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Page 1: Jewels of iman issue 8


My Last Ramadaan

A Time Of Activity

Ramadaan Present

Issue 8June 2015

Sha'baan/Ramadaan 1436



Plus much more inside...

For Allah!

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Editor ial: We begin by praising Allah, He has no partners and for Him is the dominion of the heavens and the earth. We ask Allah to send His peace and blessings upon the last and f inal Messenger Muhammad.

Sha'baan has passed and now Ramadaan is here already. How quickly does time f ly?!

Isn?t it just amazing how the atmosphere in Ramadaan changes. How things seem a lot calmer. Perhaps it is the effect of fasting, people have less energy. Or perhaps it is because the Shayateen are locked away? None knows except Allah, who has given us this month, abundant in blessings, and rewards.

Ramadaan is a special t ime of the year, it is a time of rejuvenation and renewal of our iman. It is a time of motivation, a time to stimulate our spiritual growth. For some, it is the time of a new beginning, a new page, a new leaf, a fresh start. Practice good actions in Ramadaan for one month, and keep it up, hopefully it will stay as a good habit ingrained.

This time of year comes around only once. And whilst we must soon make preparations for Eid, be it with shopping, cleaning, cooking or decorating, we must not loose the essence of Ramadaan. I?m sure you are aware of the saying, ?you only appreciate something when it?s gone.? Don?t make that true for Ramadaan, appreciate it whilst you have it. Naturally we will lament its passing, but be grateful for the days that?s left and don?t wish them away.

Bibi Zainab Dowlut,



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Misconception: Ramadaan

From Darkness to Light

l ink with your creator:

Ash-Shafi (Pt 1)

For Allah!

Signs of the hour # 6

Pinnacle of the Qur'an

journey to the hereafter:

Sel f Improvement :

Reflection: Ramadaan Present

Muslim Holidays

Ramadaan: A Time of Activity


My Last Ramadaan

Muharramat: Showing Off

sisters section:Juwayriyyah Bint Harith

having fun the halaal way:

Quiz Answers

Quiz Time!

Ramadaan Special

Ramadaan Fun

Ramadaan Special # 2






















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Perhaps this is your understanding of Ramadaan?! Well, I shall put your mind to rest.

Firstly, muslims fast on a daily basis for one month. Not an entire month in one go without stopping; that indeed would be crazy! Fasting for a whole month non-stop without food or drink, is torturous to say the least, if not suicidal. Muslims fast each day of one lunar month, from dawn until dusk. During this time they abstain from eating, drinking and relations. Yes, many of us do feel hungry during this time, and for some, the pangs of hunger are severe, but there is a reason, why we are instructed to fast,

?O You who have believed, fasting has been decreed upon you, as it was decreed upon those before you, that you may become righteous,? (Al-Baqarah 02:183)

Fasting has a greater purpose; to help us attain righteousness, and piety. It has been prescribed for us, that we may get closer to God. In Islam, muslims are supposed to be constantly improving themselves for the better in order to attain a higher rank with Allah, and get closer to Him. Thus, we have been commanded to fast that we may reap the benefits therefrom, and become better human beings.

Fasting is a humbling experience. We experience what those less fortunate than us experience on a daily basis, and we learn to appreciate what we often take for granted. We appreciate the simple blessings of food and drink. We can open our taps and have immediate access to clean water, for which some people have to walk miles, and some

don?t have every day. Recent statistics show that 750 mill ion people do not have access to safe water, and one child dies every minute due to a water-related disease. (www.water.org) Alhamdulilah (praise and thanks be to Allah) who has given us water. Fasting reminds us that this water we are given is a blessing, yet also a test, in that we are responsible for how we use it. Similarly, fasting teaches us that food too is a blessing. Being able to have a hot meal served on our plates after a long and busy day, is indeed a blessing. How many mill ions go to sleep hungry? According to the United Nations World Food Programme, 1 in every 9 people do not have adequate food to lead a healthy life. Fasting, shows us that we have to be thankful for what we have, and use it wisely.

Furthermore fasting decreases arrogance. When a person is hungry, they realise they too are human, they have faults, and feel pain too, thereby reducing their pride and haughtiness. They have less energy to behave in a superior manner. Yet again this is another means of self-improvement.

Fasting also has many health benefits. It improves the digestive system, and reduces the risk of heart disease. It also helps promote a healthier l ifestyle by controll ing eating habits. In conclusion, while it may seem bizarre to give up your beloved food and drink, muslims understand that the benefit they receive from these actions, are beyond any tangible reward. Muslims do not l ive to eat, rather we eat enough to live.

By Bibi Zainab Dowlut


?Muslims are crazy?they starve themselves for a whole month!?

Misconception # 6

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This is exactly what I have experienced. Darkness here is our lives and light is the light of Quran, the knowledge of our deen.

I have been living in the dark all these years. I was happy and content with what I was doing. Hence did not make any attempt to change myself . But with the mercy of Allah (swt) He has bestowed upon me a chance to turn back to Quran. As I was going through it, I realized I was indeed living in sheer darkness.

Even the sins that we commit in our daily l ives, we have committed them to an extent that we got used to them. They have become a part of our

NORMAL routine. The best example I can give is ?Gossiping?. We do not even realize how often we gossip. Talking about, not just talking discussing about people and events has become so common to us that we no longer consider it to be a SIN. The fact that Allah (swt) dislikes this act and it is a major sin is forgotten by us. Like gossiping there are many such sins that have become part of our daily l ives.

Is this not called ?living in the dark?? Just l ike we get used to the darkness, we got used to living with the sins.

Only that person who is conscious of Allah (Muttaqeen) controls his speech as well as actions. It is possible to become Muttaqeen only when we start l iving in the light of Quran.

