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  • 8/7/2019 Japanese Briefing Late War (1944-45) v7.3


    Japanese Briefing Late War (1944-45) v7.3 By Blace 2006-2009

    Rating : Fearless Trained

    Special rules Bushido Way of the Warrior :Japanese soldiers and officers where strongly motivated by fanatical cultural ideals.They were there to fight to the death and do precisely what ordered to do on pain of death and dishonour making them a dangerous and determined enemy.

    Infantry and pioneer teams dont have to take a tank terror test to assault tanks.

    If pinned in an assault platoons can roll to unpin and continue assault on a successfulmotivation test. If Assault is continued however teams defending get another volley of

    defensive fire.Leaderless platoons may still launch counter attacks in assaults.

    Excellent Camouflage : +10 points to purchase for a platoonRule is only active when teams are inside forests or dug in.

    If a team with this rule doesnt move for a turn they get concealment as well as goneto ground even if they shoot.

    Suicidal Courage :

    Get to re-roll failed half strength platoon tests for all platoons but pass on a 4+.

    Platoons can also re-roll failed motivations to counter attack and assault on a 4+.

    (If company commander is with platoon than the usual re-roll replaces the 4+ test)

    Banzai :If an infantry platoon fails a half strength motivation test with their platoon leader stillalive, they will initiate a Banzai charge. This is a suicidal charge which will cause the

    platoon to on the double move towards the nearest target and assault to the death.

    A platoon banzai charging cannot shoot and cannot be pinned, however if it suffersfive hits or more from defensive fire whilst assaulting an enemy platoon all saves aremade at 5+. It automatically passes all assault and counter assault related motivationtests. It is counted as dead when determining if the company is under half strength.

    A leaderless platoon that fails a half strength motivation test will be removed asnormal counted as committing ritual suicide or surrendering, most likely the former.

    Precision Artillery:+1 to the score needed to range in on target and -1 from the score needed to hit atarget during a bombardment.


  • 8/7/2019 Japanese Briefing Late War (1944-45) v7.3


    This represents the accurate yet difficult to range type of bombardment used byJapanese forces due to the need for the precision and efficiency of Japanese artilleryduring the war due to supply problems.

    Night Attacks: A player fielding Japanese forces who has the first turn and is attacking

    an enemy in prepared positions my elect to make a night attack. This rule is exactlythe same as British rules for night attacks including the special rule Advance under darkness

    Pre-ranged Artillery:Japanese batteries were often not used as a single unit, but rather broken up with oneor two guns registering different targets. It was common for these guns to drop a fewshells very accurately on pre-determined targets such as crossroads, buildings or other likely sites of enemy activity, with the purpose of breaking up enemy activity and

    pinning troops.At the start of a game but before deployment, a player playing a Japanese force mayelect to use the Pre-ranged Artillery rule. The player will then place up to four ranged in tokens on different terrain features of his choice in the enemys deploymentzone and no-mans-land.

    After this, deployment is started as usual. During any turn, the player may elect to bombard any or all of the preselected targets, but placing a template centred on theranged in token. The number of enemy units under the template will determine thenumber of dice. The player will roll to hit, without needing to range in. All hits will bere-rolled as the bombardment is conducted by only one or two guns. This ruleincludes the effects of the precision artillery rule. Normal artillery rules follow fromthis point.

    At any point in the game in the players turn, he may elect to fire a bombardment withthe whole battery. This will be conducted according to the normal rules for a

    bombardment including ranging in with observers, etc. If this is done then remove allranged in tokens for the harassing fire rule. Harassing fire may not be used again inthe game after a conventional bombardment is attempted. Similarly, any guns used indirect fire must remove their ranged in token.

    Air interception Support: Oscars for IJA, Zeros for SNLF Limited: 80pts Sporadic: 50pts


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    All troops are rated as fearless trained

    Each box represents an option. Ie you can have two tankette platoons but only one Self propelled artillery platoonThe force must contain the boxes with Italics and Bold font


    Tank Company Organisation

    Company HQ

    Armored Platoon

    Armored Platoon





    Combat Platoons Weapons Platoons

    Gun Tank Platoon



    Pioneer Platoon

    MobileEngineer Platoon

    Support Options

    Mobile AA

    Tankette Platoon

    Tankette Platoon

    Artillery Battery

    Self PropelledAnti Tank

    Self PropelledArtillery Platoon

    One support option per combatplatoon

    Amphibious Tank Platoon

  • 8/7/2019 Japanese Briefing Late War (1944-45) v7.3


    Company command 1x Company command tank 2x Light tanks1x Type 97 Chi-Ha 30pts(Optional)2x Type 95 Ha-Go light tanks 50pts

