipoken remarked. "Well gentlemen, I have nothing that i maj about my decent; iny as

    cent is all I can Ismst about." Charleston livealargely lathapaat, Atlanta in the present. The but loin rail, sinoe the *ar, liar, risen

    t., the top. It cuts no Ogata now I'.n a man to tell the number of ne-

    groaabiafatheronoe owned. Wol rejoice that 111i.-. il 10, In this

    oountrj more than in any other in

    the world the man riaea toward the top who baa a «iil to work,

    j while bograi iiates towatd thebot i loin who leau* back on the old days when hi* graodfathera used bank

    notes for gnu wadding and -pent his money tree A man should luiild on the foundation of a good

    name -not dmply brag about It.—

    Obarlt) & t'nlidron,


    The unil.rsigind liavirn! d»J» .|uiilifli'.' Iitlore l lie Sii|ieri..r OfWt Clerk "I I U ,.unity a»l'.xeculri» of the Ust ttill an Ti-Msnieiit of W. It. Wblfhar.l. dSOMMid luili.e it liereliy riftn to all persons ill.lelil- a) to the estate to make inime.lliite pay- in. i,l to the UmletehnVd, auil nil IKraono hat IBI ila'uni. sgalnal aai.l SNSU mart pre- aenl Ihe same for payment on or befort UK aoilusyofOctobtr, 1901, or Ibis DOUCS Kill be plead in Ur of recovery.

    Thii-Snil'liyoflMoher. IOISI HAS* A- A. iViiiiiuitn,

    Eaeoutrit of w. B. Whichard


    Yeiikiu UiviaioU Main Line—Train learei Wllmin,

    Ion 900 am.arrlTea KayetU'Tllle IS Oft pre \mvm Fayrtlcville IIM, p in, arriret Bar. ftai 1 ill in- Heuiroing li«ve« Ua> ■i w i. in. atrire Fayelfville 8 41pmlear Fayellevillf Id; \< m, arrive. Wflmio(1os ft«0 om

    rtouneUavillo Branch—Train leave* Iten- ne'.liville K Of, » in. Katlon 0 10. a in, Red S|,m.i.'» 8 40a m. Mope Milia 10 H a ID, ar- rive lajetlerilk 10ftft. Brtnniina lenrn Payettrville 4 4n i, in, Hoi* Mill* 4 66 p u Red Hpilags6 1ft, P ">• aWateal U V n arilvealknnutaville 7 16 p ra

    Coiinwlioin at r"ayellevlllowithlraln Nc 78atllaxl"n »llh the Carolina Centra. Railroad, al lied Hprinn wltb the U» gpfiapai Boaiaori lailroad, at Heuifor.i altbuaHtabeSfd Air Line ami Southern Railway at Huff wllh Ibo Durham and Cbarlolte Railroad.

    Train on me hcotian.1 Neck branen Road Itarea W'eM..n 1 » tint, llallfai « H P, gh S£ rl > i . S. ..Hand Ne.a al S l» u m. liraenvllle » rt rt*. K!M-'.III " Iftaa, K.iliiriil!i«iear.-»i Kio«li,n

    »iain,llreen>lllo« M am. arrlvliu. llallfai at 11 ie am. Welduu il U aia. dallr el"' ' Sundar.

    Tralm Inaion B H1 ■ ..I «»■» - aw e '"■ ■■•■•"■ •."■*.■ ; ?;

    in an.l tou (i in. relurnliif leave I'armete IS anandlKipin, arrive WiajUjtin II 0U and T V-M' m.'Ul.l .'!■ ' 1 ' Mil. !->'



    J. W. PERRY & CO., Norfolk, Va.

    Cotton Factors and handlers of Bagging! Ties aud HUBS.

    t'onespomleuce and shipments solicited.

    Always wclctmo at

    W.T.LEE&Co's Cheap

    in Waiiilngion Iir.ti.i ii U-T« *I*A m Ml 1 fc u in, arrif* Purin*!* » 10

    800 New 11 omo 800

    Rowing Machines

    IX rsi: IN HOT coi'N'TY If you need a Machine see me

    titll.t'. llooler'sstore, or write me

    .an. I. J.l. I.AN1KU.

    Cash Store

    T'aln leave! Tarbum dallj oicept Sunday It s*) P m, Sunday 4 15 p m, arrlvea Pi|- moulliTslum. 61U|im. relurnlnf, leavee l'l|- UOUttl dally, exeent Sunday, TBOa t.i.anil Hiu day a 00am.arrli«a'li..'K.ro luioan, 11 OOafi.

