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Page 1: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.


Page 2: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.


We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant background. They never got A proper education in life. So when they had children they were determined to have them be properly educated, even though they struggled to be able to pay for them to go to school. We will be talking about his life, and the struggles that he went through to graduate college and become the successful person that he was.

Page 3: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.

HISTORY Born October 14th, 1916 in New York, New York

Parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant background

I. Jonas’ family was poor

II. Parents had no real chance for a formal education

Attended Townsend Harris High School at the age of 13

I. School for the intellectually talented and gifted

II. Accelerated curriculum – 4 years of high school in a 3 year period

III. School was said to be “Hard to get into and easy to get kicked out of.”

IV. Wanted to be Lawyer

1929 - Graduated High School at the age of 15

Page 4: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.


Enrolled at the City College of New York the same year he graduated

I. Not able to pay for his schooling, so through his hard work and good grades got the scholarships he needed to pay for school

II. Discovered new path in life after taking some science classes – Field of Medicine

1934 – Jonas enrolls at the New York University School of Medicine

I. “Great Depression” in full swing

II. Jonas not able to pay for school yet again, So his parents help him pay for his first year. And through even more hard work gets more scholarships

III. Second year of Medical school Jonas discovers another path in the medical field – Laboratory / Research.

1939 – Salk’s senior of Medical School

I. Able to do elective work under Dr. Thomas Francis Jr. - Microbiologist

II. Introduced to the world of Virology and Bacteriology – Became his new passion

Page 5: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.


1939 – Jonas graduates Medical School

Does his internship at the prestigious Mount Sinai Hospital

1942 – Jonas finishes his internship, and starts applying for a full time research positions

I. Turned down repeatedly due to “Jewish Quotas” being met

Jonas decides to try and find an educational institution that will let him run his own laboratory

1947 – Salk approached by the director of research for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, and asked if he would like to participate in the foundation’s polio project.

1955 – After 8 years of research Salk’s Polio Vaccine is licensed by the US Government

Throughout his life and even up until he died Salk continued his research an various other epidemics – Most notably AIDS

Died in 1995 at the age of 80 in La Jolla, California

Page 6: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.

PURPOSE Jonas Salk’s Medical Contributions

I. Developed the Polio Vaccine

II. Contributed to the development of the Type B Influenza Vaccine

III. Founded the Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Other Contributions of Jonas Salk

I. Published many books on human life and the theory of evolution

II. Archived numerous papers/essays making up on of the largest collections of contemporary scientists

III. Contributed to American architecture

Page 7: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.

ARGUMENT No education until 13…..could have gone to public schools

Don’t agree with the “Jewish Quota” 200 Jewish applicants and only 5 accepted (two Italian Catholics and no Blacks)

Wasn’t treated very well in opportunities to excel in studies

Would have been able to do much more if he had been given the opportunities and resources

If Jonas wasn’t persistent….no vaccine….millions would have died or been paralyzed

Page 8: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.

RELATIONS: CODY MERRILL Throughout Jonas’ academic career he changed his mind many times on what he wanted

to do.

I to have changed my mind a lot. When I first went to school I wanted to be a pilot. Then I juggled between wanting to do one of three things. Police officer, Something with computers, or the Military

Jonas was persistent when it came facing challenges. But he never let that stop him from accomplishing his work and passion in life.

I too have been persistent through many challenges in life. But I have finally found a path in life that I want to take and see where it leads me.

Being persistent pays off. Who knows you might change the world.

Page 9: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.


Military Career

Page 10: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.

RELATIONS: ALEXIS PETERSON Parents were Russian-Jewish immigrants

Parents were very poor and never had a formal education

He didn’t start school until he was 13

It was hard to get into the school that he wanted because of the “Jewish Quota”

He was able to get in to the City College of New York where he got his Bachelors Degree

I relate too him because when I was younger my family and I were very poor

Page 11: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.

RELATIONS: AUSTIN THOMAS Had an impact on the entire world, and I might not be here today.

Didn’t go through the same trials as Jonas, such as no education, rejection due to racial quota, and not provided everything that’s needed

Relate through showing persistence and never giving up

Quote from Gordon B. Hinckley “You have not failed, until you quit trying.” We can learn lessons in life through mistakes. So don’t give up and be persistent

My mission experience

Sister past away. Knew how important the service was, so I didn’t give up

Could become a stronger person and learn something from this trial

Great perseverance through trials and hardships is where Jonas and I relate

Page 12: JONAS EDWARD SALK. INTRODUCTION We are doing our paper on Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of the Polio Vaccine. His parents were of a Russian-Jewish immigrant.


What we have learned from this was even though Jonas Salk started with humble beginnings he continued to do his work to help mankind. It was never about fortune and fame. It was about helping mankind and the learning aspect of his research. We truly believe that he enjoyed is work. We have also learned that through learning about him and reading about how passionate he was about his work makes us want to strive even harder to reach our educational and life goals. It makes us want to work harder in life to get to where we want to be.

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