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Page 1: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1926 - The Kendrick Gazette/1926 July - Dec. - The Kendrick...Boost For Better goads Into Kcndrirk lf 8 Jl~(!Eilg Subscription Price] $1.50 In Advanre

Boost For Better


Into Kcndrirk

lf 8Jl~(

!EilgSubscription Price]


In Advanre




Maho'8 Investments


invention Safeguards Navigation

MJ!>TI3ER 30


Approva] of ii 42,800 bondissiic i» school (listrict »»mbcr.

~6]., ivhich is located iii the Le-]a»d-So»t)iwiclc region, was madeby the Ncz Perce boaid of coun-*ty con»uissio»ers w]io ope»ed arecessed session i>IO»day, says

,'! thc Trib»»c. The 'bo»d issue int]118 sc]1001 d]st].']ct ]s ioi']lc ]»ll'-pose of rcbuil(]i»g thc r»ralschon] ho»sc whic]i was b»r»culast spri»g, The Scho01 is locat-ed about three miles cast of Le-]a»d..The bonds werc voted at 8recent c]ectio».

The cou»ty commisio»ers haveset the date for a» election. todecide whether or»ot a rural

,(: I'high school district wi]I 'be form-ed pilt of. Cve» cpi»l»on schooldistricts in iVez Perce, Latah andClcarivatcr cou»ties. The schooldistricts to be included in therural high sc'bool district are No.35, located in 'Nez Pcrce countyaround Southwic]c; No. 11, locat-ed jointly in Nez Percc a»d La-

Qpl, has just (on>plctcd a projecto fs]1 coll»ties i No. 58, lu Latallsafer the navigation of sea and air at county; No. 19, in Nez Pence a»(1aid to con]hlne the most powerful light Cleai]vater counties, and No. 2,nt projector of its kind nnide. The new 5,aud 15 a]]. located in C]ea)'-penetrate (he fog like gigantic needles,. watci county

The date for the e]ectio» as sctWill Employ County A'gent by t]ic commissioners is August

14. The high sch001 i»volvcd inT»esday afternoon the board election is already built, bei»g

of commissioners of Latah county ]ocated at '80»th)i"ick, so that »opassed. a resolutioii authorizing additio»al expenditure for build-the employment of a county i»g wi]1 be necessary if the 1)]aus

'age@<. This aation was tal<ew inl for the new rwrI>l high schoolresponse to petitions signed by district carry. The present highcitizens of various parts of the school atN<outhwic]c o]Yers a two-county and fi]ed with the board year course. If the election isJuly 12. It is the»nderstandiuglsuccessf»1 this high school willthat the county wi]] have anlbe made a four-year. school,agric»ltural agent before thel . 'ETR»y voters in the sevcu dis-8»nimer is over. I tricts concer»ed i» the election

Following is a copy of the are ]ieartily in favor of the pro-resolution passe(1 by the board: posed plan as it will then oÃer 8,

"The board at this time took 'better ]iigh school cp»l'se to a'»»dcr final co»sideration the pe- iuuc]i greater»umber of St»de»tstitio» filed July'2, 1926, and from a divider district. It is cx-signed by vario»s citizens of La-

~pccfed t]iat more tha» 40 stud-

tah county askiug for the ap- I e»ts wi]] be e»rol]ed in the highpoinf]]»cut of a county agent, aud school if it is th»s cha»ged to»o protests having been filed OIYcr 8 four-year course.against the appointment of - such


agent aud it being the opinion Linden Itemsof the board that the appoint-»ient wou]d be for the bet inter-I qlr. 8»d qi'Irs. C]aud Pippc»ger

of the coullty, and a 8»Scient il. ' M .. D. Br ph- 8 e»t

!RPPrpPriatioii ]lavi» 'been Prev- qqrc(]»cs(I,]y wit]i iqlrs. Ed

ai''0\lsy]']lade, Bph]"It is therefore ordered by theboard that a couilty agricu tura]l 't] AI I f 11 ~ T] ~ Iage»t be employed iu Latah'))] 1 Is 0»g e ow»lls(ay

']gilt.county to co-opeate with the,

The t]]lee coil])ty co»i»llsslpll-federal and stRte government to " a»d Harry Thatc]lel were pi>

businessbusiness iuterests of the coun-ty."---- Hc]»];]I] Travis recently p»r-

chasc(] a» Over]a»d car.Child's Heath Confe e ce

]ITiss Eva Smith visited with

f h, ',f t, f >lrs. Jnh» Darby at Crescc»t,O»e nf the spec]a] feat(]res pf

8 t .'I

C I" Ilarris left Th»rsday i(>rIheld at Garfield, SWas]llllgtpil f

] 'roy where hc is harvesting.Septembcl

s~rrd bv the Whitman Coun

Do you know <what your c iildC]em Israel a»d Be» Smith

8]10»ld weigh 'I Do yoll ](noweach are r»»»i»g:I iay- )ai cr.

what your child should cat] Doyou, know that health corre(:tio»s»lade dur]ng t]le Arst fclv yc''8

wel'e ilf, 't]lc Fry 10]llc < I'I( ayof your chi]d'8 life mean ad»]t

aftrl'1100».I<"la»]- I<"ar] i»gto» was in T cw-

t»»ity wl]] be offere o» the sec- .o»d day, Septemi)cr 3rd, tp tile ]atoll I'01]1 < still'ay»»tl

pa]cuts of el]i]drc» wit]]i» 1)re- ues(]ay.Fra»]( i Ieycrs was 8 visitor

school agc, for medical exaini»a-nt the C. Fry ]ioi»c, Sun(]ay.

tio».The '])est specialists obtaiuab]ewill be sent to conduct this child Falling Off

Health Conference and the cz-amination will be free. The reg-! A wc]l known citizen nf 0»r»lar ad»lission to the fair fair town was in Kansas City.grounds will be t]ie only req»ire- After having imbibed pf some ofment. Chi]dreu sho»]d regu]ar- tlic synthetic stufY that the hotel

1y be exa'mined a»d tliis cn»fcr-! bc/. hops peddle(I, became some-

ence wi]] affor a»»iius« i]]y!what obf»seated. ETC denies thatfine cha»cc for this important I]ic was so»sed, b»t the fn]lowing

duty. is offere i» evidence. As he

Parents arc req»ested to make w;]8 walki»g doiv» Gra»(1 ave-

kcscrvatipns before A»g»st 20, l »»e, hc was seen to put a penny

by telephone or letter, w]fh bliss ii] a patro] bpx, then g]anced uphola Hherar at the State Na- at a Wester» U»io» clock thattio»al Bank of Garfield was hanging o]i the corner of a,

,'h»ihling. "hily Go(1", hc cx-

$10,000 Pire st Lspwais

!himt.d, "I'e lost 14 ponrnds"—'>VI]vc]']]<

Ka»sas Gnzcf i(,A fire at Lapwai Wednesday

'night destroyed. three I»dia» Services in the Parkreside»ccs aud the Indian ]lieth-, I<cv. '9'»] ]le]1 i]i]1 preach i!io(list ch»rc]]. The dai»agc is flic ]ac»(lri(.k ]>ar], Su»(lay even-

estimate(1 at $10,000. The va]- i» ~ at 8 0>(iork. Spccia] m»sic»afio» of the ch»rch was placed! wi]1 b( prpvirlr<i l>y t]ir K(»dric]»at 46,000 with ius»ra»cc pf Quartet, Evcryb.)dy is >»pst ror(1-d'2,500. The orlgi» of the fire is i;i]ly i»v>fr<1 to (]1;c»(l th]s scr-unknown, V I('(',

Written for Gazette by SpecialCorrespondent

l]]~ Ilail e Bales of Gra»~cville came nvcr Su»day and isspclidl»g a few d(lys with

]iel':]rc»ts,II]. Rii(1 i>I]s. iN. C.Ti<>»gctci<w.

pa] ty co»sisti»g of'iven'.>T»stop a»d fa»li]y, Vcster Whit-i»gcr aud family, Bol]aud South-wic]c a»(1 sister Edna, and theircousin, !I>Irs. Long, of Montana,went tp Ilc]»icr last 8»nday, viaPal]c over the 'highway ou R

pleasure trip, They repo]t a.very pleasant tin]e.

Wm. Jones and family spent&»»day at' the home of AV)u.

Wliitiuger.170y 'Routlnvicl» and wife spent

S»»day at the home of their son,Howal'd,

George Calvert was very p]Cas-a»tly 8»rprised Sunday- when hisbrother, C]iar]es and wife ofTwi» Fa]]s came in.


]]is 8'lstcl'>'lrs. Goau of Lcw-lstoll wcl'c also with them. MI'.'Calvert and wife are out on R-two weeks vacatio» a»d this istheir first trip, to '80»thwick:

iilrs'. Jo]i» 'Stal»akcr ]]as beenquite ill, having hacl a touch ofp»e»monia, She is»ow on the]oa(1 to recovery,

Lcslic Trip]ett a»d wife»lotor-ed to 'liewistou a»dIback, Mo»day

M»rray Benjamin and wife ofPotlatch spent S»»day with herpare»ts, Mr. R»d ]]>Trs, 'Wm. Mc-Cel]and.