    Train on Midland N 0 b..-neh It am Uolli. bam dally, ei.-eut Sunday, s »• a B, amrnt Simtliflelif oto a m, returning leave i Stnltliuild 7 la a m.arrlveaalih.ldan.imll a a.

    Train UD Naalivllle Hran^li leave hiKiy M. ,I.I al»»l a m. I to i m, arrive Naanrllj lilUa m.luti pm. Stirlnt ,llo|ie 11 am. .a inn. Krlurnlnl leave Sprint Hop* II*. am. 4 U 1> in. Nashville II 4» u in arrive at lt.» a! HuunI It IU u in. foop ro. dally eleept Sund ty.

    Train on Clinton Branch loavel W'araaw for Clinton dally, eieapt Sunday, 7t3amand US p m. returuluf leavei Clinton at C4S ant i.ad io an pm.

    Train NoTHmadei el.»e euune.ll.ir. » e! dnu for all point! Nurll. dally, all ral. via lHek raond.

    II. M. KMERSON, (len'l I'luss. Agent)

    J. B.KBKLY. Qan'l Manager. T. M. KMK1WON. TralBc- Ma-a«v>r,


    gflo, per liottle. Cures Chills anil Fever, Malaria, Night Sweats aud 'grippe. Money back if it doesn't. Xo other as good. Get the kiud with the Bed Cross ou the label. Hold mid guaranteed by Wooten, i;,\aii andErmil, druggists.

    HXYXB SERVICE Steamer Myrea leave Washing

    ton daily at 6 A. M. for Green- ville, leave Greenville daily at 'I V. M. for Washington.

    Steamer Kdgecouibe leaves Greenville Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 7 A. M. for Tar- lioro, leave Tarboro for Greenville Tuesdays, Thnrdays and Saturdays at 0 A. M. carries freight only.

    Connecting at Washington wllh Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore, PhilaU'lphia, New York and Bos- ton, and for all points for the West with railroads at Norfolk.

    Shippers should order freight by 'the Old Dominions. S. Co. from New York5 Clyde Line from Phila- delphia; Bay Line from Baltimore; Merchants' and Miners' Line from Boston.

    JNO. MYERS1 SON, Agt. Washington, N. O.

    J. J. CHERRY, Agt., Greenville, N. 0.

    ill Ci inty. Vie handle Hie hooka designated on tne tate ■ ii i * • i til*- tinlilii si lioola and can inppl; what- vcr Jim in cil. We alao have

    Cotton llnyen ami Broken in Btockl, Collo'ii, Grain and Provis- ions. Private Wires to New York, Uhteagoand New Orleans.


    VVliero you can get Dry Goods, Notions,

    Ighoea. Pants Ladies' Capes, &c.

    At Hani Tiino Prices



    All DlfSOBiare li.rehv warned anil for bidden i" hum with or without gun ..r ilng or in any other way Ireipau upon Hie lamia ol the unihaigneu In PaOietaj Town- ihinoii the north aide of Urln.lall Creek.


    or elill en, wife and Mlralthi I, ittle.


    £v*_—— f>—— ft

    Cotton Bogging and lies always

    —on ban rea ll ■ 

    i.'f it-utli By ptrlKO—t fl

    60 PILLS

    60 CTS.

    BIT A tu.lr.lt KU IMTBa

    S. M. Snhnltz.

    •It -V vew i-r .... v ta.'iea f la.SO. wllh our l.aukabta iraurai.tea to oura or rafuml the . i.oy paid. Sen.l for ilieular a.iJ wn of... I .kabUfuarauleebouJ.

    NervitaTableis hnioi. i * -i- i ■ 


    .■ac.Ute RciaHi

    r.ric..|ai|ala. su-» llevla.lie III.1IJB-IIOII.I|'OI..|II«II..II.* Ooail.ii.'.> *f ran aoloare ..in. l.iverNa. tba l&ioUaie lull" Liver PH.. when laa dlraefipne are etneklv ruanlle.1 wllh They are uurelr i.'felalile ami new fall to tl" aatlefaeiliai fan Iwiee .»«i- lalualOO l.lll.. Il«- hole, nailaln «» aOa, an bauaenntaln n i.lii. beware ..f .ui..iltuii,yin ami Imitation. Seal l.r iiuall »taio|» Ukan. NkllVITV MHUCM. CO, lor. I llnu.u aaJ Jai'kaon Slreel. Chi. at... IU Foraal" b»

