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Page 1: January 5 - BLACKWATER BAPTIST CHURCHTuesday, January 13 – Blackwater Baptist Church Social Hall, serving dinner for the Ruritan Club. Centennial/Jennie McClain Circle Meets on the

6000 Blackwater Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23457

Transition Blues

Moses could not believe what he was hearing from the people who had witnessed the walling up of the Red Sea to give them a dry path of escape from Pharaoh’s pursuing chariots.

“We want to go back to Egypt. Our needs were met in logical ways, the food was better, we had access to the benefits of the greatest civilization on earth. Even though we were lowly slaves there, consigned to menial and back-breaking work, at least we knew what tomorrow would be like. Out here, in this wilderness waste, waiting for God to move the pillar of fire to our next encampment, leaves us uncertain, feeling unsafe, insecure. Lead us back to the past; those whips are preferred to this waiting.” (Numbers 11)

Anyone who has experienced an ending in their life can empathize with the Hebrew complainers. Endings can be the loss of a job, the death of a family member, the ending of a marriage, or the breakdown of one’s health. We identify ourselves and find our familiar comforts with how things were; now, in the transition to a new beginning, we are forced to journey through the desert wastes of the middle.

A congregation that has experienced the loss of a loved pastor and family begins to realize that the past is gone; it will never return. The emotions that surface in the first few months of transition mirror those of the grief process: shock, denial, anger, blame, frustration, stress and, for some, ambivalence (“I just don’t care anymore”).

Things are said, actions are taken, feelings are hurt; it is, unfortunately, part of the process of finding the future. Everyone is processing events privately, trying to make sense of where the church has been and where it is going. Grief always affects us in this way; I have heard some very hurtful and damaging statements made among family members while planning funerals. Endings elevate our dark emotions, our fears, our doubts and our sense of identity – so, we need to be patient with each other and walk together through these transition blues.

We will get to the other side of the negative emotions if we will keep our attention on Christ, love each other and be longsuffering toward one another, understanding the process of transition takes time and intentional direction.

Dr. Lynn Hardaway

January 2015 Phone 757-421-6000 www.blackwaterbaptist.com

Christmas Play: The First Day of Christmas

Thank you Debbie Keller for your time and talents producing the Christmas play again this year.

Christmas Eve Service

Brooklyn Cortazzo reading the Christmas Story from the book of Luke at the Christmas Eve candlelight service.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Offering total – $1263.91

Page 2: January 5 - BLACKWATER BAPTIST CHURCHTuesday, January 13 – Blackwater Baptist Church Social Hall, serving dinner for the Ruritan Club. Centennial/Jennie McClain Circle Meets on the

Luta Tebault Circle

We had another successful Breakfast with Santa this year. It was a full morning of food, fellowship, and fun. Not only were the pancakes yummy but there were fun crafts for the kids to work on while waiting for Santa's arrival. And what an arrival it was! A HUGE thanks to our fire department who gave Santa's reindeer a break and brought Santa to us on the fire truck, sirens and all! Once the kids had their story time and picture with Santa, they were able to go outside and play on the fire truck. $365 was raised for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

The Luta Tebault circle took a break from their normal meetings during December and celebrated Christmas with a night full of food, fellowship, and games. The night was full of laughter. It has been a nice break, but it's back to business in January. Our next meeting is January 19 at Kelly Cary's home. New members are always welcome!

GAs, RAs & Acteens

GAs & RAs: Our RAs and GAs had a busy December.

We started out the month with bowling and pizza. The kids had a great time and did their best at out bowling a couple of the leaders.

After the fun it was back to business with working on their badges.

Our GAs made over 100 ornaments to sell for the Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Both RAs and GAs did an excellent job selling these at the Breakfast for Santa where they raised over $80 and earned their Lottie Moon Badges.

They also earned their World Hunger Badges by helping the Creeds Ruritan Club pack food baskets for over 30 needy families in our community.

The boys and girls received their first set of badges and both groups recited their pledges and mottos for the entire church. They are continuing on in the New Year to work towards earning new badges.

Page 3: January 5 - BLACKWATER BAPTIST CHURCHTuesday, January 13 – Blackwater Baptist Church Social Hall, serving dinner for the Ruritan Club. Centennial/Jennie McClain Circle Meets on the

GAs & Acteens: Our Acteens and GAs will be doing a skate-a-thon on February 7. They will be raising money for Relay for Life which funds cancer research. If you would like to make a donation see any Acteen or GA member.

Teddy Bear Brigade SBC of Virginia is partnering with Gleaning for the World, a Virginia-based non-profit, faith-based organization. They have a special ministry called The Teddy Bear Brigade which offers a unique opportunity for churches and families who want to reach out beyond their walls to impact children eternally. Just collect new and “gently loved” stuffed animals. Gleaning for the World will clean the “gently loved” stuffed animals prior to shipping them out. A donation box is in the hallway, deadline for donations is February 8.

