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January 2020

Inside This Issue

Affiliated With

AWS Technical Nightsare open to everyone! Weencourage that membersbring students and non-members to learn moreabout our organizationand industry.

Ron Hassen Bio: Ron (pictured front row, tan jacket, 8th from the right) leads the Assembly Teamat the UHI group that is currently building entire vehicle bodies and chassis. Ron’s 30+ years ofexperience and industry relationships have enabled him to put together the most talented team in theDetroit area to take on some of the most challenging projects the industry has ever seen. Working withtoday’s ultra-high-strength materials and the unique fastening methods they

UHI Group“It’s been an amazing year at the UHI Group.

In 2019 we opened our new state of the artassembly facility, delivered several full vehiclebuilds, stamped thousands of new part numbers, achieved our IATF16949 certification,and most important of all we have built the best team in the entire Detroit area.

The successes of 2019 were built on our 40-year rock-solid foundation of ethicalbusiness practices, engineering, manufacturing expertise, quality systems, and ourextensive manufacturing campus.

We invite the AWS community to meet our team and see our facilities firsthand.We will showcase our main areas of competencies within aerospace, vehicle body,and chassis assembly.”

Technical Meeting5:30 p.m., Thursday, January 9, 2020

Location: UHI Group42605 VanDyke Ave, Sterling Heights, MI 48314

uhigroup.comClick here for Google Maps (See Map on Page 2)

Continued on page 2

RSVPs for this event should bereceived no later than COB

Tuesday, Jan. 7 and directed toJason Workman,

[email protected]

Howard Eisenhardt Bio: Howard (pictured far right) is the AerospaceAssembly leader at the UHI Group. During his 25 years at UHI, Howardhas led his highly specialized welding team to be a premier supplier ofcertified welded assemblies to iconic companies such as LockheedMartin, Boeing, Honeywell, and many more. The level of standardsHoward’s group operates to easily enables their repeat AS9100 andNADCAP certifications. Innovation with processes and following strictspecifications are the driving reasons behind the 40 years of UHI’ssuccess within the aerospace industry.

require all come together in one place in UHI’s premier new assemblyfacility located on their Sterling Heights Michigan Campus. Thevalidation of what UHI assembles is key to helping customersunderstand the physical results of their designs. Correlating USItesting with teardowns and cut/etch results to weld pass programsis all part of the package Ron’s team delivers daily.

UHI Group42605 VanDyke AveSterling Heights, MI 48314-3262

Ron Hassen bio continued from page 1

I hope everyone had a MerryChristmas! This last year seemed like itwas the shortest year of my life, however

it was still a very good one. Be sure to read the hotlinearticle this month. For those interested in joining us onthe Executive Committee, the election will be this spring.Please consider yourself, or a colleague for a position onthe Committee and contact us. The commitment ismanageable and the chance to affect our section in apositive way is very rewarding. Our section events consistof Tech Meetings, Education Series, Ladies’ Night, SheetMetal Welding Conference and our Golf Outing. We could

not execute these activities without the talent and dedicationof our volunteers. We need your help to promote the AWSSociety. We have a huge gap between welders retiring andnew ones replacing them. The average age of a welder is55 and it is estimated that we will have a shortage ofabout 400,000 by 2024. Kids today don’t seem interestedin getting their hands dirty. Hopefully we can start to turnthat trend around this year. I hope that 2020 brings greatsuccess to everyone in their personal and professional life.I have enjoyed the first half of my role as Chairman andwe have some exciting topics coming up for our TechnicalMeetings. I hope to see all of you participate in the meetingsthis year. Wishing you and your families a happy andprosperous New Year!

Sincerely, John

John McKenzieChairman’s Message


AWS Foundation UpdateApplications for National, District, and Section Scholarships Now OpenThe online application system, scholarship.aws.org, opened December1st for National, District, and Section Scholarships. Students will havethe opportunity to fill out one master application for any National,District, or Section Scholarships they are eligible for. The deadline toapply is March 1st for scholarships to be used the following fall term.*Please note that all section scholarship applications are online atscholarship.aws.org. Sections may continue to use paper applicationsbut will need to review any applications received on scholarship.aws.orgduring the review process. By default, all section scholarships have adeadline of March 1st but we can move the deadline to May 1st ifrequested. Please contact Whitney Minor (Districts 1-11) at [email protected] Nazdhia Prado (Districts 12-22) at [email protected] any questions.You can also contact Whitney or Nazdhia to request scholarship postcardsand other handouts for meetings and events.

