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Page 3: Jazz Cerkno 2015

20. Jazz Cerkno, 21.–23. maj 2015

This year’s round anniversary of Jazz Cerkno is dedicated to Boštjan Cvek’s life circle, which can be touched as a tangent by every visitor

of this year’s festival as well as those about to come.Yes, it’s been twenty years since jazz tunes began to echo through this town for the first time. Apart from jazz musicians, we have strived to invite those musicians who combine jazz with other genres, those who experiment and improvise. We understand jazz as an extremely wide and open art form, which is precisely why it can be local and global at the same time. The mixture of local and global is also one of the main momentums of our festival, since it is shaped by both artists coming from all corners of the planet, and by the citizens of Cerkno as well as other locals. For these and for all of you, we prepared some special features for the anniversary. You will find much more on the following pages and even more at the festival itself. It will be lively, for each and everyone of you. Welcome to the 20th international Jazz Cerkno festival!


Letošnji okrogloletni festival Jazz Cerkno je posvečen življenjski krožnici Boštjana Cveka, ki se je lahko kot tangenta dotakne vsak

obiskovalec letošnjega festivala pa tudi vseh naslednjih.

Ja, res je, že dvajset let je minilo, odkar so v teh krajih prvič začele odmevati jazzovske viže. Ob jazzovskih glasbenikih pa smo si na festival prizadevali vabiti tudi tiste, ki so jazz združevali z drugimi zvrstmi, ki so z jazzom eksperimentirali in improvizirali. Jazz razumemo kot izjemno široko in odprto formo, ki je ravno zaradi tega lahko hkrati lokalna in globalna. Spoj lokalnega in globalnega je tudi ena glavnih zagonskih sil našega festivala, saj ga ob umetnikih z vseh koncev planeta sooblikujejo Cerkljani in drugi domačini, ki so festival že zdavnaj vzeli za svojega. Zanje in za vse vas smo ob obletnici pripravili nekaj posebnosti. Veliko več boste izvedeli na naslednjih straneh, še več pa na samem festivalu. Živahno bo, za vsakogar in za vse. Dobrodošli na 20. mednarodnem festivalu Jazz Cerkno!

foto: Bojan Tavčar

Page 4: Jazz Cerkno 2015

Organizator / Organizer: Dano Ličen. Dirigent / Conductor: Peter Ugrin. Saksofoni / Saxophones: R. Felicjan, D. Mozetič, J. Šepetavec, L. Turek, A. Tratnik. Pozavne / Trombones: M. Mlakar, J. Leban, M. Kafol.Trobente / Trumpets: M. Kajzer, D. Gracej, A. Štrekelj, P. Gobec. Ritem sekcija / Rhythm section: P. Podobnik, I. Pušnik, M. Čepak – Maki, A. Vrabec.

četrtek, 21. maj, ob 19:00 (glavni oder)thursday, May 21, at 7 p.m. (main stage)


: Saš

o Ba


Zasedbo, ki deluje od januarja 2014, sestavljajo izkušeni glasbeniki, ki so

se povečini šolali v tujini. Ime je izpeljanka iz besede »gverila«, a ga ne

gre jemati dobesedno, kakor pravi vodja big banda Dano Ličen. Zamisli

za ustanovitev je botrovala ugotovitev, da pri nas primanjkuje big

bandov, ki bi se sistematično lotevali del velikih skladateljev za tovrstne

zasedbe. Tako so GveriLLaz začeli razvijati projekt »For modern times« –

»Za moderne čase«, pri katerem gre za samosvoje predelave modernih

ameriških skladateljev za big band. Najprej so se lotili skladb Boba

Brookmeyerja in Jima McNeelyja, ker pa imamo v Cerknem radi malo

bolj odbito glasbo, so za nastop na našem festivalu izbrali opus slovitega

frikovskega rockerja Franka Zappe (Jazz From Hell), ki je v svojo glasbo

vnašal jazzovske prvine.

Big Band GveriLLaz (SLO)

The band started playing in January 2014 and is comprised of experienced musicians, most of whom have been educated abroad. The name derives from the word “guerrilla” but should not be taken literally, as we learn from the big band leader Dano Ličen. The idea for the band was sparked by the realization that Slovenia lacks big bands systematically performing the great composers’ pieces for such ensembles. Therefore GveriLLaz started developing the project “For modern times” interpreting modern American composers for big band. They began with the works of Bob Brookmeyer and Jim McNeely. Since we love music that’s a bit more offbeat, at their performance at the festival in Cerkno GveriLLaz will play compositions by freak rocker Frank Zappa (Jazz From Hell), famous for interspersing his music with jazz elements.

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četrtek, 21. maj, ob 20:30 (glavni oder)thursday, May 21, at 8.30 p.m. (main stage)

The pianist in the Slovenian trumpeter Igor Matković’s “Long Distance

Journey” quartet is the world-renowned Marcin Wasilewski; his trio

has become famous after playing with the legendary Polish trumpeter

Tomasz Stańko (for the ECM label). Matković’s own compositions

are in many ways similar to Stańko’s, since their structure is “based

upon the deepening of ambiental approach to improvisation and

communication among musicians”. Matković and Wasilewski both “search

for atmospheric moments and tranquillity in the contemporary sound”.

Matković, who got his master’s degree from the University of Graz in 2009,

first presented his unique vision of abstract impressionist jazz on his

Sonic Motion album (Celinka, 2012). The quartet is currently working on a

new album (due out this fall); most of the compositions will be premiered

at the Cerkno festival.

