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Page 1: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -







Page 2: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -







Puhli~hrd br TllF. JF.\\ ET'I I .\MILY OF .n tERICA

I 11rnrpor.1 tl·d I 'Ith qm·mbl·r. 1910) RO\\ LE' . ~I. \ .\ C.H L' Errs

Page 3: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -


Officers and D irectors 5

The Prcsidcm 's Reporl 7

A Page from the Lifr or .i Picmcer 10

New Member~ 13

Allen .Jcwctt's Collec1 ion ... . ' . . . . . . . !+

Lineage or Marian G. T odd 15

The .J ewell Plate 16

A Busines!' Lcllcr in 1733 16 Copyright 1962

JEWETT FAMILY OF AMERICA, INC. Rowley, Massachusetts

Births Recorded 17

~ecrology 18

Treasurer·s R eport 21

Report of the Busint>SS M eeting 22

~ecrctary· s Report 2+

O ther Fam ily Gatherings . ..... .... ... ..... 27

Notes .. .. .... ..... ........ . 28

Register of the Twcnty-Scconc.I .J ewett Reu nion 32

The Descendants of John J<•w1·tt 37

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Page 4: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

WILLIAM CHASE. JEW'El~ 1883 - 1961

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President ,Roge r J t!W<'l.t, Williamstown, M~1;sachu1;ctts

Vice Presidco t. Raymond D. J<•wrtl. Springfie ld, M assacl n1sctts

Recording Sccn·tary an<l Treasurer Evcrcll Dougla~ .f cwc'tt. Ro,,·lcy. Massathllsett~

Corresponding ccrctary l\frc;. Edna P. ( E. D. J J<'wett, Rowley, Massachusetts

Auditor Porter.). Perkins, Wenham, "N!assachusctts

Historian Everett Doug'la~ J ('wctt, Rowley, M assachusetts


T he President. Vice Prc~idt·m and Rtcording Secretary

Judge T heo S. Jc,wtt, Laconia. ~cw Harnp~hi1c

H crschl'l C . .) l'weu, Ma<;on. Michigan

E. T ilson Peabody, Binning li am. Michigan

ShC'pard L. Jewett, L ynn, M assachusetts

Porter .J . Perk ins. \\'enbam. M assach usetts

George Harold Pfau, Tuscon. Arizona

Donald C. Jevrtt, Cleveland, Ohio

ANNUAL DUES ... ,, ..



T he Jewett Family of America, l nc.

P. 0. Hox 251

Rowley, Nfassachusctts

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$ 2.00


$ 1.00

Page 5: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

FOURTH ~fEETING-HO SE OF FIRST CH RCH, ROWLEY. Built in 1842 by l\fark R . J ewett. Headquarters of the 1961 J ewett R eunion.


- 6 -


T empus fug its!

lt has been a plcasmt' to serve as President of rhe .Jewett F n111ily of America for the past fifteen months - to prcside at the twent y-.~econd Reunion in RO\\•lcy and to offer a soun·nir thina plate with the J ewett Coat­of-A1m s in color in the ccnccr of the plate. and mo"c particularly to meet wich so many .Jcwetts in per. on or by correspondrnc<·. T ime flies so fast that wp

have not becn able lO do all the things W<' would like to do in thc name of the .J ewell Family of America . especially when it has to be trc:ncd as an extra-curricular activity or hobby.

I wa nt to thank all oJ Lite members that have written to me a nd a polog ize for not having responckcl to a ll of the lcttns. 1 am g rateful for tlw many irn·itations to visit J ewctts in various parts of the country . H ow T would likr' to do it. 1 hopr T may some day.

l rcmernhcr George A. ] l'Wctl when he was pn'sident of the Fa mily. He tra q ::Jcd extensively and went out of his way to call on Jcwctts. It wo1dd be helpful if WC cou ld find one or more volunteers who arc intel"CSLl'd in [he J ewl' tt Fam ily and have the time and means to travel, for by calling on Jewctts iL would be easy to h11ild up the J ewe ll Fru11ily of America, as George A. J ewett did when he was president. This offers a most interesting challenge and an intriguing study of Americana, both historically and genealogically.

ll was panially for thi~ reason that l rrcommended to the Board of Directors a nd to the member~ assembled at the reunion that in order to broaden representation on the Board, \W increase the Board of Directo rs from six to fifteen. This wo1dd make it more diffic 11l t to hold meetings of the entire Board , and so it was suggested that a quornm be one-third of th at number. Both of these suggestions were approved a nd adopted by thl· Board of Directors and the membership.

O nly ten Directors were elec ted but these included Yfr. G. H arold Pfau from Tutson , Arizona , a nd M r. Donald C. ] t'wcu from C leveland, Ohio. Wr hope to add to the Boa rd of Directors from oth<'r parts of the country in due tim<'.

It is with sincere regret tha t we report elsewhere in these pages the death of Mr. William Chas<· .J ewett, who was a fa ithful Director and a con­tinuous n1ember of the J ew<·it Family of America since l910. Or. F rank Sniffen J ewett is now serYing his country in the Navy. ~fr. H enry W. Jeweu of West Palm Reach . F lorido, has resigned as corporation counsel a nd this post has not been fill ed . This accounts for tliosc \Vho no longer appear in our official Family.

J t is with great pleasu rl' that I recommend tn the Hoard of Directors and those in attenda nce a t the k cunion t he eleva tion of six faithful members. a nd that tlwse recommcndaLions were tmanimously approved by hoth Directors and members. and given an appropriate round of applause. J udge Theo S. J ewett o f Laconia, New Hampshire, was nam('d President Emeritus, ha\·ing sen ·ed as president for twenty-one years. Add<'d to our list of H onorary Lifr M embers were H erschel C . .J ewett. immedia te past president; Raymond D. Jewett, our Vice Presidt'nl who has served under three preside nts long a nd faithfull y; Everett Douglas J eweLt and hi~ good wif<' Edna P. J ewett, witl1out whom this J ewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. Willia m A. J ewett, who with Everett Douglas were the o nly o riginal

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members of Lhe J r wctt F~1mily of Amcrica in attendance a l Lbis ll cunion. They will n:ct· iw· appropriatl' scrolls signifying Lhcir uew .mnus.

It was also a pleas11rc lO show a sample of a limited munbcr of d1ina plates containin~ tlw J ewett CoaL-of-A nns in color lhat I had manufaclurcd to offer to llw mrnih<'r~ of tilt' J l·wcn Family. T his is referred to elsewhere for there are :'I frw plaH·~ 1Tmaini11g for those ,,-ho wanL them. Nfy cones­pondcnce has indicatl'cl tlrat tltc plat<" have been w1•1l recci\·cd and hav<' creau·d a new interes t in tlH· Fami!y. Y ery few families other than royalties J1;wc ch ina bearing tl11•i1 Coats-of-Arrns. Tt i readily apparent that these plates will lx·cornt· n collccwr~ iu•m.

An cxcdlcnt rcpon of the l{cunion is included in thew pa1-rcs. Wr arc inclebtt·cl to ~1rs. Whitne} Weinrich of H a rwood. M aryland. \.dto sen cd a~ the Acting 'ccrctary of tlw b11sin<.'ss meeting and program of the R eunion on Saturday. The report of tlw R e union comes from these notes. T his covers lhe serious s ide of the Reunion. but it sho uld bf' reported that d1ere wns turn~ fo r entena inmcn t ;1 nd rclnxatio11. Those who assembled on Friday li ad their choice of places to \' isit in the area. Some of the young people went swirnm ing w liilP otlwr~ went LO ~<·c places of scr·nic and h istoric interest. ~ome of us who tho11gh t we knew Olli' w::iy aro1md got los t on the [mprovcd new highways a nd d id not get bac k in t iwe fo r the open ing of the F rid ay \'vcning enLerta in­Jrl C'nt prog rum. M a ny wen( to Sa!C'm to see the many historic b11ildings a nd to vi~it the Es~l'X r nsl it !I l l' wi t Ii its l'xcellcm genealogical library. Others visitC'd Cape A nn a nrl thf' in Lerrs ting: fi ~ hing port of Gloucester. T he n in the ev<'ning a 1-ccC'pl ion wa~ held :'Ind a slrowin~ by Milfo rd F. D a niels, a nd throug h the courtesy of LhC' Sc·krtmen of Jfowley, of the films of the R owley T ercentenary c·elt-bration. Flow1·r~ to g r<icr Llw occasion were supplied by ·Miss M a rian T odd and .\fr~- D orothy Brig ham. ~rs . Sut' Perkins of W enham, M ass. presided at the rrft'cshmC'nt tabl<'.

The Board of D irector<; was bu<iy during the Reunion. ha\'ing held three meetings. \\'1· 1· rnhli~lwcl a new corporation, known as thr J ewett Y{emorial Library Corporatilm. and in order to me('t ,,;th our Hoston attorney cmployc·d for thi~ pur·poi;<'. we had 10 hold a special meeting of the Board following thr busines!. 11w1·ting of the Rrunion and before the luncheo n m eeting. Th<' luncheon 11ll't'tin!,; wa.;; gotcen underway before our D irector's meeting had hel'n co.mplrt<·<.l and th<' nl'rc«;sary steps taken in establishing this corporation. for which WC' musl apologi7e to those who an ended the luncheon. The purpo~c of cstah li~l1ing thi' m·w organization was to set 11p a corporation to wh ich ront t ibution., could hr made that would be tax r xempt. There is a question as to whetltc'r con1rib111i<>ns n1a.!e to the J ewett Fam ily of America, I nc. tottlc.I bc so rnnsidC' 1'('(1. JTcncr, this new corpora tion was formed. The officers a ud d in·ctors of thi.~ nr w corporation arc R oger J ewett, Prc•sident, W ill i::unstown, Ma~sac: li ttsetl~ ; E\C-rrtt Douglas J ewett, Secrrtary, R owley, wfassachusctls; Pur ll·r .J. P1·rkins, Tn'as urcr, Wenham , M assach11s<'ttt; H ay­m~nd_ D. J ewel l, S pring fi e ld , M:macl111st"tts : E. Ti lson Peabody, Rirrn ing li am, 1Vl 1c:I 11gan; Georg<• Cf t~rokl Pf a.11. T ur.son. Arizona; A I be rt H a lcy, Rowley, 1-~assac li uset ls; Dcmald C . .J ewett, Cleveland, Ohio, and Slwpard L. Jewett of Lynn. ~\.1assacl1 u~clts. :Mr. E. Tilson Pcabodv is Cha irman of the Co111-mittee on the E stablislunrn t of die J ewett M en.;orial Library.

During the- Rrunion. tht"\<' Directors discus~ed possible locations and other JJCrtinrnL ma t Lt·rs. T lw pfans for this propost'd new library are in the hand: of M r. P1•ahody. from whom we shall probably hear bcforr lo ng. This is an extra-nu riC'l1lar contribution of time on his part and we arc gratefol lo hjm for hi~ intc·r<'~L in thi<i matwr.

- 8 -

IL should a lso br n·port ed that fo llowing the lun cheon meeting, where we heard a most jntcrt's l ing informn l talk by Mr. Winthrop P. Haynes, PresidC'nt of the E~wx County [I istorical Association, <i brief memorial ser\'icc wa.~ held at the burial gro11nds. This was conducted by Re\-. \\'illia.m H. Jewett as a tribute to ow· forebears.

A year ago, 1 cxpressed the hop<' that we could establish se\·eral com­mittees. W e haw 1101 h<'C'n ablr to do so bcc<iu"e of the lack of \-o h111tcC'1 : and so I take this opportunity public!}' to thank our secretaries. Mr. and Mr~. E,·erett Douglas Jewett. for all of tlw Limr a nd effort that they gi\·e lo the J cw1't t F amily of America. Jt is lO them and M iss ~1arian Todd that the largest credit must be gh-tn for tlw publica cion of our yearbook.

\Ve arc particularly tntcrcstecl in thr 111l'Ctings of the ,·arious branch<'-'> of the fr<111il y wl1crcvcr d wv an • ht Id. W e would like w be told about them both in ad va ncc :mu aftf· r~vards by wa.y of a report. Where p o<>s ihle, w~ woultl like to anangc to liaw an o ffi cer or Director of the J ewett Family of America present. Jn this wa y. d ir<'CL reports can be brought to these' gatherings.

Finally. it is p leasant lo read tl1e report of t.l 1e growth of our membcr­sllip, for thm has been one of ou1· goa ls. TL ;,J101dd continue to g row rapidly. W e welcome vo lunt a ry applications for 11w111bcrslii fJ and the added intcr('st of m any frorn \'arious part s of tlw counl ry. lt is with regret that we 110Lc the passing of many fajth ful mv111 bn s wlto will be missed. W e a re graLl'fu l for your interest a nd trust that it w ill ('<.int inuc to grow.

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Page 7: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -


By M rs. I. r. Jewett, Waterford, Maine

Contributed with addit ional notes by M iss Marian G . T odd

While looking through an old scrap book I found the undated poem: "A Page From The Life of a Pioneer'' bearing the name of the author, Mrs. I . F . Jewett of \Vatl'rford, M aine. H ere was a mystery! I wondered if J could locate the family or descendants of the author, "Nfrs. I saac F. Jewett, who knew so much of the courageous CJ1aplin F amily from Rowley.

Severa l summers a<>'o J tra,·eled LO Waterford. :My trip was unsuccessfu l a.~ at that time I did n~t locate :my of the Jewett family descendants. I did, however, lind the property of the Chaplin heirs.

The old Rowlcv Road, in ?\orth Waterford, which leads to tlw orig ina l Chaplin property '~' as not pa-~sablc, so I followed a road leading past a meeting IJousc a ncl burial ground, thence by the old Lucien Jewe tt place. I came upon a little cemetery, part of which was growing up to brush and trees. H erc I fo uncl several g ravestones bearing the names of some of the early se ttlers of Rowley, those of C ha plin, Saunders, G reene, H obson, Jewett and }>Jununer. One of the stones, as I remember, was that of M ary Sa11nclcrs Cha plin, which bore the words, " Born in Rowley, M ass." Poor Mary, wa.5 she homesick for h r r o ld home ? Those words, "Born in Rowley, M ass." seemed tO me that she was so anxious to forever record and for a ll lo sec that the place of her binh was always dear to her.

O thers must have a lso been homesick for lhc old T own of R owley for in the History of Waterford is recorded the words of Po lly Green, ' 1How l used to marvel at my mother's story of leaving her old home in R owley, the beauties of Prosp<'ct Elill on Lhe one· hand and the charming Plum Island on the ocher, for this cold a nd dreary wilderness of Waterford: nor the emotions I felt, half a cenwry afterwards, when I stood for the first time, on a Thanksgi\'ing morning. upon the sam e encha nted P rospect H ill ( nl'ar the foot on Bradford . trert \\'here her mother was born ), O\'erlooking the town and d istant Plum l sland, thl' gateway to the sea and remembered my dear mother, who left all this fifty yea rs bl'fore for a wilderness home,..

A search of the rccorc.ls of Waterford. Oxford County, M aine·, re,·eals that the town lies among the foothills of the White Mountain chain. The area was survered in l 77 1· and the first settler , Da,·id M cWain, born in Bolten, M ass., December N , J 752, traveled there by way of Portland, Sebago Lake and L ong Pond. 'Waterford was incorporated as a to ... vn May 2, 1797, an orthodox minister was set tled in 1799 and a militia company formed the same year. ..

History records tlia L it was the brave men and women from the towns of Bolton, Harvard, Stowe, Northborough and R ow ley, M ass. that fLtrnished most of the early settlers.

T he Northwest pa rt of 'Waterford was for a long time called " Rowley" a nd the old Lo,·ell road from North Wmcrford as far as the Lovell town line• was called "Rowley Street".

The exact date of the coming of the Rowley families to Waterford cannot be determined, except chat L ieut. Thomas Green purchased la nd there in 1788. He was followed by Deacon tephen Jewett and his sons Nathan a nd Ebenezer ; Moses Hobson (who worked for the deacon in Rowley) ; Jonathan,

- 10 -

Samuel and Joshua P lummer; Joshua, Ezekiel, Samu<:] and H 1unphrcy Saunders; Da niel and Da\'id C:hnplin. Their coming and that of E li Longley of Bolton. M ass. and Ebl'r Rice of 1\orrhborough led lo the building or c11tting of the first road through \\'atl·rford. Thi~ road wa-) rougher than "A modern logging road' '.

Petition for the incorporation of Lhc inhabitants of the "Plan tation of Waterford" includul a.' ~igner : Nathaniel. Ebenezer ;,nd tcphen Jewett: Ezekial a nd Joshua Saumkr!-: Thomas and D aniel Green: Daniel Chaplin; Samuel Plummer and Nathan J ewell.

A tax payers Ii t of 1797 includrc;: Daniel and D3\·id Chaplin: D aniel and Lieut. Thoma~ Grel'n; Cnpt. Strplwn , J\athan, Lieut. Ebenezer a nd Nathaniel Jcwelt; Ezl'kicl H umphrry an<l Mrs. Betsey Saunders.

A town meeting was lwlc.I J 11nl' 7, 1797 a nd a partial list of those elected to town office wcrl': D a niel Chaplin, M'COnd se!ccun a n: Daniel Green, deer rcaf; Ebenezer .Jewclt and Sa111ucl Pl 11n1111er, hog constables ; Nathaniel Jewett, field driver.

The organ i'7;ation of the C:hm ch \\'as represen ted by fami lies froll! Rowley. \Ve find the name~ of C hap lin, Jcwe1 t, Pl11 mmer, Saunders on the list ; Stephen Jewett was chosen Dl'arnn. Stephen J rwelt was also appointed J ustice of the Peace in 1799, hut lie clt'clinrd a nd rPcommenclecl thaL Eber l<.ice be appointed.

A~ early ::is 1803 mrntion was made of the Ba ptists in Wa terford and Mighill JC'wett preached for rhen1 n ponion of the time fo r several years. He preached in t he s11mm<·r and kept the school in the wimcr. "Nl aster Chaplin'' chc ll'arned blarksmiLh was their deacon.

About l820 a fullinl{ mill was built at North \ \'aterford by Nathaniel Jewett.

T he subject of the following verse was ~11 s. D aniel Chaplin of R owley, M ass. H e1· n:une bdorc her marriage was ~fary Saunder (many of her re lari,·es resided in R o\\'ley and Georgetown, M ass.) . On their journey Lo '\'aterford, M aine, they were• O\'l:'l taken by a line storm and came very near being drowned whiie crossing L::ike Sebago on a raft of logs. The mother and ch ilci \Yere lashed to a desk, 01 as it was then cnlled a ·chest of drawers'. At the time this pol'm wa~ writt en the: desk w~1s the property of tlw M isses Chaplin of Water ford. The Misses Chaplin were the grandchildren of the woman above mcntionc·<.l. T he child who was brought in her arms, in after years became onr of Lhc lrading 111rn of the town. He \vas in town office a number of years and in many an old farmho use was found his map or town chart .

Now listen my friends, a nd you shall hear A page from the life of a µionce r ; How she left her home in the ''Oki Bay State' ' And started fonh with lie r chosen mate.

To kindred a nd friends she bade adieu, But in her eyes a 111istincss g rew When to "Old R owley" she said "good-bye," And turned away from the wesLern sky.

- I L -

Page 8: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

With progress stow they jo~1rned a long. Cheering themselves with s:icred song. T he eyes of their child grew big with fright As clouds and darkness obscured the light.

With tender care she soothed her child And faced the storm, now fie rce and wild, T hey crossed "cbago, in the Equinox Child in her arms, both la~hcd to a box.

Across their raft the wild waters r an, Seeking the life of woman and man, With silent p rayer, a nd courage strong, They gra5ped the logs, were swept aJong.

Tis' light a t last, 0 we lcome sight, The sun comes forth in g lory br ight ,

oon will their journey, ended be, Soon their new home, they gladly sec.

On northern slope of old Beech H ill They went to work wiLl1 strength and will, T he forest echoed both far and wide. T he sound of the axe, with vigor plied.

The years passrd hy on th a t h illsic.le farm, N o want is known, they rl·ar no harm, Noble and tflll' 1 heir lives have been Away from the worry and strife of sin.

Their children now assume· the care, And a ll the hc:tvier burdrn bear, And after many clays of trial One plays in church. the old bass v iol.

The surveyors art he a lso knew And many a boundary line he drrw. \Vith chart and map h is town snpplird. And in his judgment, all relied.

Another made the a nvil ring \Vith heavy blow and steady swing. And o'er his books of Greek <lid pore, Seeking to learn of hidden lore.

But now a hundred years have fled, And they a re n llmbcred with the dead, M ay each kindred a nd each friend Follow their virtues to t he end.

And may we a ll a lesson learn, Ne'er from duty's path to turn, But onward press, with might and main If we at last t he goal would gain.

- 12 -



887 i Hai...-cy M. Jewett Ca lifornia

660~ W ilbur Jewett L awson 6603 Edward F letcher Jewett 6603 K alhcrinr Jewett Lawson 2069 M rs. C. J. T angner

780 M rs. IL C. (M argarcr ) H ead John JcweLt Gage.: :'vfarilyn Jewetc Gag<'

20$9 M rs. C. Harold (Mary L. ) J aneway Louisiana

4-218 M rs. L~nvrence J. (Irene ) Le.Bon ·~2 1 8 Mrs. W. 0 . {Ed wina ) P rados <~2 1 8 M rs. Michael J. {Al ice M .) T oso. Sr. 1218 Mrs. Joseph C. ( Mildred ) Y()ung

M assachusetts 9977 C la rence A. Jewett 15 19 Mrs. Henry G. (Gertie ) Wcs~e ls

*M orris L . J ewett JO 183 David M. Jewell, ~11.D .

378 D ianna Lrnce Crosby 95 76 ·*Charles Edward J rwett +273 "*R ussell J ewf·tt Hodgman ·• .. *

Missouri · ~276 Mrs. L<>slie F. (L ucille) Lewis** ~-276 Mrs. Ray C. (M arincll) Rieder*·*

New Ilrunswick 88'.lO J. Egerton Jewett

New H ampshire 105'.i5 Da na Jewett Farringwn I 0535 Erwy1w P. Seabu ry 10535 M rs. Erwyne P. (Lois) Seabury

New Jersey 7503 Corey Charles Jewetr. III 7503 M rs. Charles Corey Jewett, J r. 7503 .Jeffery Scott J ewett

New York 9+98 Edgar R. Jewett, 3rd 7217 Richard A. J ewett

M rs. M ary F. J ewett R ev. W illia m H. Jewett M rs. W illiam H . ( Barba ra K. ) J ewett

Ohio 9399 M rs. Harry F . (Ilanabel} D a\'iS 9399 .J a ne .Maurene D avis 9399 Lawrence Jewett D avis

Oregon 6278 Stanley G. Jewett, J r.

P.ennsylvania 6776 J. M. Frye, Jr. 6756 Mrs. R obert L . (H e len H .) Lepper·**

- 13 -

T ucson

E l Sobra nte Fort Bragg Fort Bragg Los Angeles Montebello Pasadena Pasadena Pasadena

New Orlcam New Orleans New Orlea ns New O r leans

Amherst Clinton East T aun ton I pswich Rowley R owley S toneham

St. Louis St. Louis


Conway Conway Conway

O akland O akland Oakland

New York New York Schenectady Spring V a lley Spring V a lley

Cleveland C leveland C leveland


Indiana Pittsburgh

Page 9: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

Quebec 178-A S. Mackenzie Paige Windsor

Saskakhewan 8900 L yman R. P c1ers Can wood

T exas :\frs. F. \\'. (Vera P. ) Firebaugh Odes a

Vermont 7322 Eli1ahcth F. J ewett Middlebury

Virginia 2023 Major .I ack L. Lutes A rlington

*L ife Member -lC·+-'Gencalo~ical rccot <l also in the 1961 Yearbook Numbers preceding 1he names arc the connections in the ]l·wen Ccn<'a logy.

