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JOAL  KAMPS  ‘Rocky  Mountain  Folk-­‐Pop’  


Western   Canadian  Music   Award-­‐winner  JOAL   KAMPS  is   a  free-­‐spirited   singin’,   songwritin’,   stortellin’   sensation,  passionate  about  connecting  with  audiences  through  music  and   laughter.   His   honest   and   engaging   approach   to  performing  draws  listeners  in,  and  by  blending  storytelling  with  songwriting,  Kamps  creates  ‘Rocky  Mountain  Folk-­‐Pop’  songs   filled   with   rich   stories   of   human   experience  influenced   by   Canadian   history,   Rocky   Mountain   folklore,  and  his  own  personal  journey.      

Before  his  career  in  music,  Kamps  spent  four  years  travelling  around  the  world  in  search  of  adventure  and  the  ever-­‐elusive  self.  He  went   from  sleeping   in  a  car   for  six  weeks  one  harsh  Canadian  winter,  to  walking  the  runways  of  Italy  as  a  male  model  during  Men’s  Fashion  Week,  to  building  and  installing  BioSand  water  filters  in  impoverished  communities  in  El  Salvador.  From   Asia   to   Europe   to   Central   America,   he   went   wherever   the   winds   would   take   him.  Perhaps  that’s  what  makes  his  songs  resonate  with  the  sojourner  in  all  of  us.      In  2015  Joal  toured  his  folk  act  through  western  Canada,  Europe,  and  the  United  Kingdom.  He  also   performed   at   various   festivals   including    Jasper   Folk   Festival,     The   Calgary  Stampede,    Alberta  Showcase,    East  Coulee  Spring  Festival,  and  Serenity  Harvest  Music  Festival.  Other  past  highlights  include  Canadian  Music  Week,    BreakOut  West,    Big  Valley  Jamboree,  and  performing  on  CTV’s  Canada  AM.      Joal  and  his  wife  Lauren  live  in  Calgary,  Alberta  –  near  the  Rocky  Mountains  where  he  finds  inspiration  for  his  music  and  coincidentally,  camps!  Joal  spends  his  free  time  hiking  in  search  of   the   next   great   swimming   hole,   or   recharging   his   creative   spirit   beneath   the   boughs   of   a  white  spruce  –  his  guitar  and  songbook  always  within  arms  reach.  

 “The  best   surprise  of   the   festival   for  me  was   special   guest   JOAL  KAMPS  and  his  wife  Lauren.   Their   appearance  Sunday  morning  was   a   breath   of   fresh   air.   Joal   is   such   a  seasoned  performer  and  knows  exactly  how  to  connect  with  an  audience.”  Heather  Adamson;  Songs  In  The  Valley:  Harvest  Festival  Review  



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