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December 7, 2016

CALL TO ORDER & WELCOME – Chair White / Chair Gardner






ACTION ITEMS (Both Boards)

A. Consortium Board Consent Agenda – Previously Distributeda. Approval of the Meeting Minutes – Sept. 21, 2016b. Approval of Executive Committee Action to use $54,268 of Unobligated DLW funds for Incumbent Worker Training – Nov. 6,

2016B. WDB Consent Agenda – Previously Distributed

a. Approval of the Meeting Minutes – Oct. 26, 2016 – Previously Distributedb. Approval of Executive Committee Action to use $54,268 of Unobligated DLW funds for Incumbent Worker Training – Nov. 6,

2016C. Approval of the Revised Consortium Board Agreement (Consortium Board only)D. Approval of the Training to Careers Project (both Boards)E. Distribution of Remaining Undesignated Funds


Budget and Administration Committee • Financial Discloser Statement - WDB

Strategic Planning Committee • Timeline• Mission/Vision Review• SWOT Analysis – Previously Distributed • Draft Plan – Previously Distributed



PARTNER REPORTS Adult Education: Shirley Carlson TANF Programs: Tony Isom Career & Technical Education: Rick Weaver Title 1 Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Pam Allison Community Based Organizations: Terry Smusz & Rob Goldsmith Virginia Apprentice Program: Patty Moore Institute of Higher Education: Melinda Leland Virginia's Employment Services: Karen Akers Economic & Community Development: Josh Lewis WIOA Title I Programs:

• One-Stop Operator-Darrell Blankenship Job Corps: Mike Steele Special Grants: WDB Staff

• Disability Employment Initiative• Career Pathways for Individuals with Disabilities –“CPID”• Pathways to the American Dream - “Pathways”

IMPORTANT ITEMS IN THE BACK OF THE PACKET: • Travel Reimbursement (please complete and leave on the table)• Inclement Weather Policy• 2017 Meeting Schedules (Both Boards – please check headings for your correct schedule)



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September 21, 2016

A meeting of the NR/MR WIA Consortium Board was held on September 21, 2016 at the Wytheville Meeting Center. Those in attendance were as follows:

Board Members Guests John Garner – Chair Eric Workman – Bland Rex Hill – Carroll Terri Morris – Floyd Jay Williams – Giles Kenneth Belton – Grayson Mary Biggs – Montgomery Robert Gropman – Radford City

Lynn White, WDB Chair Darrell Blankenship – People Inc. MaryAnn Gilmer – Goodwill Ind. of the Valleys Jenny Bolte – Goodwill Ind. of the Valleys

Staff Marty Holliday Ronnie Martin Beverly Burke

At 10:01 AM, Chair Garner called the meeting to order. The meeting was opened with a moment of reflection. Chair Garner led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chair Garner asked Ms. Burke to call the roll. A quorum was present.

Dr. Workman made a motion to approve the previously distributed Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Ms. Biggs and approved with a majority vote, with Mr. Gropman abstaining.

Chair Garner opened the floor to public comment. Ms. Gilmer of Goodwill Industries of the Valleys spoke on behalf of People Inc and Goodwill Industries of the Valleys. Ms. Gilmer stated that the Program Operators are being pro-active this year by bringing before the Board a mutual idea for using non-designated PY’16 Adult funds. They are proposing a T2C Program (Training 2 Careers in Medical field). The T2C is a pilot program to build a pipeline in the medical field in the NR/MR area. They will be using the Board’s Self Sufficiency Policy to “up-skill” currently employed workers (people who are underemployed or employed in low wage jobs will be targeted). A brief discussion followed. Ms. Holliday asked if the Board was interested enough to get more information from the Program Operators at a later time. Mr. Williams made a motion to have the Program Operators present a formal proposal to be brought before the Board with a second from Ms. Biggs. Mr. Workman asked that a project be submitted that is “scalable”. No action needs to be taken at this time.

Mr. Martin presented the Final PY’16 Budget showing the updated undesignated funds due to an increase in final carryover. He stated the Workforce Development Board had approved the Final PY’16 Budget during their August 2016 meeting. Dr. Workman made a motion to approve the Final PY’16 Budget with a second from Ms. Biggs. The motion was passed unanimously.

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Chair Garner highlighted the Consortium Board Contact List and Committee Assignments that were included in the packet. Mr. Martin requested all Board members to review the information and forward any corrections to his attention. Ms. Holliday stated that she would be contacting the jurisdictions who had vacancies on the Workforce Development Board. Mr. White, WDB Chair, stated that he recently attended the Directors/Chair meeting in Charlottesville with Ms. Holliday. Mr. White stated he came back with a lot of useful information from other areas. He commended both Boards for the great communication they have and was proud that he was from Area II. Mr. Martin gave the Operational Summary Report. He stated the Program Operators were only two months into the program year and overall the numbers were on target.   Ms. Holliday reviewed the Executive Summary highlighting being an Exhibitor at the SWVA Manufacturing expo and placing two half page ads in the Virginia Tech Football Program. She stated she is looking for other ways to conduct outreach to highlight WIOA programs. A brief discussion followed. Continuing with the agenda, Chair Garner proceeded with the Informational Items. Mr. Blankenship, updated the Board on the One Stop Operator report, Rapid Response and POWER activities, and shared additional closings that affect Area II. Ms. Gilmer highlighted the Success Story. Ms. Holliday updated the Board on current Grants. Chair Garner opened the floor for Consortium Board Members comments. Mr. Williams thanked Goodwill Industries of the Valleys for their help in the Summer Work Experience Program in Giles County. Ms. Holliday requested a report to be given from Giles County and Goodwill Industries of the Valley concerning their Work Experience Program for the other jurisdictions. Ms. Holliday felt that this program was a best practice that needs to be shared. Chair Garner discussed the Travel Voucher that each Board member must complete and sign if they want to be reimbursed for their travel. The 2016 Consortium Board meeting schedule was also highlighted. The next meeting will be a Combined Meeting with the Workforce Development Board on December 7, 2016 at the Wytheville Meeting Center in Wytheville beginning at 10:00 AM. With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 11:13 am. Respectfully Submitted, Beverly Burke Workforce Operations Coordinator

