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  • 8/22/2019 Jackson V AEG Live August 1st 2013 Transcripts of ERIC C BRIGGS. (Valuation and Financial Advisory)


    KFHLXGO U FC@ JAUC Fu`ust 6st 4268

    Crah Dra``s .Ufjuftago fom Eaofohafj Fmvasgry!

    ]nc Kum`c/ @ggm igroao`/ Pnft mg wc occm tg mg7

    Is/ Daof/ ]ncrc nfm dcco f hgupjc assucs* ygur ngogr* wnahn wfs tnc rcfsgo wny ygu nfmwfotcm tg spcfl watn Ir/ Iajjcr* tnc `cocrfj hguoscj ge E]A Avc spglco tg nai tnas igroao`/Nc's fvfajfdjc go tnc pngoc ae ygur ngogr wfots tg hfjj nai/ Nc's hjcfrcm up sgic ifttcrs egr icao tcris ge tnc hgoejaht assuc/ Pnft nfppcocm wfs* tncy mam fo aotcrofj hgoejaht hnchl*mctcriaocm tncrc wfs og hgoejaht/ ]nco dcegrc tflao` tnc co`f`cicot* hgotfhtcm hguoscj egr tnccstftc ge Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo* mctcriaocm tncrc wfs og hgoejaht/ ]nc cstftc sfam tncy fdsgjutcjyf`rccm tncrc wfs og hgoejaht* fom tnft's wny tncy igvcm egrwfrm/ Ir/ Iajjcr wajj hgoeari tncsfic/ Tc`frmao` tnc ATX/ Assuc* iy uomcrstfomao` as tnft tnc sudkcht hfic up fetcr E]A'spraohapfj co`f`cicot watn f egricr pcrsgo ergi tnc fjmcr `rgup nfm dcco hgipjctcm/ ]nco tncrcwfs f qucstago ge tnc vfjuftago tncy nfm mgoc* fom tnft wfs mashusscm ft f icctao` watn ATX/Tcprcscotftavcs/ Xg A tnaol* dfscm go tnft* tnft at's ogt pravajc`cm* dut ygur ngogr ia`nt wfot tghgoeari tnc mctfajs ge tnft watn Ir/ Iajjcr/ Fs ocfr fs A hfo tcjj* tnc gojy assuc wc nfvc ncrc ashgoeamcotafjaty* fom ygur ngogr hgujm grmcr tnc watocss tg foswcr* ogtwatnstfomao` foyhgoeamcotafjaty f`rccicots/ ]nft's iy prcscot uomcrstfomao`* dut Ir/ Iajjcr as stfomao` dy egr fhfjj/ Nc hjcfrcm nas igroao` hfjcomfr* sg ae ygu wfot tg tfjl tg nai* ygu hfo/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Glfy/ Xguoms jalc ))

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ A nfm fo c)ifaj watn tnc jfwycr egr tnc cstftc* Ngwfrm Pcatzifo/ Nc hfo't dc ncrctgmfy/ A tgjm nai tnft ygu wgujm jalc nai tg dc ncrc/ Nc tgjm ic tg tcjj ygu nc hfo't dc ncrc/Ngpceujjy nc'jj dc ncrc ft fo fpprgpraftc taic/ Nc prgvamcm ao wratao` tg ic tnft og goc ergi tnccstftc futngrazcm tnas co`f`cicot dy E]A gr Ir/ Dra``s/ Fom nc hgoearicm tnft* hgotrfry ))

  • 8/22/2019 Jackson V AEG Live August 1st 2013 Transcripts of ERIC C BRIGGS. (Valuation and Financial Advisory)


    fhhgrmao` tg wnft nc sfys ao wratao`* tnft og goc ergi tnc cstftc* gr foy jfwycrs futngrazcm grwfavcm foy pgtcotafj hgoejaht gr fjjgwcm E]A tg dc f hgosujtfot go tnas hfsc/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ ]nft mgcso't scci aohgosastcot* ygur ngogr* dchfusc fs wc'vc jcfrocm ergi `cocrfjhguoscj* wng mctcriaocm tncrc wfs og hgoejaht fom tncrcegrc og occm egr f wfavcr* aostcfm tnc

    rcprcscotftago fom uomcrstfomao` as tnft og wfavcr wfs sgu`nt/ Dut wnft wc fjsg uomcrstfomergi tnc `cocrfj hguoscj as tnft tncrc wfs* fom tncy wcrc ogtahcm ge tnc co`f`cicot* fs yguwgujm mg watn foy dusaocss ifttcr* dut tnft nfs ogtnao` tg mg watn tnc hgoejaht assuc/ A tnaol atjfoms prchascjy wncrc ygu tngu`nt at wfs ycstcrmfy ))

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Og/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ )) wncrc ygu sfam tnc gojy assuc tnft ia`nt dc pravajc`cm* iflc surc tncrc aso't goc*fom at fppcfrs tncrc aso't/ F`fao* wc ifmc surc wc hgoearicm tnft* ao wnahn hfsc wc hfo mgcxfhtjy wnft wc'vc fjrcfmy mgoc* wnahn as nfvc ygu aostruht nai tg foswcr* fmmrcssao` tnchgoeamcotafjaty* wnahn sguoms pcrecht/

    ]nc Kum`c/ At sguoms jalc ygu `ct wnft ygu occm/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Og/ Dut tnc assuc )) fom A mgo't wfot )) Ir/ Pcatzifo sfam rc`frmao` futngrazao` grfjjgwao` tnas watocss tg dc fo cxpcrt ao tnas hfsc* tnft nfs ocvcr dcco futngrazcm gr ocvcr dccohgotfhtcm ao tnft rc`frm/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Fjj ra`nt/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ ]nft sccis tg dc hgotrfry/ Dut jct's `ct tnc ifo go tnc pngoc fom fsl nai wnft nc's`gt tg sfy fdgut tnft* dchfusc tncy'vc `avco ic hgotrfry aoegriftago/ A nfvc ogt )) A wfso'taovgjvcm/ A mgo't rcprcscot tnc cstftc/ A mgo't logw foytnao` fdgut at/ Fjj A logw as wnft tnaswatocss sfam go tnc watocss stfom fom wnft Ir/ Pcatzifo c)ifajcm ic/