Roy So»thwic]c and wife and;>>lrs. Ilpward So»thwick went toIicwisto», No]iday.

iUr. R»d Mrs. Zoe] Pairleywent to Peck last T]»irsday, re-t»r»i»g home Sunday eve»iug.]il]. Fail ley retur»ed to Pcclcagain Ai'lpnday morning where heexpects to work thru harvest.

Sunday guests at theFloyd'»sse]1

home werc MI aud Mrs.J. R. King and son, Ray, and.'>lr. R»d iMrs. El.to» McCoy.

Nc]t]c Hc»dcrso» was the guestpf Nadi»c ii>ICCoy, Sunday.

11]. S»tto» of Teakcan was R

Spi]tlilvick visitor T»csday,'N]'. R»d ]III]8. C]yde McG)iee

Ila]ry 'SmIth a»d fa»li]y of Le-]a»d wc]c Ca]]c]s at tlie Ben Me-<Coy )io»lc '8»»day evening, MrsSi»it]i rc»iai»ed with hcr parents1'cf»l'nl»g ]101]lc MondRy evening.

Jim Cook of Le]and passe(tthr» tow» last'Sunday e]]routefp Nezpcrre tn ]iarvcst.

BTr, Lo»g of. ]ilonta»a isvisit-'ng

at the homes of: Give» a»d,

Attlec Mustoe.Gra»(1]»a 6 c]]s Speiit T»esday

'af tel'» 00]1 wlf]l M]'s. ]>Vm. Bei'I'I



'.:II,Ih'':.'r~ <gmgew



~ %1 i~iI II ~ ~ I


Old Times

The buggy'8 standing in theslied, it's resting in the shade;the iron tires are rusty red, thewoodwork is decaying and good,old Dobbin, he is (lead, asleep inyo»(]er g]a(]c'. The w]iec]s willnever tur» again, <hc buggy'sday is done, and up the hill auddoiv» the glen the lioriking autosri]». "It is a relic of the past,"I sad]y made reply; "it spealcstn mc of pleasures'vast in happydays gone b~y, when my ~])ay mareco»ld tfave] fast and climb a]1hi]]s o» high."—Wa]t Mason.

Kendrick 13, Orofino 10

T)ast 8»»day the Kendrick balttca»i .jo»rneyed to Orofino and:topic the long e»d of. the scorein a 13 tn 10 game, played withthe fast Clearwater valley team.Kendrick started the gallue withonly seven of the regular line-

»p. He]pma», Bishop a»d 18ar-tain gpt lost o» the way overa»d did»ot get into t]ie gameuntil thc fourth iuniug.

Ke»drick lc(l the srori»g»ptn the fifth iuui»g whc» Orofi»ora]lie(I a»d tic(1 the score 4 to 4.In thr seventh Ornfiiin lcl] by jpI 0 8;i]](1 wcl'c the]i f ir(] agni».

,Tli the last. inning I<,e»(I]i<',Ic r;i»i» il]]'rc 8»(1 wo» fhc gainc.

I athrr —It's al)s»rd! Bridge)in> tice, (I;i»ces, »ight, rl»l>s, thea-

ters, »ight;iftrr ui«hi. Yn»"rc

b(cp>ni»g a»reg»]ar «hild of. fhc(.1(>vil!

I)(]»<"]it( r—0]] f ] t)]c]',< —Ex,

I "Ida'ho'8 investi»e»ts have i»-. 'lipped From Pap'e'8 Pub1igled creased five million dol]ars since

in Latah County. 1919, E. ]III. Hoover, commission-er of pilblic iiivestments, told C.

Hotel Changes Hands C, Moore in an ana]ysis of the . "~,,:,:.:.".::™eIIcost and the bur<nett o< his de. ':,,"'.', ':,, '"::.', ']'",).

Monday the 14 of July, Mrs. partment, made public Thursday. gOlive L. Reynolds took over the The state's investulents now totalGenesee Hotel from the Camp- 414,525,891.72. The total for j~d f::::;:::,:,':::::::::::,:::::::::::::;j

bell Investment Co., of Spokane. 1919 was $9,938,147.46. 'The de-Mrs, Reynolds is an ezperienced partment now is the largest fin- l,''; '';>'.',jhotel keeper, having run the ancial. institution in the state. "..'.";:;:.::.:::,'.,'::,''i:':::::;:::::'-',f::'::,::':::,'':; Il'hotel at Colville, Wash., rtor sev- Earnings last year were 4740,000,eial years. Her latest .experi- ivhich save that much in taza- ':, '..',,:..i„,.;:,I.ence has been running a dairy tio», the report continues.far]n iu the Colville section for "Earnings on the endowment:,'::,'::;,:,,':,:.':.'.;.;:.,:::;„:::;:.':::.,::,4',,

w'hich she tra'ded for her present funds goto the state institutions.location The public school fund earnings

She will take, full charge of the are apportioned among the var-Theater and Hotel; will run a ious school districts. Every dis-strictly up to date place and will trict receives its pro rata on theRppreci<ate the patronage of those earning of its own bonds andwho need the services. of the those of other districts held by::.:.~ r:.:,.',:,':,:.',::::!,:,:~g.:hotel and theater. —Genesee the department

ewe. "The present organization of

!the department has increased

The Dairy'ndustry Growing the holding of bonds, since Jan-uary j, 1924; until it is now 62 s<»»ue] l. ]y. Ilaines of Oaklan

The dairy industry is growing]per cent of the total investments. graph ]>y which he hopes to make'in this section —slow]y, it is true, The increase', $1,690,489.05; is an night du>'ing fags. Tile ii>aclliiic is


steadily. There ha's not been increae of 33 per cent. kllowil I<> sclcilce and the nlost cfDcie

very strong competition among .'<The ofrice .hand]es about 8PPPcreamery concerns to secure the sales certificates,, collecting the-cream produced here, the farm- principal and interest install- Latah Sheriff Locates Suspecters being left largely to their ment, sending notices and car-own choice as to where they'ng .for correspondeuce; negoti- A man calling himself John 9~<

s'hip With the growth of the.fn-!R<tes for bond issues and pre- Owen was arrested at St. Louis,dustry, however, coines;-'a'n incweri-.:--pares -:.::bonBS, co]]ecting interest Sunday in the investigation. oftive for buyers- to come::-into .t'e, <a<nd:principa]. It now 'has a'bout the assassination of Thomas .Do-field. Usually this wor'ks'o the: 700'issues on the books of dis- very, publisher of a Kelso paper,advantage of the dairyman; and tricts of the state. There are .June 19; 1925, through a trapin some sections results in the farm mortgage loans in 43 coun- laid by the sheriÃ'8'IBce of La-establishment of cream routes. ties, totaling $3;990;112.46. The tjh county which has beeu work-In the eastern dairy sections 4]ie department takes the applica- iiig with the Kelso of]I]cia]s forfarmers seldom 'haul their cream tio»s, makes appraisements and more thari a year, according toto market.. They set it out to tile examinations, draws up the


Sheriff Charlie Summerfield, onroad, to Ibe picl(ed tip daily by papers, loolcs after titles aud Tuesdily, says the Star-Mirror.the cream wagon, which is oper- taxes,'nd -often pays out large Owe'»s, upon questiouing byiited i])y the puchasing creamery sums to protect its equities po]ice of St. Louis, said that heor by the farmers co-operatively. against tazes and .assessments. piomoted boxing matches atIn time this will be the way the 'The (Icpartnlent holds a million Kelso but that he was innocent ofcream deliveries wil] be made and a quarter. in. Liberty Bonds Dovery's death. He. announcedhere.—Deary Press.. »ow, as well as state bonds and that he would not fight eztra-

obligations of counties, cities dition.Repair Gi>ain Elevator and districts. There have been Tmmediately followiug the nlilr-

no bond losses in the past four der, according to Mr. Summer-The Farmers Union company> years. field, 8 trap was laid for Owens

heaviest losers in Sunday even "The personnel of the depart- through a woman living in La-ing's $90,000 lvarehouse fire, wi]] ment consists of the co»I»)ission- tah co»nty with whom Owens isrepair a»d re-equip their grain cr and five employes, who are alleged to have resided at oneelevator. immediately and ]ii]1 bonded for a total of tl105,000. time. The plan failed to de-takc steps toward. ]easing aware-! The cost of administration is less velop »util severs] weeks agol]ouse to co»tinue t'heir grain and than one quarter of o»e per cent when O)vcns was located aud hiswarehouse 'business. This was on the f»nds ha»died " apprehe»siou followed.

. the unanimous decision of theI

AVarrauts were issued charg-stockholders of the comyauy a Crescent Clipuiugs . i»g murder of the publisher froma.special meeting ca]led by A.8,the KeLso ofmces last OctoberLyon, presldellt. -

]]I', I T Kimbl ail I pili](t . 11gal»st Joh» 9 . 8»])th 'aud

The e]evator, which is a five-ren ~ 'Adaline and Wa]ter Doreu- Frank L. Hart w'ho had been

cylinder 90-Soot structure wit'h a I,f'' d. ~<II, a»d,]>lrs'ill associates in Promoting Prizecapacity of 125,000 bushels o

I Doiendorf were visitors at the fights at Kelso. Accurate de-grain, at first was thought dam.-

Mike Forest home Sunday. scriptions of. both meu are in theaged beyond further use, but in

Q/[ G P< i t d h ]d hands of Kelso officia]s andvestigation by a concrete eu-, tpl af f]i I T efforts are <being made to bringgineer this week shows t]]a "

!I» bw],]- m~ M nd,ly the prisoner back to IVas]]i»gtn»cylinders, at 'tlie 'base at least,

iMr and Mrs. Arthur Anderson for identification.

an little sons, and nephew; Clairare un ama, ed.—IStar-hlirror.

