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Page 1: Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction · This is the key to Living the Law of Attraction. Your journey begins right here, right now. Empower yourself—use this key,
Page 2: Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction · This is the key to Living the Law of Attraction. Your journey begins right here, right now. Empower yourself—use this key,


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Wewish toexpressourheartfeltgratitude to the followingpeoplewhohavehelpedmakethisbookpossible:

First and foremost, we would like to thank our families for their patience,love,andsupportthroughoutthisprocess.

PattyAuberyforhervision,commitment,andhumor.TinaRengaforherjoyand boundless enthusiasm; Russ Kamalski and Roger Conner for theirguidance, faith, and stamina throughout this project. All of you have beenthereforuseverystepofthewayonthisjourney,andyouhavefilleditwithwisdom,love,andlaughter.


Veronica Romero, Lisa Williams, Robin Yerian, Jesse Ianniello, LaurenEdelstein, and Lauren Bray, who support Jack’s businesses with skill andlove.




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D.D.would like toexpressaspecial thankyou toherdaughterMarissa forherpatiencethroughoutthisprojectandforbeingaconstantsourceofbeautyandinspiration,herstepsonChristianforinherentlyknowinghowtobelieveandreceive,andLeeforlovingmeenoughtosetmefreewhenIneededtofly.I am grateful every single day for the support and encouragement of mysisters, Melanie, Stephanie, and Polly, and for the creativity, grace, andgentilityofmymother,Martha,whotaughtmelongagotolovewords,poetry,andallthingsbeautiful.Vicki,Randi,Georgia,Gram,Daddy,andFrank—myteachersandcompanionsonthisjourney...Iloveyouall,Ialwayswill,andIamgrateful.


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It is said thatwhen the student is ready, the teacherwill appear. If you arereadingthisbook,thenyouareobviouslyreadytotakethenextstepinyourown personal evolution. You are ready to begin deliberately creating andreceiving more of what you really want in your life. By consciously andintentionallyworkingwiththeLawofAttraction,youcancreateexactlywhatyouwantwithlesseffortandmorejoy.

Whilemany people now refer to the Law of Attraction as a “secret,” it isneitheranewconceptnorarecentdiscovery. Ithasbeenan integralpartofthegreatteachingsoftheagesforseveralmillennia.Ihavebeenteachingthisprinciple, alongwithmanyothers, forover thirtyyears.With the releaseoftheDVDmovieTheSecretandappearancesbymanyoftheteachers(myselfincluded) thatwere featured in themovie onOprah, LarryKing Live, TheTodayShow,Montel,TheEllenDegeneresShow,andNightline,theawarenessoftheLawofAttractionhasnowbecomepartofthemainstreamculture.

Finally,wearelearningthatweareallparticipantsinthecreationofourlives,and we are all responsible for the state of the world we live in. We arebeginningtorealizethatifwewantthingstochangeonanexternallevel,thenwemustbewillingtomakethenecessaryinternalchangesaswell.Thereisashifttakingplace,achangeinourawareness.Thischangeisintheairandontheairwaves,andwecanfeel itdeepwithinoursouls.Thereseems tobeacommon yearning among us to return to a simpler,more joyous place andtime,andweknowonsomeinternallevelthatthereismoretolifethanwhatwehavebeenexperiencing.Weknowthatgreaterfulfillmentispossibleandwearereadyforit.Wehavereachedapointwherewehavecomefullcircleinourspiritualevolution,andwearelongingtounderstandourconnectiontoeachother,ourpurpose,andourselves.Weare,asapeople, lookingwithin,

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questioning our priorities, our circumstances, and searching for deepermeaninginourlives.

It ismy hope that through this book and through a better understanding ofhowtheLawofAttractionisatworkinyourlife,youwillalsogainagreaterunderstandingof yourself—a senseofwhoyou really are andwhyyou arehere.Thissimpleguideisyourkey.Itcanunlockthegatetothefutureyoudesireandleadyoudownapathofgreaterjoy,prosperity,andabundance.Itismyintentionthatasyoureadthisbookyouwillfindyourselfinspiredbythe realization that you can create the life you desire, and that youwill beempoweredby theuseof thebasic tools, strategies,andconceptscontainedwithinthesepages.

This book is in your hands for a reason. You can begin to live a trulyconscious life—one that is filled with purpose and meaning—right now.Startingtoday,youcanbegintoreconnectwithyourinnertruthandwisdom.Youcanlearntotrustyourintuition,heightenyourawareness,andhonoryouremotions.Bysimplytrustinginthenaturalorderofthings,andbytrustingina higher power than yourself, you can learn to let go and begin living in aplaceof real faith,gratitude, and joy.Asyoumake thesechanges,youwillstart to become increasingly aware of themiracles all around you; and theevents in your life will begin to unfold in what seem like magical andmysteriousways.

Remember,youareinextricablyconnectedtoeveryoneandeverythingintheuniverse, includingGod.You always have been.At any givenmoment theuniverse is automatically responding to your every thought, feeling, andaction.Ithasnochoice;it’ssimplythewaythingswork.Itactsasamirror,reflectingbacktoyoutheveryenergyyouproject.Thethoughtsandenergythat you send out into the universewill always attract back to you, in oneformoranother,thingsandexperiencesthatmatchthosethoughtsandenergy.ThisistheLawofAttractionatworkinyourlife.Itisaperfectexampleofthisbrilliantlydesigneduniverse inaction,an immutableuniversal law.The

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Law ofAttraction is the scientific explanation for coincidence, serendipity,andthepowerofprayer.

Knowing this, if youwant to findgreaterhappiness and fulfillment inyourlife, you must begin to live in harmony with the natural rhythm of theuniverse,andinharmonywiththeLawofAttraction.Youmustchoosetolivein a place of gratitude, greater peace, and higher consciousness. Youmustlearn to follow your bliss, dowhat you love, andmake time to find joy inyourlife.Itisyournaturalbirthrighttobehappy,anditisyourobligationtoexpress yourself through your natural gifts and talents in away that bringsyou joy. By doing so, you are alsomaking an essential contribution to theworldwelivein.

Imagineaworldwhereweareall living in thisway.Aworldwherewealltake full responsibility for our thoughts, our actions, and the results theyproduce, and becomemore loving, giving, compassionate, and appreciativepeople.ThroughtheLawofAttractionthenaturalresultofallofthesethingsisastateofeverincreasingjoyandabundance.Aswebecomehappier,moregrateful individuals,we create a vibrationalmatch for all the good that theuniversehastooffer,andwebegintoshifttheenergyoftheentireplanet.


Your journeybegins righthere, rightnow.Empoweryourself—use thiskey,unlockthegate,andtakethissimplepathIamofferingyou.

I will guide you each step of the way. Living the Law of Attraction in aconscious, deliberatewaywill changeyour life, and itwill change thewayyouparticipateinthisglobalcommunity.Youcanchangethewayyouthink,youcanchangeyourlife,andyoucanchangetheworld.Startlivingthelifeyouaremeant to live.Youarehere fora reason,and theworldneedswhatyouhavetooffer.

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The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. Just likegravity,itisalwaysineffect,alwaysinmotion.Itisworkinginyourlifeatthisverymoment.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction says that you will attract into your lifewhateveryoufocuson.Whateveryougiveyourenergyandattentiontowillcomebacktoyou.So,ifyoustayfocusedonthegoodandpositivethingsinyour life, youwill automatically attractmore good and positive things intoyourlife.Ifyouarefocuseduponlackandnegativity,thenthatiswhatwillbeattractedintoyourlife.



Youarealwaysinastateofcreation.Youalwayshavebeen.Youarecreatingyourrealityineverymomentofeveryday.Youarecreatingyourfuturewitheverysingle thought:eitherconsciouslyorsubconsciously.Youcan’t takeabreakfromitanddecidenottocreatebecausecreationneverstops.TheLawofAttractionneverstopsworking.

So, understanding just how this law operates is a fundamental key to yoursuccess.Ifyouwanttochangeyourlife,andempoweryourself tocreateanamazing future, then you need to understand your role in the Law ofAttraction.

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Here’showitworks:Likeattractslike.Ifyouarefeelingexcited,enthusiastic,passionate,happy,joyful,appreciative,orabundant,thenyouaresendingoutpositiveenergy.Ontheotherhand,ifyouarefeelingbored,anxious,stressedout, angry, resentful, or sad, you are sending out negative energy. Theuniverse,throughtheLawofAttraction,willrespondenthusiasticallytobothof these vibrations. It doesn’t decide which one is better for you, it justresponds towhateverenergyyouarecreating,and itgivesyoumoreof thesame. You get back exactly what you put out there. Whatever you arethinkingandfeelingatanygiventimeisbasicallyyourrequesttotheuniverseformoreofthesame.Becauseyour energyvibrationswill attract energyback toyouof the samefrequencies, you need to make sure that you are continually sending outenergy,thoughts,andfeelingsthatresonatewithwhatyouwanttobe,do,andexperience.Yourenergyfrequenciesneedtobeintunewithwhatyouwanttoattract in your life. If love and joy are what you want to attract, then thevibrationalfrequenciesofloveandjoyarewhatyouwanttocreate.

Thinkof it thisway—it’s a lot like transmitting and receiving radiowaves.Yourfrequencyhastomatchthefrequencyofwhatyouwanttoreceive.Youcan’t tune your radio to 98.7 on your FM dial and expect to get a stationbroadcastingon103.3.Itjustwon’thappen.Yourenergyhastosynchronizewith,ormatch,theenergyfrequencyofthesender.So,youhavetokeepyourvibrationtunedtoapositivefrequencyinordertoattractpositiveenergybacktoyou.

Anothergoodexampleisthatofatuningfork.Whenyoustrikeatuningforkyouactivate it to sendout aparticular soundor frequency.Now, in a roomfilled with tuning forks—only those that are tuned to the exact samefrequencywillbegintovibrateinresponse.Theywillautomaticallyconnect

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and respond to the frequency thatmatches theirown.So the ideahere is totune yourself to resonate at a frequency that is in harmony with what youwant to attract. In order to create a positive future, you need to keep yourenergy,thoughts,andfeelingsinthepositiverange.

You can learn to manage your thoughts and emotions and maintain avibrationalmatchforwhatyouwanttoattractbylearningtorespondinsteadof justreactingto thesituations inyour life.Mostofusgothroughlife justreacting automatically and unconsciously to the things and events that takeplacearoundus.Perhapsyou’rehavingaroughday,you’vegottenaflattire,ormaybesomeonehastreatedyouunfairly.Saythatyoureactinanegativeway to these situationswithyour thoughtsandyouremotions.Youbecomeangry,frustrated,orupset.Inthiscase,youareunconsciouslyreactingtothesituationinsteadofconsciouslyrespondingtoit,andyournegativelychargedthoughts and emotions are automatically placing anorderwith theuniverseformoreofthesamenegativeexperiences.Inordertocreateamorepositiveoutcome,youmustlearntoconsciouslyrespondinadifferent,morepositiveway.



ThegoodnewsisthatonceyouunderstandtheLawofAttraction,andhowitworks,youcanbegintoconsciouslyandintentionallycreateabetterlife.Youcanchoosetoresponddifferentlytothesituationsthatariseduringyourday.Youcanchoosetothinkdifferently.Youcanchoosetofocusandthinkaboutthethingsyouwantmoreofinyourlife.Youcanchoosetoexperiencemoreof the things that make you feel good. You can choose to deliberatelyparticipate in the creation of your future by managing your thoughts andfeelings.


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TheLawofAttractionallowsforinfinitepossibilities,infiniteabundance,andinfinite joy. It knows no order of difficulty, and it can change your life ineveryway.