Calling all Candidates for the 2020/2021Executive Committee Election!Each winter the AWS Detroit Section Nominating Committee assemblesa list of Candidates to prepare a ballot for an election that occurs in earlyApril. To prepare for the election, the Nominating committee is chargedwith assembling a roster listing a minimum of 8 candidates who representthe various segments of the welding industry. Why is this ProcessImportant? Quality Nominees are essential to the continued success ofAWS Detroit, which was chartered on February 3, 1925. With more than1,000 members, AWS-Detroit continues to thrive and host severalnationally recognized activities, including Ladies Night and the SheetMetal Welding Conference. The objectives of the AWS-Detroit Section

January Hotlineinclude: - The advancement of the science, technology and applicationof welding and allied joining and cutting processes, including brazing,soldering and thermal spraying; - Support for, and provision of, educationalopportunities related to welding and allied joining and cutting processes;- Encouragement of the interaction of the local community of weldingprofessionals, students, and users; and, - Advancement of the image ofwelding. For more information contact John McKenzie (586) 255-5511or [email protected]. This is your opportunity to advance yourinvolvement in one of the oldest and largest sections in the USA!

AWS Certified Resistance Welding TechnicianThe new Certified Resistance Welding Technician (CRWT) credentialpropels careers and companies! Resistance welding is a competitive,high-production industry with lucrative careers for well-trained operators,technicians and engineers. Companies employing CRWT’s are assuredthey have highly skilled people who have been tested to the internationallyrecognized AWS standard conducting the setup, operation, maintenance,testing and quality control of their resistance welding equipment. Followthis link and complete the requested information be notified when the2020 schedules are available.

Miller® 90th Anniversary Scholarship: Building Our FutureMiller® is celebrating its 90th anniversary by providing 90 scholarshipsfor welding students in 2020. Each AWS District will have four (4) $2,000Miller® 90th Anniversary Scholarships. Students can apply online atscholarship.aws.org while completing their application for National,District, and Section Scholarships. Selections will be made at DistrictConferences. Learn more about the Miller 90th Anniversary Scholarship:Building Our Future.

JobsinWelding.comDon’t forget to visit www.jobsinwelding.com if your company is lookingto find a qualified candidate or if you are looking to find a new jobopportunity. This AWS job board, through relationships with numerousjob boards and distributors, offers direct access to over 88% of thewelding jobs posted on the internet. Over 1,000 jobs are currently listed- no need to search multiple sites!

2020 Welder Training ScholarshipWelder Training Scholarships are for students attending a weldingcertificate program or other training that is less than two years in length.Applications are closed for 2019 but will reopen for 2020 scholarshipson January 15th, 2020. Applications are accepted through November30th and selections are made on a rolling basis. In 2020, each Districtwill have 25-$1,000 scholarships to award.

A Friendly ReminderPlease submit “Hotline” articles for theAWS Detroit Section’s E-Bulletin. If youhave any articles that you would like toget into the eBulletin please email themto [email protected] later than 3p on the 15th of the month,for inclusion in the next publication.Please submit them in Microsoft Wordformat and feel free to include photos.As a reminder, the “Hotline” section isdevoted to topics that are general interestitems for members of the Detroit Section.General interest items can include jobopenings, jobs wanted, personnel changes,announcements of special meetings,events, educational opportunities, seminars,obituaries and any other items that mayinterest the members of the DetroitSection.

Is this weld any good? WOW!!! That’s a loaded questionif I’ve ever heard one. Have you ever had anyone ask youthis? I have, and there are several questions that ran throughmy mind when they did. Why did they ask me that question?What are they going to do with the information if I providethem an answer?

What about you? How would you answer that question?Are you a CWI, or are you a welder? Was the question justgeneral conversation or was this question related to a qualityissue? Was the question coming from the welder that madethe weld? Was it being asked by the production managerwho wants to ship the product? Did you actually see the weldin person or did the person send you a picture?

