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Page 1: Jamaica · Janeiro (see Special Report on page 262), especially sprinter Usain Bolt, who became the first person to win gold in three sprint events—the 100-m, 200-m, and 4×100-m

Jamaica received a new prime minister in March 2016after a narrow win by the Jamaica Labour Party inthe February 25 national elections. JLP leader

Andrew Holness took office on March 3. The country’siconic Red Stripe beer, which had been made inPennsylvania since 2012, was “repatriated” during theyear and began production in Jamaicaonce again. Jamaican athletes shone atthe Summer Olympics in Rio deJaneiro (see Special Report on page262), especially sprinter Usain Bolt,who became the first person to wingold in three sprint events—the 100-m, 200-m, and 4 × 100-m relay—atthree straight Olympics.

Vital statisticsBirth rate per 1,000 population (2013):13.5 (world avg. 19.5).

Death rate per 1,000 population (2013):5.7 (world avg. 8.1).

Natural increase rate per 1,000 population(2013): 7.8 (world avg. 11.4).

Life expectancy at birth (2012): male 71.3years; female 77.1 years.

Adult population (ages 15–49) living withHIV (2014): 1.6% (world avg. 0.8%).

DemographyPopulation (2016): 2,731,000.Density (2016): persons per sq mi643.5, persons per sq km 248.5.

Sex distribution (20152): male 49.50%;female 50.50%.

Population projection: (2020)2,767,000; (2030) 2,794,000.

Major cities (2011): Kingston584,627; Portmore 182,153;Spanish Town 147,152;Montego Bay 110,115;Mandeville 61,548.

Urban-rural (2014):


Official name: Jamaica.Form of government: constitutionalmonarchy with two legislative houses(Senate [211]; House ofRepresentatives [63]).

Head of state: British Monarch, QueenElizabeth II, represented by Governor-General Sir Patrick Linton Allen.

Head of government: Prime MinisterAndrew Holness.

Capital: Kingston.Official language: English.Official religion: none.Monetary unit: Jamaican dollar (J$); valuation (Sept. 1, 2016) 1 U.S.$ =J$127.25; 1 £ = J$169.24.

Ethnic composition (2011):

Age breakdown (20142):

Religious affiliation (2011):

Area and population area population


Parishes Capitals sq mi sq km estimate

Clarendon May Pen 462 1,196 247,391Hanover Lucea 174 450 70,177Kingston 3 9 22 3

Manchester Mandeville 320 830 191,640Portland Port Antonio 314 814 82,539Saint Andrew 3 166 431 668,9323

Saint Ann Saint Ann’s Bay 468 1,213 173,984Saint Catherine Spanish Town 460 1,192 520,595Saint Elizabeth Black River 468 1,212 151,649Saint James Montego Bay 230 595 185,464Saint Mary Port Maria 236 611 114,722Saint Thomas Morant Bay 287 743 94,820Trelawny Falmouth 338 875 75,886Westmoreland Savanna-la-Mar 312 807 145,446TOTAL 4,244 10,991 2,723,2464

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Page 2: Jamaica · Janeiro (see Special Report on page 262), especially sprinter Usain Bolt, who became the first person to win gold in three sprint events—the 100-m, 200-m, and 4×100-m

National economyBudget (2014–15). Revenue: J$427,888,500,000 (tax revenue 89.8%,

nontax revenue 8.0%, grants and other revenue 2.2%).Expenditures: J$439,282,600,000 (wages and salaries36.8%, interest 30.2%, capital expenditures 7.9%).

Public debt (external, outstanding; 2014): U.S.$7,956,-600,000.

Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture,forestry, fishing (2013): sugarcane 1,402,600, coconuts237,300, yams 138,834, oranges 83,145, pumpkins,squash, and gourds 52,072, sweet potatoes 44,224,bananas 37,211, plantains 30,937, lemons and limes26,500, cucumbers and gherkins 17,425, cassava 17,371,dry chilies and peppers 16,064, green chilies and peppers15,204, coffee 6,984; livestock (number of live animals;