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Pureandsimple.Youaremadeupofthesamestuffasthesun,themoon,andthestars.Youareawalking,talkingbundleofintelligentenergyintheformof a human body.You aremade up of cells,which aremade up of atoms,which are made up of subatomic particles. What are subatomic particles?ENERGY!






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ofenergyinamuchlargerenergyfield.Youarepartofamuchgreaterpower;you are part of God. The wisdom of the entire universe is yours for theasking.

ThinkoftheInternet.Youcan’tseeitortouchitbutyouknowthatitisthere.It is real. It isan invisibleenergyconnection that linksusall toeachother.Youareconnectedtoeveryoneandeverythinginmuchthesameway.

Haveyouever found thatwithpeopleyouareclose to,youcan sometimesfinishasentenceforthem,orthatyoubothsaythesamethingatexactlythesametime?Thisisnotcoincidence,it’sconnection!Thisisaperfectexampleofhowconnectedwereallyaretothosearoundus.

We’ve all had the experience of starting to think about someone, perhapssomeone we haven’t even seen or spoken to in years, and then severalminutes later thephonerings,andit is themontheotherendof the line.“Iwas just thinking about you,” we exclaim in wonder. We were actuallypickingupontheirintentiontocallusbeforetheyhadevenacteduponit.Ourthoughts travel through time and space at an amazing speed.Through yourconnection you were able to pick up on the energy of their thoughts andintentionsbeforetheyevendialedthenumber,orperhapsitwasyourthinkingaboutthemthatstimulatedthemtocallyou.





You are a livingmagnet.You literally attract the things, people, ideas, andcircumstancestoyouthatvibrateandresonateatthesameenergyfrequencyasyours.Yourenergy fieldchangesconstantly,basedonyour thoughtsand

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feelings,andtheuniverseactslikeamirror,sendingbackareflectionoftheenergythatyouareprojecting.Thestrongerandmoreintenseyourthoughtsandemotionsare, thegreater themagneticpullbecomes.Now, this isnotaprocessthatrequiresanyrealeffort;amagnetdoesn’t“try”toattractanything—itsimplydoes,andsodoyou!Youarealwaysintheprocessofattractingsomethingintoyourlife.

Doyourealize thatyour lifeat thisverymoment is theresultofeverythingthatyouhaveeverthought,done,believed,orfeltupuntilnow?Youcanstartrightnowtoconsciouslyanddeliberatelyattractwhateveryoudesire in thislifetime. Through the Law of Attraction you can attract people, resources,money,ideas,strategies,andcircumstances—literallyeverythingyouneedtocreatethefutureofyourdreams.




Youare farmorepowerful thanyou realize.Youare creating everything inyourlife.Onceyoufullyacknowledgethis,andtakeresponsibilityforit,youcandoanything thatyousetyourmind to.Youare theauthorofyourownlife,andyoucanchoosetotakeitinanydirectionyouwish.




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Weknowfrompolygraph,orliedetectortests,thatyourbodyreactstoyourthoughts.Theychangeyourtemperature,heartrate,bloodpressure,breathingrate,muscletension,andhowmuchyourhandsmaysweat.Let’ssayyouarehooked up to a lie detector and asked a question like, “Did you take themoney?” If you did take themoney and you lie about it, your handsmaysweat,orgetcolder,yourheartwillbeat faster,yourbloodpressurewillgoup,yourbreathingwillgetfaster,andyourmuscleswilltighten.Thesekindsofphysiologicalreactionsoccurnotonlywhenyouarelying,butinreactiontoeverythoughtyouhave.Everysinglecellinyourbodyisaffectedbyeverysinglethoughtyouhave!



Soyoucanseetheimportanceoflearningtothinkaspositivelyaspossible.Negative thoughts are toxic, and they affect your body in a negative way.They weaken you, make you perspire, create muscular tension, and evencreate a more acidic environment within your body. They increase thelikelihoodofcancer(cancercells thriveinanacidicenvironment)andotherdisease. They also send out a negative energy vibration and attract moreexperiencesofthesamevibration.

Positivethoughts,ontheotherhand,willaffectyourbodyinapositiveway.They will make you feel more relaxed, more centered and alert. Theystimulate the release of endorphins in your brain, reducing pain andincreasing pleasure. In addition to this, your positive thoughts send out apositiveenergyvibrationthatwillattractmorepositiveexperiencesbackintoyourlife.



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Mostofusarefairlyawareofourconscious thoughts,but it is important tobecomeawareofoursubconsciousthoughtsaswell.Oursubconsciousmindis pretty much running the show, and since most of us have a constantnegative tapeplaying inourheads,wearecontinually sendingoutnegativemessages. You must learn to reprogram your subconscious mind andtransform your negative internal thoughts into healthy, positive ones. Bylookingcloselyatyourbeliefsandself-image,youcanworkoneliminatinganylimitingornegativeideas.Thisnegativeself-talkislikeatypeofstatic,orinterferenceonaphonecall.Itwillinterferewith,distort,andevenblockthefrequenciesofyourpositiveintentions.Ifnotremoved,itwillreduceyourabilitytocreateandmanifestthefutureyoudesire.





Unfortunately,manyofushaveafairlystubborntendencytoholdontoouroldnegativethoughtsandself-images.It’sourcomfortzone—we’vebecomeaccustomedtoourfamiliarconceptsofreality,andwetendtogetstuckinoursubconscious beliefs of inadequacy, fear, and doubt.Most of these limitingthoughtsandfeelingsstemfrompast incidents,beliefs,andexperiencesthatwe’ve internalizedover theyearsand turned intoourpersonal truths.Thesenegative concepts can sabotage us and keep us from realizing our fullestgrowthandpotentialunlesswemakeaconsciousdecision toaddress them,releasethem,andletthemgo.

Thinkabout tryingtodriveacarwith theparkingbrakeon.Nomatterhow

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muchyou try to accelerate, theparkingbrakewill keep slowingyoudown,but as soon as you release it—you will automatically and effortlessly gofaster. Your limiting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are like a type ofpsychological parkingbrake.Theywill dragyoudownand slowyoudownunless youmake a committed effort to let them go and replace themwithmorepositivethoughtsandbeliefs.

Youmustbewilling to releaseyournegativementalprogrammingand stepoutofyourcomfortzoneinordertomakeroomforapositive,healthyself-imageandbeliefsystem.Thiswillshiftyourenergyvibrationandallowyoutomoreeasilyandeffectivelyattractthepositiveenergyandexperiencesthatyoudesireinyourlife.

Beliefs are just your habitual thoughts, and they can be changed throughaffirmations, positive self-talk, behavioral changes, and visualizationtechniques. These are all extremely effective tools in releasing these oldnegative thought patterns, and we will address each of these powerfultechniquesinthechapterstocome.

Ifyoufindthatyournegativeprogrammingissodeeplyrootedthatyouareexperiencinggreatdifficulty in lettinggo, thenyoumaywant to tryanotherapproach. Ihavediscovered threeverypowerful releasing techniques.Theyareextremelyeffectiveinthereleaseofnegativethoughtpatterns,beliefs,andemotions.Theyare:



Each of these websites contains information on books, audio courses, andseminarsthatwillhelpyoulearnhowtoquicklyandpowerfullyreleaseyournegativementalprogrammingandreturntoaplaceofpureawareness.

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Theconsciousmindisthepartofyouthatthinksandreasons—it’sthepartofyourmindthatyouusetomakeeverydaydecisions.Yourfreewilllieshere,andwithyourconsciousmind,youcandecidejustwhatyouwanttocreateinyour life.With thispartofyourmindyoucanacceptorrejectanyidea.Nopersonorcircumstancecanforceyoutothinkconsciouslyaboutthoughtsorideas you do not choose. The thoughts you do choose, of course, willeventuallydeterminethecourseofyourlife.Withpractice,andalittlebitofdisciplinedeffort,youcanlearntodirectyourthoughtstoonlythosethatwillsupport themanifestationofyourchosendreamsandgoals.Yourconsciousmindispowerful,butitisthemorelimitedpartofyourmind.


Your subconsciousmind is actuallymuchmore spectacular. It is frequentlyreferredtoasyourspiritualoruniversalmind,anditknowsnolimitsexceptforthosethatyouconsciouslychoose.Yourself-imageandyourhabitsliveinyoursubconsciousmind.Itfunctionsineverysinglecellofyourbody.ThisisthepartofyourmindthatisconnectedtoyourHigherSelfatamuchgreater

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Yoursubconsciousmindishabitualandtimeless,anditworksinthepresenttense only. It stores your past learning experiences and memories, and itmonitorsallofyourbodilyoperations,motorfunctions,heartrate,digestion,etc.Yoursubconsciousmindthinksliterally,anditwillaccepteverythoughtthatyourconsciousmindchoosestothink.Ithasnoabilitytorejectconceptsor ideas.Now,what thatmeans is thatwecan choose touseour consciousmind to deliberately reprogram our subconscious beliefs, and thesubconscious mind has to accept the new ideas and beliefs; it can’t rejectthem.

We can actually make a conscious decision to change the content of oursubconsciousmind!

As you can see, the subconscious mind is far more powerful than theconsciousmind.Think of yourmind as an iceberg.The part of the icebergyousee,thepartabovewater,isyourconsciousmind.Itrepresentsonlyaboutonesixthofyouractualmentalcapacity,andthepartbelowwater(theother

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fivesixths)isyoursubconsciousmind.Whenweoperateprimarilyfromtheconsciousmind(aswetypicallydo)weareonlyusingafractionofourtruepotential. The conscious mind is a much slower and more cumbersomevehiclethanthesubconsciousmind.

So, thegoalhere is to learn to tap into thevast powerofour subconsciousmindinordertouseittoouradvantage.Wemustcreateroomineachdayto“check in” with our subconscious spiritual mind. Daily time spent quietlywithout any external distractionswill strengthen our connection towhowereally are.We can connectwith our subconsciousmind through the use ofseveral techniques. They include: affirmations, visualization, prayer,contemplation and meditation, gratitude and appreciation, and the use ofpositivefocustechniques.

Oursubconsciousmindcan takeuswherewewant togoandhelpus reachourgoals in lifemuch faster andmoreeasily thanour consciousmindevercould. So, by connectingwith and utilizing the amazing speed, power, andagilityofoursubconsciousminds,wecanbegintousetheLawofAttractioninadeliberatewaytomoreeffectivelyattractandcreatetheresultswedesire.





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Your emotions are a critical component in the application of the Law ofAttraction.Learn to listen to them—theyarean important internal feedbacksystemthattellsyouofyourbody’svisceralresponsetothevibrationalstateyou are creating.You are creating this vibrational frequencywithwhateveryouaregivingyour attention to—the thoughtsyou are thinking, thebeliefsyouarecontemplating,thetelevisionshowyouarewatching,themusicyouare listening to, the book you are reading, withwhatever activity you areengagedin.

Yourfeelingsarepartofyourinternalguidancesystem.Whenyouarefeelingjoyandasenseofexpansion,itsimplymeansyouareoncourse—the thingsyouarefocusingon,thethoughtsyouarethinkingorcreating,theideasyouareentertaining,andtheactivitiesyouareengagedinareactivelymovingyouinthedirectionofyourpurpose,dreams,anddesires.

When you are feeling anger, sadness, depression, and hopelessness—anyfeelingsthatgiveyouasenseofphysicalcontraction—thenyouarethinkingthoughtsandattendingtothingsthatarenottakingyoutowardyourpurpose,dreams, or desires. This is feedback that is saying that you are off course.Youremotionsaretellingyouthatit’stimetoswitchgears.Theyaretellingyouthatit’stimetothinkamoreupliftingthought,changeyourfocus,changethe channel, change the topic of discussion, and go do something differentthatwillshiftyourenergyandbringyoufeelingsofjoyandexpansion.