ALLEN JEWETT'S COLLECTION Contributed by Mrs. Leon (Jewett ) C lapp

A la rge aml vnlucd collection of early American furnishings ncc11.tnll latcd over a period of sixty yc~1rs hy A llen J <"wett of H ampton. C.:onneCtJC'llt was presented by his daugh.1e r, Mrs. Viola (Jewett) Clapp and his gra~dson, Ulmer M. J ewell of Norwicl1, Conn., Lo the Leffingwall Inn, Norwich cn1 May 13, 1961.

Among tht' m:my itl•ms which have been in Mrs. Clapp's . custody since Allen Jew<'tt's death in 1926 is a letter signed by Sarn11el H unungton. one of the .signers of the D eclaration of Ind!'pendencc: a sword with a crnde W??clcn handle canicd by Captain Fitclt in I 695 when he cornrnanJcd lhc first m1hcary compaay in Windham. Conn. He was the son of Rc\'Crend Fitch. one of the foundl'l'S of ~orwich. Tltl' collection also included pistol~, swords, powder horns. a gn•nadil·r ltch11ct and a bullet mould.

Mr. Paul \\' . franklin. \'ice-president of Founders of Norwich. sponsors of th<' lnn, acccpt<'d on behalf of the museum the fine gifts, with an expression of gratitude w thr donors.

In July. an ~iahtrrnih cc·ntury fo\\'lino- piece . . athan Hale's boyhood · e ~ h N 1 gun from Mr. J cwr11's collection. was presented by Mrs. Cbpp tot e at ian

R ak H omest ead . :Mr. Jewell ·~ nrchea logical w llection, numbering over two h1m?rcd

articles was g ivc11 10 1 he T antaquidgrnn Musenm in Montville. Connect1c11t, on September 10. 1961. in the p resence of thirty members of tlw Alle n .Jewc·tl Descenda nts. This materia l was collected in E astc-rn Connecticut by t ltc late Mr. J ewett. !.lntl sir:Ct' h is death his d a llghcer, Mrs. Clapp, has b~rn the custodian of Llic collection .

Mrs. Gladys Tantaquidgeon accepted the collection on b~ha l f of the museum. and cxp1c~sed Lhc apprecia tion of the museum. rcinarkmg th:tt the Jewell Fruriily ancestors and tltc 1vfohcgan Indians of year~ ago had a lways been good friends. Chief riarolc.l Tantaquidgeon welcomed ~he J ewett !?roup lo the mL1seurn and pr<'sented Mr . Clapp \Vith an cagk leather. wh1cl1 1..~ considered a good luck 111edicine plnmc. The collection consisted of hammer ~tones, adzes. scrapers, polishing stones. paint pols, moccasins. small hea~cd bags, hatch.rrs, trophies. pe~rles and other articles. Fo llowing the pre~cntat1on a luncheon \\'as sc·1 vcd on the museum grounds by sev~ra l descendants of the Tantaquidgcon family.

- H -











Edwa rd J ewell

M ary. dau. of William Taylor

J oseph J ewett

Ann. Widow of C;ipt. Bozoan All«n

Capt. J oseph J ewett

Ruth, dau. of Thomas and Ann Wood

J oseph Jewett

M a ry l-l[bbcrt

Capt. G~orgc J ewel(

ITann::i h . dau. of Thor11;is <ind Sarah ( 1-lanimond) r. ~1mbcrt

Edna J ewett'

William, Son of D:inicl :rnd Mary ( l'\rwman) Todd

Geoq::c Todd Rev. Soldier

Luq•. dau. of Moses and Lucy (Pickard) Bradstreet

M oses Todd

Elizabc:.h. dau. o f Nelson :me! H<1nnah (J l!Wt'tt ) Todd

G::orl\'c Alber t Todd

R u lh, d;iu. o f David a11cl Fanny ( Nour.~C') Payson

fiorn ;ibo11t 1580 Died 1614 or 1615 .Married Oct. 1, 160.J.

B.q>l. D ec. 31. 1609 Buried Feb. 26, 1660-l

al Bradford, England at Bradford, England nt .Bradford, England

at Bradford. England al Rowley, Mass. at Boston, Mass. 2nd Marriage 13: 3 mo. 1653

Buried Feb. 8. 1660-1

Born April I , 1656 Died Oc1. 30, 169.J. Married Jan. 16, 1680-1 Born 2 I: .'l mo. 1662 Died Nov. 29, t 734

R:1pt. 1\pril 10, 1687 Died Aug. 10, 1747 Ma rried M arch 'l.7, 1706 Di<'d .June 26. I 732

Born .T ~•ly 25, I 708 Oicd Feb. 5, I 776 M:1rric<l Jan. 9, 1728-9 Rorn Nov. LS. 1706 Died Sept. 28, I 799

Ucirn .T uly 13. I 730 Died Jan. 30. 1810 M:irried Jan. 2+, 1754 Born D ec. I 2. 1729 Died Dec. 8, 1815

Born D ec. I. I 754 D ied Aug. 18, 1801 ~farriccl Feb. +. 17i9 Bapt. Yl:iy ·I. 1760 Died July 27 ,1809

Born St?pt. 21. I 782 Died June 15, 1868 Married Int. Oct. 15, 1808 Born about 1786 o:l'd :Vl:ty 20, 1862

Born Ia n. 16, 1812 Died Sept. 28, 1882 Married J an. J+, I fl5 2 Born lune 23, 1814 Died J uly 2, 1859

at Rowley. Mass.

at R owley, Mass. at R owley, M ass. at Rowley, M ass. at Rowley. M ass. at R owley, Mass.

at Rowley, M ass. a t Rowley, M ass.

at Rowley, Mass.

a t Rowley, M ass. at R owley, M ass. at Rowley, Mass. at Rowley, M ass. at Rowley, M ass.

at Rowley. Mass. at Rowley, M ass. at Rowley, Mass. at Rowley, M ass. at R owley, Mass.

at Rowley, Mass. at Rowley, Mass. at Ipswich, M ass. at Ipswich, M ass. at R owley, M ass.

at Rowley, Mass. at Rowley, M a.ss. at Rowley, Mass. at R owley, M ass. at. Rowley, Mass.

at Rowley, Mass. a t Rowley, M ass. at Rowley, Mass. at Rowley, Mass. a t R owley, Mass.

J 0. Frank Payson Todd Born March 3, 1853 Di1•d June 19, 19 18 Married Aµ_ril 6 , 1878 Born June 16, 1856 Dil·d March 2-~. 1945

at R owley, Mass. at Rowley, Mass. at Boston, M ass .

Fannie M., d:iu. or ·wi ll ia111 and Mary Ruller at Rowley, Mass.

11. M arian G . Todd Born October 9, 189-1- al Rowley, Mass. Secretary 0£ th'-' Rowley ll istoric:il Society. Librarian of Rowley Public Library. M ember of the Board of Seleclmcn of Rowley, 19-1-8, 1949, 1950, and 1956.

- 15 -

Page 10: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

THE JEWETT PLATE As 1 dl'rTl'd t i) in the R eport of the R eunion, a11 w1t1sual ~ouvcnir was

of-Jcr~d LC> those w!io :.lltrndcd the J ewett Family R eunion iu Rowley. This was a plate of Castleton China. Apollo design, Corona shape, with the J ewett Coa1-of-. \ n11s in <'olor in the ('enter of the plate.

In the fall, after the Reunion an allempt was made to notify as many membcn, of th(' Family as possible of thi.-; limited offering. To tho~c who did not n.:ccivc thi~ n·)ti<"c. we do ~o now. There are still a few left. although about two-thirds l>f tlJc :,,upply has been sold. Only 308 plates were manu­facturccl. \\'c offrt tl11'm to members of the Family a nd their friends, for these pla1c will r<'adily become a collectors item. The plnte~ are offcr<'d at $8.50 per plate inc luding the cost of indi,-idual packing and insm·c·cl 1t1ailing. lf a ny profit ac<.TllC~ it will be turned O\'er LO the Jewett F:1mily or Amt'l'ica. This will occur only :i.ftcr 250 plates ha\'e been sold and deli,·errd. Cht'cks should be mack o ut and ~ent lo Roger J ewett, Hopprr R oa<l. William ·wwn, who took it upon himsdf l o hav ·these plates man11factmed .

The n ·spom.l· le- 1his o fferi ng has been most interesting. Plates have been shippC'cl into twent y-six s tates inc luding al l the Pacific Coast s tat e~, the District of C:olurnbia. New llrun.~wick and Quebec. A record h:ls bern kepl of the nanies of the p11 rC'h:ise r~. Only two families own a do;1,cn of tltcst• plaLl'S, nnd two 0 1 heri; e ighL a nd two morr> ~ix rach. rhus asStJring wid(' d istribution.

They hnvc a lrC'<tcly c: r(·atcd considerable inte rest in the J ewell Family of America.. This has ('a11s1•cl 11s to considrr making other offerings from time to time for the hendit of the members and the Jewett F amily of Arncrica. 1c ar<' open LO suggc·st ions of items yo11 would like to o•Nn properly iclrntified with the J ewett Fam ily. Ont' suggestion has been the publish ing of the J ewett Quick Stl'P· the CO\ 'lT of which was illustra tctl o n the Reu nion program.

A BUSINESS LETIER IN 1733 Scarborough, March ye 19. 1733.

*Mrs. Abigai l J uett: l hau(' 'ent you the Prisol of your Catcl and hogs. l goot them Prised as Sun as I goot horn: but one of ye Calucs dad before I gooc hom: and J haue Sold Some of them for L umber and ham' keep re Rcmainer my selL And the Lumber will be R adcy for you Sum cimC' in April. Hut l would haue you Com Down hear by a ll means your elf. Eaighl or Teen da ys bcfor yt )'Ol r srnd a Sloop for your Lomber. Tf you wlll come Down you Sha ll be kindly \Valcomc to, tay at my house. a nd it whall cost you no thing, and w<> shall make 11p your acornpts much more to your Satisfaction, a nti will be a greet Deal mon' to ye Sattfaction of all them thac has an accompl lo make up with you . So [ would Pray you lo Come.

T hauc brt'n wi l h Tylrr concarning your oxen, a nd he will not R ande1· aney aco11 ant; but Sas wlwn he cornes to Se you, he Wi ll. And he Sas he will g i11e yo11 a rniddcling Price fo r them. And that was a ll l could gcet tif him . l sho11ld ha u<' sent to yu11 beforC' now, but the winter has been so har:d, that I ha11c not had an opcrlu rll' ty bdorc now. Them Catcl that l sold, I sold for more: than they Wa rt Prised , 'v\lh ich you shall hauc a Couant of. I should H a uc Sent you Something farther, But Mr. John Lull can inform yon how things a.re lwar. So no more at Present ; but I R emai11 your most humbl Seruant to Command

Sam'll: H aines *The above k 1tc1· was addre5sed lo Yirs. Abigail (Perley) J ewet t, widow of

Aaron .l ewe1 l =22 1. who died in Ipswich. Massachusetts, June 19. 1732. E vidently th~· ll'tLn was concerned with the settling of his c~tate. as c;he was the executrix of his will.

- 16 -


J effery Scott .J ewett, born in O ak land. N. J .. J uly 19, 1961, son of the late Charles Corey .Jcw<: tL .Jr. and Uarol J. J ewett.

A d:iughter lo .J ames and Shirley L. (.Jewett) King of M ethuen. M ass. on Dec. 27, 1961.

To :l\fr. and Mrs. Theodore \ '. H errm ann of Englewood. :'\. J., a son, Theodore E., born in New York City. Jt111uary 26, 1960; and a daughter born ~Iarch 28, 1961.

Rounda .Jo J ewell born February 13. 1961 co Rona ld and Joy J ewett. Ronald is a son of thC' late Richard C:. J ewett of M ason, Yiic:higan.

Sara Ann, a daughter born lO ~fr. a nd Mrs. J ack Seltzer of K ennewick, ·wash,: and a d aughter, Ra ndy, 10 Mr. a nd Mrs. Ben H ardy Smith of Pl ain­view. T exas. Dates were not inc luded in tlw notice.

Jonatl_ian Ma11Sfic ld Jewell, son of Rev. Robert W. and Audrey J ewett, was born in Lanca$lCr, Penn .. April 13, 1961. He is a crrandson of F rancis Jewett #3979 of Ncecllia lll, Mass.


Born J une 25, 196 1 lo Garr Edward and L inda Nan ( Jewe tt ) Daterman of Williallls, California, a son. M a l'k Clinton. ' '

Three grandchildr<'n LO l\fr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Jewett of Dann~rs, Mass.; Barbara Ann, daug hter of Afd<'n and Do1·(>thy C. (Jewett ) Crnsby, born in Beverly, M ass., J uly 16. 196 1; a son. David E .. to ~fr. and Yin. David E. J ewell of Reading, M ass. on August 16, 1961: and a son to R ev. an<l Mrs. L loyd \V. J cwl!tt, Jr., of Deuoit, Michigan, J effery J ean born there August 3 1, 1961.

Mr. a nd Mrs. J ohn Orrin Jewell of Holyoke, ~1ass. announce the arrival of a son. Yfarrin J anws on ~O\'embcr 19. 1961. weight 6 lb. 2 oz.

A correction: Page 31 of the 1960 Yearbook lis1s " E lizabeth Patch Haskell as the gra nddaughter of Mrs. H askell of South P a1·is, M aine." T h is should read ·'A daughter of Yfr. and ~fr,. H arry C. H askell of \Vilmin<rcon Delaware and a descendant of .Jeremiah Jewel l =381."

0 '



Surgeon Leonard J ewi ll servc<l in Col. R obert Saffod's 2nd R egt., Ohio Militia.

Corp. William J ewett se1Ted from Ross Coumy from July 28 to Aurrust l 8, 1813 in Capt. Ritchhan's ompany. ·


Sgr. J ohn J ewett sC'1Tecl in Capl. R obcrl 'McElwain's Company from cpt. 28 to October 25, 1812. and from Ap1il 20 to July 16, 1813.

- 17 -

Page 11: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -


William Ch a.~e J ewett, a cha rtc1· member a nd Di reclor of the J ewett Family of America since 1949, passed away in Foxboro, Mass. on Aug ust 20, 1961. A descendant of Deacon Maximilian J ewett, he was born in Marlboro, N. H ., NO\·. 17, I 88:1, son of Wi lliam A. a nd E liza Ellen (Chase) J ewett. M r . J ewell was for many )'C'ars a 1~artner in the Gcx;idnow, J ewett and Pillsbury , wrcs in Bellow . Fa lls. In 1 9.~8 he. be~ame :iffihated wn h ~he Kum B attin Homes at W estnun'\tcr a nd was rhell' Fina ncia l Represen tative as well as a trustee. H e joined the J ewett Family of America upon the o rga.n­ization of the Associa Lion and w ::i.s elected Director in 1949. Mr. J ewett was a member of tltc King Solomon L odge of Masons and n·ce:ived his fifL y year pin in 1960. He served a t one Lime as a DirecLor of the Bellows Falls Trust Comp.any, was a c harter. 1~1entbc; of Lhc R otary Ch~b of Bellows Falls, an~I Superintendent of the L mversahst , unda y School I or many. years. H e ts survived by his wife, Ru th E . ( Bowen) J ewell whom he marned O ctober 6. 1913, and a son, Commander George J cweu of the U nited States lavy, who resides at Solomon, ~aryland. M r. J ewett was bur ied in M arlboro, N. H .

Mrs. Virg inia Jewell H arkness of Dorchester, M ass., aged 91 years, passed away at her home in Do rchester, on O ctober 16, 196 1. She was the d aug hter of Lvman P. and M a rtha A. (French ) J ew·ctt of W atciford, Maine. and a desc~ndant of D eacon M aximilian J ewell of R owley. M ass. M r . H ark ness w as a charter member of Lhe J ewe tt Fa mily of America, Inc.

Clarence Peabody of D anvers, M ass. passed away on May 22, I 96 I. H e was born in Rowley, Mass .. November 2·J., 1884. son of Augustus F. and Lydia A. (Kneeland ) Peabody. H e morrir d August 10, 1907., Lillian T. J ew<'tt, #9571, who di·~d Aug ust 31, 1957. He is survived by a brother, Thomas I..; eight children; nincLccn gr a ndchild ren and nine grcat-g rnndchilclren. Buria l was at Rowley.

Charles Corey J cwect , J r._, of Oakland, ~ . ] ., age 32 }cars, passed away May 12, 1961. H e joined the F amily Associa tion No\'cmbcr 3, 1954-. Ht' is survived by his wife, Ca rol ]. J ewe tt ; and two som, Cha rles Corey UL born J an. 30, 1959, and J effery Scott, born Jilly 19, 1961 ; a lso !ii~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corey Jewett of Vero Beach, F lorida.

Earle Il. Bbir, age 77 year s, husband of M abe l J ewett nJa ir, of Brookfield, Ill. passed away .'unday. AugtlSt 20. 1961 af ter an illness of t \\'o months. H e married J une 25. 19 11 , M a bel J ewett # 8950, daughter of Frank a nd H ettie P . (Murray) J ewett of :\ifazon , Ill. :\fr. Blair had served ::-.s Field Re presen­ta tive for the Illinois Children's H C>me and Aid Society since 1925. H e and Mrs. Blair celchrated their fiftielh wedding anniversary on J une 25th..at the Riverside M ethodist. Ch urch whrre they had been members fo1· near ly fort y years. Surviving, in addition to his wife, are a son, ' "'arrcn E. ; two daug h ters, M rs. C lifford E. Benson and 1frs. Ca rro ll C . Calkin.~; a nd four g randc11ildren.

Charles W . J ewett, age 77 years. l ndia napolis' o ldest former mayor, d ied in Indianapolis, April 28, 1961. Mr. J ewett was born at Franklin, India na. the son of Rev. a nd Mrs. Edward P. J ewett, and the g randson of Pa rk <>r J ewett, #3039. H e attended Franklin Colkgc for one year and later was g ra dua ted from DePauw University. Ht~ d<•veloped a n interest in poli(ics while attending Harvard University. Mr. J cwert S<' rved as mayo r of Indianapolis from J anuary 1, 1918 through December 31. 192 1. bu t his inlcr<'SL in politics and in civic

- 18 -

and com11111nity affa irs ne,·cr waned un til he wa~ forced l'J ret ire because of hea!Lh. l ie belo nged lO :.ind i;t1pported m any org:rnizatiom i11 l mlianapo lis. Sur\'iving a rc his widow. Mr~. El izabeth Do11glwrty .Jewett. whom he m arried in 191 :~; a brother, Russell P. J ewett of Tndia ntl polis, and ~i sister, ~frs . Mary J. Walters of Chatham, N . .J. ; also 2 nephew~ and a. niece.

M rs. Rla nche J ewett Ca rven of M awn. M ichigan. daugh ter of George J r well. former P resident of the J ewell F amily of M ason, died .Januarr 3, 1962. She was buried in Lansing, ~1icb igan.

R1:cd V. J ewet t, age 88 of Calais, M a ine. di1-d O ctober 27, 196 1, fo llowing a long ill ness. H e was horn in Ca lais. M a ine, November I 6, 11372, son of Alexander and R achel (Alkn ) .J ewett. L-k was a p rorninr nt Calais Lawyer and wa5 founder and clta irrn;i n of the Board of DirecLOrs of LIH' C:nla is Fed­erated S:l\'ings and Loan A~sociation. H e is ~urvived by a son. Harold V. of Calais and tlt rec grandch ild ren .

M iss Eliz:!beth \\'iggins. age 78, a n'sident of Pomfret, Conn. for 60 years, <lied suddenly a t he1 home·, Sep tember ~~O, 196 1. She wa born in Cinr innati, Ohio, the da ug hter o[ tlw late J ohn and E liz::ibe th (Jewett) Wiggins. She is su rviw d by l wo nieces and two nephews.

Mrs. l\fae Inna .J ewell Frye :t;'6 776 of Indiana. Pen n. ciied .J une 23, 1961. he was horn in ilun ker H ill. Ill. M ay 2+. 18 76. l he daughter of Charles ~eil

a nd J ulia Ann (Getty l J ewett. .\frs. Fryt• wa<; a l\ l aynowcr ck~ccndant th rough M ary AUerton , a cl<.1u~l1t1:r of Isaac Allt-rton. She is Slff\·h ·e<l bra son. J. l'vL F1yr, Jr. who con tinues her m embership.

Mrs. Alice K. (Jcwl~ l l ) Varney, # J 05~9 or C:ohassct, Mas~ .. cl ic-cl J anuar y 16, 1960 a t t he age of 60 Yl'a t's. 9 rn(lnths :1nd 16 da ys. She was born in Port land, :\fa ine, ~larch 3 1, 1899. a daughte r' of Fred aI1d E lla Jrwctt. Sh e lea\·es a brother. Frederick L. J ewett of M iami, Florida.

Arthur C . .) C\\'Ctl of \\'alrham, i\fass. died there April 8. 1961. H e is survived by his \\'Uc, X<' llit• M . (Car lson ) J ewrtl.

Reti red Ju dge Willia111 Mills Maltbie, # 81+9. died a t t l1c Hartford H ospita l OC'ccmber 16. 196 1. lle was born in C ra nhy, Conn ., M a rch 10, 1880, the son of Theod ore M. :rnd Louise A. (.Jewell ) ~altbie. H e was graduated from th(' H artford High ~chool in 1897: recei\ eel his bachelor's degree from Ya le in 190 1 a nd was graduatrd from the Y<tk· L aw chool in 1905 and \\·as admitted w the Connerticm Bar and started his practice of law in his fa lher's H al·tfo rd la w firm that y<>a r. He began his long ca reer in public serv ice in 1913 as t l1c Sla te n:prcs<'ntati,·c from Gni nl>y. Jn 191+ lw was appointed a.ss istanL i: tatc's attorney for Ha rtford Co11n ly. 1n 1917, a t Lhc agr of 37, he was appoimcd to the Superior Comt Bench br Governor H o lcomb. where he scrYed with clistincLion. In 1925, J 11dg1' .vfalt bit· was appo inted associate j ust ice of the S ta te 'uprcnw Court oi E rrors a nd in 1930 hr bl'rame Chief J usticc, which position be- ht'ld until his retircmem in 1950. H e ,,·as active in fraterna l, ci,·ic and professiona l organ i.i:ations and \\·as a former president of the G reater H artford Counci l of Churches. I le joined the J ewett Family of America on !\o\'. 23, 19 10 a nd was the C:o rpora Lion Counsel fro m 1934 to 1955 . .Judge Mahbit.: Jea\•cs his wife, Mrs. M ary H amlin M a ltbie of Granby; a son, T lil'oclore M . MalLbit.: of Hartford ; a sister, Miss Ann L. M a ltbie of Winsted a nd two g ra ndcltildrcn .

• 19 -

Page 12: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

Richard C. JcwctL of Mason, Michigan d ied there suddenly of a heart allack on J une 27, 196 1. The son of ArdtLLr W. and L ulu Jane (Lyon ) .Jewett, he was born in Mason, Augmt 12, 191.J.. On September 2, 1931 he married Murrync Thurlby who w:u. born in AlLI·elius, Michigan, ..\'ovcmbcr 28, 1914. M r. Jewell was an outsLanding floral designer, and hjs services were always in great demand through his Floral shop in Mason, a busim·ss which he had conducted for the past twenty-five years. During the last three years he bad been tra,·clling through the mid-west and the south as the field representative of the Florists· Telegraph Deli,·cry AssociaLion, Inc. Richard, a descendant of Joseph Jewett who came to Rowley in 1639, joined the J ewett Family Association in 1953 as a life member. He was enthusiastic in his interest, offering a number of valuable suggestions for the enlargement of the Associa­tion. Besides his widow, he lea,·cs three children, Joan, Rona ld and Judy; three grandchildren. two sistc1•s and four brothers.

