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Final Jeopardy


$100 Question - POV

“I can’t get on the internet!” shouted Mrs. Yearta. “Why won’t it work?” she wondered aloud.

$100 Answer - POV

What is third person?

$200 Question - POV

I have such a headache. I definitely need to take some aspirin before my performance.

$200 Answer - POV

What is first person?

$300 Question - POV

Ben hit a homerun; as he circled the bases he thought about how exited he was. His friend, Will, sitting in the stands was so happy for his friend.

$300 Answer - POV

What is third person, omniscient?

$400 Question - POV

The point of view a diary is written in.

$400 Answer - POV

What is 1st Person?

$500 Question - POV

The point of view most rarely used.

$500 Answer - POV

What is second person?

$100 Question – Poetry

Her tears rained down like a waterfall is an example of what poetic device?

$100 Answer - Poetry

What is a simile?

$200 Question - Poetry

Chris was trying to rearrange the desks for Mrs. Percival after PASS. He moved them all but the last one; the stubborn desk refused to budge an inch. “Fine,” thought Chris, “I will just sit here.”

… is an example of what type of figurative language?

$200 Answer - Poetry

What is personification?

$300 Question - Poetry

“I’m so hungry, I could eat a cow!” said Savannah.

… is an example of what type of figurative language?

$300 Answer - Poetry

What is hyperbole?

$400 Question - Poetry

Mr. Ball bounced a bright blue ball on the basketball court.

… is an example of what type of figurative language?

$400 Answer - Poetry

What is alliteration?

$500 Question - Poetry

Mary Katherine was picking her mother flowers when a bee buzzed by her.

… is an example of what type of figurative language?

$500 Answer - Poetry

What is onomatopoeia?

$100 Question – Greek and Latin Roots

“Alright children, I need for you to form a semi-circle at the front of the room!” Mrs. Miller said excitedly. “Semi” means….

$100 Answer – Greek and Latin Roots

What is half?

$200 Question – Greek and Latin Roots

“Teacher Audible!” shouted Mr. Ball and Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Yearta, and Mrs. Percival scrambled to catch the hurtling football. “Audi” means…

$200 Answer – Greek and Latin Roots

What is able to hear/listen?

$300 Question – Greek and Latin Roots

“In retrospect,” said Sabrina, “I should have done my homework. Then, I would be playing outside instead of walking.” “Spect” means…

$300 Answer – Greek and Latin Roots

What is to look?

$400 Question – Greek and Latin Roots

Denterrius and Maurice had to hike through some rough terrain in order to get back to their group. “Terra” means…

$400 Answer – Greek and Latin Roots

What is earth/land?

$500 Question – Greek and Latin Roots

“Jordan, go clean your room,” his mother said. “No, that’s ok, Mom; I think I’ll go play outside instead. No one really needs to have a clean room anyway, you just mess it up again.” “Why must you always contradict me?” she replied. “Dict” means

$500 Answer – Greek and Latin Roots

What is to say/speak?

$100 Question – Traditional Literature

This type of traditional literature was established in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. It involves gods and goddesses

$100 Answer – Traditional Literature

What is mythology?

$200 Question – Traditional Literature

This type of traditional literature entails extreme exaggeration.

$200 Answer – Traditional Literature

What are tall tales?

$300 Question – Traditional Literature

This type of traditional literature has historically accurate parts (Robin Hood is an example).

$300 Answer - Traditional Literature

What are legends?

$400 Question - Traditional Literature

This type of traditional literature contains a moral and usually has animals as main characters (The Tortoise and the Hare is an example).

$400 Answer - Traditional Literature

What are fables?

$500 Question - Traditional Literature

This type of traditional literature contains an implied moral and usually has humans as main characters (Cinderella is an example.)

$500 Answer - Traditional Literature

What is a folktale?

$100 Question – Grab Bag

Bill Gates, billionaire creator of Microsoft who remains heavily involved in the cooperation, writes an article on the importance of having computers in every classroom. As a critical reader, you would need to be concerned about this…

$100 Answer – Grab Bag

What is author bias?

$200 Question – Grab Bag

“I got it straight from the horse’s mouth,” is an idiom meaning…

$200 Answer – Grab Bag

What is that the speaker heard the information from the main source?

$300 Question – Grab Bag

Be nice to her; her grandmother passed away last week is a euphemism that means…

$300 Answer – Grab Bag

What is that her grandmother died last week?

$400 Question – Grab Bag

The frog hopped by Looking for a fly I’m so hungry I could eat a bee!

The rhyme scheme is…

$400 Answer – Grab Bag

What is aabb?

$500 Question – Grab Bag

Since Grace had scabby knees, I put her in jeans to protect them.

$500 Answer – Grab Bag

The cause is that Grace had scabby knees. The effect is that I put her in jeans.

Final Jeopardy

Name one book from each of the following genres:

Historical fiction

Realistic Fiction

Science Fiction



Final Jeopardy Answer


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