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Page 1: Jordan’s ICT Industry  Information Technology Association of Jordan - (int@j) Sep 2010

Jordan’s ICT Industry

Information Technology Association of Jordan - (int@j)

Sep 2010

Page 2: Jordan’s ICT Industry  Information Technology Association of Jordan - (int@j) Sep 2010

Jordan’s ICT Sector

Driven by His Majesty’s vision Started back in 1999 (REACH Initiative) 5 year National ICT Strategy for a strong industry (2007-2011)

• On the ground international companies (Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, HP, Yahoo, Intel, Motorola, Ericsson)

• Fastest growing sector in Jordan's economy (Avg. 25% growth)

• More than 80,000 jobs in total (direct/indirect/induced)

• Contribution of 14% to GDP (10% direct, 4% indirect)

Page 3: Jordan’s ICT Industry  Information Technology Association of Jordan - (int@j) Sep 2010

Sector Landscape

• ICT Sector includes 442 companies (2009)

Source: - Telecom: Arab Advisors Group- IT: int@j Industry Classification and Statistics

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Major Companies Activities

Companies ActivitiesISIC ISIC Activity Total

5820 Software publishing 41

6201 Computer programming activities 137

6202 Computer consultancy and computer facilities management 36

6312 Web portals 47

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Domestic USD 685m

Exports USD 210m

Sector Statistics 2009

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• Exporting to more than 45 countries

• Major Export Markets

– USA $48m (22%)

– Saudi Arabia $47m (21%)

– Iraq $29m (13%)

– UAE $16m (7%)

– Palestine $9m (4%) Major Exports

– Software Development

– ITO and BPO Outsourcing

– Interactive Media and animation– Graphic and Web Design– Mobile Applications Development

ICT Sector Exports

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ICT Impact on Economy

• ICT Impact on Employment is 84,154 Jobs• ICT Impact on GDP is 14.1%

Source: 2009/2010 ICT Economic Impact Assessment - MoICT

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Jordan to become a major regional ICT leader and an internationally

recognized exporter of ICT products & services, capitalizing on its core

human capital advantage

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Importance of ICT

Ensure rapid growth as it involves low capital costs and the principal inputs to ICT production are human resources.

Serve as a major driver for overall economic growth Improve public services, and encourage governmental improvements Improve growth in all business sectors regardless of size and regardless

of the country’s stage of development Reduce income inequality and poverty Improve health and education services Enhance social inclusion

Jordan’s National Agenda acknowledges the role of ICT in transforming the society and sets goals to facilitate improvement, among which is;

Promoting the use of IT applications to develop the socio-economic climate.

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Jordan Education Initiative ICT as a tool in education reform Local firms delivering world-class products

– ITG - EduWave Platform, World Summit Award Winner– Rubicon, Math Curricula with Cisco

– Menhaj, IT Curricula with Microsoft Model to be replicated

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Electronic Health Solutions Royal Initiative Based on VistA In partnership with Dell/Perot Systems Pilot in 3 Public Hospitals Model to build on and replicate in other countries

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Liberalized Telecom Sector

– Liberalized mobile telephone subsector

– Liberalized fixed line subsector Independent regulator – TRC Licensed WiMAX & 3G Infrastructure More than 6 million mobile phone subscribers

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Business Process Outsourcing:

9th globally in AT. Kearny Global Services Location Index (2009) Availability of necessary ingredients

– Manpower and human talent– The “right” Arabic and English dialect

– An alternative destination– The right telecom infrastructure

– The investment climate– The political and economic stability

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Online Content and Gaming 1% Arabic content in the world – Jordan is the largest contributor Neutral Arabic speaking community


– Applications, Games, and Content

• Multiplatform applications, content, and games (including iPhone and Blackberry)


– Applications and Gaming Solutions (example online payment)

– Communities (example web forums, football sites)

– Media and Content (example Online Newspapers, social media, and directories)

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