S B k f F d !Anderson, of Agatha, and Miss Southwiok Has DoctorIZthel Saunders of Lewiston a»(lSi s Seen on Back of FordsI

Hesit 8, Viber 8. Twin two.lAlva Craig, Jim a»d Zc!] Tl'b<'-'r. Russell Truitt, recently of

Mah junk. 'Nash can Exasper Son were visitors at fhc hl. L. Re»be»8, Idaho, h;is opened

8 Dis 8 ueals Tack finder. Robeson honle Siliiday. Of]]ccs for. the practice of niedi-

," I', Spoon holder. Baby Lincoln. "C C Wright finished painting cine at Southwick. Dr. Truitt

tin t e Oi]. by myself John Darby's house, last week. was located at 'Soutlnvick a num-

Sick cylinders. 'Little Bo-Creep. Mrs M. L.'Robeson aud daugh.- 'ber of years ago and. also prac-

lc b~ggy. Pilddle jumper, tcr Sl]e. W]n. 'Kaudcl', Mr. R»d tlced at Ken(

Pic uent]y Pisy as yot( Mrs. Jpllli Dar])y and daug]]ter, tllne, going from

enter.,99 per cent static. Dang- wci'e business visitors in Sout - mont a»d then to Re»be»s. He

, 20,000 10]ts. The stuttering w]c] Monda3 ~~~~~~g has had many years

8'tutz. The uncovered wagon. Fran]» Soiidcrs left t]ie first of i» medicine, m)uch of the time in

T] Ing rsoll of autos. AVhy 'the week to get Mr. 'Cla»in's North Idahp.h

girls mal]c home. Sha'ke rattle threshing machiue ready for tieand roll. Dangerous but pass- season»uu

bl . Baby here's your rattle. Eva L. Smith visited with Mrs.

100 per cent 'Meri can. Pour Jo ai'by and registered ol

h ls—11 t d. Not 1 zy— t] ghbo ho d, 8 turd y

,just shiftless. See what $12.50 E»ler '8<ouders ef, last, week t]..vill do. Linco48 poor relations

' o 'oy y swing until . next week. NewChiclcens, here's your cooP. Dar- ' „.lv]]eat is beginni g to ro ll i toling, I am growing old There's c Ro"eso» w«0» the sick t],beauty in every jar. Honest


. Rst wee . impossible to get a u tweight —no springs. Pierce Ar- I ports at this time regarding therow with ~a quiver. For sale Pension Increase yields It is generally»nder-41.85 whi]e it lasts: No,one in- stood that the winter wheat wi]ljured in this wreck. It ain't Congress 'has passed a bill re- average up generally for a biggonna ru». much more. T«le cent]y which will give Civil war yie]d. The quality is exceptio»-love never runs smoothly', Laugh> veterans and widows an increase ally good a»d the wheat isbut I paid cash for mirie. Sound of '$15 per mouth.'%hen it's 'heavier than last year. To date,value —can't you hear itt Dodge realized that many of them are(comparativ]ey 8]»a]] Rmo»»t of—no a»eta] ca» touch 3'ou. Ca!living on $50 pei month, it wi]]]am]it is reported.pacity 5,000 gallons (oue at @lbc seen that, this money will betinie. 'Sister, you'. look tough


8 great help. Most, if »ot a]1 C»stomer —"Ah, yo»r steak iswithout paint, top. I I'att]c i]1


the vctcra»8 are uow past the ]ilce the west]icr this cvc»i»g,»ly I'car cild but I doll f stri]«: car»i»g agc a»d in the»lajority butcher, rather tough,"—Sp we tno]c the $50'ppp and',,pf cases this represents the liv- B»tcher —"Indeedy'y the'])pf, this. Four wheels, four! iug for 1»a» a»d wife. The first way, yo»r acco»ut is ]i]rc thebra]ces, fp»r more i]]sta]]n]c»ts.6!])c»sip»s rc(.civcd by Civil war weather, too—»»sett]ed," —Ex.1»prc pay]»c]]ts au shc s»line I vctcra»s was 'I<2 pcr month. TheSeve» days i» this makes ouc i»crease at vnrip»s times as years Joc Fruchtl of Le»orc. wasweak. A Detroit, »]i]]iouai]'c passed have bro»ght it to the, transacting business in Kendrickonce owIlcd m('..—Zx. present. sum.—Troy News. l yesterday afternoon.

Page 2: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1926 - The Kendrick Gazette/1926 July - Dec. - The Kendrick...Boost For Better goads Into Kcndrirk lf 8 Jl~(!Eilg Subscription Price] $1.50 In Advanre

W'esley Bang at New Keudriok Southwick Church Notice tTonight Mid Saturday l(liss Joy Bell, I'astor


'<I<< esley Barfy, the < re <festSuuday School - I.0:00 a. m.

iill juve»iie screen ac rs,, IPreachiug service II;00 a. m,appeai'f'he "c Epworth League - 7:30 p, m,Kcn<friclc

I'hcatci tonight aiic1 Sat»I daypreacliing service - 8 00 p ni

in a side-splitiug comccly clramu,J " This

t 1 1,t th 'est pic- Emmuel Lutheran Churchis witliout clouht the es

tue Wesley Barry ever macle an(1

one tliat will make you laiigh Rev. F. A„Rein, pastorCameroii, Idaho I

,just cau't help it. All children

under the age of 12 yettrs who Sunday School ........,...9130am

are accompauiecl by their paients Ohurch Service ........-j.;30 amwill be atlmit<ecl free

ranSnneats Gbnnrr<h Go<U<<<II Sr<< Monday bj ~ ')

this picture. Come aud bring the Ladies Aid first %edliesday

~Cod clean entertainment. 30-1 Come aud wcirship with us.



THE KENDRICK GAZETTE"The Pulse of The Potlatch"

Published every I riday at Kendrick,Idaho, by

Ralph B. Knepper

10, Sil(<ge is the cheapest und best

form ln which a succuleut. fee<i csn:be

provided in the winter.

11. Silage ean be used for supple-

ment<(ry pasture more chenpfy th<tp

csn soiling crops, because it requires

less labor and cattle like silnge better.

12. -Converthig,corn or kafir crops

Into silage clears the land aud leaves

ft ready f'r another crop.

."..'4V '.S. Subscription Price - $1,50

Entered at the Post Office at Kend-rick as second class mai! matter.

~ < II I


Use Banding Materialto Repel Gypsy Moth

Gypsy moth tree-banding material is

a greasy «nd semi-viscid substance

with a tarlike odor, which is being

used by the bureau of entomology fu

fts control work against the gvpsv

moth in New L<'ngland. This material

hss been developed since '1015 to re-

place <t Germman. product no longer

available, which was formerly used forthe same purpose.

Questions lmve «risen as to whether

the odor or the viscidity of the mate-

rial was the chief element which halte<l

the c«terpilf«rs <ts they tried to getinto the trees. The exhal«tion or odor,

ft ivus found on investfg(<tfon, exercises«restraining influence, but the viscous

or physichl condition is more impor-

tant <ts a barrier factor in the ban<i.

Studies made fu connection with thesolution of these questions, which lmve

a practical bearing on the developiuent

of au eflfcfent barrier, are describe<1 fu

a professional paper, United St<ttes De-

partment of Agriculture Bulletin 1142,"The Barrier Factors in Gypsy ltfoth

Tree-Banding, Material," by M, T.Smulyan, specialist,'ureau of ento-

mology. It muy be obtained upon ap-

plication to the United States Depart-ment of Agriculture, Washington.

The County Cotr<ruf<tsioners

The present 'board of Latahcounty commissioners have againdemonstrated the fact that theyare in office to follow out thewishes of the people. In responseto petitions filed with them lastivee'k aud signed by citizens ctfthe county, they passed a resolu-tiou lit'horizing the empleylmoittof a county agent for Latahcounty. Regardless of. their owupersonal views in the. matterthey compliecl with the requestof the petitioners

The commissioners Iiow havea clean slate except for the aw-ful iujiistice they dicl to <Moscowivheu they let tlhe legal publica-tions leave the county seat. Atleast it seems to affect a small,(very siiiall) disgruutled. elementthere in an extremely disagree-able mauiicr. However, the com-missiouers have the satisfactionof. Icnowing that by putting .thepublications up to a bid of allpublishers of the county, a sub-stantial - saving divas made the lastfiscal year during the time theGazette was t'e officia paper,over- the previous .fiscal yearwhen the poceediugs, etc., werepublishecl iu- Moscow.

The Gazette believes that 95per cent or more of the peopleof L'atah county, and of Moscow,don't care the- turn of a handwhere the couuty 'ublicationsare printed, or whether they arepublished at all.: The fact thatby putting the publications uyto a bid-a substautial savin'g hasbeen -made to the county,.is amatter that really interests

t'e'vera,getaxpayer 0uore than anyother phase cf the question.

The Latah . cbuuty commissiou-ers did not establish a preceaeutwhen they put the publicationsup to a bid. This method:is fol-lowed by many other counties:ofthe state, year, after year, aud isaccording to law. The - oiiiypapers in Latah county that aredissatisfiecl with the present nr-raugemeut are those published iuMoscow —naturally.