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Since your vibrational state iswhat attracts the objects of your desire, it isimperativetokeepyouremotionsaspositiveaspossible.Strivetokeepyouremotions in the positive range—feelings like joy, love, happiness,exhilaration,satisfaction,relief,pride,appreciation,relaxation,andserenity.

These feelings will raise your vibrational level and create a “vibrationalmatch” for the experiences that you expect to have when your dreams docometofruition.Remember,likeattractslike.Thatwhichislikeuntoitselfisdrawn.So, by deliberately creating the positive emotional states thatmatchthefeelingswewillhaveonthecompletionandfulfillmentofourgoalsanddesires,wearecreatinganenergyfieldthatwillattractwhatwewant.Thisisalsowhylearningtorespondtocircumstancesinsteadofjustreactingtothem,andtherebymanagingyouremotionalmoods,issoimportant.

So, do the things thatmake you feel good—be passionate and enthusiasticaboutyour life!Whenyoufeelemotionsfullyanddeeply,youradiatemoreintense frequencies into the universe. The stronger and more intense yourfeelings are, the more accelerated the process of vibrational attractionbecomes.

Itisabsolutelyessentialthatyoufindthetimetodothethingsthatyouloveto do and take care of yourself in thisway—nomatter how busy your lifealreadyis.

Researchers are discovering that what you are feeling is actually far moreimportantthanwhatyouarethinkingorsaying.Youremotionsneverlie.Theyarethetrueindicatorofthethoughtsyouarehavingandwhetherornotyouareactinginaccordancewithyourpersonaltruth,yourheartfeltdesires.Don’tignorethemortrytoreasonyourfeelingsaway.First,justnoticethem.Iftheyare not in the positive range (hope, expectation, acceptance, appreciation,love, and joy), either release them or simply choose a better thought. This

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means choosing a thought that creates a better feeling, or simply changingwhatitisthatyouaredoing,anddoingsomethingthatyouenjoyinstead.Goforawalk,putsomemusicon,petthecat,takechargeanddosomething toshiftyoubackintothispositiverangeofemotions!




Remember,joyisyourinternalguidancesystem.Itisyourveryownpersonalinternal feedback device. Ifyouare feelingexcited,happy, and joyful, thenchances are that you are on the right track, living in alignment with yourpersonal truth. Ifyouare feelingdepressed,sad,ormiserable,youprobablyarenot.It’sassimpleasthat.Whenyouareinastateofjoyorhappiness,youare doing something right, so keep doing it. Pay attention to how you arefeeling,andkeepyourcompassheadingsetfor“joy.”Yourhappinessatthisverymomentisthekeytoattractingmorehappinessinthefuture.

Now, inaddition to this internal feedback,youarealsoconstantly receivingexternal feedback—messages from the universe. This feedback comes inmany forms. It consists of the subtle andnot so subtle signals that yougetfrom other people, situations, and events in your life. You have surelyexperienced those times when things just seem to “click,” and everythingcomestogetherforyousmoothlyandeffortlessly.Youfeelsupportedinyouractionsandendeavors.This isexternal feedback tellingyou thatyouareoncourse.

Instarkcontrast,therearetimeswhenyoumeetresistanceateveryturn,andnothing seems togowell, nomatter howhardyou try.This is theuniverseprovidingexternalfeedbacktoprotectyouandletyouknowthatyouareoffcourse.Youareswimmingupstream,against thecurrent.Theseinternalandexternalfeedbacksystemswill letyouknowwhenyouareontherightpath

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Naturally,therewillbetimesinourliveswhensadness,grief,andsorrowarepresent. There is a natural ebb and flow in life, and without the lows, wewould not appreciate the highs. Without the darkness, we would notappreciate the light. These painful times are often highly underratedopportunitiesforemotionalandspiritualgrowth.Theycanprovideuswithamuchneeded frameof referenceandhelpusbycontrastandcomparison torecognizeandappreciatethemanyblessingsinourlives.

Itisobviouslymoredifficulttokeepourthoughtsandfeelingspositiveinthefaceofpainanddarkness.Justknowthatyoudohaveachoiceabouthowyourespond to or perceive any situation. There really are no “good” or “bad”eventsinourlives;wejusthaveourownpreconceivedideasandperceptionsaboutcertainthingsthatmakethemsoforus.Everythingthathappensinourlivesprovidesanopportunitytogrowinsomeway.Trytorememberthatanyseemingly negative event can also become the seed of something beautifulandbeneficial.





Youmay have noticed thatwhen you are feeling grateful, happy, or joyful

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there is a sense of lightness and expansion. You feel connected. You feelalive!Thisisyournaturalstateofbeing.Thisiswhatyourlifewasintendedtobe.Strivetoliveinastateofjoy,wonder,andgratitude.Theseexpansivepositiveemotionsfeelgoodandraiseyourvibrationalfrequency.Inthisplaceof loveand joy,youareonewithGod, andyouareamagnet for allof thebeautyandabundancethattheworldhastooffer.

Negativeemotions,ontheotherhand,suchashatred,anger,jealousy,andfearcreate theopposite effect.They loweryour vibrational frequency andmakeyou feel anxious, tense, and constricted. They can create physical ailmentsand disease. Negative emotions invariably create a sense of separation, afeelingofdisconnection.Theyarelikeastonewall—abarriertothejoythatis who you really are. These emotions will effectively block the flow ofpositive energy into your life and will only serve to attract more negativeenergy.

So, if you have been holding onto feelings of anger, fear, resentment, orbetrayal, now is the time to let them go. Release those old thoughts andpatternsofbehavior,andstartlivinginthepresent.Byfocusingonyourpainor anger, you are only drawing even more negative and unhealthycircumstancesintoyourlife.Youneedtomakeroomforthepositivefeelingsandexperiencesthatyouwanttoattract.




Theactofforgivenessisanecessaryandtrulytransformationalprocess.Youmustbewilling to forgiveanypersonorsituation thathascausedyoupain,andreleasethem.Byhangingontooldnegativethoughtsandemotionsyouareonlyharmingyourselfandattractingevenmorenegativeenergy.It’sbeen

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saidthatwhenyouareunwillingtoforgivesomeone,it’slikedrinkingpoisonandwaitingfor theotherpersontogetsick!So, justbless thepersonor thesituation andwish themwell. Forgive them, let themgo, and bewilling toforgiveyourselfaswell,ifneedbe.

Byacknowledgingyourpositivepastandreleasingyournegativepast—youcanmakeroomforabeautifulfuture.Trueforgivenessisextremelycathartic—itwill cleanseyouand setyou free. It is an incrediblypowerfulprocess,onethatwillimmediatelyshiftyoufromaplaceofpainandangertoahighervibrationalfrequencyoflove.



SincetheLawofAttractionrespondstotheenergyvibrationofyourthoughtsandemotions,youneed to focusyourattentionon the things thatbringyouintoastateofpositivevibration.ManyexpertsontheLawofAttractionsaythatnothingismoreimportantthanfeelinggood.So,findthetimetodothethingsthatbringyoujoyandmakeyouhappy.Listentothemusicyoulove.Takeawalkonthebeach.Dosomethingniceforsomeoneelse.Treatyourselfwell.Makeaconsciousdecisiontochoosethoughtsthatarepositiveandtobeavibrationalmatchforwhatyouwanttoattractintoyourlife.Beintentionalanddeliberateinyourcreationofpositivefeelingsandcircumstances,andtheuniversewillrespondaccordingly.




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Remember, nobody else can tell you how to feel. Only you canmake thatdecision. If you findyourself feelingbad, thenyouneed to look atwhat iscreating thenegative feelings—it’s not the external things, it’syou, and thejudgments,beliefs,ideas,andthoughtsyouhaveaboutthoseexternalthings.So,thewayyouchoosetoperceiveasituationwilldetermineyouremotionalresponse,andyoucandeliberatelychoosetoseeanythingandeverythinginapositivelight.









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So,it’sreallyimportanttofocusonwhatyoudowant,notonwhatyoudon’twant.Stateyourdesiresinapositiveway.Yourmindworksinpictures,soifyou say “I don’t want to be mad,” you are creating the picture and thevibrationofbeing“mad.”Theuniverseonlyreceivesthefrequencyof“mad”andrespondstothat.Youmustfocusontheoppositeofwhatyoudon’twant.Inthiscase,itwouldbeabetterchoicetosay“Iwanttobemorelovingandacceptingofthewaythingsare.”





Forexample:Whenyouare“against”something,youareactuallyrecreatingit.Youarecreatingmoreoftheverythingthatyouwanttoeliminate!Ifyouare “antiwar,” think again. The operative word here is “war,” and that is

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exactlywhatyouwillgetmoreof.Abetterchoice is tobe“propeace.”Theuniversewill receive thevibrationof“peace”and respondaccordingly.Thewaron terrorismhascreatedmore terrorism.Violenceattractsviolence,andloveattractsmorelove.

Makethissimplechangeinyourlife.Makeaconsciousefforttorestructurethewayyouthinkandspeak,andavoidgivinganyunnecessaryenergytothethings you don’t want in your life. Whenever possible, avoid subjectingyourself, your thoughts, and your emotions to the negative people andinfluencesinyourlife.



Be aware that negativity can be very insidious. It sneaks into our livesthrough the eveningnews and thedailypaper. It is so commonplace that italmostseemsnormal—wehavebecomenearlyimmunetoourdailydosesofwar, crime, violence, and corruption.Make a stand here. Refuse to give ityourattention.Refusetogiveityourfocus.Youhavetostopattendingtothethingsyoudon’twant.Stoptalkingaboutthem,stopreadingaboutthem,andstoptalkingabouthowbadtheyare.Focusonlyonwhatyouwanttoattractmoreof.Remember,whereyourattentiongoes,yourenergyflows.

It’s not surprising that most of us have a tendency to phrase things in anegativeway,withoutnecessarilymeaningtodoso.It’ssimplyabadhabit.Rememberfromthispointontofocusonlyonwhatitisthatyoudowant.Dothis not only with your own internal thoughts, but in your communicationwithothers,aswell.Trytoavoidtheuseofanylimitingornegativelanguage.Everysinglethoughtyouhave,andeverywordyouspeak,sendsamessagetothe universe. You are continually placing your order for your future lifeexperiences.


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Thinkabout thisforamoment.Ifyoutellsomeone“Don’tknockthatglassover, you’ll spill the milk,” what is the image that pops into your mind?Naturally,youenvisionaglassbeingknockedoverandapuddleofmilk.Youneedtoavoidcreatingthethought,thepicture,andtheenergyvibrationofthethingyoudon’twant...andstayfocusedonthosethoughtsandimagesthatareinharmonywithwhatyoudowanttocreateinyourlife.Bydoingso,youwillalsoavoidimplantingtheimageofwhatyoudon’twantinthemindsofothers...andintheuniversalmind!

Wehaveatendencytofocusonwhatwedon’twantinsomanyareasofourlives,evenwhenitcomestoourownhealth.Thinkofhowoftenwhenfacedwith an illness or disease we become completely preoccupied with theproblemandnot thedesiredoutcome.We tend togiveour focusentirely totheillness,andallthatitentails,insteadoffocusingonbeinghealthy.Sincewhatyoufocusonexpands,youwant todirectyourenergyandthoughts tothose of being well. Keep your thoughts positive and optimistic, and see

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yourselfashealthyandwhole.Yourpositiveenergy,thoughts,visualizations,affirmations, prayer, and meditation combined with whatever medicaltreatment you choose to seek will serve to enhance the healing process.Remember,ineveryaspectofyourlifekeepyourfocusasmuchaspossibleonwhatitisthatyoudowantandnotonthatwhichyoudon’twant.