M rs. Annie W. (Davis ) Jewett passed away on April 1+, 1961. She mar­r ied Alben F . .J cwcU, # ·+283. April 15, 1903. Mr. Jewett d ied in H ollis, New York, O ctober 2, 195·k She is survived by four sons, Frederick D., Albert L., Lincoln H . and Robert H ., a.nc.I ten grandchildren.


- 20 -


September 19, 1960 to September 19, 1961

Balance on hand Septtmbn 19. 1960 Receipts

D ues. including new mtmbcrs Donations .................................... ................. . Sale of Yearbooks Sale of Coats of Arms Sale of Genea logies ( I ~ct damaged ) Transfer from Edgar R. Jcwt'lt Fund D onations and sale of rt•tinion tickets

T otal Receipts

E x-pcndi turcs Postage Insuranc<' Expenses, Director's M<'c ti11g .................... . Mem bership Cards , . .. .. . . . .. ... . .. . . . . .. . . .. .... ... ... . L etterheads . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Cuts for Yearbook 1960 Yearbook PL1 blication R eunion Expenses Bank Charges

T otal Expenditures

Balance on hand September 19. 1961 in First National 13ank, Ipswich, Mass.

Edgar B. Jewett Fund Ralance Sept<'mber I 9, 1960 Interest


Balance on hand Srptrmber 19, 1961 Suffolk Savings Hank, BMron

September 19, 1961, the fo llowing in the custody of the Secretary and T r0asurer:

$367.00 26.50 11.00 12.00 92.50 50.00


$ 10.00 6.00

13.34 8.00

125.00 25.1 9

302.00 304.25


$359.62 13.65

$373.27 50.00


l 0 sets of the J t·wett Genealogy, value .. . ..... $250.00

$\Jbm iLted,

$ 57.32




$ 210.74

Everett D. Jewett, T reasurer

The above accounts have been audited by me. I find that the receipts, bank balances and records agree wiL11 Lhc above report.


Porter Jewett Perkins, Auditor

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Page 13: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -


Aug ust 26, 1961 - Rowle) , M ass.

An organ prelude wa~ rC'nderecl by :\[rs. arah F. Peahocl!· from 10:00 lO

10:30. Ilrr d:uu~hter. :\lr<1. ~Iartha-Jran K ellett. sang, ":\ l y ll ran Hath A ~l ind''.

The busines!> meet int{ opened at I 0:30 with prayer b) l~c'. \\' illia~u. J l. J ewr11 of \ 'allt•} . prings, :\<'w York. with Koger .fc\\'elt. PH·s1clcnt, pm11cling.

:\fr. \\'arn·n (.. Gwwr. ~clcctman, brought tlw greetings f1om Lill' T own of Ro,de\ an<l a " \\'cko111t• Home'' ~fc;;~agc to th<' J ewett Famil}.

The ' pl e<\id1·nt paid 11 ihute to those "·ho had gonC' bdorC' 11<\ and to tlto-.e who were instrn1111·mal in liolding th(· fi1 st reunion in 1855. 1 lr sai<l, " \\'l, llopr thal we shall bt· worthy of the fine things th at 011r ane<·stors haw cl<>nl' before us".

Thr Jcw1·n•;' Patrimir Song wa~ ~ung. Thi~ was composed by I l. J. Prtntiss for tlw I 8I°>5 Reunion.

Tl1<• repo rt of the Sc·nctary was g iven by EvcrctL D . Jcwl'lt. His 1.'l' JJOl't

in dC'rn il fo l low~ the~<· rninut ts. The Prl'~icll.'nt tha11k1•d both :\fr. and Mr~. E,·crctt Jt•wt•tt for tlu•ir Olll­

c;tanding and 11nwlfish work for the family association. A mowc11t of silent prayer w3s olTnl.'d in ml'mory of those mcmbl'r~ who

h aq: past 0 11.

Report of tlw Library Cmnmiucc: ~fr. E. Tilc;on Peabody. Chairman. i\ [am· \':lluablt• n·rmd' hm e been collected and mt: now in till· barn

libran· or' EH·reu Je\\ <'tl. I t i!.. felt that the~<· should bt plarcd in a firc ­prooc'iihra1v. l'\rr: .J<·wetl will gi,·e w the A oci:uion tlw 111:111) pri<'1·lc~s books and 1 i·rords whirli ht has collC'cted if tht• library i., built lx:fon• 1965.

The C:ommiuec ha,, be.:n exploring dw JX>~~ibilit)' of b11ildin~ 'it~d1 a librarv. T hl' conc;1•mm is that the libra1 ,. should nm ht.· an c•,r111,1\'C library for tlw .Jc\\l'tl . but ~hould embrace all otlw1 famil ie' in thi · localitV.

A.t the clost• of thl' mct·ting, the committee i-; to mC'ct with an auornC'\' 10 dcte1 m i1w how con 11 ih1nion' can h<- ll1.1dr ro tlw library fund 11nd1·1 the tax dl'd11ctibk p1occ<lure. R<'port of the By-Laws CommiLtl't': Rog!'1 Jewett. Chai rman.

At ll1l' 1960 1nt1·Ling of tf•<• Board of Directors. it wns decided that t hC' annual dues bl' rhangcd from $1.00 to $2.00.

It wn' al-.o r<'C'Omnwnded that the By-Law reacling- "Tht• Board of Dirt·ctors shall rnn'i't of six elected directors'' be chanRLd to read, : ·fifteen elected di rtctorn" . Also ro change the quorum of the Bonni of JJirr.:cto rs from four Ln (j,·c.

Mrs. £,i·rut D . J c·wett rnovc:cl. ~ri~s ~ [ari::in Todd seconded that th<' above rC'co111111t·ndat ion~ be appro\'!'d. J\fot ion passed. Report of the ~or11im1ting Committee: Yfiss :vfarian T odd, Chairmnn.

Prt•s<•ntrd the following- names for Dirccto1 s: .J11d~l' Theo . Jcwcu. Laconia.-:\. H . E. T1l on Pt·ahocly, Birmingham, ~ l ich.

~liepa.rd L . .f C'wctt, Lynn. M ass. J ler-.chcl C.:. Jewett. Nason. 'Mich.

- 22 -

Porter .J. Pe rkins, \Vcnham, M ass. Ccor~c IIarolJ Pfau. Tuscon. Ariz. Donald C. J1•w1·t t. Cl<'n·bnd. Ohio \\'ith the P11·-.idrnt. \'ic1·- PrC' idt'nt and Secretary members

ex-officio. Prcs1·n u:d the following names fo1 Officers:

T1 ca~ure1: E HTl'tl Dough" j l·wett. Rowley, .Mass. Clerk and R1·cording ~ecretary: E\'erett D . J ewett, Rowley,


Corresponding Sccreta1 y: \!rs. Ed na P. J ewett, Rowley, M ass. Auditor: Po1t1'l' J. Pt•rkin~. \\'enham. M ass.

Mr. ~hcpard L. Jewc·tt mo\'ed that the: report of th::: nominating com­miw·r be.· acccpu·d: that tlw nominatiom be closrd and that the al>?,·e names be dt'c larecl l'lc·ctcd . \ lotion wa~ sccr.ndrd by EH·rett G. J ewett. Motion passed.

The report of the Allclitor, Alfn:d D . .Jc\H' tl was reacl. The books arc in order. Donald Jc,n•Lt 11wwd. !\Ir . E\'dyn 13urlingame seconded that the auditor's report lw accepted. ~lotion pa"cd.

Mr. Evc1clt D . .Je,,1•tt a11no11 11<.·c·d that a group picture would be taken at 12 o'clock.

:vfr. Roger .J <'Wt'Lt show1·d . t sample· of the J ewett plate. made by the Gaslkton China Company. Tlw J<•\\'l' ll Coat of Arms i.n color 1s oi; _the p~acc; whid1 sells for $8 .. )0. Thi~ ind11c1<·-. tlw cost of packing and ma1lmg. r he profit-; that acc.-1w \\'ill go w tht' J r welt Family of Amc' rica, lnc.

Song: "Onr Fnmily PlrdgC'" \v:ls ~ung. The inorni11~ bdsinc~., rnecting <1<ljo111 ncd \\ ith prayer.


Re'" \\'illiam 11. J l''' L'tt l{<L\ c tlw im ocatio1.1 at I :00 P.M. , . .Following tlw ainm·1. 't'1 ' td b' t!w L adil' Ikne\'Olem .oc1ccy ~nd tbe

\Jen's Club of tlw Rowlt·\ Con~rt·g.11mnal Church. a most mteresung talk was gi\·C'n b~ ~L . \\'inth1op P. llay1ws. President of the Essex County His­torical Association.

M r. Roget .f <.'wct t pa·~1·nh·d tlw lollowing for Honorary ~Icmbcrship: J mlg<' T hi'<> S. Jt'Wl'll. Prl'\idmc Emeritus IIcrsclwl C . .JC'w<·tt Ray1110nd D. Jt'" 1·1t

EH·n•t t I>. Jt·wt•t t :\1rs. Edna P . .Jewett Dr. William Awrill Jewett

.:vlr. E. Tilson Peabody ~1nno 11ncnl the forming of the J ewett M emoria l Li:>:ary Corp:mttion. Dt·tai I ~; will b!' :111no1mccd l nL(' l'.

Lc·tLcrs of lwsr \\'ishrs \\'ITC read. E,·crett 0 . Jrwett on('l' again H'min<led the Association of the man y

\':>!um:-; l:c hac; colleC'tcd and that \q'. lllll~t hm·e a place lor them by 1965. T ile meeting :~djour11t·d to t lic H11ria l Ground for the Mtmorial Service

and the Benediction.

- 23 -

Christin<:' Weinrich, Acting ecrctary

Page 14: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -


1961 Reunion, R owley, M ass.

M r. P re'lidcnt, ;\ frn1l)(:r~ of the J ewett Family of America. and g-ucsts: It wa_<; my pti\'il1•g1• at. Lite 1955 ~~ion to !tive you _a_ repo!l of . tltr actidties of the Association d1111n~ the penoa from 19.:>0 LO 19.:>.:> ac; }Our cc1etru1· a nd T reac;url'r. To<l~I\ l am ~i,ing you a brief repon of my stcwa1 d<>hip from the close of the reumon iu 1955 lo the present time. This 1 cpoll is sepa1 ated inw th<' follo" ing c~Hr~orics . not necessarily in the order of their importance:

J. M embership

2. P ublications

3. R eunions

+. Officers

5. Records

I. M<·111hership

At the 111ecti ng in 1955, 1 rcport('d Lo you tha t our 111emlwrship hnd g rown from 1 -~ 7 111 t·m bL·1s in 1950 to 286. of which 71 were life mrmbrrs. T oday that mcmlwrship h:is rracl11•d 1·22. of which 81 a re lift: members a~cl li~c <1re H onorarv M e1nhe1·s. Wr fi a ,·l' l o~l by death 26 members. by rr~1gnat1on 38 members' and by neglrct of members to notify us of change of address, 15 mrmbt·rs. T hr lar~'<.' n11mbe1 of resignations is due, in the majority of C':\S('~. to par<'nt<; rnrolling tl1rir children for one year and thereaft::-1· disrontinuing the pa)1nrnt of cl11r<;. Thirty-s1·,·<'n -;tates and two prO\;nces in Cana~la an• rrpr<'­srt<'d in our m<·mh<-1.,hip. T he follo,\;ng members have held con11nuo11<; m<'lll­b!"ihip sinct· SrpH•mb<-r 19. 1910 when the As ociation was incorpo1atcd:

Abrl Longll'y J<'wetl, Woodbridge. Conn.

farn·tt Dou~la'I J ewett. Ipswich. ~1ass.

Gerald An~on J <.'wctt. D es :Moines, Iowa

Dr. \\' illiam AH•rill J rwetc, :\eedham H eights, M ass

Mr~. Ralph I.. M orrill, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Mrs. J o~ ic E.li:n1bc th T onkin. Portsmouth , Virginia

Mrs. Bo nnie .Jewell Wclplo n. D es M oines, Iowa

Oavicl w~wren .Jewett, Co lor~iclo Springs, Colorado

2. Puh licat ions :


Al the Lim<· of t he 1955 reu nion the Association was issuing a quan crly publication. T hie; p11blir:llion was d iscon t in ued after 1956 because of 1 he amount of tinw and \\'<ll"k in\'okcd. ~o publications were put out in 1957, but in 1938 and thl' following year., we ha,e kept you info111wcl of our acti,·iti<'s by p11bli.,hing a Yt>arbook. . ix-hundred copies haH· lx·<·n printrd each \'Car. of \d1id1 300 haw been di~tributed. and 100 n ·tainccl fo1 futun· rcquc.~ts. T he 'fra1 hook has been possibly the best media fo1 holding and

increasing the in ten '>l in tll <' Associat ion. and the complimentary klters wh ich have been rc<.:l'i' e<l an· 1 11o~l 1;1 atifring.

3. R eunions:

T he nineteenth n·union held in J{owlc\ in J 955 was the larg-c~t attended gathcrinrr of whici1 "r haH' a 1 t'C'C11 cl. \\id; approximately 250 ~ember!> a nd f1;cnds i~ attrnd:mcr .. \ 1 that H'tmion \\C accepted an in,;tation to meet with the J ewett of ~b•on. :\ l ichi~an on J uly 27. 28. and 29. 1956. It was a delightful expt>1 ienrt• w nwt•t thr J c\\ rtt'l in that area. and Lhc p1 o~ram arranged by Ht•r,rh·I .J t'\\'t•tt and hi' committee \\':l'> most enjoyahlc. Jn 1959 the cwcnty-first n·union \\';t\ lwlcl at Pm-in-Bay on outh Bas .. 1 .. Jancl on Lake Ei;c. Although Llw gath1•1 ing wa' '111all fifty-eight registered the meet­ing under the dirl'C'tion of tlw tl union c·ommittre, " ·ith .:\lrs. ~lary Lou Gorski as chairrn:'lll. was '1•ry \llCC'C'''fnl and most interesting.

4. Officers:

Following l lie b11si111·ss 11wc t ing rn 1 he 1955 reunion the Director~ 111eL a nd elected H ersche l C . .J l'wctt of M:1~on , Michigan as presiclem , r eplac ing Theo S. Jewett of L aconia, Nn v I l :i111p~h i re, who had sen Tcl the AssociaLion fa ith­ful ly since 193 l. I lnsclH•l .J <'W<'lt g:1\'c considera ble time and atlt·ntion ncccs. a ry as pn·sitl1•m , un i ii Nowm br 1· 1960. when it wa.; felt bolh by him and the Director' th at the offin• shou ld be rotated more freq uen tly, Llrns a llowing di ffncnc arl'al\ in l lw ccHmtrr to be represented . .\fr. Roge1 .Jewett \\'as elected at tl1at timt'. and Mr. I fc·r,chel J ewett was made a director, replacing J olin Vernon J <'\\l'tt. d<'C'('a'C'd. M r. \\'illiam C.:ba e J ewell, a D irector since I!) I 9. piw .. 1·d a\\'a) on Sunday. August 20, 1961. U c was onr of the charte r 1111·mbc1' of till' .\ <;1,ociation and a regular attendant at our reunions.

5. R ecords:

Throu!!;h tlw 11~t' of gt·1walo:~iral data -;hects our records of the family continue to :~row. Thc•-.t• n·rord-; in most instances arc kept in folder supple­menting Lhc info1 nmtion of t IH' \'a1 io11~ hranches of the family found in the Genc:ilogy. SonH· of Lh<'w 'llfJplt·1m·nt~ han· been published in Lhe Ycarbooi..~. I n two particular C'a\I''>, tlH' family n•rord-; are \Try exten"i"e and should at some rime be pub1;.,hed M'pt11aL<·lr. I r1·frr to the de cendants of .John .Jewell of Lisbon , New Harnp~hin·, a sold it•1 of tlw R e,·ol11tion, and to the descendan ts of Samuel J ewe ll of lkrkshirl', Vcr111o n1. T hr records which have been col­lected in many inslant'l'S in C' l udc L a t<" ra l Linc~. At the present time no attempt has b<'en mac.le Lo incl1•x d ie v~1r io 1 1 s rrcords. This m ust be done in the near futmc in order that the bes L mt• can be made of them.

D uring the past ~ i -: yrn rs wr ha,·c· rereivrcl. through gifts, a number of inlcre~ting itl' lll ~ and 1c•rords fo r you r arch i\'CS.

I t has been a n honor to S('l'\l' n~ your Secretary and Treasurer for the past thirtrm years. and 1 am app11·ciath·c of the help that I ha, ·e received to keep thi~ 01w of the olde~t Fa111ih .\ ,,ociations acti,·e. T o name those who ba,·e been of a<1~i'lt:t1Ke to nw a ... needt·d would be to name nearly all of the acci,·e memb<·r~ of the a\sociation. 1 \\Ould, howc,·er, like to -;tr~ss che fact

- 25 -

Page 15: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

that a secreta ry and t rc::ISlu cr must of necessity gi\·e consi<lcrablc time, work and hi<> personal finance'> to make an organization of Lhis type successful. I am most fortu nate in ha,·ing ~!rs. Edna P. J ewett a hclix·r who has been willing to forego many thing" through these past thirteen }Cal'> in order that we could continue lo build and strengthen this As~ociation. I am involved in many other activities and it is only through her eITorls of handling much of the secretarial work a nd all of the creasurer's work of the J ewett Family of America that we have been a ble to accomplish as much as we have done.

Respectfully submitted,

E verett D. J ewell, ccretary

- 26 -



of the D~cendants of ~athan R odney J ewett

F ifty 11 1t·111lw1 ~ of th<' J ewett family :mrnded the 38th Annual Reunion, Saturday, Au~11,t .\ 1901. ::it th<.' lwme of ~1 r. :ind ~Irs. Floyd Seamon, YMCA Day Camp. Ringhamton. )!. Y. A ha,k<•t lunch was :.encd at I o"clod .. Following tlw din111·1. tlw busirn''" m1•<·ti11g wa" opened by 1he pre'>ident, .J ane Jewett Seamon, \\ii h a mi nut<• of ... ilent Jlr:l) er in memor~ of our depa1 t<:d family memlx·r~ .

. \ co11cuion wa!- 111aclc to thl· 1960 111in11t1''· T he K unm1an familr wru stationed in Eng land tl11 cc vca1 ~ in-.tt·a<l of t \\ o ~car,,,

A motion wa<> made- by Floyd J t·w<'ll to a~ain hold the 1962 tt•tmion at the Y:\1CA Day C:amp. :\ l r. Floyd !-.eamon. c:ircwkcr at the camp, said th~ camp wo11ld be :J\ailahle. r\ n1mi1 n '':-.~ m:ide hy .Josephine J ewett l)illon to send a fi ,•e dollar clnnalion to M ,._ I>. A. S:ilmL1n, 8xcc utivc Secretary of the Y:\'1(~ '.A, in npprC'cia tion for 1he ml' of lllL' g rounds ::md eq uipuwul for the 196 l re un ion. Both 111ot ions W<' I'(' 1;;wr i !'cl nncl ::t co llec tion was Lakcn Lo cover expenses.

A lcttf'r was !'Caci hy the s<'Cl'l't:u y :i 11nn11ncing the a nn ual n•rm ion of the J ewett F amily of Ame1 ica to he ht•lcl at Ro'' Icy. Massad1u~cll~. August 25th and 26th .

. \ ug~cstion "a!> made b~ the p1c,idt•Jll that the youngc>r mc-mll<'rs of the family be clcctt d to the office., io1 tlw following year. The offirl'r~ then elected for tht• 1961-1962 term ::11c: P tc!>idcm. Kenneth K un/lnan; \" ict•· PTesidl·nl, Roy Patrick .J ewett: ~Cl n·t:11y-Trl·a~u1 er, :\Iarilyn K inner.

T he folio" i11g t'\ cnt~ were r!'pon<·d: Birth - Randy :\ash, :\la rch 18. 1961, to l\fr. and .:\frs. William \\". Naslt,

.:\•fon trose, Pa. Marringe 1\::trbara J enn \\ at kin~ to ~Lr . .J ohn Francis Dunham. April

8, 196 l. at Wilmington. IJl'lawnrc. The busine-~ mcctin!( wa~ acljou11wd and a delightful program of tap

dancing "as pn·wna·d b' ~1 i~~ 'fr11 i L) 1111 .\ lien. young d:iughrcr of :\Ir. and .:\!rs. K icha1d All1·n . . tmth ~[onll o~c. Pa. T l•1ri performed a dance on roller skates which ,Ji1• " ill later audition fo1 the T eel :\lack anutcur program.

Go-Kart 1 idc litJ..l'l, wc1<· giH·n to tlw lt'cna~c1-., for use at a go-.b.art tracJ.. near the Y.\l CA ground~. T l1t• 11d.1·t~ \\I 'll' a g ift from .\fr. and .:\11 s. Floyd

camon. T hl· ri<lcs \HTC great!} cnjo) cd by many of the young people, following which the} dn nccd LO record,, p laytd ping-pong, archery, etc., while the o lder folks rem inisced.

Th<~ 1962 t\•11 11ion will be hck l li t<' fi l'~t Sn.tnrclay in Aug ust wit.h dinner to he i-crvcd a l •I o'clock.

J os1•pliin1• J ewett DiUon , Scnctary


.:\f rs. Viola Clapp wa re-elrctecl p1 l'~idcnt for a two-year tcnn at the 23rd annual reunion of the J eweLt F:unil~ Association of H ampton. Conn. on August 20. 1961. Otlwr offic1·r, re11:-i11wd "l"n' Carl \\·. J ewett. vice-president and ·c 1me1 J 1·w1·t1 ol Norwich. ~l'crrrnrr-t1ca~urcr.

- 27 -

Page 16: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

The gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Estabrooks a nd opened with a potluck dinner at noon.

Four generations of the .J ewett Family were l'l:'prcsenwd; M rs. M ary J ewett of Clarks Corners, at 96, wns the oldest m ember present; M rs. Albert Hoffman, her dm1ghtcr; Donald Hoffma n, a grandso11; and Robert Hoffman, a great grandson. A thi-ee yeru· old gra ndson, Graig Uaya of H ampton, was the youngest member present.


The fourth Annual Reun ion of the Jewetts of Berkshire, Vermont, was held on L abor Day at Witch-Cal Fulls with about 70 attendiJ1g.

The program began with a. silent prayer followed by the Lord's Prnycr in memory of Mrs . .J osie Jewett a nd of Nathan Jewe tt, son of Burton Jewett, who passed away this past year. Wende ll Jcwett's fom daughters sang a hymn, and D aniel Jewett p layed several trumpet solos. Freel Jewett and his son, Gerald, sang "Silver Haired Daddy of "Mine" and a good hymn sing was enjoyed by all.

Mrs. Ora M urray, age 83, was thr oldest m ember present, and the young­est was Lcnes Ha lford, age 2 years. The member attending from the farthest distance was Mrs. Joanna Locke of Douglas, Alaska.


The Annual R eunion of the .Jcwells of Mason, Michigan, was held in Ingham County Paik on July 30, 1961. The business meeting and an interest­ing program followed a d inner served by the ladies of the Family.


The si.-.;th Annua l Gather ing of the Taft Family Association was licld in M endon, M ass. on Jnne 24, J 96 l. Tlie program included a chicken barbecue and dancing.

The fifth Annual R eunion of the K nowhon Family was held J une 25, 1961 at the Lightlt0usr, Cranr·~ BC'ach, Ipswich, M ass. with about thirty-five presen t. Fo llowing a basket lunchcon a business meeting and social hour were held.