V kvartetu “Long Distance Journey” našega trobentača Igorja Matkovića igra tudi svetovno uveljavljeni pianist Marcin Wasilewski. Njegov trio je zaslovel zaradi sodelovanja z legendarnim poljskim trobentačem Tomaszom Stańkom (trije albumi pri založbi ECM). Matkovićeve skladbe so v marsičem podobne prav Stańkovim, saj zgradbe skladb »temeljijo na poglabljanju ambientalnega pristopa k improviziranju in komuniciranju med glasbeniki«. Matkovića in Wasilewskega je zbližalo »iskanje atmosferičnega momenta in mirnosti v sodobnem zvoku«. Samosvojo vizijo abstraktnega, impresionističnega jazza je Matković, ki je leta 2009 magistriral na graški univerzi, prvič zabeležil na albumu Sonic Motion (Celinka, 2012). Pričujoči kvartet pravkar pripravlja nov album (izide jeseni), večino skladb pa bomo premierno slišali v Cerknem.

Igor Matković (trobenta / trumpet)Marcin Wasilewski (klavir / piano)Robert Jukič (kontrabas / double bass)Vladimir Kostadinović (bobni / drums)

Igor Matković “Long Distance Journey” feat. Marcin Wasilewski (SLO, POL, SRB)


: Urš

ka L



Page 6: Jazz Cerkno 2015

četrtek, 21. maj, ob 22:00 (glavni oder)thursday, May 21, at 10 p.m. (main stage)

At the 20th anniversary there will be two pianos on stage for the first

time! They will be played by two legends of improvisation, Alexander von

Schlippenbach and Aki Takase. In 1966, Schlippenbach founded the Globe

Unity Orchestra and crucially influenced the development of European

free jazz. The Japanese pianist Aki Takase, who has been living in Berlin

since 1987, has collaborated with Schlippenbach’s Berlin Contemporary

Jazz Orchestra, Tristan Honsinger, Fred Frith, Maria João and many

others. Both pianists love to intertwine improvisation and classical music,

as they did on their album Iron Wedding, praised by Nic Jones in All About

Jazz: “Every note is played serving to ensure a state of enticement, to

keep the listening closely for things to evolve, even though the prospect of

resolution is something perpetually and constructively deferred.”

Ob 20. obletnici bosta prvič na festivalskem odru dva klavirja. Nanju bosta igrali legendi improvizacije, Alexander von Schlippenbach in Aki Takase. Schlippenbach je leta 1966 ustanovil Globe Unity Orchestra in odločilno vplival na razvoj evropskega free jazza. Japonska pianistka Aki Takase, ki od leta 1987 živi v Berlinu, ima za seboj vrsto sodelovanj: Schlippenbachov Berlin Contemporary Jazz Orchestra, Tristan Honsinger, Fred Frith, Maria João idr. Oba pianista druži pretanjeno prepletanje improvizacije in klasične glasbe. O njunem albumu Iron Wedding so v All About Jazz zapisali: »Vsaka odigrana nota podaljšuje trenutek zapeljevanja, zato da bi še naprej pozorno poslušali, kako se bodo stvari odvijale, pa četudi se obet razrešitve nenehno in ustvarjalno odlaša.«


: pro


Aki Takase (klavir / piano)Alexander von Schlippenbach (klavir / piano)

Takase / Schlippenbach (JPN, GER)

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petek, 22. maj, ob 19:30 (glavni oder)friday, May 22, at 7:30 p.m. (main stage)

Cerkno Jubileum Orchestra (SLO, ITA)

Zlatko Kaučič (skladbe, dirigent / compositions, conductor).B. Simon (tenorski in altovski saksofon, klarinet / tenor and alto saxophone, clarinet), C. Resnik (tenorski saksofon / tenor saxophone), V. Balžalorsky (kitara / guitar), J. Drašler (kontrabas / double bass), V. Drašler (bobni, tolkala / drums, percussion), M. Lasič (bobni, tolkala / drums, percussion), G. Maier (kontrabas / double bass), L. Vitale (vibrafon / vibraphone), M. de Mattia (flavte, piccolo, basovska flavta / flutes, piccolo, bass flute), G. Pacorig (klaviature, fender rhodes / keyboards, fender rhodes), M. Cogliandro (basovski klarinet / bass clarinet), M. Cisilino (trobenta / trumpet).

Zlatko Kaučič, eden naših najdejavnejših jazzerjev, ki smo ga na našem

festivalu že večkrat gostili z izvirnimi projekti, je za naš jubilej pripravil

prav poseben program, ki ga bo predstavil z zasedbo Cerkno Jubileum

Orchestra. Naši obletnici v čast je preimenoval in prenovil svoj Orkester

brez meja / Senza confini, ki ga je zagnal leta 2011. V orkester je povabil

nekaj najvidnejših slovenskih in italijanskih glasbenikov; mnogi izmed

domačih so glasbeno pot začeli v Kaučičevem Kombu, italijanski jazzerji

pa večinoma prihajajo iz združenja DobiaLab. Kaučič tokrat ne bo igral,

temveč bo dirigiral oziroma usmerjal muzičiste k ustvarjanju pretanjene

svobodnjaške godbe. Slišali bomo znane slovenske skladbe, Kaučičeve

komade in, kot se spodobi, tudi kakšno presenečenje.

Zlatko Kaučič, one of the most active Slovenian jazzers, prepared a special program for our anniversary with his Cerkno Jubileum Orchestra. It is actually the well-known Orchestra Without Borders / Senza confini (Kaučič founded it in 2011) that was renamed exclusively for our 20th edition. The orchestra hosts some of the most prominent Slovenian and Italian musicians; many of the Slovenian musicians began their musical careers in Kaučič’s Kombo, while the Italian jazzers mostly come from the DobiaLab association. Kaučič himself will not play this time; he will conduct or rather guide the musicians into the subtleties of freeform music instead. Expect to hear some famous Slovenian songs, Kaučič’s own compositions and, as befits the event, a surprise or two.


