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  • Jake Pareti Digital Advertising and Design Period 3B June 2015 Drop a gear and disappear!!
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  • Best parts department Amazing service Nicest and friendliest staff Fast and quality service We do full servicing, sell parts to do it at home, and everything you need to do maintenance. Dont forget about our street mods!
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  • This is Mike. He is our head technician. He is always here to help. 30 Years of Experience This is Mike. He is our head technician. He is always here to help. 30 Years of Experience This is Tony. He is always hanging around the shop looking to solve problems Always around to help This is Tony. He is always hanging around the shop looking to solve problems Always around to help
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  • We offer a rewards card where after 10 purchases, you get a free item (of $25 or lesser value) If you spend over $200, you will get 15% off. We have warehouse sales at the end of every year to get rid of the old and make space for the new We read fault codes for free!
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  • Great Service, Lambo was back to the track in a day.- Dino Brewster Great quality service, 10 out of 10 would use again.- Letty Ortiz Im amazed how great their service is.- Mia Toretto
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  • www.Paretimotors.weebly.com
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  • Drop a gear and disappear

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