NOTES Everett 0. Jewett, Secretary

Mrs. Jewett a nd T received a g reat many Chri~trn :i $ cards and leLtcrs during tlic holiday season. L::ick of time h as prohibited our answer ing a ll of them, and so we take this opportunity to tell you of our appreciation uf yom remembering us during that h11sy season of the ye~tr. \1Ve a lso woLdu like to have you know thaL we apprec:iace the many letters which we received during 1961 ; some in answer to our queries and some with volunteered information.

Our Family Association continues to grow both in membership and interest. Forty-five new members were added to our rolls la5t year. Fa mily records and individua l famil y 11i~tory comes to us a li110.st daily ! Th!' interest shown at OLtr rcunio11 in Rowley last snmmcr was most encouraging to us and to the other officers.

- 28 -

We have passed our first fifty years. D uring that time some of our goals have bren rea lized ; on others we can report !>OlllC Jcgree of progress; a nd some of the p11rposes for which our fa1 hers organized the Associ:Hion in J 910 seem far in th<' offing.

I sta rted to tell you a bou l the Christma!' cards a nd letters. Two letters in particu lar 1 would like to mcmion. The family letter of Mr. and ~rs. Clyde Jewett Skinner of 13ouldcr, Colorado \\'as excellent. As 1 read 1t, I felt as though I "'as with Clyde on his trip to California. T he ocher letter from M r". William P. (M::rjori(• ) Hillman of ~cwark, D elaware leaves us with a wnrm feel ing for such a dose knit family. 'Ye a re pleased that we arc publish ing he r family li11!' in our genealogical section tl1is year. The Ray J ewNt's of Clark Summit, 1>cnnsylvania tell us on their Christm a.<> car~ ~~at there are ..J.3S~5 .J ewctls in the U nited States. r wonder what the poss1b1hty is of ha\"ing them all as members of the A~so<:iat ion. and a!I of the Jcwetts of Canada. also. A goal for u to stri,·e for.

\\'e lost some valued nwmbcr'l and friends hy drath last year; two charter m embers ancl one who joined two months af ter the Association was incor­porated; and a number of rne111bers who had joj1wd in more recent years and whom we had leaned upoll fo r l1elp and suppor t. Their loss wi ll he fe lt by us and by tht! Associatio11 for ma ny years to come.

A numbe r of mrmbrrs from distant places called to see us during 1961. "·e arc always pleased to welcome and to show anyone who stops the historical places in t he wwn "hich our ancestor !w iped to found nearly three hundred and twent y-fivc years ago. O ther nu•mbcrs write of thrir trips to E urope; to the west coasl: to the east coast; north and south; to Hawaii and some of even traveling around the world. The wanderlust which caused our family LO spread from R owley, Massachusetts to all parts of the U ni ted States a nd Canada continues cn'n to Lhe presen t generat ion.

:.\fr. a nd Mrs. Fred A. J ewett of M ansonville. Quebec. obscr\'ed their fiftieth wedding anni,·er~ary at a gathering in the :.\.J:asom·iJlc I ntermediate School on Dcccmbe1 2. 196 1. The family group picture is in the genealogical section.

D eacon Joshua's hou~e , headquarters for the 1855 reunion, was ta ken down in D ecrn1bcr 1875.

Mr. Henry E. Riggs of Front Royal, Virginia writes that his son. Thomas T. graduatt•d from the P n·sbytc·rian . chool of Christian Education at R ich­mond in J\ Iay 196 1 and i~ now assi'lta m pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Chu rch, Greenville, South Uarolina. H e lw lcls his 13.A. degree from I l.ampden Sydney Col lege and a T h.B. from l'nion Theo logical Seminary of Virginia. His wife is lite former Virg inia Aikens Wi lson. Mr. Biggs' daughter, Hetty K ing, has completed her scrnnd year at M ary Washington College of t l~e Uni,·ersity of Virg inia where ~he is majoring in mathematics. Mr. Biggs IS

a dcsccnclant of Maximilia n Jcwert through his daughter, Eliwbeth, who married Corp. Rohen Hazelti ne.

M r. Linncaus J. J ewett formerly of Sterling, rtlinois, has moved to Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Mr. Lyman R. Peters, a new member of the Association has the honor of being the member who lives the farthest north in this hemisphere. He

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Page 17: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

movtd to Canwood. Sa<1ka1chcwan. from Forest City, Iowa , in 19 1 ::I when it wa~ a co111pa1 atin·ly 1ww n>1 1nu y. but on the whole ,·ery hl'autiful. Tk wriL<'S lh:.u ~askatd1t'\Hlll ha-, 1lll' only Coop('rati,·e Commonwealth. Ft•dt•iation Gov-ernment in dw wo1 Id. ·

Rarhara :\nn J ewell. cl;rn~htcr of :\fr. and ~frs. Pt•rcy L. J C\\ l'll of H a\'erhill. :\( a~'· and Ft ank L. Z uzel of hick~hinm·. Penmdvania. W<'ll' mar­rit•d at thr L ni\rr •ali-.t-l ni1arian Church. H a\·erhill on ~lav 6. 1%1. :O. l r. Z u11'1 i" a p1•1,onnrl 'upcn i~r for Alleghany Air L im·'· ~1 1. 'and ~lr <,. 7.1111•1 an· Ji, ing- in I lartfo1d. Connecticut.

Grn<'' ic' e M. J cwC'tl. dau~lncr of :\Ir. and :\Ir . William F. J<•wctt of . acranwnto. Califo1 nia, and ,\ rkigh T. " ' illiam!>. Jr., of O rinda, California, wen' 11 w1 ril·d in tlt1· Pionct•r Congregational Church, arramcnto. Octobt'r 29, 1961.

D r. SlC'plwn r. J<'WC'1 I ha~ re-tired from his p ractice of nwdi<'i1w :ind hac; rnoved fl'()m Ncw YMk City to Wrst Falls, near R11ffalo.

:Mrs. Emnwtl· Wig'gin ~ of Antwr rp, N ew York. repor1s 1h nl she hns been ill for 01on: Ll1an n, y<'•11' :mrl n h:-ilf, b11l is now showing gren L imprm·1·11wn1. W<· rniss<'tl LIH· Wiggins at t iH' n·nnion in Rowley lasl year.

Mr. a nti MI'~ . Fl'C'dc- r ick L . J ewett, former ly of South Acr<'s. Massaclw ­sctLs, b11l now living in Min111i. left New York on J a nu ary 6, 196 1 on n. wor ld crn i~e. arriving ln1rk in New York on M ay 6th.

J:unc~ M nnny. at thl' t iller of the- I nternational sloop. W hiff. and J os!'ph E. J ewell. .J r., "ith hi' Star. the Capstar. were winner" as a Ot•rl of twi·my-four raced in tlu· l .on~ Island ~ound prc-~ca ·on rcgatca. run by th<' L a1cl1111onl Yacht Club Race Conuniucc on April 29. 1961.

E. Til~on P<:alxxh. Dirccror of Air T ransport . l.'clion Gl'm·ral i rotors Corpor:uion. is int:re•1 ... ingl\' in demand a." a speaker and paneli'l on air trampollal ion. :\11. Pealxidy i-, one of thr Director~ of our Family.\ -.cx:iation.

C:hatlt•, J t'\\'1·u. \On of our former p resident. H erschel C . .J ewell of ~ la~n. ~1ichi~an. 1op1·ru J u'> and . \u~m in E ngland as an exchang1: <;t 11d<'nl. The prog-ram "'a' 'POll\Ol'l'<I lw the :\fichigan Council of Churchc<;. Chari<'~ tran: lcd l'xtt•nsiq•h tl1ro11!rh England and . cotland. Ile is :rn outstanding ~lud(•nt . in l1is junior )i·ar al ~fa. on H igh . chooJ. H e hop('<; to attend Yale l" nin•r<>il y aft1•r lw cwnpl<'ll'" his high ~chool educarion.

T he 196 1 Yl'n1 book rnrried a picture of the M eeting H o use and lforial Gro1111tl al Sht:ffit·ltl , ~t·w Rnm~wick . T he front page of t ile M ay 20. 1961 St. John's ' l.'l' lq.{ rnpli -.lon rnal carrird a somewh at simi la r pi<'tnrc• wirh a ll of thr Jnnd unde r wall·r· d ue tn tlw cil rly sp r ing fl oods. Inclndcd in dii~ pict ure was 1'he rarn1 ~c tthl i>y Dnni<'I J l'wctt in 17fi3 .

_l~oben Young. son of Mr. and Mrs. J oseph C. Yo ung of New Orlcnns. Lou1si::u m. 1'('C<•iw cl tlte Charles 11. Railey award for oulslm1ding leade rship among tl1t• 111a l1· ~ lllcl<' nts at Lorola University al the Annual Awards Dny cerl'mony. M ay 2'.J, 1961. T his award is donated annually by the Alumni Chapter of tlH' Alpha D1' lta Gamma .'ocial Fratnnity and wa 1m·~<'nted by the Ver)' Rt•\. \\'. Pau ick Donn<'llr, .J .. P resident of the L'ni\'t'r'iily. Robert is a I ~'' '-llt<km. H e trace" his ancestry back lo M aximilian .Jc.•wett, throu~h Ed" 111 ( arn,1in .J<'Wl'll who was a ea Captain in the India trade for many} l'ars .ind \\ho 'l'lllt•d in 'N<"w Orleans in 1867.

- 30 -

Miss Crace Yi. J ewett, for lifty years an elementary ~chool leachcr an<l principal at Lcomin~Lcr , M :.ts\ach11M'lls, retired from her duties at the close of the school }'l'ar in J urw 1961. M iss J <'\\Cll graduated from F itchburg Normal . chool in 1911 and w:.h award1•d lll'r bachclo1's and master's degrees from the Fitchburg .'tate 1 \•,tcht•ri. College. f ot her contributions in elementary educa­tion, including arli\ c pat ticipalion in the parent-teachers association move­mcnc. she was a" arde<l the fit ~t .J . 0 . :\filler award for merit in teaching at Fitchburg , tale C:ollt·gc in 1955. .\ public reception was held in her honor at t he :'\orthwesl ">cl1ool, 1.C'omin tcr, on M ay 21. I 961.

K atherine Nowell .f l'wCll, daughH·r of W illiam Cornell J ewett III of H untington, \\'t•i.1 Virginia , and George .\ lister H enry III were married August 26, 1961.

In J une we received from Grorg<' N . Angell, one of our mf'mbers in Portland. Oregan. a g<' twalogy of ~onw of 1he de<;cendants of William Angell, great-grandson of Thollla-; Angt•ll , immigrant a ncestor of the Angell fami ly. T his is a suppl<'ment to Avn y F. Angeli's genealogy of the Angell Family. Also a copy of thr cksr<'nclan ts of J ohn R1irha nk of the J acob D urgin Burbank line, supplcmcma ry to St•dg lty's gt•ncalogy of the Burbank family. These genealogies wl'n: cornpilt'c.I hy Mr. and Mrs. Angell after a Jong and thorough searching of rccortk Wl' a rc gr atefu l to Mr. Angell for his contribution to our collection.

J oan, daug htee of the late Rich:1rd J ewe tt of Mason, Michigan, conducts a private fi nishing school. Shr has recrmly been workin;; with the L ansing BtL5iness ni\·ersity :1nd with the Mirhigan State University in conjunction with her school. She ha'i a daily radio p rog ram and is frequently on teJcvision .

M r. a nd M r. Theodore V. Herrmann ha\'e moved from 1\ew York City co E nglewood, New J crn:y.

Linda :\an J ewett, daughter of ".\1rs. Clinton A. J ewett of \\'illiams, California. a nd Gary E. D awrnan wt•rr married at Carmel-by-the-Sea, Cali­fornia, October 8. 1960.

H arriett \'i1ginia Raxu•r a nd Gary Newfield J ewett of W illiams, Cali­fornia, were marril'd J unr 2 ~. 1961. Gary is the son of Yfrs. Clinton A. J ewett.

E\·erett Grl'n\'ille J ewett of F re no, California is the editor of the Fresno Numismatic Soci<•ty'., M onthly Bulletin .

Samuel A. Newman, our honorary vice-president for Brazil has retired from the Gulf Oil Co111pany and now makes his home in Fort L auderdale, F lorida.

Mrs. Susan J ewett Griggs of Abing ton, Connecticut, observed her ninetieth birthday quietly al her hor11e on J anuury 11 , 1962. Due to her recent illness an open house could not be lw lcl as had been previously planned, but a ll of her children called to set• lier betw1·c•n Friday a nd Sunday.

Mrs. Griggs is well known as a writer. She began her li terai-y car eer with a rticles for the R ural New Yorker and the Williarnanlic Journa l. She also was a contributor of llis toric~tl Sketches fo r the Springfield Jow·nal. Mrs. Griggs compiled a g1·m·alogical reco1d of the descendants of Benjamin J ewett who rerno\·ed from ( ps" ich a nd M anchester, Mass., and settled in Pomfret, Conn. Possibly she is bl."t kno" n by her books "K ate Ford's Family", " Nelly Be\·erly, Fa n ner'', a nd "folklore and Firesides in Pomfret, H ampton and Vicinity" .

- 3 1 -

Page 18: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -


Edwin S. Perkins Alexandria. Va.

Richard H . .Jewett r onh ~1adison, Ohio

Rcrnccla .J1•w<'tt North Madison, Ohio

H arlan J cwctt North M adison, Ohio

Delores J ewett North Mad ison, Ohio

Roger Jewett Wi ll iain~to·wn , Ma~s.

J udith L. .J ewell New Yol'k, N. Y.

Shcpnrd L . .J ewett Lynn, Mass.

Everett 0. Jewett Rowley, Mass.

Porter Jewell Perkins Wenham, :vrass.

Susanna T . Perkins \\'enham, Mass.

Arthur Jewrtt Clinton. M~s.

James W . .Jewitt Ocean City, N. J.

L ucy Jewett Prescott ~<·w Rochrllr , N. Y.

Mrs. Ranald J. Brigham Ipswich, Mass.

Ma ry A. Jewett H.owlry, M nss.

Alfred 1). J ewett, Jr. R owley, Mass.

Florene<' L. Foster Cambridge, Mass.

M. R. Burlingame Minnrapolis. Minn.

Yfrs. Evelyn Bt1rlin3'amc Minneapolis. Minn.

Enid Btu·lingam e M inneapolis. :Minn.

R owley, M ass.

By Judith L. Jewett

S. Mackenzie Paige Windsor, Quebec

). f rs. S. Mackenzie Paige \\'incisor, Quebec

Raymond D. Jewett "pringfield, M ass.

Mrs. Raymond D. J l'Wl'tt Spri11gfield. M ass.

Mrs. Lena Jewett Goodwin West SpringfiekI, Mass.

Freel A. Jewett ?vfansonville, Quebec

G. Ha.rolcl Pfau T ucson, Ariz.

Yfrs. G. Harold Pfau T ucson, Ariz.

Edward J ewctt Ips•.vich, M ass.

Arlene A. Smith Ipswich, M ass.

E. Tilson Peabody Birmingham. Mich.

Ilonnic Peabody Birmingham, :Mich.

\frs. Diana L. Crosby R owley, Mass.

Vera Messier Candia Sta., N. II.

Winford Yfessier Candia Sta., N . H .

Christ ine Weinrich Cumberslone, N1d.

Everett G. Jewett • Fresno, Calif.

Will iam D. Jewett F resno, Calli.

Richard P. Brigham Ipswich, Mass.

Rev. William H. Jewett Spring Valley, N. Y.

I\frs. Barbara L. J ewett Spring Valley, N. Y.

- 32 -

yfrs. H oward L. Jewett Schenectady, N. Y.

Yfiss M arian G. T odd Rowley. Yiass.

J. Harris T odd Ro\\·ley, Mass.

Douglas Haley R owley, Mass.

H arry H . H aley Rowley. :Mas.

Percy L. Jewett H averhill, M ass.

Mrs. Percy L. Jewett H averhill, Mass.

Alfred D . Jewett Rowley, Mass.

R ana.Id J. Brigham Ipswich, M ass.

Cunis F. H aley Rowley, Mass.

Albert W. H aley R owley, M ass.

H elen H aley R owley. M ass.

Albert W. H aley, J r. Rowley, M ass.

Dorothy E. K eyes R owley, Mass.

Erwyne P. Seabury Conway, N. H.

Lois v\T. Seabury Conway, N. H.

Leonard W. Peabody Pla.ttsburgh, N. Y.

Stella Jewett M ank Bath, Maine

Henry W. M ank Bath, Ma ine

Elisabeth P. Jewett M anchester, M ass.

R ev. J ames \V. K ellett Wolfeboro, N. H.

Martha-Jean Peabody K ellett Wolfeboro, N. H.

William Ernest K ellett Wolfeboro, N. H.

Beth Peabody Dan\'crs, 1'v1ass.

Sarah F. Peabody Danvers, Mass.

Winthrop P. H aynes Boxford, Mass.

Y[rs. Winthrop P. H aynes Boxford, 'M ass.

Donald R. J ewett Cfc\·eland, Ohio

Florence L. Jewett Cleveland, Ohio

Alice C . Jewett Amesbury, Mass.

Eel. E. J ewett D a nvers, Mass.

Bernice R . J ewett D anvers, :Mass.

C. Frederick MacGill Newton, 'Nfass.

Mrs. C. Frederick MacGill Newton. Mass.

Helen Pond Pepperell, ]Mass.

Imogene Jewett Hodgman Stoneham, Ivfass.

Miriam I. Owen Swneham, Mass.

Russell Jewett H odgman Stoneham, M ass.

Alben R. H odgman Ston('ham, M ass.

Richard H. Jewett M elrose, M ass.

Mrs. R ichard H . Jewett Melrose, Mass.

Edward Jewett Melrose, M ass.

Richan! C . Jewett Melrose, :Mass.

Leola Jewett M elrose, Mass.

C lan·nce Pickard Salisbury, Mass.

Yfrs. Clarence Picka rd Salisbury, Y[ass.

- 33 -

Page 19: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

Eskil Josephson Alna, Maine

Mrs. Eskil Josephson Alna, Maine

R. R Jewett Phoenixville, Pa.

Mrs. R. R . .Jt•weu Phocni:ffillc, Pa.

Sm· Jewell Wright M arblehead, Mass.

Artlrnr S. Wright Marblchca<l, Mass.

George A. Perkins Wenham, Mass.

F rances E. Perkins Wenham, Mass.

Calvin T. Perkins Wenham, Mass.

Patty Perkins Wenham, Mass.

.Jeffery W. Perkins \Venham, M ass.

Gail Ann Perkins Wenham, Mass.

Lun·c Ellen Perkins \\'.- enham, ;\fass.

Porter Jewell Perkins, J r. Rocky River, Ohio

Hedda E. Perkins Rocky River, Ohio

Diane Sue Perkins Rocky River, Ohio

Kimberly Ann Perkins Rocky River, Ohio

Alan J ewett Clinton, Mass.

Peter Peabody Danvers, Mass.

Sallyanne Peabody Wood Amherst, Mass.

Douglas James Wood Amherst, M ass.

Natalie Jewett Ipswich, Mass.

Richard Paul Brigham Ipswich, Mass.

R onald James Brigham J pswich, Mass.

- 34 -


Joseph F . .Jewett Haverhill. ~fas~ .

Mrs. Joseph F. Jewell H averhill, Mass.

M. Lester Jewett Taumon, ;\1ass.

i\frs. M. Lester Jewect Tauncon, Yl:ass.

:Nlrs. Gertie :VI. Jewett \Vessels C linton, M ass.

Barbara W cssels Clinton, Mass.

Diane L. Wessels Sterling, Mass.

Debby H. Wessels Sterling, Mass.

D r. William A. J ewett Needham, Mass.

M rs. William A. Jewett Needham, Ma.ss.

Dr. John Figgis Jewett Needl1am, M ass.

Ethel Jewett Sanborn Gloucester, Mass.

Alfred G. I reland Gloucester, Mass.

D r. William G. Jewett Gardner, Mass.

Mrs. \\"illiam G. Jewett Gardner, ;\fass.

Colin Durham Florham Park, N. J.

Richard M. Dw·ham Florham Park, N . .J.

Emily M. Durham Florham Park, N. J.

Edna Towne Jewett Ipswich, Mass.

\.\1a lter Amos Jewett Rowley, M ass.

Adelaide Jewett Rowley, Mass.

Alice Perley Rowley, M ass.

Sandra Perley Ro\vley, Mass.

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Page 20: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

Ensign Joseph Jewett

Jonathan .fl''' ctt

Rdx~cca L aw

Ben jam in .le'' ~· tt

.John \Vicom

Mary Wirnm

Abigail K imball

AnCl'Slor~ of

J ohn J l'Wet t

J ohn R ogers

Roht'll Ro).(t'N

Dinah C h iske

Dorothy H.o).(rrs

Richard Smith

Dorcichy Sm it h

H a nnah Cheney

- 36 -

IJea. :\1aximili:rn J rwr tt

I Ann

\\'illi:un La\\

Man· Chl•nt•\

Richard \\'icom


Ilr.nrv Kimball

Mary \'\'yatc

Robert Roger~

Is..,,, •••

Rich:crcl Smith ..

J ohn Chcncv


Compiled II) E' crctt 0 . J ewett

The reco1 <l of thi' hranch of tlw .Jnn·n Family has !yen compiled '' ith the assistance oi :\11 ,. :\ h 1 d1· ~ancl1•Nin of \\'1·<;t Charles con. Y t.. ::\fr,. R,1lpl. . .\. Bean of ~ewpon. \ ' t.. :incl :\Ir . Fu·cl .\ . J e \\ t'll of ::\fansom·illc. Q udx-r. and from notes and l1•1t1•1, acc-1111111lat l'cl during the pa!.l few yl·ar;.

T ht' ance~try ,,, J ohn J t·w1·11 '' ,1, tak1•n fi om G eorge A. Jc\\ ctt' ··Hunt in~ an Anccstc>r .. which w.i' 1rnhli,l11·d in th<' 1912- 13 Ycarb:)()k of the .Jt'\H'll F amily of t\mrlica. Inc. and frnm tl11· ··E:11 Iv . c ttlcrs of H.ow]e,·. :\b,~ ... In Blodgett and Jt' \\'('t 1. T iii' 1912-13 y l.'a t book also contains a p a rtial I ecorcl of rhe desn·ndant~ of j oM•plt , 'on of J ohn .

According to tht· D1·r1·nilwr 1 !)32 i~snt· of the "Chr istian \Vo1·k1:r", ,l ohn married in Stratham, N. TT .. \Jis t·ou~in, Hannah .J ewett. Two of their children wen: born in SLraLL a111. I fc• li\1·d in Hop kimon, J'\. H. from about l 762 11nti l about 1778, w here his m l H' r rhi kli·1·n W('l'C b o 111 and where he sig ned I hi' "D cclara Lion of Fick lity" M ar('h I I, 177 1 ( tlw o rig inn1 is on fi le in Goncord, N. FL }. A dccd sig lH'd by J ohn ,I L'wl.' IL May 27, 1779, lists him as being of H enneker, N. IT. He: is ;1t lliat Lillll' cnlkd "Vroman". He also owned la nd in Bow and in Enfi1·ld.

