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ELECTIONS 2014-2015

My experiences in the CorRel Department involve not only my consistent exposure to

the external environment. I believe that my growth in this field manifests in my

contributions to the organization as a member of this department. I have consistently

been able to provide support to the organization through the sponsors that I was

successfully able to procure in my term. Though it may be ephemeral, I also believe

that I was able to guide the Corporate Relations Managers under my care in dealingwith external entities, aiding in their own growth. I believe these accomplishments

fortify my eligibility.

Ultimately therefore, the reason that I want to run for an Executive Board position is

because I believe that I can contribute more as a VP for Corporate Relations,

particularly addressing the aspect that needs most improvement: member

development, without compromising the improvements of the past year. Thus, my

overall plan for the department is more holistic : focusing on the members, while

simultaneously and continuously developing our external relationships. This is why

my platform chiefly consists of restructuring the training system, provision of

more opportunities, network relations support, and external expansion.

2.  If there is one word to sum up your experience with the organization, what is it and

why? Rate the dedication you have given to ACTM from 1 to 5, with 1 being the

highest, and give your reason behind the rating.

I think that this organization allows for my continual metamorphosis. The

organization has always allowed me to perfect my development by complementing

my academic growth. Having been in ACTM for quite some time, I have constantly

been given opportunities to directly practice the values that have been instilled in me

by my academic life. To illustrate, having been under the Corporate Relations

Department, I learned how to communicate with legitimate external companies and

how to exercise professionalism. As a result, I was able to experience internalchanges that my academic experiences could never probably instigate.

I guess I would have to give myself a 3.5, which is a mere 70% of the full dedication

that I could possibly give. I find that there is so much more I could provide the

organization, inasmuch as it has so much more avenues to let me grow. After all, I’ve

only been in the organization for two years. However, 70% is still a passing score. I

think that my growth in the organization has already been substantial enough for me

to find myself often committing to it more than anything.

3.  If you were a brand, what brand would you be? Why?

Apple   perfectly encapsulates the person, and leader that I am: unconventional,

opportunistic, and innovative.

4.  What is your clear, consistent, and compelling message to the ACTM Assembly?

ACTM has catalyzed my growth in a way that no other aspect of my life possibly

could have. I want to be able to impart my love and passion for the organization to

other ComTech majors and together, build a better home that would instill pride in

being a ComTech major and in being a member of the Ateneo ACTM.

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ELECTIONS 2014-2015


1.  Overall Plan for the Organization: What direction do you think the organization, as

a whole, should go?

There are not enough opportunities. Having been an active member of thisorganization for almost two years, I have witnessed the lack of pertinence towards

the home organization aspect of the Ateneo ACTM. I believe that this time, the

organization should move primarily towards packaging ACTM as a home for all of its

members, through the consistent provision of sufficient opportunities for its members

that will catalyze member growth and development. The constitution of the

organization claims that ACTM aims to build a “spirit of camaraderie through the

efforts and opportunities presented by the organization.” In this light, the

organization’s departments and projects should be centered fundamentally on its

members, focusing on their development and involvement, not just on improving their

quantity. The quantity will increase when they see that they have significant

opportunities to grow.

IMC should be a means, not an end. In addition, the organization, together with its

core competency should be presented less intimidatingly, building a culture of

members who can successfully define the organization and show pride in belonging

to it. The organization should prevent itself from merely trying to achieve IMC, and

instead focus on utilizing IMC to achieve its goals. A wise woman once said, “IMC

should be a means, not an end.” It’s projects and departments should be goaled

towards employing IMC to achieve their objectives.

In summation, though an integral part in itself , the goal should not be marketing the

organization so that more people can join; more importantly, it’s about developing

and involving the members more effectively, making them feel at home, and helpingthem grow in and understand this home.

2.  Plan for the Department: What is your plan for the department you are running for?

How will your department be aligned with your overall plan for the organization?

(For aspiring Presidents and Executive Vice Presidents, explain how you believe

each department can be aligned with your overall plan for the organization.)