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October 26, 2016  

A meeting of the New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Board was held on October 26, 2016 at the Wytheville Meeting Center.  Those in attendance were as follows:  

Board Members    Guest Lynn White, Chair  Timothy McVey  Brenda Rigney Karen Akers  Robin Meadows  Darrell Blankenship Pam Allison  Michael Miller   Carol Blankenship  Terry Smusz  Staff Jeff Dunnack  Mike Steele  Marty Holliday Joe Ferrell  Rick Weaver  Ronnie Martin MaryAnn Gilmer  Kerri Williams  Beverly Burke  Rob Goldsmith  Jimmy Smith (alternate)   Melinda Leland      

Chair White called the meeting to order at 10:12 a.m. Chair White introduced each of the new WDB members and who they represented.  The roll was then called and a quorum was present.  

Chair White asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Ferrell made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Dunnack seconded the motion which was approved unanimously.   

Chair White asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the August 24, 2016 meeting which had been previously distributed to WDB members.  Mr. Goldsmith made a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Gilmer seconded the motion which was approved unanimously.    

Chair White  asked  if  anyone  in  the  audience wished  to  address  the  Board  during  the  public comment period.  There was none.  Moving on with the agenda, Chair White called for Committee reports:  

Budget & Administration – In the absence of Mr. Overton, Committee Chair, Mr. Martin stated  that  the  financial  report being presented  is  through  the end of August.   By  the end of October all PY15 funds should be expended.  Mr. Martin stated that the Program Operators are in the early stages of the new program year.  There will be many ups and downs throughout the year that the staff will be monitoring, but all performance is very good and the Program Operators are doing an excellent job.   Mr. Martin informed the Board that the NOO for the balance of the PY16 allocations for Adult and DLW funds has not been received.  Mr. Martin informed the Board that each Board member is required 

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to complete a Financial Disclosure Statement every program year.  If any members have not completed the Financial Disclosure Statement to please ask for a copy of the form.  A list of WDB members who have not completed the Financial Disclosure Statement will be provided at the next meeting.   

Rapid Response Outreach Plan – Ms. Holliday highlighted the two advertisement in the VT  Football  Program  for  Employers  and  Job  Seekers,  Job  Fair  flags  for  the Wytheville One‐Stop, brochures and flyers that have also been printed.  Ms. Akers stated the flags have been bringing people into the One‐Stop Center.  Ms. Holliday stated that Areas I, II & III have developed an outreach plan based upon the Area II outreach plan.  She stated that somehow businesses need to realize what we have to offer.  Chair White asked the Board members to communicate ideas on outreach and partnerships with Ms. Holliday.  Mr. Miller highlighted the Trailblazer Award that Areas I, II, & III were awarded from the United Way.  

Strategic Planning  – Mr. Miller highlighted  the  timeline  for  the Strategic Plan and key dates  that must be met.   The Plan must be advertised for public comment by  January 15, 2017 for 30 days and submitted to the State by March 1, 2016.  As part of the Plan requirements, an on‐line SWOT Analysis Survey is being developed.  Ms. Holliday asked Board Members to review the printed survey that was included in the packet this week and make any suggestions or additions ASAP.  The survey should be ready by November so that data can be gathered.  Once the survey is up, it will be available for 15 days. A rough draft of the Strategic Plan will be presented at the Joint Board Meeting December 7,  2016.   Mr. White  encouraged  all  Board members  to  attend  the December  7,  2016 meeting.  

Training  Provider  &  Individual  Training  Account  –  Mr.  McVey  asked  the  Board  to approve the additional Training Providers on the Training Provider List that was included in the packet.  Mr. McVey made a motion from the Committee to approve the updated Training  Provider  list.    There  was  a  second  from Ms. Meadows  and  the  motion  was passed unanimously.  

Youth Committee – Ms. Holliday stated that there have been issues getting the Youth Committee  to meet  due  to  scheduling.    She  said  that  in  the  future  she  will  drive  to wherever the Committee Chair is located and conduct online meetings.  The Committee will  be  told where  the  Chair would  be  conducting  the meetings  if  they  choose  to  go there,  but  could  actually  participate  online.    Expect  to  see  more  of  these  meetings online thanks to Rapid Response funding.  

Policy & Procedure, Incumbent Work Policy – Ms. Holliday stated that due to the State coming out with a new policy concerning Incumbent Worker Training which is asking for data  that  is  not  required  of  by  the  DOL,  there  will  be  a  hold  placed  on  Area  II’s Incumbent Worker Policy.   Other Area Directors and field staff have gone to the State 

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requesting  a  change  in  the  data  sets  that  are  being  required  by  the  State.    A  brief discussion followed.  

Consortium Board Chair John Garner was not present to give the Consortium Board Update.  Chair White asked Ms. Holliday to give the Executive Summary.  Ms Holliday updated the Board on Staff activities since their last meeting.  She highlighted the industry specific job fair that was held in the New River Valley and informed the Board that one would also be held in Abingdon.  Ms. Holliday asked if anyone on the Board had any ideas on Business Services Unit topics to let her know.  

Chair White asked  the Workforce System Representatives  to give a brief update on activities happening around the region. 

 Career & Technical Education – Mr. Weaver stated that High School graduates with CTE Diplomas will be getting certified as Work Ready. 

Community  Based  Organizations  –  Ms.  Smusz  stated  that  the  NRCA  is  working  on helping the Homeless in the NRV.  Because of a donation from the United Way they will be able to assist in helping homeless couples so they won’t have to be sent to Roanoke.  With  winter  coming  they  will  focus  on  serving  couples  in  emergency  situations.   Mr. Goldsmith stated that People Inc Financial Services was one of fifteen organizations to receive a grant from the small business association.  They will be using the funds to hire a bilingual staff person to assist with the Spanish speaking community.  

Institute of Higher  Education  – Ms.  Leland  shared  that  the Community Colleges have received  additional  funding  to  purchase  equipment  to  support  the  Workforce Credentials Grant programs.  VHCC enrollment is up 2%.  