    ]nc Kum`c/ A tnaol tnc fpprgpraftc tnao` tg mg* ae Ir/ Pcatzifo wfots tg hgic tg hgurt fom tcjjic tnft* nc hfo tcjj ic tnft< gtncrwasc* wc'jj kust `g egrwfrm/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Glfy/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Ae jftcr at dchgics fo assuc* wc hfo nfvc f eujj ncfrao` go at/ Fom ae tnc hgurt eaomstncrc aso't f wfavcr ))

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Jct's earst ncfr wnft ))

    ]nc Kum`c/ )) wc hfo mcfj watn at ft tnft taic/ Dut A'i ogt `gao` tg* ao tnc fdscohc ge Ir/Pcatzifo dcao` ncrc ))

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ A f`rcc/

  • 8/22/2019 Jackson V AEG Live August 1st 2013 Transcripts of ERIC C BRIGGS. (Valuation and Financial Advisory)


    ]nc Kum`c/ Qgu hfo `g egrwfrm watn ygur hrgss)cxfiaoftago/ Qgu nfvc tnc jccwfy ogw* dfscmgo tnas rcprcscotftago/ Qgu nfvc wnft ygu occm/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Fjj A wfot ))

    Is/ Daof/ F`fao* ygur ngogr* A mgo't logw ae Ir/ Pcatzifo wgujm dc fwfrc ge tnas/ Iyuomcrstfomao` as tnft f maeecrcot jfw eari egr tnc cstftc as tnc goc wng co`f`cm tnas fjmcr `rgupfom Ngeeifo jfw `rgup/ At wfs tnft `rgup tnft tncy spglc gut fom aoegricm tnci ge tncrcprcscotftago ao Ecdrufry/ At wfs tncar )) tnft `rgup tnft mctcriaocm aotcrofjjy tnft tncrc wfs oghgoejaht/ ]nco gut ge hgurtcsy* tncy sgrt ge prgpnyjfhtahfjjy ogtaeacm tnci* ogt dchfusc tncytngu`nt tncy occmcm f wfavcr* dut tg tcjj tnci fdgut at/ ]ncy tgjm tnci fdgut at* fom tncrcprcscotftavc ergi tnc Ngeeifo eari* fhhgrmao` tg iy uomcrstfomao` ergi Ir/ Iajjcr* sfam* $ogprgdjci/ Pc'rc fwfrc ge at/ Mgo't tnaol tncsc ifttcrs frc rcjftcm/ Mgo't scc f hgoejaht/$ sg tnft asiy uomcrstfomao`* ygur ngogr/ Jalc A sfam* Ir/ Iajjcr as stfomao` dy tg hgoeari foy ge tnas/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Pcjj* A'i kust `gao` tg sfy tnft tnc watocss sfam tnft nai gr nas pfrtocr hgotfhtcm Is/

    Hgnco/ A mgo't dcjacvc tnft snc's ao tnc eari/ Dut jct's ncfr wnft nc sfys/ A'jj `avc tnc trfoshrapt tgIr/ Pcatzifo/ Nc's tnc gojy goc futngrazcm tg mg at* sg A'jj `avc at tg nai/ Pnft cjsc hfo A sfy7 Asfam tnft ygu aovatcm nai tg dc ncrc< tnft ygu hgujmo't grmcr nai< tnft ygu wfotcm tg ncfr ergitnc cstftc/ A rcjfycm tnft aoegriftago/ ]nft's fjj A hfo mg/

    ]nc Kum`c/ A uomcrstfom/

    Is/ Daof/ Qgur ngogr* A tnaol ae tnc cstftc nfm f rcfj hgohcro* tncy wgujm iflc tncar hgohcrologwo* A icfo* A wgujm cxpcht/ ]nc gtncr assuc A tnaol ncrc* ygur ngogr* as ao tcris ge wnft Ir/Rfoasn as rcprcscotao` go tnc trfoshrapt* A fhtufjjy rcvacwcm tnc trfoshrapt ao mctfaj jfst oa`nt/ ]ncwatocss earst tcstaeacm tnft tnc aotcrofj hgoejahts hnchl nfm dcco ruo fom f mctcriaoftago tnft tncrcwfs og hgoejaht/ Nc gr nas pfrtocr* nas pfrtocr rgy sfjtcr* hgotfhtcm sgicdgmy ergi tnc cstftc fttnc taic/ A uomcrstfom ergi Ir/ Iajjcr at wfs Ir/ Xfjtcr wng ifmc tnft hgotfht/ Fom tncy fjsgmctcriaocm tncrc wfs og hgoejaht/ Pnft Ir/ Dra``s tcstaeacm as tnft nc jftcr hgotfhtcm Is/ Hgncofdgut f maeecrcot ifttcr/ Is/ Hgnco as goc ge tnc cstftc jfwycrs/ A mgo't rchfjj geenfom wnahn jfweari/ A tnaol snc's ao tncar tfx `rgup/ ]ncy mashusscm tnc rcprcscotftago ft tnft pgaot* dut ogt aotnc scosc ge `cttao` pcriassago/ Xnc wfs wcjj fwfrc ge at/ ]ncrc wfs og assuc rfascm/ Fom tnftwfs wnco nc sfam tnft nc spglc watn Is/ Hgnco/ Nc sfam nc wfs ogt surc wnctncr nc gr sgicgoccjsc ao tnc eari nfm ifmc tnc aoatafj hfjj dchfusc nc hjcfrs f ouidcr ge hgoejahts pcr ycfr/ Fs atturos gut* fhhgrmao` tg Ir/ Iajjcr* at wfs Ir/ Xfjtcr wng hgotfhtcm* A dcjacvc* Ir/ Ngeeifo grsgicgoc ergi tnc Ngeeifo jfw `rgup ao Ecdrufry/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Pcjj* A'i kust `gao` tg rcfm ergi tnc rchgrm* ergi pf`c 64*4=0* tnc tcstaigoy uomcrgftn ge Ir/ Dra``s; qucstago; $ogw* ao Ecdrufry ygu sa`ocm f wrattco hgotrfht watn tnas jfw earincrc tg wgrl go tnas hfsc< ra`nt7$ foswcr; $fo co`f`cicot f`rccicot* ycs/$ qucstago; $fomdcegrc ygu sa`ocm tnft* sar* ygu gr sgicgoc tnft ygu mgo't logw ge hfjjcm Is/ Hgnco fom `gt ncrfutngrazftago tg tcstaey ao tnas hfsc< hgrrcht7$ foswcr; $tnft's iy uomcrstfomao`/$ tnft's wnft nctcstaeacm tg/ ]nft's tnc tcstaigoy/ Jct's scc wnft tnas watocss sfys* fom wc'jj scc wnft Hgnco sfys*fom wc'jj `ct tg at/ Dut jct's ncfr wnft tnas E]A `cotjcifo sfys/