Think about how much time we typically spend each day discussing ourproblemsandfocusingonwhat’swrongwithourlives.Fromnowon,makeacommitment toshiftyourenergy,andstart thinkingandspeaking inamorepositiveway.Makeitapointtostartfocusingonwhatisrightinyourlife!

Startpayingattentiontowhereyourattentionisgoing!Youwillbesurprisedto realize just how frequently you think, speak, or act with your focusinadvertently on the opposite ofwhat you reallywant. Remember, you arealwaysattractingsomething,sostopattractingwhatyoudon’twantandstartattractingwhatyoudowant.Directyourattentiononlytothosethingsthatareworthyofitandthatareindirectalignmentwithyourdreamsandgoals.

Bytheway,it’sOKtonoticewhatyoudon’twant.Justuseitasafirststepintheprocessofdecidingwhatyoudowant,andtry togetoutof thehabitofgiving itsomuchofyourenergyandattention.Thinkaboutwhatyoudon’twantjustlongenoughtohelpidentifywhatitisthatyoudowant.Thiswilltellyoubycomparisonwhatitisthatyouwouldratherhaveandhelpprovideyouwithsomeclarity.Remembertoredirectyourfocusbacktothepositive,andmoveon.


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Anythingyouwishforcanfloweffortlesslyintoyour life ifyouunderstandandapplytheLawofAttraction.Weliveinaworldthatseemstoemphasizescarcityandlack,andyetthetruthis, thisisanabundantuniverse.Thereisno scarcity, there is no lack. There ismore than enough food,money, joy,happiness,spiritualfulfillment,andloveforeveryone.

Ifyouwanttocreateanabundanceofloveinyourlife,thenfocusonlove.Bethe loveyouwant toattract.Becomemore lovingandgenerouswithothersandwithyourself.Bycreating thevibrationof love,youwill automaticallydrawmoreloveintoyourlife.Focusonwhateveritisthatyouwanttocreatemoreofinyourlife,andremembertobegratefulforthatwhichyoualreadyhave.Gratitudeitselfisaformofabundance,andthevibrationalfrequencyofgratitudeandappreciationwillautomaticallyattractevenmoretobegratefulfor.




Forexample:Ifyouwanttocreatefinancialabundanceinyourlife,thenstartby focusing on prosperity and money flowing into your life. Envision thecheckscominginthemail.Writeyourselfacheckforthesumofmoneyyouwishtomanifestthisyear,andpostitinavisiblelocation.Everytimeyousee

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it,believe that it is possible.Make a donation to your favorite charity, andknow thatyoucanaffordit.Youmustbewillingtogive inordertoreceive.Imagine just how amazing it will feel to have complete financial freedom.Envision thevarious thingsyouwilldo, theplacesyouwillgo, andhow itwillchangeyourlife.Reallyletyourselffeelitasthoughitwerealreadyso.Now, think of howyouwill use your financial prosperity to contribute andgive back within your community. Imagine how good it will feel to helpothers and to really make a difference in their lives. Remember to take amoment tobe thankful foreverything thatyoualreadyhave.Bydoing this,youarecreatingavibrationalmatchforthefinancialabundancethatyouwanttoattractintoyourfuturelife.

Now,thisdoesn’tmeanthatyoushouldn’talsotakeaction.Itsimplymeansthatinordertocreateandreceiveabundanceinyourlifeyoumustbewillingtomovetowardyourgoalsonaninternallevelaswellasonanexternallevel.You must be clear about your desires (in this case, financial abundance)believeitwillhappen,andasanextensionofyourbelief,youmustbewillingto take all the normal logical action steps thatmake sense, alongwith anyinspiredactionsthatoccurtoyou.Youmustbewillingtofollowyourinspiredimpulses,maintainavibrationalmatchforwhatyouwanttoattract,andtrustthattheresultsarealreadybeingcreatedforyou.Youarenolongerfightingthecurrent,butmovingeffortlesslydownstreamwiththenaturalrhythmandflowoflife.





Theentireuniversewillsupportyouabundantlyineverywaywhenyouaremoving with this kind of purpose and intention in the direction of your

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dreams.Itwillrespondtothevibrationofyourpassionandcommitment.So,start paying attention to the many synchronicities in your life and becomeaware of all the opportunities, ideas, people, and resources that you areattracting. Be open to them, and be willing to think outside the box. Newopportunitieswilloftenpresentthemselvesinsurprisingways.Dowhatyoulovetodo,bepassionateaboutit,andbelieveinyourself.


There is no order of difficulty in the universe; and there is no scarcity ofmoney in theworld. Ifyouarecurrently indebt, then figureoutapaymentplan, commit to it, and then shift your focus away from the debt, and startfocusingonthewealthyouarecreatinginstead.



Basically, theuniversewill respondabundantly to thevibrationofwhateveryouarepassionateabout,focusedupon,committedto,andtothatwhichyoutruly believe is possible. Whatever you focus on expands, so don’t allowyourself to entertain any limiting thoughts or beliefs. Focus your thoughts,feelings, and energy instead on expansiveness and on the unlimitedpossibilitiesbeforeyou.Use thepowerofyourconsciousandsubconsciousmindtocreateavibrationalmatchfortheabundanceyoudesireanddeserve.

Besuretoalsotakethetimetoappreciatealloftheamazingabundancethatisalreadypresent inyour life, andopenyourself up to receivingall the goodthattheuniversehastooffer.ThroughtheLawofAttraction,theuniversewillrespondtothevibrationofyoursinceregratitudeandappreciationwithevengreaterabundance.


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Eachoneofusisbornwithauniquelifepurpose.Weareallhereforareason,andweareallheretoserveeachother.Wearelikeindividualcellsinabody,eachofusperformingourownuniquefunctionsandcollectivelyservingthebeingasawhole.Alifeofpurposeisnotonlyatrueexpressionofwhoyoureallyare—itisyourgifttotheworld—andtheworldneedswhatyouhavetooffer. When you are living your life “on purpose,” you will find greaterfulfillmentandjoyinallthatyoudo.Theuniversewillsupportyouinallofyour endeavors when you are living in alignment with your purpose, yourpassion,andyourinnertruth.



So,youmust take the timeto lookdeeplywithinyourselfand identifyyourown personal mission and purpose in life. This is best done through quietcontemplation,prayer,andmeditation,butthereareafewthingsthatyoucandorightnowtogetstarted.Youcanbeginbyinternalizingthefactthattherearenoaccidents,andthatyouareindeedhereontheplanetforareason.Youhaveapurposeinthislifeandinthisworld,andyourcontributionmatters.

Mostofusarenotreallyquiteclearaboutwhatourpurposeis—wehaven’treallytakenthetimetosearchoursoulsanddiscoverourtruecalling.We’vegottensidetrackedwithbills, responsibilities,work,and too littlespare timetoevenfindoutwhatitisthatwereallyenjoy.Thisisacompromisetowhoyoureallyareandwhatyouhavetooffertheworld.Youmustgiveprioritytodiscovering your real mission in life. You are not living to your fullest

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Here’s how it works. You’ve been given clues to your purpose throughoutyourentirelife.Youhaveyourowncompletelyuniquegifts,talents,interests,strengths,andqualities—andyouaremeanttousethem.Thethingsthatbringyouthegreatestjoyinlifeandmakeyoufeelreallyaliveareanothercluetoyourpurpose.So,whatitboilsdowntoisreallyquitesimple:youaremeantto dowhat brings you joy, and your gifts and talents aremeant to be yourcontributiontotheworld.Alifelivedwithpurposeandintentionisonethatwillhonorandnourishyourspiritonthedeepestlevelwhilesimultaneouslycontributingtotheworldaroundyou.


Takeafewmomentsofstill,quiettimetoclearyourmindofanydistractions.The techniques below are away to logically begin the process of definingyourpurpose,butyouwillultimatelywanttoanswerthesequestionsfromadeeperplaceofconsciousnessthroughprayerandmeditation,aswell.

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What are the common characteristics of your answers to all of thesequestions?



Now, take your answers from these questions and your list and consolidatethemintotwoorthreecompletesentences.Youareintheprocessofdefiningyour life purpose—your personal mission statement based upon who youauthenticallyareandyouruniqueinterests,gifts,talents,andpassions.

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Bycreatingyour lifepurposestatementyouaredefiningwhoyouare,whoyouwanttobe,andhowyouwanttoshowupintheworld.Now,openyourmind and your heart to the possibilities that already exist. Listen for theanswers to your prayers, and become aware of the ideas, inspiration, andopportunitiesthatpresentthemselves.

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Things will begin to unfold for you as exactly as they are meant to—andwithinthetimeframethatwillserveyourhighestgood.Followyourinspiredthoughtsand ideas,anddreambig.Youdon’thave toknowexactlyhow toturn your mission statement into reality yet—once you have defined yourpurpose,justbeopentothevariouspossibilitiesthatariseforyou.Bewillingtoletgo,andletGod.




Wheneveryouaredoingwhatyouloveandarepassionateabout,theuniversewillautomaticallyrespondthroughtheLawofAttractionandsupportyouineveryway.Imagineyourlifeandyourworkfilledwithmeaning,purpose,andpassion! Imaginehowgood it feels todowhatyou love,have fundoing it,makemoneyandmakeasignificantdifferenceintheworld.

Thehappiestandmostsuccessfulpeopleinlifearethosewhohavemanagedtostructuretheircareersandactivitiesaroundtheirgiftsandpassionsinlife.By doing so, they have attracted all of the ideas, resources, people, andfinances that were needed to create the lives of their dreams. They havecreatedavibrationalmatchforjoyandabundanceintheirlivesbyidentifyingtheirpurpose,believing in theirdreams,andmoving forwardconfidently inthedirectionoftheirgoalsanddesires.

Start living consciously and “on purpose.” Everything that you do, everyactivity that you participate in, should be in alignmentwith your joy, yourhigher truth, and your mission in life. Don’t withhold your true gifts andtalentsfromtheworldanylonger.Alife livedwithpurposeandintentionisonethatisfulfillingoneverylevel.Workismeanttobefun,lifeismeanttobe fun, and theworld needswhat you have to offer!Youwere put on this

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Givedeepthoughttowhatyouwanttocreateinyourlife.Considereachofthevariousareasofyourlifeandfocusonwhatyoudowant,notwhatyoudon’t.Get in touchwithyour inner truth,yourauthenticdreams,goals,andyour heartfelt desires. Honor these and own them without fear, shame, orinhibition.Yourdreamsanddesiresarenotsubjecttoanyoneelse’sapproval.They are yours and yours alone, but you have to define them in order toachievethem.

You deserve to havewhatever you trulywant in your life, and all of yourdreamsarevalidiftheyareimportanttoyou.Itdoesn’tmatterifyourdreamis a romantic relationship, a new car, a new skill, a vacation, or financialprosperity.Bytheway,contrarytopopularbelief,thereisnothingwrongwithdesiringfinancialwealth.Youcandoalotofgoodintheworldwithgreaterfinancial assets in the bank. It is only the attachment to money that canbecomeproblematic,sojustrememberthatyoumustgiveinordertoreceive,andkeepyourintentionshigh.

Your dreams and aspirations should serve to ignite the passionwithin you,andthispassionwillnotonlyinspireyoutoachievethem,itwillalsosendapositivevibrationalfrequencyoutintotheworld.Naturally,throughtheLawofAttraction,theuniversewillrespondaccordingly.

Rememberthatallthingsarepossible.Don’tlimitorcensoryourvisionsforthefuture.Youmustbelieveinyourselfandbelievethatyouareworthy.Keepall of your actions, dreams, goals, and desires in alignment with your lifepurpose.Decidewhatyoureallywantyourfuturetolooklike.