.John Jewell ptu·chn,t•d fro111 Tiniothy B('del of Ha\'erhill, N. H .. saw rnill and g rist mill propclly i11 Bath. !':. H .. deed dated May 1, 1779, and evidt•ntly he removed to that LO\\ n a' WC' find him li~ted in Sutherland's Hi~tory of Rath, page 100. as being a o ldil'I in th<' Revolution from Bath. H e was a hig hway sun·eyor in lhth in I 781 "hl•n he i' clt•c;ignacccl as "D eacon·-_

O ur first n•cord of tht· J <'W<'t t Family in connection with the town of L isbon, (call rd Conro1 d unt i I .J 11nt- I I. 182 ~ J i~ a deed d:w:d September 15. 1783 when Da\'icl J <'W<'t t of Bath •on of John and not LO be confu~ccl \\ith J ohn·., gTand.,on. D:l\ id p111cha~1·cl from L uther Richardson ··one hundn•d acres of land in the lO\\ n'hip '>f ( onrnrd { Li-.bon near the Landaff line and about om· half~· milt· <;011thra't f1 mn :\fink Pond".

T he fir..t im oict• n •rm dt·cl of T.bhon i~ that of the vcar 178-1- when the names of .John. Jost•ph and ~athani<·I J <'\\Tlt appear on ihe list. From I 790 through 1795, Nathani<·I. Dadd w JoM'J>h hdd town offices.

T he Rook of Rt>corcls for tlw Church in L isbon and Landaff. N. H .. J une 10. 1800, lis1 among tlw n~n H'~ of 1he first members of th<' Ch urch John ] <'wett , 1801, Di~ .• S:i lly .Jcwr tl, 1801 , Dis., H uldah J ewett, 1801 , E x. and Hannah J ewett, lHOl. l)is.

The minu tes of LI H· 11H't' ti11g <lf tl1l· C hurch, datcci O ctober 16, 1H02 -" Ch11rch met :1l the d1·~i l'L' of J'\ :i tld . .J cwt•tt , openL'cl meeting with prayer. Nath !. J ewe tt ack11ow l 1·d~t·c l hi' fn1ilts ancl justified the ChtLrch in excom ­munication of hilll J rn111 till' Cl1L11ch, and wished for fel lowship with m nga in. Voted him restored l o fl' l low~ltip. Votl'cl Lo ~ivc him a letter of regu lar stand­ing with us. C:lo~cd inrNin~ "itli prai~c 10 God" . On p age 30 of the ~amc record hook, wr n•:1d " Di~ 111iw'cl b) kucr, l'\a.thanicl Jewcn, O ct. 17th, 1802''.

O n .July 5. I 797. Nathnni1·I sold to J o!>hua Q uimby of Landaff . •. H ., propen y ·· that belon~ed to the 101 of land that John J ewell li,·ed on with buildings and imprO\ cmt·ms".

- 37 -

Page 21: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

The J l:wet t Family . with tho exception of three daughters of John grad~1all > d1spos<•d of their property and removed from tlw town. Probably Lhc lmt LO leav<' wa<; Oa\'id. He is listed as being of Stanstt•ad County. QudX'C on .Ocwlx·1 28. 1799, where he was one of the founders of 1hc• Bapti!>l (;h111 ch. lt t<; p1ci.11mrd that when john and H annah were dii;mi<;sed from the Church at 1:i~b<;>n tlwy • l' rno\'cd to tansrcad County, followed by Nathaniel and hi\ f~m'.~Y in .180 1 and hr jo<;~ph and his family in 1805. Grnr~t· A . .Je" cll in Im Jl 11nt1111{ an Anct•<; tor refers to Joseph as ha\'ing mo,·cd fiorn Li)bon to Nc·w Yo rk state, overlooking the fact that Joseph' <; dau~hter. 1 lannah, wa-; born in Stanst<·ad County.

. The record on file of the children born in Lisbon is e1 roncously li)tt•d a'> ch1ldrcn of John Jcwtlt ; whereas they were the childr<'n of ~athanit'I a nti Sallr (<;tone ) J ewCLt.

T he Lake Sh?rc Scttlemen.1 in St~nstead County, Q uebec "was b<:g-un in .J.8~0 by the M l'rnll , J ewett, Ba ird , Daily, Peaslee, Gef'r and Brown Families".

l'\os: t wl'nl ~-t wo a nd tWl'nty-thrcc, first Range were settkd by the lcwcll Family of Lisbon , N . H . :Ind, after passing through variou~ hnncls. 1;ecam e lh<" propC'ny of W. N . '"' ood. who gave it 1he name of Woodl:ind' ' : fro111 forest nncl C learings, compilc·d by F. B. Hubbard and publ i~hed in I OH.

. No rccor<l of t.11<' draths o~ John and his _wife, H a nnah J cw<'lt, neither of t~e ir· sons, NnLh~n1l'I and David, .have been found. I t is probable• that they d1t•d and a rc bL1rn:d near Gcorgevtlle on Lake M cmphrcmagog.

The narm·s of David and N a.thaniel J ewett were often prefixed by " Rev." as wa~ .John, the son of Nathaniel. I find no evidence that thC'y were ever ordained.

F rom "Thr Stone Family of Piermont" by J ames A. 13. tone: "Sally Slone .. oldcsL claught~~ of John St.one was married to Rev. Nathan J ewt' lt, a Bapll~t Preacher. I hey settled m Stanstead, P. Q. and had n ine chi lclrcn. After his de<;uh she mar:ied his brother, R e\'. D a, ·id J ewett, her dcct·awd husband having bdo1 C' his death expressed a wish that sht• do ~o· and l>01C'

him three child~ <'n, making a n aggregate of twcke. He1 de~cc~dams arc numerous and .w1d~ly cat.tercd a nd many of them prominent in their 1 e~pecLi\f• sphere' of actmg. life; bcm~ preache~, teachers, lawyers and farnwr:.". The abo\'e statt•mcnl 1s as true m 1962 as 1t was when wriuen in 188-1 .

- 38 -

First (icncration

John J ewell, ~on or Bt'nj.1min and Do.rothy ( Rogers I J ewl't l \\:is bor.n in tratham. X. IL about 17'.m. llr man1ed there .. \c1gu::.t 10. 1158. h1-. cousin. H annah. d<lll~hll'r of En~ i~n .J o~eph and Ann ('\'iggin ' J ewell. · h1· was born in Su al:: a m. "i1·pt1•111ht·1 18. 1735 and died probably in 'tamtrad County. Quebec .uu·1 1802. .John .J1•w1·tt was a large lanu-own~r in \'at'iou-. towns in Xe\'. H a1111''hi1t• :Hld through tlw rccordi. of 1hc !;ind ttlle~ we haw been able lo foUo'' hi' wandl'1tn~' from. trarham. w H opkinton. to Iknnekc•1. to 13ath and tlwnc,• to Li,bon I C:onrord . H r was a soldier in the Rcrnlution­ar.· " 'ar and was li'ited :is :i ~rout in Colonel Evans· Regiment. H <' died pr~bably in Sta1htrad Count). Qt•t•lwc

C hildren

2 M ehetabc•I, born in . u atha111, ~fa)' 28. 1759. No further r ecord . 3 David, born in Strntltnm, 1\ pril 2+, 1761. M arried Saliy (Stool' ) Jtwetl* 4 Nathaniel, Born in Jl opkinwn . .l\farch 3 1, 1763. Married Sally Stone* 5 Joseph, born in I fopkirnon, Jvfart' h 2!'>, 1765. M arried H uldnh Fenlon 6 Eunice, !Jorn in I lnpkinwn. April 2•1, 1767. M arried John Clark , J r . 7 Bette {Betsey), horn in I lopk inton, J un<' 30, 1771. Maniccl Sylvanus

Novcs B Sally, born in Tlopkinlon, April I 0, J 774. M arried Timothy Noyes.

ccond Generation

Nathaniel lcm.:ll ( lohn 11 wa~ horn in H opkinton, :\. H .. ~[arch 3 l, 1763. He married ' Sall\·. c1'a11•7 ht1'r of ~fojor Criah and Heph7ibah (Iladlcy) Stone. She was ho1 n i~ Pien~ont. I:\ . TI. H e died in Stanstead County about 1803. After his death. hi!> wido"· man icd h is brother. DaYid.

Children horn in Li~bon, N. H., except last two

9 Clcrinda or Cl..i1 j~.,a . bot n ;\o'" 11. 1787. ~farricd Gideon Daley 10 H annah. bo111 Aptil I.), 1789 ~larrit'd Re\'. ·adlaniel ).lerrill. 11 Cynthia. Born Dec. 26, 17()0, ~ [a11 icd E li/ah Geer. 12 John, born :'\1.11 ch 12. l 791 oi 179'.t M arritd Ilanna11 Currier. 13 Criah Slone, born J an. 28, 1795. I le was ~m<' of rhe fixtures about Lake

M emphrcmagog. Ilt· wa~ ta ken to C~nada by Im father ~d r~1olher aboul the year 1800. He li\t·d for ina ny Yl'Ur~ 111 a cabtn on Jewett s Pomt near George· ville, Quebec.

I would take l'Xcept ion tn Llw story in Volume I of "Beautiful Waters" by W. B. Bullock Ll rn L " Rinh " w:1~ :1clclic l ~c.l lo. ' 'strong ~~ii:tk" . ~{.ather, , t~1 r tales Lhat J haw heard :ihn11 t him cm pli as1ie his ecccntr.1c1t1cs, his. conv1vial nature and his imleprnclen1 spi rit. H e l n.~cl li tt le scboohr:g, ~ut his. na tural ability for oralory enabled hi111 10 full y deligh t and entertain his audiences . .

"Riah'' nC\'C' I' ma1 rit'd. rl1· di('("I in Po t Lon, Quebec, J an. 31. 1868. and is buried in an unma1 kcd gra\'(' in thr -.mall b~1 rial g round in Vale Perkins.

l -t John Harne~. bm n On. I. 1796. Xo fun her record. 15 Daniel. ~rn O cl. 21. l i97. Ko furcher record. 16 Anna M ill-., horn in ~rnn~1.·nd County. Q uebec, M arch 1 I, 1801. M a r-

ried Gorham Paigl'. I 7 D aYid. born in !->tamll'ad C'oumy. Quebec, Feb. 18, 1803. M arried

Laura Rexford*. • 39 •

Page 22: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -



- 40 -

3 David Jewett (John I ) was bo rn in Stratham, N. H., April 2'1-,. 176.1. Following the neath of his brother, :\lathaniel, about 1803, he marn ed rn Stanstead County .:\la th:rniel's widow, Sally. There is no record of their deaths.

Children born in Stanstead County

18 D orothy, Born ·ov. 21 , 1806. :Married Benjamin ·ewhall. 19 Belinda, born Married Thomas Williston. 20 Caroline (or Clara ) , born M a rried Eben Webster.

Third Generation

17 D avid .Jewell (Nad1anicl I; John I ) was born in Stanstead County, Quebec, Feb. 18, 1803. He married Lhere in 1823, Laura, da ughter of Abra­ham and C la rissa (Hovey ) Rexford. She wa~ born in Hatley, Quebec and died in Nonlt Bangor, N. Y. , Jan. 26. 1875, age 70 years. David Jewett was a farmer; he served in Uompa ny D of Lhc 98th New York Regiment in the Civil Wa r, enlisting a t the age of 59 years. H e died in North 13angor, N. Y., .Dec. 1. 9, 1871, and is b1tricd in a small cemeter y not far from his farm. Hi~ grave is marked. Most if not a ll of their children were born in Sta.nstea.d County.

C hildren

21 Sarah, born Dec. 25, 1823; married George Washington Brown*. 22 Benjamin Fran klin, born April 5, 1825; married Louisa J ane WoodwarcP'. 23 George W., died young. 2+ H orace .13.* 25 Clarissa . no record. 26 Geo1gc k exfo1cl, born M arch 24-, 1837; married Jane Allen*. 27 H arrier, married James H and*. 28 Charles S., married Lottie H ead*.

Fourth Generation

21 arah Jewett (David 17; ~athanicl 4; John 1) was born in Stan-stead County, Quebec, Dec. 25, 1823. S he married in Griffin, Quebec. Jan. 12, 18..J.2, GC'orgc Wash ington, son of \Vashington and Mary (Judd ) Brown. He was born in Potton, Qu<'b<'c, Ja n. 19, 1821 and died in Morgan, Vennont, July 2, 1913. She died in Newport, Vermont, August 10, 1890. Both arc buried in Coventry, Vermont.

Children born in S tanstead County, Quebec

29 H arriet, horn Feb. 27, J1H5; married Charles Leney·:<-. 30 Mary Jane, born Apri l 4, 18H; married Benjamin Nelcar Stevens·:<. 31 Anna, born Jan. 7, 1850; ma rri<' d Lorenzo Stickney«·. 32 Alice L., born No,·. 10, 1852 ; died August 25, 1870, unmarried. 33 Sa.rah E.. born Dec. 15, 185,~ ; cli<·d Feb. 13, 1857. 3+ Clarissa, born Jan. 16. 1857; married first Ama.ziah M agoon*. 35 Osmond Bovmon, born Aug. 27, J 859: married Inez A. Peck*. 36 George W., born No\'. 20. 1861: died Dec. 20, 1870. 37 F ranklin ,J.. born April 19, 186 ~:married Orpha M. Wright·~. 38 Charles. born M a rch 28, 1866: married Flora Allen*. 39 I nez E ., born M arch 17, 1868: married Franklin J osiah Litchfield*.

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22 Rcnjamin Frankli n .J ewett (D avid 17; Nathaniel +; J ohn 1) wa., born in Stamtcad County, Quebec, April 5, 1825. H e marri<'d in 1850, Louisa J ane. da11ghl<'r of George and M argaret J ane Woodward. She was born in Chelmsford. M ass., J an. 9 .1831 , and died Oct. 27, 1902. H e died in North Bangor. N. Y., Dec. l ~. 1903.

C hildren born in .Bangor, 1\. Y.

.J.-0 Franklin ·1:1.,on, born J an. 2, 1852; married H arric::t Eliza Lyon*. +1 \\"atson Parker, born J uly 26, 1855; married i\ellic M. H owe*. +2 J osephine L ouise, born August 19, 1857; married William Darwin

T aylor*. 43 \\"ilbur N ewball, born Aug. 7, 1859; died Feb. 2, 1877. +l· Laura Euphemia, born Aug. , 1861; died in 1929, uruuarricd.

24. H orace l3. Jewett (D avid 17; Nathaniel 4; J ohn 1) was born in Stanstcad County, Quebec. H e married and had one ch ild, Charles, possibly others. From the S tanstead County Journal, Nov. 16, 18l8, ''Notice is hereby given thal 1 have released to my son, H orace 13. J ewett, Lhe remainder of his minority; and shall no t cla im 11is earnings, or p ay debts of his contracting afLer Lhis tlate. D avid .J ewett, Bangor, N. Y., J uly 19, l848."

26 George R exford Jewett (D avid 17; Nathaniel 4; John 1) was born i t1 St:mstcad County, Quebec, March 24, 1837. He married first in 1857, .Jane Allen of Potton, Quebec. She was born in 18-J.1 and died in 1881. He married second in 1883, Mrs. Ja ne S. George. H e d ied in J ay, Vt., April 23, 1921 ·'the la L of l:! ig hL children". Buried in Vale P erkins, Quebec.

C hildren by first wife

+5 H attie Amelia, born Feb 23, 186L; man-ied Walter E. Skinner*. +6 George \\'. , born No,·. 27, L862 ; married L aura H and"·. +7 Charles, born in Polton, Quebec, in 1865; died in Kew York, N. Y. in

1907. 48 Sarah, born .J 11ne 8, 1868: m;.u ri<'d Charles W. Pennock*. +9 Alice Ann, bo1 n March 3, L869: married James Hunter*. 50 H e rbert ~elson, born Yray 21, 187 l; married Frances H adlock*. 51 Willie Watson, born in Potton, Quebec, in 187+; died in 1882. 52 Bertha Aggie, born in Potton, Quebec, J uly 25, 1876; married Peter

Goodnow. "he died in 1922 and is buried in Lcomimtcr, Mass. 53 Frank, born in Potton, Quebec, in 1881; died al birth.

Child by second wife

5-~ Euphemia, born J an. 28, 1884; rna,rricd Floyd DeForest A11stin·* . ..

27 H arricL Jewell (D avid 17; Natha niel +; .John l ) was born in SLan ­stcad CounLy, Quebec, May 1, 1827. She married in Potlon, Quebec, J unl' 2, J8<15, J ames H and. Ilolh :ire buried in Fitch Bay, Quebec.


55 Aslib<.•I, born March 22, l8.i6. 56 Laura, born May 25, 181-8; married Hiram Webster. 57 J ames Munroe, born Feb. 25, 1850.

- 42 -

58 Sarah, born April 18, 1854; married and left a daughter. Laura who was raised by her aunt, Laura. , 59 Charles, born D ec. 6, 185 7. 60 H arriet, born J an. 27, 186+; married Samuel Norton·~. 61 Alice Florence. born April 10, 1866; married Wa lter B. Leney*. See #63.

28 Charles S. JewctL (David 17; Nathaniel +; John I ) was born in Stanstead County, Quebec. H e married in Oswego, N. Y.> about 187+ LoLtie H ead. H e died in Pot~dam, N. Y ., J unc 12, 1877. '

Filth Generation

~9 H arriet E~ Brown (Sarah 21 ; David 17; Nathaniel 4; John 1) was born m Starutead County, Quebec, Feb. 27, 1845. She married Sept. 26, 1861, Charles Lcney. He was born in Terrebonne, Quebec, May 22, 1837 and died May 24, 1918, age 81 years a nd 2 days. She d ied J an. 26, 1926.


?2 John Cl~arles, born Feb. l '.~, 1863; married Sadie C. Kettle. T hey re­s.1ded m Candia, N. H. when; he was a jeweler and optician. H e died in M an­chester, N . H. No children.

63 Walter Benjamin, bom O ct. 16, 186'~ ; married Alice Florence H a nd. See #61.

64 Sarah H a r riet, born Dec. 2 1, 1866; married H a rry Stanton*. 65 George Daniel, born April 26, 1869; married twice second wife was

Edith, daughter of D avid Leney. ' 66 Adams Thomas, born April 1, 1872; married M argaret Luncleville*. 67 William David, born Oct. 7, 1875; married Etta Wright*. 68 Andrew Albert, born Nov. 18, 1879*. 69 Arthur Garfield. born i11 West Derby, Vermont D ec. 26 1881 · married

but had no childr<-n. He resided in Delevan, Wisc., where he di~d De~. 8, 1958.

3~ Mary Jan~ Brown (Sarah 21; _David 17; Nathaniel 4; John I ) was bon~ m.Stanstead County,.Qucbec, Apnl 4, 1847. She married July 7, 186+, BenJ~in Nclcar, son of S11non Stevens. H e was born in Waterloo, Q uebec, and died al Island Pond, Vt., April 2 1, L 908. She ctied J an. 19, 1923.

C hildren

70 J ames Albert, born May 6, 1868; married M arv Abbie H errin»•. 71 Emma; ctied in infancy. ' 72 ?vfary E., born Feb. I, 1875; married Albert Stevens*. 73 Myra Ethel, born Oct. , 1880; married Edward Clough·*.

. . 3 1 Anna Brown (Sarah 21; D avid 17; Na thaniel 4; John 1) was born in Stanstcad County,~Quebec, J an. 7, 1850. She married in North Stanstead, Quebec, Sept. 29, 1810, Loren:t.o, son of Jonalhan B. and Thankful (Gerry) Stickney. H e was born in Elizabethtown, N. Y., July 20, 1845, died in Roches­ter, Vt., Dec. 24, 1932. She d ied J uly 13, 19 18. Both arc buried in Leadville, Quebec.

Children born in Leadville, Quebec

7+ Cora E., born Aug. 13, 1871; married M yron Brown*. 75 ~artha A., Born J une 5, 1877; married Charles Wrio-ht*. 76 Bessie, born April 28, 1885; m arried Floyd Niles*.


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. . 3 ~ Clar·issa Brown (Sarah 2 1; D avid 17: Nathaniel +: J oh n I ) ·was ho rn tn Stanstead Coun1y, Q uebec . J an. 16. 1857. She marrit·d fir ·L. Aina'l.iah M agoon: second. Daniel lVfurray: th ird, in Newport, Vt., hy Rev. L. A. Edwards, Od. 5, 1911. Charles Ellsworth. She d ied Nm·embcr, 1933.

7i Blanche A .. born 78 Robin:i, horn

C hildren by first husband

, died J an . 16, 1871. , died . ept. 6, 1878.

35 qsm.ond lloymon 13rown (Sarah 2 1; David 17; Nath a11icl ·J ; J ohn 1) was born 1n t:msic•ad County. Quebec. Aug. 27, 1859. H .: married in New­port, Vt.. by Elder Charles M cClure. ?\o\'. 20, 1890, I nez A. Peck. ' he was born in E lmon', Vt., J an. 27, 1867 and she died in \Vc.:.L Charleston Vt. J uly 1956. Hcdiedthcrc. J an.15, 1938. ' '

C hildren born in N ewport, V t.

79 M yrtle 1\ licl.!, bCJ rn ScpL. 2 1, 1893: rna rril.!d S umn<' r I. Sanderson*. 80 George E., born Dec. 28, I 896; ma rr ied Natalie Prudence Scot! *.

3.7 .Frnn klin .{· Brown (Sarah 21;. D avid 17; Nathaniel ·~ : J olin 1) was born in S la 11s tead County, Q uebec, Aprrl 19, 186+. H e ma rried in D erby, Vt., J a n. 3, L899, O rphn M ., daugh ter of William and M :irtha {Alexander ) vVrig !1t. . Site was born in l3arnst011, Q uebec, Ap r_il 29, 1880 a nd she d it·d in Gran!lcv1 lle, Q ucbrc, .J u ne 2, 1920. H e d ied there O ct. 10, 1932.


81 Ruth Gertrude. horn M ay 27, 1903; married R aymond H arlow Bachel­der;' ·

. . 38 Cha.rl~s Rrown (. a rah 21; David 17; Nathaniel -J.; J ohn I ) was born 1~ St~nstrad C.011nLy. Quebec. ~far. 28. 1866. He married F lora Allen . H e died m Crr<•nfield, Ma-;s., Oct. 18, 19+6. he died t here Feb. 8, 1962.

C hildren

82 C?nrolcl, born Jan. 22, 1901; died L yme, 1\. H., Aug. 28, 1928. 83 K enneth , born in H ar low, Q uebec, N ov. 10, 1909; mnniecl

J acques. · 85 E verett, born J 1dy 18, 19 12. 86 Alice, horn Dc·c. 13, l. 9 1+; diedManchester,Conn., Scpt. 9, 1959. 8 7 Ada line;, born Apr il ·~, l9J.9.

D e: lo rice

. .39 lm:7. E. Brown (Sa r:1h 21; David 17; Na thaniel <1; J ohn 1) was born 111 Covrntry, V t., M ar. 17, 1868. She married Nov. 20 1890 Franklin J ?siah L itchlie ld. He w:1s born O ct. 2, 1860 and died Aug. M, l9'W. She d rcd J an. LO, 1929.

C hildren.

88 f\1l ildrrcl Belle. bo~·n Feb. 12, 1893. .She married J uly 25. 1925, Ra lph A. Bean. l k was born 111 G IO\·er. Vt., Apnl 3. 1903. Thcv reside in Newport Vt. ~o children. · '

- 44 -

89 H arold George, born Feb. 5. 1896: m arried J essie F . Ferguson·*. 90 Hazel Alberta, Born M ar. 2, 1898; married Apri l 6, t 9 L8. D r . H elli'y

E. Somers of Newport. She clied in - c·wport, I\o,·. 5, 1918, buried in the Main St. Ceme tery.

91 C harles F ranklin, born Dec. I, 1905: marriC'd Gladys ( Peck ) H oward*.

-l-0 F ranklin ~clson Jewnr { Brnjamin F . 22; D add 17; :'{athaniel -l-; John 1) was born in Bangor, ~. Y .. Jan. 2. 1852. H e rn::irricd in Fredonia. N . Y. Dec. 25, 1893. H arriet Eli73, daughter of F ranklin Smith and H arriet A. (Johnson ) L yon . She was horn J an. 30. 1863 and died in M aitland. F lorida, M ay 7, 19--19. Jl e d ird in Fredonia.K Y., J u ne 23, 19+0. -

T he hard cold facts of bir1'1. mar riages a nd deaths in a genealogical record leave m uch to be desired as n biographical record, p art icularly 3$ to the life of such a n oLrtstan cli ng m:rn as F ranklin Nelson J ewett.