  • 8/22/2019 Jackson V AEG Live August 1st 2013 Transcripts of ERIC C BRIGGS. (Valuation and Financial Advisory)


    Is/ Daof/ Fom* f`fao* ygur ngogr A tnaol tnft wfs ao tnc iammjc ge f jgt ge tcstaigoy ao wnahn ncnfm sfam nc pcrsgofjjy tfjlcm tg Is/ Hgnco/ A jatcrfjjy nfvc fjj 42 pf`cs go tnc sudkcht/ A hfopraot at gut fom `avc at tg ygur ngogr ae ygu wfot tg rcvacw tnc cotarc tcstaigoy/ Dut nc tcstaeacmtnft tncrc wfs f hgovcrsftago dctwcco sgicgoc ergi nas eari fom Ir/ Iajjcr )) fom sgicgocergi tnc cstftc's jfw eari* fom Ir/ Iajjcr hfo hgoeari tnft/

    ]nc Kum`c/ A mgo't tnaol A occm tg spcfl tg nai/ A tnaol wc hfo igvc egrwfrm/ A tnaol ygu nfvcwnft ygu occm tg hgomuht hrgss)cxfiaoftago/ ]nft wfs iy hgohcro/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Xg wc mgo't occm tg tfjl tg Ir/ Iajjcr7

    ]nc Kum`c/ Og/ Fjj wc occm tg mg as aostruht tnas watocss tg rcspgom* fom ygu hfo `ct tncfoswcrs tnft ygu wfot/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ Fom* ygur ngogr* ify A kust aostruht sgicgoc tg jct Ir/ Iajjcr logw nc mgcso'toccm tg stfom dy7

    Is/ Daof/ Qcs/ Nc hjcfrcm nas cotarc igroao` hfjcomfr egr tnas ifttcr dchfusc wc tgjm nai at's foaipgrtfot ifttcr/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Pcjj* at's fhtufjjy fetcroggo egr nai/

    Is/ Daof/ Pcjj* fetcroggo/ Dut nc hjcfrcm nas hfjcomfr* ao hfsc ygu wfotcm tg tfjl tg nai* sg nchgujm stfom dy/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Foytnao` cjsc7 A'i `gao` tg `avc ygu taic tg ma`cst tnas/

    Is/ Daof/ Qcs* ygur ngogr/

    F/ Hgupjc ge gtncr assucs rcfjjy quahljy/ ]wg tnao`s/ Goc* pjfaotaees' hguoscj fslcm f ouidcr gequcstagos go hrgss)cxfiaoftago ycstcrmfy fdgut* $wnft mam ygu mg watn ygur taic* Ir/ Dra``s7$goc assuc tnft's hgic up as* f jgt ge wnft nc spcot nas taic go wfs rcscfrhn rcjftao` tg tnc sjamcstnft ygur ngogr cxhjumcm/ Nc )) A tnaol tncy'vc gpcocm tnc mggr go ngw nc spcot nas taic* fom Atnaol tngsc frc efar egr rcmarcht cxfiaoftago* ao tnft tncy )) nc hfo ogw sfy* $A jgglcm ft efhajatacsao Aomaf*$ $A jgglcm ft efhajatacs ao tglyg*$ fom wnctncr gr ogt tncy wcrc hgiicosurftc watn wnftpjfaotaees' cxpcrt sfam wfs pgssadjc/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Glfy/

    Is/ Daof/ Fom wc mam eajc f drace go tnft* ygur ngogr* fs wcjj* dcegrc tnc assuc hfic up go hrgss)cxfiaoftago/ Dut A tnaol at's mceaoatcjy efar go rcmarcht* fom at's ochcssfry tg rcnfd tnas watocss'shrcmadajaty/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Pnft nc hfo't mg as `ct aotg nas gpaoago/ Nc hfo sfy A mam rcscfrhn go ))

    Is/ Daof/ Glfy/

  • 8/22/2019 Jackson V AEG Live August 1st 2013 Transcripts of ERIC C BRIGGS. (Valuation and Financial Advisory)


    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Pcjj* hfo A fmmrcss at dcegrc ygu rujc7 ]nc sjamcs frc nas gpaoagos tnft nc `fvc tnft Asngwcm ao tnc mcpgsatago nc mamo't nfvc/ Xg nc hfo't usc tnc sjamc/ Ae nc sfam ))

    ]nc Kum`c/ Nc's ogt `gao` tg usc tnc sjamc< nc's kust `gao` tg sfy nc wgrlcm go sjamcs/

    Is/ Daof/ Qcs/ Qgur ngogr* tnc aotcotago as ogt tg nfvc nai usc tnc sjamcs/ Dut wc mam eajc f dracego wny wc dcjacvc tnc sjamcs wgujm dc fmiassadjc/ ]nc pjfaotaees nfvco't gppgscm tnft/ A mgo'tlogw ae ygur ngogr nfs nfm fo gppgrtuoaty tg rcfm at/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Kust `gt at ycstcrmfy/

    Is/ Daof/ Dut fs ge ra`nt ogw* A fsl tnft nc dc pcriattcm tg mcshradc wnft nc mam sg tnft at's ogtjcet watn tnc aipjahftago tnft nc spcot nuomrcms ge ngurs fom mam ogtnao`/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Pcjj* earst ge fjj* nc hgujmo't tcjj us/ Ogw nc's `gao` tg tcjj us wnco nc mam tnft7

    Is/ Daof/ Qgur ngogr* nc wfs ogt fjjgwcm tg tcjj dchfusc ge tnc grmcr/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ ]nft's ogt wnft tnc grmcr wfs/ ]ncrc wfs pfrt ge goc sjamc tnft wfs cxhjumcm/ ]nft'sfjj/ Rfrt ge goc sjamc/

    ]nc Kum`c/ A rcicidcr nfje ge f sjamc ))

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Ta`nt/

    ]nc Kum`c/ )) A tnaol as wnft nfppcocm/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Nfje ge f sjamc/