Adults on Mission

Caroling at Currituck House Assisted Living home December 4 along with the Bingo Bandits and Currituck High School BETA Club. Thank you to everyone who donated to the Winter Coat Drive. We collected 12 coats, 3 scarves, 1 hat and 2 pairs of gloves, which were were all donated to the Foodbank of Southeast Virginia.

Crochet Club

Watch the bulletin for meeting dates, they are irregular until the weather gets warmer.

We are looking for donations of red and pink yarn for a project for the Valentine’s Dance at Currituck House Assisted Living Home in Moyock. They have also requested hats, hand muffs and lap rugs and we really need more help making them. All donations are appreciated, including yarn.

Couples Group

We have started a new couples group to meet once a month for fun and fellowship. Please contact Lynn Ball if you are interested. Our first outing was Dec. 5, a hayride through the Mount Pleasant Farms Orchard to view their new Christmas Light display.

Ruth Walden Circle

The Ruth Walden Circle meets every fourth Tuesday of each month, during the day, at local restaurants. We have ten wonderful ladies in our circle. We would love to welcome some new members. You can call Pat Washington at 432-0427 for more information.

Tuesday, January 13 – Blackwater Baptist Church Social Hall, serving dinner for the Ruritan Club.

Centennial/Jennie McClain Circle

Meets on the 1st Friday of each month @12:00 usually at Creeds Café - Date and location subject to change when there is a conflict with a member.

Officers: President - Helen Lane Secretary and Treasurer - Sue Shirley Program Chairman - Gail Slocum Prayer Chairman - Lettie Dozier

We would love to have some new members, anyone interested please let us know!!!!!

Alcoholics Victorious - 12 Step Recovery Program See Nina for more information or email: [email protected]

Upcoming Events: Always subject to change,

please refer to the weekly bulletin for any updates Jan. 11 – WMU Council Meeting Jan. 13 – Ruth Walden Circle Meeting Jan. 18 – 11 am Acteens 2 pm GAS/RAS Jan. 19 – Luta Tebault Circle Meeting Feb. 7 – GA/Acteens Skate-A-Thon Feb. 8 – Deadline for new and gently used stuffed animals for The Teddy Bear Brigade

Page 4: January 5 - BLACKWATER BAPTIST CHURCHTuesday, January 13 – Blackwater Baptist Church Social Hall, serving dinner for the Ruritan Club. Centennial/Jennie McClain Circle Meets on the

The following poinsettias were placed in church this Christmas Season in support of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions adding $109 to the Lottie Moon Offering:

In Memory Of: Our Parents, by Sue & Cecil Shirley Our Parents, Olion & Anne Mae Frost and Tollef & Otalene Ward, by Roy & Chrystal Frost Earl McClain, by Don & Phyllis Arth Our Grandparents, by Don & Phyllis Arth Earl McClain, by Doris McClain Jack & Virginia Savage, Austin's Parents, by Austin & Alice Savage Her Parents, Horace & Clarabelle Shirley, by Adabelle Riddick His Parents, Buster & Marian Riddick, by Pat Riddick William F Mills, by Adam & Kelly Cary Donald Tim Ball, by Bobby & Lynn Ball David & Celestial South, by Bobby & Lynn Ball Pete Dozier, by his Loving Family

In Honor Of: Chrystal Frost, by The Ladies Sunday School Class Laura & Janet Spain and Christen & Eliza Davis, by Laura Tebault Jack & Janet, Levi, Jacob, and David Frost, by Roy & Chrystal Frost Donna & Robert Hughes, by Roy & Chrystal Frost Don & Opal Hill, Alice's Parents, by Austin & Alice Savage Lynn Hardaway & Family


Your help is needed: All BBC members are requested to help in supplying food for funeral receptions. This responsibility cannot fall solely on the Funeral Committee members. This shares the burden and helps everyone to be able to focus on the affected families during their time of loss. *Please contact Nancy Daniels 421-2467 (you may leave a message), so you can be added to the contact list to be notified when the need arises.

Save your Labels for Education box tops! A small collection box is on the hall table for donations of Campbell’s barcodes, box tops for education and Farm Fresh receipts.

A canned goods collection is ongoing. The canned goods are donated to local families in need. The box is in the hall under the table.

“Let this New Year be the beginning of a new life in each of us, wherein old things are passed away. Not the old thoughts, of course, which are still true; but those that remain to nurse and encourage our prejudices. Not the old emotions that are filled with kindness; but all anger and bitter feeling and railing. Not the old reverence for the authority God; but all fears born of our unworthy service apart from Him.” Chester Burge Emerson

Instructions for Christian Living

Ephesians 4:17-32 (NIV)

17So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.

20That, however, is not the way of life you learned 21when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. 25Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26“In your anger do not sin”d : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold. 28Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.

29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Join Us Sundays: Sunday School 9 a.m. Service 10 a.m.

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