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Doyou have any ideawhat your personal goals and aspirations really are?Haveyouidentifiedyourlifepurpose?Whatisitthatyoulovetodo?Whatareyoupassionateabout?Whatdoyouwant toaccomplish?Wheredoyouwant to go?What do youwant to be?How can you give to others?Whatcausesspeaktoyou?Whatareyourintentions?

Unfortunately, most of us have given very little time or thought to thesequestions.We’ve gotten so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our dailyroutines thatwe justhaven’t taken the time.We’reprettygoodat itemizing

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thethingsthathaven’tbeengoingsowellandthethingswehavetocomplainabout.So,we’reprettyclearaboutwhatwedon’twant,butwehaven’tgivenmuchconsiderationtowhatwedowant.Inordertoattractwhatyouwantinyour life, youmust first take the time to clearly identify your dreams anddesires.




Thinkofitlikethis.WhenyougointoyourlocalStarbucks®andplaceyourorder,doyousay“Idon’twanttea,”or“Idon’twantanespresso,”or“Idon’twant cappuccino?” Of course not! You place your order for a tall, nonfatmocha,easychocolate,extrawhippedcreamwithtotalclarityandspecificity—andtheabsoluteconfidencethatyouwillgetexactlywhatyouordered.

TooperateinharmonywiththeLawofAttraction,youmustplaceyourorderforlifeinmuchthesameway.Youneedtoclarifyyourgoals,andbespecific.Stop settling forwhatever just happens to come yourway in life, and takeownershipofthefactthatyoucanactivelyparticipateinthecreationofyourownfuturebyclearlystatingyourdesires.

Thebottomlineis,ifyoudon’treallyknowexactlywhatyouareaskingfor,thenhowcanyouexpecttogetit?So,itisimperativethatyoutakethetimetodecidewhatyou reallywant toattract inyour life,write itdown,andbeperfectlyclearaboutit.



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Yourdreamlistwillbeacomprehensiveoverviewofyourdreams,goalsanddesires. Itwill representwhat youwant to be, do, have, and achieve in allareasofyourlife.Lateronyouwillwanttoprioritizeyourlistandfocusyourattentiononcertainareas,but fornowit isbest togoaheadand lookat thebiggerpicture.Therearea few techniquesyoucanuse tohelpyou identifyyourdesiresandclarifyyourgoals.

The first technique is the creation of “T-chart.” This type of chart (see theexamplewehaveprovided) isaveryeffectiveway to identifywhatyoudowantinyourlifebylookingjustbrieflyatthethingsyoudon’twant.Considereachofthesevenkeyareasofyourlife.Addressoneareaorsubjectatatime,such as career, personal goals, or relationships, and decide what yourparticular topic within that area is. For instance, within the relationshipcategory of your life youmaywant to focus on a topic such as “My IdealRomantic Relationship” and start bywriting downwhat you don’twant inthatareaofyourlifeinonecolumn,andtheninanothercolumnturnitaroundintoanoppositestatement,sayingwhatitisthatyoudowant.

IsuggestcreatingaT-chartforeachareaofyourlifeandlistingwhatitisthatyoudon’twant on the left side, then listingwhat youdowant on the rightside,statedinapositiveway.Therearechartsforeachareaofyourlifeonthepagestofollow.



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Usethechartsthatappearonthefollowingpagesforeachofthesevenareasinyourlife.Thiswillhelpyouclarifyyourgoalsanddesires.Whenyouhavecompletedthem,gobackandcrossoffthe“don’twant”listontheleftsideofeachchart.Fromnowon,justusetherightsideofeachlistandstayfocusedon what you do want in your life. There is no need to give any furtherattentionorenergytothelistofwhatyoudon’twant.Bytheway,thesimpleactofcrossingoutwhatyoudon’twantisempowering,anditfeelsgood!

Whenyouarefinished,combinethelistsofwhatyoudowantintoonesinglelist.Youcanuse theDreamListpageswehaveprovided,orusea separatepiece of paper. Be sure to write out your dreams and goals in completesentences,andleavesomeroomforexpansion.


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Thequestionsonthepreviouspagemayinspireyouandhelpyouidentifyanyadditional dreams, goals, and desires. Take your time; give these questionssomeserious thoughtandconsiderationandaddanyof these responses thatyouwishtoyourdreamlist.

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Atagefifteen,JohnGoddard,theworldfamousadventurer,madealistof127goalshewantedtoachievebeforehedied.TheyincludedthingslikevisitingtheGreatPyramids, learning toscubadive, seeing theGreatWallofChina,climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, and reading the entire Encyclopedia ofBritannica.Heisnowinhisseventies,andhehasachieved109ofthegoalsonhislist.

In his late twenties, Lou Holtz, the former football coach of Notre Dame,wrotedown108goalsthathewantedtoachieve,includingwinninganationalchampionship, eating dinner at the White House, meeting the pope, andlandingaplaneonanaircraftcarrier.Heisalsoinhisseventies,andhehasachieved102ofhisgoals.

Inspiredbybothstories, Imadea listof109goals seventeenyearsago.Sofar, I have achieved sixty-three of those goals. The goals I have alreadyachievedrangefromthingsliketypingfiftywordsaminutetoappearinginamovie, learning to skiandwindsurf,writingabestsellingbook, traveling tovarious exotic locations, buyingmy dream house, and having a syndicatednewspapercolumn.

Bywritingdownyourown listof101goals (seecharton followingpages)

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and reviewing your list every week or so, you will activate the Law ofAttractiontosetupthecircumstancesthatwillhelpyoutoachievethem.Youwill begin to notice all kinds of seemingly miraculous events occurring inyourlife.Somegoalswilltakeyoulongertoachievethanothers,buttheycanall eventually come true. This list of lifetime goals may inspire someadditionstoyourdreamlist,aswell.



Bytheway,ifyourgoalsanddreamsbenefitothers,aswellasyourself,thenthevibrationofyourintentionresonatesatahigherfrequency.Thinkofwaysto contribute to your family, friends, and community.Be open to finding acausethatreallyspeakstoyoupersonally,andgetinvolvedinit.Starttithingwithyourtimeandyourdonations.Andbecausewereallyareallconnected,yourcommitmenttoothersisalsoacommitmenttoyourself.

As you achieve the various goals on your 101 goal list, you will want tohighlight them, or note the date of your accomplishment. This act alone isempowering, and it is also away to acknowledge theLaw ofAttraction atworkinyourlife.

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Bynowyou shouldhave a reallywell roundeddream list going.Youhavelookedatyourspecificgoalsineachareaofyourlife,andyou’velookedatgoalsforthecourseofyourlifetime.You’veidentifiedyourpurposeandyourdreams, clearly statingwhat youwant to create in your life. Some of yourgoals may be short-term goals, like losing twenty-five pounds or taking avacation in Italy. Othersmay bemore long term, such as transforming theeducationalsystem,increasingenvironmentalawarenessinyourcommunity,orbecomingamillionaire.


Takeafewminutesnowtoprioritizeyourlist.Thinkaboutwhichgoalsanddreamsbestsupportyourpersonalmissionstatement,andwhichonesareofthemost importance toyouat this time inyour life.Highlightorunderlinethose items.Concentrate your focus for right now on just these particulargoals and dreams—the ones that you want to work on first.Your focusedthoughts and energywill facilitate themanifestation of those specific goalsanddreams.

Youwillcomebacktotherestofyourlist—andthesheeractofcreatingthelisthasalreadysentamessagetotheuniverse—butstartwiththethingsthatmeanthemosttoyouatthispointintime.Rememberthatyourdreamsandgoalsmaychangeandevolveover theyears—andasyoucontinue togrowandachievemore,yourgoalswillprobablygrowaswell.






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don’tneed toknoweverysinglestep that itwill take toachieveyourgoals.Justdecidewhatyouwant.Knowthatyoudeserveit.Believeyoucanhaveit,thenreleaseit,andletitgo.Openyourselfuptoinfinitepossibilities.Watchthemiraclesunfold.






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Inthepreviouschapterswe’vediscussednotonlytheLawofAttractionandthewayitworksinourlives,butwe’vealsotakenalookatwhoweare,whatwe are, our connection to universal source, and the rolewe have played increatingourlivesupuntilnow.We’vetakenalookatjusthowpowerfulourthoughtsandemotionsare.We’vediscussed the importanceof releasing thenegativeandstayinginapositiveemotionalstateofattractioninordertobeavibrational match for our dreams and desires. We’ve acknowledged theamazingagilityofourownsubconsciousmindandtheimportanceofutilizingits unlimited potential to help us attract and create the lives we have onlydreamedof in thepast.Wehave also taken the time todefineourpurpose,dreams,andgoals,andtoclarifywhatitisthatwewanttoattractinourlives.

Now that you understand a little bitmore about howyou participate in theprocess of the Law of Attraction, you can begin to take responsibility foreverything that you are currently in the process of attracting into your life.Nowthatyouareawareoftheroleyouplayincreatingyourlife,youcannolonger create your future accidentally or by default! Take this to heart,because this is yourmoment, your time to begin consciously, intentionally,anddeliberatelyparticipatinginthecreationofthefutureyoudesire.

Bynowyouhaveaprettygoodideaofwhoyouare,whoyouwanttobe,andwhereyouwanttogoinlife.Youhaveaclearvisionofwhatitisyouwanttodo,be,andhave.Youactuallyhaveadesiredoutcome,adestinationinmindnow,andit is thisdesiredoutcomethatyouwillwant tofocuson.It’sa lotlikeprogramminganinternalG.P.S.systemtoyourchosendestination.Now

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that you know where you want to go, the universe will guide you therethroughtheLawofAttraction.




Inthechapterstofollow,wewilllookatvariousmethodsandtoolsthatwillhelpyoucreateandmaintainaconstantstateofjoyandpositiveenergy.Wewill address several techniques for stimulating and strengthening yourconnection to your subconsciousmind and inspiring your positive thoughtsand emotions. In this section we will also discuss prayer and meditation,affirmations, visualization, attitude, appreciation, action, and faith.We willaddress how to actively become a vibrational match for what you want todrawintoyourlife.

These toolsand techniqueswillhelpyou tomakeanynecessarychanges inyour life,and theywillhelpyoutoharness thepowerofyoursubconsciousmind,aswellasthepoweroftheuniverse.

It’s time to internalize your new positive emotions, thought patterns, andbeliefs. It’s time to really see the future you desire, feel the emotions itevokes,andbelievethatitispossible.





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Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation. Yourthoughtsandwordsaredeclarationsofwhoyouthinkyouareandhowyouperceivetheworldtobe.Everytimeyouthinkanegativethoughtormakeaself-deprecatingcommentyouareactuallyaffirmingitasyourpersonaltruth.Fortunately,thesameholdstrueforpositivethoughtsandstatements.

Strong, positive affirmations are powerfulmeans of self-transformation andtheyare akeyelement in thecreationof the lifeyoudesire.Theyworkbypurposelyreplacingthelimitingideas,negativebeliefs,andself-talkthatyouhave taken on and internalized over the yearswith positive statements thatassertwhoyouwanttobeandhowyouwanttoexperiencelife.

Thegoalhereistocreatepositive,self-affirming,self-empoweringstatementsthatupliftandinspireyou—thatraiseyouremotionalsetpoint.Therearetwotypes of affirmations that we will be addressing: positive affirmations andgoalspecificaffirmations.




Positiveaffirmations simply affirmyour positive beliefs about yourself and

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Thesesimpledeclarationsofwhoyouwant tobeandhowyouwant tofeelareextremelypowerful,andtheyhelptoreplacethenegative,limitingbeliefsthat you may have taken on in the past. Those old negative subconsciousthoughts are actually reprogrammed through the use of these positiveaffirmationsintostrongpositivefeelingsandimages.

Youwill want to create your own positive affirmations and use them on adailybasis.Wehavecreatedaplaceforyoutowritethemdownonthepagesto follow. All of your affirmations will work best when they are read andrepeatedseveraltimesaday.Beconsistent—itusuallytakesaboutthirtydaysto reprogramyour thoughtpatterns.Sayyourpositiveaffirmationsout loudwithfeeling,andexperiencetheemotionstheyevokeforyou.



For even more powerful results, you can repeat them while making eye

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contactwithyourself in themirror.Affirm just howwonderfulyou are andhowgreat your life is. Feel it, believe it, and fully receive it in all of yourbeing. You are recreating your self-image, building positive attitudes, andinternalizingamorepositivebeliefsystem.



Theseaffirmationsarestatementsthatdescribeagoalinitsalreadycompletedstate, such as “I am celebrating feeling light and alive inmy perfect bodyweight of 135.” These affirmations will help you to create the emotionalexperienceofhavingalreadyattractedwhatit isthatyouwant.Thefeelingsof joy, happiness, exhilaration, excitement, confidence, relief, inner peace,andsoon, are thevibrationalmatch for thephysicalmanifestation thatyouwanttoattract.



These affirmations create a positive expectation that youwill achieve thesegoals,andtheyincreaseyourdesireandmotivationtoactonthesegoalsanddreams.

Inadditiontothat,theyactuallydosomethingprettyamazing.Theybegintoliterallyreprogram the reticularactivatingsystem inyourbrain, so thatyouwillstart tobecomemoreawareofpeople,money,resources,andideasthatwillhelpyouachieveyourgoals.These resourceswerealwayspresent,butyour brainwas actually filtering themout.Through the regular useof youraffirmations you will reprogram the filter and expand your perception andawareness.

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Now,goaheadandtakeafewminutestodevelopyourownpositiveandgoalspecificaffirmations.Createstrongpersonalaffirmations that reinforceyourpositive beliefs and that will replace any of your negative self-talk with astrong positive statement. Use the charts on the following pages and writethemdown.Youmightwanttorefer toyourdreamlist, too,andkeepthosedesiresandgoalsinmindasyouwriteyourgoalspecificaffirmations.

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By repeating and visualizing your affirmations in this way, you aremaximizingtheeffectofeachoneandwhatitmeanstoyoupersonally.TheLaw of Attraction will respond to the energy of the thoughts, images, andfeelings created by each affirmation, and your subconscious mind willrespondby storing the newbeliefs and treating themas reality.Remember,your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between what is real andwhatisvividlyimagined.

Ifyoufind thatnegativeor limiting responses, suchasdoubtorskepticism,keep emerging in yourmind as you are saying your affirmations, then youmaywant to use one of the releasing techniques we referred to in chapterthree.Youcanalsocreatenewaffirmationsthataretheoppositeofeachofthenegativethoughtsandaddthesetoyourdailyroutine.

Make a commitment to use your affirmations every single day. Let thembecome a personal ritual, something you look forward to. This is howwereprogramourselves: throughrepetition,association,andemotion.Thelevelof emotional intensity that you feel while using your affirmations willdeterminetheintensityoftheattractiontheycreate.

You are literally reprogramming your beliefs about yourself and the worldyouliveinwitheachaffirmation.





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Visualization exercises and techniques are incredibly powerful. Somepsychologistsarenowclaimingthatonehourofvisualizationisworthsevenhoursofphysicaleffort.Remember,yoursubconsciousmindcannot tell thedifference between a real experience and a vividly imagined experience. Itcan’t differentiate between your remembering, pretending, or actuallyexperiencing the event. It responds to all of them equally. Through variousvisualization techniques you can fully experience any situation as though itwere real. You can create emotional and physiological responses to thesituation you are visualizing. Your subconscious mind will internalize thisinformation and store it as truth, and the universe will respond to thisvibrationalenergywiththemanifestationthatmatchesit.



Here is an example of a two part visualization exercise that paints a vividpicture in your mind and brings home the fact that your thoughts andemotionsinfluenceyourbody,aswell.

As you read part one, notice howyou feel emotionally and physically, andpay attention to how those feelings and sensations differ in part twoof theexample.


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Takeadeepbreathand letyourself relax . . . Imagine thatyouarestanding in the middle of a small terrace on the top of the tallestskyscraperintheentireworld.Also,imaginethatthisterracehasnorailing...thereisnothingatallbetweenyouandthatverticaldrop.Asyouare standing there, lookdownatyour feet andnoticewhatthe terrace is made out of. Are you standing on tile, concrete,asphalt,wood,orstone?Noticethat theweatherisnice.Thesunisshining, thereisasoftcoolbreeze,andyoucanfeel thewarmthofthesunonyourfaceandyourarms . . .whatnoisescanyouhear?Maybe there are somepigeonsor other birdsup there.Maybeyoucan hear a helicopter flying by or the street noises far below. . . .Now,walkouttotheveryedgeoftheterraceandputyourtoesrightagainsttheedge.Lookdownatthestreetfar,farbelow...seehowincrediblysmalleverythingappearstobefromwayuphere.Asyouaredoingthisnoticehowyouarefeeling....Now,slowlywalkbackto thecenterof the terrace . . . still remembering justhowyoufeltwhenyouwerestandingattheedgeandlookingdown.

Most people will notice some type of emotional and physical reaction. Youmayhave feltyourheart racing,yourpalmssweating,dizziness,ornausea.Youmayhaveexperiencedafeelingoftensionorfear.


Takeadeepbreathandletyourselfrelax...imagineoncemorethatyou are standing on top of the same terrace, on top of the sameskyscraper as before, only this time you have beautiful whitefeatheredwings,andyouaretotallyconfidentinyourabilitytofly.Yourealizethatyouaretotallysafe....So,letyourselfwalktotheedge of the terrace andwhen you get there, just gently bend yourknees,pushoff,andfly....Noticewhatitfeelsliketofly—feelthewindrushingbeneathyourwingsasyousoarandglideeffortlessly

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throughthesky...feeltheexhilarationandthefreedom....Afterawhile, let yourself fly to any place on the planet that you wouldreallyliketoberightnow....Itmightbeafavoritevacationspot,aplaceyou like togowhenyouwant tobealone,oraspecialplaceyouwouldliketogotobewithsomeoneyoucareabout....Whenyougetthere,justletyourselfgentlylandandspendafewmomentsenjoying yourself, doingwhatever youwould like to do there . . .noticehowyoufeelrightnow,physically,andemotionally.

Compare thedifferentemotionalandphysical reactionsyou felt inpartoneand part two of the visualization. Notice the lightness, joy, and sense ofexpansionyoufeelinparttwoofthisexample.

Now,thinkaboutthisforamoment.Youhaven’tgoneanywhere,youhaven’tlefttheroom,you’veonlytakenafewminutestovisuallyimaginethesetwoexperiences, andyet youprobably felt verydistinct anddifferent emotionalandphysiological changesoccurring.Thevivid imagesyou created in yourmindwere completely real to your subconsciousmind, and it responded toyourimaginedexperiencesonanemotionalandphysiologicallevelasthoughtheywereactuallyoccurring.

Youare responsible for the imagesyoucreate inyourownmind.So, ifyouspend timeandenergy imagining theworstcasescenarios inyour life, thenyouarephysicallyandemotionallyrespondingtothoseimagesandattractingthatverysametypeofnegativeenergyandcircumstanceintoyourlife.Youmustchoosetovisualizepositive,inspirational,andupliftingimages,inordertocreateavibrationalmatchforwhatyoudowanttoattractinyourlife.




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Sit inacomfortableuprightposition,closeyoureyes,andbringyourhandstogether, fingertips touching in your lap,with your spine nice and straight.Nowtakeseveralslow,deepbreaths,inhalingthroughyournoseandexhalingthrough yourmouth. Concentrate on the rise and fall of your stomach andchestwith each breath and,with each breath, find yourself becomingmoreandmorerelaxed.Now,justletyourbreathingfinditsownnaturalrhythm—slow,steady,andrelaxed.Imaginearadiantwhitelightslowlycominguptheleft side of your body—starting at your left foot and gradually coming upthroughyour left leg, the left side of your torso, shoulders, neck, and face,moving rightup to the topofyourhead,and thenslowlymovingdown therightsideofyour face,neck,shoulders, torso,hip,and leg, fillingeachandeverycell inyourbodywithradiantwhite light.Now,goaheadanddo thistwicemoreatyourownpace,visualizingandexperiencingpurewhite lightcominguptheleftsideofyourbodyanddowntherightside.

Withyourfingertipsstilljoinedinyourlap,beginaperiodofconcentration.Youmaychoosetoconcentrateonavisualsymbolorimagesuchasaflower,a sourceofwhite lightora still lake—oryoumaywish to silently repeataword, seed thought, or amantra such as “Peace” or “Joy” or “I am love.”Silentlyrepeat the imageor thoughtoverandoverwithout lettinganyotherthoughtscomeintoyourmind.Ifyourminddoesbegintowander,justbringitgentlybacktoyourpointofconcentrationandknowthatyourabilitytostayfocusedwillincreasewithpractice.

Next is receptivity and observation. Separate your hands and place thempalmsfacingupwardinyourlap,relaxyourmind,andjustnoticeandobservewherever your tension goes—to thoughts, memories, planning, images,worries, sensations, or insights. Just notice and observe from a neutralposition.

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Andnow,completion.Closebothofyourhandslightlyand,again,imaginealuminouswhitelightsurroundingyou,fillingyouandprotectingyou.Whileyou are still surrounded by thiswhite light, visualize this day theway youwouldlikeittogo.Youmayhavetoadjusttounforeseencircumstancesandeventsthatshowup,butgoaheadandcreateyourdaythewayyouwantittobe, paying special attention to how you want to be, act, and feel today.Visualizeyourselfmanifestingthequalitiesyouchooseforyourself,suchaslove, joy, courage, strength, patience, and perseverance. See yourselfinteractingwithotherswithcalm,self-assurance,enthusiasm,andclarity.Seeyourselfcommunicatingclearly,statingyourdesiresandintentions,askingforandgettingthenurturingyouwant.

Now,seethespecificstepsthatyouwilltaketoachieveyourmostimportantgoals,andcreateyourdaythewayyouwantittogo.Seethefacesandhearthe voices of important people in your life congratulating you on theachievementofyourgoalsandthequalityofyourbeing.Andnow,imaginetheemotionsyouwillfeelwhenyouarelivingyourdaythewayyouwantittogo,andcreatethosefeelingsinyourbodyrightnow.

Takeafewdeepbreaths,andonceagain,placeyourawarenessontheriseandfallofyourstomachandyourchestasyoubreathedeeplyinandout.Then,when you’re ready, slowly open your eyes, and know that this will be abeautifulday.




Yourvisionbookisprobablyyourmostvaluable tool. It isyourmapof thefuture, a tangible representation ofwhere you are going. It represents yourdreams,yourgoals,andyourideallife.Becauseyourmindrespondsstronglytovisualstimulation—byrepresentingyourdesireswithpicturesandimages

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youwill actually strengthenandenhance their vibrational level.The saying“A picture is worth a thousand words” certainly holds true here. Visualimagesandpictureswillstimulateyouremotions,andyouremotionsarethevibrationalenergythatactivatestheLawofAttraction.




Create a personal vision book that clearly depicts the future you wish tocreate.Findpicturesthatrepresentorsymbolizetheexperiences,feelings,andpossessionsyouwant toattract intoyour life,andplace theminyourbook.Havefunwiththeprocess!Usephotographs,magazinecutouts,picturesfromthe Internet—whatever inspires you.Be creative. Include not only pictures,butanything that speaks toyou.Consider includingapictureofyourself inyourbook.Ifyoudo,chooseonethatwastakeninahappymoment.Youwillalso want to post your affirmations, inspirational words, quotations, andthoughtshere.Choosewordsandimagesthatinspireyouandmakeyoufeelgood.


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Youcanuseyourvisionbooktodepictgoalsanddreamsinallareasofyourlife, or in just one specific area that you are focusing on. Keep your lifepurposeinmindandrefertothelistyoucreatedwhendefiningyourdreams.Keepitneat,andbeselectiveaboutwhatyouplaceinyourvisionbook.It’sagood idea to avoid creating a clutteredor chaoticbook—youdon’twant toattractchaosintoyourlife.Remember,theseareyourdreams,sochoosethemwell.Useonly thewordsand images thatbest representyourpurpose,yourideal future, and that inspire positive emotions in you. There is beauty insimplicityandinclarity.Toomanyimagesandtoomuchinformationwillbedistractingandhardertofocuson.

Ifyouareworkingonvisualizingandcreatingchangesinmanyareasofyourlife,thenyoumaywanttousemorethanonevisionbook.Forinstance,youmightuseonevisionbookforyourpersonalgoalsanddreamsandanotherforcareer and financialgoals.Youmight evenwant tokeepyour careervision

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Try keeping your vision book on the nightstand next to your bed. Leave itstandinginanopenpositionasoftenasyouarecomfortablewith,andspendtime each morning and evening visualizing, affirming, believing, andinternalizingyourgoals.The timeyouspendvisualizing in theevening justbeforebedisespeciallypowerful.Thethoughtsandimagesthatarepresentinyourmindduringthelastforty-fiveminutesbeforegoingtosleeparetheonesthatwillreplaythemselvesrepeatedlyinyoursubconsciousmindthroughoutthenight,andthethoughtsandimagesthatyoubegineachdaywithwillhelpyoutocreateavibrationalmatchforthefutureyoudesire.

As some time goes by, and your dreams begin to manifest, look at thoseimagesthatrepresentyourachievements,andfeelgratitudeforhowwelltheLawofAttraction isworking in your life.Acknowledge that it isworking.Don’tremovethepicturesor imagesthatrepresent thegoalsyou’vealreadyachieved. These are powerful visual reminders of what you have alreadyconsciouslyanddeliberatelyattractedintoyourlife.

Remembertowritedownthedateyoucreatedyourvisionbook.Theuniverseloves speed, and you will be amazed at just how quickly the Law ofAttraction responds to your energy, commitment, and desires.Much like atime capsule, this bookwill document your personal journey, your dreams,andyourachievementsforthatparticularyear.Itwillbecomearecordofyourgrowth,awareness,andexpansionthatyouwillwanttokeepandreflectbackuponinyearstocome.



It’s a good idea to create a newvisionbook eachyear.Asyou continue to

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grow,evolve,andexpand,yourdreamsandaspirationswillalsocontinuetogrow, evolve, and expand. This will help you continue to stay focused,motivated,andinspired.Youmightwanttomakethisanewtraditionwithinyour family. If you have children, or younger siblings, help them to createtheirownbook,andencouragetheirdreamstoo.Youwillbeamazedathowtrulyinsightful,empowering,inspirational,andfunthisprocesscanbe.

Thesevisionbooks aremeant tobekept and cherished.Theychroniclenotonlyyourdreams,butyourgrowthandachievements.Thereisnothingmoreprecious thanyourdreams,and thisbook is the faceofyourdreams.Thesebeautifulwordsandpicturesrepresentyourfuture.Theycreateavibrationalmatchforwhatyouwanttoattractandcreateinyourlife.

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It is the energy you bring into the room. You can have a positive attitudeabouttheeventsinyourlife,oryoucancomefromaplaceofcomplaintandmisery.Youdecide.Youcanconsciouslychoosetorespondinapositivewayto almostany event or circumstance—apositive attitude is simply a choiceyoumake.




Now, we all know people with negative attitudes. They are the ones whoconstantlycomplain,whine,andmoan.Nothingseems togoright for them.Theyare theperpetualvictims in life.They’reunpleasant tobearound,andthey seem to quite literally “bring us down.” This is because they areoperatingat a lower frequency, and through theLawofAttraction they areattractingevenmoretocomplainabout.Thereasontheytendtostay“stuck”in their negative lifestyles is because they are constantly focusing theirthoughtsandenergyontheirnegativepresentandnegativepast.Bydoingso,they are creating the same future over and over. Remember, what youcontinuallytalkaboutcomesabout.

On the other hand, we also know people with positive attitudes—the ones

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whoalwaysseemtobehappy,theoneswhoreallyseemtohaveahandleonthingsintheirlife.Theyaremorefun,theirenergyfeelsgreattobearound,and they are operating at a higher frequency. Good things always seem to“just come their way.” No wonder they are happy! Through the Law ofAttraction, they are actively participating in the creation of a happy life byfocusingonandappreciatingthepositiveaspectsoftheircurrentlife,andtheyhavepositiveexpectationsforagreatfuturelife.



Surroundyourselfwiththesepositive,nourishing,upliftingpeoplewheneveryou can. Spend your time with spiritually evolved people who love andsupportyouinhealthyways—thosewhoencourageyourgrowthandapplaudyour successes.Wrap yourself in a support network of inspirational peoplewithpositiveattitudesandenergy.

You may also want to consider finding a place of worship, charityorganization,or someothergroup that is inalignmentwithyourdesires forpersonal growth. You can also form your own small group of people whosharecommoninterestsandgoals.There ispower innumbers,andahighermindsetbecomespresentwithagroupsuchasthis.Bygatheringtogetherona regular basis with a stated purpose and intention youwill all experiencegreater growth and results in a shorter period of time. The assembly of amastermind group like this provides a unique forum for shared ideas,feedback,brainstorming,honesty,accountability,andinspiration.Ithasbeena proven tool for growth and success on a business level for many years.HenryFord,ThomasEdison,NapoleonHill,HarveyFirestone,andAndrewCarnegiewereallmembersofsimilarmastermindgroups.


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So, how do we deal with the negative people in our lives? First of all,remember that you are not responsible for their level of growth orconsciousness.You can only be an example to them and keep your energyvibration as high as possible.You cannot teach them anything they are notreadyorwillingtolearn.Keepinmind,however,thatnobodyiscompletelynegative. You can focus on the good qualities that do exist in them andappreciatethequalitiestheyhavethatareworkingwithinthecontextofyourrelationship.Youcanalsoacknowledgethethingsaboutthemthatyoudolikeor admire, and thismay encourage them to expressmore of those positivequalities.

Don’t judge the negative people in your life—simply limit your time andinteractionwiththemasmuchaspossible(avoidthemcompletelyifyoucan)and try to be an example of a more positive attitude. Obviously, if thesepeople are family members or coworkers it is difficult to avoid themaltogether,butdoyourbesttoavoidanyissuesofconflict,keepyourattitudepositive,anddon’tengageyourselfemotionallyinconflictwhenitdoesarise.Ultimately, youwill need to decidewhether or not youwant to keep theserelationshipsinyourlifeatall.





Trychangingyourattitudeand findingpleasure in thesimple things in life.Weallhavedailytasksandmundanechoresthatwehavetypicallydreadedin

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thepast.Whynotchallengeyourselftoturneventhoseintoopportunitiesforgrowth?Changeyourapproachtotakingoutthegarbageandpayingthebills.Thesearenecessaryroutinesandthey’renotgoingtogoaway,soyoumightaswell try toenjoy them!Put somemusiconasyouclean thekitchenandemptythetrash.Learntoblesseachbillyoupay,andsenditoffwithlove.Begratefulforhowfortunateyoureallyareandforhowmanyluxuriesyouhaveinyourlife.Youcancompletelyshiftyourenergy,havealittlefun,andlookatthesethingsasopportunitiestocareforyourselfandmakeacontributiontothepeopleyoulove,ratherthanasburdensomechores.Whenyoucanlearntoapproach every single task and situation with an attitude of joy andenthusiasm, you will notice an immediate difference in your life. Life isliterallywhatyoumakeofit.

Remember, this life is a journey, and it’s meant to be enjoyed. Choose tomaintainapositiveattitude.Behappy.Begrateful.Be lovingandgenerous.Surroundyourselfwithpositivepeopleandenergy.Lookforwardtoeachnewdaywith theexcitementand thewonderofa smallchild.Whoknowswhatamazingthingswillhappennext!Havefaith,andhave fun.Yourfuturewillunfoldinmiraculousways.





The best attitude you can possibly aspire to is one of gratitude andappreciation.Beingtrulygratefulforwhatisalreadypresentinyourlifewillautomatically and effortlessly attract more good into your life. Make a

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consciousdecision toappreciateandacknowledgeall thatyouhavealreadybeenblessedwith.These emotions are of thehighest vibrational frequency,andthroughtheLawofAttractiontheywillattractevenmoretobethankfulfor.

Trytobegratefulforeventhedifficultandchallengingsituationsthatariseinyour life. It is often through these situations that we experience the mostprofoundspiritualandemotionalgrowth.Youcanlearntovieweachapparentobstacleasanopportunitytodevelopanewquality,strength,skill,insight,orwisdomandbegratefulforthelessons.Eachandeverychallengeisanotheropportunityforgrowthandexpansion.

Risetotheseoccasions,andappreciateallthatyouarelearningintheprocess.Keepingyourattitudepositiveandappreciative throughthese timeswillnotonlyhelptoavoidattractingmoreofthesedifficultsituationsintoyourlife—itwillalsocreateafieldofpositiveenergythatwillattractmoreofwhatyoudowant.







Try carrying a small token, stone, crystal, or some othermeaningful objectwithyoueachdayinyourpocket.Throughouttheday,eachtimeyoureachintoyourpocketforyourmoneyorkeysitwillserveasatangibleremindertostopandthinkofsomethingyouhavetobegratefulfor.Thisisagreatwaytoincrease your awareness of all that you have to be appreciative of. Take amoment to breathe, and really feel the emotion of gratitude. This simple

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Start keeping a daily gratitude and acknowledgement journal. This is anecessary and valuable tool in the development of your growth andawareness.Eachdailyentry isnot intended tobea long,drawnout“diary”sortofthing,justashort,simplelistoffivethingsthatyouaregratefulforonthatparticularday.This isaplace tohonorandappreciate thegood inyourlifeonadailybasis.

Gratitude.Eachevening,beforegoing tobed, takea fewminutes to reviewyour day. Think about the day’s events.Become aware of howmany goodthings actually happened on that day, and remember to appreciate even thechallengesthatyouencountered.Selectthefivethings,people,oreventsthatyouaremostgrateful for.There isno rightorwronghere, justwhateverorwhoeveryou are sincerelygrateful for on that particular day. Itmaybe thewarmsunonyour face,acoolbreeze,akindword,a friend,or just feelinggood about what you got accomplished that day. It may be the way youhandledaparticularsituationthatwouldhavethrownyouintoatailspininthepast.Anythingyouaregratefulfor.Asyouwritetheminyourjournal,feelthegratitudeandappreciation.Givethanks.

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Acknowledgement. Take a moment to acknowledge the changes that areoccurringforyoupersonally.Writethemdown.AcknowledgejusthowwelltheLawofAttractionisworkinginyourlife.WritedownanyspecificeventwheretheLawofAttractionwasatwork—theparkingspaceyouenvisioned,themeetingyouwantedtoschedule,thebonuscheckyoureceived,thegradeyouwanted,thepersonwhosaidyeswhenyouaskedthemout.Miraclescanand do occur on a daily basis. They are happening all around you. Honorthem, and notice them. Through acknowledgement, you will becomemoreandmoreawareoftheamazingsynchronicitythatisalreadyatworkinyourlife.

Makethetimeyouspendincontemplationandwritinginyourgratitudeandacknowledgementjournalasacredpartofyourdailyroutine.Yourcontinuedexpressions of joy and gratitude will draw even greater joy, love, andabundanceintoyourlife.

Youwill begin to notice a change in your perception of each day’s events.Youwillbecomemoreawareofthepositivethingsthathappenallaroundyouevery singleday.Your focuswill shift, your energywill shift, andyouwillbegin to appreciate how blessed you already are. And . . . the Law ofAttractionwillrespondtothehighervibrationyouarecreating.




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Take time each day to step away from the clutter and the noise. A dailycommitmenttospendtimeinthisstill,quietplaceisacommitmenttoclarityand inner peace. We need this time and space in our lives in order torememberwhowereallyare,what’simportant,andwhereourpersonaltruthlies.Itisourtimetocalmthespiritandsoothethesoul.Itrestoresbalanceinourlives,anditreconnectsustoourSource.

It is throughprayer,meditation, and contemplation thatwe are best able tohearourowninnervoice.ThisisatimetopauseandconnectnotonlywithGod,butwithourselvesandourcreativesubconsciousmind.Thistimespentwithin nourishes us on the deepest levels physically, emotionally, andspiritually.

Some people say that through prayer we are talking to God, and throughmeditationwearelisteningtohim.Throughquietcontemplationwecanlookinsideandreconnectwithourowndeepertruthandwisdom.Througheachofthese practices, we are opening our hearts and our minds and preparingourselvestoreceivedivineguidanceandinspiration.



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Therearemanywaystomeditate,butingeneraltheyconsistofsimplybeingstillandquietforaperiodoftimeandfocusingyourattentiononeitheryourbreathoramantraofsomesort.Ifyouarenewtothepracticeofmeditation—yourthoughtswilldrift,andyourmindwillwanderatfirst.Remembernottobehardonyourselfwhen thishappens.This is justpartof learninghow tomeditate. I love the metaphor that it’s like standing on the side of a riverwatchingboatsdriftby.Everyonceinawhileyouwilldiscoverthatyouhavegotten intooneof theboatsandarefloatingdowntheriver.Justsimplygetoutoftheboat,climbbackontotheriverbankandstartobservingtheboats(your thoughts) again. Don’t worry about whether or not you’re getting it“right.”Yourabilitytostayfocusedwillincreasewithtimeandpractice.

The regularpracticeofmeditationwillhelpclearyourmindofdistractions,cleanseyour thoughts, and enhanceyour spiritual connection. It renews thespirit,relaxesthebody,andcalmsthesoul.Meditationisatoolforreflectionand inquiringwithin,and it isoneof thebestways tostillyour thoughts inordertoreceivedivineguidance.Throughthepracticeofmeditationyouwillbegintobecomeevenmoreawareofyoursubtleintuitiveimpulses,insights,ideas,emotions,andinspirations.






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There is an inner alchemy that takes place through prayer and meditation.Theyhelpyoutoemptyyourmindofworriesandnegativethoughts,andtheymake room for it to be filled with joy, bliss, and love. These aretransformationalprocessesthatwillchangeyouonacellularlevel.Theywillliterallychangeyourbrainwavepatterns, increasingyourgoodfeelingsandcreatingasenseofhappiness.Inadditiontothat,thevibrationalfrequencyofthesepositiveemotions is inperfectharmonywithwhatyouwant toattractintoyourlife.

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Throughprayer,contemplation,andmeditationyouarealigningyourselfwithahigherpowerandopeningyourselfuptotheunlimitedpotentialandinfinitewisdomof theuniverse.Yourdevotionandcommitment to spiritualgrowthand expansionwill serve to alter your consciousness and open you up to agreater awareness of the miracles, circumstances, possibilities, andsynchronicity already at work in your life. Through prayer you are alsoacknowledgingGod.Youareacknowledging that there is a higherpower atworkinyourlife.

Prayer, contemplation, andmeditation are essential, powerful tools in yourlife.Makeacommitmenttousethem.Theyarethewayin.




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Startbyopeningyourmindandyourheart.Commityourselftothedailyuseofthetoolsthatwehaveprovidedyouwith,andstrivetobecomemoreawareoftheamazingsynchronicitythatalreadyexistsinyourlife.Sweepawayanylingering negative thoughts or emotions. Sweep away any doubt.And thentakeactionseachandeverydaythatwillmoveyoutowardyourpurposeandthefulfillmentofyourdreams.

Therearetwokindsofactionyoucantake.ObviousActionWeareallfamiliarwithobviousaction.Someexamplesofobviousactionare:ifyouwantanewcar,goingouttotestdriveallofthecarsyouareinterestedin, choosing theexactmakeandmodelyouwant, and saving10percentofyourincomeina“caraccount.”Ifyouwanttobecomeadoctor,thenobviousactions would be things like applying tomedical school, taking courses inpremed,andsoon.Obviousactionsarelogical,somewhatpredictableactionstepsthatstemfromtheconsciousmind.

InspiredactionInspiredactionismuchlesslinear,andoftentimeswillseemtobecompletelyunrelated to your ultimate goals.Once you begin to get in touchwith yourhigher consciousnessbyusingyourvisionbook, affirmations,visualization,daily gratitude journal, meditations, and prayer, the universe will startrespondingbysendingyoutheideas,people,opportunities,money,andotherresourcesyouneedtofulfillyourdesiresandmakeyourdreamsareality.

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You are going to find that you have inspired ideas, intuitive impulses, andgentleproddingsfromyourdreams.Youmustactonthem.Letyourcuriosityand interests guide you. This is inspired action. It is action born of yourwillingness to trust your intuition, follow your hunches, and listen to yourinnervoice.Inspiredactionisarealdemonstrationofyourbeliefandpositiveexpectation.This typeofaction is funneled through thesubconsciousmind,and it is inspired by your awareness and openness to the possibilities allaroundyou. It speaksofyour trust andofyourconnection. It takes faith tomove forwardwith inspired action because it is far less familiar to us thanobviousaction.




Oftenyourintuitivenudgeswillbeverysubtle,andtheymayseemtohavenodirectrelationshiptothefulfillmentofyourdreams,butifyoufollowthem,yourlifewillbecomeverymagical.Basedonyourdesires,youwillsoonbeled down awonderful path of transformation, growth and fulfillment. Thispathmaylookquitedifferentfromtheoneyouoriginallyimagined.Learntotrustyourdeeperself.Learntotrust theprocess.LearntotrustGodandtheuniverse.Youarecocreatingwithahigherpower thatknowsmoreandseesmorethanyouevercan.

So,bepreparedtotakenotonlytheobviouslogicalsteps,whichwouldleadyouinthedirectionofyourdreamsandaspirations,buttakethelessobviousonesaswell.Havefaithandbewillingtomoveforwardwiththeconfidenceandconvictionofyourdesires,knowingthattheuniversewillsupportyouinyourefforts.Takinganyactionissimplyalogicalextensionofyourbeliefandyourtrust. Ifyoudidn’treallybelievesomethingwaspossibleyouwouldn’ttakeanyactionatall.

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Thebasicdifferencehereisthatobviousactionisprettymuchjustuptoyou,and you alone, whereas inspired action is you, using the power of yoursubconsciousmind, believing and cocreatingwithGod and the universe.Acombinationof these two is ideal.Give it toGod,and bewilling todo thework!




Remember,throughtheLawofAttraction,theuniversewillprovideyouwithallthatyouneedinordertoreachyourgoals.Youwillattractthenecessaryresources, ideas,andpeople intoyour life. It’sup toyou to recognize them,though,and it’sup toyou to follow throughon these inspired thoughts andideas.




Startmakingroominyourlifeforthebeautyandabundancethatisrightfullyyours.Rememberhowpowerfulyouare.Itisnotenoughtodreamanddesire;you must actually be willing to take action both internally and externallytowardcreatingthelifeofyourdreams.Youmustalsobedisciplinedenoughtofollowthroughwiththedailyritualsthatwillkeepyouinastateofpositivevibrationthatisamatchforthefutureyoudesire.


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Holdtighttothepurposeandvisionyouhavecreatedforyourfutureandownthemwitheveryounceofyourbeing.Keepallofyouractions inalignmentwith your higher purpose, and keep your intentions pure. You will attractamazingandbeautifulthingsintoyourlife.So,befearless,havefun,andbe

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willing to take a few risks. Reach for the stars, and know that you aresupportedineveryway.

Move forwardwith confidence in thedirectionof yourdreams anddesires.Believethattheyarenotonlypossible,butthattheyarealreadyinprogress.





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Thetoolswehaveprovidedwillpreparethesoil,butyoumustplanttheseedsandcreateanenvironmentthatwillnourishtheirgrowthandexpansion.Nowthatyouhaveplacedyourorderwith theuniverse,youmusthave faith.Beresilient.Trustthatitisalreadyso,andgiveittoGod.Althoughyoumaynotknowtheexactpathtoyourdreams,thewaywillrevealitself.Bewillingtotakeaction.Onceyoucommittoyourdreams,theLawofAttractionwilltakecare of the rest. Life will present you with the people, circumstances, andwhateverelseisneededtobringthemintoreality.



Wehopethatyouwillmakeapersonalcommitment tocreatingabetter lifefor yourself and a better world for all of us. Imagine the possibilities.Envision justhowamazing thisworldwillbecomeasweallmake theshiftintoawareness,intoapositivestateofbeing.Wecanshifttheenergyoftheentire planet, one person at a time. Through our awareness, generosity,commitment,andintentionwecantrulybegintoliveinaccordancewiththenatural laws of the universe and restore our balance with nature. We cancreateaworldfilledwithlove,joy,harmony,andpeace.



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We have been living for far too long in a state of oblivion, completelyunawareofjusthowpowerfulwereallyare.Nowisthetimetoreclaimourpower.Nowisthetimetobefullyaccountableforthestateofourlivesandthe state of the world we live in. Now is the time to reclaim the joy andabundancethatarerightfullyours.






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JackCanfieldisthecocreatorandcoauthoroftheNewYorkTimes#1best-sellingbookseriesChickenSoupfortheSoul,whichcurrentlyhas146titlesand over 100million copies in print in 47 languages.His publications alsoincludeThe SuccessPrinciples:How toGet fromWhere YouAre toWhereYouWanttoBe,ThePowerofFocus,andTheAladdinFactor.Jackisalsoknownasoneoftheteachersfeaturedinthehitmovieandthe

best-sellingbookTheSecret.HehasappearedonoveronethousandradioandtelevisionshowsincludingOprah,Montel,LarryKingLive,theTodayShow,20/20andhisownPBSspecial:TheSecrettoLivingtheLawofAttraction.HeisalsothefounderandCEOoftheSelfEsteemSeminars,Inc.andTheCanfieldGroup,whichtrainsentrepreneurs,corporateleaders,managers,andsales professionals and educators in how to accelerate the achievement oftheir personal, professional, and financial goals. Jack has been presentingthese universal principles and breakthrough strategies formore than thirty-five years to corporations, government agencies, and universities in overthirtycountries.Jackandhiswife,Inga,alongwiththeirthreechildren—Christopher,Riley,

and Travis—reside in Santa Barbara, California. For more information onJack,gotowww.jackcanfield.com.

D.D.Watkins has always believed that all things are possible. She is aworkingmom,successfulentrepreneur,andartistwhoadmittedly thrivesonchallenge,inspiration,andpersonalgrowth.Overtheyearsshehasdesignedandcreatedartinstallationsthroughoutthe

world.Hermostrecentcommissionshaveincludedarchitectural,interior,andgraphicdesignprojects.Asaloverofwords,wisdom,books,andbeauty,sheis currently exploring the fields of writing and plein air painting. She haschosentomakeherhomeinSantaBarbara,California.

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