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Page 1: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


Page 2: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes



The case of the committed councillor.

Friends, I believe we can learn a lot about committed discipleship by looking at the example of Joseph of Arimathea. Matthew tells simply that Joseph was a rich man from Arimathea. There is a humorous logic that it took an ex-tax inspector, to note Joseph’s bank balance and home address! However in a spirit of fellowship , Matthew does add that Joseph had also become a disciple of Christ. (Matthew 27: 57)

Mark notes that Joseph was a prominent council member. It is recorded that Joseph was a ‘Noblis Decurio’. This was a recognised office in the Roman Empire, and so important that Cicero complained it was easier to become a Senator in Rome than a Decurio in Pompeii ! Mark adds that Joseph was ‘eagerly expecting the arrival of God’s Kingdom. ( Mark 15: 43) Luke introduces Joseph as a member of the Sanhedrin, the supreme Council and high court at Jerusalem. Luke adds that Joseph was a ‘ good upright man….who had dissented from their policy and the action they had taken against Jesus.’ Again Luke says that Joseph had been expecting the Messiah’s coming.( Luke 23: 50, 51 ) John confirms Joseph as being ‘a disciple of Jesus,’ but at the time of political and religious unrest reasoned he could best serve his Master by maintaining a low profile. ( John 19:38 ) Here then was Joseph of Arimathea. A man of substance and status. A man of moral integrity, in relation to Jewish law, and of spiritual vitality, regarding messianic scriptures. As a disciple of Jesus he had opened his mind to his Master’s teachings and to the signs that had accompanied His ministry.

Page 3: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


After his encounter with Pilate and the death of Jesus, Joseph disappears from the scene. An ancient manuscript in the Vatican narrates that he was expelled from the Sanhedrin and banished from his homeland in the dispersion of the apostles that followed the martyrdom of Stephen. Joseph had witnessed the events of Golgotha, and witnessed Christ’s death. He then had to act on the question, ‘ Who do you say I am’ which Christ asks every disciple. His actions prove he had decided that Jesus, was the Anointed Christ of Isaiah 53: 3-5, the Suffering Servant and therefore the Son of God and this knowledge enabled him to be one of the first fulfilled Jew.. ‘born again to a living hope’ ( 1 Peter 1: 3 ) At the human level his decision meant he faced several levels of unpopularity. Joseph faced national enmity, when he went ‘boldly to Pilate. ( Mark 15: 43 ) Disciples must seek a patriotism that is higher than nationalism. Jesus died to redeem racialism by His own universal sovereignty. No Disciple can say my country-right or wrong, we cannot seek peace at any price, but righteousness at any cost. We must be willing to challenge corruption in our own society. Joseph faced social hostility when he begged the body of Jesus. He knew this would lead to censure from the Sanhedrin and being at the best cold shouldered by his associates. Notice also the courage of Joseph for when this was granted to him, he personally went and took the body down from the Cross. ( Luke 23: 53 ) For Joseph to act as undertaker on the Eve of Passover, and for one condemned to death for blasphemy, must have, in orthodox terms, represented the ultimate of the unthinkable. Joseph had been caught up in a system that considered outward observance of religious regulations to be of primary importance. Any deviation from tradition and you were an outcast! There is still curse in much institutional religion. A disciple must have sound doctrine and a clear discipline. But it must be of Christ and His Spirit. Love grows soft if it not strengthen by truth, and truth grows hard if not softened by love. No one can understand the Person of Christ until they have studied the biblical prophecies concerning the Messiah. The truth of Jesus is

Page 4: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


revealed in the fact that every prophecy concerning the first advent of the Messiah, was fulfilled in His birth-life-teaching and death. A decision on the nature of Christ does not offer the option of neutrality. C. S. Lewis, said it like this: ‘I’m trying to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: “ I am ready to accept Jesus as a great moral Teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God.” That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great Moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic- on a level with a man who says he is a poached egg- or else he would be the devil. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. …’ You can shut Him up for a fool. You can spit at Him as a demon. Or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being ‘a great human teacher’. He has not left that option open to us. He never intended to. Joseph made his decision, decided he loved Christ more than anything else, and as a Disciple knew that to follow Christ indeed means picking up your Cross regardless of the cost, to die to oneself and to live for Christ. I pray we might also have the same passion and conviction as we seek to follow our Saviour.