    ]nc Kum`c/ At's stajj wgrl tnft nc mam/

    Is/ Daof/ Qcs/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Fetcr tnc mcpgsatago/ Xg nc hgujm sfy* $fetcr iy mcpgsatago* A rcscfrhncm f* d fom h$ prgpgsfj gr Kuoc '2> prgpgsfj* tnco* ycs/

    V/ Fom tnft wfs tnc 6>5 sngws< ra`nt7

    F/ ]nc prgpgsfj rcejchtcm 6>5 sngws* hgrrcht/

    V/ Fom tnft's igrc sngws tnfo Ir/ Kfhlsgo nfm cvcr mgoc< ra`nt7

    F/ ]nft's hgrrcht/

    V/ Fom wfs tnft prgpgsfj scot tg Ir/ Foshnutz* tnc ncfm ge FC@7

    Ir/ Rutofi/ Gdkchtago/ Fslcm fom foswcrcm/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Gvcrrujcm/

    F/ at fppcfrs* dfscm go tnc cxnadats A rcvacwcm* tnft tnft prgpgsfj wfs scot tg Ir/ Foshnutz/

    V/ glfy/ Fom tnco* sar* eaofohao` wfs prgpgscm tg dc mgoc dy FC@< ra`nt7

    F/ ]nft's iy `cocrfj uomcrstfomao`/ A mgo't nfvc f spchaeah dfsas* tngu`n* egr tnft watn rc`frm tg fwgrjm tgur/

    V/ Pcjj* dchfusc ygu ocvcr fslcm tnft ge Ir/ @go`fwfrc< ra`nt7

    F/ A mam ogt fsl Ir/ @go`fwfrc tnft qucstago/

    V/ Glfy/ Fom ygu rcfm nas tcstaigoy wncrc nc sfam wnco 24 wfs mgoc* at wfs tnc aotcotago tg mgf wgrjmwamc tgur< hgrrcht7

    F/ A rchfjj sgictnao` tg tnft ceecht* ycs/

  • 8/22/2019 Jackson V AEG Live August 1st 2013 Transcripts of ERIC C BRIGGS. (Valuation and Financial Advisory)


    V/ Fom ygu rcfm Ir/ Ic`jco's tcstaigoy wncrc nc sfam* $ae tncrc's f wgrjmwamc mcifom* FC@wgujm eajj tnc mcifom fom scjj tnc tahlcts ochcssfry$< hgrrcht7

    F/ A mgo't rchfjj tnft stftcicot/

    V/ Qgu wfthncm Ir/ Ic`jco tcstaey upstfars* mamo't ygu* sar7

    F/ A dcjacvc A wfthncm jcss tnfo =3 iaoutcs ge at upstfars/

    V/ Dut ygu tgjm us ygu rcvacwcm fjj nas tcstaigoy* mamo't ygu* sar7

    F/ Figo` ifoy gtncr aomavamufjs ft trafj fom ao mcpg/

    V/ Nc kust tcstaeacm f wccl f`g* mamo't nc* sar7

    F/ Fpprgxaiftcjy* ycs/

    V/ Fom mam ygu rcvacw tnc tcstaigoy7

    F/ Fpprgxaiftcjy f wccl f`g/

    V/ Fom saohc tnft )) nas tcstaigoy* og goc cjsc's tcstaigoy tnft tcstaeacm ao tnas hgurt ygu'vcrcvacwcm< hgrrcht7

    F/ Pcjj* A'vc `goc dfhl fom rcvacwcm f ecw gtncr mghuicots ao hgokuohtago watn prcpfrao` tg dcncrc* ae tnft's wnft ygu'rc rcecrcohao`/

    V/ A'i tfjlao` fdgut trafj tcstaigoy* sar/

    F/ Pcjj* hcrtfaojy* ao hgokuohtago tg dc ncrc* A wcot dfhl fom rcvacwcm tnc trafj tcstaigoy gegtncr aomavamufjs* ae tnft's wnft ygu'rc fslao` ic/

    V/ Xg ygu mgo't rcicidcr wnft Ir/ Ic`jco sfam f wccl f`g< as tnft ra`nt7

    F/ ]nft's ogt wnft A sfam/ A sfam A mam ogt rchfjj tnft spchaeah stftcicot dcao` ifmc/

    V/ FC@/* tncy'rc f prgigtcr* frco't tncy* sar7

    F/ FC@ Javc fhts ao f prgigtago hfpfhaty* ycs/

    V/ Fom ygu mgo't rcicidcr wnft Ir/ Ic`jco sfam fdgut tnc fdajaty tg scjj wgrjmwamc scfts egrtnc Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo tgur< as tnft ra`nt7

    F/ A mgo't rchfjj tnc spchaeah stftcicot* og/

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    V/ Mg ygu rcicidcr foy stftcicot nc ifmc fdgut tnft wnco A qucstagocm nai7

    F/ A mgo't/

    V/ Glfy/ Mg ygu rcicidcr foy )) stralc tnft/ Qgu sfam tnft ygu rcvacwcm tnc tcstaigoy ge Ir/

    Nfwl< as tnft ra`nt* sar7

    F/ ]nft's hgrrcht/

    V/ Fom mam ygu rcfm Ir/ Nfwl's tcstaigoy fdgut f wgrjmwamc tgur egr Ir/ Kfhlsgo7

    F/ A mam/

    V/ Fom mam Ir/ )) ygu nfvc f ogtc ge tnft tncrc* sar7

    F/ A fi sccao` ae tncrc wfs spchaeah pfrts ge nas tcstaigoy tnft wcrc rcjcvfot tg egriao` iy

    gpaoago/ Dut `g fncfm/

    V/ Pnco ygu'rc rcfmy* jct ic logw/

    F/ A'i rcfmao`/

    V/ Qgu'rc rcfmao` sgictnao`7

    F/ A'i rcfmy/

    V/ Pcjj* mam ygu hgosamcr tnc tcstaigoy ge Ir/ Nfwl wnco egriao` ygur gpaoago tnft f wgrjmtgur wgujm dc spchujftavc7

    F/ Rfrts ge Ir/ Nfwl's tcstaigoy pjfycm aotg iy gpaoago* ycs/

    V/ Mam ygu ))