: Boj

an T



Page 8: Jazz Cerkno 2015

petek, 22. maj, ob 21:00 (glavni oder)friday, May 22, at 9 p.m. (main stage)


: And

y N


Kanadskega jazza pri nas ni veliko slišati in zato nas veseli, da vam lahko

predstavimo saksofonista in bobnarja (oba Montrealčana), ki sodita med

najprodornejše jazzerje iz nam manj znane Severne Amerike. François

Carrier in Michel Lambert sta na sceni že več kot 35 let. Zadnja leta sta

snemala z imeni, kot so Mat Maneri, Jean-Jacques Avenel, Bobo Stenson

in Steve Beresford. Albume objavljata pri prestižnih založbah, kot so

Justin Time Records, Spool Records, Leo Records in NotTwo, nadvse

dejavni poljski založbi, ki jo je ustanovil Marek Winiarski, pobudnik za

ustanovitev pričujočega tria. Zasedbo zaokroža britanski kontrabasist

John Edwards, veteran, ki je mdr. igral z Derekom Baileyjem, Evanom

Parkerjem in Joejem McPheejem. Carrierova glasba izhaja iz free jazza,

a ostaja v sferah melodičnosti. Sam ji pravi »spontana melodična

abstraktna glasba«.

Carrier / Edwards / Lambert (CAN, GBR)

Canadian jazz is rarely heard in Slovenia, so we are honored to present two Montreal-based musicians, a saxophonist and a drummer who rank among the most distinguished jazzers in Canada. François Carrier and Michel Lambert have been active for more than 35 years; in recent years, they have recorded with musicians such as Mat Maneri, Jean-Jacques Avenel, Bobo Stenson and Steve Beresford. Their albums were released by prestigious labels Justin Time Records, Spool Records, Leo Records and NotTwo, a highly prolific Polish record label, whose founder Marek Winiarski gave the initiative to establish this trio. The third member is the British bass player John Edwards, a veteran who has played with Derek Bailey, Evan Parker and Joe McPhee, among others. Carrier’s music is rooted in free jazz but stays in the realm of melody; he himself calls it “spontaneous abstract melodic music”.

François Carrier (altovski saksofon / alto saxophone)John Edwards (kontrabas / double bass)Michel Lambert (bobni / drums)

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petek, 22. maj, ob 22:30 (glavni oder)friday, May 22, at 10:30 p.m. (main stage)

For the first time in Cerkno we are going to host the famous guitarist

Marc Ribot who is considered to be one of the most original and versatile

guitarists. Apart from having his own bands, he has a rich history of

high-profile collaborations, skillfully tackling a wide range of genres, from

pop and folk to jazz and improvisation. The list of his fellow musicians

reads like a “who’s who” of modern music: Wilson Pickett, Tom Waits,

The Lounge Lizards, Elvis Costello, Lou Reed, John Zorn, Henry Grimes...

As for Ceramic Dog, Ribot does not call it a “project”, but rather a rock

band. Of course, this rock lives in the here and now, hinting to a variety

of other genres, from noise and punk to jazz. The trio is rounded off with

two highly active musicians from the alternative / jazz / improv-scene,

Shahzad Ismaily (Will Oldham, Secret Chiefs 3) and Ches Smith (Xiu Xiu,

Good for Cows, Carla Bozulich).

V Cerknem bomo prvič gostili slovitega kitarista Marca Ribota, ki velja za enega najbolj samosvojih in vsestranskih kitaristov. Ob lastnih zasedbah ima za sabo vrsto odmevnih sodelovanj. Z lahkoto se loteva tako popa in folka kot free jazza in improvizacije. Seznam ljudi, s katerimi je igral, se bere kot »kdo je kdo« sodobne glasbe: Wilson Pickett, Tom Waits, The Lounge Lizards, Elvis Costello, Lou Reed, John Zorn, Henry Grimes ... Za Ceramic Dog pravi, da ni »projekt«, temveč pravi rockovski bend. Gre za rock, ki se zaveda sedanjega trenutka, zato je v njem najti punk, noise, eksperiment, jazz in še kaj. Trio zaokrožata zelo dejavna glasbenika z alter, jazz, impro scene Shahzad Ismaily (Will Oldham, Secret Chiefs 3) in Ches Smith (Xiu Xiu, Good for Cows, Carla Bozulich).

Marc Ribot (kitara / guitar)Shahzad Ismaily (bas/elektronika / bass/electronics)Ches Smith (bobni / drums)

Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog (USA)


: Bar




Page 10: Jazz Cerkno 2015

sobota, 23. maj, ob 17:00saturday, May 23, at 5 p.m.

At the traditional solo concert at the Music School we will have the unique opportunity to hear Akira Sakata’s solo performance – his first concert in Slovenia! On the same day, the Japanese wind player will also perform on the main stage with the Sakata / Berthling / Nilssen-Love trio. Sakata is the legend of Japanese free jazz. He

founded his first band in the end of the 1960s. From 1972 to 1979 he

played in the Yosuke Yamashita Trio (Yamashita is one of the pioneers

of Japanese avant-garde and free jazz). Since then he has been

building his reputation as one of the most prominent and pervasive

representatives of Japanese free music. Apart from collaborating with

numerous Japanese musicians, he regularly works with well-known

European and American musicians such as Peter Brötzmann, Peter

Kowald, Jim O’Rourke, DJ Krush and the Last Exit band. The bassist of

Last Exit, the renowned producer Bill Laswell has in fact produced a

string of Sakata’s albums.