H e was born in a log cabin on his father's fa rm, a nd must have 1nilked cows and done o ther chores before he went away to school. and proba bly on vacations.

Franklin Nelson .Jr wC'U ta ngli t a di~tr i c t school in Fran klin County, . r. Y. before he entered O swego S ta l<' Nonna! School, where he fi nished a fou r yea r course in three years. After more c.listrict school- teaching he en tered in 1877 Rochester l.J n ivcrsity, gnidualincr in 188 l with his A.R. degree. The following year he taught at the La ke Fo rest Academy in lJlinois.

Dur ing . h is senior year he won the Sherman Scholarshjp in Poli tical Science by doing ~xtra-c11rricu lar work. Th is work was a basis for a thesis submitted lat<' r for his A.M . degree. T lw subject was " T he Condition o f the Laboring ClassC's in Euroµc· During the T welfth Cen tury".

H e graduated from Rochr~t::-r Theological Semina ry in 1885, earning a prize early in che coursr for tlw highest ~landing ii1 his class.

H e joined the staff at the Frrclonia :'\ormal School in ~farch 1886. D uring the forty years at Fredon ia Jonna) hr imroduccd meLhods of teaching far ahead of the times, with incli,·idual projects and g-roup activit ies.

Prof. J ewett was a tcaC"hcr of i;cit'nC"r. but also a student of languages; speaking F rench and German Huent ly.

On his retirement in J une 1926 he was honored by the appointment, from the "ew York talc Commission of Edncation, to the ra n k o f Professor Emeritus.

C h ildren born in Fredonia, N . Y.

92 R exford Wilbur, born OcL. 23, 189·1; married L ydia E lizaheth C lowa rd*. 93 Edi th E lizahct h (twin ), horn Sept. 16, 1895; died Mar. 17, 1896. 94 M arjorie J osephine (Lwin), horn Sc•pt. 16, 1895 ; m a.rried Willia.in P .

Hillman"'. 95 H arold Alden, bo rn l\11ay 30. l897; married E u nice Holton·». 96 Eugene Lyon. bo rn April 1 1. 1900. H e ma rried in Winter Park, Flo rida,

O ct. 12, 1940, R 11 th. daughter of J. G. a nd Sarah (Smith ) Schwa rz, D.D . he was born in J e rseyville. Illi nois. April 28, 1898. They are doctors in Orla ndo, Florida a nd reside in M aitland. l\0 cl 1ilcl ren .

-l-1 Wat~on Parker J ewett ( Benjamin F . 22; D avid 17;Nathaniel4; J ohn l ) was born m North Bangor. N. Y., J uly 26 . 1855. H e married on Thanks­gi\·ing D ay I 897, Nellie i\1. Howe who wa~ born in nclmont, N. Y.

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Page 25: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

/ /~


- 46 -

C hildren horn in Malone, N. Y.

97 Frank W .. residrs in M alone, N. Y. 98 'Hazel: marri::d Stickney. T hey reside in Syracuse, N . Y. 99 H arry, re ides in ·yrncusc, N. Y.

JOO Floyd, resides in M alone, N. Y.

-1-2 Josrphine Lo11i~t· Jt·wcll ( BPnjamin F. 22; D avid 17: Nathaniel I: John l ) was born in Bangor. New York., Aug. 19, 1857. She m~m·ied J une 17 .. 1879, W illiam Darwin. son of Edwin A. and ~1inen·a {Cushm::rn \ Taylor. H e \.\'aS born in l'\onh tlangor, the sanlC' date a~ h is wife. Aug. 19. 1857. and died in ) forth Bang;or, J an. 16. 1938. he died there M a r. 2L 19-1-2.


101 Susan. born in North Ra ng1)r. M ar . 9. 1880. . he married in St. Rt'gi' Falls, N. Y., SC'pt. 2, 1933, Ralpli E lwin, son of Elwin A. and Harriet ( King ) Tarbell. H e was born April 23. 1878. H e had two c::hi lcl ren hy a former marriage, H e len Ida, born .J an. 11, 19 10i and Nt1dine E ., born Jan. 11. 19 12. Mr. and Mrs. T a rbell rc~itk i11 :'•forth Bangor, N. Y. 102 Mildred Eupl1cm ia, born in Hutch in~on , K a nsas, Sr pt. 11, 1889; mar­ried W illiam Dexter Bracc·x-_ 103 Marion Louise, born i11 I Lu1chinrnn, Kansas, .May 15, 189'.1; married John T. Soutl1worlh* .

.+5 Hatt ie Amelia .J ewell ( GMrg(· Rexford 26 ; D avid 1 i : Nntha nic-1 -+: John 1) was born in M alone, ~rw York , Feb. 23. 1861 She married in Jay, Vermont, J an . 31, 1877, Walter E. Sk inner. He was born in Canada. J an. 21. L856 and died in R yeg a1e. \'C'rmont in 1931. She died in R yegat<' in 1936.


JO.+ Ethel; married J ack \\'inrhr~ter. She died in \\'oodsville. K H ., Feb. 16. 1962. l05 Minnie: married Carl H ubbard. Resides in Woodsville. X H. 106 M yrtle ; married in \\'esuninster. \ ' t., .Ja n. 20. 1885 Carl Cndcrwood. Resides in \\'estminster. Vt.

~6 Georgr Wash ing1on ] 1'\l '"ll \ G<'orgc· Rexford 26 : D avid 17: Natlrnnit•l -1-; J ohn 1) wa~ born in lfangor. N. Y .. l'\o'" 2i. 1862. H e married in Y!anson­ville. Quebec. Laura. ciaughtt•r of L c·n;n'tt H nnd. She wa" born in M anson­ville, M ay 17, 1859 nnd clil·cl tlwn· ~m-. 5, 193 1. He di t:d in M a nsonville. Fch. 19, 194-1. They are bnril'd in tht• Ma nsou\'iJk Cemetery.


107 F lora, born Feb. 28, 1885: dit·d April 6, 1892. 108 I ,izzic, horn Sq>L. 21 , 1887: d ird Mardi 21 , 1888. 109 Frederick Archibald, born Feb. 6, 1889: ma.rricd A,ris Be lle .Jonts«'. 110 Mildred Blcc t ~t. born Dc>c. 22 . 1890; ma rried Guy Dona ld Magoon"". 111 Benha A lice. born M a r. 16. 1895 : married Clyde H enry Je rsey·x-_ 112 Sarah Hazel. born M ar. I :1, 1900; rnarri• •cl George Wilbur Darling*.

-t-8 Sar:ih Jewell ( C~eorg<' Rl'xford 26: D avid 17: Nathaniel 4; John 1) was born in Po tton, Quebec. J une 8. 1868. She married Jan. 1, 1888. Charles W. Pennock who was born in I .isbon, X H . H e died there . She died in L eominster. M ass., O ct., 1960.

- -+ 7 •

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C hild born in Lisbon

113 Claude, born in 1890;died in 1902, aged12 years.

4-9 Alice Ann Jewett (George Rexford 26 ; David 17; Nathaniel+; John 1) was born in Potton, Quebec, Mar. 3, 1869. She mani'!d J ames Hunter of Farnham, Quebec. She died April 3, 1904.


J l<I· John, went west and died there. 115 Blanche, married O 'Brien. Resides in Farnham, Quebec. 116 J an e. 11 7 James. 118 J ason. 119 Alice. 120 George.

50 Herbert Nelson Jewett (George Rexford 26 ; David 17 ; Nathaniel 4; John l ) was born in East Pot ton , Quebec, May 21 , 1871. He married in Derby, Vermont, Sept. 19, 1891 , Frances, daughter of H iram and Abby (Cade) H adlock. She was born in J ay, Vermont, October 17. 1872, :mcl died in Woods­villc·. N. H. , Sept. 9, 1925. He died in Monrovia, California. March 8, J.952.


121 Maude Alice. born in Lisbon, N. H .. Jan. 2, 1897; married Phelon 0 . Perry*. t22 Harold Earl, born in H arwick. Vt., M ar. 31, 1900. He married in Laconia, N. H ., Sept. 29. 1922, Elizabeth Olive. daughter of John M. and Li llian A. (Huntley) Hanks. She was born in Piermont, N. H ., April 2, 1900. He died July 1959. No children.

5·~ Euphemia Jewett (George Rex ford 26; Da,vid 17; Nathaniel 4; John I ) was born in Potton, Quebec, Jan . 28, 1884. She married in M ansonville, Quebec, April 9, 1914-, Floyd DeForest, son of Harlow and Anna (Place) AusLin. He was born in Potton, Jan. 24, 1891. They reside in Putney. Vermont.

C hildren

123 Colin DeForest, born Apri l 29, 1918; marr ied Sylvia Bolonga*. 121 Kenneth Burnham, born Aug. 28, 1919; married Dorothy Jameson*.

60 ~l ice F lorence Hand (Harriet 27 ; David 17 ; Nathaniel 4; John 1) was born 111 Stanstead County, Quebec, April 10, 1869. She marriect Walter B., ~on of Charles and Harriet (Brown) Leney. Sec #63. H e was born in Terrebonne, Quebec, Oct. 16, 1864, and died in Georgeville, Quebec, Oct. 28, 1950. She died there Sept. 25, 1942. She was buried in Ccorgeville, Quebec.

Children born in Georgeville, Quebec

125 Olive, born M ay 8, 1891: married William Wallace Camber*. I 26 Archie, born Feb. 25, 1893. 127 Reginald, born Sept. 25. 1895. 128 Frank, born Jan. 16, 1897. I 29 Gladys, born J uly 22, 1900; married Raymond L. West*.

- 48 -

130 John, born May 13, 1902; married Aegis Probyn*. 131 Fred, born Feb., 1906. 132 Sam, born .July 30, 1908.

61 Harriet Hand (Han-iet 27; David 17; Nathaniel 4, John 1) married Samuel Norton. 133 Edith ; married Fred Hellam. They reside in Beebe, Quebec. 134 Gertrude; married Harold Bean of Beebe. 135 Katherine; married Dr. Pace.

Sixth Generation

64 Sarah Harriet Leney (Harriet E. 29 ; Sarah 21 ; David 17: Nathaniel 4; John 1) was born in Co\'entry, Vermont, Dre. 21, 1866. She married first, H arry Stanton. Second, Harry K eyes.

ChiJd by first husband

136 Harold.

66 Adams Thomas Leney (Harriet E . 29 ; Sarah 21 ; David 17; Nathan­iel 4; John 1) was torn in M agog, Quebec, April 1, 1872. H e married M ar­garet Lundeville. She was born Sept. 5, 1877, and died in Waltham, M ass., March 15. 1955. H e diC'd M arch 21, 1895.


137 Alfred tuart, born Dec. 20, 1893: married Blanch Iza T hompson*.

67 William David Leney (H arriet E. 29; Sarah 21; David 17; Nathaniel 4; John l ) was bo1 n in Oliver, Quebec, Oct. 7, J 875. He married in Derby, Vt., D ec. 27, 190-1-, Etta E ., daughter of William Wright. She was born in Beebe, Quebec, Aug. 20, 1881 and died in Ccorgcville, Q uebec, Nov. 25, 1923. He died Sept. 10, t 953.


138 ByTon 1 l., married Elinor Woodard*.

68 Andrew Albert Leney (Marriet 29; Sarah 21 ; David 17; Kathanicl -t; John l ) wa.5 born in Oliver, Quebec, Nov. 18, 1879. H e was a watchmaker and lived in Candia, N. H . He died in M anchester, N. H., J an. 1, 1951.


139 Maida; married in Candia, Leon Smith. 140 Ethelda Harriet; married Cad Gilbert Smith and had ch ildren born in Candia, N. H . John, born April 18, .1935; David George, born M ay 18, l 9~36; Robert Arthur, born August 25, 1937; Pearl, birth not recorded in Candia, N. H. records.

70 James Alben Stevens (Mary .Jane 30; Sarah 21 ; David 17; Nathaniel -1- ; John l ) was born in Coventry, Vt., M ay 6, 1868. He married at Island Pond, Vt., Sept. 2-t, 1895, Mary (Mae) Abbie Herrin. She was born in Stanstead, Quebec, Mar. 6, 1875 and died in San Gabriel, Calif., S<' pt. 2+, 1957. He died in Pasadena, Calif., March 9, 1932.

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C hjldrcn

l l 1 Ethel Edna . born D<'c. 22, 1899: married Paul W ilfred Ensign*. J ~2 E,·c1Nr Ed wa rd. bo rn ~l ay 21, 1906. H e died in Pasadena, Calif., April 5 . 1956, unma rried .

72 M a ry E .. tc\'l:ns (Yiary J a ne 30: Sarah 21: D avid 17 : Nath.a nicl -1-: J ohn I 1 was hom in 1cwpon. Vt.. Feb. 1, 1875. She ma rried. Lherc, m 1893. Alben ~L Stc\'<' 11~. H e wa<; born in East Charleston . t., Feb. 23. 1869 a nd <lied a t Isla nd Pond. V t., On. 13, 194-2. She died chcrl', Feb. 27, 1907.

Children born at Island Pond

J..l.3 H azrl M a\'. born l\Iarch 10, 189+: ma rried H ubert Lesley*. 1+4 C liffo rd Nelcar , horn O ct. 17, 1899; mar ried Abigail G . H owa rd*. H 5 M ar•Taret. born D ec. 23, 1 9U :~ : cli ed Nov. 18, 190k 1 -~6 M a rion Elc<rnor , bo rn .July 23, 1905. She married al Island Pond, J 11nr 19 1958 William Ch~rlcs. son of George H enry a nti Ada (Gunter ) H11ghes. H~ was horn in Sou th Du rham, Quebec, Sept. 17, 1891. T hey reside at Tsland Pond . No chi ld ren .

73 M y1·a Ethel Stevens ( M ary Jane 30; Sarah 21 : David 17; NaLha nicl k J oli n I ) W:lS born in Newport, Vt.. O ct ., 1880. Sltc m a rried Edwa rd

Clough. She d ied in Whitt ier , Calif., Aug. 12, 1960.

1+7 T imothy. l ~8 J oel. l-1-9 Catherine. 150 Da"icl.

C hildren

7 1- Cora E. Stickney ( Anna 31; Sarah 2l; D a,·id 17; 'athaniel -!-; J ohn l ) was born in Polto n, Q uebec, Aug. 13, 18~1. She _1m!1Tied in Nrwp~1t, Vt., Aug. 15. 1893, :Myron , son o f Ira and J uha ( Yforn ll ) Brown. She died in Po ultney. Vr., .J a n. 18, 1953.

151 Cynthia. 152 Carroll. 153 M orris.


J 5+ Lorenzo. 155 Donna ; ma rried and resid<'s in M id dletown Springs, V t. She has a daughter who mnrr;ed Henry Perkins and resides in M on tpelier, Vt. They have two children. ..

75 Mar tha A. St ickney (Anna 3 l; Sarah 21; David 17: Na thnniel 4·; J oh n l l was born in Leadville , que~c~ . June 5, 1877. She married in Ne\vport, Vt. , J uue 6, 1898, Ch ark:~ , son ol v\11 lham C . a nd M artha (Alexander) Wrig ht. H e was born in Lakeville, N. H. , M a rch 3. 1876, a nd died in Agawam, M ass., .Yfarch I 5, I 956 . .'hr, rrsidcs in Ag:i"·am.

Child 156 C lifton Cln1 rl1·~ born in Gra nite,·ille, Quebec, July 27. l90 1; ma rried Nellie· Alice M a LUlcvicL*.

- 50 -

76 Ressie Stickney (Anna 31 ; ~farah 2 1; David 17; Natha niel 4; .John 1) was born in PotLOn, Quehec, Apri l 28, 1885. S he married in Newport, Vt., Oc L. 31. 1905. Floyd N .. son of Nel~on and D elia (N iles ) J ohnson. H e was born in ~cwport. O ct. 20, 1886. Ht· was adopted by h is uncle Elmer Niles aflcr his father's dt"ath, Feh. 3, 1893 and took h is uncle's name "Niles".

Chil dren

157 Alcon F .. born Aug. 19, 1906: ma rried Esther L. Baird*. 158 Berde na YI .. born Ho lla nd . Vt. . • ept. 5. 1907: rued in Newport, M ay 18. 1922.

79 Mynlc Alice Brown (O smond B. ~5: Sarah 21; D:wid 17; Natha n ie l -!-: John l ) was born in Nt' wµort, Vt .. S\•pt. 2 1, I 893. She ma rried in Morgan, Vt., June 10. 191 ~.Sumner l.. son of W. D clno and Elsie ( Potter } Sanderson. H e was born in Dick inson, N . Y .. ~ov. 28, 1890. H e was a farmer in West Cha rleston, V t., where he <l ieu, O ct. 26, 1959. She resides in W est Charleston.


159 Phyllis L. bo rn M ar. 25 , 192:3.; ma rried Alton G. Young-:<-.

80 George E. Brown (Osmond 13. 35; Sarah 21 ; David 17; N atha niel + J ohn l ) was born in Newpon , Vt., Dec. 27, 1896. H e married in Newport'. July 20, 19 18, Na ta lie Prudence Scott. She was born there April 26 1897. They reside in Pasadena, Ca lif. '


160 Scott Rexford, born April 26, 1918: married M aida F ullerton*. 161 Da,;d Dean, born Feb. 26, 1921 ; m arr ied M argaret H . F letcher* . 162 Prudence Nancy, born J a n . 5, 1933; ma rried Gerald Lunden*.

81 Ruth Gertrude Brown ( FranklinJ. 37; Sarah 2l ; D avid 17; Na thanic l +; John l ) \\'as born in Burlington, Vt., M ay 27, 1903. She marr ied in Sprin.,.-field, Vt., J ul y 3. 1925, Rapnond H arlow Bachelder.



J63 E velyn Ru th , born .J uly 27, 1927; married D oug las W. Bliss*. 1.6+ Luc ille Ge1:trudl', born in Graniteville, Quebec, M ay 16, 1939. She m a r­ried a t Derby Line, Vt., Augus t 8, 1959, Gordon Leslie Duguette.

89 Haro ld George Litchfield (Inez E 39j Sarah 21 ; David 17; Nathaniel +~ John I ) was horn in N ewpor t'. Vt ., Feb. 5, 1896., H e married in D erby Cente!" Vt .. J11nc 12; 19 19, J essie. f ., d a ughter of Alexander and M ary (F razie r} Ferg uson. She was born m Bath, M e., April 1, 1895. They reside in Newport.

Children born in Newport, Vt.

165 H aze l ?vla r ion, born April 26, 1922: married in Newpor t Au"'nst 15 1953, Thomas Rona ld , son of T homas and Gladys (Carr) Inar~n . He w~ born in Barre. V t. , O ct. 30, I 922. No children.


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166 Mary Elizabeth, born Sept. 6, 1923; married Lloyd Burton H ough a.­boom><'. 167 Mark Ferguson, born Jan. 12, 1926; married Marilyn J. Fuller·».

91 Charles Franklin Litchfield (Inez E. 39; Sarah 21; D avid 17; Nath­aniel 4 ; John 1) was born in Newport, Vt., Dec. 1, 1905. He married in Derby Cenrer, \IL., Jan. I, 1931, Gladys ( Peck ) H oward, daughter of Shuball and Isabelle ( Pettes ) Peck. She was born in Bellows Falls, Vt., .June 26, 1903 and died Sept. 19, 1961. She had a son, Robert, by a former marriage.

92 Rexford Wilbur Jewett (Frank lin N. 40; Benjamin F. 22; David 17; Nathaniel 4; John 1) was born in Fredonia, N. Y ., Oct. 23, 1895. H e married Nov. 29, 1922, Lydia E lizabeth Cioward. H e died in D unkirk, N. Y., April 23, 1937. She remarried and resides .in Bowdoinham, Maine.


168 Rachel Alden, born in Wilmington, Del., Jan. 27, 1925. She married in Wilmington, Oct. M, 1950, Ne>vman Ledbellcr. They reside in Da llas, Texas. No chjldren. 169 Jean C loward, born in H ol lywood, Calif., May 11, 1929; she married, at the Cathedral Church, Boston, Mass., OcL. 3, 1959, William Vaughan Moody Fawcett, .Jr ., of Annisquarn, Mass. They reside in Bradford, Penna.

94 Marjorie Josephine Jewett (Franklin N. 40; Benj;.unin F. 22; D avid 17; Nathaniel 4; John l ) was born in Fredonia, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1895. She married in Fredonia, N . Y., J uly 3, 1922, William Philip, son of William P. and Caroline (Cornlossy) Hillman. H e was born in Brooklyn, N . Y., April 19, 1897. They reside in N ewark, Delaware.


170 William Philip, Jr. ( twin ) , born July 22, 1923; Married Frances Collier*. 171 Marjorie .Josephine ( twin ), born J uly 22, 1923. 172 Franklin Jewett, born Augusr 31, 1926: married Laura Trapnell·X·. 173 Jean Marie (twin) , born July 26, 1928; married Bernard L. J essup·X·. 174 Joan (twin), born July 26, 1928; died at birth.

95 H arold Alden Jewett (Franklin N. 40; Benjamin F. 22 ; David 17; Nathaniel 4; John l ) was born in Fredonia, N. Y., :Yfay 30, 1897. He married in Newark, N. J., Feb. 5, 1935, Eunice, daughter of Herbert and Eunice (Mad­dox ) Bolton. She was born in Gr iffin, Ga., in 1907. Mr. Jewett graduated from Cornell U niversity in 1932 with a B.C. degree. He got his LLB from Harvard U niversity. He is a member of the American Bar Association and a patent attorney in Washington, D . C. He is also a talented musictan.

C hildren

175 Marjorie Bolten, born in Dunkirk, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1936. She married in Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 15, 1960, William Cckele. They reside in East Lansing, Michigan. 176 Eugene Alden, born in Washington, D. C., Jan. 23, 1941.

102 Mildred Euphemia Taylor (Joseph ine· L. 42; Benjamin F. 22 ; David l 7; Nathaniel 4; John J) was born in Hutchinson, K ansa5, Sept. 11, 1889.

- 52 -

She !narried, Dec. 23, 19 l 3, W. D., son of George H arvey and Annabel Otis (Smith) Brace. He was born in Shcri<lan, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1892. They reside in Mayville, N. Y.


177 F lorence Eleanor, born in N. Hangor, N. Y., Nov. 22, 19 H. She mar­ried in Windsor, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1941, M ilton Earle Button. T hey were divorced in Aug. J 950. No children. 1_78 .Josephii:e Anna, born in Nonh Bangor, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1916. She mar­ried m M ayville, N . Y., July JO, 194+. Lester K. Parkhurst. No children. 179 Richard Rodney, born May28.1918; married Virginia.Olson'+. 180 Rob~rt Adrian, born J uly 4 , 1922; married Patricia Boggs'+. 181 Manon F rances, born March 26, 1924; married Gerald T. H askins'«. 182 Frederick Eugene, born Oct. 21 , 1925; married Barbara June Seyrnour·X·.

10~ Marion Louise Taylor (Josephine L. 42; Benjamin F. 22; David 17; Nath~111~l 4; John I ) >Vas born in Hutchinson. K ansas, M ay l 5, 1893. She m~rne? m North Bangor, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1913, John T .. wn of B. J. and Delia (Cu nnmgham ) Sout hworth. He was born J an. 3, 1892 and died in North Bangor, Sept. 25, 1937. She resides in North Bangor.