There are a variety of ways to address the original question,many could be correct, but not necessarily appropriate, andothers could be absolutely wrong. Before answering such aquestion three main things need to be known. The first thingis what authority do you have? If you are a CWI or an otherwisequalified welding inspector, you might have proper authority,but answering the question may have greater implicationsthan if you’re not. The second thing is, what is the acceptancecriteria? The third thing is who is asking you this question?Sounds simple right? Know these three things and now youcan answer the question, right? Wrong, it’s not that simple.If you are an AWS CWI, you have professional and ethicalguidelines by which you make determinations regardingweld quality. For more information on CWI ethics please seemy previous article in the December 2019 issue of the e-Bulletin. From a professional standpoint, as a CWI you shouldnot offer a public opinion of weld quality unless you arespecifically authorized to do so, and you have all the facts inthe matter. That means that if by contract you are the CWIemployed to perform the inspection of the weld(s) in question,then you have the authority to provide your assessment. Ofcourse, that also means your assessment will be based on theacceptance criteria established in the contract documents.For example, if the drawing to which the welding was performedspecifies conformance to AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015, then theweld quality is assessed according to the acceptance criteriaestablished in that code. This can also include your interpretationof workmanship, which could be an article all by itself, butI won’t get into that here.

Conversely, if you are not the CWI that has been hired toperform the required inspection, you should not be offeringyour opinion. Simply put, if another inspector has performedinspection on welds and has determined the welds meet thespecified standard and has done so as part of his/her authorizedduty, you should not contradict that inspector’s findings. Ifyou have been contracted to perform a


Is this weldany good?

Continued on page 9

By Eric [email protected]/CWI 09070281

follow-up inspection, it’s vitally importantthat you have full knowledge of all thefacts in the matter before rendering anopinion.

The other side to all of this is, whatif you’re not a CWI or a qualified weldinginspector. Let’s just say that the personasking you this question asked youbecause they believe you’re a goodwelder and you probably can evaluatethis weld effectively. Maybe you feelconfident enough to give your opinion,after all you’ve been welding for a fewyears now. You, as the welder, still needto strongly consider your response beforegiving your opinion. I’m not sayingthis because you are less capable of rec-ognizing acceptable or rejectable weldquality than an inspector. In fact, youmay have more capability as a welderthan an inspector that has no weldingexperience (and yes, they exist). Thequestion is, what authority do you have?A simple statement like, “wow, thatweld looks terrible. I see a lot of incompletefusion,” could really have disastrousresults. Think that sounds melodramatic?What if the person you said that to con-siders your statement to be an expertopinion? What if he had the authorityto stop all shipments and he actuallydid just that. He halted production andstopped shipments. As a result of thedelayed shipments, the company losthundreds of thousands of dollars. Youmight be thinking, ‘Well, we shouldn’tplace the financial impact above thesafety concerns related to poor weldquality.’ I would say, I agree, but howdo you measure or quantify your state-ment? ‘Looks terrible’ does not meanrejectable. And how did you see ‘incom-plete fusion’? If you actually saw incom-plete fusion, I would agree the weld isterrible. Being able to “see” incompletefusion is not possible with visual inspec-tion. That subject may need to be awhole other article, and maybe youused that term when you meant overlap.The fact of the matter is overlap is farmore easily corrected than incompletefusion. By using incorrect terminology,the weld discontinuity becomes moreserious. The bottom line is that your

assessment of workmanship is probablynot supported by the code or weldingstandard associated with that weld, andyou are probably not authorized to pro-vide a professional assessment.

The last point I want to make hereis related to the last question in my firstparagraph. Are you being asked tomake a weld quality assessment froma photo? That did actually happen tome. And yes, I understand that photosof welds are used in printed articles andon the internet all the time. And I amalso aware that AWS publications suchas the Welding Inspection Handbook,B1.10M/B1.10:2016 Guide for the Non -destructive Examination of Welds andB1.11M/B1.11:2015 Guide for the VisualExamination of Welds all use photosof welds. These photos are for illustrationaland educational purposes. And, althoughthey are intended to depict various dis -con tin uities, these publications do noten dorse the use of photos as an actualmeans to perform visual inspection orto make any determination of accept-ability in weld quality. There are manyreasons photos are not an acceptablemeans of making this kind of assessment.Lighting can either hide undercut orgive the appearance there is undercutthere when there is none. How wouldyou even measure it? Would the persontaking the photo hold an undercutgauge in the photo? Not a good idea.What about pro por tions? Dependingon the perspective, the leg lengths of afillet weld could look uneven or theprofile could appear inconsistent.