Allah says in the Quran ?can he who was dead, to whom we gave life and a light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depth of darkness, from which he can never come out? Thus to those without faith their own deeds

seem pleasing? (surah-Anaam, Ayah-122)

All we have to do is just make an attempt to come out of darkness and see how Allah pours in his mercy and brings us in His light. Because the more deep we live in the dark the more dif f icult it becomes to come out of it.

Allah in the Qur'an referred His Book as light. Allah says?? ..undoubtedly, there has come to you from Allah a light and a Book luminous.? (Surah- Maida, Ayah-15)

Allah also says ?Believe, therefore in Allah and His messenger and in the light which we have sent down. And Allah is well acquainted with all that you do.? (Surah-Taghabun, Ayah-8)

Why do we need a light? What does a light do? It makes things appear more bright and clear. The tangible lights what we have, helps you see only the tangible things clearly. But this l ight of Quran which is intangible comes from above


Live for a while in the dark. Slowly you get used to the darkness. You don?t feel the need for the light; hence you don?t make any attempt to go into the light. But when suddenly you are

brought into the light, then at that moment you realize what you have been missing.

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and enlightens your heart and makes you see the most important things.

The light of the Quran will show you clearly the purpose of your life and your creation. It makes you clear the worth of this Dunia and also the reality of the Aakhirah. It not only gives you the purpose of l ife but it also shows you the direction on which you can walk upon and reach your purpose.

?Alif ,Lam, Ra. [This is] a Book which We have revealed to you,[o Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darkness into light by permission of their Lord-to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.?(Surah-Ibrahim, 14:01)


Allah says in the Quran, ?On the day (some) faces will turn white and (some) faces will turn black.? (Surah-Al-Imran, 03:106)

Those people, who are the abodes of Hell will have their faces darkened

So, to get rid of the darkness in the Aakhirah, spend your life in the Light of Quran in this Dunia.

May Allah make it easy for all of us to understand Quran and act upon it. Ameen.

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LINK WITHyour creator

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ASH-SHAFIIt is narrated by ` Aisha that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to treat some of his wives by passing his right hand over the place of ailment and used to say,

Ash-Shafi is the One from whom cure can be obtained, the One who can cure our chests from doubts, jealousy, hate, diseases of the heart and body, etc. And Allah is the only Healer just as the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said: "And when I am ill, it is He who cures me.? (Surah Ash-Shu?ra 26:80)                      

Allah alone gives Shifa? (cure) and there?s no partner with him, this is the reason why every mukallif (accountable person) should have this creed that only Allah is the Curer. Also, it is mentioned in the similar hadith:

Narrated ` Abdul ` Aziz: Thabit and I went to Anas bin Malik. Thabit said, "O Abu Hamza! I am sick." On that Anas said, "Shall I treat you with the Ruqya of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him)?" Thabit reaplied, "Yes," Anas recited,

O Allah! The Lord of the people, the Remover of trouble! (Please) cure (Heal) (this patient), for You are the Healer. None brings about heal ing

but You; a healing that will leave behind no ailment." (Sahih al-Bukhari 5742)

Dear readers! Let me further explain the above mentioned supplication.

Al lahumma Rabban naas:

?O Rabb of people!?- here it is instructed to all people to supplicate Allah through His Ruboobiyyah (Lordship) because He is the only one who gives life and death, health and disease, wealth and poverty, and strength and weakness.

adh hibi l ba's:

?Remove the trouble!? meaning removing of intensity of disease and the disease itself . This proves that with the permission and will of Allah (glory be to Him) that pain is relieved.

Ishf i, antash Shaf i:

?Heal the patient?. He (peace be upon him) then asks for Shifa? (cure) because safety and security can only be acquired from Allah alone, thus ?You are the One who cures?.

La shifa a i l la shifa uk:

?No healing is of any avail but Yours?- no one can give Shifa? except Allah (may He be glorif ied). It is to strengthen our Iman (belief).

Shifa an la yughadiru saqaman:

?Healing that will leave behind no ailment." ? remove the disease from its root.

Abu Sa'eed narrated that Jibril came to the Prophet and said: "O Muhammad! Are you suffering?" He said: "Yes." He said: "In the Name


This name is not mentioned in the Qur?an but rather in the Prophet?s Sunnah. Ash-Shafi meaning The Curer, The Healer, The one who cures and heals.

Asma Was Sifaat # 7

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Allah, I recite a prayer (Ruqyah) over you, from the evil of every person and evil eye. In the Name of Allah I recite a prayer (Ruqyah) over you, may Allah cure you." {Graded: Sahih (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 972)}

Now we have understood that Allah has the complete cure to the ailments. Nonetheless it does not mean that we shouldn?t use the available medications or means. On the contrary, treating diseases with medicines is

allowed in Islam, it has been seen in the various narrations of the Prophet (peace b upon him) about remedies for certain diseases. The detail of this matter will be discussed in the next part, Allah will ing.

By Maliha Rahamat


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FOR ALLAH!"Surely my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of the

Worlds." (Al-An?am 6:162)

Before Islam, I never really put much thought into what my purpose of l ife was. I only cared about l iving the moment, and I didn?t care who it was for as long as I did it for me, myself , and I! I didn't know there was a deeper meaning to life and I def initely didn't think of l iving my life for someone or sacrif icing any part of my time or effort for anyone. But that all changed when I became Muslim. Everything suddenly had a purpose. It didn't all fall into place right away but as I learnt more about my religion, the more I started to understand the true meaning of l ife.

I chose this verse because it reminds me of my purpose in this l ife. Whenever I forget or I am f inding myself buried too deep into this dunya, I remember this very and it brings me back to reality. It reminds me that everything I do is for Allah alone and that there really is no point of existence or doing anything when it is not done for Allah and His Sake.