Children born in North Bangor, N . Y.

181) Lloyd Taylor, born Sept. 8, 1915. He married Agnes Sweet. They reside in North Bangor. 184 Wi ll i.ari: Benjamin, l>orn July 10, 1918. Resides in orth Hangor. 185 MarJone Jean, born O ct. 2, 1922. She married Howard .Premo. They reside in M assena, N. Y. 186 John J ., born April 12, 1930; married Ruth Brooks~'. 187 Robert George, born Oct. 8, 1935.

1_09 F.rcderick Archibald Jewett (George W. 46; George R. 26 ; David 17; Nathaniel 4·; John l ) was born in (Va.le Perkins) .Mansonville, Quebec, Feb. 6, 1889. H e married there, Nov. 29, l 9 11 , Avis Belle, daughter of Gardner and Clara (George ) Jones. She was born in Vale Perkins, Dec. 23, .1892. Mr. Jewett li.vcd in California for two years, returning to Vale Perkins m ~ 9 1 l . !hey res 1d~ on the H and Fann where thev moved shortly after their m.arnage. H e 1s a member of St. John's Ma.sonic Lodge No. 27, and the Urntecl Church. He ser~ecl on the Town Council for twenty-two years, and was i:iayo~ of ~ans.onvdlc ~or threr years. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett cele­brated their fiftieth vVcdcl1ng Anmversary in 1961.

Children born in Vale Perkins, Q uebec

188 Annie La~rie , born Sept. 17, 19 12; married George A. Lahue, Jr:x·. 189 G~orge U ., .born July,5, 1911-; married Onna Jane Booth·*. 190 Hilda Max111c, born Sept. 29, I 9 16; married Donald C. Cousens·:«. 19 1 Leverett H anel, born Aug. 12, 1918; married Pearl May llrown·*. 192 Charles Frederick, born Nov. 28, I 919: married Theresa F. Ethier·*. 193 Maurice M ilton, born Oct. 29, I 921 ; married Mary I. Sims·x-. 194 Leona Eleanor, born March 2, 1924; married R aou l P. Ethier""" 195 James Henry, born April 18, 1925 ; died May J 7, 1945.

1199~1 H~ward ~lay, born M ay 8, l.927; married .Jane E. Knowlton·*. Olive Avis, born May 4, 1930; married Ala n S . .Pcrkins-l<'.

l 98 Clara Evelyn, born O ct. 30, 1933; married Roland I. C lark*. 199 Frank Arch ibald, born Oct. 12, 1938.

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- 5+ -

110 Mildred Elccta .J cwrLL ( George- W. 46; George R . 26: David 17; N athaniel+; John 1) was born in (\'air Perkins) Mansom·illc, Quebec, Dec. 22, 1890. SIH• ma1ricd there. F<·h. 7. 1912. Guy D onald Magoon . . He was born in Vale Perkins, May 30, 1890 .. he died in Newport, Vt..] une 29, 19+9.

C hildren

200 Donald Alton, born :-.fa rch 28. 1913; imtrried Margaret Dixon*. 201 Lucille. born May 15. 1916: married Robert C. Hunt*.

111 Bertha Alice ]l:wclt (George \\'. +6: George R. 26: Da\"io 17: Nathaniel 4; .John I ) wa-; bo1 n in Sutton, Quebec. March 16. 1895. Sh-: married in M :msonvilk, Oct. 9, 1912; Clyde H enry .J crs~y. They r<'sid<• in Sutton, Quebtc.

C hildren born in M a nson ville, Q uebec

202 C lifton C lyde, born Sept. 10. 191:>; married Flora I. Ga rdnerl<·. 203 K enneth F rederick, born Nm-. 13, 19 19: rnarried lsahel Mor rison·*. 204 R onald Fra nc is, born Stpl. I 0. I 9N; d ied 1)1'c. 23, l 933.

112 Sarah Hazd .J e\v<·tt (Gcorgt· W. ~6: George R. 26: David 17 : Nathaniel ·I; John I ) was born in (Vale PNkins ) Mansonville, Queb(.:c, M arch 13, 1900. She marrird thcrt', A1 1g. 28. 1918, George \Vesley. ~on of Hir;im VI/. and Cora Be lle (Jo ne•, \ Dnrling. Ht· was born in Vale Perkins, Feb. 18, 1899. T hey reside in Waterloo. Quebec.

C hildren born in M anson vil le, Quebec

205 Glendon Hu~h. born O cL 18. 1919: 111arrit•d ~ellie :\1arion Streeter*. 206 D urwood D alton. born Jun<' 30, 1921: married 1cllie Lottie \\'ilson*.

121 Maude Alice .Jcw('tl ( Herbert N. 50: George R. 26: Da\·id 17: lachanicl 4: John I 1 was horn in Lisbon, N. H .. J:.w. 2. 1897. Sl1e married

in North H averhill , . H .. Aug. 9, 19 11. Phclon 0 .. :on o[ Alvin G. and J\ilar)' A. (Nason J Perry. Ile \\"a'( born in Warren, :N. H .. Aug . 7, 1891 and died in Conway, N. H ., J an. 25, 19'.i9. Slw resides in Conway.

C hildr en

207 C harles \ Vinlicld, born rkC'. 2'.i, 1912: 111arricd Eu lea Adams''· 208 .Philip La m:cr, born .July 2:i. 19 15: married E\'elyn Merrill*. 209 Robert Phclon , bc)l"ll Oct. 12 , 1. 918; married Avis Merrill*. 2 10 Herbert Ne lson , born J ;111. 30. 1923; tllUrTied E lizabeth Claire Densmore·:·'. 21 l Stephen Waynl', born Feb. 23. 1925: married Eunice M . Day*.

123 Colin DeFores t J <'well Austin (.Eupltcmia 54; George R. 26 ; D avid 17; Nathaniel+: J ohn I ) wa~ horn in J ay, Vt., April 29. 1918. H e married. M arch 8, 19 ~9. Syh ia Bolongn:i.. Sile was born in Windsor Lock'i. Conn., Aug . 25, 1926. They reside in Windsor Locks.

C hild

212 G wen Ann, born in H artford, Conn .. March 25, 1950.

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12+ Kenneth Burnham Amrin l Euphemia 5·~ ; George R. 26: David 17; Nathaniel+; John 1 ) was born in .Jny, Vt., Aug. 28, 1919. H(' married in l9+:l, Do1'0lh y. daughter o.f Mahlon Jame~on. They reside in Dover, Delaware, wlwre he is attached to the United . tau~s Air Corps.

Ch ildren

213 .Jean Carol, horn in Texas, Oct. 7, J 9-14. 214 Sha ri Wawnr ll. born in .SL. .J ohnsbury, Vt., Ju ly 28, 1947. 215 Wendy Gale. born in St. J ohnsbury, Vt., fl'h. 27. 1953. 216 J ay Kenneth, horn in St. .John..,bury. Ve., July 30, 195+. 217 L ynn ~arie. born J une 26. 1961.

125 Olive L f·rn:y (Alice F. 60; Harriet 27: David 17; Nathaniel 4·; J ohn l ) wa.s horn May 8, 1891. She married William Wallace Camber. H e died in Sherbrooke. Qucf>N'., J an. !l, I 962. She rcsid1·~ in Georgcvi llc, Quebec.

C hildren

218 Edith Florence, born Dec. 1, 1911; died J an. 19, 1921. 219 Evadna, born .July 26, 1922; n1arricd Regin::tld J a mes H a rris*. 220 Armonde. born Sept. 25, 1925: married E lliott Howard West* Sec #22:1.

129 Gladys Lency ( Alice F. 60: Han·it't 27; David 17: Nathaniel I: .John I ) was born .J uly 22. 1900. She married J une 26, 1917, Raymond L. W est. He was born Oct. 3, 1899. Sht' died M ay H , 1959.

Child ren

221 \Valter R aymon<l,bornScpt. 19, 1917. Marrieclandhastwochildrcn. 222 Edward M cKenzie. born M .:iy 29. 1921: died March 20, 1922. 223 Elliot Howard, born J une 12, 192..J.; married Armonde Camhcr. ee #220. 221· Willis Edward, born Nov. 20, 1927; died June 30, 1930. 225 SLl·phen M alco lm, born Sept. +. 1932. 226 Arthur Benjamin, born 1\o,·. 8, 1938.

130 John Leney (Alice F. 60: Harriet 27: D a ,·id 17; Nathaniel +; John 1 ) was born May 13, J 902. H e nrnrril•cl Aegis Probyn.


22 7 Rudolph, born Dec. 9, 1929. 228 ~hirley, born OcL 18, 1931; married Mansel 'mith.

Seven1h Generation

13 7 Alf red Stuart Lcncy (Adams T. 66; Harriet E. 29; Sarah 21 ; David 17: Nathaniel -~; J c h 11 I ) was born in Derby L inc. Vt., Dec. 20, 1893. H e married in Medford. Mass .. J une 17, 1923, Blanche Iza, daughter of Frank E. and Matilda (Oiklc l Thompson. She was born in Lockport, l\'ova Scotia, Frh. 2. 1899. H e died in M edford. June 27. 1959. She resides in M edford.


229 Rodney Adams, born March 18. 1925: married Ann E . Perrin*. 230 Gordon Stuart, born Sept. 17, 1928: married Barbara A. Stimpson*.

- 56 -

138 Byron Lcncy ( V\lilliam D. 67; H arricl E. 29; Sarah 21; David 17; Nathaniel 4; John I ) was born May 22, 1908. Married in M agog, Quebec, April 3, J 926, E linor. claugltt<·r of lknjamin IL and Mt.be! F. (Shepard ) Woodard. She was born in Quccnsboro, Vt., July 2G, 1905. They reside in Georgevillc, Quebec.

Ch ildren born in Georgeville, Q uebec

231 L eslcr Thomas, horn Sept. 9, 1928. 232 Raymond M. horn .J 11ne 17 , 193-~; married Audrey Wilkes*.

HJ Ethel Edna Slc,·cns (James A. 70; Mary J ane 30; Sarah 21; David 17: Nathaniel +; John I ) was born in Worcester, Mass., Dec. 22, 1899. She married in Pasadena, Calif., Aug. 9, 1918, Paul Wilfred En~ign. He was born in Redlands. Calif., May 5, l897.


233 Margaret Ruth, horn Oct. 12, J 919; manied F rank H arlan Lewis*. 234 Harold Wilfred (tw in ), born June 7, 1921 ; rnarried M a rgaret JoAnn Bucurn'x'. 235 Robert Paul ( lwin ) , born J une 7, 1921 : married Lo11ise Almina Ross·:f.

H3 Haze! May Stc\'em (M ary E. '.'2: Mary Jane 30; Sarah 21: David I 7; Nathaniel 4: J ohn I } was born at tl<1nd Pond, Vl'rmont, M arch 10, 188+. She married in Pasadena, Calif., Nov. 25, 1919, Hub£>rt, son of Calvin and Annie (Carr ) Lesley. He was born in Olive, Calif., April 8. 1892. They rcsidt• in Rosamond, Calif.

Ch ildren

236 Alben Stevens, born in Van Nuys, Calif., O ct. 15, 1921'*. 23 7 J ohn Gordon, born in Los Ang<.:lcs, Calif., D ec. 2 I, 192i. 238 Charles Kermit, born in Van Nuys, Cal if., June 16, 1939.

H+ Clifford Nelcnr . tc,·ens ( Mary E. 72; .:viary Jane 30; arah 21; David l 7; Nathanie l 4; John I ) was born at I sland Pond, Vt., Oct. 17, 1899. He married Oct. 30, 1924, Abigail C. Howard. They reside in Purk Riclg(:, Illinois.

Ch ild ren

239 Betty Gail, born in 13oston, Mass., April 19, 1928; married Glen Allan Gunderson·». 240 Richard Clifford, born Nov. 8, J 936.

156 Clifton Charles Wright (M artha A. 75: Anna 31; Sarah 21; D avid 17; Nathanie l+; John I ) was born in Graniteville, Q11ebec, July 27, 1901. He married in the \l\1hite M ethodist Church , Chicopee Falls, Mass., J uly 5, [94+, Nellie Alic(' M at11 lcvicz. She was born in South Boston, Mass., April 14-, 191 I.


2+ I Holly J11nl', born in Springfield, M ass .. J uly 5, 194+.

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157 Alton Floyd !\ile~ (Bessie 76; Anna 31; arah 21; David ~7; Nathaniel-!-: John l l wa~ born in Polton. Queb~c, At~g. 19. 1906 .. H e married in Brownington, Vt., O ct. 15. 1927. father L. B:11rd. She was_born m Ne~vpo1:t,

t., Scpr. I . 1911, aml died in Stepney, Conn., D ec. 26, 19:>2. He resides m Stepney, Conn.

C hildren

2.:J·2 C bra J ean, born Nov. 28, ,1928 ~ m<l;rricd.Williai,n B: Ca nfi.;tc1·x., N3 Hetty Ann, born July 2. 1933; mamrd Gil~ert G . Vmccm . x 2 1· ~ AltonF loyd,.Jr. , bornMa}' 12. 1 935:marned l3al'b~ra Roland··. 2+5 J amcs Nelson. born in Stepney. Conn., O cl. 2+. 19-~3. 2· ~6 Deborah )1ae, born in . tcpncy. Conn., Jan. 3, 1952.

159 Phyllis L. Sa11dcrson (M yrtle A. 79; O smond B. 35; arah 2l ; Da,-Jd 17: ~athaniel I: John l ) " 'a · born in Richford. Vt., M ar. 25, 1923. She married in D erby Center. Vt., .J 1mc 27 ,19+2, Alton G ., son of George J. and Adalinc (Skinner) Young. He wa~ born in llrowning~on . Vt., Nov. 21 , 1917. He is a fa rmer. T hey reside cm the Sanderson Farm in West C harleston, Vt.

Children born in Newport, Vt.

21·7 Rod ney E., born J1me 20, 19 ~·I. 2-1·8 Larry A., born Nov. 2+, 19-1-6.

160 Scott Rexford Brown ( George E. 80; Osmond B. 35; Sarah 21; Oavi<l 17; Nathaniel+: John I ) was born in :\"cwpon, Vt., AJ?ril ~6, 1918. H e manicd }.farch 29, 19-1-2, ~faida Fullerton. She \\·as born m T ilton, N. H ., Dec. 31, I 921. They reside in Swane, Calif.


2·19 Ala n Rodney, born J an. 2-1-, 191·7.

16J D avid Dl:an ilrown (George E. 80; Osmond 'B. '.~5; Sarah 21; David 17; Nathaniel ~ ; John J ) was born in Charleston, Vt ., Feb._ 26. 1921. He married Dec. 28. 19 13 . .\'l argarel H. Fletcher. She was horn m Los Angeles. Calif., M ay 17, 1923. They reside in Pasadena. Calif.

Chlldrcn born in Pasadena, Calif., except first

250 Deborah Ann, born Witchita F alls, T exas, April 15, 194·5. 251 Rodney Fletcher, born Sept. 13, 194 7. 252 Susan Dean, born.June 23, 1953. 253 Janet Elizabeth, born Nov. 2, 1960.


162 Prudence Na ncy Brown ( George E . 80; O·moncl B. 35; Sarah 21; David 17; ~athaniel ·~: John I ) was born in Albany,!\'.· Y.1 J an: 5, 19~3. She married .June 18, I 951 , Gerald L unden. T hey reside in Arcadia, Calif.

Children born in Altadena, Calif.

25+ Karen Diane. born Oct. 7, 1951. 255 Gail Patricia, horn M arch 25, 195 7. 256 :\"ancy Claire, born .J11ly 6, 1960.

- 58 -

163 E vc•lyn R uth Bachelder (R utb G. 81: Franklin J. 37: Sarah 21 ; Da,·id 17; Nathan.icl I: .John l l W:lS born in Ncwpon, Vt., J uly 27, 1927. She married in G1 anitC\ ille. Q uebec, Aug. 8. 1918. Douglas William Bliss.

Chi ldr en bom in Newport, Vt.

257 M aitla nd W illi am, born J uly 27, 19+9. 258 Shirley Ann Rtnh, born Apri l 26, 1952. 259 C hristl'na Eve lyn, born May 21, 1953. 260 Mari lyn L y111w (twin ) . born Dec. 28, L95+. 261 Carolyn Lc:l' ( Lwin ), born D ec. 28, 1954. 262 J3rian Douglas. born J unc 15, 1958. 263 W allace R a)'111ond, born April 7, 1961.

166 i\1fary E li1,abcth Litchfield (H arold G. 89; Inez E. 39; . arah 21: D a,·id 17; Nathaniel I : John I ) was born in Newport, Vt., Sept. 6. 1923. She married Lloyd Burton, son of Harry and Gladys t Dimon) Houghahoom. He was born in fl int , :Vlich., April 27, 1920. They reside in Orleans. Vt.

Children born in Ncwpo1·t, Vt.

264 J udith Dc·nn is, horn Sept. 5, 1951. 265 Joanne Eli;mbnh, born June 21, 1954. 266 Jean Ann. born J an . 4, 1958. 267 J aneL R ae. born Sepe. 2+, l 960.

167 Mark Fc1g11son L itchfield {Harold G. 89; Inez E. 39; Sarah 21; Da,·id 17: .i\atha.ni<'I +: John 1) was born in Newport, Vt., .J an. 12, 1926. H e married in Derby Center. Vt.. J une 13, 19+8, M ari lyn, da ughter of Alward H . and R uth (Rickahy } Fuller. She was bo rn in Newport, April 22, 1928. H e was g raduated cum la ude, from Tufts College in 1948, with a degree in Chemical Ellg inccring . In 195 1 he was g rad 11 ated from Boston College Law School with a bachelor's degree in L aw and wns admitted to the :rviassachu­setts bar. II<: joi nccl the Gillette Company in 19+8 as a patent engim:cr and in 1955 he was made Assistant General Co11nsr l in the legal executive depart­ment. Mr. Litcldie ld was made Assistant Treasurer in 1961. Dltriog World Wa r 11 he sencd in the l.!nited Start s Navy with the rank of Lieut. junior grade. M r. and ~frs. Litchfield reside in Framingham, M ass.

C hildr.en

268 L ynda Sue, born J an. 5, 1949. 269 M e lanie .l ea n, born Nov. 18, 1950. 270 M a rk Ferguson , Jr., born in Park Forest, Illinois, J uly 19, 1954 ..

170 Willia m Philip Hillman, .Jr. (M arjorie J. 9+; Frank lin N. 40; Benj::uuin F. 22: David L 7 : Nathaniel 4; John 1) was born in 13uffalo, N. Y., J u ly 22. 1923. H e marrird in Chicago, Illino is, Aug. 26. 1950. F rances, daughter of \\"i ll iam and D orcas Collier. ' he was born Oct. 27, 192+ in T occoa, Georg ia. ThC'y reside in Elmwood Park, Illinois.

Children born in Wilming ton, Delaware

271 William P .. TII, born Feb. 13, 1955. 2 72 R obert Coll in , born .J une 1, 1958.

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Page 32: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

I i2 Franklin Jewell fl illman (l\farjorie.). 9+: f ranklin N. 40; Benjamin f . 22: Da,·id 17: Nathaniel +: John I ) was born in New Brunswick, X. J.. Aug. 31, 1926. H e marrird in ~1illedgen ille, Ga.. ug. 19, 1956, Laura Dell. daughter of Frederirk Lewis and Annie Laura t lloWman ) Trapnell. T hey reside in Brunswick. Ga.


2 7~ T erry Ann. born J an. 22, 1958. 27 ~ David Je\>veu , born Nov. 8, 1960.

I 73 Jean H iilman ( Mnrjori~· .) . 9+ Franklin N. -1-0: Benjamin F. 22; Da\'id 17; athaniel ..J.: J ohn I ) wns born Aug. 26. 1928 . . he married in

1cwnrk. Delaware, July 20, 1957. Bernard L., J r. , son of Bernard Leland and Pauline Eunice (Terry ) Jesc;up. He was born in Charlotte, N. C., Oct. 5, 1923. They reside in \V::rntag h. Long Island, N . Y.


275 Bernard Lela nd. 111 ,, bo rn in Greenville, S. C., O ct. 28, 1960.

I i9 Richard Rodney Brace ( Mild red E . 102: J osl·ph ine L. ·~2 : Benjam in F. 22; David 17; Nathanil'! I : .John l ) was born in North Bangor, N . Y.. May 28. 1918. H e married Dec. I. 191-6. Virginia Arlen O lson. They reside in Ma)"'ille. N. Y.

276 Suzanne K ay. 277 Betty J ean

Ch ildren

180 Robert Ad ria n Brnce ( M ildred E . 102; J oscphi n(' L . 42 ; Benjamin F. 22: D avid 17; Na thanie l I; .J olin I) was horn in North Hang<>r, N . Y., J uly ~. 1922. H e married in C lrw• lancl, O hio, J11ly 19, 1943, Patricia Boggs.

278 Rohen Adrian, IL 279 Timothy Barren.


18 1 Marion Frances Brace ( Mi ldred E. 102; .Josephi11c L. 42; Benjamin F. 22; David 17; Katli anicl ·}; .J ohn 1) was born in M ayville, N. Y.., March 26, 192+. She ma rried in M ayville, M ay 13, 19~6, Gera ld T. H askins.

280 Thomas Ger ald. 281 William H arold. 282 Richard Allen .


182 Frederick Eugene Brace (Mildrcd E . 102 : Josephine L. 42; Benjamin F. 22: D avid 17; Nathuniel ·I; J oh n 1 ) was horn in .J amestown, N. Y. , Oct . 2 1, 1925. He married in J amestown, O ct. 5, 19+7, Barbara J une Seymour.

- 60 -

283 J une Yfaric. 28+ Joan Carol. 285 J ack Edward.


186 Jolin .J. Southworth (M arion L. 10:-1; .J osephi ne L. +2: H~njamin ~-22 : David 17; Nn Llianiel +; J ohn 1) was born in North Bimgor, l\. Y., Apr il 12; 1930. H e marn cd R.nth Brooks. T hey reside in North Bnngor.

C hild

286 Cathy Ann, bo rn J an. 25, 1957.

188 Annie L aurie J ewett ( Frederick A. 109: George ~\.'. ·~6: Georg_; R. 26 : David 17; Nathanil'! ..J. : J ohn I ) was born in Vale Perkins, Quebec. Sep1. 17. 1912. She mnrri<'d in Vale P<' rk ins, Oct. 17. 1933, Gec1rge Arthur. son of George A. and Emic ]~ lizabeth (Deck<'r ) I .:ih ue. He was ho rn in Lyndonvi lle, Yl., April 30. 1918. T hey reside in Cowa nsvi lle, Qnrhrc.


287 frl'derick Arth ur. born Ja n. 13, 1937 : m<irri<'cl Hilda Erna K ocmann·*. 288 Elizabeth lkllc. born 'sept. 25, 1938; married Paul Aime Ulric Sr. Martin*. 289 J acgueline J .aura . horn in h<:'rhrnokc. Qurhcc. May 2+. 19 ~3. 290 Lois Annie. born in Yale Perkins . .'cpt. 16, 19+5. 291 .Marie Ewl~11. born in .!\cwport, Vt .. Ang. 21. 1951 292 Paulinr ThlT<'sa. born in , wcc· tshurg, Q11dwc, Aug. 16, 1953.

189 Crnrg;<• U . Jewell (FreJ cric k A. 109; George \V. -1-6; Gc·orge R. 26 ; David 17; Nt1Llwnicl 4·; John 1) wa~ bnru in Vale Per kins .. Quehec, July 5, 191 4 . H e marr ied in Waterloo. Qucb<'c. S<'pl. 13. 19H, Orma J a ne', da ug hter of Gw rgt• Andrew a nd L illian Gertrude ( I lcatlicring ) Booth. She was born in Waterloo, .J uly 6, 19 16. They reside in Yale Pl'rkins, where he is t!tt• store keeper.