The Corporate Relations Department has clearly shown much prowess in its external

aspects. As aforementioned, now that we have successfully been able to establish

the department externally, it’s time to work on its internal side. My overall plan is to

develop the department  holistically in order to achieve its optimum potential. Whilestill constantly making efforts in improving the department’s external

relationships, the department must now invest more of its efforts into

membership development, particularly by refining its internal systems. 

3.  Specific Strategies:  What specific strategies do you propose to implement your

overall plan?

The strength of the Corporate Relations Department in the previous year makes

complacency very tantalizing. However, I am a firm believer that there is always

something MORE to improve on.

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Marketing Network Relations to the Members

Context: Based on my observations, the previous year served as a transitional year

for the Network Relations aspect of the department, showing slight improvements in

the quantity and participation of organization partners. However, it was severely

lacking in manpower. At the end of the day, the expansion of the partner networkrelied chiefly on the performance of the AVP for Network Relations Management. In

addition, it was evident that the importance of forming relationships with partners was

insufficiently recognized.

Strategy (CORPORATE RELATIONS PRIMER): In order to address this, I aim to

strengthen the Network Relations aspect by particularly marketing it more effectively

upon the recruitment  of the Corporate Relations applicants. By releasing a

CORPORATE RELATIONS PRIMER upon the application of interested members, I

want to be able to educate them on the processes of Network Relations, releasing it

from its misconceived ambiguity and portraying it in a more friendly light. Through

this, I am hoping to enforce the egalitarian importance of having sponsors and

partners alike, consequently building a stronger partner network and involvement in

Network Relations.

Opening Sufficient Opportunities for Manager Involvement and Development

Context: In the previous school year, it was evident that the department was still

facing the persistent issue of poor member engagement. Though there remained a

handful of members showing willingness to participate, it was far from the ideal. In

addition, there was a surplus of Corporate Relations Mangers and a shortage of

Network Relations Managers. This year also saw the introduction of the Corporate

Relations Trainees, some of which never got to actually practice contacting

sponsors/partners. Lastly, the already abysmal quantity of deployed Corporate

Relations Managers was only able to work for one project (or nong), inhibitingpotential for further growth.

Strategy (ROTATION SYSTEM): My solution to this issue goes in direct

complementation to my first proposal. In an effort to strengthen Network Relations,

and in an attempt to provide more opportunities for member involvement and

engagement, I propose  that the departmental officers exercise their power in

classifying the managers themselves  into Corporate Relations and Network






This rotation system  aims to ensure that all the managers will be involved

throughout the entire school year, making sure that each manager is deployed into

at least one project  in each semester, each strategically calendared. Undoubtedly,

because the department implicitly makes the choice, the officers will ensure the

consent of the managers, making necessary changes accordingly.

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Restructuring the Training System

Context: Perhaps one of the biggest flaws faced by the current Corporate Relations

Department is the inability to trickle their experiences and skills to the members of

the department. This problem is deeply rooted on the poorly structured and

unenforced training system. The addition of Corporate Relations Trainees seems to

have done more harm than good, because the training was centered on them, whenit should’ve been to the entire department. In addition, the training system’s current

structure was highly ambiguous. The entire department was confused as to how to

specifically go about training. Because training was inadequate, it negatively affected

the involvement and subsequently the development of the members.

Strategy (TRAINING SYSTEM): My platform rests heavily on member development,

and I believe that this is founded on a more structured training system. I believe that

in the Corporate Relations Department, proper education occurs gradually and is

most effective when complemented with practice. Using this framework, I will

construct a training system that aims to be more utilitarian. Lastly, my proposal

will see the eradication of the concept of the Corporate Relations Trainee , and

ensure that all members of the department will be able to experience training. The

entire system will be enforced with the undivided aid of the AVP for Corporate

Relations Training.

Stage 1: Recruitment

At this point, the objective is ensuring that the applicants of the department know

what they are getting into. The aforementioned Corporate Relations Primer  is an

integral step into achieving this objective. In addition, we also want to test the

competence and grace of the applicants before accepting them, by providing them

with interview questions to sufficiently test said qualities.

