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Welcome back everyone! We hope that you had a restful break and you were able to enjoy the company of family and friends over the holidays. We certainly needed the rest because January is a busy month with a number of basketball tournaments, exams and a semester change.

As you know the end of January marks the half-way point in the school year. In the coming weeks students will be writing mid-term exams, fi nal exams, provincial achievement exams and diploma exams. While all of these exams are important, it’s also important for all of us to keep these tests in perspective. Examinations are one piece of evidence that teachers, schools and the government use to collect information about student learning. It is important to remember that classroom teachers are able to collect a much broader spectrum of evidence regarding student learning over the course of a semester. I look forward to our students doing their absolute best on all of their exams, but I am also mindful of the fact that an examination is merely a small snapshot of a student’s abilities.

Recently a few teachers and school administration spent half a day at our central offi ce learning about the “tell them from me survey” that our students completed at the end of November. We discovered how to use the program more eff ectively and we also examined the results of our survey in detail. A few items stood out for us. We discovered that the percentage of students participating in sports is 12% higher at St. Mary’s compared to the Canadian norm. We found that our truancy rate (the number of kids who skip class) is 7% lower than the Canadian norm. We also found that our students are 13% more intellectually engaged (fi nd learning interesting) compared to the Canadian norm. We were very pleased to see these results; there is no question that they are a refl ection of the dedication of the students, staff and parents of St. Mary’s school. Well done everyone! Of course we are always looking for ways to get better and for areas that need improvement, and the data did identify one area that we need to examine. We discovered that our students are 22% lower than the Canadian norm when it comes to positive homework behaviours (completing homework on time, working outside of class time etc.). In the coming months we will be discussing this situation with staff , students and parents to more precisely identify what the issue is and plan a course of action to address it.

We hope that the blessings of Christ are abundant for all of you in 2013.

Mike NightingalePrincipal

January 2013


DATE: JANUARY 21, 2013

Time Test Room

9:00-11:30 ELA 30-1/2 DIP Room 6

9:00-11:00 Math 20-2/3 Room 10

9:00-11:00 Math 9B Room 4

9:00-11:00 ELA 6A Room 2

9:00-11:00 ELA 6B Room 3

12:00-2:00 Social 8B Room 5

12:00-2:00 Social 7A Room 2

12:00-2:00 Social 7B Room 3


Time Test Room

9:00-11:00 Math 20-1 Room 4

9:00-11:00 Math 10-3 Room 11

9:00-11:00 Social 6A Room 3

9:00-11:00 Social 6B Room2

9:00-11:00 ELA 8A Room 21

9:00-11:00 ELA 8B Room 6

12:00-2:00 Math 7A Room 3

12:00-2:00 Math 7B Room 4

12:00-2:00 ELA 9A Room 7

12:00-2:00 ELA 9B Room 6


Time Test Room

9:00-11:00 Physics 20 Room 4

9:00-11:00 Math 10C Room 11

9:00-11:00 Science 7A Room 10

9:00-11:00 Science 7B Room 5

9:00-11:00 Math 6A Room 2

9:00-11:00 Math 6B Room 3

12:00-2:00 Math 8A Room 7

12:00-2:00 Math 8B Room 4


Time Test Room

9:00-11:00 Social 20-1 Room 5

9:00-11:00 Social 9 PAT Room 7

9:00-11:00 Social 9 K&E PAT Room 21

9:00-11:00 Science 6A Room 3

9:00-11:00 Science 6B Room 2

12:00-2:00 Science 8B Room 10

12:00-2:00 ELA 7A Room 8

12:00-2:00 ELA 7B Room 21

A true picture of our success.Measuring the quality of your child’s education

We want to know that our children are receiving a quality education in a great school. Grades are important, but there’s more to it.

A great school helps every child to make the most of their talents and abilities, is welcoming, caring, respectful, safe and allows parents to play a key role. It’s all about each student’s success.

While it’s easy to agree on such goals, how do we measure our progress toward them?

The Accountability Pillar is an innovative and straightforward way to measure our learning goals as schools, school authorities and as a provincial government.

School authorities receive a results report that is colour-coded and easy to read. At a glance, it points out successes and areas of concern from both a local and provincial perspective.

The results report shows which measures have improved, remained consistent and which have declined. It allows everyone — parents, teachers, school authorities, students and the province — to celebrate successes and respond to challenges together.

The Accountability Pillar looks at:

• Survey results — every year between January and March we survey students, their parents and teachers to see how they perceive the quality of education they receive and take part in

• Student learning indicators such as dropout rates, high school completion rates and the number of students eligible to receive Rutherford Scholarships

• Student results from Provincial Achievement Tests and Diploma Exams

Details about the Accountability Pillar and how to obtain results are available online at http://www.education.alberta.ca/accountability

Your Voice - Flyer 2013 (with signature).indd 2 12/12/2012 3:09:20 PM

As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school authorities to ensure that we’re equipping students for success.

