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Middle School Art Middle School Art ClassesClasses

Middle School Art Middle School Art ClassesClasses

““The World of ArtThe World of Art”” 2005-20062005-2006

66thth grade creative arts class taught by grade creative arts class taught by

Sarah StoneSarah Stone

““The World of ArtThe World of Art”” 2005-20062005-2006

66thth grade creative arts class taught by grade creative arts class taught by

Sarah StoneSarah Stone

In “The World of Art”, 6th grade students had opportunities to explore numerous ways in which

artists contribute to their communities.

• Our first lessons

• focused on architecture.

• We learned the basic

• skills and terminology of

• architecture…

and created our own community of “Boxville”.

Cupid’s Hot Dogs

Students created the types of buildings that might be found in our growing community.


Residential Dwelling

Even castles...

And, of course, fast food.

In our next assignment we applied our skills to the basic principals of theatrical set design.

Students conceived of characters, sets and props.

We built our “sets” with two hinged “wing” walls, and one back wall, using the format that professional designers

apply to build sets for popular television shows.

But as you will see, the students did a lot of creative things with thisbasic structure.

• One student • arrived at a unique• solution to this• assignment• by creating a design

of• a Phoenix rising from• the center of the• “stage”.

Design concepts flow naturally into each other as we allow ourselves to have fun with the materials.


Colors and Patterns

And form…

Students explored “Form” by carving abstract shapes out of foam and covering their resulting sculptures in plaster.

We used the artist Henry Moore as our creative reference.

We also collaborated together

to create beautiful art for public places.


My 6th grade artists used their creativity,

To make it a great year!

And Style

with gratitude,

Sarah Stonewww.sarahstoneart.com

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