Stage 2: First General Assembly (Corporate Relations Introduction)*In the previous years, the first general assembly was utilized as the primary medium

for educating the members about the protocols of the department, stopping at that

and overwhelming the managers. I propose that the first general assembly serve

merely as an introduction to the Corporate Relations Department, including the

provision of a target timetable and project delegations based on the experiences

of the applicants. It will also be utilized as the period in which we can introduce the

different facets of the department, making sure that the members are well

informed of the roles of each AVP, and know who to go to.

Stage 3: First Training (Sponsor Hunt Protocols)

The first training consists of weeklong individual consultations succeeding the firstgeneral assembly. It aims to serve as the period of time in which the technicalities 

of the department will be explored in thorough detail. Debriefing  will also be

conducted at this time to ensure that the managers are informed of the pressures in

handling sponsors, and the qualities that they need to be equipped with in dealing

with external entities.

Stage 4: Second Training (Before Project Sponsor Hunt)**

This training will be conducted before the sponsor hunt for a particular project begins.

The training will see the reinforcement of the protocols that had been introduced

in the previous training session and showcase a demonstration  as to how to

practice said protocols. We will also allow the managers to contact sponsors in ourpresence to see how they well they can practice the protocols. We believe that this

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session is also essential in educating the members about the marketing

packages, and making sure that each member knows the packages and can answer

questions regarding them.

Stage 5: Third Training (After Project Sponsor Hunt)

The final training is primarily an evaluative assessment, trying to investigate theperformance of the managers, and getting feedback about the sponsors they

contacted, if any. In addition, I was also hoping to utilize this training in getting

feedback  from the managers regarding the training system, extracting ways for

further improvements.

*A Second General Assembly will still commence in the second semester, but will

primarily consist of departmental updates and new delegations for the second


**Training will continue until the second semester projects, but will only inaugurate at

this point. The officers will constantly keep in touch with the members in between the

two final sessions.


Expanding the Sponsor and Partner Network & Developing Brand Identity

Context: This facet of my platform aims to expand further the external developments

of the Corporate Relations Department in the previous school years. The goal is not

only to sustain the networks but also to expand it further. Ultimately, however, the

premium objective is to be able to establish the external brand identity of the

organization as the premier Integrated Marketing Communications organization.


First Facet: Relationship SustenanceAs the external arm of the organization, the Corporate Relations Department must

strive to build healthy working relationships with its sponsors and partners. Therefore,

I plan on reinforcing the supposedly existing token system, inclusive of the

provision of gifts and due recognition  to sponsors and partners. In addition, we

also hope to be able to  constantly keep in touch with our sponsors and partners

throughout the school year.

Second Facet: Yearlong Sponsorships & Partnership

I also aim to increase the support we provide to ACTM and make it more efficient by

striving to procure yearlong sponsorships and partnerships. This way, we can

further reinforce our brand identity to external entities.

Third Facet: Databases

It is of utmost imperativeness that all databases are kept up to date in order to

ensure ease in contacting. In coordination with the Associate Vice Presidents for

Corporate and Network Relations Management, I am hoping to be able to constantly

refine our databases and ensure that they are consistent and updated.

Fourth Facet: Marketing Packages

In an attempt to improve our external brand, we aim on coordinating with the Creative

Communications Department to construct Marketing Packages that are distinct for

each project, employing and integrating IMC every step of the way.

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ELECTIONS 2014-2015


1.  In 5 sentences or less, describe your idea of leadership in the context of the


In any organization, leadership should primarily be about service, with self-actualization as merely secondary. The impact of a leader to his colleagues should

sufficiently reflect the person that he is. Thus, the ideal leader should willingly be able

and prepared to make sacrifices, be it physical or emotional, for the benefit of the

organization and its members. He should strive for constant improvement within the

organization, and only then will he find himself improving simultaneously.

2.  What motivates you?

Problems motivate me. As a leader, I find that I am driven by the yearning to address

issues, and I constantly seek for innovative ways to attack these problems.

Personally, I find that there will always be problems to tackle, and improvement will

always be necessary. As my platform suggests, there is always MORE  to enhance

and to change, and the goal should always be to surpass what has already been


3.  Define your leadership style. Give a concrete example on how your leadership style

had significantly influenced the outcome of a situation.

