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JapanStyleBy : Jinky N. Oraiz


Japan is one of the Southeast Asian Countries

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The Kimono is Traditional Dress for Male and Female

Judo is now one of the games played at the Olympics.Judo, a form of martial arts, is one of their traditional sport games

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These are some of their traditional dishes.

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Traditional Japanese Food are prepared from fresh vegetables, fishes meat, soy, rice and milk.Would you consider the Japanese traditional food as healthy food?Why?Healthy!

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To express feelings.To capture beautiful sceneries.To inspire.To promote culture or belief.

For communication.For courtship.

Sometimes, music and arts are rendered at the same time through theatrical presentations.

Here is a classical example of combined songs, dances, drama and art in a Japanese Theatre.This form is called Kabuki.


Can you answer these?What does the term Kabuki mean?Which aspects in MAPEH are depicted in a Kabuki show?


1. Kabuki means SONG, DANCE, SKILLS2. Music, Arts and P.E are aspects of MAPEH incorporated in a Kabuki Show.

Can you answer these?What does the term Kabuki mean?Which aspects in MAPEH are depicted in a Kabuki show?


What do you think are the musical instruments used by the Japanese in old times?

Drums, Flute, Gong, and some string instruments


In the Kabuki Show, which are examples of visual arts?Face Painting, Masks, Dress Costumes, Background Designs, Dances, and the Actors Poses


Thats all for today.. Arigato!(thank you)


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