Job  Corps  –  Mr.  Steele  stated  that  Blue  Ridge  Job  Corps  is  looking  for  referrals  for female or males age 16‐24.  Males are not permitted to live on campus but can attend all functions. 

Title  1  Rehabilitation Act  of  1973 – Ms.  Allison  stated  that  DARS  had  completed  the performance  year  in  September  2016.    They  achieved  their  statewide  goal.    Effective November  1,  2016  there will  be  a waiting  list  for  client’s  to  receive  services.    A  brief discussion followed. 

Virginia’s Employment Services –Ms. Aker’s thanked the Board for the Job Fair banners and  stated  they  had  gotten  a  lot  of  positive  response  from  both  employers  and  the public.    She  hoped  to  be  getting  new  computers  for  the  resource  room  in  the  near future.  Hopefully a signed MOU will also be available in the near future 

WIA Title I Programs – o Mr.  Blankenship  gave  the  One‐Stop  Operator  Report  highlighting  the  many 

layoffs  in  the  area.  Mr.  Blankenship  is  currently  touring  the  region  with  the Virginia Apprenticeship Program Coordinator highlighting the programs that can be offered to businesses.  

o Ms.  Gilmer  highlighted  the  success  story.    She  stated  that  currently  CSEP  is actively recruiting  individuals who are over 55 years old,  low  income, and have barriers to employment. 

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Special Grants ‐ Ms. Holliday gave a brief update on recent grant activities.  The 2016 WDB meeting schedule was reviewed with Board members noting that the next WDB meeting is a joint meeting with the Consortium Board and is scheduled for December 7, 2016 at the  Wytheville  Meeting  Center  beginning  at  10:00  AM.    A  buffet  lunch  will  be  provided following the meeting.   Ms. Holliday discussed the Travel Voucher that each Board member must complete and sign if they want to be reimbursed for their travel.  With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Chair White at 11:43 PM.  

Respectfully Submitted,    Beverly Burke, Workforce Operations Coordinator 

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This Agreement is executed by the duly authorized elected officials from the Counties of Bland, Carroll, Floyd, Giles, Grayson, Montgomery, Pulaski, Smyth, Washington, and Wythe and the Cities of Bristol, Galax, and Radford, Virginia (the "Member Jurisdictions") and shall be effective on the latter of April 1, 2017 or on the day that the last Member Jurisdiction enters into this Agreement. ·

WHEREAS, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (Public Law 113-128, Title

1, Subtitle B, Chapter 2, Section 106) (hereinafter the "Act"), updates and amends previous federal law, providing federal funding to states for the delivery of workforce training and other services; and

WHEREAS, the Act allows the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to designate

local workforce development areas for the delivery of such services within the state; and

WHEREAS, the Member Jurisdictions wish to jointly perform the responsibilities prescribed under the Act; and

WHEREAS, Va. Code §15.2-1300 provides that local governments may enter into agreements for joint or cooperative exercise of any power, privilege or authority which each is capable of exercising individually; and

WHEREAS, the Member Jurisdictions have formed a joint entity under Va. Code §

15.2-1300, designated as the New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Investment Area Consortium (the "Consortium") and recognized as Virginia's Area II Local Workforce Development Area; and

WHEREAS, each Member Jurisdiction by ordinance approved the establishment of a

joint entity empowered to exercise the responsibilities of the Chief Local Elected Official as set forth in this Agreement; and

WHEREAS, creation of the Consortium has permitted the delivery and oversight of

workforce services in a manner that will ensure accountability to local elected officials of the Member Jurisdictions; and

WHEREAS, the Member Jurisdictions wish to amend and update the Consortium Agreement

to account for the changes in federal law and to increase flexibility of the consortium in serving the local Workforce Development Area.

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do mutually covenant and agree as follows:

Article I - Entity

Section 1. Formation of Consortium. The Member Jurisdictions, having created the New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Investment Area Consortium pursuant to authority granted to

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them under Va. Code §15.2-1300, hereby amend the name of the Consortium and re-establish it as the New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Area Consortium as an entity to exercise the powers set forth in this Agreement.

Section 2. Consortium Membership. The Member Jurisdictions of the Consortium shall be the Counties of Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, and Pulaski and the City of Radford, which are included in the New River Valley Planning District and the Counties of Bland, Carroll, Grayson, Smyth, Washington, and Wythe and the Cities of Bristol and Galax, which are included in the Mount Rogers Planning District.

Section 3. Consortium as Workforce Development Area. Subject to the approval of the Governor of Virginia, the thirteen Member Jurisdictions shall also comprise the boundaries of the New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Area (the "Area") required by the Act.

Article II - Consortium Board Membership

Section 1. Consortium Board Membership. The Member Jurisdictions shall establish a Consortium Board comprised of one representative from each Member Jurisdiction (the "Representative"). The Consortium Board shall have in addition to the powers set forth herein all the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Chief Local Elected Official as set forth in the Act.

Section 2. Representative of Member Jurisdictions and Term. The Representative to the Consortium Board shall be an elected member of the governing body of the Member Jurisdiction. No person shall serve as a Representative if such person is no longer an elected member of the governing body. Each Member Jurisdiction shall determine the length of term for its Representative and be responsible for filling the vacancy of its Representative who is no longer qualified to serve. Each member Jurisdiction may also designate an alternate to represent their Jurisdiction on the Consortium Board if the official representative is unable to attend a Consortium Board meeting.

Section 3. Policy Making Authority. Every Representative appointed to the Consortium Board shall have the authority to speak affirmatively for the Member Jurisdiction and, in conformity with the by-laws of the Consortium, to commit the Consortium to a course of action. Each alternate designated by a Member Jurisdiction shall have the authority to speak affirmatively for the Member Jurisdiction in the absence of the Representative, and commit the Consortium to a course of action.

Section 4. Removal of Representative. Under the by-laws and governing rules of the Member Jurisdiction, the Member Jurisdiction may remove its Representative from office.