    J L WOOTIN. Or Jtatet. Omuvllla, N 0

    Wholesale and retail llrocer and arnitnre Dealer. Oaeh paid for

    Hides, Knr, Cotton Heed, Oil liar- rels, Turkeys, Bgg, etc- Baft" steads, Matlrenses, Oak Suits, 11a- hy Carriages, (lot'aits, Parlor Huits, Tables, laiunue*, Hafes, I*. LorrillaidandtlailctAaHiiuD.Iled MeutToliacc.i, Key West Chertsits, American Iteanty Citrarcttes, Can- ned Cherries, Peaches, Apples, Pine Apples Hyrup, Jelly, Milk, Klnttr, Hitirar, tVitTee, Meat, Heap Lve, Manic Food, Matches, OU Ootton Seed Meal and Hulls, Our- den Sti-ds, Oranges, Apples, Nut", Candies, Drietl Apples, Peaches, Primes, Uurretils, Kaislns, Olass and China Ware. Tin and Wooden Wure, Cakea mid Crackers, Maca roui, Okaaae, Host Butter, Htand- iir.l HewluK Machines, aud nu- merous other goods. Ounllty and Quantity. Cheap for cash. C.une to see me.

    IM ■  S(uHlIIi

  • -—■■■* i^nimmpm


    D. J. WHICHABD, H. & Owner

    Entered at the Post Office at Greenville, N. 0., as Second Claw Mail Matter.

    FBIDAT. OtlOBKR 12, 1900.

    i'rof. If. M. Sloane of Princeton has written an article oil "Napo- leon, the Boy,'' to appear in The Youth'* Companion of Octolier

    11th. He paiiUH a vivid piclurcof the early hardships and struggles

    of a boy ol humble origin who be came thegreatest soldier and stales-

    man of his time, and limpcror of

    the French.

    Senator Ilauna seems lo e\ IBM

    a desire to eliminate all of the I* sues for the campaign. There are no trusts, he says, nor is there any

    such thing as imperialism. Will he go on and say that Ihe "full dinner pail" is a myth, and that

    free silver is a ligmeut of the im

    agination! Savannah News,


    Governor Roosevelt'* protest against the charge of militarism is

    not very affective with people who recall his loud lament that Presi- dent Harrison's administration did

    not go to war with Great Britain

    over the Baring Sea controversy, instead of peaceably settling it b\ arbitiation.—Philadelphia Record.


    ••Mack" Dowdy, he champion hunter of this sectiou tells the

    Express that he has killed some 1,800 wild turkeys since he first

    engaged in the sport. He has killed over tiO In one season. "Mack" thoroughly understands

    the nature and habits of t be tarkey and when he goal after the game he seldom ever t'aiU to bag it.—

    Smford Express.

    Registration for the November

    election will commence on Monday. the 22nd day of October, and close

    at sunset on Saturday night, the

    27th dayofOctober. OaSaturday ot closing the registration the regis-

    trar must at tend at the polling place I counties it is so apparent a


    o Postponement o I ihr Pri- mary.

    Spccinl Correapoiulrnt of Hc-Hcctor. RAI.EKHI X. C, Oat sth, iwo.

    The proposition of Judge A. t'.

    Avery, of Morgautou, that the Senatorial Primary be deferred a

    month subseuueut to the national



    Wl.NTERVILLE, N.C., Oct, 10th.,

    The A. (!. Cox Mfg. i'o., are

    election, as outlined by him iu I shipping daily many wagous, carts

    several of the daily papers last week, attracted much atteution

    and elicited a great deal of com-

    ment from all classes of people hereabout—unfavorable for the most pait, it should be added. Af- ter bearing Ihe subject discussed

    or commented ou by huudreds of people, 1 took the paius to oblaiu

    Ihe views of a number Of leading pail) men. inclmlingsoine whoare

    pronounced and prominent in their support and advocacy of one or Ihe

    oilier of the MptlMll fertile Sena

    torshlp—gentlemen who prefer Simmous, others wliosupiMiit t'arr,

    some who favor Waddcll and a few Inclined to .larvis—aud there is no mistaking the concensus:

    ol opinion, via., that it would lie unwise and impracticable to at-

    tempt tosidctrack the senatorship matter at this lime, in Ihe "inter-

    est" of Mr. Bryan or for any other reason; that, in facl, it would lie

    impossible to stupor suspend the contest now, as it has proceeded

    too far. BRNA1DBIAI, I'UIMUIY Will. IIKI.r


    I iind that, with very few ex

    ceptions, it is the general belief that the primary will help, instead

    of "hurt" Mr. Bryan aud the Democratic congressional candi-

    dates, iu that it will very material- ly assist in bringiiigonl a full vote,

    especially as it is believed many (Populists especially! will "quali-

    fy" themselves to participate in the primary by lirst voting for Mr,

    Bryan's electors. Let me quote the language of an astute and

    sensible Democrat along this line,

    He said: "There i« uo disputing the facl

    that there IS a great deal of apathy prevalent among our folk>, so far as the national ticket is concerned.