Na tradicionalnem solističnem koncertu v glasbeni šoli bo nastopil japonski pihalec Akira Sakata, kar bo njegov prvi koncert v Sloveniji. Istega dne bo nastopil tudi na glavnem odru s triom Sakata / Berthling / Nilssen-Love. Sakata je legenda japonskega free jazza. Konec 60. let je ustanovil svojo prvo zasedbo. Že od 70. let prejšnjega stoletja, ko je med letoma 1972 in 1979 igral v Yosuke Yamashita Triu (Yamashita je eden pionirjev japonskega avantgardnega in free jazza), pa sodi med najvidnejše in najprodornejše predstavnike japonskega svobodnjaškega jazza. Ob vrsti japonskih glasbenikov redno sodeluje z znanimi evropskimi in ameriškimi glasbeniki, kot so Peter Brötzmann, Peter Kowald, Jim O’Rourke, DJ Krush ali zasedba Last Exit. Prav basist Last Exit, sloviti producent Bill Laswell, je produciral niz Sakatovih albumov.


: pro


dodatni koncert, glasbena šola / additional concert, music school

Akira Sakata - solo (altovski saksofon, Bb klarinet, glas / alto saxophone, Bb clarinet, voice) (JPN)

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sobota, 23. maj, ob 19:30 (glavni oder)saturday, May 23, at 7.30 p.m. (main stage)

Agnel / Edwards / Noble (FRA, GBR)

Člani francosko-britanskega tria se ne podrejajo nobeni hierarhiji; svoje

inštrumente vodijo, z njimi spremljajo, jih prilagajajo, umerjajo in zlivajo

z glasbili soigralcev, kolikor je le mogoče … V zasledovanju svojega

ideala, ki se giblje med improvizacijo »stare šole« in drzno prenovo oblik,

se trije improvizatorji spogledujejo z izjemno paleto zvrsti, intenzitet

in čustev. Klasično izobražena Sophie Agnel po vzoru Johna Cagea

preparira klavir; sama temu pravi »razširjeni klavir«. Pri igranju posega

v notranjost klavirja in na strune polaga razne predmete. John Edwards

in Steve Noble sodita med najbolj iskane britanske improvizatorje; igrala

sta z legendami, kot so Evan Parker, Matthew Shipp, Derek Bailey, Joe

McPhee, Lol Coxhill in Peter Brötzmann. Trio je pri založbi Clean Feed

leta 2013 objavil hvaljeni album Meteo.

Members of the French-British trio answer to no hierarchy; each instrument leads, accompanies, adapts, re-balances and fits each of its companions as closely as possible. In pursuit of their quest for an ideal which transits between “old school” improvisation and the bold renewal of forms, these improvisers flirt with the prodigious palette of genres, intensities and emotions. Inspired by John Cage, classically trained Sophie Agnel uses his methods to create a prepared piano of her own, called “expanded piano”. She tackles the piano’s innards and places different objects upon the strings. John Edwards and Steve Noble are among the most sought after British improvisers; they have played with legends such as Evan Parker, Matthew Shipp, Derek Bailey, Joe McPhee, Lol Coxhill and Peter Brötzmann. The trio published the well received album Meteo (Clean Feed, 2013).


: Séb


n Bo


Sophie Agnel (klavir / piano)John Edwards (kontrabas / double bass)Steve Noble (bobni / drums)

Page 12: Jazz Cerkno 2015

sobota, 23. maj, ob 21:00 (glavni oder)saturday, May 23, at 9 p.m. (main stage)


: pro


Sakata / Berthling / Nilssen–Love (JPN, SWE, NOR)

Slovenian audiences are well acquainted with the Scandinavian two-thirds of this furious trio, since the Norwegian drummer Paal Nilssen-Love and the Swedish bass player Johan Berthling have been extremely active on the Scandinavian scene. In addition, they both already visited our festival with some excellent bands: Nilssen-Love with the FME - Free Music Ensemble (2004) and Atomic (2012), and Berthling with the Martin Küchen “Angles” Sextett (2010). However, for the first time in Slovenia we will host the legendary Japanese reed player Akira Sakata! Sakata (who will also perform at the Saturday afternoon concert) has been active since the 1970s, when he played in the Yosuke Yamashita Trio. Later, he collaborated with masters such as Peter Brötzmann and Peter Kowald. The trio published their ferocious free jazz debut Arashi (Trost Records) in 2014. All About Jazz described it as an “explosive sonic eruption”.

Akira Sakata (altovski saksofon, Bb klarinet, glas / alto saxophone, Bb clarinet, voice)Johan Berthling (kontrabas / double bass)Paal Nilssen-Love (bobni, tolkala / drums, percussion)

Skandinavski tretjini tega furioznega tria pri nas dobro poznamo,

saj sta norveški bobnar Paal Nilssen-Love in švedski kontrabasist

Johan Berthling izjemno dejavna na skandinavski sceni, oba pa sta se

z imenitnimi zasedbami že predstavila na našem festivalu: Nilssen-

Love z bendoma FME – Free Music Ensemble (2004) in Atomic (2012),

Berthling pa z Martin Küchen “Angles” Sextettom (2010). Prvič sploh

se bo v Sloveniji predstavil starosta japonskega jazza Akira Sakata.

Sakata (igral bo tudi na sobotnem popoldanskem koncertu) je dejaven

že od 70. let prejšnjega stoletja, ko je igral v Yosuke Yamashita Triu.