The commissioners shoii eel'ofavoritislii iu selecting the o5cialpaper. It.was simply a case ofthe low 'bid gettiug the job, auclthe Gazette hacl t'e lmvest bid.From the standpoint of the tax-payers of Latah county we clonot see -ivhere the commissionerscleserve censure for their 'tctioniu tlie rnatter.

sl s as

We are well supplied with dishesto supply your needs for harvest.Send in your orders. Plain whiteware in


RS<ium<. Fsr88 Lss ..Qorthern Paclflc

,GoG 7Gsd,D R


Cups and Saucers

Dinner Plates

pie plates

Oatmeal Dishes

Fruit Dishes. Vegetable Dishes

Cream and Sugar



gP PARKtoo

AKE advantage of low summerfares East via Northern Pacific,

-May 22nd to September 15th f

You have a threefold opportunitythis summer: To travel East alonga route marked by "oooo Miles ofStartling Beauty" —-to do it at lowcost—-and to experience the utmostpassenger travel luxury, the

. Round Trip Faresfrom. Kendrick to

Yellowstone Park 8 S0.86St. PaulMinncayoiis fChicago - - 86.08St. Louis - - 80.86

'ansasCity - 76.80New York - - - 146.46 <

Washington - - 140.61Phiiadclyhia - - 14S.97;

Dates of SaleMay 22 to Seyt. 16, 1926

To Yellowstone ParkJune 1 to Seyt. 12, 1926

Final Return LimitOctober 81st, 1926.

.ke'e ..—..oi:S recta sUNCLE HANK

Cups and Saucers, set 679'lassMixing Bowls, set 6

. Part linen'toweling, yard

81 inch bleechtng sheeting 4$CEarthen mixing bowls,

. Set 5 . - - 4!9(.35Good quality unbleached

muslin; -yard

t<i L WA«HHt-

"NortlII Coast Limited"a Trnyel Trit<mph!

with its new style'observation-club car, including beautifulclub lounge, ladies'ounge, maid-manicurist, soda fountain-buffer, shower bath, telephone at terminals, searchlight fornight observation, valet, barber, library, smoking and cardrooms; ull the facilities of an exclusive club..

mfort—Ertra Fare

R. H. Ramey, 'AgentKendrick, Idaho.

N. B. LONG 4 SONS"The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear"

You really e«n't appreciateth'eautiesof the Grand Canyon until

after you'e seen some fellers yawn.


: 'Ver 'Va P:H

H /+ <9<++4<


t< H

H 'FQRD coUPE, first class shape - $25Q.QQH


1925 FORD TOUR!NG, balloon tires, looks likebrand new . ~ ~

'- $350.00FORD TOURING, good fishing car .$75,QQ

H FQRD TQN TRUcK, cab, good body $250.QQ

1018 BUICK, 5 passenger . $200,00r

1020, BUICK, 5 passenger. good tires, lotsextras, . $375.00F~ TON REPUBLIC TRUCIZ, g'oodrubber '

~ $350.00H d d«9<A<~od~g+g9<f«9<9<8«<«+<8<gtpibgg+<l<gh<hif<+yf+A+ife<$ @y7e+A+g~+do+A~+++++AH H


Terms if DesiredH HH )~y iq~i<<i~iAi<iif«h~qyqiA<i~ei9<9i~~wi~+i<9 Ai~qifri9<9A<bq*+< ~<t+A~f+++<h~o~'d~o~A~i~'i~<++~o+

+ H

H <<



;:.WuC.C.aC.~ .V..Otal CO..,:Buick Sales & Service



Phone 560 Moscow, IdahoH



4<+ d<+A <I< d< 8<+ 8< @ v~ <9<v <9< v v 4+ d<A+ <f<d<4'~++ ~+'~i'<I< C+O''a C~ ~i<4'++@++++++++<++~+



1<.~+d,w<d d..pq d <~q ++8;"+8~4q.+ad d ";i<dr.qq»;





















++++Drying Up The County

The Gazette beieves that La-tah county, the lime of the Stateuniversity. Shoulcl have the repu-tatiou of heing the "clryest spot.in Idaho'. Such a couditiouwoulcl do inore than any onething to create a clesire on thepart of parents, to send theirchildren to this state institutionCharlie. 'Summerfielcl, during hisbrief term of office, has macletremendous strides - towarcl dry-ing up the wet spots iu the coun-ty. He has cIoiie this largely onhis own responsibility, withoutregard to political preference orfavor. To him, for the vastlyimprovecl conclitious in the conn-ty, uulimitecl ere<lit.is due. La-tah county never hacl a bettersheriff. '<<Ve feel sure that thepcope of this county are goingto shokv at the cou11ug pl'1mal'yaud general election that theyare most enthusiastically back ofn, strict enforcement of the pro-b ihitio» Isis's.






Better arrange now for your harvest twinerequirements. Insure saving all tbe-grainand preventing delay and trouble by Or,deijpga supply of McCormick Binder twine.

The boy who dnesu't leave altigh iv<itcr 0u<srlc»i the bathttfb,will never make much of a iuarkiii the world.

Twelve Good Reasonsfor Building a Silo

1. More fee<i can be stored iu «given sp<tce in form of silage tlmn inform of fodder or huy.

2. A small loss of food mnterialwhen a crop is nmtle into sllt<ge.

3. Corn silnge is u better feed thancorn fodder,

4.,An (<cre of corn or k«flr can beplaced into u silo nt less cost thun thest<me Sreu when huat<e<f nml shre(fde<f.

5. Crops ci<n he put in the silo dpr-ing weather which coul<i uot be util-ized for curing'fo(l<ler or h«y.

G. ltloro st<ick con be k<pt on 8giv(u nren of lund wlieu siluge is thebnais nf n rntlnu.

7. I.ass wnsted iu fee(!iiig silagetlunl fnddel'.

S. Silage Is very p:(lot:(file.0, Silage, lil,o ntlinr sii('eiilent fee<la.

Our Price is

<)7.5~,l. elt'a..eWANTED

Cattle, Hogs and Sheep.

Hides and Wool.



Ive move anything that'Loose.

Which is far below the market.Residence Phone 654



KENDRICK DRAY'<e ICEFrank Boyd, Prop.

I . beni.ric.e .,H.arilware ii".o."Exceptional Service"


+Seucl your job prilitirig to the FOR SA'IE: Good youu<'ill.-I<crtclriclc Gazctfe Good print cow. August 0. 9'gtlcl', Ctiiu-lug gOod service. ; ci <I», Idaho. 24-3



,h,hd,<94: e4 ih Adi/,,b<, i,~4+, ~+~fishd~d<4<4+

tl(ia 0 iieti>lielill eftect <itin<1 'tli<'i<<os. <'~'I I)+~i A<h>~s++ioil~+A~ih+oiA>hdo ~ sio<94<dsP<sidaAo~ A

tive ol"',ills.A+ S+< '<+< + < + t < < < 0 t < +(11~+ Sb~tt4$4 ~ 44ti++t ~ y ~ yyg~A ~ pA SAAAe < ~ y y < y ~4 ~ ~ ~ y p ~ tt%1 ~ ttt44<$

We re Set .For a .3ig ..—..arvest!

Page 3: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1926 - The Kendrick Gazette/1926 July - Dec. - The Kendrick...Boost For Better goads Into Kcndrirk lf 8 Jl~(!Eilg Subscription Price] $1.50 In Advanre





')) ~,



operated by the army, beiag attachedtn the Seventh coast artillery atSandy Hook. The crew consists ofenlisted coast artillerymen aad war-rant officers nader Capt. T, R, Parker.It ls -supposed to carry a.crew of 25,but. 'he vessel le generally. short-handed. When'not wnrkfag, It tiesup la the shadow of-the Statueof Lib-erty at Bedloe's Island.


Latham D. Moore VOTE FOR

G. F.,Waliter.— etersonOangjdfLte fog Nominationffyr Pa)scouting Attorney '

on- the. Republican Ticketat the primary election tobe held August '3rd, 1926.

Present IncuinbentFor Probate Judge at the

Republioan Primary Au-

gust Third.

And SATURDWe will show

Candidate on the Republican ticket for t'e ofBce of Find Sailors Prefer

Highbrow LiteratureNew York. A.third mate calling on

"The.Lady of the;.Lake" and the "Layof the Last Minstrel" to add strengthto his sea-going remarks ls,somethingnew under the ocean sun.

Yet these're among the softeningchanges wrought by the AmericanMerchant Marine Library association,which, according to its director, CarlW. Shattuck, has 'scattered 250,000books aboard 75,000 ships riding theseven seas.

"Sometimes four months at astretch mlthout touching.shore, thesailors'of the chaatie are thus able toalternate their 'skipping on thedecks'y 'lyfag down below'fthbooks that range la ghofce from aMeade's First Header or a Zaae Grevthriller to Wells'Outline of History'r

Willa Cather's 'The Professor's

House.'"Thereare grammars and books on

'How to Write.'. They."are for theyauag fellow on board —there's alwaysat least one—who'fs going to sea ]uktto write sea -stories. They read Con-rad, Captain Rfsenberg, and CaptainMcFee. 'he older sailor asks forbooks on farming, keeping the dreamof a fa'rm at the back of his head forthe da when he will come ashore."