Many people try to f ind their purpose in life and they will go to lengths to f ind it, even if it means doing things that could harm their bodies, mind, and soul. Some people think life is all about money and status, others think it is all about doing humanitarian work and raising money for charity organizations and trying to make a dif ference in the world. Surely, there is nothing wrong with the latter, in fact, it is highly

encouraged, but it means nothing when you are doing it for the wrong reasons. Imagine doing even the smallest of deeds such as smiling or giving salams to a sister? Or doing a bigger deed like raising money for charity or feeding orphans? In Islam, you get rewards for every small and big deed you do if it is done for the sake of Allah alone. This verse is powerful and a beautiful reminder and it also preaches Tawheed. It is one of my many favourite verses and it really makes an impact on my heart every time I read it.

Alhamdulil lah for the gif t of guidance, the gif t of Islam, where everything you do, has it 's sole objective and that is to worship Allah alone, seeking His pleasure alone.

By Umm Abdur-Rahman


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Journey to the hereafter

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The opening verses of Surah Qiyamah explicit ly warn and explain us few signif icant facts related to the Day of Resurrection. The Day of Resurrection is of paramount importance in Islam. It is something which develops fear in our hearts. When we constantly remind ourselves about the Overwhelming Hour, we embark in crusading our frivolous nature and habits and thus would develop ourselves in a way which pleases our Lord.

On that Day, Allah will assemble all of us. He will convene each and every one; the Prophets, their nations, the believers and the disbelievers, the pious and the sinners. We all will be given the books which recorded our good and bad deeds. The one whose scale of good deeds is high, will be presented his book in his right hand. But the one whose measure of good deeds is less, will be handed his book in his left hand!

This is the Day. The Day of Ultimate Calamity!

The events related to that Day had been mentioned in detail in the Qur'an and Sunnah. In this article, with the help of Allah (Glory Be To Him), we will learn few more signs before the Hour.

1. The decorat ion of mosques as a matter of pride and compet it ion: "The hour will not come until the people show off about the masjid" said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). (Reported by Sunan Abu Dawood (449), Al Ahkam Al sagheer - Abdul haq ashbali pg. 181, Al Suyooti in Jami' Al Sagheer 9848, Sunan Al Darimi - Baab Al Salaat, page 383, Majmoo Al Awsat al Tabraani ,Musnad Ahmad and others - Authenticated by Al-Albani in saheeh Abu dawood 449 and Sahih Ibn Majah 610)

At present, we see some of our Muslim brothers engage in constructing lofty masajid, embellishing it with a items which are unnecessary. Let us take heed of our Messenger's (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) command on building masajid.

Abu Dawood (448) narrated that Ibn ?Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ?I have not been commanded to build lofty mosques.?

So, by exaggerating in our masajids, we are only wasting time, and bringing about our own destruction. The masajids, have to be beautiful, but not extravagantly so.


"I swear by the Day of Resurrection; And I swear by the self-reproaching person (a believer).

Does man (a disbeliever) think that We shall not assemble his bones? Yes, We are Able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers.

Nay! (Man denies Resurrection and Reckoning.) So he desires to continue committing sins."

(Surah Al Qiyamah, Verse 1-5)

Signs of the Hour # 6

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"The hour will not come until

the people show off about the


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2. The death of righteous persons: Narrated By Anas: I will narrate to you a Hadith and none other than I will tell you about after it. I heard Allah's Apostle saying: From among the portents of the Hour are (the following): 1. Religious knowledge will decrease (by the death of religious learned men). 2. Religious ignorance will prevail. (Sahih Bukhari Volume 001, Book 003, Hadith Number 081)

The death of righteous persons (the scholars of Islam) has a great impact. One of the signs of the Hour is that the death of religious people would become prevalent. It is believed that it is ruinous and devastating when an Islamic scholar dies. The knowledge they had is lost upon their death, causing an increase in ignorance amongst the people, for who is there to teach the people after the scholars have passed away? ?Abdullah b. ?Amr b. al-?As reported Allah?s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: ?Verily, Allah does not take away knowledge by snatching it from the people but He takes away knowledge by taking away the scholars, so that when He leaves no learned person, people turn to the ignorant as their leaders; then they are asked to deliver religious verdicts and they deliver them

without knowledge, they go astray, and lead others astray.?

(Sahih Bukhari, no. 100, kitaabul I?lm and Sahih Muslim, kitaabul i?lm, Book 48, Hadith 6971)

The above hadith provides explanation of how destructive the death of a scholar can be, such that the people f lock to the ignorant, and seek to learn from them! In addition it shows the scenario of making ignorant as leaders who are asked to deliver verdicts without any knowledge, thus leading the people further astray.

May Allah preserve our Islamic scholars who are on the guidance. Aameen To sum up, I'd say that these foreshadow the advent of the overwhelming Hour. The bottom line is that the Hour is yet to come and we are blessed with time for preparing ourselves to meet our Lord! The Prophet (pbuh) said: ?Take benefit of f ive before f ive: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free-time before your preoccupation, and your life before your death.? (Hakim)