    It is seen and felt iu a greater or less degree all over the State, but in some localities including whole

    to !»' a with his legist ration books so that

    persons may register there if thev

    desire to doso. Ou other days he ma;, register persona qualified to register, at any place in h:-

    einct. The same pollholderS ami registrar- who held the August

    election are required to hold the November election, ami any vacan-

    cies are to be filled exactly Bl they

    were tilled in that election. In all respects as to time and place of holding the election in November the same law prevails, the poll- lo

    source of anxiety. Right here iu

    Raleigh, even, I have never known Democrats to lie so unconcerned and

    inactive a month before election In pre-jail my experience. This state of

    affairs is. at least partly, due to the excess and surfeit of 'polities'

    this year, aud the reaction natural after the excitement Of the State

    campaign. But there appear to be some other seasous. too, among oertaia classes, it is my belief that just some such incentive as

    this Senatorship question was r drunkenness. Sure enough bodkl.

    It ras to "take the pledge and keep it." Later mi he sent fifty

    one cent Stamp* to Iind OUl how to raise turnips succi-ssfull; . He found out. ".lust take boldol ,Li-

    top and pull." Being yonng be wished to many, and lent thirty-

    four-Hie cent stamp* to a Chicago firm for information as to how to

    make an impression. When the answer came it read, "Sit down in

    a pan of dough." Thai was prel ty rough, but he was a patient man. and thought he would yet

    succeed, The next advertisement he answered read, "How lo doable your money in six months." He

    was told lo convert his money into bills, fold them, and he would see

    his money doubled. The next time he sent for twelve useful

    household articles, and got a puck age of needles. lie was stow to learn, so he MOl a dollar lo Mud out "how lo gel rich." "Work

    like a devil auil neVur spend a


    primary were postponed Bryan aim oar congressional candidates ■■■ ■ illd -alter 'he loss of thousands of votes which they will BOW re- cei.e." Li.K.vvx vvr.

    cart wheels, cart saddles and back bands throughout all North Caro- lina, and occasioua'ly fill large orders from other States. Their work is not ouly appreciaUd at

    home, but wherever seen and used passes upon its own merit and

    calls for richly deserved patron-

    age- If there is another town in Ihe

    Stale, twice Ihe si/,e vv ilh one half

    theeutetprise, thrift and go ahead itiveness of Wiute'ville, we would

    like to see it advertised. Our two banker ponies. Billie

    Carroll aud 1'raukie Harrington are a liue team. Come down aud we will give you a trest. They go

    well together.

    The change in the weather makes it much more pleasant, and doesn't

    remind one so forcibly of what the great hereafter might be.

    Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kittrcll, will giv e a parly to their numerous

    friends on the evening of the tlth.

    in honor of the birthday of their daughter Miss Effie. We make our best bow la ackuowldgnient of an

    invitation to be present, Mrs. G. K. Liueburry left yes

    terday to visit relatives aud friends at her old home.

    Moye .V Kittrcll have a line kilu of brick now ready for the

    market. Anyone iu need of brick

    will do well to call and see them. J. Dail left Monday for Insti-

    tute where he will spend some

    time recreating aud visiting

    friends. It is a coinmou remark how- re

    markably strange the great utinilier

    prosecuted in our courts for capi- tal crimes and so few convicted.

    There must lie some Haw in the law or else a big screw is loose iu

    the adminstnttion of it. Patience sometimes ceases to lie virtue.

    The time may come when such will

    not always be the case. The Hunsiicker Carriage Co. has

    just received a liue assortment of

    harness which they propose to sell at small profit. They can suit the

    plaiuest as well as the most fastid-

    ious. Call ami examine them. A. c. Cox is paying 28 cents per

    iiushel for cotton seed.


    BLACK JACK, N. C. Oct. 9th.

    Rev. M. Liuton preached here Saturday night and Sunday last.

    We are having sonic rainy weather.

    Mr. W. C. UcGowan, aged about fit) years, died at home about :i

    miles from here on Sunday uioru-

    log,Oct. 7th. He was taken very suddenly and lived only a few minutes. We extend our deepest

    sympathy to the bereaved ones left to mourn his death. The remains were taken to ihe Skinner farm

    foi burial today.

    Johnnie Smith sustained the ac ident of getting his leg broken

    Wednesday last. He was improv- ing when last heard from.

    Jeata Smith is confined to his lied wilh tin mumps.