    Upgrade Type 95 Ha-Go light tanksTo Type 98 Ke-Ni tanks for +10ptsUpgrade the type 97 command tank To a shinhoto type 97 Chi-ha for +10pts

    Armoured Platoons

    1x Command tank 3x or 2x Medium tanksor 3x or 2x Light tanks

    Medium tanks3x/ 4x Type 97 Chi-Ha Shinhoto 120pts/160pts3x/ 4x Type 97 Chi-Ha 90pts/120pts3x/ 4x Type 1 Chi-He 135pts/180pts3x/ 4x Type 89 Chi-Ro 70pts/90pts

    Light Tanks3x/ 4x Type 95 Ha-Go 75pts/100pts3x/ 4x Type 98 Ke-Ni 90pts/120pts

    Can replace a 3 rd or 4 th medium tank with a gun tank for these extra points:

    Ho-NiIII 97 Chi-Ha Shinhoto 25pts97 Chi-Ha 35ptsType 1 Chi-He 20ptsType 89 Chi-Ro 40pts


    1x Command Amphibious Tank 2x or 3x Amphibious Tanks

    3x/ 4x Type 2 Ka-Mi 90 pts/ 120 pts3x/ 4x Type 3 Ka-Chi 135 pts/ 180ptss

    1x One Command gun tank 2x Gun tanks

    3x Type 3 Ho-Ni III 165pts

    1x command light tank 2x Light tanks

    3x Type 95 Ha-Go 85pts3x Type 98 Ke-Ni 100pts

    3x Type 97 Te-Ke 70pts3x Type 94 Tankette 55pts

    use recce rules

    1x command team with type 1 4x2 Toyota GBCan have two sections2x batteries per section

    2x/ 4x AA Carrier Truck 40pts/80pts2x/ 4x Type 98 AAG Tank 80pts/160pts

    See infantry company for details

    1x command Armoured Engineer Vehicle SS3x Armoured Engineer Vehicle SS

    Full Strength 80pts Half Strength 40pts (2 vehicle instead of 4)


    Headquarters Platoon

    Amphibious Tank platoons

    Com an H

    Combat Platoons

    Recon Platoons

    Tank Company Platoon Organisations

    Weapons Platoon

    Mobile anti-aircra t

    Gun Tank Platoon

    Tankette Platoon

    Mobile En ineer latoon

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    All troops are rated as fearless trained

    Each box represents an option. Ie you can have two artillery batteries but only one Self propelled Infantry Gun platoonThe force must contain the boxes with Italics and Bold font The Weapons platoon boxes with Bold Underlined font may be broken up and attached to other

    platoons. If the whole platoon is broken up the command team for that platoon is automatically sent tothe rear.


    Higher quality and better supportedIJA Infantr Com an Or anisation:

    Combat Platoons Weapons Platoons

    Support Options

    Infantry Platoon

    Tankette Platoon

    Pioneer Platoon

    Infantry Platoon

    Tankette Platoon

    Anti-Tank Platoon

    Heavy Mortar Platoon



    Infantry Platoon

    Medium Mortar Platoon

    Infantry Platoon


    Self-Propelled Infantry GunPlatoon

    Machinegun Platoon

    Two support options per combatplatoon

    Self-Propelled Anti-tank platoonor

    Anti-tank Platoon

    Anti-tank Rifle latoon

    Company HQ

    Armoured PlatoonSee tank company for details

    Artillery Battery

    Artillery Battery

    Light Recon Platoon

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    All troops are rated as fearless trained

    Each box represents an option. Ie you can have two artillery batteries but only one Artillery batteryThe force must contain the boxes with Italics and Bold font The Weapons platoon boxes with Bold Underlined font may be broken up and attached to other

    platoons. If the whole platoon is broken up the command team for that platoon is automatically sent tothe rear.