I think the takeaway from all of thisis: From a professional standpoint,unless you are authorized by contractand qualified by training, you shouldkeep your opinions to yourself. If youare asked to make a determination orprovide an opinion of weld quality fora friend, have some fun with that…

CWI Corner continued from page 6

If this subject and others like it areinteresting to you and you’re not alreadyan AWS CWI, why aren’t you? If becom-ing a CWI is a career path that youwould like to pursue, the AWS-DetroitSection is hosting two AWS CWI Sem-inar/Exams. The seminar/exam datesand location are as follows:

CWI Seminar May 03 – 08, 2020Exam May 09, 2020

Detroit Metro Airport MarriottAddress: 30559 Flynn DrRomulus, MI 48174

Phone: (734) 729-7555


CWI Seminar October 11 – 16, 2020Exam October 17, 2020

Detroit Metro Airport MarriottAddress: 30559 Flynn DrRomulus, MI 48174

Phone: (734) 729-7555

Check the AWS-Detroit e-Bulletinoften for other helpful information, atwww.awsdetroit.org. For more infor -mation on how to become properlytrained and certified by the AmericanWelding Society and to register, youcan visit www.aws.org/certification.

Here are links for the AWS publications I mentioned: Welding Inspection Handbookhttps://pubs.aws.org/p/1542/wi2015-welding-inspection-handbook

B1.10M/B1.10:2016 Guide for the Nondestructive Examination of Weldshttps://pubs.aws.org/p/1680/b110mb1102016-guide-for-the-nondestructive-examination-of-welds

B1.11M/B1.11:2015 Guide for the Visual Examination of Welds https://pubs.aws.org/p/1547/b111mb1112015-guide-for-the-visual-examination-of-welds





�1st Vice Chair



�1st Assistant to ChairMARK GUGEL

�2nd Assistant to ChairDONNIE CRIST

3rd Assistant to ChairRUSSELL WEBSTER

�Bulletin Editor





Hotline CoordinatorCODY NICHOLS

�Meeting Reservations


For Advertising OpportunitiesContact Brian Peterson

[email protected]

AET Integration, Inc.ARO Welding Technologies, Inc.

ATI Industrial AutomationAWS Chair Matching Contribution

CAE Tooling ServicesCenterline, Ltd.

Changer & Dresser Corp.Dengensha America Corp.

Forrest LissnerFronius USA, LLC

FUSION Welding SolutionsJEC Distributors, Inc.

LUVATAMatuschek Welding Products, Inc.

Models and Tools, IncObara Corp. USARam Solutions, Inc.

RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.Scott Pronger

Stäubli North AmericaThe Ohio State University Welding Engineering

AlumniUnited Technical, Inc


Coming EventsJanuary 9, 2020UHI GroupPresented by AWS DetroitLocation: 42450 Yearego Drive, Sterling Heights 48314

January 21-23, 2020Inspection Conference 2020Presented by AWS NationalHouston, TX

January 28-29, 2020Metal Stamping and Tool & Die ConferencePresented by PMANashville, TN

February 13, 2020Easom Automation Technical MeetingPresented by AWS Detroit Patrons NightLocation: 32471 Industrial Dr, Madison Hts 48071

February 26-28, 2020RWMA/WEMCO Annual MeetingPresented by AWS NationalLocation: San Antonio, TX

March 12, 2020Motoman Yaskawa, Technical NightPresented by AWS Old Timers NightLocation: 2050 Austin Ave, Rochester Hills 48309

April 18, 2020Ladies NightPresented by AWS DetroitLocation: Book Cadillac Detroit

May 18-20, 2020ASME Section IX SeminarPresented by ASMELocation: Las Vegas, NV

June 15-17, 2020ASME Section IX SeminarPresented by ASMELocation: Houston, TX

Co-op Welding Students,Summer Interns andPart-time Welders

Contact Pat Bell:[email protected] (313) 282-8171 in Detroit

Follow Us: awsdetroit.orgSocial Media UpdateAS OF DECEMBER 5, 2019

During the past month LinkedIn page has had: • 4 new members • 7 new postsDuring the past month Facebook has had: • 16 posts • Posts reached 4,913 people • 174 page likes • 1,024 people engaged with • 160 page views the posts7,947 total page likes UPDATED BY ERIN LALINSKY

