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Page 1: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

JUNE 2016

JackVan Impe


Don’t miss what’s insiDe: a ReVeLation FRom DR. Van imPe, PaGe 3FRom ReXeLLa’s heaRt, PaGe 12 | LetteRs we LoVe, PaGe 19

new ViDeo teachinG FRom DRs. Jack anD ReXeLLa Van imPe insiDe

Astonishing!While the world applauds Pope Francis, the darling of the secular media, dark latter-day prophecies are being fulfilled!

You and your family deserve the truth!

Page 2: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

It was a heavenly mandate, and it was absolutely clear, beyond question or doubt: I must be a prophet to the world, as long as God gives me life — for the crucial purpose of exposing the

lies of Islam, the errors of Christian apostates, and reveal the latter-days mystery of Pope Francis, promoted by Catholic Bishops and Cardinals!

Without pausing, I arranged to go into the studio with Rexella and

produce a video, which I now bring to you, and to the world: Startling End-Time Prophecies: Pope Francis & Christ’s Return.

Beloved, believe me when I say to you: It is staggering — absolutely

Startling End-timE ProPhEciES:

When the Holy Spirit speaks to me, I must listen, I must respond, I must act! This is a lesson I learned as a young man, and a

pattern I have followed throughout my many decades of Gospel ministry.

But never, in all these years, have I felt such a burden as I felt a few weeks ago, as — deep within me — I sensed the voice of the Holy Spirit in a new way, a word from on high like I had never experienced.

What the Antichrist doesn’t want you to know about Pope Francis and Bible prophecy

Startling End-Time Prophecies: Pope Francis & Christ’s Return DVD (DSEV)Running Time: 125 minutes CC

Send a gift of $24 95


christ’s return



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This new, high-impact video reveals the shocking truth about Pope Francis and the

soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!You’ll be amazed by answers to these intriguing


1. How was this Pope prophesied about centuries ago, even by the first Pope?

2. How does the selection of Pope Francis point to the return of the Lord?

3. What did a prophecy in 1139 A.D. tell us about this final Pope?

4. How has Pope Francis reached out to the Palestinians and rejected Israel?

5. How has Pope Francis gone astray, even according to the Catholic Bible?

6. How is the Resurrection linked to the Rapture? (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)

... And many more!

You need these facts — to prepare yourself and your family for the days ahead — and to share with your friends and church. Request the video today!

By Dr. Jack Van Impe


Page 3: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

What is the “Rapture Generation” — and are YOU part of it?

Send a gift of

$2495The Rapture Generation DVD (DRGV)Running Time: 70 minutes CC

astonishing! You will be able to share this video with anyone who doubts that we are living in the last days, and I believe their doubt will crumble in the face of the overwhelming evidence I present in it! In this fast-paced two-hour-and-five-minute study, I highlight 20 centuries of prophecies which point to this moment in history! I explain prophecies that you and I are witnessing, as they unfold — their fulfillment occurring before our eyes!

This astounding, hard-hitting video answers intriguing questions such as:

•Will the current Pope be the last?

•Will he destroy the Church?

•Are we on the brink of Armageddon?

• Is Jesus coming soon?

•What prediction did St. Francis of Assisi make, eight centuries ago, about the rise of another “Francis” in your lifetime — one who would become Pope, yet actually damage the Church?

•What little-known fact about Pope Francis’s life before he became Pope serves as a clue pointing to his rise to power — when he was still an unknown priest in South America?

•What did the great Bishop Sheen predict about the false prophet of

the latter days and his creation of a counterfeit global Church? Are we seeing it happen right now?

•How did the great Christ-follower Pope John Paul II urgently try to keep the Church from choosing a liberal Jesuit pope? (He did it because he knew the prophecies!)

•What happened behind the scenes to compel Pope Benedict to shock the world by resigning?

•What is the link between the apostate Pope of the Catholic Church and the end of the age?

•How has this Pope embraced the hateful Palestinians and participated in their rejection of God’s chosen people, the Jews?

•What is this Pope’s connection to Marxism, evolution, and atheism?

•How has he rejected the five fundamentals of the Catholic and Protestant Bible concerning our faith?

•And more!

Beloved, you and your family — and your pastor as well — need this video. This teaching reveals the final sign pointing to the Rapture and Christ’s imminent return, when He will set up His eternal Kingdom on earth! Get ready, and get your friends and family ready, by experiencing this video teaching! Yes, it’s closing time!

Oh friend, don’t miss this. The prophecies are unfolding. Don’t look at the news in confusion or fear. “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1). You can understand what’s happening, and hope in the Lord! Request Startling End-Time Prophecies: Pope Francis & Christ’s Return today, and get ready for the big event, about to happen: the Rapture!

You will be able to share this video with anyone who doubts

that we are living in the last days, and I believe their doubt

will crumble in the face of the overwhelming evidence I

present in it!


I only wish we had just a few more evangelists with your passion.

Satan would run and hide.


all the prophetic signs of the times — from terrorist attacks to extreme weather — point to the truth that the

Rapture could be any day!drs. Jack and Rexella Van impe show you

the biblical evidence that YoU could be part of the Rapture generation. Request the video and discover the shocking answers to ques-tions such as:

• Could this be the year that the Lord will return? What are the signs?

• What do recent natural disasters have to do with Jesus’ prophecies of the latter days?

• What are some recent developments in terrorism, and how could they tragically affect the world?

• What does the Bible say about terrorism being one of the major signs before the Lord comes back?

• And many more!

Don’t miss out on this vital exposé. Request The Rapture Generation now.

Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe give you the evidence in this exciting video teaching

4 | Perhaps Today | June 2016

Page 4: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

Commandments?ultitudes are convinced that they possess salvation. However, the reasons they give for being saved are erroneous. They talk

about their efforts to please God and gain heaven. They mention baptism, confirmation, the Golden Rule, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Ten Commandments as means of salvation. How sad!