    Combat Platoons

    SNLF Infantr Com an Or anisation:

    Tankette Platoon

    Medium Mortar Platoon

    Self-Propelled Infantry GunPlatoon

    or Self Propelled Artillery Platoon

    Medium Mortar Platoon

    Infantry Platoon

    Infantry Platoon


    Self-Propelled Anti-tank platoonor

    Anti-tank Platoon

    Anti-tank Riflelatoon Amphibious Tank PlatoonSee tank company for details

    Support Options

    Infantry Platoon

    Weapons Platoons

    Infantry Platoon

    Machine gunPlatoon

    Company HQ Two support options per combat


    Machinegun Platoon

    Artillery Battery

    Armoured PlatoonSee tank company for details

    Heavy Mortar Platoon

    Anti-Tank Platoon

    Pioneer Platoon


    Giretsu Kuteitai( paratrooper commandoes)

    Tankette Platoon

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    Company command 1x Company command Rifle team

    At full strength: 10 points Make a Rifle/MG team: +5 points Add Type 1 Ho-Ha: +10 points Add Jeep equivalent: +5 points Add MG team (Max 2 ) +20 points Add Sniper (Max 3 ) +50 pointsUpgrade MG teamsTo HMG teams for +5points per team

    Infantry platoons

    1x Command rifle/mg team3x Infantry Squads (composed of 3x rifle teams per squad)

    3x Light mortar teams3x Pole charge teams (optional)

    At full strength: 140ptsWith 2 squads: 110pts

    Add pole charge teams +10ptsUpgrade all rifle teams to Rifle/MG for +15pts per squad Can make push bike platoon for free

    1x Command rifle/MG team2x HMG sections (2 HMG teams per section)

    At full strength: 120pts

    With 1 section 65pts

    1x command team2x gun sections (one 70mm infantry gun per section)1x horse limbers per gun section (optional)1x Rifle infantry squad (3x teams) (optional)1x observer team (optional)

    At full strength: 60ptsOne gun sec tion: 40pts

    Add Rif le squad: +30ptsUpgrade Rifle squad to

    Rifle/Mg for +15pts Add observer team : +10pts

    1x Command Rifle team2x Gun sections (3 guns per section)3x Type 98 Ro-Ke per section (optional)

    Twin 20 mm Type 98 AA Machine Cannon2 Gun Sections 115pts1 Gun Section 75pts75mm Type 8 AA Gun2 Gun Sections 200pts1Gun Section 120pts

    Add Ki-Hi AA Movers per gun section +10pts

    1x Command Rifle/MG team2x Anti-tank gun sections (Two guns per section)

    1x/ 2x sections Type 97 AT rifle 40/60ptsadd an extra AT rifle to base for +5pts per section

    1x Command Rifle team2x Mortar sections (section has 2x 150mm Type 97Mortar, 1x observer team)

    At full strength: 200ptsWith 1 Section: 110pts

    Can use 20cm rocket launcher to replace the 150mmmortar for +20 points per section.

    See Divisional Support on pg8

    Same structure as combat platoon. Japanese Army Doctrine Emphasised the necessity of strong rifle companies keeping their infantry up to strength as much as possible. With four rifle companiesin each battalion they were in a very good position toreinforce numbers if nessisary.

    1x Command Type 1 Ho-Ha1x Scout Type 1 Ho-Ha3x Carrier sections (section has 3x Type 1 Ho-Ha)

    At Full Strength: 110ptsWith 2 Sections: 80ptsWith 1 Section: 50pts

    Replace a section with swamp FP Vehicle: +15 ptsReplace all Type 1 Ho-Ha half tracks incarrier section with Ho-Ki APCs for no extra cost

    1x command Rifle/MG team3x mortar sections (section composed of 2x 81mm Type97 Mortar, 1x observer)

    At full strength: 185ptsWith 2 Sections: 130ptsWith 1 section: 75pts

    1x command pioneer rifle/MG team with Type 1 4x2

    Toyota GB2x Assault sections (Section composed of 3x Pioneer rifle/MG teams and a Type 97 4-Wheeled Truck)2x Flame thrower teams

    At full strength: 130ptsWith 1 Section: 75pts+ 10pts per section to replace each Truck with a Ho-Ki armoured personnel Carrier.