May Allah assist you and me in striving for good deeds. Aameen

By Maha Bint Nayeem

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Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Hurairah said, "Allah's Messenger assigned me to keep watch over the Sadaqah (charity) of Ramadan. A person snuck in and started taking handfuls of foodstuff . I caught him and said, ` By Allah, I will take you to Allah's Messenger.' He said, ` Release me, for I am meek and have many dependents and am in great need.' I released him, and in the morning Allah's Messenger asked me, ` What did your prisoner do yesterday, O Abu Hurairah' I said, ` O Allah's Messenger! He complained of being needy and of having many dependents, so I pit ied him and let him go.' Allah's Messenger said, ` Indeed, he told you a lie and will be coming again.' I believed that he would show up again, for Allah's Messenger had told me that he would return. So, I watched for him. When he (showed up and) started stealing handfuls of foodstuff , I caught hold of him again and said, ` I will def initely take you to Allah's Messenger.' He said, ` Leave me, for I am very needy and have many dependents. I promise I will not come back again.' I pit ied him and let him go. In the morning Allah's Messenger asked me, ` What did your prisoner do last night, O Abu Hurairah!' I replied, ` O Allah's Messenger! He complained of his great need and of too many dependents, so I took pity on him and set him free.' Allah's Messenger said, ` Verily, he told you a lie; he will return.' I waited for him attentively for the third time, and when he (came and) started stealing handfuls of the foodstuff , I caught hold of him and said, ` I will surely take you to Allah's Messenger as it is the third time you promised not to return, yet you returned.' He said, ` Let me teach you some words which Allah will give you benefit from.' I asked, ` What are they?' He

replied, ` Whenever you go to bed, recite Ayat Al-Kursi- Allahu la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum, t il l you f inish the whole verse. (If you do so), Allah will appoint a guard for you who will stay with you, and no Shaytan will come near you until morning.' So, I released him. In the morning, Allah's Messenger asked, ` What did your prisoner do yesterday' I replied, ` O Allah's Messenger! He claimed that he would teach me some words by which Allah will grant me some benefit, so I let him go.' Allah's Messenger asked, ` what are they' I replied, ` He said to me: Whenever you go to bed, recite Ayat Al-Kursi from the beginning to the end, Allahu la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum. He further said to me: (If you do so), Allah will appoint a guard for you who will stay with you, and no Shaytan will come near you until morning.' (One of the narrators) then commented that they (the Companions) were very keen to do good deeds. The Prophet said, ` He spoke the truth, although he is a liar. Do you know whom you were talking to, these three nights, O Abu Hurairah' Abu Hurairah said, ` No.' He said, ` It was Shaytan.''' An-Nasa'i also recorded this Hadith in Al-Yawm wa Al-Laylah.

Allahu Akbar, so my dear friends now we know of the outstanding importance of Ayat Al Kursi, indeed mere words cannot express the magnitude of the status of this ayah.

Furthermore, the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: One who recites Ayat Al- Kursi [Qur'an chapter 2 verse 255] after every fardh Salah, nothing will be between him and heaven accept death. [Ref: Quran - chapter 2 verse 255, An-Nasa'i, 'Amalog-Yawm wal-Laylah


Ways to Jannah # 8

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(Hadith no. 100), also Ibn As-Sunni (no. 121). See also Al-Albani, Sahihul-Jami' As-Saghir 5/339 and Silsilatul-Ahadith As-Sahihah 2/697 (no. 972), Hakim, Al Tabraani.]

What an amazing motivation for us brothers and sisters, it?s not a dif f icult task, By Allah?s will we certainly can enact it. So let?s re-energize our will power and make it mandatory on ourselves to recite this verse, one can?t even perceive the miracle of this ayah; the beautiful path to Jannah it provides, but one can try their utmost

to perfect their recitation and pronunciation of this Ayah, comprehend it and recite it properly, rather than parrot read it.

?Everything has its pinnacle and the pinnacle of the Quran is Surah al-Baqarah. In it there is an ayah which is the greatest in the Qur?an: Ayat al-Kursi.?


By Bint Hasan


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Self Improvement

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A month before Ramadaan, I was asked the same question. This time, I answered. I made a simple planner, a litt le something that I could work around with. Ramadaan is here, what is your plan? We have looked at the past and talked about changing our mindset and helping others. Now is time to tackle the present. Time to plan! Here are some easy tips to make full use of our Ramadaan:

Set your goals!

If you want to make a change in your life, Ramadaan is the right t ime to start. It could be something small, to a bigger change. Here are examples of goals:

1. Start covering yourself

2. Grow a beard

3. Complete reading a Qur?an

4. Speak kindly to others

Make a planner!

Once you set your goal, create a reasonable planner for yourself . It doesn?t have to be elaborate and over the top. Make a simple planner that works around your needs and time, so it will not drain you out. Remember to include resting time too. Enough rest means a healthy body and mind, and more focus on your ibadah.

Social network detox!

If it?s hard for you to cut social network entirely, cut the one you use regularly, so that you have even more time for ibadah. To make it easier, do it

a month or two before Ramadaan. Once Ramadaan comes, you are already used to not checking up on any social networking sites. Perhaps uninstall it f rom your phone to help you cut the connection.

Discipl ine

Self-discipline is important. Discipline ourselves to stick to the planner, to achieve our goal. We also need to refrain from committing sins during Ramadaan. For example:

1. Backbiting.

2. Skipping daily prayers.

3. Losing your temper

4. Wasting time (e.g, watching TV shows, dramas etc? )

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet Peace be upon him said, "Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)" ? ref. Sahih al-Bukhari 1903


Two months before Ramadaan, I was asked, what was my Ramadaan plan? I couldn?t answer. I didn?t have anything planned for me. I am not really good with planners. I?ve tried doing a

Ramadan planner twice, and I failed miserably both times.


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Ibadaah (acts of worship):

The virtues of Ramadaan. This is something that we know, and the reasons why we are doing this. Here are a few reminders, why we are increasing our act of worships. Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Messenger Peace be upon him saying regarding Ramadaan, "Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadaan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven." (Sahih al-Bukhari 2008)

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "The Messenger of Allah Peace be upon him said: 'Whoever fasts Ramadaan out of faith and in the hope of reward, he will be forgiven his previous sins."' (Sunan an-Nasa'i 2204)

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger Peace be upon him, said, "When the month of Ramadaan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of the (Hell) Fire are closed, and the devils are chained." (Sahih al-Bukhari 3277)

Abu Huraira reported: Verily the Messenger of Allah Peace be upon him, said: The five (daily) prayers and from one Friday prayer to the (next) Friday prayer, and from Ramadhan to Ramadhan are expiations for the (sins) committed in between (their intervals) provided one shuns the major sins. (Sahih Muslim 233)

? but do not push yourself beyond your limit. Do any good deed moderately, without exhausting yourself . Narrated ̀ Aisha: Allah's Messenger Peace be upon him said, "Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little." (Sahih al-Bukhari 6464)

Plan your meal !