Ch ildren born in Vale Perkins, Quebec

293 Sandra Jc·an, born J an. 15. 1948. 29+ Carolvn Avis. horn Feb. 15, 1950. 295 O nna' J anl', born M ar . 7 .1 953.

190 Hilda M ax ine J ewett ( F rcckrick A. 109; George W. 16; George R. 26 ; D add 17; Nmhanicl -~; J ohn l ) was born in Vale Perkins, Q uebec, Sept. 29, 19 16. Sl1e married there, Sept. 29. 1936, Donald Clinton. son of Thomas Edward Ellis and M yrtle J an<' Cousens. H e was born in ilo lcon Center. Qul'bcc. Fe b. I, 1908. They reside in Bolton Center.


296 Betty L ou, born in Bolton Center, . rpt. 7, 19-10. She married in Vale Perkins. Quchcc. Sl·pt. 16, I 961. William George. son of Lorne Aly11 H'S and Rita M ae (, inclair ) Cook. H e was born in Owen Sound, Ontario, J une 26, 1936. T hey reside in M ontreal, Quebec.

- 61 •

Page 33: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

191 Leverett H and Jc·wrcr ( Fredrrick A. 109; George: W. 46; George R . 26: Dm·id 17: Nathanid +: J oiin I ) was born in Vale Perl:im. Quebec: Aug. 12, 1918. H e married in Val<' Pc-rkins. Quebec, Nov. 7, 19 ~2, Pearl May. daughter of Jl::ty Ear I and D orothy Yray (Sims ) Rrown. !)he was born in Vale Perkins. M ay 21 1 1921. They reside in Mansom·ille.

C hildren

297 Conrad Sims, born in M nnLrc::d, March 21 , 19'1 'k 298 Claudia Maureen. born 111 M a nsonville. March l l, 19 1·5. 209 Frederick Alla n. born in SwecLsburg, ~fay 23, 19 ~8 . 300 Gwendolyn Clrrryl. born in N<·wport. Vt.. O ct. I 0, 1950. 301 Leverett H a rvey. txirn in Nt>wport, Vt., M ai-ch 11 , 195+.

192 Ch:irles F rcdl'rick J t·,,·cu (Frederick A. 109; G1·orge \V. +6: George R. 26: l);.wid 17: N athanil') k J ohn I 1 was born in Vale Perkins, Q ueb<•c, Ko,·. 28. 1919. He married in Austin. Quebec, Nov.-!-. 1 9 1 ~, Therese f°l orencc. daug h ter of Edmond aud Graciosa ( Lamou reux) E thi<T. Sile w a..<; born in Knowlton L anding, Quc:bcc, D ec. 8, 1922 . T hey reside in Vale Perkins.

C hild

302 Fernande M ar y. born in Mansomille, .June 20, 1 9,~5 .

193 Maurice Millon Jewett (Frederick A. L09; George W. +6: G eorge R . 26: David 17 : Nathanid ~: John l ) wa<; born in Val1· Perkim. Q uebec, O ct. 29. 1921. H e married in 13owsman , M aniLoba. On. 4. 1952, M ary I sabel. daugh ter of Frederick George and M ary I sabel ( Abbcm ) Sims. She was born in Bowsman , July 18, 1920. They reside in Vall' Perkins, where he is a farmer.


~10:3 .J anet Marina, born in Newport, Vt., M a rch 2, 1951-.

1 9~ L eona Eleanor Jewett ( Fred erick A. 109: G!'orge W. +6 ; George R. 26: l)a\·id 17; N :Hhanicl -!-; J ohn 1) was born in Vale Perkins, Quebec. She married in Austin, Qucbf'C. O ct. 30. 1945, Raou l Paul, son of Edmund a nd Craciosa (Lamou reaux ) Ethier. I-11· was born in K nowlton Landing, Quebec, Feb. 12, 192l. T hey reside in Val1' Perkins.


~01 La rry Roger Pa11l, bo rn in Vair Perkins, Dec. 29, 19+7. 305 Rona ld Gilhert, born in Newport., Vt., March 25, 1949. :~06 Suianna Paulett(', born in Newport, Vt., D ec. 9, 1952.

196 H oward Clay J <'wctt (Frederick A. 109: George W. +6; George R. 26; Da,·id 17: Nathanie l +; J ohn I } was born in Vale PlTkins, Quebec, May 8, 1927. H e married in Vale Perkins, Quebec, May 8, 19+7. June Elaine, daug hter of L)1na11 Porter and E lsie (D a ,·idson ) Knowlton. ' he was born in Knowlt0n L a nding. Q uebec, J an. 28, 1928. T hey rei;ide in Vale Perkins.

Children born in :\'ewport, Vt., except firs t

307 Faye Elaine, born in V air P~r kins, Oct. 23, 19..J.7. 308 Anne Jennifer, born O ct. 2 7, 194·9.

- 62 -

309 J ohn Howard. born Dec. 9, 1950. 310 Ian Lee . born 10\·. 12. 1952. 31 l William Eric. Born J uly 30. 195-t..

197 O lh·e Avis J ewett (fr::d1·rick A. 1.09: G eorge 'Y· ·1-6 ; George R. 26; D avid 17: N :uh anid +; .Jolin I ) was bom 111 Vnlr Perk rns. Q11r ber . .'.Vfay +. 1930. S h\' m:lrr ic·<I thcrl". Sept. 20, 1951, Alan Scwd l, son o[ G eorg"<' HerbC'r'l and AilcnP (Jfoop,T ) Perkins. H e was born in ~utLon . queb;.c, M ay 6, l?::lO and died in Swrl't·d>u rg. Q11cb~:c. N ov. 2 1·. 1952. Sht' resrcles in Vale Perkins.


3 12 H ughAbn.h0rninSweetsburg, 1ov.2~. 1952.

198 Clara E\clyn J ewell ( Freclc•rid. A. 109: \.Mrge -1-6: C1·orgc R. 26: David 17: NaLhan iel I; John 1 \ was born in Vale· P.r rkim. q u1'b<'C. O~t: 30, 1933. Sh(' married d1erc. Dec. 19. 195~, Roland l r \\'111. son ot H ar<> ld C lifton and Maud (Tl1ay0r) C la rk. H1• was born in M a nsonvi!le, Quebec, ,l a n. 7, 193 l. Tltcy reside Lll La Prairie, Quebec.

C hildren born in M on1Tcal

313 Donna L ee, bo rn Sept. 21 , 1957. 31-1 R oland ).1ichacl. born O ct. 12. 1960.

200 D onald Allon Ma~oon ( !\Iiklred E .. 1 IO: GMrgc \\' . -1-6 : Geor<~t· R . 26: Oa \·i<l 17: Nathaniel ~ :John I ' was born in Vale Prrkin , Qm•bcc, March 28. 1913. H e rnarril·cl in l~cebe, Q uebt'c. Dec. I. 19'.H·. M argaret. daugh~cr of Porter and Ethel (H ouse ) Dixon . Shc was horn F eb. 2+, .. .. _. Thty rcs~dc in St. J ohnsbury, VL., ""'lu:rc he is an t•111ployce of the A tlanl1c a nd Pacific Stores.

C hildren

3 15 Joyce Elui1w. horn i~ X~wpon . \'~., M ard_i 20,, 1936. 316 Richard Guy, horn rn >: cwport. \ L. , J a n. 6. 1937. _ 3 i 7 An n Lt>~ lil'. horn in Sc. .Johmbury. Vt.. M ar. 25. 19 ~.J. 318 Robert Reed. IJOrn in St . .John~hun·. \' t.. Feb. 2. 19+6.

201 Lucillr Magoon (M ildred E. 11.0: George \~' . ..J 6 ; George R . 2~; David 17; N :-i t l.an iel +; J ohn 11 was born rn Val<'_ Prrkmc:, Quebec, Yfa}' L>, 1916. Slw rn:ir r icd in X<'wporL. Vt., Nov. 1. 19+:>, Robe1 t Campbell, son of Franz and Edith (Campbel]) H11nl. H e was horn in Barton .• Vt., M arch 18, 1. 917. Tht'y n'-;id\' in Newport, Vt.

Child ren born in Newport

319 Sharon L ·e. horn Dre. 5. 19+6. 320 .J am't £ bi11e, born Feb. 11. 19 l8.

202 Clifford Clyde .Jcr.ey ( Bcnlia A. 11.1; George ~\' . ..J.6; George R . 26: Da,·id 17. :'\alh:miel -l; .J ohn I ) wa~ born 111 M ansom·11lc. Qt~chec. Sept. 10. 1915 . He married in Dunkin, Quchcc, Otl. 17, 1936. F lora h ·illa. daugl:­ter of H omn :rncl Marion (James ) C arduc r. 'he was born Oct. 12 , 191::>. They reside in Sutton, Quebec.

- 63 -

Page 34: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

C h ildren born in Mansonvillc

321 Donna Gay. born Dec. 17. I 937. 322 Sydney Russell. born April I. 1939.

203 K enneth F rederick J l·rscy (Bertha A. 111 ; Gf'orgr W. 46: Georgr R. 26: Da,·id 17; Nalhaniel ·I; J olin I ) was born in M ansonv.illc, Quebec, Nov. I::! , 191 9. H e ma rried lsabc.:J M a ude, d aughter of Re\'. William and Helen (Shnra) Morrison. She was born in Bunveyon, Ontario.

C hildren

'.1 2~~ H ilda Yiae. born in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Aug. 3. 1913. 32 i K t·nncth Clyde. horn in ~t'wport, Vt .. Jul~' 1, 19 ~6.

205 Glendon Hugh D:lrlin~ (Sarah H. 112: George \V. {6: George R. 26; David 17; Nathanil'!+; J oh n I ) was born in M ansonvi llc. Quebec, O ct. 18, 1919. He marr ied in Waterloo, Quebec, Oct.. I 9+1, Nellie !viarion , daughter of Guy and Nina (Armstrong ) Streeter. Shf' was born in Foster, Quebec. Thty reside in Waterloo.

C hild ren

325 Sheila A., born in Granby, Q11ebcc . March+, 191~9. 326 Jane H .. born in Swcet~hurg, Sept. 22, 1951.

206 D urwood Da lton Darling (Sarah H . 112; George \V. ~6; George R . 26: David 17: N aL11aniel .J: J ohn I ) was born in M a nsonville, Quebec, J une 30, t 92·t H e married in Watrrloo, Quebec, Aug . 22. 19·15. ~ellic Lottie, daug hter of M elvin and Georgian~ (Royer ) Wilson. She was born in Warden, Quebec. They reside in W a tt·rlno.


327 J udy J oan, born in M ontreal. March 31. 19 ~7 . 328 Garry D ale. born in Swt'etsbu1:~. Oct. 24. 1949.

207 Ch:ules Winfi<'ld Perry ( ~Iaude A. 121: H erber, •. 50: George R. 26; David 17: ·arhaniel -l-; John I ) was born in H averhill, N. H ., Dec. 23, 1912. I-fr married in M onrot'. N. H .. M ay 20, 193-l-. E nlea, daugh ter of Alvin and Mary (Barney} Adams . . he was born in Woodsvillc, r. H., Nov. 29, 1914. They reside in Freedom, N. H ., where he is a carpenter.

C hildren born in Conway, N. H.

329 J eanne tte, born Dec. 18. 1935. 330 Charles D a ,·id, horn J unr 20, 1939.

208 P hilip L ancer P<'rry ( .Maude 121 ; H erbert 1• 50: George R. 26; Da,·id 17: '.\lathanicl ~:John I ) \\·as born in Alton. N. H ., July 25, 1915. H e married in Conway. N. H ., Jun" 2+, 1936. Evelyn, daugh ter of J ulian and Alice (Johnson ) M erril l. She wa~ born in Vermont, Apri l 17, 1917. They reside in Conway, N. H ., ;vhen• he is a carpenter .

- 64· -

C hildren

331 Lorraine, born in Conway, Sept. 22, 1938. 332 Alvin, born in Pitrsfic ld, Vt., O ct. l ~' 1911. 333 J udith, born in Ruthnd, Vt., Sept. J 0, J 9-15. 33+ K enneth, born in Conway, J uly 20. 19·1-7. 335 K aren, born in Conway, Feb. 28, 1954·.

209 Rohcrt Phela n Perry ( Maude A. 121; H erber t N. 50 ; George R. 26 ; D avid 17; Nathan iel +; John l ) was born in Piermont, N. H ., O(;l. 12, 1918. He marrit·d in Conway, Oct. 17, 1938, A\'is, daughter of J uliau and Alice (Johnson ) Merrill. She was born in Vermont. H e was killed in World War II. April 8. 19+5.

C hildren born in Piu sfield, Vt.

336 Carol. born Dt'C. 13. 1939. 337 Brian, born Ju ly 20, 191·1.

210 Hcrhcrt Nf' lson Perry (Mane.le A. 121 ; H crbcrl N. 50: Georg(' R. 26; David 17: N~~tl 1a nil' I +; J ohn I ) was bo rn in 1ewbury, Vt., J an. 30. 1923. H e married in Conway, N. H., Ylarch 28, 1 9-~2, Elizabeth C la ire, <laug htel' of Georgt· Lind H azt· I l Spig ht l Densmore. S he was born in Po n land, M a ine, February 18, 192+. They reside tn Chatham. N. H., where he is a farrnvr.

C h ildren born in Conway, N. H.

338 Carl R.aymond, born March 13 ,19 ~ 7. 339 L awrence Alan ( twin ) , born ·ept. 10, 1918. 3+0 Louise Ann ( twin ), born Sept. 10, 19-l8. 3+1 Richard Arn<•ld, born Feb. l, 1950. 3+2 George Nelson, born March 6, 1952.

211 Stephen \Vaynr Perry (M amie A. 12 1; H erbert N. 50 ; George R . 26 ; David 17 ; Nathaniel "~ ; J ohn I ) was born in H averhill, N. II., F<"b. 23, 1925. H e married in Tijuana, M exico, Nov. 13, 1955, E unice M .. d aughLcr of Arthur \\'. and Ebic (Bean ) Day. She was born in :--:Orth Conway, N . Il., J une 26, 1935. The} reside in Conway. where he is a clerk.

C hild ren

3+3 Gary L. (adopted ) , born J une 30, 1953. 3++ Lorena A. (adopted ) , born .June 26, 1955. 3+5 Joyce M . (twin ), bornJuly27, 1956. '.:H6 J oan A. ( twin ), born ] ldy 27, 19.56. 347 R oberta L ., born March 29, 19.58 ; died 348 Norma J., !Jorn M ay 30, 1959.

219 Evadna Camber (O live 125: Alice F. 60; H arriet 27: D avid 17; Nathaniel 4; J ohn I ) was born J uly 26, 1922. he married Reginald J ames H arris.

C h ildren

3+9 Wanda, born Aug. 2+, 19++. 350 J ames R eginald, born NO\-. 25, L9+9. 351 Willian1 Andrew, born Dec. 12, 1952.

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Page 35: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

220 Anno nde Camber (Ofi, c 125 : Alicl' F. 60; H ::irricL 27; D avid 17; :-.raLhanicl I: Jobn I 1 was horn ~cpl. 25. 1925. She married her cousin, E lliot \\'est , #20 I.

C hild

352 J oanne Arline. horn July 20, 195 1.

Eight h Generation

229 Rodney Adams Lt·ncv (Alfred S . 137; Adams T. 66 ; H arriet E . 29: Sarah 21; D avid ·17: Na1ha nicl ·~i John 1 l was horn in Medford , M ass., March 18. 1925. H e marrfed in L)'nn, ~ lass .. J une 1: 19-1-2, Ann Elizahcch. daughter of J osepb E. and .J ulia D . (ll 11rley 1 PC'rrin. She was born in Lrnn Ju~1e 1_7. 1923. H e is affiliated with the Prudential Life lns. Co. They reside Jrl

D racut, ,Mass.


35g David Edward, born in Lynn, Mass., Nov. '.)0, J 9+3. ~35+ Cha r les Stuar t, born in Lynn, M ass., Nov. 4, l~H6. 35~> P<i.ut Richard. horn in Lyn n, Mass .. Aug. 29, 1919. 356 .John .Joseph . born in Lowd I, M ass., Aug. 7, 1951. :~57 Ann-Therese, born in Lowell, ~Jass ., D ec. 29, 1953. 358 Yfark. born in Lowell, Mas~ .. :-.rov. 16. J 958.

230 Gordon Stuan Lcn<'y (Alfred S. 137: Adams T. 66: Ha rriet E . 29: ·arah 21: Da,·id 17; :\'atha niel 4-; j oh n 1) was born in 1vfrdford, M a.<;s., Sept. 17, 1928. He married in \\.t'ston, Mao;s .. Oct. 6, 1956, Harbara A., daughter of Charles JI. a nd Emily l O lson ) Stimpson . .Jr. She was horn in Concord, Yfass., J11ne 10. 1 93-~. He is L'nw loyed at tlw Pruckntia l Lift: 1 n~. Co. They reside in Reading, M ass.

C hild

359 Alan Stuan, born in \Vinrhcsccr. Mass., .t\ov. 30, 1960.

232 R aymond ~1. L l'IW)' ( Byron 138; W illiam D. 67: H arriet E. 29: Sarah 21; D avid 17; Nal11ani1·l I; J ohn J ) was born in C1·orgcville. Q uebec, Ju ne 17. 193+. H e marri<'d in Ottawa, O ntario, M arch 13, 195+, Audrey Wilkes.

360 361 362 363 36 ~


233 Margaret R uth En-;ign ( E thel E. 128; J ames A. 67. :\lary Jane 27; . a rah 21: David 17: X:nhani(•l -t: John 1 I was born in South Pasadena, Calif., Oct. 12 , 1919. She married in S:-in Marino. Calif .. Oct. 2. 191·5, Frank Harlan Lewis. He " ·as born in Rrd la nds, Calif., Jan. 8, 19 19. TlH•y reside in Santa M onica, Calif.

- 66 -

Children born in San ta Monica, Calif.

365 Donald Austin. born J une k 1953. 366 Frank Murra), born Aug. 9, 1957.

234 Harold Wilfred Ensign (Ethel E. 139: J ames A. 70; M ary J ane 30; Sarah 21 ; David 17; J'\athauic l 4; John l ) was horn in Pasadena, Calif., June 7, 1921 ( twin }. lit: married in New London, Conn., Sept. 1, 1943. M n.r<rar('l J oAnn BL1eurn. She was born Jan. 30, 1921. They reside in Fullerton, Ca lif.

Children born in Los Angeles

367 Victoria Ann, born June 8, 19+6. 368 William H arold, born April 26, 19 ~8. 369 Gail Den is<'. born Sep t. 21 , 1950.

235 Rob(•rt Pau l Ensign {Ethel E. 1:19: J ames A. 70; Mary Jane 30; Sarah 21: D a\'id 17 : Nathaniel +; Jolin 1) was born in Pasadena, Calif., .J unc 7, 192 1 (twin }. H'-' married Lhere, Feb. 3, 19+7, Louise Almirn Ross. She was born in Vernon Ccmcr, Minn., Oct. 17, 192 1. They residt> in Whittier, Calif.


370 Thomas Bradley, born in Pasadena. J a n . 23. 19 ~8. 371 Paula Loui e, born in Pasadena, .J unc 27, 1951. 372 Grego1·y Robert. born in Whittier. Calif.. J an. 3. 195-L

236 Albert Stevens Lesley (H azel M . 1·13; Mary E . 72: M ary J ane 30: Sarah 21: Da vie.I 17; Nathaniel -t; Jolin l ) wa~ born in Van Nuys, Calif., Oct. 15, 192 J. H e is married and resid.::s in Hcno, N evada.


373 M arine N .. bNn in Hollywood, Calif., Feh. t 6, 1953. 374 D aniel. born in Van Nuys, Calif. , D ec. 26, 1956.

239 Betty Gail Stenms (Clifford N. l 14: Mary E. 72; M ary J ane 30; Sarab 21: D add 17: l\ achaniel f; John I ) was born in Boston. M ass., April 19, 1928. She married, Auugst 21 , 1951, Glen Allan Gunderson. They reside in M orristown, 1\ . J.

375 376


2+2 Clara Jean Niles ( Alton F. 157 ; Be ·sic 76: Anna 31 ; Sarah 21 ; D avid 17; Nathaniel-!-: John I ) was born in Brownington. Vt .. rov. 28, 1928. She married in Stepney, Conn., J une 3, 1950. \\'illiam B. Canfield.

Childr.en born in Bridgeport, Conn.

377 Linda .J e:tn, born April 28, 1951. 378 V\lilliani 13., born Ma rch 18, 1959.

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Page 36: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

21:1 lklly Anu l'\ilc:; (Alton F. 157; Bessie 76: Anna 3 l : Sarah 21; David 17; Nathaniel I: J ohn I 1 was born in Newport. Vt., J uly 2, 1933. She 111anicd in NcwlO\\ n. Conn .. :\fa) I. 195 ~.Gilbert C. Y inct>nl.

Children born in ~orwalk, Conn.

379 l\ lnr) Dl'ni"l'. ho1 n :'\m·. +, 195 L 380 ~lat k l)a, id. born :'\m·. i, 1956.

211 hon Fl1•\d :'\ilc. Jr. Alcon F. 157: Br<:-:i" 76. Anna 31: ~a1 ah 21: D<" id 1 i: :'\athanid I: John I ''as born in Cromw<'ll, C,mn .• ~lay 12, 1935. H e 111::ntil·d in Bll'"'l<'I', N. Y .. lkrbara Rowland.

Child ren born in Danbury, Conn.

381 Jonathan Baird, born SC'pt. 21, 193+. 382 P::itricia Caw!, born J an . 27, 1936. 38:1 Ki111bt•1 ly Ann, horn O ct. I·, 1960.

287 Frc·d1·rick Arthu r La h11r (Annie L. 188 ; Frcd1·1·ick A. 109: C: 1 ·oq~c W. 16: Gco 1'8l' IC '.W; D:wicl 17; ]\:ath anicl +: John I ) wa~ horn iu Mn nson­vilk, (llwlwc, .J nn. 1 :~. 19:n. H e rnarricd lh\' re, J unC' I+. 19.18 . ll ilda Ernn, dau).lh tn nr t\ llwn I lrnry and Pli illipp ine ( Wirtzel ) Ko1•111:i1111. Shi· was lio111 in Man~onvill t · , Q111 bee, M arch 15. 1 9~· 1 . They rC'side in Know I loo, Quchce.


'rn I Hl'll'rll', ho t n in \)\\t't't<>bur~. Quebec. April 11. 1961

288 Eli/abct h l'l·llc l.ahur f .\nnie L. 188: Frederick A. 109: Gt•orgt• \\'. 16. Gl'ot~c R. 26: l):Hid 17: i\a1haniel -l: John I wa horn in ~lwr­hrool..t•. Quebec. "!'pl. 2:l. 1938. She married in Swrc1-;b11rg. Qurlwc. J 11n(• 29. l95i. Paul Airm'• L' lric son c1( Peter .-\Jben and Abanie ~lillt·ttt• St. ~l a1tin. )-fr "a' bCll n in <.,wreisbm~. J une 12. 1958. The~ n·~idc· in Cowan~­' illc. Qlll·b<·c.


385 P<'H'r A lh•·r1. hm n in !-,,n•ct;,burg. June 12. 1958.

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Page 37: JEWETT FAMILY · whom this Jewett Family of America might not have continued actively, and Dr. William A. Jewett, who with Everett Douglas were the only original - 7 -

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