    Jesse Clark got his arm broken lasi Tuesday.

    Mrs. C. S. DixOD is visiliug ou Clay Root.

    L. 11 White, who has been very sick isable to be out again.

    Dr. A.I). Ilelts who has been

    assisting Rev. Mr. Brnton iu the

    Convention at Salem, returned to his home in Ayden Wednesday.

    We wish uncle Iletts well.


    ABB the Caatala bad to fat -or. Colored M.B *.,.,, Hla


    Chief of Police J. T. Smith was promenading tne street in hi* "tother clot whereofness of it came about this way: Monday night the Captaiu weut to arrest and offender against

    the peace and quiet of the town. The said offender showtd a dispo- sition not to be arrested, and the officer bad to take hold of him a

    bit. He still stuck out that he

    wasn't going auy where at all, when ("apt. Smith, with that quick way- he has of doiug up this kind ol a customer sometimes, set his right

    foot over behind the other fellow'* left heel, and there was a tumbling

    over, both of them lauding "ker-

    flop" in the middle of a mudhole. ('apt. Smith was on top, but all the same he got so muddy that he had

    to hunt for more clothes. While he had the offender down in the mudhole the fellow hollered "fire,"

    "murder,"' "this man's drawing me," and everything else he could

    think of. Perhaps he thought bis time had come.—Daily|Refletor 9.

    St« clo-c his eye. lo what is L'oiug on i oftheSB same bile cooks will lie up

    Thai slopped him, Imt his j wheu he knows that if ho aids \ Piling to their white friends for brothei wrote to find out how to these influences to carry the dec-: fuel ami rations tu keep them go write a letter without peuand ink.,'i"u at this time, the same means he- This view of living without He was told to use a lead pencil. OjMI be employed to carry other' r{ ia(.«.rtaiuly an erroneous one He paid live dollars to learu how elections when tho«c whoare sup-1 . ,.,1i1„.»,i „«„„iD „„rf to ifVe without work, I wai told1 porting the Republican ticket to.|'"'0D« ,De, cul,,,e'1 P«ople and oua postal crd. I., "fish for „uck- day will be opposing the Republi- abou.d not be encouraged.-Dur ersaswedo." cau ticket." 'ham Sun. J

    why not put a stop to these fellows who sublet, to a man that fails aud largest the market ever had, there

    forfeits what he has alrcauy work-' being go much tobacco here that

    ed for, aud fails two thirds of the | only three of the warehouses could

    time to make schedule on account! finish, though jthe sale started at ol insufficient team. X. I°- o'clock and continued all day.

    [We think a remedy would be [ The fourth house had its break on

    for the tiovcrnment to forbid sub-, the floor, but was blocked out, letting, aud make the contract di-, while the fifth and six houses, see-

    rect with the man who carries the ing the sales would block, would mail, at a price that will warrant | not unload their break. Tnere was good service—Bo.] 'enough on the market for two big

    Shot Two vVomen. — •-—.

    Columbia, Pa., October 8.— Runaway Marriage.

    William Mott, of Norfolk, Va.,! On last Saturday atternoon Mr.

    his evening shot and killed Mile, j W. Harris and Miss Rosa Man- Allierta. a palmist, with whom he uingi ^,1, of Bt»\ei Dam town-

    was traveling about the wiiDtry,'8hip>weremarlied> The bride is

    aud dangerously wounded Mrs. only about 15 or 16 years old. It Elizabeth Sleinbauer, with whom rfas a runaway marriage,

    the couple boarded here. Mile. it seems that the license for the Alberta, whose real name was „,arriage was procured Friday, the Anna 1'urloug, was thirty seven appncantfo. them representing that

    years old; Mott is twenty-nine, the girl was twenty years old. Her Her home is in Chicago. Mott says fatner l[rwim1 to" anticipate that

    she has a husband, a hotel man, Bhe and Harris were going to try and son named Urennau living at toget marrieccu traveling from j wag a ,]av too late. He then hur- placc to place and for the past two riiA au offiwr back honle to pre-

    niontbs have had palmistry offices vent the marriage taking place,

    in Lancaster aud Columbia. Late-1 {,ut found that he was too late

    |y Mott had become very jealous of agaju, as while he was in town the the woman and this evening, after young man weut after the girl and driukiugall day, went to their room and had an altercation with

    her. Mrs. Stcinbauer attempted to pacify them, whereupon Mott be- gan to fire from a nil calibre revol- ver. Mrs. Stcinbauer fell to the

    floor with a bullet in her stomach

    took her to a neighbor's where they

    were married.