While it is true that God gave us many of these wonderful ordinances, rules, and commands, it is equally true that none of them were ever presented to mankind as a means of obtaining eternal life. God gave us something greater — He gave us His own Son.

John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. This Christ is the only way. All of man’s meritorious efforts fall flat, because salvation is through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, he that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life (1 John 5:12). In the light of this introduction, let us investigate God’s purpose in presenting to the world His glorious Ten Commandments.

The Law’s Purpose

Contrary to most modern thinking, the Commandments were never given to save men’s souls. For the law made

nothing perfect (Hebrews 7:19). Therefore, one must find another reason for Sinai’s demands. It is found in Romans 3:20, which declares, By the law is the knowledge of sin.

Again, James tells us in chapters 1 and 2 that God’s law is like a mirror. It reflects one’s image, reveals the dirt, and drives the soiled sinner to Christ for cleansing. The mirror cannot change the condition, only reveal the situation. It is Christ who loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood (Revelation 1:5).

This is the clear meaning of Galatians 2:21: If righteousness come by the law [Ten Commandments], then Christ is dead in vain. How useless Christ’s death is if man can produce his own salvation by following a code of ethics or a series of commands. Because this is an impossibility — God sent His Son to shed His sinless blood for hopeless transgressors. By doing this, He said once, for all, and forever, This is the way, walk ye in it (Isaiah 30:21).

So, we see that the Law was never intended to save, but rather to reflect one’s sinful condition and then to condemn and to destroy the sinner. That is why Romans 4:15 states, The law worketh wrath and 2 Corinthians 3:6 declares, The letter killeth. This is its purpose — not salvation. For by the works of the law [Ten Commandments] shall no flesh be justified (Galatians 2:16). With this explanatory background, let us look in the mirror and see if we have sinful faces.

The Ten Commandments

God’s Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 20:3,4,7,8,12-17. They are as follows:• Thou shalt have no

other gods before me.

• Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

• Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD Thy God in vain.

• Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

•Honour thy father and

thy mother.• Thou shalt not kill.• Thou shalt not commit

adultery.• Thou shalt not steal.• Thou shalt not bear

false witness against thy neighbour.

• Thou shalt not covet [desire] thy neighbour’s house...wife, nor...anything that is thy neighbour’s.Millions simply cry, “I have

never broken any of the laws of God.” Even the rich young ruler audaciously uttered such nonsense. What folly! A simple probe into the New Testament’s interpretations of the Commandments silences the arrogant forever.

God gave His laws that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God (Romans 3:19). Yes, He gave these standards to shut the mouths of self-righteous humans who constantly boast about their morality, works, and goodness. Friend, there is none righteous (Romans 3:10). Let’s prove this statement as each commandment speaks for itself. Hear God!

The Commandments Interpreted

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. One may think that because he is not a Buddhist, or Mohammedan, he automatically is absolved from all guilt concerning this first commandment, but Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). When one places material values before spiritual

blessings, he automatically bows at the wrong shrine. He worships another god. That god may be one’s home, car, family, or money.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:24, No man can serve two masters [two gods]: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Imagine, Christ called money another god, and millions worship filthy lucre today. That is why they cheat, lie, and even rob God of His tithes (see Malachi 3:8).

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them. God hates idolatry. Three times in Romans 1, we find the words God gave them up. God was appalled at the abominable practices of the people and gave them over to their vile desires.

By Dr. Jack Van Impe

ten suggestions or


How useless Christ’s death is if man can produce his own salvation by following a code of ethics or a series of commands.

June 2016 | Perhaps Today | 7

Page 5: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

We are not under the law, but under grace One of the sins that grieved

Jehovah God was that they changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man (Romans 1:23). Idolatry is so loathed by God that Revelation 21:8 says, Idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Is it any wonder that God cries, Little children, keep yourselves from idols (1 John 5:21)?

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. This commandment is broken millions of times daily. God is used to damn everyone and everything in this age of blasphemy. Ladies have become hardened in their usage of gutter language. Scores, even among the socially elite, sound like tramps. Romans 3:14,18 truly pictures today’s society: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness, and there is no fear of God before their eyes.

Rexella and I were seated near a group of cursing women in a restaurant. Their language was fit only for a brothel. When I heard one of them curse my God, I walked to their table and said, “I wonder if you women would watch your language, because I have a lady at the next table!” These liberated sinners could have gnashed me to death with their false teeth after that shocking episode! Wow!

If this bothered them, think of their fate when they meet

God at the Judgment Day, for the Lord will not hold him [or her] guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

At this point, may I caution many of you who use euphemisms that are equally blasphemous. A number of dictionaries mention the following terms as profane shortcuts in cursing God: Gee, Gee-whiz, Gees, Oh, my God, Gosh, Golly, and a slew of others. The Bible states, Holy and reverend is his name (Psalm 111:9). Let’s praise His matchless name!

4. Which day is the Sabbath? Is it Saturday? On which day should a Christian worship? I believe it is Sunday. The Saturday Sabbath was given to Israel. Ezekiel 20:12,20 states: I gave them [Israel] my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD … and also hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you [Israel]. This was the first covenant to Israel.

Christians have a new covenant, Jesus made a surety of a better testament (Hebrews 7:22). He [Christ] is the mediator of a better covenant (Hebrews 8:6). He [Christ] is the mediator of the new testament [or new agreement] (Hebrews 9:15).

Because of His death and this new agreement, we are no longer under ceremonial laws involving days. Moral laws are in effect in believer’s hearts, but not the ceremonial laws. Proof? God says in Colossians

2:14,16 that Christ [blotted] out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.... Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy-day, or of the new moon, or [Get it!] of the sabbath days.

