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PllEP .&liED BY

H. R. S'l'EVFNB, Bolton, !fu1,

For BIII61JY J, 0. l'Rrr!Bh, Ellml)6lhtmm,

AT 11 fiurrog~~re's Ooart bold Ia allll Cqr

the oouuty or E•sex, nt tbe s~~o::·:t!~~$~la~~~,~~ g:at.e•s offio& in Elizabethtowu, oa..' ~enLh day of Dacembor, A. D., t878.

Present, Biron Pond, Eaqnir<!, .Buro­ga.l.e.

In tna mouer or £1lo IIPPllcniJvn Tboml1oll Magutro, olll'i•lnr, M exeootor. ' Of Robert LilldBQ1• OeOOIIBOO, for 1.,.Te to mortgage lease ot sell the raal est.~ of aaid deoe-R.Red for tho oaymoa:U o't hia do bill.

Ou readmg 11opd ftlln11 the pelitio~

Thomas }Jagnir<', Jumor, sole ~ii:~~~!~~~1~=~!~~~::~~~~;~~f!.[~;;t~~1~!~~: &c .. of llobPrt Llndeey, L\te o( B

In .said co•mty of Ess••~~e>:~;·l~~::1:::.~~ mg for a"thority ton so much uf t.be ~l ~ta.te n• aba.ll be oeoea•~ry to Orden-d thnt a.lt pt·ruons into>re,•t•d eatu.te of tu,ld cteoeasett ft:J>pear !:Snno:za.te of enid coant'"• a.t:bisf tbe Village of El~J~ab'l!htown. in said oonn­ty on the 3d day of .rr•brusrv uext. a.t 10 o'dook, L lll.,. Of that tlsy, to HlloW Cl\1188 wb.l' p.qtbority should not be gtven to oa1d e•eoptor. to wortgago lea•e or seU no mnch ,)f tbe rt-aJ &~tat.a•of sa1d dt-cN.Sed 1111 !\llnll be nece,ssary to pny 1iil debli. And it JK farther orilered that all perso1111 bavtng ola.1ms nga1Uht"sn.1d decea!l~d. may exhibit th~ snml1 B! the t1me an(l plaot afore•~•d. " • BYRON p,)SD,

.. For 1879.


Hnr:ty~ah; ~Pnr~ B'fO THE .\n'iOs wn." faun 11-U bl "''h•e nud p1\trioiLo t.n-en tor the purpose of wtl~tatnlng tbe war .of 1812, and of enpporllag the ~dm1u1str.ahou of J"mM Mt.dlson. Through ,.n u,.,,. years it. has blileD accepted aa t.bQ •r~a ol tba Demoamt1c party at th• Cap1tel of · _ __:_:_ ____ __:_ ___ t:-.;.__, lbe !;~tate, and bna been rellnrtleli •a oue ot the most intla.enl\1\.l adYoca.tea (lf the (:aURfl ID ~he DRIIOD, H 1188 OIJChivlA,iln~lv Rtood forth ln de:(gnq, ol the Co~}"\~~~~~: or tbe ngbw o! LbeSI&Ies, i! n•llibert.J: lor tho zaduotioo of tba aea ot government! in ord~rr lh~t laloo1 alla1lllaliabtly bnr~oned; the oqnali>;atiov o( ta.'%1\tiOD 1 niUWcipt:;l reform; tbe CPTt?•·

b( abnlea in StAte R"6Yf!rDtOf!nt; -4lnd. at ... onda~ to ~b•~'!o TBE REFORM OF ~ATIONAX. ADIII1!ffi3J.'Rol.'ilON.,


DAILY. n)le ;rear (lnotnaU.g Rllll-

ed_U!I~D,) .••• ··~ ............. SIO 00 on~ •ou {to on~ ~d·

..... • ............... oi500 cnpth, one year (to ontlddrtlll) 8() 00


Oue oopy, ene ydlll', (Quarto fottn) •• \SQ 0Q l!'reo w all y•o.rJ.r •nboor!bet11 oC. Tp

A.BOUI dail1. 8E~\Vi:I!:KLY.

One t!llpy, on& year, (Quarto forml .• l~ ~5 ~fTC oopios. pue .rea:- (tu 01);9 -.4d:rNIB) 5 00 1$1CYCD PQp!o•l oue ;)'&lr (1.0 ODO ,.,j.

dre~») ........................ ~ 00 WEER'L!.

One~·· nne yrtP&r, (QnU·to tbrm}. lh"2S

:==~~~~~~~~~=== ~1!::!~1t·~·.::ll" .:~~.5~~- ~.~·:.~~:· ll 00 Elert'll onpl••· ouo year (to one lld·

dr~HU~) .. ~..... ... • • • ... .. •••• 10 0(\ 'l'lfBDlr·lll'Q ~Oplttfl, OIIOJ••IIr(to ona

i>dtl"""') ....................... 20 00 AU letters !bonld M nddro&1<o<l to

THE ABGCJS OEHH' ANY, Alb!\11)', N. Y.

•rhe. ,.B~1d'ora AU'l'OM.A.TIO

Family Knitter,

.A. ) G uo~:t.£1~ a

WESTPf:'T.:X. Y.



Imvort~rtl of

DrruuliBR, Gins, w·

lfl"ltl TM1 ilflm rottor Lnn iJC.

TO F ARMERii . § -i-T ••••• : • ...;~•""' ~

- t

Scott &~i!Ps Improved P~rtabfe.