God Bless Julian

Pentecost Sunday, 15th May at 10.30am

We are now in the wonderful Season of Easter when we celebrate the six weeks that changed the world from Palm Sunday through Passion to Pentecost. I do hope you will be able to join us for a wonderful celebration on the Sunday morning as we remember the give thanks for the Promised Gift… The Gift Of God’s Holy Spirit. God Bless Julian

Page 5: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


A Tribute for Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday

A Celebration over the Weekend of 11th & 12th June

Friends please keep this weekend free so you can join in the celebrations. We are joining together with the other churches in St Thomas and the Community to give thanks for the Queens remarkable life of service to the Nation and the Commonwealth. We intend to supply a copy of the beautifully illustrated book entitled ‘ The Servant Queen and the King she serves’ to all of you. It focuses on the Queens own words to draw out the central role of her trust in Jesus Christ in shaping her life and work, offering us all an inspiring, multifaceted insight into a life well lived for others. ‘I know just how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good and bad times. Each day is a new beginning. I know that the only way to live my life is to try and do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God…I draw strength from the message of hope in the Christian gospel.’

Queen Elizabeth 11, Christmas 2002. This is but one of many inspiring quotes found in the book. We are hoping to have events on both days, with a community party on the Saturday with communal participation and then an ‘Open Air Morning Worship in the Park’ on the Sunday morning followed by a picnic. We shall be joined with our friends from St Thomas Church of England,

Riverside Church and others. I do hope you will also come and share in this wonderful opportunity of witness of Christians working and worshipping together in St Thomas. More details to follow as plans evolve. God Bless


Page 6: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


On behalf of Reg and myself I would like to thank all my friends at Woman’s Fellowship and at Church for their cards and messages of congratulations on the occasion of our Diamond Wedding anniversary. Also thank you to the Woman’s Fellowship for the beautiful bouquet of flowers sent. Thank you all for your friendship.

Vera & Reg Morcom Thank you for all the phone calls, cards and offers of lifts to Church etc. I was overwhelmed and appreciative of all the kindness shown to me from our friends at Church after my recent fall. I am glad to say that I am now on the mend and using a stick to improve my balance and stay on my feet. Also, a very kind lady and gentleman stayed with me, brought my car back to Church and helped me to the chemist. It is lovely to know there are some truly caring people who never receive a mention and we only hear about the bad. God Bless you all. Archie Matthews Stan and Ann would like to say a huge thank you for all the support they have had from their Church friends. We have really felt lifted by all your prayers and appreciated very much the emails ,cards, phone calls and the flowers. Also, so many people have helped us in so many different and practical ways making the path through a very difficult time that much easier. Stan is doing really well and continues to improve? Thank you everyone .

Ann and Stan Branson Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at St Thomas for all the kind messages, cards and gifts they received which helped them to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary. It’s at time like this that we praise God for our many friends.

Jean & Peter Bennett

Art Festival A very big thank you to everyone who helped make the Art Festival such a success. It made the Holy season of Lent extremely meaningful and lots of new contacts were made with folk during this period. God Bless


Page 7: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


Retirement Sadly I have felt the time has come for me to retire from playing the Organ at Church. I began playing just over 70 years ago at Colebrook Methodist Church, Plympton and Plymouth where the organ had to be pumped manually. The man who did this was known as ‘Uncle Dick’ and he could be heard singing heartily hidden behind the organ curtain. Preachers would send me their hymns by post on specially printed postcards for either morning or an evening service crossing out whichever was not appropriate. ( Those were the days!!) My eyesight has not been good and coupled with new hymns and tunes has led me to come to this decision.

Hilda Kellaway

Peace Garden Coffee Morning, Saturday, 21st May

At the Coffee morning for the Peace Garden, as well as the usual book and cake stalls there will be (hopefully ) masses of plants for sale. If you have any surplus plants then I would be very pleased to receive them at Church on Friday 20th from 3.30pm until 5pm. Please tell your gardening friends and bring them along for a 'browse' and a hot drink.

Sue Collins


To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May

Congratulations and best wishes from us all.

Page 8: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


Christian Aid Week: 15th - 21st May 2016. Bank Holiday Monday, 2nd May: A Fellowship BBQ at the Manse in their wonderful garden by kind agreement of Julian and Lesley. Sunday, 15th and Sunday, 22nd May: An opportunity to give to the work of Christian Aid in our Sunday offerings via red envelopes. An evening service at St. Thomas on one of these dates will share news about the work of Christian Aid and its partners.

Saturday May 28th: We would like to hold a craft fair in the Church as we did last year. "Christian Aid Week is always popular here at St Thomas and although we now do things slightly differently than was done in the past, your support is still phenomenal. Kate and I

look forward to co-ordinating events again this year. Above is the planned outline of events and over the next few weeks we shall be looking to progress arrangements further. Last year your giving to those much worse off than ourselves was substantial. Alongside this, all of the kind helpers and attendees of these events had a lovely time of fellowship.

Thank you in anticipation for your love and support towards Christian Aid Week 2016."

Kate & Steve Minnican

Congratulations to

Hazel & Tony Nichols

Who will Be

Celebrating their

Golden Wedding

On Saturday, 4th June.

