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Jay Hamm, RN, FACHE, COO/Acute Care ExecutiveSteve Shelton, MD, Medical Director EMEric Brown, MD, Physician Executive

Preparedness Infrastructure

Leadership Team COO/System Executive Physician Executive Chief Nursing Officer Medical Director, Emergency Preparedness System Director, Emergency Preparedness Safety Manager Administrator on Duty Infection Control Hospital Epidemiologist

Steering CommitteeAll Leadership Team as well as… Education Campus Executive Team Members System VPs, Ancillary & Support Services Outpatient Clinic Representatives Emergency Management Key Physician Leaders Chief of Infectious Disease Patient Placement Medical Transport Human Resources Supply Chain Regulatory Compliance Officer Public Information Officer

Operational & Communication Strategy

Daily morning briefing

Daily leadership briefing

Daily Hospital & System Safety Huddles

Weekly Steering Committee Meetings

Regular Participation in Community, Regional, and National Forums

Additional Communication Strategies: Town Hall Forums Executive Briefings Digital Updates and Announcements

Operational Plan

Follow recommendations by CDC/SCDHEC




Detect Evaluating and protecting points of entry

Front line staff preparedness: Emergency Department/ Urgent Care Centers

Alternate Points of Entry, Lab Draw Stations, Radiology etc

Physician Practices and Ambulatory Care Clinics

Screening tools: EMR hard stops and prompts

Custom built ambulatory screening procedures

Appointment Screening for clinical criteria Checklist For Patients being evaluated for Ebola Virus at PH CDC algorithm for evaluation of Return traveler

Posters and Signage All points of entry


Employees, patients, people in the community entering the hospital Protocols for wearing Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE) and having appropriate PPE available Re-Training of Donning/Doffing of PPE Standard, contact, droplet precautions Educational Training Video Team dedicated to respond

PPE deployed to all EDs, Urgent Care, Transport, Physician Practices, and Ambulatory Care Sites

Stockpiled PPE supply System simulation exercises Limiting number of HCW and visitors entering the room

Protect: Personal Protective Equipment

Protect: ED Isolation Rooms

Designated rooms/area for treating suspected/probable/confirmed case of Ebola

Protect: 9 West Isolation Unit


Limiting and protocols for transport of patient within hospital

Protocols for safe handling of patient specimen by laboratory personnel

Protocols for safe handling of contaminated/infectious material by waste management

Safety measures and protocols for EVS workers

Keeping up to date with recommendations by CDC/DHEC


Once suspected case is detected; Patients will be masked and moved to the

designated isolation room with door closed. At the hospitals, contact:

AOD/Infection Control/Emergency Management SC DHEC

Ambulatory Care and physician practices, contact: AOD/Infection Control/Emergency

Management/Transport SC DHEC

Case Study

Suspect patient


Remote assessment



Flu swab & Lab tests?

How much care?

When do we move?


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