    M»yor,s Court

    Mayor J. G. Moye has disposed

    of the billowing casses since last

    and auotber iu her head and Mile.' report: . Alberta was shot three times iu the1 JohQ J^"*' *lr,,nk »«»*»»• head and breast. She did instant-, derl>' aned oue *■"* anU C09t' ly. Mrs. Stcinbauer was taken to'au,0,mt *2'41' a hospital. Molt surrendered and: Johu Clark' «»rtoiw and pro

    talked coolly of the murder, regret- j faue> n,,e *l au(1 coi,U' to,al *M' ting that he had shot Mrs. Stein- Srtluucl AlleD- «>l»»"»w>y ip to try to

    separate the men and stop the fight when one of them stabbed him in

    the side with a knife. The doctors

    say Allen is seriously cut.

    Not Known Yet.

    Some who made guesses iu June

    at the population of Greenville, in competition for the prize offered by

    THE REFLECTOB, are inquiring about it. The figures have not been learned yet, but all guesses

    have been saved and the result will be aunounced as soon as known.


    Mr W. C. McGowan, of Chicod, died Suddenly on Sunday. While

    his health bad been poor for some-

    time, he was going about as usual, and returning home from a visit to a neighbor complained of not feel-

    ing well. He lay down on a pallet

    and in a few minutes was dead. He was the father of Mr. J. K. Mtt- Go wan, and also of Mrs. I). \V.

    Uardee, of Greenville.

    Both Sent to Jail.

    The investigation held by Cor

    oner Laughinghouse at Ayden, Tuesday evening, looking into the cause of the death of the littlo

    step son of John Hargett, colored, resulted in the jury retnrnlug a

    verdict to the effect that tho boy was killed by John Hargett and bis wife, Edith Hargett, both ol

    whom were committed to jail with-

    out bail.


    We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Council Dawson, which oc- curred at 10:.'W o'clock this nioru- iug at his home near Littletield, this oounty, of consumption. Mr. Dawson was a prominent citizen of the county, an upright man aud one held iu high esteem by every oue. He was cbairmau of the Board of Cniinty Commisaiouerti for fourteen years and a member of the Hoard 18 years. Ho leaves a large family, aincug his sons being Dr. W. W. Dawson, of Grlfton.

    MONDAY, OCTOBEB X, 1900.

    Adrian Savage went to Rich- mond today.

    Mrs. S. D. Lee left this morning for Whitakers.

    E. T. Forbes came iu this morn- ing from New Bern.

    L. L. Hargrove came over this morning from Seveu Springs.

    T. H. Balutiiau relumed Satur- day evening from Scotland Neck.

    C. C Renisburg is here in the marble business wilh J. C. Lanicr.

    E. II. Ficklen returned Saitir day eveuing from a trip over in Virginia.

    Miss Jessie Sugg aud little broth- er, Julius, went to Kinston Satur day evening.

    Percy Carlisle, of Whitakers, has taken a position in the oflice of Speight & Co.

    Miss Canary Harper, who has been visiting Mrs. Lawrence Carr, left this morning for Wilson.

    G. A. Clapp and wife returned Saturday evening from Greensboro where they have been visiting.

    Mrs. R. II Patterson, who has been visiting Mrs. W. A. Bowen, l»ft this morning for Plymouth,

    Miss Emma Harris has taken a position with Higgs & Tail ns clerk during their special sale.

    T. J. Jar vis, Harry Skinner and J. L. Fleming left this morniDg for Baleigh to attend Supreme court.

    D. W. Audrews and wife, of Durham, arrived Saturday even- ing to visit his father, A. A. An- drews.

    Miss Ethel Pierce, of Ayden, who has been visiting Miss Euiina Harris, returned home Saturday evening.

    Judge and Mrs. A. M. Moore left Saturday ereo'uB for New- Bern where the Judge holds court this week.

    Miss Maud Dixou, of Winter- ville, who has becu visitiug Mrs. W. A. Bright, returned borne Sat- urday evening.

    TUESDAY. OCTOUKK », 1900.

    Joe Powell, of I'arincle, came iu Mouday evening.

    E. E. Griffin left this tuorring on a trip to Wilson.

    D. W. Andrews and wife return- ed to Durham todvy.

    Kev. F. H. Harding left this morning for Washington.

    Carlos Harris went down to Winterville Monday cveuiug.

    L. L. Hargrave returned to Seveu Springs Monday evening.

    Mrs. Laura Brown returned Mon- day evening front i visit to Oxford.

    P. H. Gormau left this morning gbiug tenth, as far as Scotland Neck.

    Miss Mary Hardee has taken a position with Higgs & Taft during their special sale.