Th e Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators consisting of surveys of students, parents and teachers on various aspects of quality; student outcomes such as dropout and high school completion rates; and provincial assessments of student learning.

From January to the end of February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. In January, parents of students in grades 4, 7 and 10 will receive a survey from Alberta Education. In February, students in grades 4, 7 and 10 and all teachers will be completing their surveys online at school.

All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with the school. In addition to English and French, the parent survey is available in Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic, Blackfoot, Cree, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog.

Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiving, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly.

Survey results will be available to school authorities in May 2013, and will be reported publicly as part of their 3-Year Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports.

Accountability Survey Information



T-ShirtsStarting @ $9.00

HoodiesStarting @ $21.00

PantsStarting @ $23.00

there is still time to purchase school clothing!

visa, mastercard, debit & cash accepted

Come cheer on our basketball teams at the next home


Wed., January 16thGirls play at 6:00pmBoys play at 7:30pm

St. Mary‛s is hosting the 1A Girls Basketball Provincials from March 13-16th! Everyone is encouraged to attend and cheer on our school to a “GOLD” win!



Hope to see you there!

JV Storm Basketball boys and girls will play host during the St. Mary’s

“Little Storm” Basketball Tournament,

Fri-Sat, Jan 18-19.

SV Storm teams host the “Big Storm” Tournament

Fri-Sat, Feb 1-2.

Keep up-to-date on upcoming events, news, announcements

and sports by joining us on Facebook. The best way to know what’s going on in your school!

Miss Vienneau is desperately seeking videos from the St Patrick's drama productions of Peter Pan and Willy Wonka. If you have any, please

contact her.

Healthy Food Photo ContestJanuary 15 to January 30

Hey Kids! Want to show off your healthy eating habits, display your art in a public showing, and win some cool prizes? Bust out your camera and enter your best shot in our Snap Your Snack healthy food photo contest. Here’s how:

1. Take a photo of yourself, friends, family, or classmates eating, growing, or cooking healthy food.

2. Email your photo by January 14 to: [email protected].

3. Tell everyone to mark their calendars. Online voting takes place between January 15 and 30 - www.albertahealthservices.ca/snapyoursnack.asp

For contest rules and details, visit www.albertahealthservices.ca/snapyoursnack.asp

Thanks to our generous sponsors!

Alpenland, Ascent Climbing Centre - U of L, Ascent Cycle, Be Fit for Life Centre – Lethbridge, Chapters, Ever Active Schools, Holiday Inn – Lethbridge, London Drugs – Lethbridge, Park Place Mall, Pincher Creek Pool, Pura Vida Farms, Recreation Excellence, Runner’s Soul, Taber Aquafun Centre

St. Mary’s Outdoor Club Ice Fishing Dates: We are going fishing!! The St. Mary’s Outdoor Club would like to invite you and your family out for one of our Ice-Fishing Expeditions. All you need is warm clothing, lunch & snacks, and your own transportation to and from the lake. You may also wish to bring some skates and sleds. We will supply all the required fishing equipment, all bait, and a hole in the ice. Parents are reminded that all students require parental supervision, and any student 16 years of age or older (and adults) requires an Alberta Fishing License. We will meet at St. Mary’s School at 9:00am on each of the mornings listed below. We will drive out to the lake as a convoy so that everyone knows where we are fishing, and you are free to return to Taber at your leisure. Stay for an hour or stay for the day, the choice is yours. SMOC Ice-Fishing Dates: January 26, 2013 – Fincastle Lake (We will fish for Pike) February 2, 2013 – Chin Lake (We will fish for Pike, Walleye, and Burbot) February 9, 2013 – Sherburn Reservoir (We will fish for Pike, Walleye, and Perch) Alberta Free Fishing Weekend!! No fishing licences required!! February 16, 2013 – McQuillan Pond (We will fish for Rainbow Trout) Come out with your family and enjoy this great winter activity. Reconnect with the outdoors and see what every season has to offer. You may even see Mr. Herbst walk on water! Contact Mr. Doolittle if you have any questions or require any additional information.

[email protected] 403-223-3165 (St. Mary’s School)

403-223-9314 (Home) 403-382-8326 (Cell)

Th e St. Mary’s Band Booster Club is holding a Custom Cut Side of Beef Raffl e to support the St. Mary’s Band program. Tickets are 3 for $5, or $2 each and are available from any grade 7-12 band student. Th e draw will be held on Th ursday, February 14th at 1:00 at the school. Th is is a great opportunity to stock up for the year on some great Alberta beef. 75% of the ticket price of the raffl e will go towards the individual accounts of students, so it is a great way to help pay for this year’s activities. As well, we will be using some of the proceeds to purchase new instruments for our students. Please help us help our students by selling or purchasing tickets. Students are reminded that all tickets and money must be returned to the school by January 31st. Th e winner must pick up the beef from Bar Al Beef in Taber.

