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Mockito 2Cleaner Tests and Enhanced Productivity

JavaOne, San Francisco, 10-2017

● Szczepan Faber

● @mockitoguy

● Creator of Mockito

● Core dev of Gradle 1.x and 2.x

● Tech Lead at LinkedIn Dev Tools

● Author on LinkedIn


● Mockito has 10 years!

● Test First Immersion

workshop at QCon next

month (11/16)

● Join Shipkit - new Open

Source project used by

Mockito: http://shipkit.org

● Also, my team

@LinkedInEng is hiring!


2008No way to write clean tests

with Mocks.

Mockito 1.0 ships.


2017Estimated 2M users

Probably top 3 java library


Combined result puts Mockito on 3rd place!


Oct 2016Mockito 2.0 is out!

Thanks to community and ...


Mockito 2cleaner tests

Writing dirty tests or clean tests

takes same effort

but different level of discipline


Live coding!● GitHub:


”javaone” git branch

● Test-driving initial test class video:



● Debug faster but kill clarity and

long term maintainability

Strict Mocks


● Easier debugging

● Clean tests:

○ DRY - verify stubs

○ No dead test code

(unused stubs)

Mockito v2Strict stubbing


● Java 8 support (lambda, defender


● Built-in support of mocking finals

● API tweaks like better behavior of

any(), argument captor

● Built-in android support

● Replaced CGLIB with ByteBuddy

● New APIs for extending Mockito

Other features of v2


● Please contribute!

○ 16 tickets ready to contribute

● New integration APIs for other


○ Powermock (3-month project,

shout out to Arthur Zagredtinov)

○ Spring Boot (almost finished)

● Even better strictness

○ Optional truly strict mocks

○ Optional stubs, excluded from

strict checks

● Improve final mocking

Current development


Mockito releasesBy Shipkit

● Shipkit - toolkit for shipping it

● Practical Continuous Delivery

toolkit for Java libraries

● Passionate about release

automation? Join us!!!

● http://shipkit.org


Your TemplateFor Great Tests

● Write given-when-then comments

● Apply them consistently in every


● In a few weeks you will notice

tests in your team getting better!

● It does not matter if you believe it

will work. It will work anyway


You deserve great tools

Our talks at JavaOne

● Mockito 2 For Cleaner Tests and Enhanced Productivity

○ This talk. Hope you liked it!

○ I would really appreciate feedback!

○ GitHub: szczepiq/mockito-conferences-2017

● Play on Gradle - Midtier behind linkedin.com

○ Right after this talk, at 12:45 in Room 2012

○ Lessons learned from driving disruptive change

in large org

○ Replacing the heart of Play Framework with

Gradle at scale

● Commit-to-production pipeline at LinkedIn

○ video+slides on slideshare.net

○ Stay tuned for video and @LinkedEng blog



Thank you!!!Any questions?

You deserve great tools - Mockito 2 for cleaner tests and enhanced productivityJavaOne, San Francisco, 10-2017

● Szczepan Faber

● @mockitoguy

● Creator of Mockito

● Core dev of Gradle 1.x and 2.x

● Tech Lead at LinkedIn Dev Tools

● Author on LinkedIn


● Mockito has 10 years!

● Test First Immersion

workshop at QCon next

month (11/16)

● Join Shipkit - new Open

Source project used by

Mockito: http://shipkit.org

● Also, my team

@LinkedInEng is hiring!

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