    F/ A )) cxhusc ic/ ]g dc hjcfr* iy rchgjjchtago as* nas tcstaigoy pjfycm igrc aotg iy gpaoagosrc`frmao` Ir/ Crl's prgkchtagos tnfo tnc spchujftavc ofturc ge prgkchtao` wnctncr tnc prgkchtswgujm ghhur gr ogt/

    V/ Mam Ir/ )) mam Ir/ Nfwl tcstaey tnft Ir/ Kfhlsgo wfs cxpchtao` tg mg fo fsafo jfycr ge tnctgur7

    F/ A mgo't rchfjj nai iflao` tnft stftcicot spchaeahfjjy/

    V/ Glfy/ Qgu mam rcvacw nas cotarc mcpgsatago* mamo't ygu* sar7

    F/ ]nft's hgrrcht/

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    V/ Pfs at jgo`7

    F/ A mgo't rchfjj/

    V/ Mg ygu logw tnft Ir/ )) mg ygu rcicidcr Ir/ Nfwl tcstaeyao` tnft at wfs ngpcm fom

    fotahapftcm tnft Ir/ Kfhlsgo wgujm cfro =22 iajjago ergi tnc 24 fom f Pgrjm tgur7

    F/ A rchfjj tnft rcecrcohc* aohjusavc ge fo cxtcosavc wgrjm tgur* ycs/

    V/ =22 iajjago< ra`nt7

    F/ Qcs/ A rchfjj tnft rcecrcohc/

    V/ Fom tnc wfy tncy struhturcm tnc mcfj wfs sg tnft Iahnfcj hgujm wfjl fwfy watn 622 iajjago)) cxhusc ic )) =22 iajjago< hgrrcht7

    F/ Fs f rcsujt ge f wgrjm tgur/ A rchfjj tnft rcecrcohc* ycs/

    V/ Mg ygu nfvc tnft foywncrc ao ygur ogtcs tncrc* sar7

    F/ Og/

    V/ Glfy/ Pcjj* wfs Ir/ Nfwl fslcm )) stralc tnft/ Mg ygu f`rcc tnft Ir/ Nfwl tcstaeacm tnft nctracm tg struhturc f mcfj tnft wgujm ujtaiftcjy `ct =22 iajjago tg Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo7

    Ir/ Rutofi/ Gdkchtago/ Iasstftcs tnc tcstaigoy* ygur ngogr/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Gvcrrujcm/ Xngw nai tnc tcstaigoy/

    V/ .aomahftao`/!

    F/ .rcvacwao` mghuicot/!

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Hfo A nfvc tnc qucstago rcfm dfhl* pjcfsc7

    ]nc Kum`c/ Qgu ify/ .tnc rcqucstcm qucstago wfs rcfm dfhl/!

    F/ tracm tg* ycs/ ]nft wfs nas ngpc/

    V/ tnft's wnft nc wfs mgao`* fs tnc jfwycr egr Ir/ Kfhlsgo* wfso't at* sar7

    F/ Nc wfs tryao` tg struhturc f mcfj ao nas rgjc fs fo fttgrocy egr Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo* ycs/

    V/ Pcjj* tnc mcfj tnft wfs struhturcm wfs aotcomcm tg iflc nai -=22 iajjago* wfso't at* sar7

    F/ Nc mcshradcm tnft fs nas ngpc* ycs/

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    V/ Mam nc mcshradc tnft fs nas aotcotago* sar7

    F/ Nc stftcm $ngpc*$ ogt $aotcotago/$

    V/ Qgu logw wng Ir/ Nfwl as7

    F/ Qcs/

    V/ Png as nc7

    F/ Ir/ Nfwl as fo fttgrocy tnft wfs wgrlao` go dcnfje ge Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo/

    V/ Pnft laom ge fttgrocy as nc7

    F/ A mgo't logw spchaeahfjjy/

    V/ Mg ygu logw wnctncr Ir/ Nfwl wfs fslcm wnctncr nc nfm foy mgudts ge Ir/ Kfhlsgo dcao`fdjc tg suhhcsseujjy hgipjctc tnc tgur watn FC@7 Mg ygu rcicidcr wnctncr nc wfs fslcm tnft*sar7

    F/ A mgo't rchfjj tnft spchaeah qucstago/

    V/ .aomahftao`/!

    F/ .rcvacwao` mghuicot/!

    Ir/ Rutofi/ Ify A nfvc tnc pf`c ouidcr7

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ 1=/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ ]nfol ygu/

    F/ glfy/

    V/ glfy/ Mgcs tnft rcercsn ygur rchgjjchtago* sar7

    F/ At mgcs/ ]nfol ygu/

    V/ Pfs iy stftcicot A kust ifmc truc tnft nc mamo't nfvc foy mgudt tnft Ir/ Kfhlsgo hgujmsuhhcsseujjy hgipjctc tnc tgur watn FC@7

    F/ A mamo't scc tnc wgrm $suhhcsseujjy$ ao tncrc/ A'i sgrry/

    V/ .aomahftao`/!

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    F/ .rcvacwao` mghuicot/! ]nfol ygu/

    V/ Pfs at ao tncrc* sar7

    F/ ]nc wgrm $suhhcsseujjy$ wfs ao tnc qucstago/ Nc rcspgomcm* $og* A nfvc og mgudts/$

    V/ Ogw* ygu jastcm go ygur sncct Lcooy Grtc`f egr f dfsas tnft Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo wgujm ogt mg fwgrjm tgur< as tnft ra`nt* sar7

    F/ ]ncrc as f rcecrcohc ncrc tg Ir/ Grtc`f's mcpgsatago/ ]nft's hgrrcht/

    V/ Xg ygu rcjacm go tnft< as tnft ra`nt* sar7

    F/ Iy rchgjjchtago as nc ifmc f spchaeah stftcicot fdgut Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo cxprcssao` fo aotcrcstao rctarao`* gr sgictnao` tg tnft ceecht* go tnft pf`c* fom A rcjacm go tnft stftcicot ao egriao` iygpaoago rc`frmao` f wgrjm tgur/

    V/ Mam ygu rcfm nas tcstaigoy ft tnc trafj* sar7

    F/ Qcs* A mam/

    V/ Fom wnft pf`c mam ygu rcecrcohc ao ygur gutjaoc tncrc* sar7

    F/ Rf`c 6>= ge nas mcpgsatago/

    V/ Fom mam nc sfy ao tncrc tnft Iahnfcj tfjlcm fdgut `gao` tg Aomaf fom kfpfo watn Lcooy Grtc`ftg tgur watn tnc $tnas as at$ sngw7

    F/ Iy rchgjjchtago as nc ifmc f rcecrcohc tg Aomaf/ A mgo't rchfjj ae nc wfs iflao` tnc rcecrcohctg Aomaf spchaeahfjjy ao rc`frms tg f tgur* gr rftncr kust trfvcjao`/ A hfo't rchfjj/

    V/ .aomahftao`/!

