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Java 8Interesting parts

Vaidas Pilkauskas, Kasparas RudokasVilnius JUG

Page 2: Java 8

Agenda● Lambda● Date & Time● PermGen● Annotations

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LambdaJSR 335

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lambda vs. closureA lambda is just an anonymous function.

myCollection.filter(e ‑> e.length() >= 5)

A closure is any function which closes over the environment in which it was defined. This means that it can access variables not in its parameter list.

int minLength = 5;myCollection.filter(new Predicate(){ boolean apply(MyElement e) { return e != null ? e.length >= minLength : false; }})

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Project Lambda (JSR 335)● Language changes

○ Lambda Expression○ Virtual Extension Method

● Library changes○ Functional API○ Parallel collections○ Bulk Operations

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ProblemString[] names = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", Dave"};Arrays.sort(names, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2); }});

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"tiny" anonymous inner class String[] names = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", Dave"};Arrays.sort(names, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2); }});

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"tiny" and useful● callbacks● runnables● event handlers● comparators● ...and many other cases

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All we need!String[] names = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", Dave"};Arrays.sort(names, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2); }});

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Solution - closureString[] names = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", Dave"};Arrays.sort(names, (o1, o2) -> o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2));

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What do we mean by closures?

● a unit of deferred execution● code that can be passed as a value● can be used in an assignment

statement● capture of a surrounding environment

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Lambda Expressionss -> s.length()(int x, int y) -> x+y() -> 42

(x, y, z) -> { if (x == y) return x; else { int result = y; for (int i = 1; i < z; i++) result *= i; return result; }}

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Lambda Syntaxprincipally because something similar has been generally well-received in other Java-like languages (C# and Scala), and a clearly "better" alternative did not present itself

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Lambda● Effectively final variables

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Lambda● Effectively final variables● Shadowing

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Lambda● Effectively final variables● Shadowing● break, continue must be local

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Lambda● Effectively final variables● Shadowing● break, continue must be local● this - lambda is not an instance

method. (this == surrounding context object)

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Lambda● Effectively final variables● Shadowing● break, continue must be local● this - lambda is not an instance

method. (this == surrounding context object)

● throw completes method abruptly

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Functional InterfacesA functional interface is an interface that has just one abstract method, and thus represents a single function contract.

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Functional InterfacesSAM - Single Abstract Method interfacesone method excluding Object methodsinterface Runnable { void run(); } // Functional

interface Foo { boolean equals(Object obj); } // Not functional; equals is already an implicit member

interface Comparator<T> { boolean equals(Object obj); int compare(T o1, T o2);}// Functional; Comparator has one abstract non-Object method

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Method ReferencesMethod reference is a shorthand for a lambda invoking just that method


Arrays.sort(ints, Integer::compareTo);

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Method ReferencesStatic methods simply translate like lambda with same arguments and return type

class Math { public static int max(int a, int b) {...}}interface Operator<T> { T eval(T left, T right);}Operator<Integer> lambda = (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b);Operator<Integer> methodRef = Math::max;

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Method ReferencesNon static method reference of type T translates like lambda with an additional argument of type T

Comparator<String> c = (s1, s2) -> s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2);

//translates to:Comparator<String> c = String::compareToIgnoreCase;

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Method ReferencesInstance method reference translates like lambda with same arguments and return type (and implicit receiver)

Callable<Integer> l = () -> "boo".length();//translates to:Callable<Integer> c = "boo"::length;

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Method ReferencesString[] names = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", Dave"};Arrays.sort(names, (o1, o2) -> o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2));

//translates to

String[] names = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", Dave"};Arrays.sort(names, String::compareToIgnoreCase);

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Cannot add new interface methods (without forcing current interface users to implement them)

But we need new lambda enabled methods (on Java core libraries!)