Do not skip your suhoor!

Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet Peace be upon him said, "Take Suhoor as there is a blessing in it." (Sahih al-Bukhari 1923) Plan your if taar carefully. Eat moderately, enough to f il l you up, and energize you. If you have more than enough food,

give it away to those in need.

Make t ime!

It is understandable that we stil l need to go to work during Ramadaan, but do make time. Take every opportunity we get to perform ibadaah. If we stil l have to take lunch break, use that t ime to read Qur?an. If our working hours are cut short, spend more time after work for ibadaah. Remember! Ramadaan is not a temporary increase of religious practice, it is a glimpse of what we are capable of doing everyday. If we can do it for a month, what's stopping us from the other eleven months?

By Anisah Matasim

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To many people a holiday is a break, the end of chores, routines, and work. But how can we break from fulf il l ing our duties and living as muslims? How can we break from our ibaadah? How can we have a break from our salah routine? The plain answer is, we can?t. As muslims we never truly have a rest, we are constantly busy with worshipping Allah, and striving to please Him.

During the holidays many will slack in their ibaadah, they will sleep late in the evening, often past midnight and sometimes after fajr. Sadly, though the night will not be spent standing in Qiyaam, making duaa, or in improving oneself ; it will be spent in idle chatter, backbiting, crude jokes, and eating more than one?s stomach has room for, all of which are contrary to the

Sunnah. This will lead to fajr being prayed late, or not at all in some cases. Those who manage to pray it after the night?s banter, will f ind themselves dragging their feet and their eyelids sore from sleeplessness. The khushu? will be lost and the salah will merely be a repetit ion of rituals. Sadly, this has more consequences, such people will usually sleep in until dhuhr, waking up late for salah again, missing dhuhr in jamaa?, and the blessing of the morning hours. As muslims we have to constantly l ive up to certain standards. These standards were legislated by Allah, and depicted to us through the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). Whilst we may take a holiday from our jobs, and schools, we can never take a break from our religion. Our religion is a comprehensive way of l ife

that governs everything we do. For each action we carry out will be rewarded for if in accordance with the guidelines given to us by Allah. So in reality, the muslims is never on holiday, they are constantly on duty, aware of any intrusion by the Shaytaan. Whilst on ?holiday? (and I use the term to refer to a break from work, school etc) make sure your salaah is prayed on time, and in Jama?a for the men, that if it is Ramadaan that you fast, and that you read your Qur?an daily, and you maintain Islamic conduct and good manners generally.And a reminder for my dearest sisters, please do not lose you hijab over the summer, or take a ?break? from it. Be strong, hold your head up high, Allah has blessed you with being muslim.

By Bibi Zainab Dowlut

Summer spells holidays! Most people get a much earned break from work, and children are off from school to enjoy a much needed rest from the four walls of the classroom. But I have a

question, what do you mean by holiday?

Musl im Hol idays

Page 22: Jewels of iman issue 8


Muslims are naturally active. Or so they should be. Yes, the ummah today is dormant and docile, and has sadly become reactionary. This is even more so with Ramadaan. For many the lack of food whilst fasting is simply unbearable. Their minds cannot focus, and food is the only thing they can think about all day. And so it is, in this state that they retire, sleeping through the day to pass the long hours, and losing the value of the time that passes. Taking a nap is one thing, it is even encouraged in the Sunnah, but sleeping half the day or more is pure laziness and incompetence!

If we look to the sahabah and salaf we f ind great examples for us to follow. They were people on a mission and accomplished many things whilst their bellies rumbled on. We f ind that often that Ramadaan was in fact the peak of their activity. They fasted the days, exerting their efforts in their daily routine, and then stood the night in prayer. They understood the value of Ramadaan, and the insignif icance of the pleasures of this dunya. They understood, that the Akhirah was worth the pain, suffering and dif f iculties. They knew that Jannah was expensive, no currency could buy it. They knew that Ramadaan was a means of earning Jannah by the mercy of Allah.

Let?s begin with the example of Abu-Hurayrah. Abu-Hurayrah was one of those extremely poor sahabahs, one of the Ahlus-suffah. He was one of those who had no option but to fast the days, because he had no food, and could not afford it. It was said that in salah sometimes he would faint due to extreme hunger. Can, our one day of fasting, which began with an elaborate suhoor, and which ends with an exquisite if taar be compared to the hunger experienced by this

man? By no means. Yet, despite the odds, this man was one of the preservers of our deen. There is not a hadith book that does not mention his name. He joined the Prophet in Madinah in 7 AH, fairly late in comparison to other sahabahs. In the four short years he spent with the Prophet, he memorised and narrated over f ive thousand ahadiths, despite the hunger that he felt on a day-to-day basis! I wander, how much can we remember when we're hungry?!

Lack of food made no dif ference to the early muslims. What kept them strong and f irm was their iman. Ramadaan, was a time in which the muslims attained many conquests. Through their ibaadah of fasting, and giving up their food and drink for the sake of Allah alone, He granted them victories. The Conquest of Makkah was achieved in Ramadaan, and that was perhaps the greatest achievement. Similarly, 92 years after Hijrah Muslims conquered Al-Andalus, and through this opened the gates to Constantinople. They liberated the people of Spain and brought the light of Islam, all in Ramadaan, whilst fasting. Again, in 658 After Hijrah, the decisive Battle of Ain Jalut was fought which put an end to Mongol atrocities. This battle was proof that it is not numbers that defeat enemies, but our trust upon Allah and our closeness to Him. The mujahideen who fought these battles were fasting, an action beloved to Allah. They were active whilst they fasted. They did not spend their days sleeping, watching the clock as the hours tick by. No. These muslims were on a mission, they were working for Allah, and His reward of Jannah.