Kasneje je sodeloval z legendami, kot sta Peter Brötzmann in Peter

Kowald. Pričujoči trio je lani pri Trost Records objavil svoj razposajeni

freejazzovski prvenec Arashi, ki ga v All About Jazz opisujejo kot

»eksplozivni zvočni izbruh«.

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sobota, 23. maj, ob 22:30 (glavni oder)saturday, May 23, at 10:30 p.m. (main stage)

The final act of our anniversary festival is going to be bombastic. Our old

acquaintances, the edgy Dutch avant-rockers The Ex, have been active since

1979. From their anarcho-punk beginnings they developed an eclectic style,

enriched with regular collaborations with jazz, experimental, rock and

traditional musicians such as Tom Cora, Han Bennink, Chumbawamba,

Tortoise, members of the famous Instant Composers Pool and Sonic

Youth as well as a host of Ethiopian musicians from legendary Getatchew

Mekuria to younger musicians. In Cerkno they are going to present a

version of their Brass Unbound project, which includes collaborations

with top jazz musicians. Only a year ago, we hosted Ken Vandermark with

the DKV Trio (that concert was included in their live, 5-CD album Sound In

Motion In Sound). Nate Wooley is praised as one of the most revolutionary

contemporary trumpeters. He is particularly known for his extended playing


Andy Moor (kitara, baritonska kitara / guitar, baritone guitar)Terrie Hessels (kitara / guitar)Arnold de Boer (glas, kitara / voice, guitar)Katherina Bornefeld (bobni, glas / drums, voice)Ken Vandermark (tenorski in baritonski saksofon, klarinet / tenor and baritone saxophone, clarinet)Nate Wooley (trobenta / trumpet)

The Ex with Ken Vandermark & Nate Wooley (NLD, USA)


: M 3

Zaključek jubilejnega festivala bo, kot se spodobi, nadvse bombastičen! Slišali bomo naše stare znance, nizozemske nabrite avant-rockerje The Ex, ki delujejo od leta 1979. Iz začetnega anarho-punka so z leti razvili eklektičen slog, ki ga bogatijo sodelovanja z jazzovskimi, eksperimentalnimi, rockovskimi in etno glasbeniki, kot so Tom Cora, Han Bennink, Chumbawamba, Tortoise, člani slovitega Instant Composers Poola in Sonic Youth ter kopica etiopskih muzičistov, od legendarnega Getatchewa Mekurie do mlajših glasbenikov. Slišali bomo različico projekta Brass Unbound, v katerem The Ex sodelujejo z vrhunskimi jazzerji. Kena Vandermarka smo lani slišali z DKV Triom (posnetek so objavili na petornem albumu Sound In Motion In Sound). Nate Wooley, eden najprodornejših trobentačev zadnjih let, slovi zlasti po razširjenih tehnikah igranja.

Page 14: Jazz Cerkno 2015

od 15. maja do 15. julija / from May 15 to July 15dokumentarna razstava / documentary exhibition

Dokumentarna razstava ob dvajsetletnici festivala skozi pisne, vizualne ter druge dokumente in predmete (fotografije, letake, plakate,

majice, avdio- in videoposnetke) ponazarja zgodbo o glasbenem dogajanju v Cerknem s poudarkom na festivalih Keltika in Jazz Cerkno. Gverilska ekipa postavljavcev se je prebila skozi neskončne kilometre pisanega arhiva in iz njega potegnila samosvojo dramaturgijo. Ta se deli na tri sobe, ki vključujejo tudi intimno

dnevno sobo, pravo poslušalnico, v kateri so na voljo posnetki s prejšnjih

festivalov. Razstava podaja podobo hude cerkljanske posebnosti, ki ima v svetu jazza velik ugled. Ob muzejski

postavitvi vas deli razstave presenečajo

po vsem mestu; v cerkljanskih izložbah, vitrinah, hotelskem kotičku ...

Spremljevalno razstavo so postavili Marko A. Kovačič, Milojka Magajne in

Miha Zadnikar. Razstavo sta pripravila Mestni muzej Idrija in Zavod Jazz


Godbe. Gibke. Grčaste. Grapaste. Gričaste. Gabrijelaste.

Through written, visual and other documents and objects (photos, leaflets, posters, T-shirts, audio and video recordings) the documentary exhibition celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the festival will illustrate the history of music events in Cerkno, with an emphasis on festivals Keltika and Jazz Cerkno. The guerilla-like exhibition team broke through endless kilometers of archives and came out with a unique dramaturgy. The exhibition expands through three rooms, including an intimate living room where you can listen to recordings from previous festival editions. The exhibition will paint the image of the awesome Cerkno specialty which earned our town a great reputation in the world of jazz. Next to the museum, other locations in Cerkno will host the exhibition, taking you by surprise in shop windows, display cases, the hotel etc.The accompanying exhibition was designed by Marko A. Kovačič, Milojka Magajne and Miha Zadnikar. The exhibition was organised by the museum Mestni Muzej Idrija and Zavod Jazz Cerkno.

Dvajset in nekaj let jazza – in še česa – v Cerknem Twenty years of jazz - and much more - in Cerkno

Cerkljanski muzej. Otvoritev razstave 15. 5. ob 19:00. V času festivala bo razstava odprta od 10:00 do 20:00.The Cerkno Museum. Exhibition opening on May 15, at 7. p.m. Opening hours during the festival from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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od četrtka, 21. maja, do sobote, 23. majathursday, May 21, to saturday, May 23

V Cerkno se tudi letos vrača že tradicionalna fotografska delavnica, v kateri

Žiga Koritnik s svojimi dolgoletnimi izkušnjami udeležencem odpre oči in

jih vpelje v svet glasbene fotografije. Seznani jih s pravili obnašanja pred in

za odrom, predstavi jim odnos do glasbenikov, organizatorjev in publike.