Article III - Consortium Powers

Section 1. Powers Under The Act. The Consortium Board shall engage in all activities necessary and proper for the execution of its responsibilities that are assigned or reserved to the Chief Local Elected Official under the Act, including:

A. Collectively perform the functions of the Chief Elected Officials of the Member

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Jurisdictions as permitted in the Act. For purposes of the Act, the Member Jurisdictions shall act through the Consortium Board.

B. Apply to the Governor of Virginia for Area designation.

C. Appoint the members of the Local Workforce Development Board in accordance

with the Act and state policy.

D. Execute an agreement with the Local Workforce Development Board for the operation and functions of the Local Workforce Development Board set out in the Act.

E. Continually establish the vision and priorities of the Consortium in conjunction

with the Local Workforce Development Board.

F. Develop the region's strategic plan as the Local Plan under the Act for Member Jurisdictions in partnership with the Local Workforce Development Board. The plan shall be submitted to the Virginia Workforce Council (hereinafter, the "Workforce Council") in the manner prescribed by the Workforce Council.

G. Provide input into and approve the budget recommended by the Local Workforce

Development Board and provide continuing fiscal oversight of all funds received and expended.

H. Work with the Local Workforce Development Board and Governor of Virginia to

reach agreement on local performance measures.

I. Approve the Local Workforce Development Board's selection and designation of One-Stop Operator(s), its evaluation of the performance of One-Stop Operator(s), and its termination of their eligibility for cause.

J. From among the Member Jurisdictions, identify annually the Grant Recipient of all funds received under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

Section 2. General Powers. The Consortium Board shall engage in all things necessary or convenient to carry out the business and affairs of the entity, including, without limitation, the authority to:

A. To sue, be sued, complain and defend in its name.

B. To adopt and amend bylaws, not inconsistent with this Agreement or with the

laws of the Commonwealth, for managing the business and regulating the affairs of the Consortium.

C. To purchase, receive, lease, or otherwise acquire, and own, hold, improve, use

and otherwise deal with in its own name, real or personal property, or any legal or equitable interest in property, wherever located.

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D. To sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, and otherwise dispose of all or any part of its property.

E. To purchase, receive, subscribe for, or otherwise acquire, own, hold, vote, use, sell, mortgage, lend, pledge, or otherwise dispose of, and deal in and with shares or other interests in, or obligations of, any other entity.

F. To make contracts, incur liabilities, borrow, and secure any of its obligations by

mortgage or pledge of any of its property, franchises, or income.

G. To invest and reinvest its funds and receive and hold real and personal property as security for repayment.

H. To elect officers and define their duties.

I. To hire, discharge, establish the terms and conditions of employment, and pay

salaries and benefits to employees who provide staffing services to the Consortium Board and the Local Workforce Development Board. Such benefits may include retirement and deferred compensation plans, health and life insurance, and other leave and pay benefits as the Consortium Board determines is consistent with the practices within the Member Jurisdictions. The Executive Director shall report directly to the Consortium Board.

J. To pay compensation, or to pay additional compensation, to any or all employees

on account of services previously rendered to the Consortium, whether or not an agreement to pay such compensation was made before such services were rendered.

K. To obtain indemnity insurance for the Consortium, its Board, the Local Workforce

Development Board, and any of its officers or employees for any cause of action or claim asserted against them for acts engaged in their official capacities.

L. To employ legal counsel, accountants, and other advisors as the Consortium Board

deems necessary as may be permitted under the Act.

M. To have and exercise all powers necessary or convenient to affect any or all of the purposes for which the Consortium is organized.

Section 3. Consortium Board's Oversight and Control. The Consortium Board shall perform the following functions:

A. Oversee the local workforce development system.

B. Oversee other programs and fund sources which may from time to time fall under

the purview of the Local Workforce Development Board.

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C. Assist in the development of the Local Plan and Plan modification review and approval for the Act's programs and other programs for which the Local Workforce Development Board is given responsibility.

D. Adopt a budget for the Workforce Development Area including the operating

budget developed by the Local Workforce Development Board.

E. To the extent feasible, align all investments in workforce development in the Area under the policy umbrella of the Consortium Board.

F. When applicable, ensure that policies of the Local Workforce Development

Board for workforce development, become integrated into county and city overall policies for economic development, education, and workforce development.

G. Any and all powers necessary and proper to carry out the Consortium's

oversight and financial control of the Act's funds and programs.

Article IV - Governance

Section 1. Consortium Board Governance and Bylaws. The Consortium Board may adopt operational and procedural by-laws consistent with this Agreement, applicable federal and state laws, and rules and regulations pursuant thereto. Such by-laws shall be adopted or amended by a majority of the members of the Consortium Board. The Consortium Board shall meet as determined by its members and consistent with applicable law.

Section 2. Quorum. A simple majority of the representatives of Member Jurisdictions (7 of 13 jurisdictions) shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3. Voting. Except as provided below or required by state or federal law, all votes shall be approved by a simple majority vote. With respect to the powers set forth in Article III, Section 2 of this Agreement, the affirmative vote of the Consortium Board consisting of at least four (4) members of the Mount Rogers planning district and three (3) members of the New River planning district will be required for the following actions:

A. Issuance of long-term debt obligations (i.e., obligations with maturities exceeding one (1) year, such as lease purchase and borrowings).

B. Sale, conveyance, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchanges and otherwise disposing of all or any part of its real property.

C. Grants or other contractual obligations which require local matching funding

from the Member Jurisdictions.

D. Hiring and discharging the Executive Director.

E. Designation of a Fiscal Agent.

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Article V - Operational Provisions Section 1. Allocation of Funds. Funds allocated under the Act shall be expended for the mutual benefit of the residents of the Member Jurisdictions without regard to place of residence or as required by applicable law, regulation or in the approved Local Plan. The Representatives or their designees may execute an Operational Agreement to specify the use of general funds that each Member Jurisdiction may provide for services and administration under the Act.