We are not under the law, but under grace (Romans 6:14). God’s moral law is written within and upon the hearts of believers, but ceremonial laws involving days have been nailed to the cross. We honor the Savior of the new covenant on a new day — the day of His resurrection, which is Sunday, the first day of the week. This we do out of love, not servitude, not through law, but through grace.

5. Honour thy father and thy mother. This commandment is being flung to the winds by many young people who claim to love God. However, if one really loves God, he will love the words of God. Jehovah says, Honour your parents. Christ repeats the command in Matthew 19:19, and Paul says in Ephesians 6:1-3, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Did you notice that God pronounces a special blessing upon those who love and honour their parents, the blessing of a long life? It is so important that neglect

along these lines should be confessed immediately.

6. Thou shalt not kill. I will not waste time expounding this particular commandment. In fact, thousands of “murderers” may be reading this study this very moment. Why are you murderers? Because you hate your mother-in-law or your daughter-in-law. You would like to throw your son-in-law out the window—head first! Some are ready to smash the face of a neighbor and let him have it the second time as he turns his cheek.

Some hate the preacher and his family. Others malign the deacons or church members or anyone who disagrees with them one iota. Guess what? That’s murder, for, whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him (1 John 3:15). Be sure you are saved, for, He that loveth not knoweth not God (1 John 4:8).

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Are you blameless along this line? You say, “Yes, sir. I have always been faithful to the little lady.” Wait a minute. Jesus said, Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart (Matthew 5:28).

You say, “Not guilty! I have never had an impure thought in my life.” I will get you when we hit the ninth commandment, Thou shalt not lie! But first, let’s

look at number eight.

8. Thou shalt not steal. Paul said, Let him that stole steal no more (Ephesians 4:28). If you do not put in your full eight hours daily, you are a thief robbing your employer in a very dishonest way. If you copy another’s paper at school or cheat on an exam, you are dishonest, stealing a grade in a deceitful way.

Every ballpoint pen and rubber band removed from the office is thievery. This sin must be confessed — soon! Some of you have half of the factory or office stored in the cellar or attic. After death, you will have to transport it to hell, because no thief enters heaven (see 1 Corinthians 6:10).

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a LYING TONGUE, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that DEVISETH WICKED IMAGINATIONS, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19, emphasis mine).

The entire listing has to do with the sins of lying and gossip. Is an eternity of separation from God worth the practice of these abominations? That is the final outcome, for outside of heaven are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and

whosoever loveth and maketh a lie (Revelation 22:15). Oh, turn from this wickedness to Christ who is the truth (John 14:6).

10. The final commandment

is, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house...wife, nor ...any thing that is thy neighbour’s. The word covet means “to desire,” and the world is full of desire. It is so bad, they even made a movie entitled A Streetcar Named Desire. Ha!

Certainly all of us have coveted at one time or another saying, “Oh, look at his big Colonial house and I have this dinky bungalow. If only I had his home.” Or, “Look at the big Chrysler New Yorker he is driving and I have this Volkswagon. If only we could swap!” Or, “Look at his wife — whew! And then look at mine — ugh! If only we could switch!”

Have you ever desired anyone else’s possessions? Then you have broken God’s commandment. Someone resounds, “If that be true, we have all sinned.” Exactly! That is why Isaiah 53:6 declares, All we like sheep have gone astray, and Galatians 3:22 proclaims, But the scripture hath concluded all under sin.

8 | Perhaps Today | June 2016

Page 6: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

Islam Exposed DVD (DIEV)Total Running Time: 80 minutes CC

“I believe this is the single most important video we have ever done — the Lord raised me up from my hospital bed to deliver this message to the world!”

—Dr. Jack Van Impe

about the greatest threat

in the world today!

Don’t be deceived PPowerful world leaders are trying to convince you that Islam is the religion of peace — that Muslims love Jesus — and only a few radicals are a danger to us. Multitudes are accepting these distorted statements promoted by Islam — many of them by our own Western media ... even President Obama!

But Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe want you to have the vital truth about Islam and see the place of radical Islam in Bible prophecy.

this critically important video spotlights gross misrepresentations about Jesus found in the Koran — deceitful distortions about Him promoted by islam’s advocates — horrors befalling those who submit to brutal islamic sharia law — and much, much more!

Request this eye-opening teaching, and get the answers to critical questions like ...

• Why is ISIS terrorism increasing?!

• What is Sharia law — and how soon can we expect it in the USA?

• What is happening in countries that have already implemented sharia law?

• How is Iran teaching children to murder Jews?

• Does radical Islam signal the Rapture is about to happen?

• What lie is President Obama’s pastor telling about Jesus?

• Who is trying to combine Islam and Christianity?

• And many more!

don’t let your family and church be deceived by the lies the media and cultural elite are promulgating about islam. You must share Islam Exposed with your pastor and friends! get the truth today!

Send a gift of $2495

Page 7: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

in amazement. There were flowers everywhere surrounding little booths and open-air

shops that offered fresh produce, baked goods, candies, handicrafts of all kinds, and wandering troupes of street entertainers. There was color, sound, and life as far as the eye could see in every direction! And surrounding it all, framing the pulsing heart of the inner city, were the great, historic 17th century buildings with elaborate facades of brick and stone and glass, filled with shops, offices, and apartment flats. Amazing!

To this day, Brussels’ Grand-Place is one of my favorite spots in all the world, an ever-changing spectacle of vitality and excitement. But on my first trip to Europe as a young bride, the experience was almost overwhelming.

To further highlight my first visit to Europe, Jack and I got a car and drove from Brussels to Paris! I don’t have the words to describe my excitement at seeing the countryside, villages, and towns — most of them with their own marketplaces bustling with life — and soaking up the sounds of old languages accented with laughter and shouts. The people were real, live characters from folk literature, with costumes that would have seemed too elaborate even for my active imagination.