May Allah, help us to be like them.

By Bibi Zainab Dowlut

Ramadaan: A Time of Act ivity

Page 23: Jewels of iman issue 8


So let us start with understanding what modesty is, then we will move on to how it will build a strong Muslim character. Hayaa in Islam can be defined as modesty, shyness or bashfulness in our character, as in the way we talk, walk, dress and every other aspect of l ife.

?Every way of l ife has an innate character. The character of Islam is Hayaa.? (Abu Dawud)

It is of utmost importance to point out that hayaa is a part of iman. Modesty is a very clear indication of our faith. As the Prophet had mentioned to the Ansar who was condemning his brother about being shy, ?Leave him, for Hayaa is (a part) of faith.? (Bukhari) In another narration the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ?Iman consists of more than sixty branches (parts). And Haya is a part of iman.? (Bukhari)

Haya encompasses self-respect, upright character, humility, decorum, scruple and therefore it is integral that a muslim acquires it. Hayaa should be deep rooted in our hearts, and apparent in the way we dress and act. A Person who has hayaa will never do anything against the Islamic teachings , because he knows that he has to face Allah and feels shy and ashamed to stand before Allah with sins.

Today some people are of the opinion that

Hayaa is in the heart, and as long as it there, all is well.Due to this they label others as extremist when they are advised to act upon hayaa. I ask you and them, are we better than the Prophet and His companions? They acted upon they hayaa that was in their hearts, indeed it is related that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had more hayaa, was more shy than a veiled virgin girl. (Bukhari) Shouldn?t we try to imitate him?

Who knows us better than our Creator? When we become modest people, Allah will love us as we are trying to follow the Quran and Sunnah. This improves our character a great deal and will help us in attaining a good reputation in this world and the hereafter. After this knowledge we have gained through reading this will we go on following the ways of this world? If so, then Iman is not written in our hearts. And if this is the condition of most of the Muslims then a severe punishment is very near in this world of immorality, where modesty is frowned upon, and ridiculed.

May Allah make us those of the modest, of those who follow the Quran and Sunnah and not of the ignorant and not of those who hear but are deaf and who see but are blind.

By Fatima Damad23

Let me tell you a very common but true story. Muslims gather for a very good cause, perhaps a charity fundraising event; men and women together. The ladies were in hijab, though perhaps

a few were not. The man under scrutiny here had a wife and she was muhajjaba (a woman who observes the hijab). Being in such an environment, with low iman, and little haya, the man of course found it difficult to lower his gaze, and soon the poisoned arrow of Shaytaan

found its place. He was attracted to this sister who wasn?t wearing the hijab. And so the Haram love story began and only Allah knows how it will end in this world but surely in the hereafter this love story is bound to be thrown in the blazing hell fire. Allahu Akbar! Surely if modesty

was observed by both genders, then this would not have happened. The heartbreak and sorrow, in this life and the hereafter can be spared.

Our Character # 8

Page 24: Jewels of iman issue 8


?I man consists of more than sixty

branches (par ts) . And H aya is a par t of iman.?

(Bukhar i)

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My answer stil l l ingers in my mind. I want to answer with an enthusiastic "YES! Yes I am ready!" but then a part of me steps back and re-evaluates my current state of imaan, my current l ist of deeds, and the intentions in my heart. Are they pure enough to earn Allah's pleasure? Does my imaan make me remember Allah 24/7 and what about my deeds? Am I doing enough?

Questions, questions, questions. But where are my answers?

I realised I have been so preoccupied with other priorit ies, I had taken a step back with my progress with Allah. How easy it is to get caught up with our worldly affairs even if it means with just our daily routines and expanding our social network. How easy it is to replace your passion for your deen with your passion for the culinary, the social, and the arts. Litt le diversions will lead to bigger ones if you don't stop yourself in your tracks and realise "hey,

I?m not spending as much time as I should on strengthening that rope with my Lord." But sometimes, the more diverted you become, the harder it is for you to get back on track and could you just imagine, dying at that moment in time when you are far from Allah?

I often ponder the thought: "What if I died this very moment? What would I be doing? How would I be resurrected?" I now see the importance of always trying to f il l our l ives with Islam (every moment of our l ives). Even if it is simply making dhikr of the tongue while cooking, reading Qur'an before you do anything or praying two rakaat before you take a nap or go to sleep. You are at least doing something that, if you were to die, you would die knowing that you remembered Allah every moment that you could. We can never physically prepare ourselves for our death, but we can try our best to prepare ourselves earning the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah when we are in our

graves or standing in line on the Day of Judgement. *shiver*

Time is precious and can you honestly say that you are using your time wisely? Ramadan is not just a time for us to eat and sleep. This Ramadan, try to start getting your act together as you never know if this will be your last Ramadan. I can't express to you and to myself just how important t ime is, as it states in the Qur'an:

"By Al-'Asr (the time). Verily! Man is in loss, except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-Ma'ruf) which Allah has ordained), and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar) which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah's Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism etc)." (Al-Asr 103)


What if it was my last Ramadan?

Wow, what a simple yet profound question. I often wonder and think to myself , "what if it WAS my last Ramadan?" What if I were to die this year? What if I were to die next week ? Would I be ready to meet Allah? Would I be ready to withstand the greatest f itnah in the


Heart Softeners # 5

Page 26: Jewels of iman issue 8


Time is a non-refundable transaction in this dunya, but can be refunded to you in the Akhirah if you spend it wisely. This blessed month is a time for ref lection, solitude, and strengthening your relationship with your Creator.