Wes ey ..larryHfs's an A. B. and,Law grad-'uate of the'niversity of Idahoand has been admitted to prac-tice in the Stite acrid rFedemlGoii'its He ..iyill appreciateyojfii.'support, and if electedwill.-perform the duties of theoffice, with fairness, justiceand'mpaitiality to all.

Mr. -Moore is a graduateof the University of Idahoand" has "resided in': Itatah .

county ..28 .years. He has ..been.-engaged. in the general

practice of .law for threeyears and has had one'.arndone-half years experienceas assistant prosecutiagr at-


,Third District—in—


'Geo. Was iingtoa,,r.'riinaryEleertion, August

3, 1926.- A Snappy, Jazzy, Social Comedy, in'

which Wesley simply breake 'all his

previous attempts in producing c'o'm-

edy drama. LAUGHl You laugh,.:till .

your sides ache. Don't Miss itf".'ohnCone

'hisannounces the

candidacy of


All;children under 12 years of ago ftccoIIII'phhied by

..."'-,their parents will be admitted FRgm..s

Admittsion' - '-10c.-3Sc

ABE GOFF Present Incumbent '.," .

Candidate 'oii" the Republican ticket- for the-. oSce of

Present Deputy:Proseccut-':r

. 'ng, .Atto'rney Guy.W. Wolfe


First 'District

for flomin'atn as 'DistrictJudge of the, Second.,; Judaic~

ial District, at the RepublicanPrimiries, August'rd, '1926;

- Electors must be registered inorder to vote.


July 24th.r"

. —Candidate for nominationas Prosecuting 'Attor'net

R'epubhcam Ticket.

O. E. MacPherson, ManagerAnimals for BirdsLos Angeles, Calif.—The howl of

the bobcat and the bark of the sliverf'ox at .Fafrmouat park, Rfverslde,Calif., will soon.give.way.,to the.,chfrp,of th'e canary and the.twltterfng ofthe nightingale, according"to."the ac-tion of the board of park comialssfon:ers a few days ago, w'hea they'de-cfded to trade the animals for song-blrds, provided a second party to thetraasactlon can be found.

Commissioner Holland brought upthe subject, declaring the odor of, thecelfectfna of beasts at the parlt lsobjectionable and that the. expense effeeding them fs more than their use-fulness warrants.

She further said she believed. thesong's of birds would be much more

attractive than the less piusfcafsounds of the animals.


Staring Flour - 'hese local ads sell .stufF every

".' t

;r„Under proper storage coadltloas week'flour'hould 'keep'ntirely satisfac-torily, for three months. Much of thelifgh-'grade wheat flour ls kept for aconsiderably -longer period of'ime, Teven'for a,year or more, and suchflour ls satisfactory for bread-making Jpurposes. '"

Primary...Election, August

3,. 1926.

~ Prhfiary Election, Aug.3.''eBeer That is DifFerent

. r I

ust h'ow McDowell's dif-fers is best explained bytasting.Only then do,you realizethe BIG differen'ee.

5c Per Glass, 15c 'Per'int



Wm."Het Smith Lawrence E. Huff

Republican Candidater

hook around over your farmand see if you haven't a numberof article that are useless to you.Maybe some 'ther 'Potliitch'erwants. to . buy them. Let thewerltl know by putting'a'threeor'our line'ad in the 'Gazette.

Elmer. Paulson

McDOWEIfL'SMIDGET CAFEPresent Incuiitbent

for Candidate for the, o8ioe

Of - COunty: COm~fRSiOner

Second Distrmt Repub-lican 'Ticket.

PRONUNCIATION MQCandidate on 'the Republican'ticket for''the oSee'f


[xzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxrzx xxxxxH


Thrift Coupled up with our co-H


operation makes you MasterH



of circumstances.N





---a growing bank account at thisH


community bank is the ".doorN


key t that opens wide the doorH


of opportunity for youN





Carry a key---N





--this home bankH






H ++++++++++++WM4+++++++++++++++4++++++4'4+4'+4H'

The Farmers Bank'+ +

H 'fs +H ofs++++sfs++++++++++++rfs++++sf++++++sfs+++sfr++sfssfs++ ross+oft





Open One... Today... NowH


'rimaryElection to 'be

held August 3, .1926




























, Il






















Second District,If elected I will..uphold.'nd.

enforce, without fearIfATAH COUNTY .or favor, laws -.'govern-

ing the oSce.'f sherifF

with economy and im-


Primary Election to behekl August 3, 1926; Primary Election, August

3, 1926.


E. A. McClelland ls Really "oculist of the coast

Boston.—A little gray steamshipwith a queer slgaal hanging from Itsmasthead may be aeea aow aad againia the great ports of eastern Rudsouthet'n United States. Yet thou-sands of travelers mho vIew lt neversuspect that this vessel, the only oneof its class, Is .vitally concerned lnthe defense of the American coast.

The ship ls-the United States steam-ship Joseph Henry. Ifa mark Is themalateaaace of a secret system ofsubmarine telephone cables that en-ables the coast artfllery to train Itsbig guns on targets out at sea. TheJoseph Henry, anchored here or thereor busily steaming about Its business,ls the only risible evidence of theseunderwater communication lfaes.

It might be appropriately called"the oculist of the coast artillery."The eyes that help fiad the range ofdfstaat targets are located far awayfrom the harbor fort. sometimes oa.a.aeighbnrlag prnmoatory; sometimeson aa island fa the harbor. The, "cables are the nerves that carry theraage-fiadiag observations to 'he"brain"- that flres the big batteries.

The fact that these under-mater'

cables exfst ls uo secret. Their exactlocation, however, ls a military secret.They are laid so that they are out


may nf shfppfag lanes aad anchor-ages. Nevertheless, every so often,some vessel f'ouls nne of the cables,or a new cable must be Iafd, or acable develops a leak.

If this situation. occurs anywhere,from Portland, Me., to Galveston

'exas, the Joseph Henry appears nathe scene. It fs desfgaated a mlaelayer, although It never Iafd a mineaad probably never mill.

A hundred ttnd sixty-fiv feet longaad displacing 601 tons, Its only dfstlagulshfng characteristics are a hugereel nr. mindlasa. mounted horfznatttl-lv on its forward upper deck, a bfgsheAve on a forward boom. and nn-

nfher pair of sheaves at the born... It lonks like R navy slifp, but it Is

Candidate for the office ofCo'unty Commissioner, 1st

: District, Sepablioan Tioket

June 'Webster, desceadaat, of thefamous lexfcographer, Noah Websterpresents 'a copy of her ancestor's wor'k

to the,Publicity Department of thefiesquf-Centennial International Expo.sitioa Association to help theia ia

p'o'ouaciagproperly the name of thebig events which opens June 1 to cele.brate the 150th anniversary of thesigafag of. the Declaration of Iadepead.ance. There are many tygs of pro.auacfatfoas heard but there fs fust oneproper may Noah says. It is "See.Kmuh-'cea-tea'-alai" mfth the accent oathe first syllable of the "Sesqui" aaden the ettc'ond fqsffabie of the "neaten.nial."


Prirfiary Election to heheld 'ugust 3, 1926.

--of course

paper napkin and spoon.

Just the thing for pi'c-

nic luiih. Thesepack-,-'ages

are clean and san-

itary.Cindidate for State Rep-resentative at the Repub-

lican Primaries.Always Up To Date


PERRYMAN'S. ;A rcsi(lent of lratah coiintysince 1898. Farmed onAmerican ridge 14 years.

,;Served one .terai as countycommissioiier. IIas lived

in Moscow the past 11years. Believes in theright kind of econoiny inthe management of stateafFairs. Believes in theTdaho educatioiiel system

and proper support of thellniversity aud eolamoase.ho ols.

+++++++sfssfssfrsHr+ ~~~~++++++sfs sfs+++++ sf sos++testr+++++++ rsss sfo++++sfs+++

J. W. PENCEe: Candidate for ++ e ~ ~ e +

County Commissioner 3rd District tRepublican Ticket


+si D' A ++ I.rimary Augllst urd Pard srtrrrrrlrrrcrrn. pal<I for by J. m. Prose ++esPrjrss\h+++ rf rj +sf ++sfs+sfssfs++++sP+sfststhe lfssgr&stlsis tso4sa ht a + fr++sf lls+sf sissfsAssfsr ssh+

Agent Wanted in KendrickTerritory.,8worn pr.oof of $75

per week. g.50 an hour forspare time.. Introduciag FinestGuaranteed HNsiery. 126 styles

and colors. Ifow prices. Auto

ifurnished. No capital or exper-I.

—ience fieccssary. Wilknit 1I0siery

Company, Dept N-35, Green-

field, Ohio.' 28-4

Next week-'cad you'l have a lotof fva take along a Brownie andyou'l bring it all b1ck

You'l find a salesman herc to show youiust how simple picture-making is with aBrowni. drop in and get fittcd up for thehest time ever.