Section 2. Designation of Grant Recipient and Fiscal Agent. The Consortium Board shall identify annually the Member Jurisdiction to serve as the Grant Recipient. The Consortium Board shall select a fiscal agent for all funds awarded by the federal government, the Commonwealth of Virginia, local jurisdictions, or other funding sources to the Member Jurisdictions for workforce development activities, including funds provided by the Act. The Consortium Board may in the future designate a different fiscal agent and/or grant recipient. Section 3. Responsibility for Funds. The Member Jurisdictions shall be financially responsible for the expenditure of state or federal funds awarded to the Consortium Board under the Act. Section 4. Allocation of Financial Responsibility. Disallowed costs shall be allocated to the Member Jurisdiction(s) on a pro-rata share for the services provided in their jurisdiction(s) in the prior fiscal year under the program(s) for which such costs were disallowed. Section 5. Return of Local Funds. If Member Jurisdictions contribute funds, assets or resources to the programs of the Consortium Board other than funds obtained under the Act, each shall be entitled to the return of the pro rata portion of any remaining funds, assets and resources under the control of the Consortium Board in the event of the termination or expiration of this Agreement. Section 6. Liability Insurance.

A. The Consortium Board, or its authorized representatives, shall provide from eligible funds, liability insurance policies for itself and its affiliate entities, the Local Workforce Development Board and its representatives and its officers, members, employees, volunteers, and Member Jurisdictions ("the covered persons") as it deems appropriate and shall provide legal defense of claims in accordance with the terms of the policies of insurance.

B. The liability insurance should be in such amounts as are sufficient to cover any

and all claims resulting from the performance of the official duties and responsibilities of the covered person. The Consortium Board, or its authorized representatives, shall retain legal counsel to represent the covered persons to the extent deemed necessary to supplement legal counsel provided under said liability insurance policies.

C. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to abrogate or waive any

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defense of governmental or sovereign immunity on behalf of the covered persons or entities.

Article VI - Local Workforce Development Board

Section 1. Membership. The Consortium Board shall appoint the members of the Local Workforce Development Board in accordance with the criteria in the Act and State Policy, as they may be amended from time to time. The Consortium Board shall make every effort to appoint creative and visionary individuals to the Local Workforce Development Board. Each Member Jurisdiction shall recommend nominees to the Consortium Board. The Consortium Board shall coordinate with and consult with the Member Jurisdictions when necessary to ensure appropriate representation of the Member Jurisdictions, the regional labor market, the adult educational providers, economic development leaders, and the mandatory partner programs prescribed by the Act.

In making appointments, the Consortium Board shall ensure that resources and programs, although regional in nature, will address the critical workforce needs present and future of each Member Jurisdiction. Section 2. Duties Under the Act. The Local Workforce Development Board (the "Local Board") shall enter into an agreement with the Consortium Board clearly detailing the partnership between the two entities for the governance and oversight of activities under the WIOA, including but not limited to budgeting, development of goals and objectives, reporting to state and federal authorities as required by law or regulation, and any and all other activities as required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Section 107 (d) or by the Governor. Section 3. Joint Exercise of Functions. In partnership with the Consortium Board, the Local Workforce Development Board shall perform such planning, oversight, and program implementation functions as required by law and state policy, and as detailed in the Agreement between the Consortium Board and the Local Board. The Local Board shall at all times be accountable to the Consortium Board for its activities.

Article VII - Conflict of Interest Section 1. Certain Votes Prohibited. No member of the Consortium Board, or Local Workforce Development Board:

A. Vote on a matter under consideration by the respective Board

1. regarding the provision of services by such member (or by an entity that such member represents); or

2. that would provide direct financial benefit to such member or the

immediate family of such member; or

B. Engage in any other activity determined by the Governor to constitute a conflict of interest as specified in the State plan.

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Section 2. Virginia Conflict of Interest Act. The provisions of the Virginia Conflicts of Interest Act, Va. Code §2.2-3100 et. seq. apply to the officers, members and employees of the Consortium Board and the Local Workforce Development Board.

Article VIII - Dissolution Section 1. Dissolution of Consortium. This Agreement may be terminated and the Consortium dissolved upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

A. The Governor's re-designation of the Area that excludes any of the Member Jurisdictions, or includes any localities that are not Member Jurisdictions.

B. The cessation of funding under the Act.

C. Approval by ordinance of an agreement which supersedes or rescinds this

Agreement by all Member Jurisdictions. If the new agreement alters the boundaries of the Area, it shall not become effective prior to approval by the Governor of Virginia.

Article IX - Miscellaneous

Section 1. Effective Date of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon approval by ordinance by the governing bodies of all of the Member Jurisdictions and execution by the Chief Elected Officials thereof.

Section 2. Amendments. The Member Jurisdictions may amend this Agreement by ordinance upon approval of a written amendment by all of their governing bodies and execution by the chief elected officials thereof. Section 3. Repeal of Prior Agreements. This Agreement shall repeal and supersede any and all prior written or oral agreements including but not limited to the Charter Chief Local Government Officials Agreement of February 15, 2000 and agreements under P.L. 102-367 (the Job Training Partnership Act) and P.L. 105-220 (the Workforce Investment Act). On the effective date of this Agreement all the duties and responsibilities of any Board or Council operating under such prior agreements shall immediately and simultaneously cease operating and the responsibilities under the Act shall vest in the Consortium Board created in this Agreement. This Agreement amends and replaces the New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Investment Consortium Agreement of 2009. Section 4. Effective. This Agreement shall be effective on April 1, 2017 or on the day that the last Member Jurisdiction adopts the ordinance, whichever date comes first, authorizing entering into this Agreement between the Member Jurisdictions.

Section 5. Severability. Should any part of this Agreement be invalidated or otherwise rendered null and void, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Section 6. Duplicate Originals. This Agreement may be entered into by each Member Jurisdiction as an original document. The signature on such Agreement shall bind the Member Jurisdiction.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Chief Elected Officials of the Member Jurisdictions execute this Agreement pursuant to an ordinance enacted by each of the Member Jurisdiction.


Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date: CARROLL COUNTY

Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date:


Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date: GILES COUNTY

Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date:


Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date:


Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date:


Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date:


Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date: WASHINGTON COUNTY

Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date: WYTHE COUNTY

Chair, Board of Supervisors Printed Name: Date: CITY OF BRISTOL

Chair, City Council Printed Name: Date:


Chair, City Council Printed Name: Date:


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Distribution to Program Operators % of Funds

Administration:One-Stop Administration $50,000Program Costs: Formula Adult $650,000 Formula DLW $570,000 Formula Youth $750,000Rapid Response $600,000POWER Grant $121,000 $2,691,000Total to Program Operators $2,741,000 63%

Non Designated/Distributed Funds

Formula Administration $9,079Formula Adult Program $78,103Formula DLW Program $54,268Formula Youth Program $204,608Rapid Response $629,730POWER Grant $8,000Total Non Designated/Distrubuted $983,788 23%

Grand Totals

WIOA Expenses $525,112Fiscal Agent $60,000Board Reserved $50,000Program Operators $2,741,000Non Designated $983,788Total $4,359,900

Program Year 2016

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"FINAL"New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Area

Summary of Funding Allocations/Carryover/Distributions

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PY’16 WDB Financial Disclosure Statements Needed

Kevin Semones

Howard Bartholomay

John Overton

Greg Adkins

Kerri Williams

Josh Lewis

David Sexton

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PY 17-20 Strategic Plan Process Timeline

Oct. 19 Open discussion with staff and operators Oct. 19-Nov. 1

Review current projects (Power and Rapid Response)

Oct. 19 – Nov. 1

Review current reports/websites for data to be used in plan

Oct. 24 SPC Conference Call – review plan & set-up upcoming meeting/forums/workgroups

Nov. 1 - 15

Distribute SWOT Survey (on-line survey)

Nov. 17 CB & WDB Executive Committees: Review SWOT analysis and Mission, and Vision statements.

Dec. 7 CB and WDB input into rough Draft Plan at the Joint Meeting

Dec. 12 Hold meeting with Regional Partners for input

Dec. 19 Input in from all partners & board members Jan. 4 SPC Committee to meet and review findings and preliminary


Jan. 6 Finalize PY 17-20 Draft Strategic Plan Document and distribute to SPC

Jan. 11 SPC sends comments back for document adjustments

Jan. 13 Distribute Draft to CLEOs, WDB and regional partners

Jan. 15 Post Draft for Public Comment (notice in two major papers and through email blast)

Jan. 18 Consortium Board Approves the Draft Plan By Feb.

10 SPC to review public comments

Feb. 17 Review any additional Public Comments (send to SPC for review) – Adjust plan as necessary

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Feb. 20 CB Executive Committee approval for final PY 17-20 Strategic Plan

Feb. 22 WDB approval for final PY 17-20 Strategic Plan

By Feb. 22

Obtain required Signatures

By Feb. 27

Post Plan on Web-site, email to State and mail off hard copies


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Commonwealth of VA


We envision a Virginia where every business has access to a qualified, job-ready workforce and every Virginian has the skills needed to connect with meaningful employment and advance in a career.


We help drive Virginia's economic growth by implementing an effective and efficient workforce ecosystem that delivers innovative, integrated, data-driven products and services designed and aligned to meet the needs of businesses and job seekers. We hold ourselves accountable to the system's goals and support high-impact outcomes.

Current WDB


The New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Board strengthens the region’s workforce by promoting opportunities for people of the New River/ Mount Rogers Area to reach and maintain economic self-sufficiency, increasing the availability of a trained and skilled workforce for area employers, and assisting service providers in improving the level of services offered to customers.


The New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Area has a workforce development system that produces an educated and skilled workforce that drives productivity and competitiveness in the region, resulting in competitive wages that enables citizens to increase their self-sufficiency and improve the area’s economy.

Proposed WDB


We drive the region’s economy through a regional collaborative approach to meeting the needs of businesses and job seekers, that is flexible and adaptable to changing economic conditions. We hold ourselves accountable to the various stakeholders in the region.


We envision a region with a robust economy. Businesses/Industries are supported and stable, so they can flex, adapt and advance with changes in their respective sectors, and workers are paid competitive wages.

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Workforce Development Board Financial Report

Report Period: 7/01/16 – 10/31/16

WIOA Available Administration Funds $ 315,868 Obligated 306,789 Un-obligated 9,079

Expenditures $ 73,879 Board/Fiscal Agent 62,725 One Stop Operator 11,154 Balance $ 241,989

WIOA Available Adult Program Funds $ 769,499 Obligated 691,396 Un-obligated 78,103

Expenditures $ 146,460 Board 9,793 Operators 136,667 Balance $ 623,039

WIOA Available DLW Program Funds $ 681,586 Obligated 627,318 Un-obligated 54,268

Expenditures $ 150,286 Board 18,802 Operators 131,484 Balance $ 531,300

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Workforce Development Board Financial Report Report Period: 7/01/16 – 10/31/16

WIOA Available Youth Program Funds $ 1,023,206 Obligated 818,598 Un-obligated 204,608

Expenditures $ 223,638 Board 20,915 Operators 202,723 Balance $ 799,568

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Operational Summary – December 7, 2016 Service Levels: Thru October 31, 2016, our Program Operators have served the following: DLW – 258 In Training – 86 Adults – 169 In Training – 57 Youth – 152 These service levels are the following percentage of planned PY’16 enrollments for the 1st quarter of the program year: Plan Actual DLW – 152% of plan 170 258 Adult – Goodwill – 133% 63 84

People – 76% 112 85

Youth – Goodwill – 117% 63 74 People – 98% 80 78

Performance: Thru October 31, 2016, Program Operators have achieved the following performance levels: Attained Total Standard Exclusion* DLW – Placement Rate – 82% 65 53 0 Average Wage at Placement - $15.29

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Attained Total Standard Exclusion* Adults:

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys

Placement Rate – 100% 13 11 2 Average Wage at Placement - $12.66 People, Inc. of Virginia

Placement Rate – 89% 18 16 0 Average Wage at Placement - $16.42 Youth:

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys

Placement Rate – 100% 12 12 0 Literacy/Numeracy Gains – 67% 3 2 0 Attained a Degree or Certificate – 42% 12 5 0 People Inc. of Virginia

Placement Rate – 67% 16 10 1 Literacy/Numeracy Gains – 71% 7 5 0 Attained a Degree or Certificate – 67% 9 6 0 Exclusions:

1. Institutionalized 2. Health/Medical or Family Care 3. Deceased 4. Reserve Forces Called to Active Duty 5. Relocated to a Mandated Program 6. Invalid or Missing Social Security Number

Operator performance is in line with contract planned performance goals as well as negotiated Common Measures.