Once Ramadan is over, we should not become relaxed and fall back into our old routines but we should work hard to continue picking up where we left off with all the hard work we did during the blessed month. Continue to strive after Ramadan, that is when you really reap the most benefits. Ramadan is a huge mercy and blessing from Allah and if we util ize it properly, we should come out of this beloved month as a new person who is more obedient and conscious of Allah, the almighty. If this was your last Ramadan would you be content with what you accomplished this month?

By Umm Abdur-Rahman

Page 27: Jewels of iman issue 8


Allah says,

"Woe to those who pray, those who are neglectful of their prayers, who make a show of their deeds." (Surah Ma?oon 107:4-6)

In reference to this verse the prophet said, "this is the prayer of the hypocrite, this is the prayer of the hypocrite, this is the prayer of the hypocrite..." (Muslim) The Prophet has identif ied such a person who shows off as a hypocrite. And I am sure we all know the place of the hypocrite in the Hellf ire, they will be in "the lowest depths" living in the sewage and remnants of the inhabitants of hell. Ibn kathir explains that such a person only stands to pray it so that the people will see him praying, and not seeking the Face of Allah. This is just as if he did not pray at all.

Similarly, Allah says in the Qur?an,

"Verily the hypocrites, seek to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives them. And when they stand up with laziness and to be seen of men, and they do not remember Allah but little." (Surah An-Nisa 04:142)

We need to be cautious about our intentions, as fall ing into this sin is a form shirk. May Allah protect us.

My dear brothers and sisters, Ramadaan is here, and all muslims should be fasting unless they have a valid reason. But amazingly no one can actually see whether you are fasting or not. Fasting is one the few acts of worship which riyaa is dif f icult to penetrate, for the simple fact that it is not an apparent or obvious deed.

Nonetheless we should stil l purify our intentions when we fast, because there is a severe warning from the prophet.

He peace be upon him said, "Whoever tries to make the people hear of his deed, Allah the One Who Hears His creation, will hear it and make him despised and degraded." (Ahmad)

In the narration collected by Muslim, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "whoever does things to be seen and heard by others, Allah will cause him to be seen and heard as an example to others." Imagine Allah making you an example to others! I highly doubt it refers to a 'good' example! What dishonour, shame and humiliation that would be! Allah alone is worthy of our worship and good deeds, they should be done seeking His pleasure and reward alone. We should not fast or pray to please our parents, or teachers or even our families. We should pray, fast and give charity because Allah has commanded us to, and it is pleasing to Him and we will be rewarded immensely for doing so.

Allah says in the Hadith Qudsi,

?I am so Self-sufficient that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus he who does a deed for someone else's sake as well as Mine will have that deed renounced by Me to the one he associated with Me.? (Muslim 4/2289)

May Allah help us to purify our intentions during this blessed month that we may take full advantage of the rewards available.

By Bibi Zainab Dowlut


Ibadah is something we do solely for Allah, it is one of the conditions for our deeds to be accepted. Showing off is not allowed, as the deed is no longer done to please Allah but instead

to show people how pious or righteous one is.

Muharramat # 8

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Sisters Section

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My dear brothers and sisters, I implore you to realize the importance of this blessed month. It comes once in a year. We have to wait for eleven months, approximately 335 days for it to come again! Unfortunately nowadays, all that we can think about is "so what should I make for the if tar today, everyone must be bored of samosas and spring rolls, I need to try something new, perhaps I should switch to chicken shawarma and nandoos." Seriously! Is this blessed month the only time to try out new recipes and cuisines?

And oh! The other thing that bothers us is, "Eid is approaching and I stil l have not bought my bangles and shoes to match my Eid dress". Ya ukhti what were you doing before Ramadan? We need to take this on a serious note. We had so much time to shop before Ramadan but now do we want to waste these treasured days and sanctimonious last ten nights in shopping? If that were the case, one would only be able to articulate that this ummah now days is truly amazing!!!

My dear friends, it is vital that we learn wisdom from our pious predecessor?s, those who have succeeded and are among the muqarribun. Amongst this pious circle and among the forerunners of Islam is our beautiful and elegant Mother of the believers, Juwayriyyah (May Allah be pleased with her). These pious people were immersed in ibadah and gaining

Allah?s qurb (nearness). We can see this in the following narration; Juwayriyyah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) left her apartment in the morning as she was busy observing her dawn prayers in her place of worship. He came back in the forenoon and she was stil l sitt ing there. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "You have been in the same place since I left you?" She said, "Yes". Thereupon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him )  said: "I recited four words three times after I left you and if these were to be weighed against what you have recited since morning these would outweigh them, and these words are:

Glory be to Allah and praise is due to Him by the multitude of His creation, by His Pleasure and by the weight of His Throne and by the extent of His Words." My dear friends imagine the importance of this supplication, indeed how outstanding it is. In it we claim that our Rabb, Allah is free from all imperfections, glory is to Him alone. By ?bihamdihi? we say that we praise and thank Him. And then my friends how much do we


Ramadan has f inally arrived! Alhamdulil lah we are now in the midst of it, yet it will soon end and therefore we need to grasp that we have just a few days in hand so, let's try to take full

advantage of it.