Detrclopi ng arm'ri frti ng

of the qrfaltly krnd'!l

Red Cross Pharmacy


P k Y rt ZGh'e NeW KendriCk

Page 4: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1926 - The Kendrick Gazette/1926 July - Dec. - The Kendrick...Boost For Better goads Into Kcndrirk lf 8 Jl~(!Eilg Subscription Price] $1.50 In Advanre
Page 5: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1926 - The Kendrick Gazette/1926 July - Dec. - The Kendrick...Boost For Better goads Into Kcndrirk lf 8 Jl~(!Eilg Subscription Price] $1.50 In Advanre

Dr, GEO. W. MOKEEVERDental Surgeon

Phones: Office 812, Res. ]9]5Kendrick, - Idaho

Automobi]c Rcpajrjug byExperience(] Mechanic

WATCH REPAIRINGThat Is Right'y 27 years cxpcricl>cc

on repairing watches e>1-- ab]es mc to give you the

best there is in repairingthese delicate machinesQ.at,registers time.Yours fo'r a square flea'].


Jest>yelez i


B]acksmithirig, Wagon Workand

Horseshoei»gpub]ican Ticket for



Resi(]e»t Latah County


Youl'u p po>'t Bt Pl'1

n L. Woody



ugust 8, 1026

K.eal EstateAnci

Ixasurance '~e< ~ rain~ >RLSCI. XXLe

¹ H. MORSSLivestock and Farm

Auctioneer05cc with F. M. TalbottPhone 50S, Lewiston, Ida.

w o»'g»jj. gocBLACKSMITHING

KVago» B»d Carriage ShopRepairing of ai] kinds

Neatly Done. Kendrick Garage CompanyAll )<Vork Guarantee(1



QP Notice To A']] Electors of Latah NOTICE TO CREDITORSCounty

]» the Probate Co»rt of LatahI'lease t»l.c iioticc t}iat the Co»iity, State ()f ]dali».

re«}strati»a la>vs Of I(!;>ho 'have In t}>e matter Of the Lt'state of''e<>,::,::,;:::,:,:::j>]>jj>:::,:y::::,::::::,::.~Ski]":'!jli g~ ~ c}mnged so thi>t tlic 241'}> (]iiy of 'S»s iu I>ic}>ar(}so», 1)ccc'>sod.

July, this year, wi]1 bc your last Notj<i('» heretl)y gjv<iii by theFit Met>10<>e to Fellepp day to register for the primary imdersigried, the adnrjnistrator




-,::;;,::...,;:$ ;.;, j .::; n,...Bi~< fg'~o<IIIj!}I ~ P d t f ~,. election, nn(] if you do not regis- of the estate of Busts>1 Richa>d-ter on or 'bcfo> 0 t}>at day yo» son, dcce»sed to the creditors of:,

)e present ti»)e pi)r f"m) ivj]1 1>ot gct to v»tc st t}>c prj. B»d a}1 ])crso»s. }>Bvjug c]ajms


W B r

C f

HARRY A. THATCIII<,'R, }>ihit them with the»cccssary"'i .:::"-"':,Ir" . g

County Auditor. 2<}-2 voiichers within four monthsUrq>)hart Bldg. - 3rd St. j,I !Itt'yaj ! ~:g. 'gag I!4-"'zs<' "'' '

.; },I~,,I ~,;~,:: .'ay pnrticu]ar attention to the hsn- Bfter the first putb}jcatiou of this

Io ow - Id& I'>l>I'Ti',~'" .,'':::- ='

I — '" ""::'=-- ".5 dling of the Product, that It m»y be NQTIcE FQR PUBLIcATIoN Notice to-wit:- the Ot}1 day ofput on the niarket in thc best rondi- I»}y, 1926, to thc said adminis-

5%I<4, - '~z- ...„--J}d tion Possible a»d t]iereby bring the Department of The Interior ]into> nt t}>e Bink of Ju]jnctfnRhea ', >>i>itj',jI '.Eh5

>g III I~~'II biggest returns U S. Land Oflicc at Coc»r

d'BIFERJ, MDORBE)(B, M B i(g - . -'~j>>au, jj,,an< ti ii d,it'i,iii id,, d Ate„o idaho I„iy isii, tpaa iin Juliuettu, Latati county, stateIj> ln=-, .: I!!'OT]CLis hcrci)y give» tiiat Of I<]'iho, t}>C si»nc bei>1

Physician and Surgeon Clarence B. Dygcrt, of Myrtle, l)1(>ce for tlie .transactio>i of thePhone 838

iecp tlie b»r»»nd cows ci<.»i). le. Idaho, )vho, 0» February 19th, 1923,$81 move m»n»re frnm st»ble tivice d»t]v. made ]lomcstead c»jry No. 0]')263Kendrick, - I(]nho Wi ud] B I I Is 'it I I» fo Lo I of,S io 27,-'iow

I'lothbefore mill j»g 37 North, Range 3 West, Boise Mcr D»,to<1 an<1 sjgne(l on this 8r(1r vf Mjli< )vjth dri iiimds, I»to a sm»I) "'B» has file(1»o>ice of i»>c»(io» Io (l»y Of Ju}y 1<}26.

t<)p mill< p<iii,i»akc fl»>BI 3 year. I'roof, to cstablsil

,'A W BE]IIFg<c,PF ''ro Clr»»1 tO >hC lilt)(1 Bbo) C <]CSCI )bt.<1,

II>cP(><ate niiile »aim, t<) i»suie less befoic Luge»c P Nctj U S f o»)- A(l>n» i>si>»to> Of the 0~tate Of

»'(isle i» the skir»r»ill<. missioner it I (,uiston I<I iho oii t»e rS»b'1» Rif }i ii dso» (}eeet>lcd ~8 5Wiish sept>r»><tr thoro»giiiy Bftp> 23r<l day of August, ]926, at which,

At I o I o b fo th I h d i Ye»ch sep»r»ti(n, Use» Iir»sii rnt>ier i»)c the I ro"f licrcjoforc s»l mitted '3» tte>>vrsl)pcrs p»'c 1 at t}

the famous Old Guard of New York under the command of hfaj F. H' g' """ ''" "'""" C, ', . '

j G'>. tt OA C.meyer S»y<]er,'comma»da»t of jhe organization, ~~~~i~~d th invitati f va PP v ', t ) s ~ i d L I

or . ave „»d,, »»»„,... Iaim»»t »ames Bs wit»esses:p»rts tjiorou hiy. co»anl 1 airfield of Juliaetta, Idaho:

'heofi]cials oi the Sesqui. Centennial Inter»ational Exposition, opening jnPhi]adelphia June 1 B»d continuing to December 1, to celebrate 150 years of cpa B in«ve»ci c')"I'ij» Fra»l( H. Hoisi»|lto», of Juliaeij»,American ]ndepende»ce, >o atte»d the ]"Iag Day exercj'ses on June 14, when

, "'l,".I:I;,[':[ .:];:I::<~yg . - a]I the historic muitary commands of the thirteen origina] cojonies . wj]1 >viain StreetIg,:."~ q 5 g~:>IIIINI assemble for a big military display and parade headed by General Pershing. Burr J BostwickCaptain James A. B. Fra»ciscus, of the Oid Guard State Fencib]es, of the Stir cream thoroughly every time a Acting Register.

GARAGE0 8 % ''.~II Sesqui city, is presenti»g the iuvitation to Major S»yder. At Mar Snyder's fresh supply Is Bdde<1, using B stjr-

''IOIlo'IOI'l'toll I'lti'l')t'r)I««ta»d the comma»ding -ofljcers of the Phj]adeiphia organizations whj]e rer manufactured f'r tj)e purpnse, NOTICE TO CREDITORSthe met»hers of the two famous commands are grouped about their ]eaders A cooling tank shou]d bc p» everyIn their striki»" dress uniforms.- farm. I]un t]ie water pumped for Estate of R. Clare Mnynar(1,

1]ve stock through the cream tank Deceased.B»d then into the stock tank. Notice is herc'by given by thcHow to Make a Poem Autemobj}c Ac(,cssol jcs

We should manage our thoughts inundersigned, executor of t] c

composi»g a poem. as shepherds do from odors and well aired.their flo vers in making gar]and; FOR SALE: 8-foot John Deci'e Cream should be deiivered tfirst se]ect the choicest, Bnd then djs- }>judcr. 1>]quire Gazette off>cc ket at ]east three t»nes a week in

- pnse them Iu the proper places, where 27 tf summer and t)vice in winter. thc said deceased, to xhib>t themthey give a luster to each other:-.like cream should not be B]lowed to wjt}> tho necessary vouchcrs GAS AND OIL

ea iers In Indian crowns, which M T ~, W h freeze.—L. K. Crowe, assistant Profes- wjt}>j>> four mOnths after July 2the feathers In In I

are so maua red that ever ng d t at every one reflects, „, '

dsor, anima] husbandry, Co]or»do Ag- 1026, thc first Publication of t is

oi]ey 0 an: We ave y

~ ~

a part oi its color and g]oss on the-next.—r'ope. notice, to the sa d. o

. Pau] Sohu]zc, Prop,>ts office iu Mo

pOultry Wltil Da]ry]ng sonic bcj>ig the p]ncc for t c

renew your old one. Veatch s Profitable Practice transaction of the business of

a]ty Co Moscow, Idaho. 14-tf Wend butter supplied to tbe toioui mer-. A. Harsh MpNEY Tp LAN on approv- uet, tbe reisinr, ot pouurv rourbtnnes First Trust s savings Bnnh, n'!

farm security 51/ % 5 7 01 n eely with the dail'y Ii)dust>'y Biid the co 'poratjo», Zxccutol'.