And then we were in Paris, standing outside perhaps the most famous art museum in the world, the Louvre! Could this really be happening to me? I’d always loved great art, and enjoyed visiting fine museums during family outings and school field trips. But the

Louvre? As we walked through galleries filled with some of the most famous works of art in the world, I was literally overwhelmed. My mind could barely take in the reality of seeing the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Aphrodite, and works by Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Michelangelo, da Vinci, Renoir, Mondrian, Monet, Cézanne, El

Greco, and scores of other great masters from the past. Too soon my brief visit was ended — I could have spent days there.

Fortunately, Jack and I got to go back to Europe to spend time with his relatives about every other year, and on each trip we tried to take in some notable or worthwhile place. I learned so much each time we went for a visit.

Life is all around you—don’t miss it!

Here at home, my husband and I also try to keep up with significant news developments and often visit historically important places. Connected with our ministry on our trips abroad — we’ve been in about 50 countries — we’ve explored noteworthy local sites and sought to better understand the people and cultures. Of course, Jack is always aware and sensitive to people,

places, and events around the world with prophetic significance.

So many times as we’ve visited some historic site or an area with prophetic importance, suddenly the realization would hit me that I was seeing something important … that I was literally part of something significant or noteworthy. I felt a little nudge that I should pay special attention to what was around me at that moment — as if the Holy Spirit was whispering, He that hath an ear, let him hear (Revelation 2:3).

That happened to me again just this week! While Jack was getting his hair cut, I wandered through a little antique shop nearby and soon found myself browsing a small art exhibit. I’d never heard of the artist before, but he was extremely talented — I’d put him in the category of a great master-painter. I was drawn to a powerful work he had done that captured the images of two young girls. As I looked at them, it seemed they took on a life of their own, laughing together and looking out on the vista before them.

The girls seemed so much more real than just a painting. They seemed so relaxed, so comfortable, so real. I felt that I should know them … that I’d like to know them. As I stood there for several long moments, I actually said aloud, “Who are you?”

It was the kind of deeply introspective moment a person may have in his life on occasion when he looks into a mirror and wonders, “Does anybody know who I am? Do I even know? Does God know that I’m here?”

As I looked into the skillfully created faces of those two youngsters in the painting, I whispered again, “Who are you?” And I thought in response, “I know

Who are

you?I grew up with a healthy appreciation of the arts. All through my school years, I learned to recognize the genius of the great masters of painting, sculpture, architectural design, and, of course, music. As a singer at school and in church, I was in awe of the classical composers who could hear, create, and capture such glorious melodies and rich harmonies, making them come alive again and again in different places and times.





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So when Jack and I were married and made our first trip to

Belgium to meet all his relatives, it was an unbelievable joy to me. In addition to the welcoming and wonderful fellowship with the extended Van Impe family, the

history and culture of old Europe was everywhere — the food, the traditions, the sights, sounds, smells — the very atmosphere itself. Except for being seasick on the voyage over (we decided to fly on future trips), I loved every

moment of our adventure.When we strolled through the

streets of Brussels and suddenly came upon the Grote Markt/Grand-Place, the amazing marketplace and celebration center of the capital city, my mouth flew open

June 2016 | Perhaps Today | 13

Page 8: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

dark valleys of this world and are overwhelmed. The sad statistics reveal that more and more people are committing suicide, taking matters into their own hands.

Recently, our long-time friend Chuck Ohman found out an old friend of his committed suicide. Some time ago, a pastor friend of our family in Detroit took his own life. Another Detroit pastor we knew well had lunch with his daughter, kissed her, and sent her on her way, then went into his office bathroom and hung himself.

How sad to see these precious souls reach such a state of futility that they ended it all. Oh, if we had known their need! It hurts so much to see people destroy themselves in despair. Oh, if they had just come to us — or some other believer — for encouragement and help. Perhaps someone could have helped them find the answer to the question Who are you? The answer for them — and for all of us — is: “I am the beloved child of my Father, God Almighty!” If we know who we are, then we know there is help for the helpless and hope for the hopeless in Jesus. Nothing or no one is more powerful than God, and no one cares more than the Lord.

God remembers us in death

Several years ago, I was in Israel interviewing some of the more influential members of the Israeli government, including members of the Knesset and various other leaders. One person I was to interview was the heroic military leader General Moshe Dayan.

He was standing on a staircase, in uniform, complete with his trademark eye patch, ready to begin. As I greeted him,

he suddenly said brusquely, “I am not going to do this interview!”

I was stunned because I had worked hard to make all the necessary arrangements, and politely inquired what had happened to change his mind. “Oh, it’s nothing you have done,” he said. “I’ve just realized that this is pointless because no one will remember me when I am dead anyway!” And he walked away.

I believe General Dayan was wrong. A great many people knew and cared about him. They appreciated his patriotism and his heroic efforts to preserve the nation of Israel in the face of overwhelming odds. To this day, his name is remembered and revered as a great soldier and leader.

But even if no one on earth remembered Dayan after his career and his life were ended, there is Someone who will not — who cannot — forget who you are in birth, in life, and in death. This Friend is aware of even the most minute details of our lives — He is the Lord! The Bible says, But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered (Luke 12:7).

I have interviewed some 250 outstanding leaders and world figures, and I made it a practice to try, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to share something uplifting with them as well as seeking information and comments from them. I wish I’d had the opportunity to witness to General Dayan. I’d love to have been able to tell him that, indeed, Someone would

remember him — and walk with him — after death. Someone would remember, and walk with him through the valley of the shadow of death. He is God Almighty!

Perhaps you think your life has been less distinguished and noteworthy than someone like General Dayan. But you are not less important to God. He has been with you before birth, and throughout life. And He will not desert you when you come to the end of life in this world. Who are you? You are God’s child … and one of His favorite traveling companions!