    F/ .rcvacwao` mghuicot/! ]nas aso't pf`c 6>=/ Pc'rc igvao` tg f maeecrcot pfrt ge tnc tcstaigoy7

    V/ Og/ Pc'rc igvao` tg nas tcstaigoy fdgut f wgrjm tgur/

    Is/ Xtrgo`/ Qgur ngogr* hfo wc scc tnft earst7

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Qcfn/ 6>8/

    Is/ Xtrgo`/ A mgo't nfvc tnc tcstaigoy/

    V/ earst jct ic fsl ygu tnas qucstago earst; mam Ir/ Grtc`f sfy tnft Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo tgjm nai tnft;$fetcr wc mg tnc 24* A wfot tg tflc tnc sngw dfhl gut fjj gvcr tnc wgrjm goc igrc taic$ fom sfy*$wnftcvcr ygu'rc mgao`* ygu nfvc tg stgp fom hgic tg Aomaf$7 Mam nc sfy tnft tg Ir/ Grtc`f7

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    Ir/ Rutofi/ ]nas as trafj tcstaigoy7

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Mcpgsatago earst/ Fom wc'jj `ct tg tnc trafj/ Mcpgsatago/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Glfy/ A tnaol tncy'rc hgoeuscm fs tg wnctncr tncy frc jgglao` ft mcpgsatago gr trafjtcstaigoy/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Mcpgsatago/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Mcpg/

    Is/ Xtrgo`/ Pnft pf`c7

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Jct ic fsl tnc qucstago earst/

    ]nc Kum`c/ A tnaol ygu mam* fom tncy'rc kust tryao` tg eaom ))

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ A'jj rcpnrfsc tnc qucstago/

    V/ mam ygu rcfm )) ygu rcfm* hgosamcrcm fom rcjacm go Ir/ Grtc`f's mcpgsatago tcstaigoy< aso'ttnft truc* sar7

    F/ ]nft's hgrrcht/

    V/ Fom mam Ir/ Grtc`f tcstaey tnft Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo sfam tg nai; $'nfvc ygu cvcr dcco tg Aomaf7Gn* ygu iust/ Fetcr wc mg 24* A wfot tg tflc tnc sngw dfhl gut* fjj gvcr tnc wgrjm goc igrctaic/' $fom nc sfam* 'wnftcvcr ygu'rc mgao`* ygu nfvc tg hgic tg Aomaf/'$ mam nc tcstaey tg tnft7]nft's tnc qucstago/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ Eguom at/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Jct hguoscj jggl/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ Eguom at/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Qgu eguom at7 Glfy/

    F/ tnft sguoms hgosastcot watn iy rchgjjchtago/

    V/ fom mam nc sfy )) hgotaouao` go ft pf`c 6>=; $egr surc/ $fom tnco* 'nfvc ygu cvcr dcco tgkfpfo7' $fom sg wnft A'i `cttao` ft as tnft nc tfjlcm dcygom 24/ Nc nfm ngpcs tnft )) nc nfm ngpcstnft pcrnfps )) tnft tnc 24 mftcs wgujm dc* ygu logw* sa`oaeahfot* wnft tncy rcprcscotcm* dutpcrnfps at wfs da``cr sgrt ge f eaofj tgur/$ as tnft wnft nc tcstaeacm tg* sar7

    F/ At sguoms jalc at/

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    V/ Fom tnco fetcr tnft* nc wfs `gao` tg nfo` nas nft up fom stfrt mgao` igvacs< hgrrcht7

    F/ ]nc rchgjjchtago A nfvc as tnft Lcooy Grtc`f* go pf`c )) go tnc pf`c A rcecrcohcm ncrc* 6>=*ifmc rcecrcohc tg sgictnao` jalc nfo`ao` nas nft up* gr sgictnao` fdgut rctarao`/

    V/ Fetcr tnc wgrjm tgur* sar< aso't tnft truc7

    F/ A mgo't rchfjj tnc scqucohc/

    V/ .aomahftao`/!

    F/ Hfo A turo tg pf`c 6>=7

    V/ Hcrtfaojy* ygu hfo/ A'vc uomcrjaocm at fjj egr ygu/

    F/ ]nfol ygu/ .rcvacwao` mghuicot/!

    V/ As tnft wnft at sfys* sar7

    F/ Hfo A nfvc tnc qucstago rcfm dfhl* pjcfsc7

    V/ Xurc/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Qgu ify/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Ae at's glfy watn tnc hgurt/ Qgu logw* ygur ngogr* A wfot tg kust put at up/

    F/ tnfol ygu/

    ]nc Kum`c/ A tnaol wc hfo/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Jct's stfrt ft 6>8* jaoc 6>* fom wc'jj `g ergi tncrc/

    V/ tnas as Ir/ Grtc`f's tcstaigoy tnft ygu rcjacm go< hgrrcht* sar7

    F/ ]nft's hgrrcht* ycs/

    V/ Glfy/ Xg jct's stfrt watn tncqucstago; $mam Iahnfcj tcjj ygu foytnao` nc nfm pjfoocm egr nas prgecssagofj hfrccr ao tnceuturc7$

    foswcr; $nc sfam tg ic goc mfy* 'nfvc ygu cvcr dcco tg Aomaf7' $A sfam* 'og/' $fom nc sfam* 'gn*ygu iust/ Qgu iust/' nc sfam* 'fetcr wc mg tnc 24* A wfot tg tflc tnc sngw dfhl gut fjj gvcr tnc

    wgrjm goc igrc taic/' $fom nc sfam* 'ygu )) wnftcvcr ygu'rc mgao`* ygu nfvc tg stgp fom hgic tg

    Aomaf/' $fom A wfs jalc* 'egr surc/' $fom tnco nc sfam* 'nfvc ygu cvcr dcco tg kfpfo7' $fom sg wnft

