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JeopardyMinerals Rocks

TheRock Cycle Weathering Erosion

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Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Minerals

Minerals are the building blocks of this substance.

$100 Answer from Minerals


Rocks are made up of different kinds of minerals.

$200 Question from Minerals

This property describes how resistant a mineral is to being scratched.

$200 Answer from Minerals


$300 Question from Minerals

This property of minerals describes how a mineral will split into smaller pieces.

$300 Answer from Minerals


$400 Question from Minerals

Minerals are formed when ________

$400 Answer from Minerals

When magma from the Earth’s mantle cools or when a saturated solution Evaporates leaving behind crystals.

$500 Question from Minerals

If two mineral samples are the same type of mineral, but have differentcrystal sizes, what could this tell us?

$500 Answer from Minerals

One sample cooled slower than the otherand so, had more time to grow.

$100 Question from Rocks

There are this many types of rocks.

$100 Answer from Rocks


$200 Question from Rocks

These are the three types of rocks

$200 Answer from Rocks


$300 Question from Rocks

This is how igneous rocks are formed.

$300 Answer from Rocks

Igneous rocks form when magmafrom the Earth’s crust cools and hardens to create rock.

$400 Question from Rocks

These are the two type of igneous rocks.

$400 Answer from Rocks


$500 Question from Rocks

This type of rock forms when layers of sediment pile up and are pushed together by pressure and harden to create rock.

$500 Answer from Rocks

Sedimentary Rock

$100 Question from The Rock Cycle

What is the rock cycle?

$100 Answer from The Rock Cycle

The rock cycle is the ability of rocksto change from its type to the other two when conditions are favorable.

$200 Question from The Rock Cycle

What type(s) of rocks can a sedimentary rock become?

$200 Answer from The Rock Cycle


$300 Question from The Rock Cycle

If I have an igneous rock and it is weathered and eroded, what kind of rock may this become?

$300 Answer from The Rock Cycle


$400 Question from The Rock Cycle

How do metamorphic and sedimentary rocks become igneous rocks?

$400 Answer from The Rock Cycle

They melt and become magma. The magma then will cool and harden to form rock.

$500 Question from The Rock Cycle

If I start with a sedimentary rock, what steps would I have to go through to first make an igneous rock and thena metamorphic rock?

$500 Answer from The Rock Cycle

Step 1: The sedimentary rock must be melted and form magma. Then this magma must cool and harden to create an igneous rock.

Step 2: The new igneous rock must be subjected to high amounts of heat and pressure which will change the minerals in the rock which changes the type of rock.

$100 Question from Weathering

What is weathering?

$100 Answer from Weathering

Weathering is the process of breakingdown rocks into smaller pieces.

$200 Question from Weathering

Potholes are an excellent example ofthis kind of weathering.

$200 Answer from Weathering

Mechanical Weathering

$300 Question from Weathering

Biological weathering is due to …

$300 Answer from Weathering

Living things. Such as plants, trees, etc.

$400 Question from Weathering

An example of chemical weathering is…

$400 Answer from Weathering

Acid rain


Water can dissolve some minerals in rocks that will weaken the rock.

$500 Question from Weathering

Weathering can form this kind of rock.

$500 Answer from Weathering


$100 Question from Erosion

What is erosion?

$100 Answer from Erosion

The transportation of weathered material.

$200 Question from Erosion

How can erosion occur by water?

$200 Answer from Erosion

Water currents and waves are strong and able to push materials around. Particles are carried through the water.

$300 Question from Erosion

Glaciers are an example of thiskind of erosion.

$300 Answer from Erosion

Erosion by ice.

$400 Question from Erosion

“Sandblasting” is an example ofthis kind of erosion.

$400 Answer from Erosion

Erosion by wind.

$500 Question from Erosion

Erosion by wind, ice, and water works together with this type of weathering to create cool features such as Hopewell Rocks.

$500 Answer from Erosion

Mechanical Weathering

Final Jeopardy

How are minerals, rocks, weathering anderosion all connected?

Final Jeopardy Answer

Minerals form rocks, rocks are then weathered and eroded away.

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