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  • 1. Skippyjon Jonesby Judy Schachner Julie DeMarcoElementary Book Talk

2. Skippyjon Jonesis a Siamese cat,but dont tell him that! 3. Sometimes hethinkshes a bird, or abat! 4. One day, Skippyjon is sent tohis room to do some thinking 5. And stay out ofyour closet hismother says, 6. knowing the thingsSkippyjon Jonescan get into his head. 7. Bouncingaround in hisroom, he landsin the closet 8. And is suddenly in Mexico!Although here he isnt a cat, but 9. El Skippito, the great sword fighter-- a Chihuahua! 10. The locals need help getting their beans back, from none other than 11. Alfredo Buzzito, the bean-eating blimp.Who is drawing near! 12. As Skippitothrusts hissword into theair,Skippyjon Jonesfinds himself 13. Thrown from the closet and back into his room,safeandsound 14. Works CitedSchachner, Judy. Skippyjon Jones. New York: Dutton Childrens Books/Penguin Young Readers Group, 2003

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