The time will come for all of us to cross over from this world to the next. And the Lord will walk with us, faithful to the end, until the shadows of life are illuminated by the light of heaven. So we can make that final walk in confidence.

The Bible says, We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). My husband, Jack, says that the phrases “absent from the body, present with the Lord” in the Greek are both instantaneous and simultaneous! When the time comes, just as you close your eyes — you’re there!

And He will have been with you all the way!

Someone who knows you better than this artist, and that is the Lord. No matter where you are today, He knows you!”

I didn’t see anybody else in the quietness of that little gallery, but in that instant I became keenly aware that the “Someone” I’d just thought about had seen me … and recognized me … and knew me!

God knows us even before we are born

God spoke to Jeremiah and said, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee (Jeremiah 1:5). What a phenomenal statement. When did Jeremiah become a “viable,” individual person? At conception? At some point in the prenatal process? At birth? According to the Lord God, He knew Jeremiah long before.

When Jesus said, Suffer the little children to come unto me (Mark 10:14), the Greek word used for “children” — brephos — can refer to born and unborn, I’m told. This would mean that Jesus was not just saying, “let these children come unto me, but all children — those who have been born, and those who are not yet born.”

I have a little sister in heaven who was miscarried. I have

a brother in heaven who was born but lived only three hours. I will see them both in heaven someday! Every child who was ever conceived is known of God. He declared that before a child is formed in the belly or is born, He knew that baby! Before I was completely developed in my mother’s womb, God knew that I would be born and called Rexella Shelton. He knew who I was before I was!

I know He knows our names, because in Revelation 3:5 He declares that He will not blot our name out of the book of life. Every name is in the book — it can only be blotted out if a person rejects the Lord. That’s why every child goes to heaven, no matter what. Jesus Himself said that our names are written in heaven (see Luke 10:20).

What a great promise! So many children’s lives have been snuffed out in wars, epidemics, and famines. Millions more have been destroyed by abortion. But, thank God, how wonderful to know that every child is safe with Him … and He knows them all by name! Every single one of these precious lives is now with the Lord. Oh, that blesses me!

God walks with us in life

Have you ever needed to know that you were not walking life’s road all alone? Did you ever need the strong shoulder of the Lord to lean on in life’s hard places?

Thank God, the Word says, For the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee (Deuteronomy 23:14).

I believe all of us have plenty of occasions when we need to be delivered. The longer I serve the Lord, the more times I recognize

His presence in my camp, walking close beside me to deliver me from all harm and danger.

I remember getting up to sing one night to an audience of 8,000 people. As I looked over the crowd, I saw four men in the fifth row with stockings over their heads. God gave me peace so I was not afraid to go ahead and minister, although it was obvious the men were there to try and disrupt the service or intimidate Jack and me. We later learned there was great turmoil in that city because a number of drug dealers had been converted, and the drug bosses wanted to threaten our lives. But God protected us from violence.

Another time in South America, we were on our way to the airport when a huge riot broke out. We were trapped in the middle of the violence, but God’s hand kept us safe.

Over the years, we’ve received threats in the mail and over the phone, but Jack and I never were afraid, knowing that There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways (Psalm 91:10-11).

More recently, I was not afraid when Jack was attacked by a serious, life-threatening physical illness. The Holy Spirit reminded me that God was in control and that my husband would be delivered. And he was!

How sad when people — even believers — lose contact with the presence of the Lord, who is always with us. How tragic when they can no longer see the hand of God at work in their lives and are overwhelmed by despair. Thinking that nobody cares for them or is looking out for them, they try walking alone through the

test imonies


Jack and Rexella have stood the test of time and have set a high standard of “living the Word” — as well as preaching it.

It was the kind of deeply introspective moment a person may have in his life on occasion when he looks into a mirror and wonders, “Does anybody know who I am? Do I even know?”

June 2016 | Perhaps Today | 15

Page 9: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

- Will this PoPe Be the lAst one?- Will he destroy the ChurCh?- Are We on the Brink oF ArmAgeddon?

Get the astonishing answers to questions such as:

• What was the real reason for Pope Benedict’s shocking resignation?

• With what alternative message has Pope Francis replaced the message of Jesus as Savior of the world?

• What does it mean to be “accursed” (Galatians 1:8-9)? Does Pope Francis fit the description?

• What shocking statement did Pope Francis make about the murderous Latin American leader Che Guevara?

• How should Christians live today, in light of prophecies unfolding around us?

• And many more!

Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe answer all these and more!

Startling End-Time Prophecies: Pope Francis & Christ’s Return DVD (DSEV)Running Time: 125 minutes CC

Send a gift of $24 95

Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe expose the startling truth in this new video and show you ...

1. How St. Francis of Assisi, eight centuries ago, predicted the rise of Pope Francis in your lifetime: one who would do damage to the Church!

2. How a little-known fact about Pope Francis’s life before he became Pope pointed to his rise to power before anyone had ever heard of him ... when he was still a simple priest in South America!

3. How the great Bishop Sheen predicted that the false prophet of the latter days would create a counterfeit global Church!

4. How Pope John Paul II — knowing the prophecies — tried everything in his power to keep the Church from choosing a liberal Jesuit pope!

5. What the link is between the apostate Pope of the Catholic Church and the end of the age!

...And more!

The prophecies are unfolding. You need to understand what’s happening! Please request the video now, and watch for the Rapture! It is about to happen. This video is the final Catholic prophecy about Christ’s return.

If anyone ever doubted that we are living in the last days, doubt is no longer possible! Not when you see the 2,000 years of prophecies promoted by Catholic leaders pointing to this moment in history!

Page 10: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

“For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ....” —Philippians 3:18

Prophesied APOSTASY here now? Don’t let your friends

and family fall away

Do not allow your family and church to be deceived — request Enemies of the Cross today!