Assignment / Activity / Questions:Facebook/LinkedIn Coordinator

2,597 total members

s s

Director News Phil Temple, Director, District #11 Mobile: 734-546-4298Email: [email protected]


We closed out 2019 with AWS celebrating it’s 100 yearanniversary at FABTECH in Chicago. As the new year of2020 starts there are many activities that kick off withmultiple opportunities for all. Highlighted below are severalimportant activities and events that start and concludeearly in the year.

But stop and think back for a moment. Where were youwhen the last decade started? What we you doing andhow has your life changed in those 10 years. For me, I wasworking full time and life was very busy, then I retired andbegan consulting, only to close out the decade retiringfrom active work to spending more time on serving you,the members of AWS as a volunteer. So, what changes willyou see in this decade, new jobs, promotions, new challenges,see new technology developed and adopted by industry, –and will you take this as an opportunity to become moreinvolved with AWS as a volunteer and develop yourselfand your skills that will benefit you both in your personallife as well as in your professional life? Please consider thelatter as I can testify that you will find many benefits.

As the new year starts please note the following keyopportunities and deadlines.


Use the online application system for National, District,and most Section Scholarships. The deadline is March 1for scholarships to be used the following Fall term. Visitwww.aws.org/scholarships to learn more about theapplication process so you can apply now! Or refer a studentto the site and encourage them to apply. In addition, theDetroit Section has a direct link to applications for theirscholarships: www.awsdetroit.org. Other Sections mayhave links or just visit the AWS.org cite for informationand application forms.

WELDER TRAINING SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONSWith the start of a new year we begin with new

opportunities for applicants to apply for these scholarships.These are for individuals who want to learn how to weld,as a stand-alone skill or if they are taking welding classesas part of a technical school program for fabricating,machining, automotive mechanics classes, etc. In 2019District 11 (Michigan and Northwest Ohio) awarded 25scholarships of $1,000 each. Students wanting a scholarshipmay apply at www.aws.org/foundation/page/scholarships. Awards will be made to qualified studentson a first-come basis until they are all awarded. Theapplications are simple and may be completed on-line.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: It usually takes 30 to 60 minutesto complete an application. Ask students where they cango to work and earn $1000 PER HOUR? The time investedis well worth the effort. For the National, District, andSection Scholarships the rewards are even bigger. Theseare not based on academic skills but who correctly appliesand shows initiative to complete their schooling, and tocorrectly fill out the application form.


In 2019 District 11 welding competitions 4 students wereawarded $1000 scholarships based on their skills andplacement in a competition. There will be five (5) availablethis year. In order to be awarded I have to know about thecompetition and then can select a student to receive a$1000 scholarship above and beyond awards given at thecompetition or to another deserving competitor.

A FEW OTHER ITEMS TO NOTE EARLY THIS YEAR:• Leadership Symposium: These are all expense paidtrips for the candidates selected!Adult Section Volunteers: An adult from our District willbe selected to attend. Get information to me if you areinterested or your recommendations as soon as you havesomeone in mind. The web site for applications is:www.aws.org/events/detail/leadership-symposium. Student Leaders: In addition and we can nominate onestudent from a school to attend. Please go to the web siteand follow the instructions. We did not have anyapplicants for 2019, whereas for 2017 and 2018 we hada student attend.

• AWS Welding Instructor Institute: Applicationsshould be submitted early for this and one instructorfrom our District will be selected to attend with air, hotel,meals, and transportation expenses paid. Apply at:www.aws.org/events/detail/instructors-institute.

• AWARDS: Start thinking about awards for outstandingmembers who have served our industry and the Society.Please forward recommendations and we can worktogether to get these individuals recognized. Awards areavailable for local Sections, District, and National Awards.Information is available at:www.aws.org/about/awards.

In closing, I am privileged to serve as your DistrictDirector and look forward to meeting each of you this year.If you have an opportunity for me to visit a school or aSection meeting, I am available and will travel on amutually agreeable date.


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