Personally, in an effort to veer away from micromanagement, I adhere to a very

communal style of leadership. I allow everyone to contribute in accordance to their

skills, and only afterwards centralizing their input, promoting a more collective and

holistic output.

Group papers are clear manifestations of this, because these test group coherence.

As a leader, I allow everyone to contribute their ideas to the paper, and I effectively

coordinate all of these ideas into a more cohesive output using my own mechanisms.

This strategy has also proven successful in instances even beyond the realm of the

group paper because it promotes equal contributiveness, and is definitive of my

leadership style.

4.  List as least 3 of your strengths and 3 weaknesses as a leader. Provide ways on how

you plan to leverage on and overcome them. What can your colleagues do to

address your weaknesses?


Among others, I find that in any task provided, my commitment never wavers. I see

to it that I am firm in my resolve, especially as a leader.

I would like to believe that I am inspirational. In everything that I do, I aspire to

stimulate my colleagues to emulate my work ethic.

I also always put a premium on open-mindedness. As a leader, I always make sure

that everyone is able to contribute and that no one’s voice is left unheard.

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In an effort to avoid incompetence, I often display distrustfulness. After having

worked with a plethora of inefficient colleagues, I often fear encountering them again,

making it difficult for me to showcase trust for people whom I’ve never worked with,

which unfortunately promotes micromanagement.

As a leader, I have seldom displayed my fair share of pessimism. I tend to lean

towards safer options, avoiding risks and hindering possibilities.

Sometimes, I also have a tendency for inflexibility, perhaps arising from

perfectionism and obsessive-compulsiveness. Changes to otherwise perfectly laid-

out plans lead me to feel disrupted, anxious and rattled.

5.  How will you manage your personal resources (i.e. time and money) in relation to the

organization if you are elected?

As aforementioned, a good leader must be prepared to make sacrifices.

Undoubtedly, I would have to invest a significant amount of my time in the

organization, if I were to be elected as a member of the Executive Board. However, I

am a student before I am a leader, and inevitably, there will be instances wherein I

would have to put my academic life as my top priority. Despite this, I believe that my

past experiences in ACTM have already taught me how to properly strike a balance

between academic, work, and social life and I don’t think that time allotment will

ultimately be an issue.

6.  Recount a time where you had to make an important decision within a limited amount

of time. Provide the situation, your action, and the results.

When I was applying for an Associate Vice President position back in my first year,

my first choice had been the External Relations Department. I initially planned on

limiting my application to that single choice, but an ACTM mentor of mine then told

me to apply for a second choice position and he told me to apply under the Corporate

Relations Department. I was extremely reluctant because I had minimal time to finish

my application until it was due, and adding another choice would prolong the

process. Albeit with much hesitation (because the application form was due in a few

hours), I eventually applied under the Corporate Relations Department because I saw

how a second choice could broaden my possibilities. And ultimately and quite

surprisingly, I was deployed in the Corporate Relations Department as the AVP for

CorRel Management.

Nonetheless, I took the position with much eagerness and after one year of service in

this department, I suppose my skills were adept for the Corporate Relations

Department after all. Looking back, I guess my heart belonged in this department

after all. And incidentally, here I am, running to become the next Vice President for

the very department in which I was initially hesitant to apply for, but I am so eager for

the things to come and so proud of my being CorRel.

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ELECTIONS 2014-2015

7.  Give a concrete situation where you spotted an opportunity and acted upon it.

Provide the situation, your action, and the results.

Back in my first year, I was the sole freshman invited by the ACTM President then to

be a part of the SOM Week Organizing Team, handling the styling for MRMS SOM.

Looking back, it was the first time that an actual opportunity to become involved inthe organization was presented to me. I felt honored because I was the only

ComTech freshman to have been invited by the very President of the organization to

contribute to such a competition, and I excitedly took the opportunity.

Personally, this experience was the first time that I truly felt at home in the

organization. Because of my task’s nature, I got to know so much of the

organization’s upperclassmen. More importantly, this was the experience that I

believe set the beginning of my ACTM experience, and I personally attribute my

unwavering involvement in the organization to this opportunity. This is why I really

believe that the provision of sufficient  opportunities is imperative in this organization.