Fence TPn.tented {)~t.. ~s. 187A I

-# For thP tPrritory eom_pTlSe.:l in the ~eve'n

to,~f < hobterfifo!ld, ElJZS.b~thtowv K~t"'»fiJ. Lev;! Mnr1ah. ~eatport 1\Dd WilmiR!!fOn. and lw br askS~ tltQ ntt~otinu of e-"VerT one to whom a ~4JOU IUo.d c-h'-'IIP ft:"DC'P,.IS. 8. Del"A{i­afty or!!. f'UO"et:lience A ~r~n.t radvantftgt~~ ~~:-_. this Kind of fsuC(IJ rnn~1~t.s tn tbt"' ensa wu~Lv whirb l.t may b~ mo'f.lld ns a e.onyna.ien~ or aeC'essan ('han~:~ .of 1n"1o~;inr ma.J rP.ctlltr~.

Fnrm 1 tg:hf~ m~ bP hnd v~>n C"her.p( Elnmb!·LJllov.n, N Y, .Tul~ u;s

! .. BULLA. RD

P.· ADAM£. . .•

:BOOTS & SHOES t JIRJliC Stree-5.

Rooms In T c LamfiOli "Duildln:r I

The ...Jloot & Sho~ Ahop J O! ]i, r, M':m•

/ hn.s hef'n trRnt'-~ (ArrAd fF£:'_m Wa.

ter streerw 11 room direC'tl)' nv.-rtR.e nAW

e.tlll:'6 of B D Mnrt.en &Co in T.C Lam•on's

Jlloqk: F1em tilee!Toots of et('"knA~fl. and ,ad mis­

fortnne by ftre bn ~'OUld n»t pursue his bn•ln•e•. & ~ntnm(')dft.t-6 his former oust.ornera for several we&ks.

but nnw hoot~ t~ aunply •lb preRf"nt a.nd (Utnre dtHQAlld!i..!_

'l'ba.nkful for t:UU'It fHTOt"S. he wlfl do his best to alvo &attsfl\etlnll to

all ofhiFt pl\trwu' tn ""'o,·k anrl m thP uae n! l!n<t Q 'ALIT "I' OF S,TOCI!:.

Re ~l1d.rs Fit!t' ral~ Bo~ts tor ~g F.lnc l'al! Bt,llS, f~gged. $:1.

, Tapping l:tnJI~ c·nly G-5 (•IS. , (



)(ETHODIRT -R P1ea.chlnK 10¥, !. 1o1 Prayar y.,ettnll Run lto&"lllll.r Weeltly Pr aay ctvemu 1¢ 'I p !

OO!IGRKG.l T!U>; aows, Putor. Pr011 Sela.oollmmedJs.t.al'! JD.I: V 'P' W Re~ular

•• W .inesd~>v e' ~n ·'t·:t~~~~~ ~ltl'> ' j ) A.lll.




m&!tto '"' .-.-.rc;-•'f ~ froJ ,.,... V'ol.la&"•

~t,L.Ra.D.d ffilf'll., :D'iillllT, ~1:'~ ~~LiD· tilja.b. P6!'rY DG ~""· !1. Ni4beloor I ·""""' lii!Cl l/tiiDt

Wm. W. Buikwl Falls. li t •

lieD.Jamin D Cla 4ll.eaterllold

(• irron Pond. Ce I pte, :Bl..iu.bethto1V

:S..wt .. nd<l Kello al>etht.ow.n.:

tli ver AbeL JV. """Ph A. 'rTtU~tuss.

• ~llni.JW\>6 ,J ad.son C WJt •, e. S rn.eott. Una

,A., P. Rawsc!L Jc T G ilh&lV Ju•t 1 oh,n T Hea.ld,

Dloltt'iot l!:eene I;. :8 New~ Scb

ltrlet. w~ J ""· N llwwor A: G"'nrg-fl G '!'•,f\Pv c

Btrappl ber

-The frr5t stairs

-A spc"-k twin~other

-The hiZleB

'Eidelberg -Oa~ to at

~a loan." -A regular

-A policeman ~Ought a

thorough-brea.( -Tlle .cucu

fightmg after 1

-A lady n

though she ill3

-IVby lB

_prom1ssory 111:

falhug due

-A man wh can pay 1s nah

-Before. ga lighhng of tl

Commoris by... $25 a nJght. 4;

reduced :to $11

-~ -The l6ose

l'ortsmf!}uth, ~ arrest of !!eve

i:ing; in a~ teen years a (

in worke np, e.s jishlvok:

;,...! ~.J;ie: cost of Cyprus is c


-The rumc now stanful ; turn, •at $3,88

.• -A S\1D.1.Pli the flp~de , le~ wiutmg for U

-TheOyp bnt they don' sel'V~ by taU time.

• l

-When a

come by the kinck up in I


, deliriOus, h11 \..,. · llA1TY him off

~.,;{ him Wlth

' I


~ r, -but effective ' ,_

All my Frenah calf ls~ought ollha lmJ>orf<•r . ln l"aw l:urk. J f!

iLo.df,.,. Glove !ll.l.. Call Rid. and. Pr•Mh )[~· roero Gaiters. we mak~ either LIW•

Coni!TeBs or Button, tG 11n1 euSt.Qmers. the beRt fiUal ~

itJ of stook .mey are · madtl of.

"'-l:ll.V • :L,l'. A.D.Aldl.

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