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Default methods (also known as)

● virtual extension methods● defender methods

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Default methodsinterface NormalInterface { void myNormalMethod(); void myDefaultMethod () default { System.out.println("-> myDefaultMethod"); }}

class NormalInterfaceImpl implements NormalInterface { @Override public void myNormalMethod() { System.out.println("-> myNormalMethod"); }}

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Functional CollectionsMajor changes in collection API:● Internal iteration support with Iterable/Stream interfaces

(forEach, filter, map, etc)

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Functional CollectionsMajor changes in collection API:● Internal iteration support with Iterable/Stream interfaces

(forEach, filter, map, etc)● Explicit parallel APIs for greater parallelism support.

These can be combined with Fork/Join to divide the tasks

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Functional CollectionsMajor changes in collection API:● Internal iteration support with Iterable/Stream interfaces

(forEach, filter, map, etc)● Explicit parallel APIs for greater parallelism support.

These can be combined with Fork/Join to divide the tasks

● Greater stress on immutability and avoiding in-place mutation which was done in the conventional for-each loops

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ExampleString[] names = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dave"};

List<String> filteredNames = Streams.stream(names) .filter(e -> e.length() >= 4) .into(new ArrayList<>());


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Streams● No storage - nothing is stored in stream

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Streams● No storage - nothing is stored in stream● Functional in nature - new values are produced

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Streams● No storage - nothing is stored in stream● Functional in nature - new values are produced● Laziness-seeking. Many operations can be

implemented lazily

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Streams● No storage - nothing is stored in stream● Functional in nature - new values are produced● Laziness-seeking. Many operations can be

implemented lazily● Bounds optional. Think of infinite stream

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Functional interfacesjava.util.functions● Predicate - a property of the object passed as

argument● Block - an action to be performed with the object

passed as argument● Mapper - transform a T to a U● ...

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Parallelism//sequentialint sum = myCollection.stream() .filter(b -> b.getColor() == BLUE) .map(b -> b.getWeight()) .sum();//parallelint sum = myCollection.parallel() .filter(b -> b.getColor() == BLUE) .map(b -> b.getWeight()) .sum();

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Advantages● Elements may be computed lazily. If we apply a Mapper

to a collection of a thousand elements but only iterate over the first three, the remaining elements will never be mapped.

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Advantages● Elements may be computed lazily. If we apply a Mapper

to a collection of a thousand elements but only iterate over the first three, the remaining elements will never be mapped.

● Method chaining is encouraged. Hence there's no need to store intermediate results in their own collections.

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Advantages● Elements may be computed lazily. If we apply a Mapper

to a collection of a thousand elements but only iterate over the first three, the remaining elements will never be mapped.

● Method chaining is encouraged. Hence there's no need to store intermediate results in their own collections.

● Internal iteration hides implementation decisions. For example, we could parallelize a map() operation just by writing myCollection.parallel().map(e ‑> e.length()).

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Try it out today!The prototype compiler is being implemented in OpenJDK.● Source code is available at http://hg.openjdk.java.

net/lambda/lambda● Binary snapshots of the lambda-enabled JDK prototype

are available athttp://jdk8.java.net/lambdaIDE support:● Netbeans 8 Nightly Builds with experimental Lambda

support● IDEA 12 EAP with experimental Lambda support

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Date & Time APIJSR 310

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Oldies: Date● Mutable

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Oldies: Date● Mutable● Years being indexed from 1900

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Oldies: Date● Mutable● Years being indexed from 1900● Months being indexed from 0

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Oldies: Date● Mutable● Years being indexed from 1900● Months being indexed from 0

Ex.: Date d = new Date(1L); System.out.println(d.toString());

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Oldies: Date● Mutable● Years being indexed from 1900● Months being indexed from 0

Ex.: Date d = new Date(1L); System.out.println(d.toString()); //Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970

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Oldies: Calendar● Mutable

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Oldies: Calendar● Mutable● Not very convenient (lack of simple field


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Oldies: Calendar● Mutable● Not very convenient (lack of simple field

methods)● Very difficult to extend (add new calendars)

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Oldies: Calendar● Mutable● Not very convenient (lack of simple field

methods)● Very difficult to extend (add new calendars)

Ex.: Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); int weekday = c.get(DAY_OF_WEEK);

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Oldies: Calendar● Mutable● Not very convenient (lack of simple field

methods)● Very difficult to extend (add new calendars)

Ex.: Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); int weekday = c.get(DAY_OF_WEEK); Date d = c.getTime();

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Under pressure...