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Sunday, 1st May Flowers provided by Eileen Rogers

Arrangement by Jean Bennett.

Sunday, 5th June Wedding Flowers

Sunday, 8th May Flowers provided by Margaret Arnold

Arrangement by Caroline White.

Sunday, 12th June Flowers provided by Margaret Arnold

Arrangement by Mary Martin.

Pentecost Sunday, 15th May Flowers provided by Jane Haydon

Arrangement by Hazel Nichols.

Sunday, 19th June Flowers provided by Gordon Sims

Arrangement by Pat Lemon.

Sunday, 22nd May Flowers in memory of Doreen Wills

Arrangement by Mary Martin.

Sunday, 26th June Flowers provided by Jessica & Rob Crew

Arrangement by Jean Bennett.

Sunday, 29th May Flowers provided and arranged

By Mary Bailey

Sunday, 1st May Acts 16:9-15; Psalms 67 ; Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5; John 14:23-29 Sunday, 8th May Ascension Sunday Acts 16:16-34; Psalms 97; Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21; John17:20-26 Sunday, 15th May Pentecost Acts 2:1-21; Psalms 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:14-17;

John14:8 -17 (25-27) Sunday, 22nd May Trinity Sunday Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31; Psalms 8; Romans 5:1-5; John16:12-15 Sunday, 29th May 1 Kings 18:20-39; Psalms 96; Galatians 1:1-12; Luke 7:1-10 Sunday, 5th June 1 Kings 17:8-24; Psalms 146; Galatians 1:11-24; Luke 7:11-17

Sunday, 12th June 1 Kings 21:1-21a; Psalms 5:1-8; Galatians 2:15-21; Luke 7:36-8:3 Sunday, 19th June Fathers’ Day 1 Kings 19:1-15a; Psalms 42; Galatians 3:23-29; Luke 8:26-39 Sunday, 26th June 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14; Psalms 77:1-2, 11-20; Galatians 5:1, 13-25; Luke 9:51-62

Page 10: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


Exeter Coast and Country Circuit News You may or may not be aware that the Rev. Beth McDowell has suffered with bad health for some time, this led to her requesting that her work load should be reduced. The Circuit Leadership team have discussed this with Beth and it was decided that from the 1st April 2016 Beth would work 4 days a week instead of 6 days, with a reduction in her salary. Beth will mow not be available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Cover will be available from other presbyteries for any emergencies in the Exmouth Sector. This year our own minister Rev Julian Albrow and Lesley will have to decide if they wish to remain in the Circuit after August 2018. Please remember them and the invitation committee in your prayers. If an extension is requested by Lesley and Julian then the congregations will be consulted. Date for your diary Sunday 24th July 6.30pm Farewell Service for Rev. David Easton and Rev Steve Ward at the Mint Methodist Church. Sunday 4th September 6.30pm Welcome service for Rev. Stephen and Rev Yangsun Yi at Sidwell Street.

Dave Bradford

Easter Again, can I please express my thanks to everyone who helped ensure our Easter Celebrations were truly wonderful. The Church looked beautiful and inspiring. The flowers were fantastic. The contributions of music and hospitality were fantastic, ensuring a warm and inviting presence was felt, and enhanced our worship. Thank you for all you do. May God continue to bless you, so you may continuing being a blessing to others.


Page 11: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


Sunday, 1st May

8.00am Early Morning Communion at St Thomas Parish Church

10.30: Morning Worship led by Rev Graeme Butler.

6.30pm: Evening Worship led by Rev Julian Albrow.

Tuesday 3rd May

2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship Missionary Week.

Saturday 7th May

10.00am: Coffee Morning in aid of Church Funds.

Sunday, 8th May

10.30: Morning Worship led by Mrs Pamela Murphy.

6.30pm: Evening Worship led by Rev Bruce Sawyer.

The Traidcraft Shop will be open after the morning service.

Sunday, 15th May


10.30: Morning Worship and Parade Service led by Rev Julian Albrow.

6.30pm: Evening Worship and Holy Communion led by Rev Julian Albrow.

Christian Aid Week 15th May to 22nd May

Tuesday 10th May

2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship with Rev Julian Albrow.

Saturday 14th May

10.00am: Women’s Fellowship Coffee Morning.

Page 12: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


Trinity Sunday, 22nd May

10.30: Morning Worship and Holy Communion

led by Rev Julian Albrow.

6.30pm: Evening Worship led by Rev Alan Rothwell.

Sunday, 29th May

10.30: Morning Worship led by Mrs Janet Lee.

6.30pm: Evening Worship led by Rev Ann Varker.

Tuesday 17th May

2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship Chevithorne Appeal with Natalie.

Saturday 21st May

10.00am: Coffee Morning and Plant Sale in aid of Peace Gardens.