2014) 520,000 goats, 13,500,000 chickens, 70,0008 beehives; roundwood(2014) 680,502 cu m, of which fuelwood 78%; fisheries production(2014) 15,606 (from aquaculture 4%). Mining and quarrying (2013):bauxite 9,510,000; limestone 1,949,000; alumina 1,855,000; gypsum48,322. Manufacturing (2008): cement 724,600,000; animal feeds(2005) 367,600; sugar 140,000; flour 132,561; molasses 62,654; beer859,870 hectolitres; rum [and other distilled spirits] 265,349 hec-tolitres. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 2012)4,156,000,000 (3,081,000,000), by source: fossil fuels 90.7%; renewableenergy 9.3%, of which hydroelectric 3.7%, biomass 2.9%, wind 2.7%;hard coal (metric tons; 2011) none (80,000); crude petroleum (barrels;2011) none (8,870,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 2012)1,187,000 ([2011] 2,332,000); natural gas, none (none).

Population economically active (201510): total 1,301,100; participationrates: age 14 and over, male 69.6%; female 55.4%; unemployed13.2%, of which youth (ages 14–19) 40.5%.

Gross national income (GNI; 2015): U.S.$13,668,000,000 (U.S.$5,010per capita); purchasing power parity GNI (U.S.$8,860 per capita).

Average household size (2004): 3.5.Land use as % of total land area (2011): in temporary crops or left fal-low 11.1%, in permanent crops 9.2%, in pasture 21.1%, forest area31.1%.

MilitaryTotal active duty personnel (November 2015):

3,450 (army 84.1%, coast guard 8.7%, airforce 7.2%). Military expenditure as percent-age of GDP (2015): 0.9%; per capita expen-diture U.S.$40.

Foreign trade9

Imports (2013): U.S.$6,172,000,000 (mineral fuelsand lubricants 35.3%, foods 15.6%, machinery andtransport equipment 14.5%, chemicals 11.7%,manufactured goods 9.7%). Major import sources:

Exports (2013): U.S.$1,634,200,000 (crude materials[incl. ores] 40.1%, foods 14.7%, chemicals 12.2%,mineral fuels and lubricants 11.4%, beverages andtobacco 5.2%). Major export destinations:

Transport and communicationsTransport. Railroads (2008): route length27 mi, 43 km11. Roads (2011): totallength 13,707 mi, 22,060 km (paved73%). Vehicles (2010): passenger cars388,449; trucks and buses 118,316.

Education and healthLiteracy (2015): population age 15 and over literate88.7%; males literate 84.0%; females literate93.1%.

Health: physicians (2009) 2,788 (1 per 962 persons);hospital beds (2010) 4,843 (1 per 556 persons);infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births (2012)16.7; undernourished population (2005–07) 100,000(5% of total population based on the consumptionof a minimum daily requirement of 1,860 calories).

1All seats appointed by Governor-General. 2January 1. 3The parishes of Kingston and Saint Andrew arejointly administered from the Half Way Tree section of Saint Andrew. 4Detail does not add up to totalgiven because of statistical discrepancy. 5July. 6Taxes on products less subsidies and less imputed bankservice charges. 7Includes 179,400 unemployed and 3,700 not adequately defined. 82013. 9Imports c.i.f.;exports f.o.b. 10April. 11Only operable railway transported bauxite. 12Subscribers.

Internet resources for further information:• Statistical Institute of Jamaica www.statinja.gov.jm• Bank of Jamaica www.boj.org.jm

Structure of gross domestic product and labour force2013 20145

in value % of total labour % of labourJ$’000,000 value force force

Agriculture, forestry, fishing 86,258 6.0 206,300 15.8Mining and quarrying 15,525 1.1 5,400 0.4Manufacturing 113,349 7.9 70,300 5.4Construction 87,987 6.2 83,400 6.4Public utilities 40,049 2.8 8,700 0.7Transp. and commun. 105,551 7.4 76,500 5.9Trade, hotels 287,157 20.1 299,100 22.9Finance, real estate 269,195 18.8 89,500 6.9Pub. admin., defense 176,446 12.3 57,400 4.4Services 81,104 5.7 224,300 17.2Other 167,8036 11.76 183,1007 14.07

TOTAL 1,430,4234 100.0 1,304,000 100.0

Communications units unitsnumber per 1,000 number per 1,000

Medium date in ’000s persons Medium date in ’000s persons

TelephonesCellular 2015 3,13712 1,11512

Landline 2015 253 90

Internet users 2009 1,581 582Broadband 2015 16412 5812

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