Seznani jih s tehničnimi zahtevami, med tisočimi posnetki jih nauči najti

pravega, pokaže jim obdelavo in spreminjanje barvnih fotografij v črno-

bele. Predstavi jim svoja najboljša dela in sproti pove, kako so nastala.

Udeležencem pomaga razumeti, kaj vse lahko naredijo s fotoaparatom,

in jih nauči kreativnega ter samostojnega razmišljanja o fotografskem

poslanstvu.Kotizacija znaša 190 € neto, število udeležencev je omejeno na pet. Cena

ne vključuje prenočitve (Hotel Cerkno običajno nudi festivalski popust) niti

festivalske vstopnice (udeleženci jo lahko kupijo po znižani ceni).

Delavnica bo potekala od 21. maja popoldne do 23. maja (razidemo se po

koncu zadnjega koncerta).

Prijave s polnim imenom, naslovom, e-naslovom in mobitelom pošljite na:

[email protected], tel. 040 723 728.


The experienced photographer Žiga Koritnik is going to broaden the views of a limited number of participants, ushering them into the world of music photography. They will be advised how to behave in front of and behind the stage, and how to communicate with the musicians, organizers and the audience. Žiga will give instructions in technical requirements and advise how to choose the best photo out of a thousand shots. He will also explain how to edit photos and convert them from colour to black and white. He will show his best photos and explain how they got to be. He will raise the participants’ awareness about what can be done with a camera and teach them to think creatively and independently about their photographic calling.The registration fee is 190 € net; the number of participants is limited to 5. The fee does not include accommodation (Hotel Cerkno usually offers discount prices) or the festival ticket (which can be bought at reduced price). The workshop will be held from May 21 to 23 in the afternoons (we will part our ways after the last concert).Send your application with your full name, address, e-mail and mobile phone number to: [email protected], tel. 040 723 728.


: Pet

ra C



Žiga Koritnik (SLO)

delavnica glasbene fotografije / music photography workshop

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petek, 22. maj, in sobota, 23. majfriday, May 22, and saturday, May 23

Typical wild edibles from Cerkno region are introduced, prepared and

consumed on the spot, so to say. Wild food improvisations are held

straight in the forest, on the meadows and, should the weather permit,

nearby the festival tent.

Friday, May 22, and Saturday, May 23.Duration: 4 to 5 hours.Workshop fee: 25 € per day.Meeting time & place: 11 p.m., Cerkno, in front of Pr’ Gabrijelu bar.

Improvizacije, ne le na temo spoznavanja in nabiranja užitnih divjih rastlin, ampak tudi priprave delno civilizirane hrane z navdihom nekaterih tradicionalnih cerkljanskih jedi, se odvijajo med grmovjem, v gozdu in na travnikih nad Cerknim. Zaželeni sta odprta lakota in prazna košara.

Delavnico vodi Dario Cortese, poznavalec užitnih divjih rastlin in avtor več knjig na to temo. Delavnica traja od 4 do 5 ur in poteka v vsakem vremenu.Prenočevanje je možno v Hotelu Cerkno.Zbirno mesto je ob 11:00 v Cerknem pred vhodom v bar Pr’ Gabrijelu. Kotizacija za posamezen dan je 25 €.Obvezna je vnaprejšnja prijava do 15. maja na tel. 031/60 1630, e-naslov: [email protected].

Več na: divjahrana.si.

delavnica »Divja hrana« »Wild Food During Jazztime« workshopDario Cortese (SLO)


: Boj

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od torka, 19. maja, do sobote, 23. maja from thursday, May 19, to saturday, May 23

This year, our music workshop will be quite experimental. Participants

will not create music, but record natural and urban sounds instead and

then combine them into compositions. “Sound safari teaches us listening

to natural and urban sounds. With the help of technical equipment we

capture sounds from our environment such as wind, birds, traffic, river

…” In addition to the known tutors Boštjan Gombač and Blaž Celarec, the

workshop will also be led by Boštjan Perovšek, a musician, composer and

sound designer, known for his experimental electroacoustic music. His

specialty is bioacoustic music based on animal sounds, especially insects.

He also plays in the established experimental group SAETA. At the end of the

workshop there will be a concert presentation of the sound image of Cerkno.

The workshop is organised with the help of the Cerkno Primary School and

its music teacher Vanja Lampič.

Tokratna glasbena delavnica bo precej eksperimentalna. Udeleženci namreč ne bodo sami ustvarjali glasbe, marveč bodo snemali naravne in urbane zvoke ter iz njih sestavljali skladbe. »Zvočni safari nas nauči poslušanja naravnih in urbanih zvokov. S pomočjo tehnične opreme zajamemo zvok zvočnega okolja, kjer se nahajamo … veter, ptiče, promet, reko …« Ob dveh znanih mentorjih, Boštjanu Gombaču in Blažu Celarcu, bo delavnico vodil tudi Boštjan Perovšek, glasbenik, skladatelj in oblikovalec zvoka, znan po eksperimentalni elektroakustični glasbi. Njegova posebnost je ustvarjanje bioakustične glasbe, ki temelji na zvokih živali, najraje žuželk. Igra tudi s priznano eksperimentalno skupino SAETA. Na koncu delavnice bo koncertna predstavitev zvočne slike Cerknega. Delavnico pripravljamo s pomočjo OŠ Cerkno in tamkajšnje glasbene pedagoginje Vanje Lampič.