1.  Use one word to sum up ACTM this academic year. Explanations are not needed.


2.  What significant issues did ACTM encounter this academic year? What do you

propose to resolve these issues?

Home Organization

Though the organization has seen more members in quantity, the opportunities it

provides lack significant avenues for member development. The Strategic Core is aclear manifestation of this. Oftentimes, their job description is misconceived to merely

conceptualize names for projects.

Ironically, the Human Resources Department seems to primarily concern themselves

with the Human Resource Deputies, when they should be more member-centric.

Though we acknowledge that logistical concerns are of utmost importance, it is

integral that the Human Resources Department focuses more on providing means for

the members to grow and to feel at home in the organization.

Core Competency

A clear persistent issue in this organization has always been the utilization ofIntegrated Marketing Communications as its core competency. This concept has

always been so ambiguous that it becomes difficult for the organization to apply it.


At this point, there is a need for slight restructuring not only in the aforementioned

departments, but also in the organization as a whole. It is additionally imperative that

the organization sheds more  light on its home organization aspect, and it is high time

that the Human Resources Department be more concerned with this.

IMC should be marketed and taught better to its members. Even if gradually, there

has to be a way in which IMC can better be instilled in and made tangible to itsmembers, so that they can learn to apply it. One concrete way in which this can be

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achieved is through the better utilization of Touchpoints. Of course, the goal is not

 just to teach IMC but also to allow the members to apply it.

3.  Comprehensively discuss the performance of the department and incumbent officer

of the position you are aspiring for.

(For aspiring Presidents and Executive Vice Presidents, discuss all of thedepartments and their respective Vice Presidents.)

The Corporate Relations Department this year was successfully able to develop itself

externally. As much as possible, we were able to provide significant support for the

organization and its projects through a consistently flowing quantity of sponsors, and

there were no major violations throughout the entire year. On the external aspect, the

Corporate Relations Department has clearly improved. Intra-departmental synergy

was also very apparent. The camaraderie built within the department was positively

affected our work and our output. The incumbent Vice President for Corporate

Relations was also very relational to his subordinates and this manifested in the

success of this year’s Numina. In addition, the incumbent Vice President for

Corporate Relations was really able to communicate effectively with the Leader’s

Core in ensuring that they do not rely on the department for their project.

However, blatant negative traits of this department were the micromanagement

conducted by the officers and its ambiguous training systems. At a certain point in

time, micromanagement became inevitable because training was severely insufficient

to make the managers step up. We have around 28 managers and only 5 actual

active ones, once again attributable to the lack of structure within the training system.

The Corporate Relations Department thrives in ensuring that members have been

trained sufficiently, enabling the passing on of the CorRel practices to them, and this

year, we failed to do this effectively.

4.  If elected, what legacy will you aim for your department to leave? How does this

legacy connect to the status of the department the previous year, the plan you have

for it if in the next academic year, and the vision you have for it in the future?

(For aspiring Presidents and Executive Vice Presidents, discuss all of the


I hope that my proposed recruitment, deployment, and training systems will be

effective enough to be utilized by future leaders of the Corporate Relations

Department. Through these systems, I want to build a team of sufficiently educated

and active Corporate Relations Managers united by a single vision of expanding the

brand identity of ACTM to its members, other organizations (internal and external tothe Ateneo), and external companies, guided by principles on professionalism in

business. I want to pave the way for member development to culminate into a

hereditary environment in which this vision is effectively passed on from one

generation of Corporate Relations to another.

5.  Evaluate ACTM as a home organization for Communications Technology

Management majors.

On the superficial level, the Ateneo ACTM has seen a significant increase in the

quantity of its member base. The freshman members showcased exceptional

willingness to be involved in the organization and its projects. However, asaforementioned, it is integral that the opportunities provided by the organization

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contribute more to the growth of the members, and not solely to their quantity. At the

very least, the Ateneo ACTM in the past year was able to set a robust foundation for

much positive change in the future years, especially in the aspect of member

development. Now that we are gradually increasing in quantity, I think that we should

try to improve on the opportunities that we provide in order to make our members feel

at home.

6.  How was the core competency, Integrated Marketing Communications, manifested in

the organization? If elected, how will you improve on this in the next academic year?