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Financial Thru October 31, 2016, for PY’15 WIOA funding, 47% of Adult/DLW funds expended have been for required training activities. 81% of WIOA Youth program funds have been expended on Out of School Youth with 26.7% expended on Work Experience activities as defined under WIOA. All expenditures are exceeding current WIOA and State program spending requirements. The remaining balance of all PY’15 funds were expended during November, 2016 and will be reflected on our December Monthly Expenditure Report.

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Executive Summary – December 7, 2016

Staff Activities

• System Building/Backbone Organization Support o Chosen as an America’s Promise Grantee – 6mil. to cover 4 workforce areas o Received the Trail Blazer Award for Financial Stability at the 2016 SWVA Leadership

Summit o Ongoing:

Program development/oversight of Regional Rapid Response Initiative for Areas 1, 2 & 3

Management Team for Power-DWG Grant Initiative Partner with VCCS, Area I and VT

Continued support of all four, and leadership of one, Business Solution Units Community in Schools NRV Board of Director’s Member (Secretary) Center of Excellence Board Director’s Member (Chair of the Partner

Committee) Planning team member of Strengthen Economies Together Project for the

MR PDC Team member of the Coal Reliant Communities Challenge for Giles County Member NRV Regional Commission and MR Planning District CEDS

committee Career & Technical Education Advisory Board member: Bland, Carroll,

Montgomery, Smyth and Washington Counties and City of Radford

• Business Engagement/Outreach o Partnered in the hosting of the NRV Manufacturers Job Fair on Sept. 20 – see

attached o Twin County BSU hosted a Business Over Breakfast event on Oct. 13 o Hosted Twin County Mfg Sector Partnership meeting – Nov. 1 o Partnered to host the Washington/Smyth County Mfg. Job Fair – Nov. o Initial discussions w/ for a Sector Partnership development

• Staff training and development

o General On-going Workforce Development Operations Coordinator Apprentice -

Beverly Burke On-going: MOS Certification Training - Administrative Assistant (Della

Meadows) R. McDavid, D. Meadows and K. Simmons attended VOS training 7-15-16

o National Certifications M. Holliday completed on-line training for Business Development Certification (will

be applying for NAWDP the Management and the Business Services Endorsements)

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VBWD One-Stop Report New River/Mt. Rogers Workforce Development Board Wytheville One-Stop Campus and Radford Affiliate Site Reporting Period: July 1, 2016 – October 31, 2016, 2016 (YTD)

In alignment with the balanced scorecard approach, each Local Workforce Development Board will forward a quarterly report to the Virginia Board of Workforce Development to include:

Customer Service

Job seeker customer satisfaction survey results (% of respondents)

Very Satisfied – 100% Satisfied – Other –

Business customer satisfaction survey results (% of respondents)

Very Satisfied – 85% Satisfied – 15% Other -


Number of new “participants” (job seeker customers) for the one-stop

Wytheville – 775 individuals (2811 staff assisted services) Radford – 1817 (9407 staff assisted services)

Number of hires attributed to the One-Stop Center Wytheville – 33

Radford - 139

Number of training activities completed 99

Number of workforce credentials attained 36

Number of new employers registered in Virginia Workforce Connection (VWC)

Wytheville – 15 Radford - 19

Number of new job orders entered into VWC Wytheville – 469 Radford - 1170

Number of new job orders matched in VWC Wytheville – 469 Radford - 1165 Number of job seekers registered in VWC Wytheville – 1402 Radford - 1956

Number of employers served by partner staff (An employer “served” is one who had a defined workforce need and received a solution developed by one or more One-Stop Partners.)

Wytheville – 313 Radford - 290

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Resource Management Narrative which describes adherence to the Resource Management Plan arrangement

The local Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been developed for Program Years 16 and 17 in compliance with VBWD Policy #300-03. It includes a plan on how the costs of the services and the operating costs of the system will be funded. The MOU is entered into by the New River/Mt. Rogers Workforce Development Board and the One-Stop Delivery System Signatory Partners. It describes how various funding streams and resources will be utilized to better serve mutual customers, both job seekers and businesses, through an integrated system of service delivery operated at the comprehensive One-Stop Campus located in Wytheville. The contributing partners include:

• Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I - People, Incorporated of Virginia

• Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title II - Mount Rogers Regional Adult Education Program

• Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title III - Virginia Employment Commission

• Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title IV - Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services

• Title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965 - Goodwill Industries of the Valleys, Inc.

• Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act - Wytheville Community College

• Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare - Departments of Social Services for Wythe County and Bland County.

The projected costs for the operation of the one-stop center have been received and are currently under review and negotiation. The MOU is awaiting final signatures.

Professional Development

List of professional development activities completed

Professional activities completed by staff include : • Reasonable Accommodations under ADA • Disability Awareness and Etiquette • Reemployment Services and Eligibility

Assessment (RESEA) Training • ADA Compliance

Number of frontline staff trained and certified in compliance with State policy


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Ian Arnold was laid off from Volvo in February. He had not been to work at Volvo very long, and was really looking forward to the promise of great benefits and good wages- Especially for this area. Unfortunately, being caught up in this layoff alerted him to the fact that the truck market is very cyclical. Even if he were to be called back before running out of unemployment benefits, he was afraid that it may only be temporary. Ian was now hearing the stories of others that had been employed at Volvo and had to endure layoff after layoff. He wanted to find something different…. something more stable that would offer him benefits and a good wage. Driving a truck was something he found appealing. However, $4000 to pay for training is a high price tag for someone that has just been laid off and drawing unemployment. Thanks to the DLW program, within just a few weeks he was able to attend training at Alliance, and had secured employment in a high-demand occupation that pays well and offers benefits.