glasbena delavnica za otroke »Zvočni safari – Cerkno 2015« music workshop for children “Sound safari - Cerkno 2015”Mentorji / Mentors: Boštjan Perovšek, Blaž Celarec, Boštjan Gombač (SLO)

Klub C.M.A.K.

nastop: sobota, 23. maj, ob 10:00, pred Hotelom Cerkno concert: saturday, May 23, at 10 a.m., in front of Hotel Cerkno

delavnica »Divja hrana« »Wild Food During Jazztime« workshop


: Boj

an T



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sobota, 23. maj, ob 12.00, bar Pr’ Gabrijelu saturday, May 23, at noon, Pr’ Gabrijelu bar

Spletna glasbena revija Nova Muska snema javne okrogle mize o

izbranih temah ali problemih v zvezi z glasbo. Posnetim pogovorom,

ki jih objavlja na svoji spletni strani, pravi »podmizja«. Tudi letos bo

podmizje del festivalskega programa. Njegovo vprašanje »Kaj dela

kreativni glasbenik?« bo aktualno tudi za naš festival. Letos bodo na

podmizju spregovorili glasbeniki, ki nastopajo na festivalu. Poskušali

bodo odgovoriti na vprašanje, kakšna sta danes delo in delokrog

kreativnega glasbenika, ki je v stiku z jazzom in njemu blizkim glasbam.

Moderator podmizja bo Ičo Vidmar, član uredništva Nove Muske,

dolgoletni kritik in pisec. Z glasbeniki se bo pogovarjal o tem, kakšna je

narava njihovega dela, kako je videti njihov delovni teden ipd.

podmizje »Kaj dela kreativni glasbenik?« podcast “How creative musician works?”

Nova Muska online music magazine has been organising and recording round table discussions on particular music themes, and publishing them online as podcasts. This year, Nova Muska’s round table returns to Jazz Cerkno with a discussion about “How creative musician works?”. This issue is also important for our festival, especially since the discussion is going to feature Slovenian and international musicians playing at this year festival who will try to answer the question how it is to work in jazz and other similar genres today. The podcast will be moderated by Ičo Vidmar, a member of the editorial board of Nova Muska, a longtime critic and writer, who will ask the musicians about the nature of their creative work, how they organise their working week etc.

Aktiv poslušalcev in poslušalk, Jazz Cerkno in Nova Muska vabijo na javno okroglo mizo / The working group of listeners, Jazz Cerkno and Nova Muska magazine kindly invite you to the public round table,

moderator: Ičo Vidmar (SLO)

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sobota, 23. maj, ob 18:00, Trg prekomorskih brigad saturday, May 23, at 6 p.m., Trg prekomorskih brigad

Cerkno Wind Orchestra celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2014. Its activity

during those years has left an important mark on music and other cultural

spheres in the Cerkno area. For the last decade, the orchestra conductor has

been the renowned clarinettist, teacher and conductor, prof. Andrej Zupan,

who has prepared a jazz program for the orchestra’s festival appearance.

We will hear songs from the standard jazz repertoire such as Louis

Armstrong’s evergreens What a Wonderful World and Hello Dolly, as well as

some arrangements by Jože Privšek and plenty of swing. Adamič’s Suite for

Clarinet with the conductor Andrej Zupan as a soloist, will be a part of the

program as well. With this concert, the musicians will pay tribute to their

friend, big fan of good music, and pioneer of Jazz Cerkno, Boštjan Cvek. Let

The Jazz side story never cease...

In case of rain the concert will be held on Sunday, May 24, at 11 p.m. in front of Hotel Cerkno.


: Boj

an T



Cerkljanska godba je v letu 2014 praznovala 40. obletnico delovanja. Dejavnost godbe je v teh letih pomembno zaznamovala glasbeno in siceršnjo kulturno dejavnost kraja s širšo okolico. Cerkljanske godbenike zadnje desetletje vodi priznani klarinetist, pedagog in dirigent, prof. Andrej Zupan, ki je za festivalski nastop pripravil jazzovski spored. Slišali bomo skladbe iz železnega jazzovskega repertoarja, popevki What a Wonderful World in Hello Dolly Louisa Armstronga pa tudi domače priredbe Jožeta Privška in obilo swinga. Na program so uvrstili tudi Adamičevo Suito za klarinet, kjer bo kot solist nastopil dirigent Andrej Zupan. Godbeniki se bodo s koncertom še enkrat poklonili prijatelju, ljubitelju dobre glasbe in začetniku festivala Jazz Cerkno, Boštjanu Cveku. Naj zGodba z jazzovske strani traja in traja …

V primeru dežja bo koncert v nedeljo, 24. 5., ob 11:00 pred Hotelom Cerkno.

Pihalna godba Cerkno Cerkno Wind OrchestrazGodba z jazzovske strani / The Jazz side story of Cerkno

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sobota, 23. maj saturday, May 23


: Jož

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Za posebno dvigovanje splošnega razpoloženja ob okrogli obletnici

bodo poskrbeli vešči domačini iz zasedbe Kar Češ Brass Band, ki

bodo na spontanih pouličnih nastopih predstavili svojo razbeljeno

neworleanško različico jazza. Zasedba, ki deluje že dobrih 15 let,

slovi kot prva in edina »pleh« zasedba pri nas, ki preigrava skorajda

izključno poulični jazz New Orleansa. Kar Češ Brass Band je nastopil na

številnih priznanih tujih festivalih, kot so Umbria Jazz Balkanic Windows

v Beogradu, Jazzfest Gronau (Nemčija), festival Femuka (Španija),

Haizetara festival (Španija), Saalfelden (Avstrija) in Mikser Festival

(Srbija), od domačih pa omenimo Drugo godbo in kajpak Jazz Cerkno.