    J. L. Anderson weut to Kinston Mouday eveuing lo take a position in a lmggy factory there.

    Miss Annie Kitchen, of Scotland Neck, who has been visiting Miss Rosalind Itoantree, returned home this morning.

    Mrs. H. C. Edwards, Mrs. G. W. Hardee, MiftsTalithu Edwards, Mrs. W. A. Savage, aud Mrs. J. A. K. Tucker returned Mouday from the Association uear Hassells.

    WEDNESDAY Outturn '0. 1900.

    H. A. White went up the road this morning.

    W. K. Smith teturucd Tuesday evening from Hassells.

    A. J. Wilson returned Tuesday evening after an absence of soveial weeks.

    J. J. Crosswell, route agent of the Southern Express Company spent last night here.


    The last chance you will have to get Fine Pictures of your famlics

    in your town. The well-known

    Artists, Campbell & Co., from Richmond, Vs., will postivcly leave us iu ten days. Now they give you an opportunity of gelling

    Flue Pictures at half the price ynu would have to pay in any cily

    where fine work is made. Don't let them leave licfore ynu have yotn work done. Go and see the (iKBj

    of work they are milking. You will And them in the old Forbes

    store on Five Points.

    WE AM HERE! And the Goods are Coming Daily,

    Our Second Trip North was a Great Success in


    And These Bargains Are Yours For The Asking,

    rhe great markets like New York, Philadelphia and Bait im ore have been searched for

    Bargains aud we have them. We are going to sell for less money than anybody

    else. Why? Because are buy more goods than any other store in town and get larger discounts; and we sell for the smallest possible

    matgio of profit, depending on a lar^e volume of busi-

    ness and no rents to pay.

    Underbuy and Undei sell. CASH Over the Counter and No Rents'to Pay.

    'LOOK at QUO Let The Figures Tell Their Story.

    CLOTHING! Men Suits the *8.00 and 9.00 quality, Sab- Price. §;j.;}y j Boy« BuitB the *7, 8, 9 and 1 itvlity, Bale Price, §4 Qg

    , I Boys Suits the |4, Sand 6 quality, 8ale Price, ft9 99 Men Suits the*-l."i>, fi.Oo and 6.00 quality, Sale Price, g2.75 ,

    ladles Coil Suits, Tailor Made Silk Taffeta Line ihe

    Men Suits the 8.00 and 3'tW quality, while they last £] .

  • Attention Farmers! I am now offering you one of the most complete lines of



    at very reasonable prices. My line of

    GROCERIES which is the standuid of any market ire fresh and cheap.

    When you come to town again give me a trial. Yours^to please,

    Jas. B. White.

    THE BEST BED ON EARTH Don't be Deceived.


    Our Royal

    Elastic Felt Mattress, which is due to its merit, and also our vigorous advertising, has caused others to put mat tresses on the market, which they are offering for less money and claiming they are "Joel as good as the ROYAL ELASTIC FELT." Don't be deceived l>v same. We eniphaticly deny that they are ' Just as good", and are ready at any time to coin pare ours with others. If your local denier does not handle Ih write us direct for descriptive pamphlet.

    ROY ALL M>

    1.00 ■ boa??'for "»S.O0 wl^_ . antaa bona to car* In SO days or rofortd BOB*r polo. Addrraa


    Rot ulc by J L OOTE.V, DtmftW, '_irut-ii\ ;l>. N O


    Loaro Weldoo ArKoakratoaDt LaareTaruoru LT Rockr Moonl Lam Mi!.. .11 Laarr Kelna LT ParatUTlLla Ar Klorence

    Ar OoHlaboro LT Ooldaboro LT Mairoolla


    AM Pal II hi ,H

    I • ,H II fl ID IK 1 U 10 aS f 1. II IU 4 W UaV 7 ■ t tt Pal AM


    500 CORDS OP

    Dogwood AND

    Persimmon Timber. Will pay from t.">.00 to ♦10.00 per cord for same, F. O. B. Ooldsboro, K. 4'.

    THIS WOOD must be round, nearly free from knots, aud sawed off at both ends. Will take 4 feet aud 8 feet long and as small as 5 in.In.- in diameter at small end, but no smaller. '

    J. '». Weeden, !• 7->ui. fioldsboio, N. ■ lil.i; auyllilllK for notU- lug. I bare iil.>«j.i bod to tlrive bard for HVi-irlliiog II i, li.ia nun,. io mo. I"-

    "Wliai al'oei ike lOBmps you had lam wlulrrr III- nife luu-rrupted.- Cblcago Tluira Ut'iuiil.