Th e next executive meeting of the St. Mary’s Band Booster Club will be Tuesday, February 12th at 7:30pm in the band room. All interested parents of music students are invited to attend.

Magazine subscriptions have started to arrive. Most magazines will have arrived by the end of January. If you still have not received your subscription by the end of the month, please contact CCRP directly at 1-800-665-5133 from 9:30 am – 5:00 pm.

School Play, "The Final Dress Rehearsal", is up and rehearsing with a wonderful cast of student. We are looking for a few props to help us on our way, please drop off at the school if you can donate any of the following: 1. A bull whip2. An old skirt/or tutu (small)3. Handlebars4. Plastic windmill5. Plastic crown6. Big Glasses



January 2013

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine

PV is a very common family of viruses with over one ndred different types that can cause skin warts, genital rts and certain kinds of cancer, most commonly cervical ncer. About 40 HPV types cause infections in the genital ea. It is estimated that over 70% of people will have at st one genital HPV infection in their lifetime

PV vaccine is offered to Grade 5 girls annually.

EW: All females (Grade 6 and up) who have not received e vaccine are now eligible to receive the immunization up their 18th birthday or the end of Grade 12.

ease contact your local Public Health unit to make an pointment for the vaccine.

r more information:p://www.health.alberta.ca/health-info/imm-hpv.html

Comprehensive School Health Website

The Alberta Health Services is pleased to announce the launch of an online repository of tools to support school health promotion.

‘The Comprehensive School Health Approach: Resources to Support Healthy School Communities’webpage is now available on the Alberta Health Services Website: www.albertahealthservices.ca/csh.asp.

The resources on this website are intended to support teachers, students, school administrators, school jurisdiction staff, health professionals, parents, and community members in building healthy schools.

2013 Resolution

Start the New Year with a resolution to check your child’s head for lice on a weekly basis. Remember lice can be a problem at any time of the year.

Mark your Calendars!Winter Walk Day is February 6

n thousands of other students, families, and fellow bertans in celebrating Winter Walk Day. Walking is great

our health, the environment, reducing traffic and building mmunity! Dress warmly, get outside, and enjoy the fresh, sp Alberta air!

to SHAPE Alberta (www.shapeab.com) for more ormation and sign up to receive items for each rticipant.

Want to Win $1,000 for your School?

utrition Innovation Awards” make healthy eating pay off.berta Milk is happy to announce that seven awards of 000 will be given to schools (K- 12) recognizing healthy ting initiatives, such as improving food available at hool, implementing nutrition guidelines or policies or omoting nutrition education. Deadline is March 15.

sit http://moreaboutmilk.com/innovation.aspx for more tails.

"Live, work, play... even better smoke-free."National Non-Smoking Week: January 20-26, 2013

Often the New Year is used to examine the changes we consider in our lives, and for many people this might mean quitting smoking. One of the best ways is to picture yourself achieving that goal. Just as athletes use their imagination to predict a big win, if you imagine yourself as a non-smoker, then you have a better chance of becoming one.

To celebrate National Non-smoking Week’s theme of “even better smoke free” imagine what it would be like to live, work and play without using tobacco:

What will it be like to go for a day, a week or a month without smoking? How might your appearance change? Smell? How will others respond to you as you quit? What will you do instead of smoking? How will you celebrate the changes you are making?

For further information visit www.albertaquits.ca or call 1-866-710-QUIT(7848).


on Tue






67 D

ay 2 8 D

ay 1 9

Day 2


S @


rassy Lake


10 D

ay 1 G

rade 9 Mass at

Church 9:00

Coalhurst @ SM


11 Even 2

Auroras Double Blue


e Tournament

Celtics @



Auroras Double Blue


e Tournament

Celtics @


13 14 D

ay 1 ELA 30-1/2 Part A

15 D

ay 2

Nobleford @


16 D

a y 1



ER @



17 D

ay 2 Chapel M

ass Grade 7

10:00 St. Cath @


18 Odd 1

Last day of classes for Sem

ester 1 Exp/Inter 3Ends Little Storm


19 Little Storm


20 21 IPP M

eetings ELA 30-1/2 Part B Staff M

eeting (3:30) Snack: A.J. &


School Council 7pm

22 IPP M

eetings 23 IPP M

eetings 24 Social 9 IPP M

eetings PBH

S @ SM


25 M

ath 30-1 IPP M

eetings C

eltics and Auroras @

Milk River


Celtics and Auroras

@ M

ilk River

27 28

29 C

ap and Gowns Pics


St.Joe’s @ SM


30 Day 2

First Day of classes

Semester 2

Exp/Inter 4 Begins Bow

Island @ S


31 Day 1

January 2013

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