Lani so si na ljubljanskem koncertu delili oder z zasedbo Billy Martin’s

Wicked Knee, ki jo sestavljajo člani Medeski Martin & Wood, Lounge

Lizards in Sex Mob.

Kar Češ Brass Band (Cerkno)

We have invited the skilled musicians from Cerkno’s own Kar Češ Brass Band to play some spontaneous street performances and cheer up the audience in the spirit of our round anniversary. Active for over 15 years, Kar Češ Brass Band is known as the first and only Slovenian brass band almost exclusively playing the white-hot street jazz of New Orleans. The band has performed at many renowned international festivals such as the Umbria Jazz Balkanic Windows in Belgrade, Jazzfest Gronau (Germany), Femuka Festival (Spain), Haizetara Festival (Spain), Saalfelden (Austria), Mikser Festival (Serbia), Druga godba (Slovenia) and, of course, Jazz Cerkno. Last year in Ljubljana, they shared the stage with Billy Martin’s Wicked Knee, a band featuring members of Medeski Martin & Wood, Lounge Lizards and Sex Mob.

poulični nastopi na raznih prizoriščih po Cerknem street performances at different locations in Cerkno

Pozavne / trombones: Marko Obid, Matija Mlakar. Saksofoni / saxophones: Tadej Bizjak, Jaka Ahačevčič. Trobente / trumpets: Florjan Kobal, Matjaž Lenarčič Buco. Tuba: Rok Šinkovec. Mali boben / snare drum: Alen Bogataj. Veliki boben / bass drum: Matija Purgar. Tolkala / percussion: Pegam Podobnik.

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Zavod Jazz CerknoTrg Prekomorskih brigad 1SI-5282 Cerkno, Slovenijawww.jazzcerkno.siwww.facebook.com/JazzCerkno [email protected]

VSTOPNICE / TICKETSglavni oder / main stagečet / Thu: 20.00 EUR pet / Fri: 20.00 EUR sob / Sat: 20.00 EUR dodatni koncert / additional concertglasbena šola / music schoolsob / Sat: 8.00 EUR

PREDPRODAJA VSTOPNIC / ADVANCE TICKET SALEpredprodaja do 21. 5. 2015 do 17:00advance sale until May 21, 2015 till 5 p.m.V predprodaji samo vstopnice za glavni oder + Abonma A in B Tickets advance sale only for main stage + SERIES A and B čet / Thu: 17.50 EURpet / Fri: 17.50 EURsob / Sat: 17.50 EUR

ABONMA A: 39.50 EUR / vsi koncertiSERIES A: 39.50 EUR / all concerts ABONMA B: 34.50 EUR / vsi koncerti razen četrtka SERIES B: 34.50 EUR / all concerts except Thursday

Otroci do 10. leta (vključno z letnikom 2005) imajo v spremstvu staršev prost vstop.Invalidi imajo prost vstop (brez spremstva).Na prizorišče ni dovoljeno voditi psov in drugih živali.

Free entrance for children up to 10 years (including those born in 2005), when accompanied by parents!Free entrance for disabled persons / accompaniment must buy his/her own ticket.It is not allowed to bring dogs and other animals to the venue.

PREDPRODAJNA MESTA / ADVANCE SALE POINTS- internetna predprodaja: www.eventim.si - Hiše vstopnic Eventim Si: Tivoli LJ, Kino Šiška LJ, Križanke LJ, Mestni trg LJ, Europark MB, klicni center: 01 4205000- Partnerska prodajna mesta: Petrol, Pošta Slovenije, Big Bang, (K)kiosk, 3DVA Trafika, M Holidays, Alpetour in Palma turistična agencija.- Cerkno: bar Gabrijel

NASTANITEV / LODGINGSHotel Cerkno***: ugodni Jazz vikend paketi www.hotel-cerkno.sirezervacije: ga. Majda Rojc:[email protected], tel.: +386 (0) 31 858 876ostala ponudba za bivanje na Cerkljanskem:LTO Laufar: [email protected].: +386 (0) 5 373 46 45

Hotel Cerkno***: attractive Jazz Weekend package www.hotel-cerkno.sibookings: Ms. Majda Rojc:[email protected], tel.: +386 (0) 31 858 876 other accommodation in the region: LTO Laufar: www.turizem-cerkno.si, [email protected].: +386 (0) 5 373 46 45

GOSTINSKA PONUDBA / WHERE TO EAT Bar Gabrijel: kalamari ter ponudba ostalih cerkljanskih gostincev.Bar Gabrijel: squid and offer of other inns in Cerkno.

ORGANIZACIJA IN INFO / PRODUCTION & INFORMATIONZavod Jazz Cerknowww.jazzcerkno.si, www.facebook.com/JazzCerkno, [email protected]čenje / sound system: Aurem Borut Čelik s.p.besedila / texts: Mario Batelićlektoriranje slo. besedil / Slovene proof reader: Mojca Mavrilektoriranje angl. besedil / English proof reader: Urška Lahajnar Ubajioguurednik in izdajatelj / edited and published by: Zavod Jazz Cerknocelostna podoba / design: Bojan Tavčartisk / print: [email protected] / no. of copies: 2000

Format fotografij je prilagojen tiskovini.Photographs have been recropped.

Organizator si pridržuje pravico do spremembe programa.We hold the right to change the scheduled program.

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Glavna pokroviteljica Medijski pokrovitelj S podporo

Posebna cena za prvih 56 kupcev: 56 EUR za vse festivalske dni

56 jazz cerkno.indd 1 23.4.15 12:38


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