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Page 1: Java project-presentation

Java Project Report presentation

By:-Shivendra Srivastwa Java Android Trainer +918750475003

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The Java programming language is a high-level language .Java is a programming language originally developed by

James Gosling at Sun Microsystems.Released in 1995 as a core component of Sun

Microsystems' Java platform.Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode (class

file)that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

regardless of computer architecture.Java is guaranteed to be Write Once, Run Anywhere.

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FEATURES OF JAVA… Programming language

Another programming language using which we can develop applets, standalone applications, web applications and enterprise applications.

Platform Independent A Java program written and compiled on one machine can be

executed on any other machine (irrespective of the operating system)

Object Oriented Complies to object oriented programming concepts. Your program

is not object oriented unless you code that way

Compiled and Interpreted The .java file is compiled to a .class file & the .class file is

interpreted to machine code.

SimplePrograms are easy to write and debug because java does not use the pointers explicitly. Java provides the bug free system due to the strong memory management. It also has the automatic memory allocation and deallocation system.

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RobustJava has the strong memory allocation and automatic garbage collection mechanism. It provides the powerful exception handling and type checking mechanism as compare to other programming languages.

PortableThe feature Write-once-run-anywhere  makes the java language portable provided that the system must have interpreter for the JVM.

SecureJava does not use memory pointers explicitly. Security manager determines the accessibility options of a class like reading and writing a file to the local disk. Java uses the public key encryption system to allow the java applications to transmit over the internet in the secure encrypted form.

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REQUIREMENTS… MY SQL 5.0.88 NETBEANS IDE 6.9 jdk-6-windows-i586.exe

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WHAT is meant by E-LEARNING? E-learning is a new education concept by using the

Internet technology, it deliveries the digital content, provides a learner-orient environment for the teachers and students. The e-learning promotes the construction of life-long learning opinions and learning society.

It may different from the old educational concept. We should provide a new explanation to this new concept.

Delivery of the digital content is the main characters of e-learning.

E-Learning extends the environment on the Internet. We mean that the Internet provides a learning environment for the students and teachers. This environment is learner-oriented, so we can throw out the thoughts of traditionally teacher-center's instruction in classroom.

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The database for e-learning comprises of the tables of :


The database also comprises of the tables for the course details,registration and question answer.

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The admin table of the database comprises of:

• uname• pwd

The courses table comprises of:• course_id• course_name• course_cat• session

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The course_details table comprises of:

• course_id• session_no• Session_topic

The session_details comprises of:• course_id• session_no• filename

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The ereg table comprises of:• userid• password• first_name• mid_name• last_name• address• city• state• COUNTRY• zipcode• email• phone

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The question_answer table comprises of:

• course_id• question_id• question_desc• option1• option2• option3• option4• answer

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AUTHORITY…ADMIN:The admin is the main

administration head who can bring out the required changes in the display of the website.

Only the registered users can have access on the data displayed on the website.

The non-registered user can only get a glimpse of the website.

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Once the user has registered himself/herself, he/she has to just login.

In case the user is not registered, then he/she has to firstly register himself/herself by filling in the required details as listed above in the database.

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The website provides the registered user with the courses of his/her choice.

The buttons on the left hand side of the website makes the user access the areas on it easily.

The user can everytime reach the home page by just clicking onto the HOME button.

The user can also logout from the current page as the page consists of the logout button.

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Elearning can be examined at two levels. The first one is education and another one is training.

For education can be used at both elementary and higher levels.

In training it can be used by companies to train and upgrade their employees.

e-learning permits the delivery of knowledge and information to learners at an accelerated pace, opening up new vistas of knowledge transfer.

Early adopters are companies that have tried to supplement face-to-face meetings, demonstrations, training classes and lectures with this technology.

The adoption of e-learning in all spheres—corporates, schools, universities, etc—is low at present.

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Do you think e-learning is the next possible medium for people to learn anything from the comfort of home? It can be anything from learning a foreign language, guitar lessons to cooking classes. Don't you think the future of internet is e-learning?

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