IP ears P L Them aon Mos ruo So hand in imnii in obteinina Protit By II Meigard, President. umrd II1Candidate 011 the Rc- cow. 28-tf fromthefari». Thej»co>»efiol» tile Dated at Moscow, Id>iho, Ju>ic g ~

poultry and dairy each mont]i in most 96th 1926 27 5 +cases keeps the farmer supplied with

A]1 Work GuaranteedFOR SALE: A small raucI>y spare ciiange and ajfords ready money Wc Carry a-Stock of Camp "

~jlone mile northeast of Kelldrjck, for the>s>»njngexpenses of the house. T ~ ~ ii ~ ~ ee

coutajuj>lg 45 acres about ha]f The poultry business >equires no I»rge L~y ng PulletS P~equlre Equipment

under cu]tivatjo». A. f>uc chick- amo unt of capita] Bnd labe). LB»d Abundance of Good Grain a'jead tii'r] 1 (ih It W j]] that )you id otherwise be idle can very Laying pu ]lets need Bn abundance «<><><go

]argeiy he utilized I» caring for it. of grain to keep the body wsrm B»d '"¹ R. SHEPHERD Buttermilk or sl<]m milk, fed to hens, majnt»in the small surplus of fat;:, Teats, Stoves, Beds, . a>idwi]] pay a good profit. There»re needed by Bl] good ]ayers, stated Prof. +

Auctioneer 1'>eky Idaho 26 tf >vastes about the dairy stables th»t A. G. Philips of the Purdue university .„. Ot}ier Supp]ics.17 years. cannot be u'i]ized Bs eI'fectiveiy in B»y pou]try department. ~jo

Troy, FOR SALE: Library table, <vay as through poultry. A higiier perce»t»ge of grain should «<g<><) <<r

rockj»g chair, high chair, camp Much of the food for dsirvi»'s Bd- be fed froi» october to J»nuary, s]ight- ~

I table aud 2 folding camp chairs mir»b]y -Bd»pted to feedi»g ppu]jiy. ]y less from JB»u»ry to M»rch Bnd B j. Let us It'it You OutNo Bdditjn»B] help is required. The normal ration In the spring. This en-


Z]ect>01>, A»gi>st capital invested in po»itry can be wiih- Bb]es pullets t<) keep up the body j, i>d>e<>d<r

draivn i» B few d»ys by the sale pf the weight »rid still produce eggs. hfo%te'j}]

be appreciated. poultry; Bnd the )v>ste products pf the pu]lets th»t <vere e»r]y hatched, prop-For glasses that satisfy see astro er'e convertea into prom nna eie eris mnturea nna reedy to iey 'in tiie g N E


Jones the reliable specia]ist combinatio» of poultry )vjth d»irying is winter fell down on the job when cold'

Bt t}>c Commcrcja] Hote], Tucs- the most natur»jiy attractive that c»n weather hit them, because they were,'eligricg - fQaQo +Jay Ai>g>>st 3rd 29 3t be thoug]it of. The time of ye»r when too tiiin. eje

the retu>s)s come in from poultrv is @++e]ei$+eeee e]eQ+ e]e r]ev4e++++ vtt+++ eHe v]sr]eels

FOP SA'LE, 121} a h ]f )vhen dairy»)en»re geneva Iy B»xi<)usto have the dejiciencies <)f the d»iry

cultivated, smh}] paymeut down mage good Bnd there is»ever B timeaud terms on 'ha}ance; 500 fruit in the year when poultry pr<)<i»rts can-trees, acre of berries, plenty of not find a j'air m»rket.—westernwater, small buildings. Address Farmer,Box 88, Lc}and, Idaho. 29-5p

ndidatc on the Rc- -- 'ngOra GOatS EillCienb]ican ticket for the FOR SALE or TRADE for for Killing Out Qrusll

good car; 1 to>i Transport truck,office of Angora goats Bre the most eflicient y e I~ vv eemu

P»eumatic tires. Z. Clem. 80-2P means for clearing cut-over IB»d thatcan be found. They not only keep

COUNTY CStab]jS}ied au 0}1}CC for down all undergrowth but kill out brier

t}>e -practice of medicine at patches Bnd peei large biush Go»ts

C can be j'enced with 8II-Inch wire with'Southw>ck,'daho, at>d wj]] be 12-inch stays stretched .tight. They

Third District

ready .to attend al] calls fro m get their ]iorns caught Iii Q-inch»ettjng.the surrou>]ding county prompt I have fen<.ed them with rails built so]y Dr. R. Truitt. 30-1 they cannot ju)»p on tiie Ioiver rajis

Bn(i <vas not bothered with them gct-A ting out, writes O. H. I"pstcr of Indi-

. Horses For Sale: Choice Out ana, jn Farmers'uide. A»y g<)odOf a ']>ullc}1 of >i>lie hend Au- sheep fence wii] turn g»;its if tlicy

Primary Election, gust Mcyer, Phone 227. 30-2p; have suit, <vater, weeds, briers B»dbrusli in their field.

A ~, Spring Bnd su»)mer is the best >ii»e

G These ]ocn] ads sell stuff every for them in the brusli. The morn A 5RV]llgS ACCO]II]t~ e week. goats the quicker the flei<1 <viij Iie

cleared. Twe»iy-jive or tiiirty wi>I beenough for ten acres Bnd »III do» fl»eJob in one se»son. Go(its nce<l very

though their )vp(tl brings 2 or 8 centsless dmu sheen vmii Per iioemi. j itt] Oo PPe» ry B» B( CP»>)t

There are sever»l breeds of Aiigpra

Kendric, - . a o titles you to a Liberty Bell bank.hundreds of acres of I»»d I» so»tiiern

!Indian» that »ee<l ther», F»t g<»<tn

We pay 4 per cent interest on BllWHOLESALE I>,nd RETAIL ket ss f»t sheep.

RED CROWN GAS has the sa i»gs Bnd time certif>cates of'

pep. Buy by the gallon or by the d»e to the fact that they tire improp-

barrel. Special Wholesale prices. eriy red durina the nrsi re~i'iiye. (}erypS>teIlrI'ie»t scr»ps B»(l also IB»k»ge wi]i

help fili Ihe egg b»skej. Add 10 p«r I

Wa}den Socket Wrench Set e rent or eitlrrr io lhe i;ruin rution.ai rp m

Success»i f»ll»re i» tne turkey hllsi-

ness depc»<is I»rgciy nn the sci<c(i<>»

of brec<li»g s>»ci<, ]iealjj) B»drig<)<'houi<l

be <Ite ijt'M> «>ftgi<je)'B>I<)»R.~ tg KF 4 ~

A «<iptj h<ypr iti;iy Ii(> i><vgi.i iltr.<I BM KcELcxx'xcxL wtB,te BBLxlfkB Ii(ill Iiilviii» <I stii(, re<I tftt« III tt<l<I I

Deoba]d Bros, Props w»>t>cs.;i» i»><.III,"<.»< Iit;t<I, giiiitj

Iiii<'I> )', I i>('illy t it vt,"<ti', t';<i'i'; >it' ]y eDtI I,]ck [t],>f >O

siii;t>I iililtillltt ttf It<I, t! stijl >il ti>i><.

aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAuaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ski)i, <tilt> troll fit<i(tl piit"., uvouue-ee

Page 6: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1926 - The Kendrick Gazette/1926 July - Dec. - The Kendrick...Boost For Better goads Into Kcndrirk lf 8 Jl~(!Eilg Subscription Price] $1.50 In Advanre














noon to visit at the homo of Geo

,GLEAMNGS E<'. Knepper, father of Miss Knep-I per and Mm. Busse. They ex-

pect to speiid severs) weeks here.Mr. and Mrs, 'Silvie Cook and'iss Knepper has spent the past

Airs. Cook's niother, Mrs, Dean tivo years on thc HaiviianWrigh™ Agatha, drove to Islands, where she had a posi-Spolcane and 'Coeur d'lene last tion in public welfare worl».Sunclay, and returned. Tuesdayinornlng, They visited relatives Cl ayton Biddlsoll of Jullaetta,at,Coeur dr Alene who, with Walter Cochran, raises

a 'big acreage of melons everyi>llss Esther Gird er» now year stafed yesterday tllat plps-

bopk-keeper at the Potlatch L'lec- 'pects at tIhis time look favorabletric, 'Co<mIiany's oflice. for a big yield. The melon

Mr. and Mrs. Kester Dammar- patches that were well cnltivat-ell rctnrned the first of the week ecI 'have plenty of moisture tofrom a fishing trip in the Sal- mature the crop.lnon River co'untry. They visit Geo Brpcke C G,Cpaiptoned ¹.anil Mrs. Charles Pool at aiic1 dangliter Maude, rlrove to<Vhjtebjrd, Mr. Pclol was at one Qrofino, Wednesday fpr a brjef

time cashier of the Farmers Bank visitof Kenclriclc and is now cashierpf the Qrlijtebjrd 'baal»

of. Cavendish, Friday, July 16,G, P. Aaclerson received deliv- a, (laughter, iveight 3 ponncls.

eryof a, new Studebaker coach. Bill Riley took delivery yester-

day of a new six cylinder Star'.Pornorrow ('Saturclay) is the touring car.

last clay to register before theprjmary eleetjpn If ypu dpn f, Claus Elc»er bought a Chev-

legistei you can't vote. 11~1rs rolet truck 'from the Kendric'k

Donald Miller, legistrar for Gaiagc Co, tlils iveel».