Integrated Marketing Communications remains intimidating and ambiguous. I don’t

think the members were effectively educated on the concept. Perhaps, we were also

too reliant on Touchpoints to be the sole means by which we can impart IMC on our

members, when the very project itself has been moved to the end of the school year,

which sort of makes it lose its purpose.

Next year, in addition to moving back Touchpoints to the first semester, I think that

we could also increase the number of seminars and workshops that we have. In

addition, I also believe in learning through practice. I reiterate that IMC should be a

means, not an end. Even in the most meager of ways, I think that through my

proposed training system, I can educate my members on how to practice IMC in

contacting sponsors/partners through the utilization of unorthodox means. More

specifically, in coordination with the Creative and Strategic Communications

Departments, I want to be able to impart on my members the ability to more

creatively market ACTM to organizations internal and external to the school, in order

to truly establish it as the premier Integrated Marketing Communications organization

in the Ateneo.


As a home organization for Communications Technology Management withIntegrated Marketing Communications as its core competency, discuss your

proposed branding for ACTM in the next academic year. If you were to create a new

tagline for ACTM, what would it be?

I want to be able to distinguish ACTM as unorthodox, delineating the organization

more effectively from other organizations. ACTM takes pride in being able to utilize

IMC in order to become non-traditional and unconventional, and I want to put a

premium on this particular characteristic of the organization. As an organization in

which its members ideally breathe IMC, ACTM should be able to succeed in

Transcending Boundaries. 

8.  With your proposed brand for ACTM, how will you market the organization within and

outside the Ateneo community? What are the key projects and efforts for its

development? How will each department come into play?

My proposed brand seems to be no different from the visionary brands that past

leaders of this organization once dreamed of achieving. I honestly think that the

problem is rooted primarily on making the achievement of this goal more tangible and


I think that IMC should be harnessed more effectively internally and externally, in

order to build a complementary relationship that will fortify this proposed brand. Theexternal departments definitely play a significant role in achieving this goal. Through

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creative marketing/client packages, presenting ACTM’s creative potential through a

creative portfolio, the organization should be able to market this brand more

effectively to external entities. Additionally, the external departments, in coordination

with the Strategic and Creative Communications departments should be able to

construct creative campaigns to extend this brand further. The internal departments

should focus more on instilling the creative innovativeness and unorthodoxy withinthe organization’s members through all the things that they do, focusing more on how

to practice creativity than on theory.

Ideally, all projects should be able to showcase this proposed brand, through a

collective effort of all departments. Certain projects, however, can more directly do

so, such as Camp IMC and Numina. Numina celebrates IMC by inducing

organizations and people within and beyond ACTM to produce unconventional

outputs. Camp IMC directly enshrines IMC by promoting the production of IMC


9.  What is the value of ACTM to Communications Technology Management majors? Do

you believe it should be this way? Why or why not?

ACTM should be a home organization for Communications Technology Management

majors. More specifically, the organization should be able to complement the

academic growth of a student. However, it should also succeed in serving as a

business organization, training its members in proper and professional business

practices. These two aspects of ACTM complement each other in order to build a

sense of pride within each member.

10. What is the value of ACTM to the Ateneo community? Do you believe it should be

this way? Why or why not?

ACTM sets itself apart by being the uniquely creative organization in the business

cluster. With Integrated Marketing Communications as its core competency, the

organization is able to distinguish itself as a community of forward and creative

thinkers, veering away from the mediocre.

11. If elected, what ways can your new administration move beyond ideas? Be specific.

I think that the new administration poses much potential in inducing changes in

member development that have never been implemented before. As an example, the

Human Resources Department will introduce several changes that will provide more

opportunities for member development. On a more local scale, the CorporateRelations Department will also incorporate changes, such as the rotation system, that

will constitute better member involvement and development.

The following questions will only be answered by aspiring Top 4 officers: President,

Executive Vice President, Vice President for Information Management, and Vice

President for Finance:

12. What was the most and least valuable project this academic year for you? Why?

13. If you have the option to remove 2 projects, what are those projects? What is your

basis for choosing? What projects will you propose in their place?