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Page 1: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School - WordPress.com · Year of the School November, 2017 Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School Virtue for the Month - PEACE “Peace I leave to you,

Year of the School November, 2017

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

Virtue for the Month - PEACE

“Peace I leave to you, my peace I give to you” John 14:27

During the month of November we will be focusing on the virtue of PEACE at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School. The Gospel calls us to be peacemakers. Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that we promote peace in the world surrounded by violence and conflict. What can we all do to be peacemakers in our families, our class, our schools, our city and the world.

By opening ourselves to God, we feel peace within us.

Every person can work for peace by carefully considering how their words and actions make others feel.

Everyone wants to be treated fairly; we need to remember to treat others fairly.

Be guided by words of Paul to the Colossians – “the Peace that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make.”

Peace among nations starts with peace among us.

Our next Sunday Family Mass will be held on November 5th, at 9:30am at St. Nicholas Church. We invite all JCS families to come and celebrate the mass. After mass, enjoy the refreshments that are offered in the church hall.

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

35 West Deane Park Dr. Etobicoke, ON, M9B 2R5

Phone:416 393 5413 Fax: 416 397 6044



Vice Principal



M. Maglietta

Clerk Typists

S. Shanahan M. Wells


Doug Yack

Trustee A.Andrachuk


St. Nicholas Catholic Church Pastor: Fr. Roman Lobay

Entrance and Dismissal:

Entry 8:30 am Recess 10:12am

Lunch Hour 11:15 am Afternoon Entry 12:15 pm

Recess 1:40 pm Dismissal: 3:30 pm

Page 2: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School - WordPress.com · Year of the School November, 2017 Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School Virtue for the Month - PEACE “Peace I leave to you,

Principal’s Message Dear Parent(s)/Guardians(s) October was yet another productive and exciting month at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School. This month seems to have just sped by! Starting with the grade 7 and 8 classes going to “Taste of the Arts” at Father Redmond School, