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Personal SWOT AnalysisMaking the Most of YourTalents and Opportunities

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SUCCESS FUL PEOPLE PG-12Hussain DawoodSadruddin Hashwani



Generating New Ideas



Using the Power ofOther People's Help



Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Harvey MackyJim ColinsJohan Maxell

Power of Positive Talk

Syed Babar Ali


National Bank of Pakistan

November 2013

Page 5: Jan issue 01


CUSTOMERS SERVICE PG-20Dealing with Unhappy Customers

WAY TO WEALTH PG-22-25Special Report by

Brain Tracy







E d i t o r i a l"At the age of seven, a young boy and his family wereforced out of their home. The boy had to work to supporthis family. At the age of nine, his mother passed away.When he grew up, the young man was keen to go to lawschool, but had no education. At 22, he lost his job as astore clerk. At 23, he ran for state legislature and lost.The same year, he went into business. It failed, leavinghim with a debt that took him 17 years to repay. At 27,he had a nervous breakdown. Two years later, he triedfor the post of speaker in his state legislature. He lost. At31, he was defeated in his attempt to become an elector.By 35, he had been defeated twice while running forCongress. Finally, he did manage to secure a brief termin Congress, but at 39 he lost his re-election bid. At 41,his four-year-old son died. At 42, he was rejected as aprospective land officer. At 45, he ran for the Senate andlost. Two years later, he lost the vice presidentialnomination. At 49, he ran for Senate and lost again.At 51, he was elected the President of the United Statesof America.The man in question: Abraham Lincoln."Many of us are acquainted with this eloquent example ofpersistence and determination in achieving victory. Weread it, stop for a moment and then sigh and say: "Wow!That's the stuff real leaders are made of."That's not the way we see it now. The real view is thatthrough patience, persistence and hard work, you can bea highly effective leader and get success with the graceof Allah Tala.Monthly Success is here to motivate you to find thatsuccess charisma in you, becouse its only YOU who canchange your fate and help yourself.In every issue of SUCCESS magazine we will strive tobring you the thought leaders and success experts, bothpast and present, and reveal their key ideas and strategiesto help you excel in every area of your personal andprofessional life. You also will be provided a uniquewindow into the lives, practices and philosophies oftoday�s greatest achievers�top CEOs, revolutionaryentrepreneurs and other extraordinary leaders.At SUCCESS we believe that true personal success is notsolely financial accumulation. Creating financial freedomand abundance for your family is an aspect of success,but not the whole story. SUCCESS magazine will bringyou rarely discovered strategies and tactics to increasingyour wealth, as well as guidance in how to be a leader inbusiness, develop more passionate and loving relationshipsrevitalize your health and vitality and help you make adifference in the world.We hope you enjoy SUCCESS asmuch as we enjoy creating it. Please send us yourcomments and suggestions.Our mission is to help you be a success!

Rubina Rasheed

Page 6: Jan issue 01

(00)Success Magazine

khlaq is an Arabic term referring tothe practice of virtue, morality andgood manners in Islamic Theology

and Philosophy (Falsafah). It is mostcommonly translated in English as;Islamic behavior, disposition, goodconduct, nature, temper, ethics, morals orcharacter (of a person).Human perfection has many levels. Thegreater the amount of self-discipline andeffort on the part of the individual thehigher the level of perfection that he wouldattain, In other words, he stands betweentwo extreme points, the lowest of whichis below the level of beasts and thehighest of which surpasses even the highstation of angels. The human movementbetween these two extremes is discussedby ilm al-Akhlaq (Science of Ethics).It is the goal of ethics to raise and guideman from the lowest animal state to thatexalted position superior to that of theangels.In a hadith from Imam Ali (as)isrelated as saying, Allah (SWT) createdAngels with intellect but without angeror desire and created animals with angerand desire but without intellect, andcreated man with intellect (reason), angerand desire. If man's reason over powershis anger and desires, he rises to the statusof that higher than angels. But if his angerand desires overpower his intellect andreason he becomes lower in status thanthat of an animal.Do you know, what is religion? Let's

find out from Holy ProphetMuhammad (saw)!

Once a man came to Holy ProphetMuhammad (saw) and said: O messengerof Allah, what is religion? Holy ProphetMuhammad (saw) replied: Akhlaq (GoodConduct, Morality).Then he came to hisfront and asked: O Messenger of Allah,what is religion? Holy ProphetMuhammad (saw) replied: Akhlaq .Thenhe came to his left side and asked: whatis religion? Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) replied: Akhlaq . Then he came tohis back side and asked the same question:what is religion? Holy ProphetMuhammad (saw) replied: Akhlaq .ThenHoly Prophet Muhammad (saw) saidlooking at him: Not to be angry is Akhlaq.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) wasasked: What is misfortune Holy ProphetMuhammad (saw) replied: Bad Conduct.Hence, religion Islam according to ourHoly Prophet Muhammad (saw) isnothing but Akhlaq . And Akhlaq is basedon the cleanliness of both our inner self(Nafs, Soul) and our outer self (Physical,Body).It is of great importance to be mindfulthat Akhlaq forms an importantcomponent of our religion Islam and ourImaan (faith).

Allah (SWT) speaks about the importanceof good conduct, ethics, morals orcharacter in the Noble Qur'an. Allah(SWT) orders and reminds uscontinuously throughout the Noble Qur'anto develop good character and treat peoplewell, where HE (SWT) says:1. And say to My servants (that) theyspeak that which is best. (17:53)2. Worship Allah, and do not associatepartners with him. And be good to yourparents, and the relatives, and to theorphans, and to the poor people, and theneighbor that is close to you and theneighbor that is not close to you, and yourcompanion on the journey. (4:36)Many Ahadith can be quoted concerninggood conduct, ethics, morals or character.The following are some of what HolyProphet Muhammad (saw) said:1. I have been sent is to perfect goodmanners (Morality, Islamic Behavior).2. The dearest of you to me is he who isthe best of you in Akhlaq.3. The most complete of believers in

Imaan (faith) are those who are best incharacter.4. The most (important) things that causepeople to reach Heaven are divine pietyand a good temper.Imam Ali (as) says, Good behavior liesin three traits: Avoiding unlawful things,acquiring the lawful ones, and being fairto one's family members.Imam Hassan (as) says: The mostpreferable adornment is graceful manners.Imam Ali ibn Husayn (as) said: Fairspeech increases wealth, stretchessustenance, postpones death, creates loveamong family members, and causes theperson to enter Heaven.Imam Sadiq (as) said: There are threethings that each of which is brought bya person to Allah (SWT), Allah (SWT)will necessitate Heaven for the one:donation in poverty, a good temper withall people, and justice to one's self.

Why should we have Akhlaq ?When Allah (SWT) created the humanbeing, He (SWT) created it in two parts.One part was like an empty car shell,used to hold something, this is knownas outer self (Physical, Body). The other

part was like the engine, this is known asinner self (Nafs, Soul). Our body is suchthat it needs looking after; The way tolook after this soul is to listen, to think,to respect, to help. Hence Akhlaq in Islamis food for the soul, and if we feed itregularly, it will remain happy and healthy.Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)according to Noble Qur'an has superiorstandard of character. Allah (SWT)confirms in Noble Qur'an the Akhlaq ofour Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)"Andmost certainly you are on sublime morality(exalted standard of character)". (68:4)With the beautiful example of our dearHoly Prophet Muhammad (saw) in frontof us, we should be showing and teachingpeople what good character is.So, let us make a promise to ourselvesthat we never let our Akhlaq fall.May Allah (SWT) make it possible forus to practice upon the beautiful teachingsin the Noble Qur'an the perfect exampleof our Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).Ameen

(Good Conduct,Morality)

in Islam is food for the soul

The Character of a Muslim

A k h l a q�The dearest of you to me is he who is the best of you in Akhlaq.�

Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (saw)


Character Building

(06)Success Magazine

Page 7: Jan issue 01

Power of Positive Talk or Avoiding

Toxic Self-Talk (Negative Talking)Allah (SWT) the Exalted says in Noble

Qur'an: "O you who believe! Be carefulof (your duty to) Allah and speak the right

words." (33:70)remember my dad teaching me thepower of language at a very young age.Not only did my dad understand that

specific words affect our mental pictures,but he understood words are a powerfulprogramming factor in lifelong success.One particularly interesting event occurredwhen I was eight. As a kid, I was alwaysclimbing trees. So, it came to no surprisefor my dad to find me at the top of a 30-foot tree swinging back and forth.My older cousin, Saima, was also in thesame tree. She was hanging on the firstbig limb, about ten feet below me. Saima'smother also noticed us at the exact timemy dad did. About that time a huge gustof wind came over the tree. I could hearthe leaves start to rattle and the tree beginto sway. I remember my dad's voice overthe wind yell, "Fatima, Hold on tightly."So I did. The next thing I know, I heardSaima screaming at the top of her lungs,laying flat on the ground. She had fallenout of the tree. I scampered down the treeto safety. My dad later told me why shefell and I did not. Apparently, when hermother felt the gust of wind, she yelledout, "Saima, don't fall!" And Saima didfall. My dad then explained to me thatthe mind has a very difficult timeprocessing a negative image. In fact,people who rely on internal picturescannot see a negative at all. In order forSaima to process the command of notfalling, her nine-year-old brain had to firstimagine falling, then try to tell the brainnot to do what it just imagined. Whereas,my eight-year-old brain instantly had aninternal image of me hanging on tightly.This concept is especially useful whenyou are attempting to break a habit or seta goal. You can't visualize not doingsomething.The only way to properly visualize notdoing something is to actually find a wordfor what you want to do and visualizethat. For example, when I was thirteenyears old, I played for my junior highschool baseball team. I tried so hard to

be good, but I just couldn't get ittogether at that age. I rememberhearing the words run through myhead as I was running out for a pass,"Don't drop it!" Naturally, I droppedthe ball.My coaches were not skilled enoughto teach us proper "Self-Talk." Theyjust thought some kids could catchand others couldn't.Here is a very easy demonstrationto teach your kids and your friendsthe power of a toxic vocabulary. Askthem to hold a pen or pencil. Handit to them. Now, follow myinstructions carefully. Say to them, "Okay,try to drop the pencil." Observe what theydo.Most people release their hands and watchthe pencil hit the floor. You respond, "Youweren't paying attention. I said TRY todrop the pencil. Now please do it again."Most people then pick up the pencil andpretend to be in excruciating pain whiletheir hand tries but fails to drop the pencil.The point is made. If you tell your brainyou will "give it a try," you are actuallytelling your brain to fail. I have a "no try"rule in my house and with everyone Iinteract with. Either people will do it orthey won't. Either they will be at the partyor they won't. My dad also told me thatpsychologists claim it takes seventeenpositive statements to offset one negativestatement.Ask yourself how many compliments yougive yourself daily versus how manycriticisms.We all have internal voices thatgive us direction.So, are you givingyourself the 17:1 ratio or are you shortchanging yourself with toxic self-talk like,"I'm fat. Nobody will like me. zI'm sostupid. I'm broke, etc. etc."If our parentscan set a lifetime of programming withone wrong statement, imagine the kindof programming you are doing on a dailybasis with your own internal dialogue.Here is a list of Toxic Vocabulary words.Notice when you or other people usethem.BUT: Negates any words that are statedbefore it.TRY: Presupposes failure.

IF: Presupposes that you may not.MIGHT: It does nothing definite. It leavesoptions for your listener.WOULD HAVE:SHOULD HAVE: and implies guiltCOULD HAVE: Past tense that drawsattention to things that didn't actuallyhappen but the person tries to take creditas if it did happen.CAN'T/DON'T: These words force thelistener to focus on exactly the oppositeof What you want. This is a classic mistakethat parents and coaches make withoutknowing the damage of this linguisticerror.Examples:Toxic phrase: "Don't drop the ball!"Likely result: Drops the ballBetter language: "Catch the ball!"Toxic phrase: "You shouldn't watch somuch television."Likely result: Watches more television.Better language: "I read too muchtelevision makes people stupid. You mightfind yourself turning that TV off andpicking up one of those books moreoften!"Exercise:Take a moment to write down all thephrases you use on a daily basis or anyToxic Self-Talk that you have noticedyourself using. Write these phrases downso you will begin to catch yourself as theyoccur and change them.Forge a positiverelationship with the world around youand the world will become a better placefor you to live. And remember: Makepositive Self-Talk a daily practice.



(07)Success Magazine

Page 8: Jan issue 01

Top Guru

When Iwent intobusinessm a n yy e a r sa g o , It o l dpeople Iowned anenvelopecompany.I h a dbusinessc a r d sp r i n t e dt h a tidentified

me as an �envelope salesman.�Idescribed myself as anentrepreneur.All of those facts are still true,but incomplete. What I and ourcompany really do is providecustomer service.Well sure,Harvey, you say. But isn�t thatjust a part of the wholeo p e r a t i o n ? A b s o l u t e l y ,positively, irrefutably, NO. Iam in the service business,regardless of the product I makeand sell. If my service islacking, my business will besent packing.To validate my thinking, Irecently visited with JohnTschohl, president of the ServiceQuality Institute. John has spent33 years focused on customerservice. He has writtenhundreds of articles, as well asseven books on the topic. You�veprobably heard him interviewed ontelevision or radio. He has been calledthe �guru of customer service� by USAToday, Time and Entrepreneur magazines.Even the most successful companies arein constant competition for business.What sets them apart often boils down toone factor,Outstanding customer serviceJohn offered up some stellar advice forcreating a service culture, no matter whatbusiness you�re in.First, you�ve got tounderstand you�re in the service business. �Most companies think they are inmanufacturing and retail; airlines don�tknow they are in the service business,�he said. �Southwest Airlines is successfulbecause they understand they�re a

customer service company � they justhappen to be an airline.�Second, you have to look at all thepolicies, procedures and systems thatyou�ve got in place �that make lifemiserable for customers. You could havethe nicest people in the world, but youcould have stupid hours, stupid rules,stupid procedures, that just burn thecustomer.� When you make it thatdifficult for customers to patronize you,they find someone else who is moreaccommodating.Third, you have to haveempowerment. �Every single person hasto be able to make fast and powerdecisions on the spot, and it better be infavor of the customer,� John said. Fourth,you have to be more careful about whom

you hire. �The service leaders hire oneperson out of 50 interviewed, sometimesone out of 100, but they�re very, very,very careful,� he said. �Look for thecream, the A players, instead of bringingon B and C players.�Fifth, educate andtrain the entire staff on the art of customerservice with something new and freshevery four to six months. �Let�s say youwant to create the service culture. Nomatter if you have a hundred or a thousandor a hundred thousand employees, youbetter have something new and fresh, soit�s constantly in front of them,� Johnsaid. �So when they wake up every day,and they go towork,they say, �Fantastic,I�m taking care of customers!�Finally,measure the results financially so that youknow the impact it�s making on revenue,

sales, profit and market share.Everythingyou do, according to John, should be builtaround the concept of creating anincredible customer experience. �At Amazon, they�ve got technology,speed and price. They�ve got everything. If I�m on their website and I want themto call me, they�re going to call me backin one second. That�s speed. When youplace an order, you can do it 24 hours aday, seven days a week.�I realize Amazonis in a class by itself, and most businessesaren�t ever going to achieve the growthor profits of that gargantuan company.But John�s advice can be translated tocompanies of any size. A one-personshop can provide great service becausethey often have personal contact with their

c u s t o m e r s . B i g g e rcompanies have moreresources available,which should enhancethe service experience.Perhaps the simplestway of creating a serviceculture is a variation ofthe golden rule: Treatyour customers as youwish to be treated. Makeyour customers excitedthat you�re in business. Make them grateful thatt h e y h a v e t h eopportunity to buy yourservices or products.Make them feel like theyare your most importantclient. Make yourservice so outstandingthat they wouldn�t think

of doing business with anyone else. Andthen find a way to make your service evenbetter! MacKay�s Moral: Customerservice is not a department, it�s everyone�sjob.

Harvey Mackay is the author of the NewYork Times #1 bestsellers �Swim withthe Sharks without Being Eaten Alive�and �Beware the Naked Man Who OffersYou His Shirt.� Both books are amongthe top 15 inspirational business booksof all time, according to the New YorkTimes.Mr. MacKay is also a popular andentertaining business speaker and wasnamed one of the top five speakers int h e w o r l d b y To a s t m a s t e r sInternational.Follow Harvey MacKayon Twitter@harveymackay

Create a Service Culture

Success Magazine (08)

ByHarvey Mackay

Page 9: Jan issue 01

Yourmorningcup ofcoffee:habit,Bedtimestoriesfor yourkids:habit,Dailyperusaloffavorite

websites: habit, Early morning jog: habit,Success in life: habit,Wait a minute. What? Yes, you heardright: Success is a habit, just like all thoseother routines. Sure, it takes a little morework to cultivate this one than, say, filingyour paperwork before it overwhelmsyour desk; but nonetheless, if you trainyourself right, you can experience that �Idid it!� feeling over and over again.Robert Ringer, author of �Million DollarHabits�, explains it well: �The world issaturated with intelligent, highly educated,extraordinarily skilled people whoexperience ongoing frustration becauseof their lack of success. Millions of othersspend their lives working hard, long hoursonly to die broke.�Success is a matter of understanding andreligiously practicing specific, simplehabits that always lead to success.�The secret to your success can be foundin your daily agenda. Let�s look at fivetendencies you need to become a habitualwinner.1. Winners are passionate about whatthey do.OK, I�m fudging my definitiona little bit. I�m not sure passion is a �habit,�but I have to start there because it�s thecornerstone for everything else. Passionis the fuel and energy of life. It is thecatalyst for self-discipline. It puts the funin working. It�s impossible to succeedwithout it.Here�s the common mistake:People look for outside influences tomotivate them and fuel their passions.People ask me all the time, �John, whomotivates you?� It�s the wrong question.

They should ask what motivates me. Ifyour work matches your passion, then itisn�t work at all. I like to say I�m a�workafrolic,� not a workaholic. It�strue�I can hardly distinguish work timefrom playtime. You can become one, too.If you make money at it, great; if not,then at least you�ve dedicated your lifeto something meaningful.2. Winners value the process of

winning:People in the habit of losing overvaluevictories and undervalue the processrequired to win. People in the habit ofwinning are the opposite: They find valueand satisfaction in the preparation process.3. Winners focus on their strengths andnot their weaknesses:If you want to be successful, you�ve gotto work on your weaknesses ,right?Wrong! If you want to develop ahabit of winning, you need to cultivateyour strengths. When it comes to skills,you don�t have much say�you�renaturally good at some things and notothers. So focus on your strengths andstop obsessing over your weaknesses.Otherwise,4. Winners focus on winningon the inside more than the outside: Ifyou want to win, you need to work on theinner you, not the exterior self you showthe world.

You can start by developing these threeattributes:TrustworthinessDisciplineAttitude5. Winners persist on their path towardsuccess:Quit, and you�re guaranteed to lose.Persist, and you�re on your way to findingsuccess.I remember the first time I spoke

before an audience. It was 1966 and I was19 years old. I knew right away thatspeaking was one of my strengths�So Iworked at improving. And when I foundsomething that worked, I focused onimproving it. How long did it take me tonail the art of public speaking? Tenyears!We seem to love tories of overnightsuccesses, but the truth is there aren�tany.John C. Maxwell is an ternationallyrecognized leadership expert, speaker,and author who has sold over 13 millionbooks.His organizations have trainedmore than 2 million leaders worldwide.Each year he speaks to Fortune 500companies, international governmentleaders, and organizations as diverse asthe United States Military Academy atWest Point andz the National FootballLeaguealities of a Leader� have eachsold over a million copies. Follow JohnC. Maxwell on Twitter@johncmaxwell

ByJohn Maxwell

How can You keep on Winning?Learn to make it a habit

Top Guru

Success Magazine (10)

Page 10: Jan issue 01

Howwouldyour daybedifferentif youorganizedyour timeenergy,andresourcesprimarilya r o u n dtheobjectiveof

learning, instead of around performance?For many people, their daily activities�what they do and how they go about doingit�would be dramatically changed.Indeed, despite all the buzz around theconcept of the �learning organization,�I�m struck by how few people seem tohave embraced the idea of being a truelearning person.This came home to me during an interviewwith a television producer developing adocumentary on Sam Walton. After about45 minutes, she asked if I had anythingelse to add, indicating the end of theinterview. �No,� I said, �but I�d like toask you some questions.� She paused,obviously not prepared for my request,and then gave an uncertain, �Ok.� For thenext 15 minutes, I had the great pleasureof asking her questions about what shehad learned in her research.The answeris:They act as knower rather than learners,which, incidentally, is just the oppositeof what Sam Walton did.�That�s the first time that�s ever happenedto me,� she said. �I interview professorsand experts all the time, but I�ve neverhad one turn the tables and begin askingme questions. At first I was taken aback�surprised really�but it�s refreshing tosee that experts can still learn.�Stop and think about that for a minute.Here�s a bright television producer whospends her life delving into specificsubjects�a walking treasure trove ofknowledge�and people whose professionis to continually learn don�t pause to takethe opportunity to expand their expertisefurther by talking with her. They act asknower rather than learners, which,incidentally, is just the opposite of what

Sam Walton did.Walton viewed himself not as a definitiveexpert on retailing but as a lifelong studentof his craft, always asking questions andtaking every opportunity to learn. ABrazilian businessman once told me thatof 10 U.S. retailing CEOs, he wrote toasking for an appointment after he'dpurchased a discount retailing chain inSouth America, only Walton said yes.Only later did I realize he was as interestedin learning from us as we were in learningfrom him; he pummeled us with questionsabout Brazil.Later, we launched a joint venture withWal-Mar t in South Amer ica .�Becoming a learning person certainlyinvolves responding to every situationwith learning in mind, as Walton did. Butit involves more than that; it requiressetting explicit learning objectives. Lookat your personal list of long-termobjectives mid-term objectives, and yourcurrent to-do list.How many items fall into the performancegenre and how many fall into the learninggenre? How many begin with the structure�My objective is to learn X,� rather than�My objective is to accomplish Y�? Mostpeople operate off of to-do lists. They�rea useful mechanism for getting thingsdone. A true learning person also has a�to-learn� list, and the items on that listcarry at least as much weight in how oneorganizes his or her time as the to-do list.Granite Rock, in Watsonville, Calif., oneof the few authent ic learningorganizations, has institutionalized thisidea by replacing performance goals forindividuals with learning goals.The stone, concrete, and asphalt suppliermakes the shift explicit by asking eachemployee to set his or her annualobjectives in the format �Learn _______so that I can __.� Learning people alsodevelop explicit learning mechanisms,such as �learning logs� or formal�autopsies��time explicitly set aside todiscuss or reflect on events and extractthe max imum knowledge andunderstanding from them.Such peopleplant seeds of learning that will flowerlater. One prominent thinker I spent a daywith ended our discussion with thestatement, �I have a small consulting fee:you must keep me informed as to yourlearning and progress.� Every six monthsor so I send him a letter, and I imaginehe gets dozens of such learning letters a

year. I�ve also found the mechanism of alearning notebook to be useful; in it I keeptrack of my learning and observationsabout life, work, myself, or whateverseems interesting, much the same way ascientist. I�m not yet as much of a learningperson as I�d like to be. Yet as I begin toconsciously shift to filtering everythingthrough a learning lens, I find bothdramatic and subtle differences in the wayI do things and how I spend my time.With a �get things done� lens, I�ll leavea voice-mail; with a learning lens, I�llseek a real-time phone call during whichI can ask questions and learn fromconversation. With a performance lens,I�ll try to impress the interviewer withmy knowledge; with a learning lens, I�llask her questions. Even mundaneactivities like washing dishes, shaving,and walking through airports can betransformed by carrying a portable tapeplayer and listening to unabridged bookson tape. John W. Gardner, author of theclassic book Self-Renewal: The Individualand Innovative Society(and a man whokeeps an active learning and teachingschedule well into his 80s), captured thespirit of the learning person �Don�t setout in life to be an interesting person; setout to be an interested person.� Learningpeople, of which Gardner is a primeexample, learn till the day they die, notbecause learning will �get themsomewhere,� but because they seelearning as part of the reason forliving.When asked for an economicjustification for learning, they find thequestion as odd as being asked for afinancial justification for breathing. Thelink between learning and performanceis self-evident, but for a true learningperson or organization.

Jim Collins is a frequent speaker andauthor on the subjects of business andleadership. He is a student and teacherof enduring great companies -- how theygrow, how they attain superiorperformance, and how good companiescan become great companies. Havinginvested over a decade of research intothe topic, Jim has authored or co-authored four books, including theclassic �BUILT TO LAST�, and �GOODTO GREAT�. His work has beenfeatured in Fortune, The Wall StreetJournal, Business Week, HarvardBusiness Review, and Fast Company.

The Learning Executive

Success Magazine (09)

ByJim Colins

Top Guru

Page 11: Jan issue 01

Only those bestowed with a true spirit ofnationalism, combined with a genuine flareof entrepreneurship could, and would, dareto challenge the prevalent beliefs and SyedBabar Ali, the youngest son of SyedMaratib Ali- the doyen of Ali family wasjust such a person. His career as anentrepreneur, philanthropist and publicfigure has been multidimensional and thelist of his achievements is ratherexhaustive. Besides his diverse roles, hecontributed largely to revolutionize thePakistani educational system by evolvingHarvard equivalent university in Pakistan,LUMS. Syed Babar Ali's foresight coupledwith sincerity of purpose helped raise thebar of competition in education sector.Being two decades older than his countryand having witnessed every singleturbulent twist in history of Pakistan, hethinks that our country urgently needssincere leadership.He is of the view that, as a developingnation, more time is needed to create asystem that places value on fairness andmerit and punishes corruption; therefore,

P a k i s t a n i shave a longway to go.Syed BabarAli is the truel e g e n d o fPakistan. He

is the one who wholeheartedly dedicatedhis life for the cause of Pakistan. Accordingto him, one does not have to be a politicianto lead the cause of Pakistan. It is thissense of responsibility that has made hima leader.Whe the r i t was educa t ion o rentrepreneurship, he has excelled inwhatever he has done as a visionary. Hischoice of business and industry has beenboth pragmatic and full of socialconsideration, keeping in mind thedevelopment aspect. He has been atrendsetter in many aspects. He is abusinessman and a philanthropist, but mostsignificantly he is a social entrepreneur.The brief history of the Ali family�sdealings in the world of business in Indiahad been quite venturesome.Ê Rife withsuccess through innovation, it wasn�t shortof instances of extraordinary determinationin the face of certain failure.The patriarch of Ali family, Syed WazirAli, was the grandfather of Syed BabarAli. He started the business in a very smallway by opening a shop in Lahore

Cantonment around the middle ofnineteenth century and later on moved hisbusiness to Ferozepur Cantonment.Through his untiring efforts, honestdealings and the support of his two youngsons, Syed Ahsan Ali and Syed MaratibAli, the firm of A&M Wazir Ali becamea very successful business of armycontracts. Despite being struck by badluck, when the thirty years of their hardwork was turned into ashes by the ragingfire, the 17 year old, self confident SyedMaratib Ali started with new vigor and ,aided by his elder brother, reestablishedthe business fully by 1902.Syed Babar Ali was born in 1926 to thisillustrious family. He studied at theUniversity of Michigan in 1947, the yearPakistan became a state. He returned toPakistan in December that year, ultimatelyearning his bachelor�s degree from PunjabUniversity in Pakistan. According to NYTimes, �He has witnessed every turn in it(Pakistan�s) history at 83, he feels he hasearned the right to give it advice�.ÊAs an entrepreneur and an industrialist,Syed Babar Ali envisioned and set upPackages Ltd. (Pakistan�s largest paper &board mill), Milkpak Ltd. Now NestlePakistan Ltd. (the largest food processingcompany in Pakistan), Tetra Pak PakistanLtd., IGI Insurance Company Ltd., Tri-Pack Films Ltd. and IGIG Investment

Cover Story

(11)Success Magazine

The man behind Packages Ltd., Nestle-Milkpak,

InterBank, Ali Institute of Education and Lahore

University of Management Sciences is perhaps among

the greatest success stories in the world.


Page 12: Jan issue 01

Bank. He is the Chairman of Sanofi-Avetis Pakistan Ltd., Siemens PakistanEngineering Company Ltd. and CocaCola Beverages Pakistan Ltd. He believesin the joint venture philosophy and mostof his businesses are joint ventures withmajor multinationals.Packages Ltd. was the first packagingplant in Pakistan. In 1957, its maincustomers were Pakistan TobaccoCompany, Lever Brothers and Lipton- allmultinational that had been importingtheir packaging requirements till then.They extended full cooperation to thenew company encouraging it to producelocal packaging material to match theirspecifications. The production facilitiesat the new company consisted of makingcartons out of paperboard and flexiblepackaging material out of paper, plasticand aluminum foils to serve the packagingneeds of the manufacturers.Even in the first year of its operations,the company showed very encouragingresults; it made a net profit on the firsttwelve months' sales of Rs. 6.3 millionand the trend continued thereafter.Packages Ltd. Owes a debt of gratitudefor its early success and continuousgrowth not only to its Swedish partner,Akerlund & Rausing, but also to theaffectionate support of Dr. RubenRausing, who founded the Akerlund &Rausing, the premier packaging companyof Europe. Packages Ltd. was the firstimportant Swedish investment in Pakistanand is probably still the most prominentone today.In 1974, Syed Babar Ali convened themeeting of the senior management ofPackages Ltd. to study the nationalbusiness environment and evaluate theprobable investment opportunities for thefuture. At one time he said,Ê'If I were interestedin making money, I would also havechosen textile or sugar industry insteadof taking a risk of investing in therelatively new technology of paperboardpackaging. Please understand that I amonly interested in assignments that arenot only challenging but also have a stringelement of nation-building through thetransfer of new technology to my country'.As evinced by time, this has been theguiding principle of all industrialinvestments made by Syed Babar Ali.The company has always stood by itsemployees and never resorted toretrenchment of staff as measures tooverride difficult financial times. Theemployees also display a genuine senseof commitment to the organization.Numerous cases of second-generation

employment in the company are a signof pride in the organization. Syed BabarAli has always been genuinely interestedin the development of the company andhas been appreciative of all efforts towardsthis end. A culture of self-evaluation andconstant improvement permeates thecompany. Everyone is encouraged toshare in perpetual growth through newideas. Over the years, Packages Ltd. hasgrown successfully keeping in view itscore value of fairness to all concerned.The certain trait that makes Syed BabarAli a social entrepreneur is difficult toidentify. There are so many reasons oneafter another. Some of them are knownto everyone and some of them are notknown at all. He promoted the cause ofWorld Wide Fund for Nature (earlierWorld Wildlife Fund) where he served invarious capacities, both in Pakistan andat international level, from 1972 to 1996.He was the international President ofWWF from 1996 to 1999 succeedingHRH Prince Philip, the Duke ofEdinburgh. The prestigious position wasgiven to him in the view of his interestand achievements in the field ofconservation and was a great honor forPakistan indeed. He is now the VicePresident Emeritus, WWF Internationaland President Emeritus WWF-Pakistan.He is also a member of LaytonRehamatullah Benevolent Trust Karachiand Shalamar Hospital, Lahore.ÊSyed Maratib Ali, the late father of SyedBabar Ali, has always been a source ofgreat inspiration for him, as he grew inan environment of philanthropy, whichdeveloped stronger sense of faith in him.Syed Maratib Ali established SyedMaratib Religious and Charitable TrustSociety in 1939 to promote public welfareand education of deserving students andto provide a skilled manpower to the localindustry. Then Syed Babar Ali setup BabarAli foundation in 1985. This foundationgives about a million dollars a yearprimarily for education and health inPakistan.As an educationist, he led theestablishment of the Lahore Universityof Management & Sciences (LUMS) in1985, of which he has been the first Pro-Chancellor. Whereas, according to NYTimes, LUMS is Pakistan�s premiermanagement education institution, whichhas evolved into the approximateequivalent of Harvard University inPakistan. In 1992, he founded Ali instituteof Education for training of primary andsecondary school teachers. He is amember on the board of the followingimportant educational institutes of Lahore:

Aitchison College, F.C. College, KinnairdCollege and Lahore School of Economics.He is the member of the regional advisoryboard of London Business School and amember of the Initiative on SocialEnterprise at Harvard University. Hereceived honors and awards from theGovernment of Sweden, the Netherlands,an OBE from Britain (1997), and wasawarded an Honorary Doctorate Degreeof Laws from McGill University,Montreal, Canada (1997).The biggest achievement of Syed BabarAli was the establishment of LahoreUniversity of Management Scienceswhere students get the education ofinternationally standards and are able tocompete all over the globe with otherstudents. Babar Ali believes that:�If you plan for a year, plant a seed. Iffor ten years, plant a tree. If for hundredyears, teach the people. When you sowa seed once, you will reap a single harvest.When you teach the people, you will reapa hundred harvests.��You cannot build a country, if you�renot thinking beyond your own lifetime.��Pakistan�s young people should becitizens of the world, not narrow-mindedor intolerant� (NYT 2009/12/19).His greatest contribution has been theeducation to the youth of Pakistan. Notonly this but this education has been thebest quality, matching with the best inthe world. He has brought about quite arevolution that has changed the face ofPakistani youth and its image in times tocome.Babar Ali Foundation was established in1985. Since its inception, the foundationhas received contributions from SyedBabar Ali and his family which alsoincluded the donation of a plot of his landlocated on Upper Mall, Lahore, where heconstructed a building at a cost of Rs.28.6 million in 1996.The objectives of the organization are tobuild, aid, assist, set up, manage, maintainand run the schools, colleges, institutionsof learning and practical training, libraries,museums, galleries, handicraft centers,parks and places of medical aid and relief.The Foundation also promotes andencourages nature conservation, cultureand sports and awards scholarships tooutstanding female students for highereducation in Pakistan.Its mission is to promote sustainabledevelopment by supporting education,training and research.Ê As well asassisting institutes, libraries and hospitals,encouraging nature conservation, cultureand sports. Undertaking measures for thediffusion of knowledge and expertise.

Cover Story

Success Magazine (12)

Page 13: Jan issue 01

�Education is the key to helpingPakistan from Poverty and Grows

in Economic Terms�

Super Success Stories

Hussain DawoodBorn to a wealthy family and business legacy, Hussain Dawood's achievements in life arenumerous. His present day formal engagements tell his tale to a certain extent only becausehe spent a rich life and continues to work very hard for betterment of his people.Currently, he is chairman of Engro Group, Dawood Hercules Chemicals, Pakistan PovertyAlleviation Fund and Karachi Education Initiative. He is also serving as Honorary Consul ofItaly in Lahore. He is also Pakistan's first member in World Economic Forum and member ofboards of Commonwealth Business Council, Beacon house National University, PakistanBusiness Council and Pakistan Council of Philanthropy. He is recipient of Italian RepublicAward also. His social responsibilities include Chairmanship of the International AdvisoryCouncil of the Cradle to Cradle Institute in San Francisco, and Karachi Education Initiative'sKarachi School for Business & Leadership. He also serves as a Member of the Govt. of PakistanEducation Task Force, Director of the Pakistan Business Council, Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy,Beacon house National University and is a Global Charter Member of The Indus Entrepreneurs(TiE). Mr. Dawood is an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern Amidhaving all the opportunities in the world to live comfortably anywhere in the world, Mr. Hussainalways believed and worked for Pakistan. His belief in Pakistan's potential remains undeterred.This is strongly manifested by his devoted work to establish Karachi Education Initiative(KEI) which has recently founded Karachi School of Business & Leadership (KSBL).His business ventures are among the top performing business houses in Pakistan and haveachieved marvelous success under his visionary leadership. While whole world is contemplatingwhether Pakistan is a failed state, Mr. Hussain continues to invest and work in this country.These are some of achievements by his companies under his visionary leadership:In 2010, Engro Group started manufacturing from World's largest Urea Plant Pakistan PovertyAlleviation Fund (PPAF) is World Bank's largest microfinance initiative Karachi School ofBusiness & Leadership has recently entered in strategic partnership with Judge Business School,University of Cambridge Mr. Hussain Dawood is a true inspiration to upcoming businessleaders and youth of Pakistan.He believes that education is the key to helping Pakistan workits way out of poverty and grow in economic terms. Speaking about the importance of goodeducation he said,�I think we need to work on educating our youth about the importance of ethics, morals,principles and social service. These attributes would lead to the development of sound characteressential for a successful life at both individual and national levels. Pakistan is endowed with atalented and dedicated people who, given the opportunity, excel in their chosen fields.Unfortunately, investment in all forms of education has been inadequate. Unless this is addressedquickly, the country will be unable to keep pace with the requirements of a modern and globallycompetitive world. We believe Pakistan�s problems can be addressed through intelligent,socially responsible, and broad-based leadership. This is the genesis behind the KSBL�tocreate a cadre of capable and transforming leaders for the country and the region. In Pakistanwe have good managers who can manage the enterprise well. But we need to have world-class managers who will thrive in a global economy and be thought leaders. Such managersneed exposure to current management thinking and research so that they are able to plan forthe future. Globally, and specifically in Pakistan, the environment has been very unpredictable in the last decade. Owing to thefinancial tsunami, the earthquake, the floods, the war on terror, and increases in international prices for food and energy, thelocal and global scenarios are constantly changing. we intends to produce creative leaders who would be equipped to conceptuallyassess the current situation, analytically calculatefuture, and come up with innovative solutions to issues.�Talking about entrepreneurship he said,� Entrepreneurship and innovation are incorporated into our curriculum through severalcourses. Additionally, our students will be given the opportunity to use the skills they learn to help startup companies. Ourstudents will learn how to overcome challenges and biases against entrepreneurship that might otherwise limit their opportunities.By bringing world-class education to Pakistan, we expect to help stem the brain drain by giving intellectually outstanding studentsthe same quality education in Pakistan that they could get abroad. But if world-class education were available right here inPakistan, many of those students would be motivated to stay back.

Success Magazine (13)

Page 14: Jan issue 01

The National Bank of Pakistan, theCountry's largest banking institution, hascompleted 64 years of service to thenation. The bank was established throughan ordinance on November 9, 1949. NBP,started its operations with an issued capitalof Rs 15 million and 100 employees. NBP,had become the country's first-ever bankto cross a trillion-rupee bench mark withmore than 16,500 employees and anetwork of 1,285 branches across Pakistanin addition to 23 overseas branches andrepresentative offices in four countriesand a unique footprint in South Asia,Central Asia and Middle East. The Bank'sentire branch network is now completelyonline, and it has the fastest growingoverseas correspondent base for homeremittances.NBP has been rated AAA/A-1+ (TripleA / A-One Plus) by JCR-VISCredit RatingCompany L imi t ed ( JCR-VIS) .From Corporate and Retail Banking toAgriculture and Islamic Banking, NBP isoffering valuable services in almost allthe areas of banking. Apart from this NBPhas taken major steps in the areas of riskmanagement, information technology,operations and human resources and thebank is also fulfilling its commitmenttowards the community. During the pastyears, NBP became the largest bank witha 100 percent online branch network,offering online facilities to its accountholders, including inter-branch fundtransfers, withdrawals and ATM/DebitCard. In addition to regular onlineservices, NBP account holders who areregistered taxpayers of the Federal Bureauof Revenues (FBR), can also avail thefacility of payment of government taxes(FBR dues) via online direct debit to theiraccounts. The National Bank of Pakistanhas also been facilitating payments ofEOBI pensions to thousands of EOBIbeneficiaries through its authorizedbranches and Customer FacilitationCenters. NBP is also collectingcontributions from EOBI registeredemployers and beneficiaries. The bankhas successfully replaced the paper basedaccount opening process with a systembased account opening process whichmeets all regulatory as well as Bank's

internal polices requirements relating toKnow-Your-Customer and for preventionof money laundering and terroristfinancing. The bank is serving 7.7 millionaccount holders. Of the total, 3.3 millionare pensioners. There are about fourmillion pensioners in the country. Tofacilitate EOBI pensioners, a web-basedapplication has been implemented sinceMarch 1 last year in 560 authorisedbranches for payment of pensions andcontribution collections of EOBI. Thesame web-based utility will later bereplicated for payments of pensions toRailways' retired employees, which willbenefit more than 100,000 pensioners,reducing counter traffic at bank branches.Another milestone achieved by NBP isthe development of 'Direct AccountCredit Module' for facilitating pensionerswho opt for taking pension directly totheir account opened with NBP branchesand they can withdraw their pensionthrough cheque or ATM card transaction.Home Remittances is the second largestsource of recurring foreign exchange forthe country and a sustainable flow ofremittances provide much neededstability to the economy. NBP has postedphenomenal growth in free of chargeremittances over the past three years.Last year alone the growth was over 93percent.NBP has reduced the remittance deliverytime to minutes (conditions apply) byintroducing computerised processingsystems. Overseas correspondent basehas grown to 29 leading financialinstitutions and Money Service BusinessProviders (MSBs) from just 8 at the timeof establishment of this dedicated group,free SMS alerts are sent to beneficiarieson receipt of their payments which alsoprovides helpline numbers to beneficiaries.National Bank of Pakistan is today aprogressive, efficient, and customerfocused institution. It has developed awide range of consumer products, toenhance business and cater to the differentsegments of society. Some schemes havebeen specifically designed for the low tomiddle income segments of thepopulation. These include NBP AdvanceSalary, NBP Saiban, NBP Kisan Dost,

NBP Cash n Gold. The bank hasimplemented special credit schemes likesmall finance for agriculture, businessand industries, administrator to Qarz-e-Hasna loans to students, self employmentscheme for unemployed persons, publictransport scheme. The Bank has expandedits range of products and services toinclude Shariah Compliant IslamicBanking products. For the promotion ofliterature, NBP recently initiated theAnnual Awards for Excetllence in

Top Organization

National Bank of PakistanFirst Pakistani bank to cross Rs one trillion mark

Years of Service to the Nation64Vision

To be recognized as a leader anda brand synonymous with trust,

highest standards of service quality,international best practices and

social responsibility.Mission

NBP will aspire to the values thatmake NBP truly

the Nation�s Bank, by:� Institutionalizing a merit and

performance culture� Creating a distinctive brand identityby providing the highest standards

of services� Adopting the best international

management practices� Maximizing stakeholders value

� Discharging our responsibility asa good corporate citizen of Pakistanand in countries where we operate

Core Values� Highest standards of Integrity

� Institutionalizing team work andperformance culture

� Excellence in service� Advancement of skills for

tomorrow�s challenges� Awareness of social andcommunity responsibility

� Value creation for all stakeholdersGoal

To enhance profitability andmaximization of NBP share through

increasing leverage of existingcustomer base and diversified range

of products.

Success Magazine (14)

Page 15: Jan issue 01

Success Magazine (15)

Domestic Technology and OperationsB a n k o f t h e Ye a r 2 0 1 3Pakistan","Asian Banking & FinanceMagazine","Listed in top 1000 banks of the worldfor the year 2013.Domestic Retail Bank of the Year2013 - Pakistan,"Asian Banking &Finance Magazine",The National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)received"Middle East Renewable Dealof the Year 2012".3rd Global Human ResourceExcellence Award - 2012"administeredby Globa l Media Links incollaboration with Better Pakistan."Listed in top 1000 banks of the worldfor the year 2012"by the worldrenowned"The Banker"magazineowned by the Financial Times Group,London.2nd Global Human ResourceExcellence Award - 2011"administeredby Globa l Media Links incollaboration with Better Pakistan."Pakistan: Transaction of the YearAward - 2011",awarded by IslamicFinance News,"Transaction of the Year Award -2011",awarded by CFA Associationof Pakistan."Bank of the Year"awarded for theyear 2011by the world renowned"TheBanker by the Financial Times Group,London.National Bank of Pakistan Awarded"Best Emerging Markets Bank2011"Awarded By Global FinanceMagazine"Bank of the Year"awarded for theyear 2010 by the world renowned"NBP is awarded"President of PakistanTrophy",a top slot award by Federationof Pakistan Chambers of Commerceand Industry in 2010.NBP is awarded "Prime Minister ofPakistan Trophy", a top slot award byLahore Chambers of Commerce andIndustry in 2010Among the global leading banks, NBPis the only Pakistani bank appearingin top 500 banks of the world in "TheBanker"magazine owned by theFinancial Times Group, London"Bank of the Year"awarded for theyear 2008 by the world renowned"TheBanker"Êmagazine owned by theFinancial Times Group, London"World�s Best Foreign Exchange Bank2008" awarded by world�s leadingfinancial journal "Global Finance"

StableÊAAA/A-1+(Triple A/A-OnePlus) rating (Standalone Basis)byJCR-VIS (July 2007)Best Return on Capital for 2006amongst all Banks in Asia.- "BankerMagazine"in July 2007World�s leading financial journal,"Global Finance"has named NBP asthe Best Emerging Market Bank fromPakistan for the year 2006"Best Foreign Exchange Bank �Pakistan"award for the year 2006 byworld�s leading financial journal"Global Finance"Due to consistent improvement inNBP�s Core Profitability, AssetQuality and Economic Capitalizationin recent years, Moody�s InvestorsService upgraded the FinancialStrength Rating (FSR) rom + to D-,in November 2005"Best Foreign Exchange Bank �Pakistan"award for the year 2005 byworld�s leading financial journal"Global Finance""Best Bank - Pakistan" award for theyear 2005 by world�s leading financialjournal"Global Finance"The Asian Banker, a reputablefinancial journal, has published thereport of its research project on theranking of 300 of Asia�s StrongestBanks based on a 11-DimensionalDynamic Scoring Criteria hasadjudged National Bank of Pakistanas the Strongest Bank in Pakistan"Number 1 Bank in Pakistan" by theprestigious"Banker Magazine" in itsissue of July 2005The"Banker Magazine"in July 2005recognized NBP as the 10th Best Bankin terms of �Profit on Capital� in theworld"Bank of the Year"awarded forthe year 2005by the world renownedon an all Pakistan basis National Bankof Pakistan was awarded the "KissanTimes Award"for the year 2005 by thePrime Minister, Mr. Shaukat Aziz, forits services in the AgricultureSectorWorld�s leading financialjournal,"Global Finance"in anexclusive survey has named NBP asthe Best Emerging Market Bank fromPakistan for the year 2005. prestigiousjournal, published from London, UK,in its issue of March 2005 haspublished Moody�s Investors Servicerankings in which NBP is the onlyPakistani bank which has been rankedamong the Top 100 banks of Asia forit performance in the fiscal year 2003.

Literature.NBP will confer annual awards to thebest books in Urdu and in all prominent regionallanguages published during the defined period.Patronage from NBP would help creative workin the field of literature. The Bank is also thelargest sponsor of sports in Pakistan. It hasprovided generously to philanthropic causeswhenever the need arose.NBP Advance Salaryis the single largest consumer product in Pakistan.The product was launched in 2002.The purpose of the Advance Salary Scheme wasto uplift the previously ignored and under-bankedcommunity of government employees byproviding them opportunity of greater self-reliance and generate easily accessible funds forpersonal use through NBP Advance SalaryScheme. So far more than Rs 200 billion hasbeen disbursed in this product to more than 1.5million customers. Today, NBP Advance Salaryis the largest and most profitable product of thebank. It is the largest Product in Personal Loancategory with 52 percent market share. Keepingin view the potential and requirement of themarket, in 2012, the bank increased maximumfinancing limit of NBP Advance Salary, now thecustomers can borrow up to Rs 1 million, thisstrategy has helped in building the bank book.A number of initiatives have been taken, in termsof institutional restructuring, changes in the fieldstructure, in policies and procedures, in internalcontrol systems with special emphasis oncorporate governance, adoption of CapitalAdequacy Standards under Basel II framework,in the up-gradation of the IT infrastructure andd e v e l o p i n g t h e h u m a n r e s o u r c e s .National Bank of Pakistan has built an extensivebranch network of 1310+ branches in Pakistanand operates in major business centre abroad.The domestic branch network has been automatedand is online. The Bank has representative officesin Beijing, Tashkent, Chicago and Toronto. Ithas agency arrangements with more than 3000correspondent banks worldwide. Its subsidiariesare Taurus Securities Ltd, NBP ExchangeCompany Ltd, NBP Capital Ltd, NBP ModarabaManagement Company Ltd, and CJSC Bank,Almaty, Kazakhstan. It has recently opened asubsidiary in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.The Bank's joint ventures are, United NationalBank (UK), First Investment Bank and NAFA,an Asset Management Company (a joint venturewith NIB Bank & Fullerton Fund Managementof Singapore).Being the nation's bank, NBP isalways the first corporate entity to come forwardand help the nation whenever a calamity hits itscountrymen. NBP is awarded number ofinternational and national awards as 'The BestEmerging Markets Bank' in 2011, 2006, 2005and in 2003 and NBP was awarded 'Best ForeignExchange Bank in Pakistan' in 2004, 2005, 2006and 2008 years. NBP is in 'Top 1000 WorldBanks 2011' by The Banker magazine of theUK.-PR.


Top Organization

Page 16: Jan issue 01

Success Magazine (16)

His success lies in two factors:

one, his ability to foresee a good

business opportunity when no

one else can and his

determination to soldier

on in the face of adversity.

�I get my strength from God� Sadruddin Hashwani

nyone who grew up in the major cities of Pakistan in the early 1980s has a special place in their hearts for the Marriott hotels(previously Holiday Inns) for they were the first luxury spaces where people could come together in a relaxed, comfortableenvironment�to dine or stay.The man behind the chain of the Marriott and Pearl Continental hotels is larger than the institutions he has created: SadruddinHashwani. And to my utter surprise, he is down to earth, kind and dismissive of the accolades showered upon him. Born in 1940in Karachi prior to Partition, Mr. Hashwani�s story is the stuff legends are made of. A college dropout, he struggled throughouthis early life but was driven with a purpose to succeed�an ambition that would often find him at odds with those close to himwho questioned what he was doing.One example of that is after Prime Minister Zulfikar Bhutto nationalized industries in the1970s and Mr. Hashwani started investing in those businesses not yet nationalized, like textile, minerals and real estate. �Peoplethought I was mad [at that time] but I knew what I was doing,� he says.He earned his first accolade, the title of Cotton King,when he was in his mid-twenties, as in a very short period, he became the largest exporter of cotton, rice and grains. That thiscame from a person who at 18 had begun working as a salesperson for steel products is noteworthy. That was just the beginning.From there, he moved onto creating hotels, getting land from the government and building what would over the decades becomean empire in the country�and from where he would expand his business overseas.Today Mr. Hashwani�s Hashoo Groupcomprises business in hospitality and tourism, oil and gas, mining, pharmaceuticals and trading.Mr. Hashwani�s success lies in two factors: one, his ability to foresee a good business opportunity when no one elsecan supplying wheat and rice to the small port of Gwadar in the :

Super Success Stories

Countinue on pg.34

Page 17: Jan issue 01

Want to be a great parent? Want toraise a happy, healthy, well-behaved kid?Want to live in a home where disciplinebecomes unnecessary? The secret is tocreate a closer connection with your child. "What do you mean? Of course I lovemy kid, and I tell him so all the time. Butthat doesn't mean he doesn't needdiscipline!"It isn�t enough that we tell our childrenwe love them. We need to put our loveinto action every day for them to feel it. And when we do that our kids need a lotless discipline!"But what does that mean, putting ourlove into action?"Mostly, it means making that connectionwith our child our highest priority. Lovein action means paying thoughtfulattention to what goes on between us,seeing things from the our child's pointof view, and always remembering thatthis child who sometimes may drive uscrazy is still that precious baby wewelcomed into our arms with such hope."Doesn't that take a lot of energy?"It takes a lot of effort to fully attend toanother human being, but when we arereally present with our child, we oftenfind that it energizes us and makes us feelmore alive, as being fully present withanyone does. But 90% of people on theirdeathbed say that their biggest regret isthat they didn't get closer to the people intheir lives. And almost all parents whosechildren are grown say they wish theyhad spent more time with their kids."Being fully present? How can I do thatwhen I'm just trying to get dinner on thetable and keep from tripping over thetoys?"Being present just means paying attention.Like a marriage or a friendship, yourrelationship with your child needs positiveattention to thrive. Attention = Love.And, of course, that kind of attentivenesstakes time. You can multi-task at it whileyou're making dinner, but the secret of agreat relationship is some focused timeevery day attending only to that child."This is all too vague for me. What am Isupposed to actually DO?"1. Start right for a firm foundationThe closeness of the parent-childconnection throughout life results from

how much parents connect with their

babies, right from the beginning. Thebonding theorists say that if a man bondswith his newborn, he will stay closer toher throughout life. But you don't haveto believe that bonding with a newbornis crucial to note that the kind of man whotreasures his newborn and nurtures hisnew family is likely to continue doing soin ways that bring them closer throughouther childhood.2.Remember all relationships take workGood parent-child connections don�tspring out of nowhere, any more thangood marriages do. Biology gives us aheadstart -- if we weren�t biologicallyprogrammed to love our infants the humanrace would have died out long ago -- butas kids get older we need to build on thatnatural bond, or the challenges of modernlife can erode it.3. Prioritize time with your childQuality time is a myth, because there�sno switch to turn on closeness. Imaginethat you work all the time, and have setaside an evening with your husband,whom you�ve barely seen in the past sixmonths. Does he immediately start baring

his soul? Not likely.In relationships,

without quantity, there�s no quality. Youcan�t expect a good relationship with yourdaughter if you spend all your time atwork and she spends all her time with herfriends. So as hard as it is with thepressures of job and daily life, if we wanta better relationship with our kids, wehave to free up the time to make thathappen.4. Start with TrustTrust is the foundation of every goodrelationship. Trust begins in infancy,when your baby learns whether she candepend on you to pick her up when sheneeds you. Over time, we earn ourchildren�s trust in other ways: followingthrough on the promise we make to playa game with them later, not breaking aconfidence, picking them up on time. Atthe same time, we extend our trust to themby expecting the best from them andbelieving in their fundamental goodnessand potential. Trust does not mean blindlybelieving what your teenager tells you.Trust means not giving up on your child,no matter what he or she does.Trust never walking

Building a Great Relationshipwith Your Child


Success Magazine (17)

Page 18: Jan issue 01


Generating New IdeasThink Differently & Spark Creativity

We need to think differently!""This needs some fresh ideas!"Are messages like these popping up moreand more in your workplace?Faced with complex, open-ended, ever-changing challenges, organizations realizethat constant, ongoing innovation iscritical to stay ahead of the competition.This is why we need to be on the lookoutfor new ideas that can drive innovation,and it's why the ability to think differently,generate new ideas,and spark creativitywithin a team becomes an important skill.You need to work actively on buildingand cultivating this skill, and it can bedone!Often, though, we make the mistakeof assuming that good ideas just happen.Or worse still, we get caught in the mindtrap that creativity is an aptitude; somepeople have it, others don't.Theseassumptions are rarely true.Everyone cancome up with fresh, radical ideas you justneed to learn to open your mind and thinkdifferently. This article shows you howto do so.How to Generate New IdeasStandard idea-generation techniquesconcentrate on combining or adaptingexisting ideas. This can certainly generateresults. But here, our focus is on equippingyou with tools that help you leap onto atotally different plane.These approachespush your mind to forge new connections,think differently and consider newperspectives.A word of caution � whilethese techniques are extremely effective,they will only succeed if they are backedby rich knowledge of the area you'reworking on.Breaking Thought PatternsAll of us can tend to get stuck in certainthinking patterns. Breaking these thoughtpatterns can help you get your mindunstuck and generate new ideas. Thereare several techniques you can use tobreak established thought patterns:Challenge assumptions:For every situation, you have a set of keyassumptions. Challenging theseassumptions gives you a whole new spinon possibilities. Suddenly the picture startslooking brighter.Reword the problem:Stating the problem differently often leadsto different ideas. To reword the problemlook at the issue from different angles.

"Why do we need to solve the problem?","What's the roadblock here?", "What willhappen if we don't solve the problem?"These questions will give you newinsights. You might come up with newideas to solve your new problem.Express yourself through differentmedia:-We have multiple intelligences butsomehow, when faced with workplacechallenges we just tend to use our verbalreasoning ability about expressing thechallenge through different media? Clay,music, word association games, paint, there are several ways you can expressthe challenge. Don't bother about solvingthe challenge at this point. Just expressit. Different expression might spark offdifferent thought patterns. And these newthought patterns may yield new ideas.Think in:If you feel you cannot think ofanything new, try turning things upside-down. The reverse ideas will comeflowing in. Consider these ideas�onceyou've reversed them again as possibleConnect the Unconnected:Some of thebest ideas seem to occur just by chance.Newton and the apple, Archimedes in thebath tub; examples abound.Actively seekstimuli from unexpected places and thensee if you can use these stimuli to builda connection with your situation. Sometechniques you could use are:Use random input:Choose a word fromthe dictionary and look for novel

connections between the word and yourproblem.Mind map possible ideas:Put a key wordor phrase in the middle of the page. Writewhatever else comes in your mind on thesame page. See if you can make anyconnections..Take an item:Ask yourself questionssuch as "How could this item help inaddressing the challenge?"Shift Perspective: Over the years we allbuild a certain type of perspective andthis perspective yields a certain type ofidea.To do so:Get someone else'sperspectiveor Play the "If I were" game.Employ EnablersEnablers are activities and actions thatassist with, rather than directly provoke,idea generation. They create a positiveatmosphere. Some of the enablers thatcan help you get your creative juicesflowing are:Belief in yourself:Creative loafing time:Change of environmentShutting out distractionFun and humorThe ability to generate new ideas is anessential work skill today. You can acquireconsciously practicing techniques thatforce your mind to forge new connections,break old thought patterns and considernew perspectives.Along with practicingthese techniques, you need to adoptenabling strategies

(18)Success Magazine

Generating New Ideas

Page 19: Jan issue 01

How to Use the ToolTo perform a personal SWOT analysis,print out our free worksheet from ourwebzine, and write down answers to thequestions in each area below.Strengths1-What advantages do you have on others?2-What do you do better than others?3-What personal resources can youaccess?4-What do people see as your strengths?5-Which of your achievements are youmost proud of?And if you have any difficulty with this,write down a list of your personalcharacteristics. Some of these willhopefully be strengths!Weaknesses1-What tasks do you usually avoid ?2-What will the people around you seeas your weaknesses?3-Are you completely confident in youreducation and skills training? If not, whereare you weakest?and what are yournegative work habits?Again, consider this from a personal /inte-rnal perspective and an externalperspective.Opportunities1-What new technology can help you?

Or can you get helpfrom others or fromp e o p l e v i a t h eInternet?2-Is your industrygrowing?3-Do you have anetwork of strategiccontacts to help you,or offer good advice?5-Are any of yourcompetitors failing tod o s o m e t h i n gimportant?6-Is there a need inyour company orindustry that no one isfilling?Also, importantly, lookat your strengths, andask yourself whether

these open up any opportunities� and look at your weaknesses,and ask yourself whether youcould open new opportunties.Threats1-What obstacles do you currentlyface at work?2-Are any of your colleagues competingwith you for projects or roles?3-Is your job changing?Performing this analysis will often providekey information.A Personal SWOT ExampleWhat would a personal SWOT assessmentlook like? Review this SWOT analysisfor Sadia, an advertising manager.Strengths1-I'm very creative and communicate wellwith my clients and team.3-I have the ability to ask key questions.4-I'm completely committed to the successof a client's brand.Weaknesses1-I have a strong need to do things quicklyand sometimes the quality of my worksuffers as a result.2-I get nervous when presenting ideas toclients, and this fear of public speakingoften takes the passion out of mypresentations.

Opportunities1- competitors are not liked by clients.2-I'm attending a major marketingconference next month.3- There is an promotin opportunity.Threats1-Shahzad, one of my colleagues, is amuch stronger speaker than I am, and he'scompeting with me for the promotion.2-I'm often overworked, and thisnegatively impacts my creativity.3-The current economic climate hasresulted in slow growth for the marketingindustry.As a result of performing this analysisSadia takes bold step to approchingShahzad and talk about to workcollectively each using his or her strengths.To her surprise, he likes the idea. Headmits that he's usually impressed bySadia�s creative ideas. By working as ateam, they have a chance to make theirsmaller clients feel even better about theservice they're getting.

Personal SWOT Analysis

Making the Most of YourTalents and Opportunities

You are most likely to succeed in life if you useyour talents to their fullest extent. Similarly, you'll

suffer fewer problems if you know what yourweaknesses are, and if you manage these

weaknesses so that they don't matter in the workyou do.So how you go about identifying thesestrengths and weaknesses, and analyzing the

opportunities and threats that flow from them?SWOT Analysis is a useful technique that helpsyou do this.What makes SWOT especially powerfulis that, with a little thought, it can help you uncoveropportunities that you would not otherwise havespotted. And by understanding your weaknesses,you can manage and eliminate threats that mightotherwise hurt your ability to move forward.If

you look at yourself using the SWOT framework,you can start to separate yourself from your peers,and further develop the specialized talents and

abilities you need to advance your career.


(19)Success Magazine

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Team Managment

(20)Success Magazine

To figure out how to delegate properly,it's important to understand why peopleavoid it. Quite simply, people don'tdelegate because it takes a lot of up-fronteffort.While on the surface it's easier todo it yourself than explain the strategybehind the brochure to someone else,there are two key reasons that mean thatit's probably better to delegate the taskto someone else:First, if you have the ability to spearheada new campaign, the chances are thatyour skills are better used furtherdeveloping the strategy, and perhapscoming up with other new ideas. By doingthe work yourself, you're failing to makebest use of your time.Second, by meaningfully involving otherpeople in the project, you develop thosepeople's skills and abilities. Delegationallows you to make the best use of yourtime and skills, and it helps other peoplein the team grow and develop to reachtheir full potential in the organization.When to Delegate

Delegation is a win-win when doneappropriately, however that does not meanthat you can delegate just anything. Todetermine when delegation is mostappropriate there are five key questionsyou need to ask yourself:* Essentially is this a task that someoneelse can do, or is it critical that you do ityourself?*Does the task provide an opportunity togrow and develop another person's skills?*Is this a task that will recur, in a similarform, in the future?*Do you have enough time to delegate

the job effectively?*Is this a task that I should delegate?If you can answer "yes" to at least someof the above questions, then it could wellbe worth delegating this job.Other factorsthat contribute to the delegability of a taskinclude:1.The project's timelines/deadlines.·How much time is there available to dothe job?·Is there time to redo the job ifit's not done properly the first time?·What are the consequences of notcompleting the job on time?2.Your expectations or goals for the project

or task(s), including:·How important is it that the results areof the highest possible quality?·Is an "adequate" result good enough?·Would a failure be crucial?·How much would failure impact otherthings?The Who and How of DelegatingHaving decided to delegate a task thereare some other factors to consider as well.To Whom Should You Delegate?The factors to consider here include:1.The experience, knowledge and skillsof the individual as they apply to thedelegated task.·What knowledge, skills and attitude doesthe person already have?·Do you have time and resources toprovide any training needed?2.The individual's preferred work style.·How independent is the person?·What does he or she want from his orher job?re his or her long-term goals andinterest, and how do these align withthework proposed?3.The current workload of this person.·Does the person have time to take onmore work?·Will you delegating this taskrequire reshuffling of other responsibilitiesand workloads?When you first start todelegate to someone, you may notice thathe or she takes longer than you do tocomplete tasks.This is because you arean expert in the field and the person youhave delegated to is still learning.

Do you feel stressed and overloaded? Or that your career seems stalled? If so, then you may need to brush up your delegation skills! If you work on your

own, there's only a limited amount that you can do, however hard you work. You canonly work so many hours in a day. There are only so many tasks you can completein these hours. There are only so many people you can help by doing these tasks.

And, because the number of people you can help is limited, your success is limited.However, if you're good at your job, people will want much more than this from you.This can lead to a real sense of pressure and work overload: You can't do everythingthat everyone wants, and this can leave you stressed, unhappy, and feeling that you'reletting people down.On the positive side, however, you're being given a tremendous

opportunity if you can find a way around this limitation. If you can realize thisopportunity, you can be genuinely successful!

One of the most common ways of overcoming this limitation is to learn how todelegate your work to other people. If you do this well, you can quickly build a strongand successful team of people, well able to meet the demands that others place.Thisis why delegation is such an important skill, and is one that you absolutely have to


Using the Power ofOther People's Help

Countinue on pg.34

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Common TimeManagement Mistakes10

Avoiding Common Pitfallsow well do you manage your time?If you're like many people, your

answer may not be completely positive!Perhaps you feel overloaded, and youoften have to work late to hit yourdeadlines. Many of us know that we couldbe managing our time more effectively;but it can be difficult to identify themistakes that we're making, and to knowhow we could improve. In this article,we're looking at ten of the most commontime management mistakes, as well asidentifying strategies and tips that youcan use to overcome them. These tenmistakes are:1. Failing to Keep a To-Do ListDo you ever have that nagging feelingthat you've forgotten to do an importantpiece of work? If so, you probably don'tuse a To-Do List to keep on top of things.(Or, if you do, you might not be using iteffectively!) The trick with using To-DoLists effectively lies in prioritizing thetasks on list. Make sure that you breaklarge tasks or projects down into specific,actionable steps.You can also use ActionPrograms to manage your work.2. Not Setting Personal GoalsDo you know where you'd like to be insix months? If not, it's time to set somepersonal goals! because goals give you adestination and vision to work toward.3. Not PrioritizingSometimes, it's hard to know how toprioritize, especially when you're facinga flood of seemingly-urgent tasks. Onetool that will help you prioritize effectivelyis the Urgent/Important Matrix.This helps you understand the differencebetween urgent activities, and importantactivities and learn how to overcome thetendency to focus on the urgent." work.4. Failing to Manage DistractionsDo you know that some of us can lose asmuch as two hours a day to distractions?It's vital to know how to minimize andmanage interruptions effectively. Turn offyour facebook chat when you need tofocus, and let people know if they'redistracting you too often.

5. ProcrastinationOften, procrastinators feel that they haveto complete a task from start to finish,and this high expectation makes them feeloverwhelmed and anxious. Instead, focuson devoting a small amount of time tostarting. That's all!You might also find ithelpful to use Action Plans.6. Taking on too MuchAre you a person who has a hard timesaying "no" to people? Or, you might bea micromanager: Someone who insistson controlling or doing all of the workthemselves, because they can't trustanyone else to do it correctly. Either way,taking on too much is a poor use of yourtime, and it can get you a reputation forproducing rushed, sloppy work.7. Thriving on "Busy"Some people get a rush from being busy.The problem is that an "addiction tobusyness" rarely means that you'reeffective, and it can lead to stress.Instead,try to slow down, and learn to manageyour time better.8. MultitaskingTo get on top of her workload, Naimaregularly writes emails while she chats

on the phone to her clients. However,while she thinks that this is a good use ofher time. The result is that she does bothtasks poorly.So, the best thing is to forgetabout multitasking, and, instead, focus onone task at a time. 9. Not Taking BreaksIt's impossible for anyone to focus andproduce really high-quality work withoutgiving their brains some time to rest andrecharge.So, don't dismiss breaks as"wasting time." Try to take a five minutebreak every hour or two. And make surethat you give yourself ample time forlunch you won't produce top quality workif you're hungry!10. Ineffectively Scheduling TasksAre you a morning person? Or do youfind your energy picking up once the sunbegins to set in the evening? All of ushave different rhythms, that is, differenttimes of day when we feel most productiveand energetic.You can make best use ofyour time by scheduling high-value workduring your peak time, and low-energywork (like returning phone calls ).


Success Magazine(21)

Time Management

Page 22: Jan issue 01

Customers Service

One of Ali's most important clients hasjust walked into his office, unannounced.Ali stands up with a smile on his face,ready to greet him, when the dam bursts- his client explodes into an angry tiradebecause. Ali�s organization has failed tomake a delivery on time.Because of this,the client was unable to demonstrate akey product, which meant that he lost animportant sale.Ali does hisbest to reason with hisclient, but nothing he sayshelps the situation. Theclient only gets angrier,shouting accusations andspiraling further into a rage.Within a few minutes hewalks out, vowing never todo business with Ali'sorganization again.Many of us have to dealwith angry or unhappyclients as part of our roles,and it's never easy.But ifwe know what to say and,more importantly, how tosay it, we may be able tosave the situation. In fact,we can even end up with abetter relationship with ourclient than we had before.Inthis article we'll explore how to deal withangry or difficult customers. We'llhighlight specific tips and techniques thatyou can use to smooth things over.Step One: Adjust Your MindsetOnce you're aware that your client isunhappy then your first priority is to putyourself into a customer service mindset.This means that you set aside any feelingsyou might have that the situation isn'tyour fault, or that your client has made amistake, or that he or she is giving youunfair. All that matters is that you realizethat your customer or client is upset, andthat it's up to you to solve the problem.Adjust your mindset so that you're giving100 percent of your focus to your client,and to the current situation.Step Two: Listen ActivelyThe most important step in the whole of

this process is listening actively to whatyour client or customer is saying - hewants to be heard, and to air hisgrievances. Start the dialogue with aneutral statement, such as, "Let's go overwhat happened," or "Please tell me whyyou're upset."This subtly creates apartnership between you and your client,and lets him know that you're ready to

listen. Resist the temptation to try to solvethe situation right away, or to jump toconclusions about what happened. Instead,let your client tell you his story. As he'stalking, don't plan out what you're goingto say when he's done - this isn't activelistening! Also, don't allow anything tointerrupt this conversation. Give yourclient all of your attention.Step Three: Repeat Their ConcernsOnce he's had time to explain why he'supset, repeat his concerns so you're surethat you're addressing the right issue. Ifyou need to, ask questions to make surethat you've identified the problemcorrectly.Use calm, objective wording.For example, "As I understand it, you are,quite rightly, upset because we didn'tdeliver the samples that we promised youlast week."Repeating the problem shows

the customer you were listening, whichcan help lower his anger and stress levels.More than this, it helps you agree on theproblem that needs to be solved.Step Four: Be Empathic and ApologizeOnce you're sure that you understand yourclient's concerns,be empathic. Show heryou understand why she's upset.And,make sure that your body language also

c o m m u n i c a t e s t h i sunderstanding and empathy.For example, you could say, "Iunderstand why you're upset.I would be too. I'm very sorrythat we didn't get the samplesto you on time, especially sinceit's caused these problems."Step Five: Present a SolutionThere are two ways to do this.If you feel that you know whatwill make your client happy,tell her how you'd like to correctthe situation.You could say, "Iknow you need these samplesby tomorrow to show to yourown customers. I will call ourother clients to see if they haveextras that they can spareif ifthey do,Explain every step thatyou're going to take to fix theproblem to your client

If she has contacted you by phone, makesure that she has your name and contactdetails.This gives her a feeling of controlbecause she can get hold of you again ifshe needs to.Once the situation has beenresolved, follow up with your client overthe next few days to make sure that she'shappy with the resolution. Whenever youcan, go above and beyond herexpectations.Step Six: Take Action and Follow-upOnce you've both agreed on a solution,you need to take action immediately. atyour offices no later than 5:00pm thisevening."Step Seven: Use the FeedbackYour last step is to reduce the risk of thesituation happening again. If you haven'talready done so, identify how the problemstarted in the first place.

Dealing with Unhappy CustomersTurning a Challenge into an


� � YY our mostour mostunhappyunhappycustomers arecustomers areyour greatestyour greatestsource ofsource oflearning �learning �

Bill GatesBill Gates

Success Magazine(22)

Page 23: Jan issue 01

Learning How to Avoid Project FailureWhy Do Projects Fail?

e can probably all think of projectsthat have "failed" � perhaps processes

got worse rather than better, maybe theywere cancelled because of cost overruns.How do you know when � and why � aproject has failed? In many cases, thereason for failure is obvious.Definition of Project FailureA project is considered a failure when ithas not delivered what was required, inline with expectations. Therefore, in orderto succeed, a project must deliver to cost,to quality, and on time; and it must deliverthe benefits presented in the business case.Reasons for Project FailureHere are some of the main reasons whyprojects fail:The wrong business requirements havebeen addressedIf your project is set up to deliver the"wrong thing," it may be considered afailure even if everything is delivered ontime, within budget, and to the requiredquality.It's not possible to deliver the businesscaseIf your business case can't be delivered,then you have an impossible task. e Forexample, once you've promised to delivera new airport baggage management

system, airlines may schedule additionalflights for shortly after the system's launch.If the baggage system doesn't work, or ifit has major problems during testing, itmay be hard to convince senior managersto allow the project to be delayed, becausethey will have to give up promisedincreased revenue. When you write yourbusiness case, make sure you think throughthe project requirements in detail, andidentify what's needed to ensure that youcan deliver those requirements. Don't justlist assumptions � make sure you explorethem thoroughly. Once deadlines,requirements, and budgets are set,expectations are much more difficult tochange!Governance is poorAs project manager, you're involved in theday-to-day running of the project, butgovernance groups can take a step backand look at the project from a differentperspective. They can ask difficultquestions about progress and performance.They may see things that you'veoverlooked. Project managers don't usuallyhave any influence over who their projectsponsor is.Sponsors either self-select, or they'rechosen because of their position in the

organization.Implementation is poorDelivering change is hard, andnot everything is in yourcontrol. Therefore, beingcompetent isn't enough forgood implementation, but it'sa good start! There are a lot oftools available to help you.People lose focus on theproject's benefits.To avoid this problem, adopta benefi ts managementapproach throughout the lifeof the project, and rememberthe need to deliver the requiredbenefits when you're planningand delivering your project.The environment changesThis is probably the trickiestarea. If the business's needschange, then your businesscase can become outdatedbefore you 've actual lycompleted the project. Youmay have to review your

original requirements and goals partwaythrough the project to decide how toproceed, and this may result in changingthe scope of your project � or evencanceling the project altogether!If you're working in an environment that'schanging fast, you can help reduce therisks by doing the following:Making timely decisions If the project is clearly not going to beable to deliver the revised requirements,don't ignore this. The sooner youcommunicate this, and the sooner youmake a decision about the project's future,the better.Cons ider ing smal ler projec tsIt's more difficult to change direction in alarge cruise ship than in a tugboat.Delivering projects in smaller pieces isnot always appropriate, but it's worthconsidering.Managing expectationsJust because you cancel a project does notautomatically mean that the project isconsidered a failure. This depends on manyfactors, including how you manage theinvolvement of key project stakeholdersin the decision-making process.


Customers Services

Success Magazine(23)

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Dr. Abdul Sattar Edhi

My Religion isHumanitarianism


The Man with Golden Heart

Giving Back

Success Magazine (24)

Page 25: Jan issue 01

y religion is humanitarianism� which is the basis ofevery religion in the world,� says the most admired

philanthropist of Pakistan, A living legend � an example ofdevotion � an inspiration � an institution Abdul Sattar Edhi.Edhi is a mobile institution ready to respond � anxious tocomfort and console theanguished souls. Endurance,perseverance, patience, struggle,sympathy and compassion alongwith sacrifice of his personalcomforts, are the importantelements on which rests thephilosophy of Abdul SattarEdhi.Dr. Abdul Sattar Edhi, NI, orMaulana Edhi, is a prominentphilanthropist, social activist,p u b l i c f i g u r e a n d a nhumanitarian. He is the founderand head o f the EdhiFoundation, a non-profit socialwelfare organization in Pakistan.Together with his wife, BilquisEdhi, he received the 1986Ramon Magsaysay Award forPublic Service. He is also therecipient of the Lenin PeacePrize and the Balzan Prize. In2006, Institute of BusinessAdminis t ra t ion Pakis tanconferred an honoris causadegree of Doctor of SocialService Management for hisservices. In September 2010,Edhi was also awarded anhonorary degree of Doctorateb y t h e U n i v e r s i t y o fBedfordshire. In 1985 Edhireceived the Nishan-e-Imtiazfrom the Government ofPakistan.Born in 1928 in Bantva a small town in Kathiawar (a formerdistrict of the state of Gujrat in India), Interestingly, it is saidthat his nickname was �Roti (bread)� when he was young becauseof his appearance. The residents of orphanages call him �Nana(maternal grandfather).� Generally, for Pakistani public, thereis only one Edhi i.e., Abdul Sattar Edhi. It is said that when Edhi was 11 years old, his mother gotparalyzed and subsequently became mentally instable. Apparentlythat was the first shock Edhi got, but he recovered from thepain and devoted completely for well-being and care of hisailing mother � this covered feeding, cleaning, bathing andchanging clothes. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, hismother�s health kept on deteriorating, further aggravating youngEdhi�s misery. Edhi was 19 when his mother passed away. Hismother�s prolonged illness and early death left an irreparablemark on Edhi�s memory. He could not continue his formalstudies under the circumstances. However, he rose to theoccasion and converted his early-age-suffering in an ever-growing ambition to strive for charitable work.Edhi was 19 years old when he and his family migrated andsettled in Pakistan after independence in 1947. To make a livingin the new socioeconomic reality, Edhi started as a peddler andlater became a commission agent selling cloth in Karachi�s

wholesale market. After a while Edhi established a freedispensary [free diagnosis and provision of medicine] with thesupport of some of his community members. One can imaginehowdifficult it must have been for Edhi to develop his credibility

and stick to the noble causedespite of meager resources. Itis so easy to write a line aboutthe transition but it must havebeen a monumental task totransform his solitary freedispensary into a �Trust�andlater into a �Foundation�. In 1965 Edhi married Ms.Bilquis who worked as a nurseat the Edhi dispensary. Bilquisand Edhi have four children,two daughters and two sons.Mrs. Bilquis Edhi manageschild homes, maternity homes,girls� hostels and nursing homesunder the auspices of EdhiFoundation. Neither Edhi norhis wife Bilquis are on thepayroll of the Edhi Foundationrather their subsistence dependsupon the returns from theGovernment securities Edhipurchased many years ago. Edhiand his family reside in a two-room apartment situateda d j a c e n t t o t h e E d h iFoundation�s headquarter inKarachi. Bilquis Edhi herselfemerged as an equally effectivesocial welfare activist and shehas always balanced herprofessional life with herpersonal life.Although Edhi is a self-educated

person, he has an instinctive feel of contemporary theories ofAnthropology or Philosophy. He possesses the unique capabilityof reducing complex problems to simple forms, and producingworkable practical solutions. His dress is as simple as hislanguage, and working style.He is fond of destitute children and loves them like his ownkith and kin. Finding those rare occasions to associate himselfwith them is a matter of immense pleasure for Edhi. He looksfor such moments and whenever gets an opportunity to havetheir company, he fully enjoys it. Most probably this is thesecret of his fine health even at the age of early seventy.The concept of self-reliance permeates into Edhi organizationat every level. Edhi Foundation runs the world's largestambulance service and operates free nursing homes, orphanages,clinics, women's shelters, and rehab centers for drug addictsand mentally ill individuals. It has run relief operations inAfrica, Middle East, the Caucasus region, eastern Europe andUS where it provided aid following the New Orleans hurricaneof 2005. In November 2011, Edhi was recommended for aNobel Peace prize by the Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf RazaGillani. Edhi has a fleet of 400 Pakistan�s best organizedambulance service. Edhi�s vehicles are the first to arrite at thescene of an emergency. Edhi�s achievements are unique in thesense that they are not funded by any religious, political group

�MGiving Back

Success Magazine (25)

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or by any government. When one of the Heads of state senthim a cheque of Rs. 0.5 million as a token of his missionarywork, Edhi returned it.

During the past 60 years, Abdul Sattar Edhi has spent manysleepless nights ministering to the needs of his fellow Pakistanis.Whether they are peasants starving because of draught, babiesabandoned on rubbish dumps or patients too poor to pay fortheir medical care � Edhi�s compassion encompasses themall. Edhi has established an extraordinary social welfare networkthat helps thousands of Pakistanis each day Edhi says simply"It is a twenty four hours job". Edhi�s network is open roundthe clock without observing a single holiday. A short, stronglybuilt man in early 70�s with a flowing beard and ready for anykind of emergency work round the clock. Throughout Edhi hasbeen leading the simplest life. He is a teetotaller. He is readyto fly any where across the borders to reach any natural calamityor disaster within the shortest possible time. His food intake isgenerally based on taking pieces of stale bread in the morning, and raw cooked vegetables during a lunch-break. As a child,he was given two paisas daily by his mother. He was directedto spend one on himself, and give away the other to some oneless fortunate than him. He never forgot that simple lesson.To this day, the Edhi Foundation continues to grow in both sizeand service, and is currently the largest welfare organizationin Pakistan. Since its inception, the Edhi Foundation has rescuedover 20,000 abandoned infants, rehabilitated over 50,000 orphansand has trained over 40,000 nurses. It also runs over threehundred and thirty welfare centers in rural and urban Pakistanwhich operate as food kitchens, rehabilitation homes, sheltersfor abandoned women and children and clinics for the mentallyhandicapped. The Edhi Foundation is also the leading sourceof emergency medical assistance in Pakistan with the world'slargest fleet of over eighteen hundred ambulances, twenty eightrescue boats and two airplanes. Additionally, they also runtwenty-four hour medical dispensaries, a missing persons hotline and own the largest morgue in Pakistan.The Edhi Foundationhas also worked extensively in international relief, includingdonating to victims of Hurricane Katrina, cyclone relief inBangladesh, aid to tsunami-impacted regions in 2003 andambulance services in Afghanistan. The Edhi foundation hascenters in the United States, Japan, the United Arab Emirates,Canada and the United Kingdom.To this day, he owns two pairsof clothes, has never taken a salary from his organization and

lives in a small two bedroom apartment over his clinic inKarachi. Due to his unassuming nature and immense contributionto the well being of his fellow citizens, Mr. Edhi has becomea folk hero for many Pakistanis. The people of Pakistan areindebted to him for his unwavering commitment to the socialwelfare of Pakistani's and share in his vision for a brighterfuture for our country. Mr. Edhi is a living testament to theinnumerable good that can come out of one mans vision anddedication to achieving a better life for his fellow citizens.Edhi established his first welfare centre and then the BilqisEdhi Trust with a mere Rs. 5000. What started as a one-manshow operating from a single room in Karachi is now the EdhiFoundation, the largest welfare organization in Pakistan. Thefoundation has over 300 centers across the country, in big cities,small towns and remote rural areas, providing medical aid,family planning and emergency assistance. They own airambulances, providing quick access to far-flung areas.Edhi is to Karachi what Mother Teresa was to the poor ofCalcutta. Edhi and wife Bilquees have spent a lifetime workingfor people and their welfare work to date remains unparalleledin Pakistan. They are both very private people who shunpublicity. They have had little formal education, and are totallycommitted to the cause of helping the poor and needy.

Edhi plans mass campaigns against narcotics, illiteracy,population control and basic hygiene. Edhi's wife Bilqueesworks in the areas of maternity centre management. She runs6 nursing training schools in Karachi , which provide basictraining courses. These centres have so far trained over 40,000qualified nurses. Some 20,000 abandoned babies have beensaved and about a million babies have been delivered in theEdhi maternity homes. Bilquees also supervises the food thatis supplied to the Edhi hospitals in Karachi . The total numberof orphans in Edhi housing is 50,000 and Edhi's two daughtersand one son assist in the running of the orphanages and theautomation of these institutions. Edhi's vision is to create an institution that will carry on hislife's work and survive for a long time to come. His dream isthat of a Pakistan as a modern welfare state, which provides asafety net for the poor and needy while providing basic healthand education with vocational skills. A welfare state Edhi feelsis the only way to tackle Pakistan 's myriad social problems.He hopes that one day, Pakistan will be a model for otherdeveloping countries.

Giving Back

Success Magazine (26)

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Success Magazine(27)

Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed

more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US,

Canada and 56 other countries worldwide.

Special Report By Brain Tracy

WWay toay toWWealthealth

ere's an exercise for you: Imagine that it's possible for you to earn ten times your current

annual wage. If you're earning PKR 25,000, imagine for a momentthat it's possible for you to earn PKR 250,000, a 1000% increase.The first reaction of most people to that exercise is to smile brieflyand then to begin thinking about why it isn't possible. One man saidto me, "If you knew how many years it's taken for me to get to whatI'm earning today you wouldn't be suggesting that I could earn tentimes as much."Well, my response to that was"Don't sell yourself short."Mark Twain once wrote that there are a thousand excuses for everyfailure but never a good reason. The tragedy of the average person isthat whereas his or her main preoccupation seems to be money, or thelack thereof, the average person has the inherent potential to earn farmore than he or she is doing currently.That's why I chose this special report for you called "The Way toWealth� created by Brain Tracy.Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, acompany specializing in the training and development of individualsand organizations. Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talksand seminars throughout the US, Canada and 56 other countriesworldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addressesmore than 250,000 people each year. He has written and producedmore than 500 audio and video learning programs, including theworldwide, best-selling Psychology of Achievement, which has beentranslated into more than 20 languages. (Editor�s note)


Editor�s Choice

Page 28: Jan issue 01

here are more than eight million millionaires in the United Statestoday. Most of them are self-made. They started with nothingan earned all their money within one generation. The 10 wealthiestmulti-billionaires in the US all started with nothing and earnedtheir money in a single lifetime.Fully 80% of self-made millionaires are entrepreneurs or

salespeople. Starting and building your own business is andalways has been the high road to wealth in the United States.The good news is that the United States is today the most entre-preneurial country in the world. Fully 70% of Americans dreamabout starting their own business someday. Fully 1/12th ofAmericans working today are working in a business start-up.Entrepreneurship is natural and normal for most people. Youhave within you, right now, the talents and abilities that youneed to start and build a successful business, to take completecontrol over your life, and achieve financial freedom. You justneed to learn how.If you can drive a car, you can learn to be a successfulentrepreneur. As Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Recordsand Virgin Airlines said, �Once you learn how to start and builda business, you can do it over and over again. The principlesare the same.�The good news is that all business skills are learnable. You canlearn any business skill you need to achieve any business orfinancial goal you can set for yourself.Once you learn a skill, you can use it over and over again. Eachtime you use it, you get better and better, and as you get betteryou achieve the same financial goal with less time, effort andenergy.To succeed in your own business, you need a range of skills.The absence of one key skill can hold you back, or even be fatalto your dreams of business success. Fully 80% of new businessesgo broke within the first four years; 86% of current businessesare under-performing.

The Purpose of a BusinessThe purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer ina cost effective way. Profits are not the purpose of a business.Profits are the result of skillful, successful, customer acquisitionand customer service.Business is quite simple. It consists of three basic activities.First, you must find or create a product or service that peoplewant, need and are willing to pay for. Second, you must marketand sell the product or service in sufficient quantities to coverall your costs and make a profit. Third, you must manage andadminister the people, money and business activities. Giveyourself a grade on a scale of 1-10 in each of these three areas.Wherever you are weak, that will be the source of all yourproblems.Three Qualities of Successful EntrepreneursThere are three qualities of successful entrepreneurs, based onstudies of many thousands of them. First, they have the courage

to launch, to step out in faith, with no guarantees of success.They are willing to face the prospect of temporary failure in thepursuit of opportunity, freedom, control and financial indepen-dence. Second, they have the quality of optimism. They havea positive mental attitude toward themselves and their businessopportunities. They have the self-confidence to keep movingforward.Third, entrepreneurs are persistent. They never giveup. As far as they are concerned, �Failure is not an option!�Three Keys to a Successful BusinessIf you are not now in business, how do you determine whatbusiness to go into?Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great, analyzes more than1000 companies to determine what makes a business great. Hefinds that the ideal business is one that has three qualities.First, it is something that you have a passion for. It is a productor service that you really like and enjoy, and you want otherpeople to experience it as well.Second, a successful business is something in which you havethe potential to be the best in your area. You may not be thebest when you start, or at the moment, but you have the potentialto be the best if you keep improving.Third, quality of a successful business is that you are offeringa product or service that is highly profitable. If you do becomethe best in your field, you will make a lot of money as a result.Theway you find a product or service is first, find something thatyou really like believe in, care about and want other people touse and enjoy.You must be excited about your product or serviceif you want your customers to become excited about it. Second,go to a potential customer for your product or service idea andask him or her if they would buy it, and how much they wouldpay for it? This is called �Fast, cheap, market research.� Theonly true test is a customer test. When you ask a customer fortheir opinion, they will always tell you the truth. This can makeor save you a fortune in the course of your business career.The three questions you ask before you introduce a new productor service, or start a business, are these. First, is there a market for your product or service? Is itsomething that is better, faster, or cheaper, or all three, thananything else available? Never assume. Always test yourassumptions before you invest. Second, is the market large enough? Are there enoughpeople to buy enough of what you sell to make it a prosperousbusiness? Third, is the market concentrated enough? Is it possible foryou to reach your market with conventional advertising orpromotional methods?The key question in marketing is always this:�What exactly is to be sold, and to whom is it to be sold, andhow is it to be sold, and at what price, and how is it to be billed,produced, distributed and serviced?�You can ask and answer this question over and over againthroughout your business career.Three Ways to Increase SalesThere are only three ways to increase sales:You can make more individual sales. You can make largersales per customer. You can make more frequent sales to the same customer.You must be continually thinking of ways to do all three.Customer

Always test your assumptions

beforeyou invest.

(28)Success Magazine

Editor�s Choice

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There is oneprimary job,g o a l a n dmeasure ofb u s i n e s ssuccess. It is�CustomerSatisfaction.�The entirepurpose ofy o u rbusiness, and

your success, will be determined by how well you satisfy yourcustomers in comparison with other people who want to satisfythe same customers.The key measure of customer satisfaction is �repeat business.�This means that your customers come back and buy from youagain and again. The ultimate question for customer satisfactionis this �Would you recommend us to others?� Your customer�sanswer to this question will tell you everything you need toknow about the efficiency and effectiveness of your businessoperations and your products or services.Your goals in building your business are three. They are, 1) To get the customer to buy from you for the first time.This is the major focus of your sales and marketing efforts. 2) They are to get the customer to buy again because he orshe was so satisfied with the first purchase. In reality, the secondpurchase is the most important because it is proof that youdelivered on the promises you made to get the first sale. 3) Your customers bring their friends and recommend theirfriends, and refer their friends to buy from you as well.The primary purpose of marketing and advertising is to makeselling unnecessary.If you have chosen your market accurately and you haveadvertised effectively, people will automatically say, �That�sfor me!�The rule is that �good advertising sells.� If your advertisementis a good advertisement, it will trigger immediate sales. If itdoes not trigger immediate sales, you must stop that advertisingimmediately and start advertising in a different way or a differentplace.Four Strategic Marketing Principles 1.Specialization � you must specialize in a particularcustomer, or market area. It must be clear to you and to everyonewho deals with you that this is your area of specialization. 2. Differentiation � the title of the book Differentiate orDie is quite true. To be successful in business, you must havea competitive advantage, an area of superiority that makes youdifferent and better than any of your competitors. Yourcompetitive advantage must be something that your customerwants, needs, values and it willing to pay for. This is often calledyour �value offering.� It is what makes you the �only supplier�for the customers you have chosen to serve. Sometimes it iscalled your �area of excellence.� Finally, in differentiation, youneed a �Unique Selling Proposition.� This is something thatyou do or offer that no one else in the world can offer to yourcustomers. As Jack Welch of General Electric said, �If you don�thave competitive advantage, don�t compete.� Your ability todevelop a competitive advantage, a unique selling proposition,is the key to your success in business. 3.Segmentation � this is the process of identifying yourideal customers, the customers who will most appreciate the

product or service in which you specialize, and the way in whichyour product or service is superior to anyone else�s. 4.Concentration � this requires that you concentrate all ofyour sales, marketing and business efforts on contacting andselling exactly those customers who can most benefit and enjoyfrom what it is you do better than anyone else.Seven Strategic QuestionsThere are seven strategic questions you need to ask in the processof specialization, differentiation, segmentation and concentration.Here they are:

1.Who is my customer? Who is my ideal customer? Whois my perfect customer? You must be absolutely clear about theage, income, education, tastes, history, background and desiresof your ideal customer before you begin a business, and especiallybefore you begin advertising.

2.Why does he or she buy? What need or desire does heor she have that causes him or her to buy in the first place?

3.What value, result or reward does he or she expect whenhe or she buys from me? What is my value offering to mycustomer? 4.What do you do better than anyone else? What is yourcompetitive advantage? What makes you superior to any otherchoice the customer can make? 5.Who or what is your competition? Not only your directcompetition, but any other use of the same amount of money,or any other way to satisfy the same need. You must be crystalclear about who you are competing against if you are going tocompete successfully. 6.Why does your customer buy from your competitor?What value does he perceive that he receives from yourcompetitor that he does not receive from you? How could youcounteract this? 7.What does your customer need to be convinced of to buyfrom you, rather than from anyone else?Once you have answered the above questions, ask yourself,�Whatare the 20% of your activities that could account for 80% ofyour results?� Remember, only a small number of your decisionsand actions account for most of your financial results. What arethey?Seven Key Result Areas of SellingThere are seven steps to selling more of your product or service. 1. Prospecting � this is the process of lead generation.Where are your prospects? Who are they? How do you get tothem? 2. Establishing rapport � your ability to build trust, cred-ibility and confidence in your prospective customer is the keyto making the sale. 3. Identifying needs accurately � this is the process ofasking focused, targeted questions to make sure that you fullyunderstand what your customer wants and needs and is willingto pay for. 4. Presenting � this is where you show, teach and explainthe benefits of what you sell. You focus on what your product�does� rather than what your product �is.� 5. Answering objections � this is where you answer thenormal and natural concerns that prospects have about priceand capability. 6. Closing the sale � you must learn how to ask for theorder and tell the prospect exactly what he or she has to do to

All sales activitiesare essential,

but prospecting,presenting and closing

are the keys.

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Editor�s Choice

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complete the sale. 7. Getting resales and referrals � this is the �acid test� ofsuccess. Do your customers buy from you again, and recommendyou to their friends and associates? This is the key to the future.The Law of Three says that there are three activities that accountfor 90% of your sales results. They are prospecting, presentingand closing. All sales activities are essential, but prospecting,presenting and closing are the keys. All your business problemswill arise from a weakness in one of these three areas.The good news is that these are all learnable skills. You canbecome excellent in prospecting, presenting and closing, andyou must commit yourself to excellence in these areas if youwant to build a successful, profitable business.The Marketing MixThere are seven parts of the marketing mix that you mustcontinually think about and revise in the face of fast-changingmarket conditions.

1. Product/Service � what exactly do you sell? What exactlydoes it do to improve the life or work of your customers? Is thisthe right product for you, and for your market, at this time? 2. Price � how much do you charge, and how do you chargeit? Could there be a better way to price and charge for yourproducts? 3. Promotion � these are your methods of marketing,advertising and selling. What revisions do you need to make inyour promotional activities to increase the sales of your productsor services? 4. Place � where exactly do you sell and deliver yourproduct? Could there be a better place? 5. Packaging � this refers to the external appearance ofyour product or service, your business, your way your peopledress and groom, and every visual image that your customerssee or experience. 95% of the first impression that you makeon your customers will be visual, and the visual appearance canoften determine whether you make the sale or not. 6. Positioning � how are you positioned in your customersmind? How do they think about you when you are not there?What do they say about you when they think of you? Whatwords do you trigger in your customers mind when your nameis brought up? 7. People � who are the key people in your business whodeal with customers? Who are your key salespeople? Who areyour key service people? The fact is that people do not buyproducts or services; they buy the people who sell those productsor services. Sometimes, one change in your key people canchange your entire business.One of the most important business skills you will ever learnis called �Zero-Based Thinking.� In zero-based thinking, you

continually ask this question, �If I were not now doing what Iam doing, knowing what I now know, would I get into it againtoday?�Is there any part of your business, your product, price, promotion,place, packaging, positioning or people that, knowing what younow know, you would not start up again today, if you had to doit over?It takes tremendous courage to admit that you have made amistake, or that you are doing the wrong thing based on thecurrent market. But facts are facts. If you would not get into itagain today, your only question is, �How do I get out of this,and how fast?�The only measure of any business activity is this: Is it working?Are you getting results? Are you generating sales, revenues andpositive cash flow? If you are not, be prepared to change oreven abandon the product, service or activity.In your business, there are only two types of activities � revenueand expense. You should only invest money in your businessto increase revenues. To increase sales.There are four ways to move faster down the roadto wealth You can do more of certain things. You can do less of other things. You can start up something brand new, something that you have never done before. You can stop certain activities altogether.Always ask yourself, �What should I do more of, less of, startor stop?�On the road to wealth, you have three key concerns.First, apply the 80/20 Rule to all of your activities, customers,prospects, methods of sales and advertising, services, cash flowand people. Remember, 20% of your activities will account for80% of your results. That is where you must focus andconcentrate.Second, profitability � examine every activity of your businessto determine the most profitable things you sell or do. What isnumber one? What is the second most profitable? What is thethird most profitable? You must know, with unerring accuracy,where your best profits are coming from so you can do moreof those things.Third, efficiency � keep asking yourself, �If I could only doone thing all day long, what one activity would it be? What oneactivity would have the greatest impact on sales, revenues andcash flow?� Whatever your answer to that question, focus onthat single-mindedly every single day.The Road to WealthYour key to success on your road to wealth is very simple. Itisto �add value.� All success in life, and in every area, comesfrom adding value in some way. The more value you add, themore you will be able to capture some of that value for yourself,in the form of commissions, profits and ultimately businesssuccess.You add value by finding a product or service that people wantand need, and then by offering that product and service in aquality and quantity that people are willing to pay for. You sellit effectively, deliver it efficiently and service your customersin an excellent way. The way to wealth is, and always has been,your ability to start and build a successful business.Fortunately,if you can drive a car, you can learn how to be a successfulentrepreneur. You can start a business and put yourself on theroad to wealth for the rest of your life.And I hope you do.

Your competitive

advantage must be something

that your customer wants,

needs values and it willing

to pay for.

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Editor�s Choice

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Ahmed Bashir was 53 when the bad newshit: His department was being moved offshore.Since joining the company eight years earlier,he had worked his way up to a solid positionin middle management with a decent salaryand great benefits. Now, he was out of a job.Having spent his entire adult life in corporatepositions, he knew he could go job hunting.But this was the fifth time he�d had a �secure�position shot out from under him, whetherthrough downsizing, restructuring or otherreorganization.With a wife and two teenagersto clothe and feed, he was no longer willingto trust his future to this game ofcorporate roulette. It was time togo into business for him.

The Great MigrationAcross the country and around theworld, legions of people areabandoning their dependence onbig business and seekingindependence through their ownenterprises.In a repor t t i t l ed Work,Entrepreneurship and Opportunityin 21st Century America, the U.S. Chamberof Commerce said, �Millions of Americansare embracing entrepreneurship by runningtheir own small businesses, throughindependent contracting or direct selling.�The report also cited a recent Gallup pollfinding that 61 percent of Americans now saythey prefer to be their own bosses.6 Benefits of Entrepreneurship

1. Job Security. Only a generation ortwo ago, going into business for yourself wasconsidered risky, and the safest route was toget a good job in a large firm. Now, workingfor a traditional corporation has become therisky option. Working for yourself has becomethe new job security. �If I�m working forsomeone else, I�m trading time for money,but I�m not building any equity,� says DuncanMacPherson, co-founder and co-CEO ofPareto Systems, a consulting firm. �As anentrepreneur, I�m the master of my owndestiny.

2. Freedom.People love the benefits of

working for themselves and enjoy the freedomthey gain from designing their own prosperity.You get to choose when you work, how youwork and with whom you work. Best of all,you don�t have to make the agonizing choicebetween time for family and time for business.

3. Flexibility. It doesn't matter if you'rein a big city or small town. Entrepreneurshipis an equal-opportunity employer. E-mail,cheap teleconferencing and a new generationof Web tools make it possible to run a fullycompetitive business from a home desktop.As a home-based businessperson, you can

expand your business to Chicago, SanFrancisco, Hong Kong and London�and stillmake the soccer game.

4. Make More Money. There is fargreater opportunity to make money bybuilding your own business than by workingfor someone else�s. Jeffrey Gitomer, best-selling author of theÊLittle Red Book ofSellingÊand theÊLittle Gold Book of YES!Attitude. �When you�re in business foryourself, you write your own history, youwrite your own success story, you write yourown legacy and most important, you writeyour own paycheck. Being in business foryourself gives you the opportunity to workyour heart out for something you love.�

5. A Life of Greater Impact. In theDecipher study, 84 percent of respondentssaid they would be more passionate abouttheir work if they owned their own business.The No. 1 reason they gave for wanting towork for themselves: �to be more passionateabout my work life.�

6. A Second Career. The nation�s millionbaby boomers are just starting to reachretirement age, yet they�re realizing that theycan�t afford to retire. What�s more, they don�twant to. Dr. Mary Furlong, author ofÊTurningSilver into Gold, says, �Boomers are lookingfor ways to give back. They are taking thereins of their own futures and redefining theirlives. They want work that reflects their valuesand identity; they want to make a difference.�A landmark study by MetLife Foundationand Civic Ventures found that 50 percent ofAmericans in their 50s and 60s want to do

work �that matters.�Taking the Plunge�Leaving the rat race is not asdaunting as it may seem,� saysauthor Dan Clements in his guideto worklife balance,ÊEscape 101.�You�ll look back in later yearsand marvel at how easy it was andhow much you gained for so littlecost.�So what does it take? First, let�slook at what it doesn�t take. You

don�t need an MBA or high-powered businessbackground, and you don�t need to be rich orto take a second mortgage on your home.Some self-owned business opportunitiesrequire expertise, such as consulting, or cantake significant capital investment andpossibly training, such as real estate investingand franchises; some can be started on ashoestring and prove quite lucrative, includingdirect selling and online opportunities. Manyof the greatest entrepreneurs of our time beganwith no advanced degrees and hardly anystartup capital.But make no mistake about it: What you savein cash capital you will make up for in sweatequity and passion. The major investment inmost self-owned businesses is investment ofone�s self in the form of time, focus andpersistence. You don�t need to be a genius atnegotiation or a whiz at numbers. You needa burning desire and determination fueled bya strong dose of passion!

Why You Should Start Your Own Business Today

Six reasons to become an entrepreneur


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(00)Success Magazine (32)

Starting a new business comes with noguarantees. While risks are unavoidable,you can vastly improve your chances ofsucceeding with proper planning. Use thischecklist from the startup section to helpyou get started. Poor planning is actuallythe No. 1 reason for small-businessfailures, so make sure you are prepared.

Do you have aÊbusiness planÊfor theenterprise you are planning to start?

Do you know and understand thecomponents of a business plan?

Do you know what form of legalownership (sole proprietor, partnershipor corporation) is best for your business?

Do you know if your business willrequire a special license or permit andhow to obtain it?

Do you know where to f inddemographic data and information aboutyour customers?

Do you know how to compute thefinancial break-even point for your

business?Do you know how to compute the

startup costs for your business?Do you know about the various funding

p rog rams tha t a r e ava i l ab l e?Do you know how to prepare and

interpret a balance sheet, income statementand cash flow statement?

Are you sure your planned businessfills a specific market need?

Do you know your target market andhow to attract clients?

Do you understand the tax requirementsand tax advantagesÊassociated with yourbusiness?

Do you know how to prepare amarketing strategy for your business?Do you know how to learn about yourbusiness competitors?

Do you understand marketing trendsin your industry?

Do you feel comfortable usingtechnology and social media to improve

business operations?Do you have a payroll process plannedfor your business?

Do you have a customer service strategyin place?

Do you know how to obtain anEmployer Identification Number for yourbusiness?

Do you know if your business shouldhave some form of intellectual propertyprotection?

Do you know where to obtaininformation about regulations andcompliance requirements that impact yourbusiness?If you don�t feel ready, don�t bediscouraged. Anyone can learn the skillsneeded to be an entrepreneur. Reviewyour answers to identify weak areas andproactively seek the information andresources you need to build up your skills.Consult with experts in your field orsimply contact us.

R e s o u r c e s

Checklist: Get Your Small Business Started

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you the storage you need plus allows you to sync your docs,photos, video, music (anything really) to a variety of devices�from your smartphone to your PC, Mac or even your iPad.Better yet, everything can be set to sync automatically, leavingyou free to get something else done.

Opera Mobile

Page 33: Jan issue 01

Firms that are successful in marketinginvariably start with a marketing plan.Large companies have plans withhundreds of pages; small companies canget by with a half-dozen sheets. Put yourmarketing plan in a three-ring binder.Refer to it at least quarterly, but better yetmonthly. Leave a tab for putting inmonthly reports on sales/manufacturing;this will allow you to track performanceas you follow the plan.The plan should cover oneyear. For small companies,this is often the best wayto think about marketing.Things change, peopleleave, markets evolve, andcustomers come and go.Later on we suggestcreating a section of yourplan that addresses themedium-term future--twoto four years down theroad. But the bulk of yourplan should focus on thecoming year.You should allow yourselfa couple of months to writethe plan, even if it's only af e w p a g e s l o n g .Developing the plan is the" h e a v y l i f t i n g " o fmarketing. While executingthe plan has its challenges,deciding what to do and how to do it ismarketing's greatest challenge. Mostmarketing plans kick off with the first ofthe year or with the opening of your fiscalyear if it's different.Who should see your plan? All the playersin the company. Firms typically keep theirmarketing plans very, very private for oneof two very different reasons: Eitherthey're too skimpy and managementwould be embarrassed to have them seethe light of day, or they're solid and packedwith information . . . which would makethem extremely valuable to thecompetition.You can't do a marketing planwithout getting many people involved.No matter what your size, get feedbackfrom all parts of your company: finance,manufacturing, personnel, supply and so

on--in addition to marketing itself. Thisis especially important because it willtake all aspects of your company to makeyour marketing plan work. Your keypeople can provide realistic input onwhat's achievable and how your goals canbe reached, and they can share any insightsthey have on any potential, as-yet-unrealized marketing opportunities,adding another dimension to your plan.

If you're essentially a one-personmanagement operation, you'll have towear all your hats at one time--but at leastthe meetings will be short!What's the relationship between yourmarketing plan and your business plan orvision statement? Your business planspells out what your business is about--what you do and don't do, and what yourultimate goals are. It encompasses morethan marketing; it can include discussionsof locations, staffing, financing, strategicalliances and so on. It includes "the visionthing," the resounding words that spellout the glorious purpose of your companyin stirring language. Your business planis the U.S. Constitution of your business:If you want to do something that's outsidethe business plan, you need to either

change your mind or changethe plan. Your company'sbusiness plan provides theenvironment in which yourmarketing plan must flourish.The two documents must beconsistent.A marketing plan, on theother hand, is plump withmeaning. It provides youwith several major benefits.

Let's review them.· Rallying point:Your marketing plangives your troops something to rallybehind. You want them to feel confidentthat the captain of the vessel has the chartsin order, knows how to run the ship, andhas a port of destination in mind.Companies often undervalue the impactof a "marketing plan" on their own people,If you want your employees to feel

commit ted to yourcompany, it's important toshare with them yourvision of where thecompany is headed in theyears to come. Peopledon't always understandfinancial projections, butthey can get excited abouta well-written and well-thought-out marketingplan. You should considerreleasing your marketingplan--perhaps in anab r idged ve r s ion - -companywide. Do it withsome fanfare and generatesome excitement for theadventures to come.· Chart to success:Weall know that plans areimperfect things. How canyou possibly know what'sgoing to happen 12

months or five years from now? Isn'tputting together a marketing plan anexercise in futility . . . a waste of timebetter spent meeting with customers orfine-tuning production? Yes, possibly butonly in the narrowest sense. If you don'tplan, you're doomed, and an inaccurateplan is far better than no plan at all. Tostay with our sea captain analogy, it'sbetter to be 5 or even 10 degrees off yourdestination port than to have no destinationin mind at all. The point of sailing, afterall, is to get somewhere, and without amarketing plan, you'll wander the seasaimlessly, sometimes finding dry land butmore often than not floundering in a vastocean. Sea captains without a chart arerarely remembered for discoveringanything but the ocean floor.

(00)Success Magazine

How to Create a Marketing PlanWhat is a marketing plan and why is it so essential

to the success of your business?Find out here, in the first section of our

comprehensive guide to creating a marketing plan.





Bid &ProposalBudget



Market Plan

How To Guide

Success Magazine (33)

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(34)Success Magazine

How Should You Delegate?Use the folowing principles to delegatesuccessfully:1.Clearly articulate the desired outcome.Begin with the end in mind and specifythe desired results.2.Clearly identify constraints andboundaries. Where are the lines ofa u t h o r i t y, r e s p o n s i b i l i t y a n daccountability? Should the person:·Wait to be told what to do?·Ask what to do?·Recommend what should be done, andthen act?·Act, and then report results immediately?·Initiate action, and then reportperiodically?3.Where possible, include people in thedelegation process. Empower them todecide what tasks are to be delegated tothem and when.4.Match the amount of responsibility withthe amount of authority. Understand thatyou can delegate some responsibility,however you can't delegate away ultimateaccountability. The buck stops with you!5.Delegate to the lowest possibleorganizational level. This also increasesworkplace efficiency, and helps to developpeople.6.Provide adequate support, and beavailable to answer questions. Ensure theproject's success through ongoing

communication and monitoring as wellas provision of resources and credit.7.Focus on results. Concern yourself withwhat is accomplished, rather than detailingAllow the person to control his or herown methods and processes. Thisfacilitates success and trust.8.Avoid "upward delegation". If there isa problem, don't allow the person to shiftresponsibility for the task back to you:ask for recommended solutions; and don'tsimply provide an answer.9.Build motivation and commitment.Discuss how success will impact financialrewards, future opportunities, informalrecognition, and other desirableconsequences. Provide recognition wheredeserved.10.Establish and maintain control.·Discuss timelines and deadlines.·Agree on a schedule of checkpoints atwhich you'll review project progress.Make adjustments as necessary.Take time to review all submitted work.Keeping ControlNow, once you have worked through theabove steps, make sure you brief yourteam member appropriately. Take time toexplain why they were chosen for the job,what's expected from them during theproject, the goals you have for the project,all timelines and deadlines and theresources on which they can draw. Andagree a schedule for checking-in withprogress updates.Lastly, make sure thatthe team member knows that you want

to know if any problems occur, and thatyou are available for any questions orguidance needed as the work progresses.We all know that as managers, weshouldn't micro-manage. However, thisdoesn't mean we must abdicate controlaltogether: In delegating effectively, wehave to find the sometimes-difficultbalance between giving enough space forpeople to use their abilities to best effect,while still monitoring and supportingclosely enough to ensure that the job isdone correctly and effectively.The Importance of Full AcceptanceWhen delegated work is delivered backto you, set aside enough time to reviewit thoroughly If possible, only accept good quality,fully-complete work. If you accept workyou are not satisfied with, your teammember does not learn to do the jobproperly. Worse than this, you accept awhole new tranche of work that you willprobably need to complete yourself. Notonly does this overload you, it means thatyou don't have the time to do your ownjob properly. Make sure to both recognizeand reward the effort. As a leader, youshould get in the pract ice ofcomplimenting members of your teamevery time you are impressed by whatthey have done. This effort on your partwill go a long way toward building teammember's self-confidence and efficiency,both of which will be improved on thenext delegated task; hence, you both win.


1950s decades beforea government wouldsee the potential of

developing the area--and his determination to soldier on in theface of adversity. He credits this simply to faith. �I get mystrength from God,� he says.The devastating attack on the Marriott in Islamabad in 2008which destroyed the building, followed by a similar attack onthe Pearl Continental in Peshawar and a fire in his home inIslamabad in 2009 may have forced Mr. Hashwani to leave thecountry for his family�s safety�but it has in no way broken hisresolve.�I promised to rebuild the Marriott in 90 days and I didit,� he says with a great deal of pride, though traces of the hurtand pain bear heavy on him.We talk about the vindictive aspectwith which he was targeted by attackers, whose identities remainsa mystery, but he brushes it aside, preferring to focus on theway ahead. While he says it is not safe for him to return toPakistan, his business interests continue and he focuses onexpansions.Since diversifying into the oil and gas sector in1995, through Orient Petroleum He�s had a successful oilbusiness in Texas, US in the past but his focus is now indeveloping nations, including Pakistan where his firm has thelargest exploration programs in place.I�m intrigued by his determination to invest in conflict-riddenare the norm rather than the exception. It�s easy to understandwhy he does this in Pakistan because there�s an emotional

connect with one�s home nation but in Sudan, Libya? He hasput on hold investments in Sudan after an oil exploration projectbut is committed to investing in �the beautiful country,� he says,unfazed by bureaucratic issues one may have to encounter innations coming out of major conflict.A multiplex complex inLibya�a joint venture--has also been put on hold; the prioritywas to evacuate the 800 staff working on the project to saferenvirons. I ask when he hopes to return to complete it and hesays it is difficult to forecast in politically turbulent nations butnot difficult when one is committed. �I look forward to returning[to the project in] Libya soon and expanding the business there,�he says.Mr. Hashwani is particularly keen on conducting oilexploration in Libya and speaks of investment plans inKazakhstan.Mr. Hashwani�s memoir, Straight Shooting: My Journey Throughthe Political and Business Turbulence of Pakistan, will bepublished by the prestigious international company, VikingPenguin.Penguin brought out a sampler of the book in time forthe Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, which was held inDubai in March 2011, and He was interviewed on stage by thenoted Emirati lawyer and writer, Diana Hamade Al Ghurair.Inrecognition of his contributions to Pakistan�s business andeconomic process, the institute of business administration,Karachi honored Mr. Hashwani in 1988 with the outstandingprofessional contribution award. For his distinguished servicesto the tourism industry of Pakistan.

Using the Power

Sadruddin Hashwani

Page 35: Jan issue 01

In today�s world, the trend of zero figuresis on the hit list of almost all people.Instead of consuming medicated drugsand unsuccessful surgeries, the best wayto shed fat from the body is by followingwater therapy as below:1-After having a sound sleep, get up witha fresh and trouble free mind.2-Before brushing your teeth you need todrink minimum 400-600 milliliters ofclean drinking water.3-Then you can proceed towards cleaningyour teeth.4- But, after doing so it is recommendednot to intake anything for forty- fiveminutes.

You will attain the bestresult if you avoid drinkinganything for 2 hours fromthe time of your meals.It is assured that if onecontinues to maintain thistherapy for a couple of daysthen he or she willdefinitely observe theresults within two to threemonths.It will be moreeffective if you put a pinch of salt intothe water. But, before doing so doctor�sconsultation is mandatory and essential.When someone is following the diet ofwater therapy then he should keep in mind

that he will not be able to intake caffeineand at the same time beverages containingalcohol. This is because consuming suchsubstances will dehydrate your body.

Water Therapy:What Are The Steps?

Each year has its own styles, Colours,Textures andTechn iques .Speaking of thetrends for 2014,this year manynew and easynail art designstechniques aregoing to bes e e n o nrunways andstreets. There issomething foreveryone andevery taste .1. ColoursAs Pantone hasa n n o u n c e dEmerald greencolor as thecolor of theyear, you cansee many huesof green thisyear. Dark andvampy shadesaren�t too far behind! Some of the colorswhich fall in this category are oxblood,navy blue, dark grey and eggplant shades.Pale shades are also in fashion this year.Just paint your nails in milky white shade

or cotton candy pink shade and you are

good to go. Gray is the new nude thisyear! This color is emerging as a newdesired shade of 2014.2. TexturesThis year many textures will be introduced

and last year�s textures will be takento new advanced looks.3. FinishMetallic finish is in this year and it isnot restricted to only gold, silver orbronze colors but you can wear metallicnails in any color from bright redmetallic nails to purple metallic nails.4. Nail artsSimple, chic and non-complicated naildesigns are going to be in this season.

The most prominent and basic designswhich are in this year are:a)Two tone manicureb)Sideways Frenchmanicuresc)Two tones Frenchmanicuresd)One of a kind Frenchmanicure:e)Adding edgy or darkelementsf) Adding nail jewelryg)Lattice work nails or lacenailsi) Vertical ombre linesj) Not so perfect halfmoonsk) Adding 80�s vibe orsome different color block5. Length and shapeVery long nails will go outof fashion in 2014. Thelength which is in fashionthis year ranges from shortto medium length and nailshape in fashion is squareand oval shape.

6. TechniquesAs easy to do nail arts are in this yearwith any technique which helps in gettingthe required result is in this year.Stamping, gel, acrylics everything is in.

(35)Success Magazine

Colors, Textures, Nail Art, Finish Shape and Techniques

2014 Nail Trends2014 Nail Trends


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(00)Success Magazine

Veggies are always healthy forskin and hair. Carrot inparticular is loaded withnaturally occurringantioxidants that slows downthe ageing process andÊfightsskin damage. Carrots canremove harmful toxins fromour skin leading it to appearyoung, revitalize it completely(be it any skin type)andenhancing the beauty of ourskin and hair.Hydrate your skin and makeit suppleTake 2 or 3 fresh grated carrots,add 1 tsp each of raw milk,honey and olive oil. Cleanseyour face and apply this. Keepit for 15 to 20 minutes andrinse off with water. This

hydrates the skin leaving it softand supple.Reveal Soft HairTo have damage free hair, boilsome carrots, blend it, and addsome yogurt and a beaten egg.Apply the pack, wash it warmwater after an hour and youwill find a change.Multiple Benefits of CarrotJuiceFor skin ageing problems,carrot juice can act as a greattoner,Mix fresh carrot juicewith two parts rose water, storeit in a spray bottle and use itas a face mist.It reverses anydamage caused byenvironmental factors andsoothes the sun-exposed skin.5. Get Glowing Skin

naturally:Make a puree with boiled andblended carrots, add few dropsof lemon, 1 tsp honey and fewdrops of extra virgin olive oil.Apply this evenly on your

entire face and neck, leave itfor 20 mins and rinse off, youwill find a noticeably firmerand glowing skin.This is whatcarrot alone can do to yourskin. Try out these remedies.

Carrots for Beautiful Skin and Hair

There are a plethora of reasons as to why capsules and Vitamin Emay be called the �skin life saver�. Beauty and health experts saythat it�s always better if you start taking care of your skin, givingit that little extra attention it deserves, right from your early 20�s.Ready to hit the hay? Well, there are a couple of things you oughtto do if you want those wrinkles and dark spots to vanish magically.Prick the E capsule and allow the fluid to ooze out. Apply a dollopof it on your face and under your eyes. This is going to work allnight while you snooze and will eventually hydrate your skin.Bring out the emollient properties of this capsule by applying it ona wet skin.Suffering from revolting pimples and ugly marks? Get ready to daba little amount of E capsule on the affected area of the skin and youcan find positive results in a few weeks. Vitamin E supplements andE capsules have touted that ability of cell regeneration. All you haveto do is apply it. Here�s a tip. Puncture these capsules and add it toyour lotion or moisturizer to get a homemade E capsule enrichedproduct.

Vitamin E Capsules Help Your Skin?

How to







Pink sof t l ips a resomething that everywoman would die for!Make some yummy lippack recipes yourself toremove that dark and uglypigmentation from yourlips.Let us see what all thenatural things and ideaswork on as an answer tohow to get rid of blacklips naturally.Lemon honey lip serum:A perfect dark lipstreatment that you can doat home! Mix equal partsof lemon juice and honeyto make your t anremoving lip serum. Coat

your lips with this serumand leave for an hourbefore wiping off with softwet cloth.This serum canrefrigerated used for aweek. Isn�t that supereasy?Sleep with glycerin:Apply glycerin over yourlips using a cotton budbefore going to bed everynight.This glycerin treatmentretains moisture andprevents drying to get ridof dark lips.Keep your bodyhydrated:Hydrate your body bydrinking at least 8-10

glasses of water everydayin order to stay away fromdehydration that causingdark lips.

A beetroot slice:Slice a red beetroot andstore the pieces in yourrefrigerator. Simplymassage your lips with ajuicy piece in your leisuretime.Sit with a beetroot slicein your hand wheneveryour watch television.This will do the trick!

.Almond Oil:Apply almond oil on yourlips before bedtime as thishelps to lighten lips, thusreducing discoloration.

(36)Success Magazine


Page 37: Jan issue 01

What Most CompWhat Most Companies Don�t Know ?anies Don�t Know ?Social MediaSocial Media

Social media has arrived, butcompanies still aren't sure whatto do with it. Fifty-eight percent

of companies are currentlyengaged in social networks like

Facebook, microblogs likeTwitter, and sharing multimediaon platforms such as YouTube �but research from the Harvard

Business Review AnalyticsServices report finds that much

of the investment in social isfuture-oriented. In the report that

follow, we'll dive into thisresearch, showing how mostcompanies really use socialmedia � and what the most

effective users do differently.

Although 79% of the 2,100 companies surveyed are eitherusing or planning to use social media channels, a measly 12%of those firms feel that they are using them effectively. Thesesocial media all-stars engage beyond the tired method of "shoutmarketing," by using social more often to promote their brand,monitor trends among customers, and even research newproduct ideas.

of companies are using or

planning to use

social mediaare preparing toLaunch initiative

79currently use58 %


How effective do you feel yourorganization

is currently use social media ?

Which areas of your organization areresponsible for the development for your

social media strategy ?

1- Marketing ============= 69%2- Communication ============ 43%3- Public Relation =========== 35%4- Web Team ========= 30%5- Sales ======== 17%6- IT ======= 16%7- Customer Service ====== 12%8- R&D ===== 9%9- Operations ==== 9%10- Finance === 2%

Just 12% of the companies surveyed have hired staff dedicatedto social media activities. Instead, it's mostly delegated toexternal relations staff or techies. Maybe that's why socialmedia has trouble getting a piece of the budget pie: Just 20%of social-media-using organizations have dedicated a portionof the budget to it, though that rises to 44% among effectiveusers. "At the C-Suite level, they don't want to talk about socialmedia because they don't understand it," one executive admitted.







Net Wroking

Success Magazine (37)

Page 38: Jan issue 01

A large percentage of organizations are still hesitant to get serious about social. Two-thirds of users had no formalized socialmedia strategy, and just 7% had integrated social media into their overall marketing strategy. While 69% predict that their useof social media will grow, 61% admit the need to overcome a learning curve before adopting any kind of social media strategy.Just 32% view it as an executive priority � and nearly one in ten of the executives we surveyed dismissed the business use ofsocial media as a passing fad.

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements.

Effective User Getting There 1- The use of social media by ourorganization will grow significantover next few years. 69%

2- Our organization has a significantlearning curve to overcome beforecan utilize social media. 61%

3- Interest in utilizing social mediais growing rapidly within our ororganization 57%

4- Until we are able to clearlymeasure the impact of social media,it will not be taken seriously in ourorganization. 50%

1- Social median is an important ofour overall marketing 46%2- The use of social media by ourorganization is a tactical rather thenstrategic Decision 45%3- Using social media is integral toour overall company goals andstrategy 42%4- Social media has been designatedas a high priori ty by ourorganization�s executives 32%

1- It is difficult to see the valueof social media for businesspurposes 29%

2- Social Media tools are not veryrelevant for our business 21%

3- The use of social media forbusiness purpose is apassing fad 11%

Ineffective users

Which of the following are the three mostchallenges that your organization currently

faces with regard to social media?

The toughest challenges for executives involve tying socialinvestments back to the bottom line � measuring its effectiveness,linking social media efforts to ROI, and understanding theconcrete difference social efforts make to the business. Whilethey understand social media can be a powerful tool, mostexecutives still aren't sure how powerful.

Dose your organization currently�?

The best users understand that social media is a conversation, nota monologue. More effective companies use social media tointeract with customers by creating online customer groups andmonitoring trends.They were twice as likely to use social media to research newproducts. And they met their customers where they already were,using four or more social media channels � including multi-mediasharing, review sites, discussion forums, and blogs. How do youuse social media to listen to � and engage with � your customers?

Given this difficulty in understanding the opportunities socialmedia offers and the lack of clarity in its perceived benefits, mostfirms now prefer a strategy of controlled experimentation. Asone executive put it, "Social media is a big ocean and we arepulling in a little bay where we are most protected." The majorityof these efforts (50%) are geared towards increasing awarenessof the organization or brand.

Understanding the potential of social media to make a differencein your business 41%Linking social media activities to an impact on companyfinancials and/or ROI 31%Getting people across the organization to see the value ofsocial media activities 25%Educating your staff on how to use social media 22%Responding to finding from social media resolving / addressinga issue raised via social media 15%Capturing / analyzing online conversation about your brand /products/services 14%Finding qualified staff who can work on social activities 13%

Increased awareness of our organization, products or servicesamong target customers 50%Increased traffic to website 30%More favorable perceptions of our organization, products orservices 26%Ability to monitor what is being said about organization 23%Development of targeted marketing activates 21%Better understanzding of customer perceptions of ourbrand 20%Increase in new business 11%Identification of new product or services opportunities 11%

What have been the three primary benefits thatusing social media has brought to your


Promot your brands, products /services via socialmedia 87%Use social media to monitor trends among yourcustomers 55%Research new product ideas via social media 52%Have an online user group(s) for customers 50%Collect and track customers reviews on yourwebsite 47%None of above 2%

Net Wroking

Success Magazine (38)

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(39)Success Magazine

Life Style

Whether you're looking for aninexpensive time-teller or asolid-gold investment, start offby strapping on our essentialguide. This might come asnews, but your watch doesn'tneed to be encrusted withdiamonds, or have sixteen dials,or tell you what the surf is likein Malaysia right now. It needsto sync up with your lifestyle.In other words, are youthrowing on your pinstripes andheading to the firm everymorning, or are you hoppingon a lift to head up themountain? Once you answerthat question, you'll have takenthe most important step indeciding what kind of watch isright for you.1. A Wrist Is a Terrible Thingto Waste:-We understandperfectly well that the phone inyour pocket tells the time. That'scool and all, but we still thinkyou should strap on a watch. Awatch is the one piece of manjewelry (yeah, we just said"man jewelry") that we canfully get behind. Not only doesit punctuate an outfit; it alsosays something about who youare�or, at least, who you aspireto be. So forget abouttechnological advances for amoment. Think of a watch asyou would a tie: Who cares ifit's not purely functional? 2. It Only Looks ComplicatedIf you invest in a serioustimepiece, you ought to know

what's under the hood. Get hipto these watch terms and you'llsound like an industry pro.Complication:-Any functionthat goes beyond timekeeping.Could be an annual calendar;could be a stopwatch.Movement:-All those bits andpieces inside that run the thing.Self-Winding:-A type ofmechanical watch, containinga rotor on a pivot, that's woundby the day-to-day movementsof the wearer's wrist.3. Syncing Up Your Watch IsNot Just a Matter of TimeLike any other piece in yourwardrobe, your watch needs tomake sense with the rest ofwhat you're wearing. Here'swhat you should keep in mind.

A:-It may sound old-fashioned, but when wearing aleather-strap watch, you'realways safe matching the strapto your shoes�brown andbrown, black and black.

B:-If you sport a distinctstyle�let's say you're into thewhole prepster thing, or maybeyou're a minimalist guy�keepit consistent. Your watch shouldbe of that style, too.

C:-A watch with a plain blackor white face�and a leatherstrap or a steel bracelet�willgo with everything.

D:-Finally, if you're headingto a black-tie event, make sureyou've got a formal-mindedwatch. Leave the dual-compass.waterproof rock at home.

Success Watch Guide

Whether you're an office guywho needs to look sharp forthe competition, or a creativetype who dresses up becausehe likes to, the suit is the basicbuilding block of looking good.It's a timeless, ever adaptable,sometimes maligned, but neverimproved uniform.Consider the roots of that word:uni, as in a universally goodidea to save your ass from thedanger of too much choice;form, as in the opposite offormless, sloppy, or unfocused.We'll get to the specifics oflapel widths and armholes andvents and how to do it right,but let's first agree that this iswhere dressing like a manbegins.More Than Ever, It's About

FitThat's our mantra. Doesn'tmatter what kind of suit you'reinvesting in, whether it's 5000or 50 ,000 , f l anne l o rseersucker, two-button or three.we've seen men in cheap butwell-tailored suits who look

like a millionb u c k s . T h ething's got to fitright, or elsethere's no point inw e a r i n g i t .Q u e s t i o n i s ,what's the rightfit, and how doyou get it?A. Take It fromthe TopA good su i tshould hug yourshoulders, notslouch off them.Most guys thinkthey're a sizelarger than theyare�say, a 42regular instead ofa 40 . Whenbuying a suit, goahead and trys iz ing down.When you pullon the jacket,there should befirmness to it.You should snapto attention andstand taller. If itdoesn't fit right in

the shoulders, don't buy it.B. Lose the FlabThink about the width of thesleeves. The result of slimingdown the sleeves and trimmingexcess fabric is always great.It cuts a mean figure.C. Show Some CuffYour suit sleeves should endjust above the hinges of yourwrists, so a quarter to half inchof shirt cuff shows.It's like the frame on apainting�the elegant finishingtouch.D. Taper, Taper, TaperYour jacket should contour toyour body. Have a tailor nip itat the sides.This will accentuate yourshoulders�whether you've gotstrong ones or not.E. Break It DownWe like flat-front pants, cutslim, with very little break atthe ankle.This produces a long, cleanlook. Your pants should justclip the tops of your shoes, notbunch up over them.

Suit up Properly


A wrist is a terriblething to waste

A wrist is a terriblething to waste

Page 40: Jan issue 01

(40)Success Magazine

Out of hundreds, the Chief Editor ofSUCCESS has narrowed my list to 5 must-read books for achievers. We chose booksthat take a comprehensive approach tomoney, life and personal developmentbecause we know that one-dimensionalsuccess really isn't success at all. We hopeour list opens your eyes to something new,inspires you to pick up that volume you'vealways meant toread or to re-read afavorite classic.I f y o u h a v esuggestions onwhat we didn'tinclude, we want tohear from you. Weencourage you tofind a book thatinterests you andcarve out a fewminutes every day to read at least a fewpages. You'll be amazed at the differenceit will make in your journey towardsuccess!

�How to Win Friends & InfluencePeople� by Dale Carnegie

(Pocket Books, 1998)First published in 1937 How to Win Friendsand Influence People was an overnightsuccess with staying power. Today, thisbook is regarded as one of the all-timebest for its lessons on dealing withpeople.The chapter titles seem, at first, alittle manipulative: "Six ways to makepeople like you," "12 ways to win peopleto your way of thinking." But the realityof Carnegie's teachings is that none willwork if the intent is manipulation.The word "genuine" appears repeatedlythroughout the book. How to Win Friendsand Influence Peopleis packed withanecdotes from historical leaders andlessons learned or taught by some ofhistory's greatest businessmen, making theread as interesting as it is enlightening.Carnegie's book is a classic. Though hecredits many people for inspiring his ideas,his methods are the foundation for manyof today's personal-development and

b u s i n e s s -m a n a g e m e n tbooks.�The Richest

Man inBabylon� by

George S.Clason-

(BNP Books,2007)

The Riches tMan in Babylonbegan in 1926

as a series of pamphlets, the most famousones later compiled into one of the best-loved money guides of all time.The book begins with two men realizingthat, while they lived a meager existence,one of their childhood friends had becomeknown as the wealthiest man in Babylon.Despi te growing up in s imilarcircumstances, their friend seemed to have

created a life of gold while they barelyscratched out a living.The situation is alltoo familiar even today. And like the menwho'd come to the realization that they'dfailed to think beyond the day at hand,readers have the opportunity to sit at thefeet of the richest man in Babylon andlearn how to build wealth. They learn howto plan for the future, make wiseinvestments and how to view money as atool rather than a measure of success.

�Think and Grow Rich �by Napoleon Hill

(Aventine Press, 2004)Napoleon Hill, inspired by business legendAndrew Carnegie, spent 20 years of hislife studying the lives of some of history'smost successful people. The culminationof his research was the in-depth series,TheLaws of Success. In 1937, Hill publishedanother book,Think and Grow Rich,founded on the same philosophies ofsuccess.This book condensed the wealthof knowledge he's accumulated into 13principles for successful living. Shorterand perhaps easier to get through than itsmultivolume predecessor,Think and GrowRichÊis as applicable today as it was whenit was first released. More than 30 million

copies of Think and Grow Rich have beenbought by business students, entrepreneursand goal-setters around the world.Thinkand Grow Rich is a timeless classic thatshould be read by everyone interested inimproving their lives and reaching theirgoals.

�The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom�by Suze Orman(Crown, 1997)

As a financial expert, Suze Orman offersadvice on the nuts and bolts of managingmoney. But whether you're watching heron television or reading her advice in. TheOprah Magazine, or in one of her best-selling books, such as 9 Steps to FinancialFreedom, her message is clear: Wealth isan attitude and money isn't the key toacquiring true financial freedom.In this acclaimed book, Orman challengesreaders to face their financial fears andacknowledge the importance of planningfor the future. With a three-prongedapproach, Orman tackles the mental,physical and spiritual issues that keeppeople from reaching financial freedom.Also available in audio format, 9 Stepsto Financial Freedom encourages personalgrowth while offering the educationnecessary to begin the process of buildinga rich life.

�The 7 Habits of Highly EffectivePeople� by Stephen R. Covey

(Free Press, 1989)While Stephen Covey wasn't the first towrite a book on becoming a better, moreeffective person, The 7 Habits of HighlyEffective People marked the beginning ofa revitalized interest in personaldevelopment. With a 15th anniversaryedition released in 2004 and more than 15million copies sold, this book has helpedmillions change their perspective and theirlives.Unlike many authors of books in thisgenre, Covey doesn't promise a simple,quick fix for creating a better life. In fact,mastering the seven habits he outlinescould take a lifetime. The habits are dividedinto three sections: Private Victory, PublicVictory and Renewal. Private Victoryfocuses on the individual's view of himself.The first three habits are: becomingproactive, beginning with the end in mind,and putting first things first.These habitswill challenge you to take responsibilityfor your thoughts, beliefs and actions. ThePublic Victory section focuses on creatingmeaningful , mutually beneficialrelationships. And because being effectiverequires energy and focus, the seventhhabit, "Sharpening the Saw," encouragesyou to engage in activities that promotemental and physical renewal.

Read these, Achieve more.

By-Fatima Abdul Rasheed

BooksFor Success5

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