Otto Justus (JR) was laid off from Bates Contracting, which does contracting work for coal mines, in July 2015. He came to the Dislocated Worker Program as a referral from the VEC. JR attended the Aviation Maintenance Program at Northeast State Community College. He graduated in May 2016 with a 4.0 GPA. He has since moved to Johnson City, TN and is the new Director of Maintenance at Signature Healthcare, an assisted living facility in Greenville, TN. He makes an excellent salary with benefits.

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POWER Project Management Dashboard Report

Grantee: New River Mt. Rogers Workforce Development Board

Date: October 2016

Performance Progress Check-Point Tool

Data Input Category

Cumulative Progress To Date


Training Progression

Participants Enrolled in Career Services 20 53

Participants Enrolled in Training Services 10 39

Participants Enrolled in Work-Based Training 2 13

Participants who Obtained Credential 2 19

Program Completion

# of Participants who complete services 6 53

# of Participants who enter employment at completion 6 44

# of Participants who enter WBL employment 2 9

Other Indicators

# of Participants who receive supportive services 6 26

Progress vs. Projected * As of


Career Services 83%

Training Services 91%

Work-Based Training 200%

Supportive Service 50%

Completion 600%

Employed at Completion 600%

Employed at WBL at Completion *

Training and Credential 100%

Please use this tool as a resource to monitor outcomes, assess project related performance, and determine areas of technical assistance need.

This tool will be published once monthly and will be distributed to the local project manager of each Local Workforce Development Area. VCCS

staff encourages the dissemination of project status to all applicable stakeholders. Please contact Alex Berry at [email protected] or at 804-819-

1675 with any questions regarding the report.

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New River/Mt. Rogers Workforce Development Area

Rapid Response Services Volvo YTD


Ball YTD


Sprint YTD


Sandvik YTD

10/31/16 Receiving Career Services - Total 170 86 4 3 ***Basic Career Services 170 86 4 3 ***Individualized Career Services 128 67 4 3 Receiving Training Services – Total (including Work-Based Learning)

47 36 2 2

Participating in Work-Based Learning - Total

5 0 0 0

***On-The-Job Training 5 0 0 0 ***Internship 0 0 0 0 ***Other 0 0 0 0 Receiving Supportive Services 44 15* 1 1 Completed Training Services (including Work-Based Learning)

22 3 0 0

Received Credential 22 3 0 0 Received Career Readiness Certificate 1* 5 0 0 Entered Employment 61 1 0 Employment Retention at 6 months NA NA NA NA Other Information *Volvo

employees have previously attained CRC

*Includes Refresher Licensure Courses

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Abstract - Pathways to the American Dream Project

America's Promise Job-Driven Grant Program - FOA-ETA-16-12

footprint is almost 15,000 square miles, and its CEO is a member of the State Workforce Board. The

geographic area to be served includes the following counties and municipalities in Virginia: Area I:

Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Norton, Russell, Scott, Tazewell, and Wise; Area 2: Bland, Bristol,

Carroll, Floyd, Galax, Giles, Grayson, Montgomery, Pulaski, Radford, Smyth, Washington, and

Wythe; Area 3: Alleghany, Botetourt, Clifton Forge, Craig, Franklin, Roanoke, and Roanoke City;

and Area i7: Danville, Martinsville, Henry, Patrick, and Pittsylvania. Areas I and 17 are identified as

"High Need" Communities, and Areas 2 and 3 have a poverty rate of 19% and 14% respectively.

Total leveraged funding and resources includes: $1,992, 136. Program activities support bridge,

foundational, and occupational training for the attainment of Industry Recognized and postsecondary

technical and associate degree credentials in the three targeted H l-B industries of Advanced

Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Information Technology. Industry sectors include: Industrial or

Mechanical Engineering, Machinery Maintenance, Industrial Machinery Mechanics, Machining,

Medical Assisting, Licensed Practical Nursing, Medical Records & Health Information Technician,

Registered Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Medical & Clinical Lab Technician, Computer User Support

Specialist, Software Developer, Computer Network Support Specialist, and Computer Programming.

Additional occupational training, upon the request of employers, will be added if it meets the criteria

of the project by leading to demand Hl-B occupations. The population to be served are disadvantaged

un­and underemployed adults and incumbent workers. Additional key partners include representation

from the following: the Office of the Governor, Secretary of Commerce and Trade; Virginia

Commonwealth University, Office of Adult Education and Literacy, Virginia Adult Leaming

Resource Center; the Virginia Community College System; the Council for Adult & Experiential

Leaming; Outcomes Consulting Services, Inc.; and Goodwill Industries International, Inc.

Public Contact: Marty Holliday, Director, NR/MR Workforce Development Board

(540) 633-6763; [email protected]

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Effective 1/1/16

Travel Reimbursement Request

I hereby certify that on ____________________ I traveled to attend a _______________________________________ meeting scheduled that same date. I am requesting travel reimbursement as follows: __________ X $0.54/mile = $ _______________________ Total Miles Reimbursement Requested ____________________________ ______________ Signature Date

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WDB/Consortium Board Inclement Weather Policy

If Wytheville Community College is closed the WDB/Consortium Board meeting will be cancelled. If Wytheville Community College is on a delayed schedule, the WDB/Consortium Board meeting will be held as scheduled.

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2017 Consortium Board Meeting Schedule

January 18, 2017 March 15, 2017 May 17, 2017 July 19, 2017 September 20, 2017 December 13, 2017 (Joint with WDB)

All meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of alternating months at the Wytheville Meeting Center beginning at 10:00 a.m.

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2017 Workforce Development Board Meeting Schedule

February 22, 2017 April 26, 2017 June 28, 2017 August 23, 2017 October 25, 2017 December 13, 2017 (Joint with Elected Officials)

All meetings will be held on the fourth Wednesday of alternating months at the Wytheville Meeting Center (behind Wytheville Community College) beginning at 10:00 a.m.

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