    1x Command Tankette3x or 2x Tankettes

    3x/ 4x Type 94 Tankette 45pts/60pts

    Upgrade Type 94 Tankette to Type 97 Te-Ke for +5 points per Tankette


    Headquarters Platoon

    Anti-tank latoon

    Combat Platoons

    Anti-aircra t Platoons

    Com an H

    Heav Mortar Platoon

    Carrier Platoon

    Mortar latoon

    Pioneer Platoon

    Battalion Gun Platoon

    Tankette Platoon

    In antr latoon

    Machine- un Platoon

    Weapons Platoon

    Anti-tank Ri le latoon

    Infantry Company Platoon Organisations

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    1x observer team1x command team2x sections (two guns per section)

    Battery can receive staff team for the penalty of being made immobile. 75mm Type 94 Mountain Gun3 Gun sections 180pts2 Gun sections 130 pts1 Gun section 80pts1 Gun 50pts105mm type 91 Field Gun3 Gun Section 260pts2 Gun Sections 180pts1 Gun Section 100pts1 Gun 60pts

    Purchase HEAT shells +10 points per gun15cm Type 96 howitzer 2 Gun Sections 260pts1 Gun Section 140pts1 Gun 80ptsupgrade 75mm mountain funto field gun for +10pts per section

    Armoured Platoons

    1x Command tank 3x or 2x Medium tanksor 3x or 2x Light tanks

    Medium tanks3x/ 4x Type 97 Chi-Ha Shinhoto 120pts/160pts

    3x/ 4x Type 97 Chi-Ha 90pts/120pts3x/ 4x Type 1 Chi-He 135pts/180pts3x/ 4x Type 89 Chi-Ro 70pts/90pts

    Light Tanks3x/ 4x Type 95 Ha-Go 75pts/100pts3x/ 4x Type 98 Ke-Ni 90pts/120pts

    1x Command Rifle/MG team2x Anti-tank gun sections (Two guns per section)1x Horse limber per section (optional)1x/ 2x sections of 37mm Type 1 50/80pts1x/ 2x sections of 47mm Type 1 65/120ptsadd a horse limber to a section +5pts

    2x sections (two guns per section)Type 1 Ho-Ni I 2 Anti-Tank Sections 200pts1 Anti-Tank Section 100ptsType 4 Ho-To2 Anti-Tank Sections 160pts1 Anti-Tank Section 80pts

    Purchase HEAT shells for Type 4 Ho-To +20 points per gun

    1x command

    3x Type 97 Te-Ke 70pts3x Type 94 Tankette 55ptsUse recce rules

    1x Type 100 Te-Re observer team1x command team in Type 98 Passenger Car 2x Gun sections (two Guns per section)

    Type 4 Ho-Ro2 Gun Sections 330pts1 Gun Section 180pts

    Type 1 SPH Ho-Ni II 2 Gun Sections 260pts1 Gun Section 145pts

    Can have two sectionsSee Tank Company for details

    1x Type 100 Te-Re observer team1x command team in Type 98 Passenger Car 2x Gun sections (one Guns per section)Type 4 Ho-Ro2 Gun Sections 180pts1 Gun Section 105pts

    1x SMG command team2x SMG assault sections (each section has 2 SMGcommando assault teams each)

    2 SMG assault sections 130pts1 SMG assault section 80pts

    Use recce rules


    Sel Pro elled Artiller Platoon

    Mobile anti-aircra t

    Sel Pro elled Anti-tank Platoon Artiller Batter

    Divisional Support Troops

    Anti-tank latoon

    Li ht Recon Platoon

    Self propelled Infantry Gun Platoon

    Giretsu Kuteitai

    (paratrooper commandoes)Rated as Fearless Veteran

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    All troops are rated as fearless conscript

    Extra Special rules: Massed forces: Where the rules talk about a platoon, read that as a Company. Where the rules talk about a company, read that as a battalion.Quality of quantity: A company that started the step with at least fifteen infantry or gun teams(including any attached teams in command must take at least ten hits in a single shooting step beforethey become pinned down. A single hit from an Artillery bombardment still pins them however.)

    Each box represents an option. Ie you can have two artillery batteries but only one Self propelled Infantry Gun platoonThe force must contain the boxes with Italics and Bold font The Weapons platoon boxes with Bold Underlined font may be broken up and attached to other

    platoons. If the whole platoon is broken up the command team for that platoon is automatically sent tothe rear.


    IJA Conscri t Infantr Battalion Or anisation:

    Combat Platoons Weapons Platoons

    Support Options

    One support options per combatplatoon

    Battalion HQ

    Infantry Company

    Infantry Company

    Infantry Company

    Infantry GunCompany


    Heavy Mortar Platoon

    Anti-Tank Platoon

    Anti-tank Riflecom an

    Medium Mortar Platoon

    Pioneer Platoon

    Tankette Company

    Artillery Battery

    Artillery Battery

    Armoured PlatoonSee tank company for details

    Self-Propelled Anti-tank platoonor

    Anti-tank Platoon

    Self-Propelled Infantry GunPlatoon

    Infantry Company

    Machine gun


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    Battalion command 1x Battalion command Rifle team At full strength: 10 points Make a Rifle/MG team: +5 points Add Type 1 Ho-Ha: +10 points Add Jeep equivalent: +5 points Add HMG team(max 2) +20points Add Sniper (Max 3 ) +50 points