Tuesday 24th May

2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship with Rev Terry Spencer.

Saturday 28th May

10.00am: Craft Fair & Coffee Morning in aid of Christian Aid.

Tuesday 31st May

2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship with Rev David Easton.

Saturday 4th June

10.00am: Coffee Morning in aid of Church Funds.

Page 13: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


Sunday, 5th June

8.00am: Early Morning Holy Communion Led by Rev Julian Albrow.

10.30: Morning Worship details to be announced.

6.30pm: Evening Worship & Holy Communion led by Rev Julian Albrow.

Tuesday 7th June

2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship Missionary Week.

Saturday 11th June

10.00am: Coffee Morning in aid Methodist Homes Association.

Sunday, 12th June

10.30: Joint Open Air Morning Service in the Park led by Rev Julian Albrow

to Celebrate Queen Elizabeth's 90th Birthday.

6.30pm: Evening Worship led by Rev Julian Albrow.

Tuesday 14th June

2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship with Rev Julian Albrow.

Saturday 18th June

10.00am: Coffee Morning in aid of Church Funds.

Sunday, 19th June Father's’ Day

10.30: Morning Worship & Holy Communion led by Rev Julian Albrow.

6.30pm: Evening Worship led by Rev Bruce Sawyer.

Page 14: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


Sunday, 1st May

10.30am: Morning Worship led by Mr David Bradford.

Sunday, 8th May 10.30am: Morning Worship

led by Mrs Mary Bailey.

Sunday, 15th May Pentecost

10.30am: Morning Worship and Parade Service

at St Thomas Methodist Church led by Rev Julian Albrow.

Sunday, 22nd May 10.30am: Morning Worship

led by Mr Des Gardiner.

Sunday, 29th May 10.30am: Morning Worship

led by D Lawrence.

Sunday, 5th June

10.30am: Morning Worship And Holy Communion

led by Rev Julian Albrow.

Sunday, 12th June 10.30am: Morning Worship Open Air United Service at

St Thomas Methodist Church.

Sunday, 19th June 10.30am: Morning Worship

led by Mr Des Gardiner.

Sunday, 28th June 10.30am: Morning Worship

led by Mrs Mary Bailey.

6.30pm: Barn Service.

Tuesday 21st June

2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship CHICKS ~ A Children’s Charity.

Saturday 25th June

10.00am: Coffee Morning in aid of Francisco Rojas Scholl.

Sunday, 26th June

10.30: Morning Worship led by Mrs Janet Lee.

6.30pm: Barn Service.

Tuesday 28th June

2.30pm: Women’s Fellowship with Miss Denise Lawrence.

Page 15: JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA. · Jean and Peter Bennett would like to thank all their friends at ... HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY To Doreen Saunders for the 31st May Congratulations and best wishes


Church Address St Thomas Methodist Church

Cowick Street, St Thomas, Exeter


Church Web Site Address stthomasmethodist.co.uk

Minister: Rev. Julian Albrow for St Thomas Methodist Church

Alphington Methodist Church & Exminster Methodist Church

Tel: 01392 255791 Email :[email protected]

Stewards: Steve Minnican. Tel:01392 272702 Email:[email protected] Sunday Stewards Rota Co-ordinator: Becci Knight. Tel. 07814 209862 Email: [email protected]

Church Weekly Notices Lesley Albrow

Email: [email protected] (all items by Thursday of each week)

Contact Editor Kelvin Cude. Tel: 01392 662738

Email: [email protected]

Regular Church Activities Monday Morning: St Thomas Pre-School

(weekdays, during term time) Young Families Group.

(during term time) 6.00pm: 50th Exeter Brownies 7.30pm: 45th Exeter Guides

Tuesday Morning: Young Families Group

(during term time) 2.30pm: Women's Fellowship 4.45pm: 2nd Exwick Rainbows 6.15pm: 45th Exeter Brownies

Wednesday 7.30pm: Wives Group

(first Wednesday each month) 7.30pm: Gospel Choir


5th Exeter Boys' Brigade 6.00pm: Anchor Boys 6.15pm: Junior Section 7.30pm: Company Section 7.30pm: Craft4Others

(meet fortnightly)

Friday 9.30am: Friday Café in Church Hall 2.00pm Ladies Who Move (weekly exercise session)

Saturday 10.00am: Coffee Morning Traidcraft: Third Saturday in the monthly. 3.00pm: Messy Church

(meets monthly)

Sundays Traidcraft Shop: Open after the

morning worship on the first Sunday in the month.

Closing Date for

July & August Contact Sunday, 12th June 2016

Editor: Kelvin Cude

31 Winchester Avenue Exwick, Exeter, EX4 2DJ

Tel. 01392 662738 Email: [email protected]

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