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JK Amorosa

What’s in the RUQ?

Liver GB Bile ducts Pancreas Duodenum R kidney R adrenal

How do you image RUQ?

Books? Google? Resident? ACR AC American College of

Radiology Appropriateness Criteria

Diffuse fatty infiltration liver

CT: Focal enhancing mass, met from pancreatic ca

Liver masses: mets vs abscesses

55 m liver mets from

Liver abscess

37 f liver laceration

US shows normal GB, CT shows normal GB and pancreas


US shows GB with a gallstone

GB with 2 stones

ULTRASOUND Gallbladder

transverse longitudinalgallstones

82 f Porcellain GB

US: thick wall, gallstone

48 m US: GB very thick wall

GB with very very thick wall, sludge in GB

Acute cholecystitis, thick inflamed wall


Acute cholecystitis


Pneumatosis, portal venous air- bowel ischemia

Normal pancreas


Acute Pancreatitis, fluid around pancreas

Normal Pancreas

Chronic pancreatitis

R kidney stone


Solid organs: liver, spleen, k-s, pancreas, adrenals

Bowel, mesentery Retroperitoneum Bladder Free air, fluid


Problem- describe clinical presentation

47 m with 10 CT abd/pelvis for ureteral calculi

Liver Lac

Retroperitoneal bleed

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