    Infantry Company

    1x Command rifle teamUp to 3x infantry platoons each comprised of:3x Infantry Squads (composed of 3x rifle teams per squad)3x Pole charge teams (optional)1x grenade discharger squads (3x light mortars each)(optional)

    With 3 platoons: 225ptsWith 2 platoons: 155ptsWith 1 platoon: 85pts

    Add pole charge teams +10pts per platoon Add grenade discharger squads:+25ptsper platoonUpgrade all rifle teams to Rifle/MG for +35pts per

    platoonCan equip all teams with push bikes for free

    1x Command rifle/MG teamUp to 3x Machine gun platoons each comprised of:2x HMG sections (2 HMG teams per section)3x platoons: 250pts2x platoons 170pts1x platoons: 95pts

    1x command team4x gun sections (one 70mm infantry gun per section)1x horse limbers per gun section (optional)2x Rifle infantry squad (3x teams) (optional)1x observer team (optional)Four gun sections: 75ptsTwo gun sections: 45pts

    Add Rifle squad: +25pts eachUpgrade Rifle squad to

    Rifle/Mg for +10pts

    Add observer team : +10pts

    1x Command Rifle team2x Gun sections (3 guns per section)3x Type 98 Ro-Ke per section (optional)

    Twin 20 mm Type 98 AA Machine Cannon2 Gun Sections 90pts1 Gun Section 60pts75mm Type 8 AA Gun2 Gun Sections 155pts1Gun Section 95pts

    Add Ki-Hi AA Movers per gun section +10pts

    1x Command Rifle/MG team4x Anti-tank gun sections (Two guns per section)

    2x/ 4x sections Type 97 AT rifle 45/75ptsadd an extra AT rifle to base for +5pts per section

    1x Command Rifle team2x Mortar sections (section has 2x 150mm Type 97Mortar, 1x observer team)

    At full strength: 155ptsWith 1 Section: 85pts

    Can use 20cm rocket launcher to replace the 150mmmortar for +15 points per section.

    See Divisional Support on pg11

    1x Command Type 1 Ho-Ha1x Scout Type 1 Ho-Ha3x Carrier sections (section has 3x Type 1 Ho-Ha)

    At Full Strength: 85ptsWith 2 Sections: 60ptsWith 1 Section: 40pts

    Replace a section with swamp FP Vehicle: +10 pts

    Replace all Type 1 Ho-Ha half tracks incarrier section with Ho-Ki APCs for no extra cost

    1x command Rifle/MG team3x mortar sections (section composed of 2x 81mm Type97 Mortar, 1x observer)

    At full strength: 145ptsWith 2 Sections: 100ptsWith 1 section: 60pts

    1x command pioneer rifle/MG team with Type 1 4x2Toyota GB

    2x Assault sections (Section composed of 3x Pioneer rifle/MG teams and a Type 97 4-Wheeled Truck)2x Flame thrower teams

    At full strength: 100ptsWith 1 Section: 60pts+ 10pts per section to replace each Truck with a Ho-Ki armoured personnel Carrier.

    1x Command TanketteUp to 2x Tankette platoons each comprised of:3xType 94 Tankette2x platoons: 80pts1x platoon: 45ptsUpgrade any or all Type 94 Tankettes to Type 97 Te-Ke

    for +5 points per TanketteUse recce rules


    Headquarters Platoon

    Anti-tank latoon

    Combat Platoons

    Anti-aircra t Platoons

    Heav Mortar Platoon

    Mortar latoon

    Battalion H

    Pioneer Platoon

    In antr Gun com an

    Tankette Com an

    Machine- un Com an

    Weapons Platoon

    Anti-tank Ri le Com an

    Infantry Battalion Platoon Organisations

    Carrier Platoon

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    1x observer team1x command team2x sections (two guns per section)

    Battery can receive staff team for the penalty of being made immobile. 75mm Type 94 Mountain Gun3 Gun sections 140pts2 Gun sections 100 pts1 Gun section 60pts1 Gun 40pts105mm type 91 Field Gun3 Gun Section 200pts2 Gun Sections 140pts1 Gun Section 75pts1 Gun 45pts