Enemies of the Cross DVD & Cross lapel pin (DENP)

Running Time: 75 minutes CC

Could your church be among those that are “falling away” from the cross of Jesus Christ? Drs. Jack and Rexella

Van Impe have prepared this powerful video teaching to show you the Enemies of the Cross — and how to defeat them. You will discover the answers to critical questions like:

• Who is calling the cross “useless,” and why?• How can we know if Jesus is the only way to

heaven?• How do contemporary church services fit in

to the great “falling away” predicted in the Bible?

• How are new Bible translations destroying the Christian faith?

• How does Pope Francis signal Christ’s soon return?

• What will the final one world religion look like?

• Where will the False Prophet come from? • Who has been lured into the New Age

Movement?• And many more!


Hello, I have been watching your show now for about three years. I am Catholic. I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much I love your show. I get up early every Sunday morning to watch it. My spirit is uplifted when you talk

about the coming of the Lord every week.

Come, Lord Jesus!

Also, thank you for speaking out against radical Islam. It is about time someone took a stand. Thank you so much for that.

You and your wife really have changed my perspective on a lot of things. The way you minister reminds me of when I was a boy growing up in the Pentecostal church. Thank you again. I will be praying for you and your ministry. Your brother in Christ Jesus…


My spirit is uplifted when you talk about the coming of the Lord every week.

Page 11: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

I am so happy Jack is back — I cried upon his return! I had a stroke four months ago, and it is hard to do things around the house, but I thank God that Jack is safe, and so is his family.

Thank you for helping me see the errors in my life. Again, I thank God you are OK.


You are influencing my Christian fellowship, as I fell away for quite some time. Thank you for your ministry and incredible knowledge of the Bible. I just thought I would send a quick note

to say how happy I am that everything came out okay with your heart surgery. God was not finished with you yet, and especially for me — I need your guidance and inspiration more than ever. Thank you, and God bless!


What a blessing it is for the Lord to strengthen and empower y’all to continue the wondrous ministry to

the nations in this unnerving hour. Surely God has heard the cries of His children, pleading for prophetic voices that were clear, mouthpieces for the Lord, declaring His Word unapologetically despite the turbulence. You have been faithful to lift up the name of Jesus and point people to the cross for all these years. May God grant you many more years with His precious Holy Spirit filling you and strengthening you. May He assign His loyal angels to encamp round about you to keep you in your way. May the Word of God dwell richly in you and God continue to give you revelation and knowledge and understanding as you feed His sheep during these times of famine in the worship centers across this land.

Lord knows that the “great falling away” has occurred in our pulpits in this nation, with only a few voices remaining faithful and owning the courage to stand in opposition to the sprawl of darkness. Many of us have had to depart churches altogether due to the indifference and apathy of the leadership and their routine tampering with God’s Word, diluting His Truth and

My name is Chris. I was saved at 16 years old. I met my girlfriend at the time and it was wonderful. A few years passed and we got married. Soon we had a baby on the way. Just two kids were bound to make us happy with God and with each other. But we lost our baby girl — she was stillborn.

This killed my wife, Donna. It was a dark time. As the years passed, we moved along and she had three miscarriages. We made it through them, but Donna picked up the bottle and drank till her death in 2010. Before her death, God had given us three boys, whom I thank Him for. As the years went by, she drank, and I fell away from God. She developed liver disease, but made amends with God before she passed to go be with the Lord.

One night about four weeks

ago, I started to watch your show on my laptop, and every night I would watch a show or two. Soon I could feel God’s love coming from you and Rexella, and it got through to me and scared me. Your show, Jack, and the things you said, and the things your wife said, got through to my heart, and the Holy Spirit started to speak to me. One night I said the sinner’s prayer with you, and all the bad left my heart. Just like that, I had peace and joy.

The two of you have brought me back to God, and I’m doing

well. It is all because of your program that I am saved. I first thank God, then I thank you. The Word says to give credit where credit is due. I watch your show every night and I’m learning so much more than I knew before.

Thank you again for being there when a backslider like me needed you. I am grateful for men and women who stand in the gap for us and steer us back heading home.


How thankful I am for both of you! I was in ministry for more than 30 years. I am so disturbed by what I see in churches today. Why is the truth not being spoken?

The saints need to be prepared for what is coming. Sadly, the truth is not seeker-friendly. I am almost ready to burst into churches on Sunday mornings and shout the truth. I am sure it would not be received. I am praying for you. Keep speaking up. There’s not much time. God bless you.


My husband and I have been so blessed by your ministry. Thank you for your desire to continue to preach God’s Word after all you both have been through. God bless you and keep you safe and protected in Jesus’ name. Very truly yours…

—M.N.The two of you have brought me back to God, and I’m doing well.

I just wanted to say that I have been truly blessed by watching your program. You have led me to the Lord, and I have been saved. I have a strong faith, and He has put into me a blessing to write poetry, which I am getting published as I write.

Thank you — we

will meet in the Kingdom

after the Rapture. I am

so thankful Jack is doing

so much better and that

the Lord brought him

back from near death.


manufacturing “another gospel.”

So, as you might imagine, we are ever so grateful for such voices as yours, and a handful of others.

May this new chapter of your ministry bring pure joy to you both as you sense our Savior’s imminent return nearing in accelerated fashion.

Blessed be He who has chosen and called and equipped and empowered you for His service, in Jesus’ name.


Page 12: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

1. If you don’t have a will, the government may be the one deciding how your assets are distributed after your death — the taxes and fees collected may go to support government programs you would never have supported in your lifetime.

2. Without a will to guide them, your family may not use your assets in a way you would like — and they may even fall into dissension with one another as they try to divide up your estate.

3. A will or estate plan can minimize taxes, provide for your surviving family, and bless the outreaches and charities you support, too — like Jack Van Impe Ministries.

find out more. talk to your attorney today about including Jack Van impe Ministries in your will or estate and designating Jack Van impe Ministries as a beneficiary.