    Keflcctono of a Bachelor.

    A woman's heaven would lie a dead In 11 lire without it had a little funuj- dog in it and a big garret.

    A woman gets most of ber hap-

    piness out of reinemlieriug how miserable she was some particular

    time before.

    A woman is considered bright by the other women by the number of

    kinds of a fool abc can make of a man in live minutes.

    Kvcry time a woman sits up half of tbe night .i. iing sweet to a lot of

    men she aukca up next morning and acts ugly to the one she is mar-

    ried to.—New York l'ress.


    The iiniliTBigni-il having ,luly ojualiot' before ll„ Superior Ceiirl Cirri el Pit ciiimtv a,. Kxtriitrliof ihe biisl Will an Tsatameol .if W II, Wblrlianl, ib-ceateil Holier i» liiTehy -iven to ell pcraoua Indcbt- nl lo tl»o m'.nl'1 in in.ik, imiiiuliate pay- ineiit toilii i'i. riigne,!, anil all peniona havini; clilma .. .si aaiil eatalc inn,! pre- aeiil ih,- semi li.r payment 00 or befnre the todday ofOcblwr, 1901, or tin, notice uniln | ],;, i in I m of recovery.

    Thin 'iml day ,.l Octohrr, 1800. MAUV A A. IVIII, MAIIU

    Kieriitriz of W. B, Wknbur I

    Do you know

    LT K ■-,-:.■ " LT Kayelterliie La«T0 s«lnu ArrlTt- Wllaon

    LT WIltulnst^D LT Mfttmoirfc

    : r . i - O I 01 *.£ aea r.S r- il , u

    ia ar

    Xnll bo LT uoftabori

    Laare Wllaon Ar Rock, Mount ArrlreTarboro Learr Tarhoro LT Rocky MoDOt Ar Waldeu

    ru ; c 9 41

    I') H u a

    AM m A'K 7 00 , as IS II H

    « M t ST iw ac AM mm

    .» lanni.u in i to e io nor il n ft »laa» jeara thli laaaooa rcmeer haa been ereetla, aa4 aaaua- talaloe good aealta.

    Johnston's Sarsapariila

    aeuot up Ike eruean. tooea Ue aervea, and alrenstaeaa tile muaclae mere prompU/ and caectuailj Lbaa

    anj oLber rcmrdj knows. The pallor of ibe ekeak dlaappeara. eoercj lakea Uu place of aaceuor. aod the rich color of healtk noaa le the cheeka. Ueequalled for all diaoreera of the eiomack and Urer, and for ail veakeaia, ooao- |falala of men, woman and children.

    Oaklaiarrtan. Manaa.0*aa,raBaaMI«aaa, AUCIIIOAN uHio CO.. ■      Detroit, nice.


    ^711 th*



    HIVER SXBVICE Steamer Hyres leave Watibiug-

    ton daily at 6 A. M. for Green ville, leave Greenville daily ar 2 V. M. for Washington.

    Steamer Edgecombe 1 c a v c ■ Oreeuville Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 7 A. If. for Tar- boro, lJ7B.—--

    . M. ichaltaSe W1, .ii-.-nle and retail Grocer aud

    /urniture Dealer. Cash paid for Hides, Kur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar- rels, Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed- steads, Mm. ...-srh, Oak Suits, Ba- by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor Suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P. Lorrillard anil . C. Moore spent last winter aud spring at East Lake, iu Darecouuty, and while iu that section freiiueutly yis- iled Boauoke Island. One ol these visits be was accompanied by a photographer who took a picture ol the monument for Mr. Moore. He brought it home with bliu, and recently sent it north to have it en- larged and framed. Besides the beauty ofthe picture, il is worth going to sec lor its historic inter- est.


    We ae We oflx.

    General Merchandise to be fouud iu any store iu Pitt County. Well liougbt cluiicc selections, the creations of the lies! manufacturers of America aud Europe. Seasonable all Ibe year rouud. Spring, ■Summer and Winter. We are at work tor \ours and our mutual ad vantage. It is our pleasure to show jou what joii want and to sell you if we can. We olfe:' you attention, and the most liberal terms eoiisislent with a rail established business built up strictly on its own merits.

    Wbeu you come to market you will not do yourself justice

    Bryan er> where.

    Latest and tuo.-t authentic ad vie* Iroiii New York and Indiana are lo

    the ell'ii-t tbat the elecbii.il \o' 006•

    ventiou ■      i i' clubs. In New York the Democratic

    SonailtM aWkaa thai .-tatemeut you the very l«-M sen ice, poMaaithal Kepiibiicaii defections are l

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