    A'i `cttao` ft as tnft nc nfm tfjlcm dcygom 24* tnft nc nfm ngpcs tnft pcrnfps )) tnft tnc 24

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    wgujm dc* ygu logw* sa`oaeahfot ao wnft tncy rcprcscotcm* dut tnft pcrnfps tncrc wfs f da``cr

    sgrt ge eaofj tgur/ $A tnaol nc wfotcm tg nfo` nas nft up* ygu logw* fs f tgurao` frtast* fom A tnaol

    nc wfotcm tg trfosatago fom sgrt ge )) ygu logw* aotg f maeecrcot samc ge tnc wgrl* eajiiflao`/$mgcs tnft fhhurftcjy stftc wnft nc tcstaeacm tg* sar7

    F/ Qcs/

    V/ Fom tnft's wnft ygu'rc rcjyao` go tg sfy Iahnfcj Kfhlsgo wgujm ogt mg tnc wgrjm tgur pcrhcot ge tgtfj tahlct rcvcoucs egr tnc 24/

    V/ Glfy/ Jct's mg > pcrhcot< glfy7

    F/ Xurc/

    V/ Ogw )) dut mg ygu logw wnft tnc pgpujfraty ge Ir/ Kfhlsgo ao Fsaf vcrsus Co`jfom as7

    F/ Fs ge wnco7

    V/ '21 wnco nc sgjm gut tnc 24/

    F/ A tnaol tnc gojy aomahftago ge tnft as fjdui sfjcs/ At's vcry nfrm tg sfy/

    V/ Pcjj* sar* wnco ygu tfjlcm tg Ir/ @go`fwfrc fdgut tnc iusah aomustry* mam nc tcjj ygu tnftfjdui sfjcs ogw frc wfy mgwo dchfusc pcgpjc `g go a]uocs fom gtncr aotcroct)dfscm tnao`s fommgo't `g duy fjduis7

    F/ Pcjj* typahfjjy stftastahs rc`frmao` fjdui sfjcs aohjumc ma`atfj fjduis fs wcjj/

    V/ Hgujm ygu foswcr tnc qucstago* pjcfsc* sar7

    ]nc Kum`c/ Foswcr tnc qucstago tnft's fslcm/

    F/ hfo ygu pjcfsc rcstftc )) A'i sgrry/ Hgujm ygu pjcfsc nfvc ncr rcrcfm tnc qucstago7

    ]nc Kum`c/ Qgu ify rcrcfm at/ .tnc rcqucstcm qucstago wfs rcfm dfhl/!

    F/ nc mam ogt tcjj ic tnft/

    V/ mg ygu nfvc ygur gwo aomcpcomcot logwjcm`c ge tnft* sar7

    F/ ]nft's hgrrcht/

    V/ Xg* jct's usc 62 pcrhcot/ Xg ae wc tflc tnc u4 hgipfrasgo* fom 62 pcrhcot ge tnft wgujm dcfogtncr 53/8 iajjago< ra`nt7

    F/ Qgu'rc kust `rgssao` up cfhn ge tncsc `rcco dfrs dfscm go fo cstaiftc egr icrhnfomasao`7

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    V/ Pcjj* aso't tnft ngw ygu tflc 62 pcrhcot7 Qgu iujtapjy at dy -538 iajjago* fom tnft `avcs ygu53/8 iajjago7 As tnft ngw ygu mg at* sar7

    F/ ]nft rcfjjy wfso't tnc aotcot ge tnc rfo`c A nfm snfrcm watn ygu/ Dut ae tnft's wnft ygu wgujmjalc tg mg* `g egr at/ A nfm stftcm vcry hjcfrjy tnft at wfs 3 tg 63 pcrhcot ge tnc tgtfj pac/

    V/ Ta`nt/

    F/ A nfm stftcm tnc 24 dum`ct* tg iy rchgjjchtago* wfs fpprgxaiftcjy 0 pcrhcot ge tnc tgtfj pac/ Xgat wgujm dc 538 mavamcm dy /18* tg mg tnc iftn prgpcrjy/

    V/ Glfy* sar/ Qgu sfam 0 tg > pcrhcot/

    F/ Glfy/ 0 tg > pcrhcot/

    V/ Xg jct's mg tnc iftn* saohc ygu nfvc tnc hfjhujftgr dcnaom ygu* A tnaol/ Xg jct's mg 0/3* sar/ A

    wfs tryao` tg iflc tnc iftn cfsy* dut saohc ygu wfot at tnft wfy* 0/3 taics 538 iajjago* ngwiuhn as tnft* sar7

    F/ Fpprgxaiftcjy -=1 iajjago/

    V/ Glfy/ Fom hfo ygu fmm tnft tg 538 iajjago* sar7

    F/ Fpprgxaiftcjy -022 iajjago/

    V/ Ngw iuhn7

    F/ Fpprgxaiftcjy -022 iajjago/

    V/ =1 pjus 538 as 0227

    F/ Fpprgxaiftcjy/ Qgu wfot fo cxfht ea`urc7

    V/ Qgu wfot tg dc cxfht* sg hgujm ygu pjcfsc `avc ic fo cxnadat ea`urc7

    F/ 024/

    V/ Glfy/ Fom jct's mg at egr tnc ocxt goc/ 0/3 pcrhcot taics >33 iajjago/ Ngw iuhn as tnft* sar7

    F/ 5= iajjago/

    V/ Fom wnco ygu fmm tnft tg >33 iajjago* ngw iuhn as tnft7

    F/ 161 iajjago/

    V/ Glfy/ Fom jct's mg at egr tnc ocxt goc/ 323 taics 0/3 as cqufj tg wnft* sar7

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    F/ 80 iajjago/

    V/ Fom wnco ygu fmm tnft tg 323* A dct tnft hgics gut tg 3=4 iajjago< hgrrcht7

    F/ ]nft's hgrrcht/

    V/ Glfy/ Ogw* sar* jct's `g dfhl tg tnc ea`urc ge )) ae Ir/ Kfhlsgo mam 6>5 hgohcrts* fs prgkchtcmdy Ir/ @go`fwfrc* fom nc sgjm tnc fvcrf`c ge wnft nas 33*222 tgur taics tnc 62> fvcrf`c prahc)) ygu tgtfjcm tnft up egr ic ycstcrmfy/ Hgujm ygu mg tnft f`fao* sar7