You can partner with Dr. Jack Van Impe in proclaiming the Truth —Today and tomorrow!

Your commitment to sharing the gospel — and letting the world know that Jesus is coming soon — can continue to bear fruit, even after you go home

to be with the Lord.How? By including Jack Van impe

Ministries in your will or estate plan.it’s important to have a plan that reflects

your Christian values because:

22 | Perhaps Today | June 2016

Dear Jack and Rexella, my two favorite ministers in the world today!!

I have watched you two since we had black and white TV. I am 83 years old…

Thank you both. I pray for both of you and for your whole ministry. I am interceding for your health, Jack, and am praying for Rexella’s strength.

Rexella, you are the most beautiful lady I see on TV, not only on the outside, but it comes from your heart and spirit inside. Jack, you have pulled me out of the blues soooo many times and given me hope.

I sent one of your Bibles to my grandson. He is in prison in Idaho. I am praying he will understand and share with others.

This is my first letter to you two. I have been a contributor, though, for probably more than 40 years (since the early ‘70s). I always wait until the end of the program, and when you hold up your hand and say “Bye,” I raise my hand and say “Bye, Dear, I hope I see you soon in heaven with the Lord!”

God bless and keep you both.


I have been listening to you since the 1980s. Praise God for you — you are the best preacher on the planet!!

Love to you and Rexella.


Every week you tell me, “Jesus is coming soon — Look up!”

And I do. This small statement is like a boost for my week.


Keep giving the devil a black eye, and hit him a good one for me. I would like to meet you and Mrs. Van Impe without a doubt!

I would be on bended knee before you and your wife because of the great respect and love I have for the both of you.


I sent one of your Bibles to my grandson. He is in prison in Idaho. I am praying he will understand and share with others.

Page 13: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

Request the video now, and you will also receive Dr. Jack Van Impe’s astounding book, Israel’s Final Holocaust, as a gift. You’ll gain fresh insights into the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, the Millennium, and more!

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Request the video now and receive the peace, comfort, and freedom from fear that come from solid, biblical answers to questions like these:

• Does the Old Testament teach the Second Coming and reign of Christ on earth?

• What is replacement theology, and why is it wrong?

• How can Jewish and Christian theology coexist in the New World Order?

• How will Jews one day recognize Jesus as Messiah?

• Will the nation of Israel turn to Christ?

• And many more!

It may be the only Bible you ever need — the one you use every day — and the one you want to share!

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Prophecy Bible (BIB4P2)

Dr. Jack Van Impe’s “work of a lifetime” is the amazing Jack Van Impe Prophecy Bible.

Send a gift of $59 95

Millions of believers fear the coming new World order because they believe it will be the one-world government and brutal rule of the antichrist …

But in this powerful video teaching, you discover that there is nothing to fear! The ultimate New World Order is not the Satan-inspired rule of the Antichrist, but rather the God-ordained government of Christ the King (Revelation 21:3).

A New World Order —

ordained by God?

Coming Soon: Judeo-Christian New World Order DVD and Israel's Final

Holocaust book (DJNP)Running Time: 80 minutes CC

With every prophetic verse in the Bible highlighted — and a comprehensive prophetic timeline to guide you through the remarkable biblical narrative — it will

impart the vast knowledge and insight of one of the world’s foremost prophecy experts to you! And it features:

1. The majestic King James Version translation text in large print, with words of Christ in red.

2. A ribbon bookmarker. 3. A special presentation page — perfect for gift-giving.4. A Scripture memorization plan, designed by Dr. Van Impe

to enable you to learn the Word of God more effectively than ever before.

5. Dr. Van Impe’s own A-Z Prophecy Index — giving you easy, instant access to the Bible’s answers on the questions that concern you most.

6. Dr. Van Impe’s fascinating verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Revelation.

7. The full commentary on the book of Daniel in Daniel: Final End Times Mysteries Unsealed.

8. And much more!

Request this Bible as a great addition to your prophecy library, to use as your daily devotional Bible, or to give to a friend. It is packed with powerful prophecy insights and more.

Page 14: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

tiMe end


You’ll receive the extraordinary book

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The mysteries of the book of Daniel were sealed until the

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says dr. Van impe: “everything Jews, gentiles, and Christians need to know about the future is contained in the book of daniel. “Daniel: Final End-Times Mysteries Unsealed” reveals the keys to the mysteries of Bible prophecy, including:

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March 22, 2016 — Israel National News reports:“Members of the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the series of bombings in Brussels on Tuesday,

in which at least 34 victims were murdered and 186 more were wounded.

ISIS took responsibility for the bombings through a news website affiliated with it, as cited by Reuters.

The attack would mark the latest in a series of high-profile attacks on European soil by the jihadist group; last November ISIS launched a series of six coordinated attacks in Paris which left 130 people murdered.

Security forces continue to work to hunt down the suspects involved in Tuesday’s attacks.

Those attacks included two explosions in the Zaventem Airport, where at least 14 were murdered and some 90 wounded.

A ceiling in the airport collapsed in the wake of the explosion, trapping dozens of travelers and complicating efforts to recover victims of the attack.

Just an hour after explosions rocked the airport the Maalbeek metro station in Brussels was hit by an explosion, leaving at least 20 murdered and 60 wounded. The metro bombing took place just a few hundred yards away from the seat of the European Union government....” (ISIS is but one of 11 terrorist organizations slaughtering believers globally. The other 10 demonically controlled groups are: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula; Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb; Boko Haram; Taliban; Al-Shabab; Hamas; Hezbollah; Muslim Brotherhood; Jemaah Islamiah; and the Uighurs. Revelation 20:4-6 prophesied their rise near the time of Christ’s return: …I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands;

and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.)



