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Jefferson undoes Federalist Programs

1. Allowed the Alien and Sedition Acts to end and freed those imprisoned by them.

2. Ended the Tax on Whiskey

3. Reduced the size of the military

4. Reduced the amount of money owed by the government (public debt)

Judiciary Act of 1801

Increased the number of justices on the Supreme Court.

Prior to Adams leaving office he appointed as many federalists to the supreme Court as possible.• Why?

• Democratic-Republicans were taking office and the Federalists wanted to maintain power in Washington.

Marbury v. Madison

Marbury v. Madison William Marbury is

appointed justice of the peace by President Adams.• Why would Adams

appoint a position at the end of his term in office?

James Madison refuses to give him the job

Marbury sues stating the act was unconstitutional.

The Court rules in favor of who?

Marbury v. Madison

The Case establishes the principle of Judicial Review.This principle states that the Supreme Court

has the final say in interpreting the Constitution.

1) What was the Louisiana Purchase?

2) What are challenges facing Jefferson in the Louisiana Purchase?

3) Why did Jefferson decide to make the purchase?

4) What is important about discovery and exploration?

5) Who or what is the Corps of Discovery?

6) What potential problem that Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery will


The Louisiana Purchase


The Corps of Discovery

Napoleon gave up hope for conquering North America and needed money to finance the European War

The Purchase

The Louisiana Territory Purchased 1803

Livingston and Monroe

Sent to Paris to negotiate the purchase of:• Port of New Orleans

• The Florida's

They were willing to pay 10 million dollars for the two!• What was the offer?

• The port of New Orleans and the Louisiana Territory

• How much was it for?

• 15 million dollars

The Purchase was made for $15,000,000

524,800,000 Acres 828,000 Square miles The cost per acre?

• 3 cents

Louisiana Purchase

The Purchase doubled the size of the U.S.

President Jefferson Has a major dilemma

• What could that be?• Jefferson was a

Democratic-Republican and a strict constructionist to the Constitution.

• The Constitution says nothing about purchasing land

• On the other hand he wanted land for the small farmers to expand.

The Corps of Discovery

President Jefferson established a plan to map the land west of the Mississippi River before the Louisiana purchase. After the purchase it became imperative to discover what the United States had purchased.

Lewis and Clark

Meriwether Lewis was an Army Officer and was placed in charge of the Corps of Discovery by Jefferson

William Clark was an outdoorsman a mapmaker and had served at Ft. Detroit with Lewis

The Purpose of the Corps of Discovery

Map the new territory Establish trade with Indian Tribes Gather information on the plants, land

and animals of the Great Plains Find the Northwest Passage Explored Northwest portion

Up the Missouri

Left in May of 1804.• Why leave then?

• Better weather for most of the trip

1st day was slow

• Moved about 3 miles Reached Fort Mandan in

late October 1804• 1,600 miles

• Less than 11 miles per day

To reach the Pacific the journey took 2 ½ years


Helped navigate the western lands

After making their way around the Great Falls, she recognized Shoshone lands

The Chief of that tribe would be Sacagawea’s brother

Zeb Pike Explored the southern

portion of the Louisiana Territory

Main difference:• L & C took a water route• Z. Pike took 2 dozen

men over land Both shared:

• Each upon their return told stories of adventure

Reached the Rockies and came back

The journey took 2 and ½ years

Lewis & Clark Interactive Map

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