# 8 Juwayriyyah Bint Harith

Page 30: Jewels of iman issue 8

1. Adada khalqihi -We praise Him by the multitude of His Creation, and indeed Allah is the Creator of everything. This phrase encompasses all of His Creation, all the human beings, all the Jinns, all the drops of water, all the clouds, all the f ish, all the ants and indeed every creation within and beyond our imagination. That many times we praise Him and thank Him! 2. wa ridhaa nafsihi- By this we say that, until Allah is not pleased Himself , we go on praising and thanking Him. 3. wa zinata 'arshihi- then we praise by the weight of His throne and indeed whose throne could be more magnif icent than His the Almighty 4. Wa midaada kalimatihi- And we thank Allah and glorify Him to the extent of His Words, and how many are the words of Allah? Allah says in

the Qur'an, ?Say: if the sea were ink for writ ing the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted, before the words of my Lord were exhausted even if We brought the like of it as a supplement.? (Surah Kahf 18:109) Moreover, the above narration also gives us an insight as to how much ibadah our Mother of the Believer did. Imagine spending the whole morning in prayers and worship. I urge you my brothers and sisters in Islam to hasten towards good deeds, learn this beautiful supplication and pray to Allah to accept it f rom us.

May Allah gather us all in Jannatul Firdous Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen

By Bint Ayeshah


"Say: I f the sea were ink for wr it ing

the words of my L ord, the sea would

be exhausted before the words of my

L ord were exhausted..."

Page 31: Jewels of iman issue 8

Having fun the Halaal way

Page 32: Jewels of iman issue 8

Answers to Last month's Quiz: (From Lef t to right):

1) The Gate is called Ar-Rayyan

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "There is a gate in paradise called Ar-Rayyan through which those who fast will enter on the Day of Judgement, and no one besides them will enter it."

2) The gates of heaven open and the gates of hell are closed on the coming of Ramadan.

"The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, " when Ramadaan comes, the gates of paradise are opened and the gates of hell are closed, and the devils are chained."

3) The Prophet recommended Aishah to read:

4)"Take suhur for there is blessing in taking a meal at that t ime." Bukhari and others.


Page 33: Jewels of iman issue 8

Quiz Time!


When should

muslims seek out

Layla- tul-Qadr?

What is

L ayla- tul-Qadr?

How do we know when Ramadaan ends?

What is the name of the fest ival

marking the end of Ramadaan?

Ramadan Special

Page 34: Jewels of iman issue 8

1. Place the rice in a sauce pan with 750ml of the milk and gradually heat until simmering. Cook, uncovered, over a very low heat for 30-40 minutes, until the rice is completely tender, stirring frequently.

2. Blend the ground rice with the remaining milk and add to the pan, stirring. Slowly bring back to the boil and cook for 1 minute.

3. Stir in the sugar, ground almonds, vanilla and almond essence and orange-f lower water if using. cook until the pudding is thick and creamy.

4. Pour into serving bowls and sprinkle with the chopped dates and pistachios to decorate. Allow to cool before serving.



75g short grain (pudding) rice

900ml skimmed milk

2tbsp ground rice

50g caster sugar

15g ground almond

1tsp wanilla essence

1/2 tsp almond essence

a litt le orange- f lower water (optional)

2 tbsp chopped dates

2 tbsp unsalted, pistachio nuts, f inely chopped.


Fragrant Rice w i th Dates

Ramadan Special


Page 35: Jewels of iman issue 8

Ramadaan Fun


Ramadaan is all about fasting, but that doesnt mean you can't enjoy yourself !

1) The f irst way to enjoy yourself this Ramadaan is to enjoy your fast, know that this ibadah is bringing you closer to Allah, and earning you His pleasure.

2) Engage in your favourite Ibadah, whether it be reading Qur'an, or praying extra nawafil, or giving charity. this way your soul will be satisf ied, and your conscience will be a peace knowing you've done the right thing.

3) Join in activit ies with your local mosque. This way you can enjoy the brotherhood/sisterhood and the company of those with whom you share the same faith.

4) Get kids involved. Children feel all grown up when they know they are doing 'adult things; such as fasting. it makes them feel responsible and it will put a smile on their l itt le faces.

5) Though now is not the time to spend hours in the kitchen experimenting, you can take a few extra minutes to set the table with extra care, and add a few surprises to your if taar meal. Who doesn't l ike to see the mouth-watering food laid exquisitely on the table...it only makes it all the more appetizing after the long days fast.

6) Say Salaam to random people. It will spread peace amongst the community, and it will put a smile on another person's face, and make them feel honoured. Plus it will make you feel good, and experience the warmth of brotherhood/sisterhood that makes us one ummah.

7) Decorate your houses, and make it feel l ike Ramadaan is here! If you like candles, set some candles near your prayer area, and light them when your pray your qiyaam-ul-layl, it 'l l build a cosy atmosphere, and get you into Tarweeh mood!

8) Put effort in the way you dress to attend the mosque. Rather than merely leaving in your 'house clothes', dress up (not extravagantly, and sisters within limits), it 'l l make your visit to the mosque special and put a spring in your step.

These are just small ways to spice up our Ramadaan....and there are plenty more. Educational islamic games and Qur'an quizzes are all ways of motivating us to increase our ibadah, and enjoy the experience.

Ramadan Special

Page 36: Jewels of iman issue 8



6 Oranges

15-30ml/1-2 tbsp orange- f lower water or rose-water (optional)

lemon juice (optional)

115g/ 4oz/ 2/3 cup stoned dates

40g/ 1 1/2 oz/ 1/2 cup pistachio nuts

15ml/ 1 tbsp icing sugar plus extra for dusting

5ml/ 1 tsp toasted almonds.

- Peel the oranges with a sharp knife, removing all the pith. Cut into segments, catching the juice in a bowl. Place in a serving dish.

- Stir in the juice from the bowl with a litt le orange-f lower or rose- water, if using, and sharpen with lemon juice, if l iked.

- chop the dates and almonds and sprinkle over the salad with the icing sugar.Chill for 1 hour

- Just berfore serving, sprinkle with the toasted almonds and a litt le extra icing sugar.




Ramadan Special

Page 37: Jewels of iman issue 8


Dr. Rayan F. Arab

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Page 38: Jewels of iman issue 8

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