    Purchase HEAT shells +10 points per gun15cm Type 96 howitzer 2 Gun Sections 200pts1 Gun Section 110pts1 Gun 60ptsupgrade 75mm mountain funto field gun for +10pts per section

    Armoured Platoons

    1x Command tank 3x or 2x Medium tanksor 3x or 2x Light tanks

    Medium tanks

    3x/ 4x Type 97 Chi-Ha Shinhoto 95pts/125pts3x/ 4x Type 97 Chi-Ha 70pts/95pts3x/ 4x Type 1 Chi-He

    105pts/140pts3x/ 4x Type 89 Chi-Ro 55pts/70pts

    Light Tanks3x/ 4x Type 95 Ha-Go 60pts/80pts3x/ 4x Type 98 Ke-Ni 70pts/95pts

    1x Command Rifle/MG team2x Anti-tank gun sections (Two guns per section)1x Horse limber per section (optional)1x/ 2x sections of 37mm Type 1 40/60pts1x/ 2x sections of 47mm Type 1 50/95ptsadd a horse limbers to sections +5pts pet section

    2x sections (two guns per section)Type 1 Ho-Ni I 2 Anti-Tank Sections 155pts1 Anti-Tank Section 80ptsType 4 Ho-To2 Anti-Tank Sections 125pts1 Anti-Tank Section 60pts

    Purchase HEAT shells for Type 4 Ho-To +15 points per gun

    1x Type 100 Te-Re observer team1x command team in Type 98 Passenger Car 2x Gun sections (one Guns per section)Type 4 Ho-Ro2 Gun Sections 140pts1 Gun Section 80pts


    Sel Pro elled Anti-tank Platoon

    Artiller Batter

    Divisional Support Troops

    Anti-tank latoon

    Self propelled Infantry Gun Platoon

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    Tanks and other Fighting Vehicles


    Mobility Range


    ROF Side

    Anti-Tank Top

    Firepower Medium Tanks Fearless TrainedType 97 Chi-HaShinhoto

    47 mm Type 1 gun









    Hull MG, rear turret MG,Limited Vision

    Type 97 Chi-Ha

    57 mm Type 90 gun









    Hull MG, rear turret MG,Limited Vision

    Type 1 Chi-He47mm Type 1 gun





    Hull MG, Rear turret MG

    Type 89 Chi-Ro57 mm Type 90 gun





    Hull MG, rear turret MG,Slow tank

    Light Tank Fearless TrainedType 95 Ha-Go

    37 mm gun Type 98









    Hull MG, rear turret MG, LimitedVision

    Type 98 Ke-Ni37 mm gun Type 100





    Hull MG, fast tank, light tank

    Type 97 Te-Ke37mm Type 94





    Limited Vision

    Type 94 Tankette Fully-Tracked 0 0 0 Co-ax MG, Limited Vision

    Gun tank- Fearless TrainedType 3 Ho-Ni III75 mm Type 3 Gun




    13+ Smoke

    Amphibious Tanks Fearless TrainedType 2 Ka-Mi37 mm Type 1





    Hull MG, co-ax MG

    Type 3 Ka-Chi47 mm Type 1





    Hull MG

    Anti-aircraft tanks and vehicles- Fearless TrainedAA Carrier Truck Twin 20mm Type98




    -5+ Anti-aircraft, Awkward layout

    Type 98 AAG Tank Twin 20 mm Type 98




    15+ Anti-aircraft

    Self-propelled Anti-tank guns Fearless TrainedType 4 Ho-To120 mm Tank gun





    Exposed crew, hull mounted Heat shells

    Type 1 Ho-Ni I75 mm Type 90




    03+ Smoke, Exposed Crew, hull mounted

    Self-propelled Artillery Fearless Trained

    Type 4 Ho-Ro150mm Type 38 howitzer

    Firing Bombardment






    Limited Vision, ,Exposed Crew, bunker buster Smoke bombardment, hull mounted

    Type 1 SPH Ho-Ni II105mm Type 91 howitzer

    Firing Bombardment





    Hull mounted

    Smoke bombardment, Exposed CrewAwkward layout: Due to the danger to the driver when firing, the half-track cannot move and shoot in the same turn.Fast tank: can move 80cm when moving at the doubleHeavy tank: move 20cm on roads and Cross-country. Get 4+ re-rolls on failed bogging rolls.Light tank: Light tanks may move 40cm on Roads or Cross-country.Rear turret MG: All attacking teams re-roll successful hits against this vehicle in assaults.Amphibious Tanks: These tanks treat water as difficult going.Exposed Crew: Because of the vulnerability of the crew to infantry from close range assaults this vehicle cannot assault or counter assault infantry and if assaulted will break off at first chance.Limited Vision: Tanks with limited vision have +1 to hit with any weapon firing at a target behind the front of the tank.Heat Shells: Can be purchased for certain guns. These boost Their AT rating by 4+ but only shoot with an ROF of 1.Bunker buster: If it hits a building in direct fire every team in the building gets hit.