March 27, 2016 — Breitbart.com reports: “The deadly terrorist attacks in Brussels last week and in Paris last November are dress rehearsals for a coming ‘big’ attack inside the United States, a leading Islamic State-allied militant claimed in an exclusive interview.

Abu al-Ayna al-Ansari, a Salafist movement senior official in the Gaza Strip, made the claim in a pre-recorded, hour-long interview to air in full on Sunday on ‘Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,’ the popular weekend talk radio program broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM in Philadelphia. Klein doubles as Breitbart’s

Page 15: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

senior investigative reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief.

Klein asked Ansari whether IS maintains cells inside the U.S. and if the terrorist group is ‘planning anything in America.’

Ansari responded:‘Aaron, the battle with America

is a very long one, a very tough one, a very hard one. America has a black record with the mujahedeen, and this black record will not be purified but with blood, and lots of blood. Only blood will cleanse what America did to the mujahedeen. And I can confirm that our leadership made it very clear that what happened in Paris, what happened in Brussels was only a small rehearsal before the big thing that will happen in America’....” (Americans are fearfully awaiting the attacks of the satanically controlled Islamists whom President Obama labels as the “religion of peace.” What a help America’s leader has been to these merchants of death through his cover-up of their dastardly deeds. Since the time of the Crusades, 300,000,000 — yes, three hundred million

— Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims have died according to Mark Gabriel, a converted Muslim.)


‘WILL FALL’ WITH ITMarch 6, 2016 — The Times

of Israel reports: “Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah denounced Israel on Sunday as a ‘permanent enemy’ of the Arabs, and lashed out at Saudi Arabia amid a continuing spat between his Shiite,

pro-Iran organization and the Sunni-dominated Gulf kingdom.

‘O Zionists, if any Arab regime supports you, it will fall with you,’ he said, according to a translation of his words by the Hezbollah media outlet al-Manar.

‘Israel’s presence will never become normal and it can’t be an ally to Arabs while it is terror itself,’ he was quoted as saying. ‘No Arab regime will be able to normalize ties with Israel, neither the House of Saud nor anyone.’

In the televised broadcast, intended to mark one week since the funeral of one of the group’s top commanders, Ali Fayyad, near the Syrian battleground city of

Aleppo, Nasrallah defended his Shiite group against widespread criticism in Lebanon and the Arab world over its allegiance to Iran’s ruling ayatollahs and its fighting on behalf of Assad in the Syrian civil war....” (Arab States? Yes. Israel? Never. Yahweh, the Judeo-Christian God, promises in Isaiah 56:5-7 (emphasis mine): Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them [Israel] an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off. Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.)

Millions of people — even Christians! — are spiritually in the dark concerning Bible prophecy and the latter days. But you and your family don’t have to be afraid or confused —

Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe’s video teaching Christ’s Return: Millions Deceived explains the future unfolding right now, answering important questions such as:

•WhopraystheLord’sprayer hypocritically right now?

•Isheavenstrictlyaspirit world?

•WhendothedeadinChristreceivenew bodies?

•Whatarethe two resurrections in Scripture?

•HowdoestheAntichristcometoglobal power?

•Howandwhydoesheattempttoeradicate all Jewish people?



•Howmanyofthe500propheticsignspredicting the Rapture have already taken place?


D o n ’ t b e


Christ’s Return: Millions Deceived DVD (DMDV)Running Time: 135 minutes CC

Send a gift of

$3495Request this powerful teaching video today and share the truth

about these latter days with your friends, family, and church.

28 | Perhaps Today | June 2016

Page 16: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

YOU are part of it — Rapture Generation!Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe give you

all the latest evidence that YOU are among the people who will see the coming of Christ and be caught up to meet Him in the air!

In this power-packed teaching, you’ll get answers to critical questions such as:

Send a gift of $2495

The Rapture Generation DVD (DRGV)Running Time: 70 minutes CC



Show your friends,

family, and church

the Scriptural

proof that Jesus

is coming soon

— and that this

generation will see

Him coming in the

clouds! Request

The Rapture

Generation today.

1. What does Armageddon really mean?

2. What do recent natural disasters have to do with Jesus’ prophecies of the latter days?

3. What do recent Islamic terrorist attacks have to do with their obeying the Koran?

4. Could this be the year that the Lord will return? What are the signs?

5. What does the Bible say about terrorism being one of the major signs before the Lord comes back?

...And many more!

Page 17: Jack Van Impe mInIstrIes - JVIM · own Son. John 3:16, the Gospel in a nutshell, states, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in

Contact JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES® at Box 7004, Troy, Michigan 48007. In Canada: JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES OF CANADA® Box 1717, Postal Station A, Windsor, ON N9A 6Y1. For immediate attention, call us at (248) 852-5225 or fax (248) 852-2692. Thank you for your love and generosity ... and God bless you!

Visit our Web address:


• WhatliesdoestheKoranteachaboutJesus?• WhowantstodeceiveAmericanChristians?• HowmanytimesdoestheKoransayChristians

willburninhell?• WheredoestheBiblepredictIslam’srise?• Andmanymore!

The Bible predicts a coming “one-world religion” in the latter days, and right now Antichrist forces are trying to convince you that Jesus and Allah are the same — that Christians and Muslims worship the same God!

But Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe have created a video teaching that shares the biblical truth about the Savior and answers questions like:

Educate yourself, your family, and your church with this

crucial truth for today.

Everybody ought to know who Jesus is

BONUS GIFT: The astonishing, Scripture-packed volume from Dr. Van Impe, Great Salvation Themes — amazing truths about God’s grace, Christ’s redeeming blood, and your salvation!

Who Is Jesus? dVd / Great Salvation Themes book (DWJP)


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Video teaching from Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe shines the spotlight on the TRUE, biblical Jesus

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