Xendrick precinct, states thatmost everyone in Kendrick has Women to Have Campregistered, <bitt there are a iium-ber in the outlying. district that Women of north Idaho will.have so far fail'~ to reglstel. liave their cllance to play, learn

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dauben and rest next month,'hen theberg returned last 8unday from northern district vacation camp,their vacation spent at Seattle under the. auspices of the uni-

svith relatives. veisity of idaho extension div-ision, opens at Tivin Lalces. Thecamp, last of the series of four

John, are sPending the week held in. the state, is scheduleeamPing on 'Craig Mountain at for Au 1st ~ 4 and. 5

II,aud ch'lclren and a number of announced by Verna Johannesen,

camp. iiig party. agent in. charge, each day is to

'atham D'. Moore, of Moscow, be a full one. Pl'enty of time,was a IZendrjck visitor last 8at- ~1lowevcr, is set aside for restlirclay. Mr. Moore is a candidate an(1 for swimming and boatingpn the republican ticket for the ancl other recreatious.oSce of prosecuting attorney of The anorning of the first day~Latah county. will be largely given over to get-

Tom Blevms killed a rattle- tiilg settled. iiliss Marion HePsnake last ~Sunday near Clyde worth, 'state home demonstration <

SIIin'h'at mgasuredi g2,inches leader, will open the regular pro-]on<'nd }iacl ]2 rattles. gram at 2 o'clock in the after-

noon, with an address of welcom-'Wslniot left Wednesday for ino the guests and explajning.the

Kellogg to visit. his daughter, piilpose of the camp. Local.Mrs A' Dunkle leaclers will respond'. an(1 a roll

Mr. Snd Mrs. A.. K. Garison and call by connties will be taken.children left Tuesday in their Three talks are on the first day'ear-for Portland. to spend. their program: "Health in the home,"vacs,tion. by Mrs'A P. Shirley, R. ill.,

L'exvjstoa; "Lalidscape Art andAEr. and Mrs. 0. E< MacPherson

tlhortici»tnrist and "The Home

Ramey, Hester KnePPcr and X t of the Little Ones " byMarjorie Davidso, in the Mac-D II d. II All S

'hersolicar, and Joday Loiig,EI 1,L ll th Sppkalle. The clay s

a boafire on the beac'h.Coeiir cl'lone, 'Sund'ay morning, Mrs. ~Shirley and l,lr B treturning in the evening.


ester an i ian tookk will continiie their tall»s on the

tl b t t C 1, Al f morning of the second clay and.

P will ta]]» pn ~~jld F1pll ers of

Girls'amp.3Er'. an Mrs. Guy Wolfe of

M'oscow were Kendriclc visiforsTres(lay afternoon of this weel».

Miss ilEerwjn, county snperia-fen(1ent of schools pf Clearwatercoiulty, was a Kendrick visitorlast. Saturday.

Gns Bjrphmier anil fnImily ofTexas riclg'e were transactingbusiness in Kendrick, Tuesday ofthis weel»


Illrs. Frank Byrne and child-ren, of Lewiston were Kendrickvisitors Tnesclay afternoon.

Mr, ancl Airs. R. IX. Dammarell,accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.Joh» Boos of Lewiston, left thefirst of the weelc for a tour'f%(orth Idaho

L G. Petersott, city cleric ofMoscow, was tl'ansactiiig busi-ness in Kendrick Viiesday after-noon. Mr. Peterson spent a num--ber of years in Kendrick w1ierehe ha(1. la>v ofriccs. He also serv-

-ed the town as mayor for thegreater part of two terms, Hehas a wide acquaintance in thise.ommnnity. 'IIe is making acainpalgli of the couilty as '8

canclidate for probate juclge onthe repu'blican ticket.

Prank Millard of J'uliaetta'asin Kendriclc, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy'ewis ofConer O'lene visited at thehome of Mr. Lewis'ister, Mrs.8. P Callison, Wednesclay.

Earl Crocker arrived the firstof ftie week from Shelby, Mon-tinia, fo visit his brothers, Frankaii(1 F<recl. He is in the oil gaineaf, Shelby ancl is doing well.

illrs. Stewart Compton;indchHrlren of Orofino, are visitingat the liome of her parents, Nr.ancl Mrs. N. E. Whre on BjgBear ridge.

bliss Margaret Enepper, Mrs.H. Busse and daughter, Bern-Iiirrdine, arrived Monday after- '

Idaho." In the evening Dean E<.

J. Id(lings of the university col-lege of agriculture, will speakon "The Unified Home Programfor Idaho "

The third day's speakers are tobe Mrs, Tos,pe and Guy Col-quhon, Couer d'leae. Mr. 'Col-quhon's subject is "The paint-ing, Decoration of F<urniture."In the ynoraing Miss IIepwortliwill give a demonstration in thejudging of food products,

Mrs. Benjamin Dockor ofCoeur d'lene will be presentduring the last two days to in-struct in the ma'kiing of pineneedle trays.

Miss Charity Sumeal, 110-year-old inmate of the Laurens countyhome in South Carolina, has seenher hair, once brown, turn gray,in the course of years, then black,and she can. thread a needlewithont t'e aid of glasses"Aunt" Charity, as she is call-ed, attributes her longevity tohard work aad says her creed oflife has been "to pray like asaint ancl work like the devil."—New West Trade.

S~ecia s~ ~ I ~

....B,I'VCS;34 years in the retail business, an<I all that time se!1

irig to the farmers in small cnmmu<>ity, we kripw

your wants for harvest ari<j with our experience can

supply them.. Give us a trial.q q yq yyyyyyyy~yg yy~yy*yyyyyqwyyyif yyyyyyyyyyyg<y<f gyes.yyyyyq.yyyyyq yq.yyyyq<ii»+


Men's leather work gloves, rang-

ing price from .......90p to $3.25

Heavy chambray work shirts 85c

Men's underwear, short sleeves+

and ankle length. A good buy

'at ............................................$100+

HARVEST SFECIALS++,+ici ':MNl's Shoesfi++ It pays to pay 25c more an'd



Qilcloth patterns in many de- iiiili

signs, yer pattern ................85c +4iii+


13 large pkgs Cornstarch ......25c ++ Another large shipment of Men'

A good grade bulk co8ee ... 42c ++overalls in thre'e good brands

Jersey Cornfiakes ...................10c + Bi~b and bibless. Pay a q'uarter+Bulk macaroni, 3 for ...........25c .~ more adn get the best.

+$-i. -~ ~- -~+7<+<H<$++if<iH<$+$+ifi$++<fe++$+$<fi+$++pf +gi+*++iI«<%<fi+++$+~i$+if<+ife++++if<$ +eH<+P<H<++

iVew Znglisli prints in the lat-

r,s't patterns, fast colons, A.

large shipment of fancy drapes

just arrived.

32 inch gingham, fast colors,

per yard......................,......25c

Check Weed Injury byHARVEST SPECIALS

Cleaning Grain Seediittie effort exerted in cleari}ng

seed grain is much more eiYective thanattempting to check weed dsmage tothe crop's through control, measuresafter the weeds have had a ".hance togrow, suggests Matthew Fowids, Iii-structpr in agronomy at the South Da-kota State college. The fanning millIe the best mearis oi'eparating theweed seeds from the seed grain.

New weeds are oftea Introduced bybeing mixed in with other seed whichhas been shipped in,

Rotation of crops should be prac.ticed in addition to seed cleautng'in

a'horoughgoingweed eradication pro-gram,

Our fall, blankets have arrived

Get your harvest'lanket now

get your moneys wvorth. when

ydu buy shoes. Give us a trial

an(1 see for yourself.


.4..'I..i.k.!".0S..'C.k"The Quality Store"

I I"„I.

WL.8'R oAh

< ..al.".»s .Wig.1: -a'3sOi<e of th'rr<wblrcks to


is, you'e <jpt to have a bumiriar named rifter you.

Good printing at reasonablerices at Gazette o%ce 45-1

Vfe Are Makjng Stjll Another

! ! ! I

.3ean ..—..arvesI:ebs"400" per barrel - - $.QQPrincess per barrel - - $7.8QAsotiri Best per barrel $7.6Q

For the first time in years we are able to offer youParker All Steel Bean Harvesters. These machines

are latest model and adapted to western conditions.We have only a hmite(I nurriber on hand and price is

figured based. on carload freight rates. You will have-to buy early to get thesemachines at the price we

offer them.

It.kiicekem< Peed.Large Stock on Hand

We have a full line of chicken feed at yery rea-sonable prices. Egg mash, O. K. Sera4ah, Bran andmost anything you require in this line. Qet our pricesbefore you buy.


Ca1'..SOn ..—..a1C.WareCompany

MILL FEEDAll kinds of IiIill Peed, IIay and Grain

We are glad to serve you.




Vollmer Clearwater CompanyiiY>z SIAfCJYSSXSR SYollz L—ICKNDRICIK. II3A Ho

We have just received a small shipment of newmodel:7-Plow Right Laps. Owing to the fact that.these implements are not carried in stock on Pacificcoast, we had them shipped in a car of other impje-ments from Mississippi Valley points. This gives usthe opportunity to quote you price on these labor-saving tools based on carload freight rate.

Th'ese few new model Right Laps will riot last lorigat the price we are making and we would suggest thatyou get in touch with us at once.

, . ar'.ter A, Stee.

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