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    Armour NotesFrontROF

    Side TopFirepower

    TrucksType 97 4-WheeledTruck

    Wheeled - - - 5 passengers

    Type 1 4x2 Toyota GB Wheeled - - - 2 passengersType 98 Passenger Car Jeep - - - 1 passengersArmoured Personnel CarriersType 1 Ho-Ki Fully-tracked 1 1 1 5 passengersType 1 Ho-Ha Half-tracked 1 0 0 3 passengers, 2 x side MG, rear MGSwamp vehicle FP Fully-tracked 1 1 0 3 passengers, amphibiousGun TractorsHorse limbers Cavalry Wagon - - - 1 passenger Type 98 AA Mover Ko-Hi

    Half-tracked - - - 2 passengers

    Type 98 Ro-Ke Fully-tracked - - - 2 passengersEngineer VehiclesArmoured Engineer Vehicle "SS"SS Flame thrower










    Flame tank Observation VehiclesType 100 Te-Re Fully-tracked 1 1 0 Observer VehicleArmoured Recovery VehiclesSe-Ri Fully-tracked 2 2 1 Hull MG, co-ax MG, recovery vehicleBikesType 97 Motorcycle Wheeled - - - 1 passenger Pedal bicycle - - - - 1 passenger, push bikePush bike: Move and act just like cavalry except that they cant shoot or assault at all while mounted. May counter assault thoughfor penalty of dismounted.

    Observer Vehicle: Acts as an observer for guns and a carrier for 1 observer team. Observer team can dismount to move on foot but this removes the vehicles crew and thus the vehicle from the board.

    Engineer: For a skill test, this vehicle can sweep mines, destroy wire entanglements, and dig a trench for infantry to hide in. Thisis done at end of the vehicles movement phase.

    Side MG: If a vehicle has two side MGs on either side (eg, Type 1 Ho-Ha) they can both shoot at separate targets in front of theline of that side.

    Flame-thrower: Flame-throwers roll a skill test to hit, and pin down any target they hit. The target does not get any saving roll.

    Rear MG: Work just like a rear turret MG. Attackers re-roll successful hits against vehicle.


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    Guns and Vehicle WeaponsName Mobility Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes

    Artillery and Anti-tank guns81mm Type 97 Mortar Man-Packed 40/100cm - 2 6+ Mortar, Smoke bombardment150mm Type 97 Mortar Light 48/120cm - 3 2+ Mortar, Smoke bombardment20 cm Type 4 Rocket Launcher Light 40/100cm - 5 2+ Mortar, smoke trailsTwin 20 mm Type 98 AA Machine


    Light 16/40cm 5 5 5+ Anti-aircraft,

    75mm Type 88 AA Gun Immobile 24/80cm 2 11 3+ Anit-aircraft, immobile, heavyAA

    47mm Type 1 anti-tank gun Medium 32/80cm 3 9 4+ Gun shield37mm Type 1 anti-tank gun Light 24/60cm 3 7 4+ Gun shield,75mm Type 94 Mountain Gun

    Firing BombardmentsMedium 16/40cm




    Gun shield, Smoke bombardment

    75mm Type 95 Feild Gun Firing Bombardments

    Medium 2460cm71/180cm




    Gun shield, Smoke bombardment

    105mm type 91 Field gun Firing Bombardments

    Heavy 24/60cm71/180cm




    Gun shield, Smoke bombardment, Heat Shells

    15cm Type 96 Howitzer Firing Bombardments

    Medium 16/40cm55140cm




    Smoke bombardment,Bunker buster

    70mm Inf. Gun Firing Bombardments

    Man-packed 16/40cm48/120cm




    Smoke bombardment

    Type 97 20 mm AT Rifle Man-Packed 16/40cm 2 5 5+ Type 97 20 mm AT RifleTwo Type 97 20 mm AT Rifles Man-Packed 16/40cm 3 5 5+ Two Type 97 20 mm AT Rifle