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JSR 310● Immutable

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JSR 310● Immutable● Defines consistent language for domain

○ Offset from UTC vs TimeZone○ Machine vs Human○ ISO 8601

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JSR 310● Immutable● Defines consistent language for domain

○ Offset from UTC vs TimeZone○ Machine vs Human○ ISO 8601

● No old Date/Calendar usage (clean)

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● Immutable● Defines consistent language for domain

○ Offset from UTC vs TimeZone○ Machine vs Human○ ISO 8601

● No old Date/Calendar usage (clean)● Extensible

JSR 310

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JSR 310● Immutable● Defines consistent language for domain

○ Offset from UTC vs TimeZone○ Machine vs Human○ ISO 8601

● No old Date/Calendar usage (clean)● Extensible● Led by JodaTime creator (S. Colebourne)

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Example: JSR 310Clock clock = Clock.systemUTC();LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.now(clock);//2012-11-13

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Example: JSR 310Clock clock = Clock.systemUTC();LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.now(clock);//2012-11-13

MonthDay brasilBday = MonthDay.of(JUNE, 21);

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Example: JSR 310Clock clock = Clock.systemUTC();LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.now(clock);//2012-11-13

MonthDay brasilBday = MonthDay.of(JUNE, 21);

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("America/New_York");Clock clock = Clock.system(zoneId);ZonedDateTime zonedDateTimeUS = ZonedDateTime.now(clock);//2012-11-11T04:17:58.693-05:00[America/New_York]

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Example: JSR 310import static javax.time.calendrical.LocalPeriodUnit.HOURS;

Period p = Period.of(5, HOURS);LocalTime time = LocalTime.now();LocalTime newTime;newTime = time.plus(5, HOURS);// ornewTime = time.plusHours(5);// ornewTime = time.plus(p);

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Why not Joda Time?● Machine timelines ● Pluggable chronology ● Nulls● Internal implementation

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VM/GCJEP 122 & JEP 156

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PermGen removal● Java Heap vs PermGen

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PermGen removal● Java Heap vs PermGen

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PermGen removal● Java Heap vs PermGen

● Why it was required anyway?

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PermGen removal● Java Heap vs PermGen

● Why it was required anyway?● So what?

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AnnotationsJSR 308 & JEP 120

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Type Annotations● In Java 7 we have annotations on



class SomeClass { … }class ListElement<E> { … }public void v() (int I) { long l;{

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Type Annotations● JSR-308 brings annotations on Type use ● Are an enabler for the checkers framework


new @Interned MyObject(); myString = (@NonNull String) myObject; void monitorTemperature() throws @Critical TemperatureException { ... }

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Repeating Annotations● Before

@Schedules ({ @Schedule(dayOfMonth="Last"), @Schedule(dayOfWeek="Fri", hour="23")({public void doPeriodicCleanup() { ... }

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Repeating Annotations● Before

@Schedules ({ @Schedule(dayOfMonth="Last"), @Schedule(dayOfWeek="Fri", hour="23")({public void doPeriodicCleanup() { ... }

● After@Schedule(dayOfMonth="Last”)@Schedule(dayOfWeek="Fri", hour="23")public void doPeriodicCleanup() { ... }

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References* Lambda




http://vimeo.com/48577033 (slides: http://www.slideshare.net/tkowalcz/java-gets-a-closure)












* Collections




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References* Remove the Permanent Generation





* JSR 310: Date and Time API







* General Java8









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