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Page 1: Japan and Korea Relations

Japan and Korea RelationsDavid Lynge

Banele Magarira


Page 2: Japan and Korea Relations

Historical Relationship

• Japan and Korea have had cultural interactions for over 1,500 years.

• They’ve had direct political contact for almost as long.• Their relationship in the past has been tense.

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• In 1910 the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty made Korea a part of Japan's territory.

• After WWII when Japan was defeated, the United States claimed administration over Korea.

• Since 1948 South and North Korea have been independent countries.

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Present Day

• Conflicts continue to exist between Japan and the Koreas.

• In the early 2000s their relationship weakened when the Japanese prime minister visited the Yasukuni Shrine.

• Disputes remain over islands between the countries.

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• Korea and Japan have gotten along in the past but have gone through some bumpy roads.

• Both countries share a similar culture but there are still differences.

• Despite each country being economically reliant on one another animosity still exists.

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Work Cited

A. Cossa, Ralph. "Japan-South Korea Relations: Time to Open Both Eyes." http://www.cfr.org/. Council on Foreign Relations Press, n.d. Web. 3 Feb 2014. <http://www.cfr.org/south-korea/japan-south-korea-relations-time-open-both-eyes/p28736>.

Fackler, Martin, and Choe Sang-Hun. "A Growing Chill Between South Korea and Japan Creates Problems for the U.S.." http://www.nytimes.com/. The New York Times, 23 Nov 2013. Web. 3 Feb 2014. <http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/24/world/asia/a-growing-chill-between-south-korea-and-japan-creates-problems-for-the-us.html?_r=0>.

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