    Vehicle WeaponsMG or Co-ax MG 16/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons fireAA MG 16/40cm

    Heavy AA: only gets 1 rate of fire shooting because this type of weapon isnt as effective against low flying aircraftAnti-aircraft: Anti-aircraft weapons can fire at aircraftGun shield: Teams crewing weapons with a gun shield are in Bullet-proof cover when fired at from the front.Immobile: Can only move if towed.Mortar: Mortars can only fire artillery bombardments; as a result, they have no ROF rating.Smoke: Weapons with smoke ammunition can fire a smoke screen rather than their normal shootingHeat Shells: Can be purchased certain guns. These boost Their AT rating by 4+ but only shoot with an ROF of 1.Bunker buster: If it hits a building in direct fire every team in the building gets hit.Smoke trails: Rockets leave smoke trails in the sky that enemy artillery can use to range in on. Each time you shoot with aweapon with smoke trails put a 5cm ball of 'smoke' on all the guns of the batery shooting. Each different point can be ranged inon by enemy artillery but on a +1 penalty for the ranging. The trails are visible anywhere on the map. The trails only last oneturn.

    InfantryName Mobility Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Weapons and NotesRifle team - 16/40cm 1 2 6 Arisaka riflesRifle/MG team - 16/40cm 2 2 6 Arisaka rifles, Type 99 Light

    Machine GunSMG commandoassault team

    - 4/10cm 3 1 6 Type 100 smg, improvised ATweapons

    MG team - 16/40cm 4 2 6 Type 99 Light Machine GunStaff Team - Moves as a Heavy gun teamPole charge - 4/10cm 5 Human anti-tank weaponLight mortar - 16/40cm 2 1 5+ Knee Mortar Type 89, smoke,

    incendiaryPioneer Rifle/MG team - 16/40cm 2 3 6 Arisaka rifles, Type 99 Light

    Machine Gun, Imp. AT weaponsFlame thrower - 4/10cm 2 - 6 Type 100 flame thrower.Sniper - 16/40cm 1 - 4+ Type 97 Sniper RifleHMG team Man-packed 24/60cm 6 2 6 Type 92 HMG, Highly mobileHuman anti-tank weapon: Hits to the platoon have to go to other teams before the pole charge team as his AT pole is his onlyweapon thus he is trying to stay alive and out of the line of fire till that final charge at an enemy vehicle. Pole charge teams dontcount for or against platoon half strength counts. The anti-tank rating goes against top armour as with all other infantry assaults.Team can assault tanks and infantry. After the teams role to hit in an assault, the team is removed regardless of whether the rollwas successful or not and regardless of whether the target enemy team was infantry, gun, vehicle or armoured. If a pole chargeteam is successfully assaulted by a tank or vehicle then the team is removed as normal but the tank or vehicle is counted as beingsuccessfully hit by the team and needs to roll a save if it can. Infantry assaulting the team works as normal and doesnt take a hitfrom destroying the team.Flame-thrower: Flame-throwers roll a skill test to hit, and pin down any target they hit. The target does not get any saving roll.Remove the team after it has fired.Improvised AT weapons: Japanese pioneer teams have an Anti-tank rating of 3 through the use of improvised AT weapons.Sniper: Counted as concealed, gone to ground and in bullet proof cover. Independent teams. See other FOW briefings.Highly Mobile: Gets ROF of 3 if moved


  • 8/7/2019 Japanese Briefing Late War (1944-45) v7.3


    New layout is based on the format of the new FOW briefing Fortress Europe

    Battles and campaigns this list is based around Battle or Campaign: Year:-Philippines campaign -1944-1945-Battle of Iwo Jima -1945-Battle of Okinawa -1945-Soviet Invasion of Manchuria -1945 (The Lightening War)-Borneo Campaign-New Guinea Campaign

    Referenceshttp://www3.plala.or.jp/takihome/tanks.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Japanese_WW2_Weapons#Anti-tank_gunshttp://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/japan/japan-tank.html http://personalpages.tds.net/~shannaandrobert/Type%2091.htmhttp://www3.plala.or.jp/takihome/formation.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_97_Chi-Ha#Variantshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Japanese_tanks_and_armoured_vehicles_of_the

    _WWII_period Various WWII documentaries


    Japanese also had a Goliath equiv called the Type 98 Mini Engineer Vehicle"Ya-I Go" which was used against Russian pillboxes

    Giretsu Kuteitai smg weilding commandos saw action on Okinawa where they

    harrased supply lines and raided strategic points.


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