    F/ Kust tg dc hjcfr* ygu'rc tflao` 6>5 ergi f prgpgsfj ge 422>* ygu'rc iujtapjyao` )) A kust wfot tgdc hjcfr/

    V/ 6>5 taics 33*222 taics 62>* sar/ Pnft mgcs at hgic gut tg7

    F/ Fpprgxaiftcjy 6/6 dajjago/

    V/ ]aics 0/3 pcrhcot/ Pnft mgcs tnft hgic gut tg7

    F/ Fpprgxaiftcjy >4 iajjago/ ]ncrc's ogt f jgt ge mchaifjs go ncrc/

    V/ Ngw fdgut 6/14 dajjago7 Mam A `ct tnft wrgo`7

    F/ A wgujm f`rcc ae at's aohjumao` ygur ea`urc egr icrhnfomasao`* fpprgxaiftcjy 6/4 dajjago/

    V/ Fom tnco ae wc mam 452 sngws taics 33*222 taics 62>* wnft's tnft7

    F/ 6/3 dajjago )) cxhusc ic )) 6/3= dajjago/

    V/ Glfy/ Fom wnft's 0 64 pcrhcot ge tnft* sar7

    F/ Fpprgxaiftcjy 663 iajjago/

    V/ Ngw fdgut 6*222*5337 6*522*2337 As tnft ra`nt* ae wc fmm tnft tg`ctncr7

    F/ Xurc/

    V/ As tnft ra`nt* sar7

    F/ ]nft's f iftn prgdjci/ Xurc/

    V/ Ogw ))

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Frc wc `gao` strfa`nt tnrgu`n* ygur ngogr7 A'i fjigst mgoc/ A kust wfot tg ))

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    ]nc Kum`c/ Pcjj* wc stfrtcm ft A tnaol 62;62/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ Pc hfo eaoasn/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Ngw iuhn igrc mg ygu nfvc7

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ A kust wfot tg `g tnrgu`n iy ogtcs/ A tnaol A'i `cttao` tg tnc com* dut A mgo't wfot tg))

    ]nc Kum`c/ Ae wc'rc `cttao` hjgsc tg tnc com* A'jj `avc ygu tnc taic tg eaoasn sg wc hfo stfrt ercsn/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ ]nfol ygu/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Efar cogu`n/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Ir/ Rfoasn* wny wcrc ygu `csturao`7

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Dchfusc Is/ Xtrgo` as turoao` frguom fom iflao` efhcs ft ic* fom A wfs tryao` tg`ct ygur fttcotago/ ]nft's wny* ygur ngogr/ A mamo't wfot tg sfy foytnao`* fom A mamo't wfot tg hfjjat gut tg foygoc's fttcotago/ A wfs tryao` tg `ct ygur fttcotago tg gdscrvc/

    ]nc Kum`c/ A mgo't logw wnft )) A mgo't logw ))

    Is/ Xtrgo`/ Qgur ngogr* A'i fhtufjjy ogt `gao` tg jct at `g* dchfusc* ygur ngogr* tncrc's sg ifoyiasrcprcscotftagos* fom )) hfo A pjcfsc stftc sgictnao` egr tnc rchgrm7 ]ncrc frc sg ifoyiasrcprcscotftagos fdgut iy hgomuht* fom tnc hgomuht ge iy hgjjcf`ucs* fom A mg ogt fpprchaftcat/ A mam ogt cvco jggl ft Ir/ Rfoasn kust ogw/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Xnc kust turocm* `fvc ic )) A icfo* wc hfo stfrt hfjjao` watocsscs ncrc ae wc occm tg/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ Qgur ngogr* wc'vc spcot taic egr tnrcc mfys/ Ae wc hgujm eaoasn tnas sg wc hfo `cttnas watocss gee tnc stfom* at wgujm dc fwcsgic/ Xg jct's mg tnft/ Xnc wajj lccp ncr ncfm turocmfrguom/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ Qgur ngogr* A'vc dcco tryao` tg fsl iy qucstagos/ A nfvco't sfam foytnao`/

    ]nc Kum`c/ A mgo't tnaol tnc $iflao` efhcs$ tnao` as sgictnao` A sngujm fmmrcss/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ A f`rcc/

    Ir/ Rfoasn/ A f`rcc/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Kust a`ogrc tnci/ A mgo't wfot tg dc fmmrcssao` tnft typc ge assuc ao hgurt/

    V/ sar ))

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    Ir/ Rfoasn/ A mg ogt nfvc foy eurtncr qucstagos/ ]nft's eaoc/ @g fncfm/

    F/ tnfol ygu/

    ]nc Kum`c/ Pny mgo't wc tflc f drcfl* fom tnco ygu hfo stfrt ercsn7

    Ir/ Rutofi/ ]nfol ygu* ygur ngogr/

    Is/ Xtrgo`/ ]nfol ygu* ygur ngogr/

    ]nc Kum`c/ 63 iaoutcs/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ ]nfol ygu* ygur ngogr/

    .tnc kury cxatcm tnc hgurtrggi ft 66;66 f/i/!

    ]nc Kum`c/ Glfy/ Qgu ify stcp mgwo/ Hgic dfhl ao 63 iaoutcs/

    Ir/ Rutofi/ ]nfol ygu* ygur ngogr/

    .f rchcss wfs tflco/!

    ]nc Kum`c/ Frc tnc kurgrs ncrc7

    .tnc kury cotcrcm tnc hgurtrggi ft 66;82 f/i/!

    ]nc Kum`c/ Jct's stfrt tnc rcmarcht/ Qgu ify dc scftcm/

    Is/ Xtrgo`/ ]nfol ygu* ygur ngogr/

    Tcmarcht cxfiaoftago dy Is/ Xtrgo`;

    V/ @ggm igroao`* Ir/ Dra``s/

    F/ @ggm igroao`/

    V/ A wfot tg tfjl watn ygu f jattjc dat fdgut tnc tcstaigoy gvcr tnc pfst hgupjc mfys watn Ir/Rfoasn fslao` ygu qucstagos* fom fjsg sgic ge tnc qucstagos A aoatafjjy fslcm ygu/ Pnco ygu tggltnc stfom* A fslcm ygu f ouidcr ge qucstagos fdgut tnc gpaoagos tnft ygu egricm ao tnas hfsc

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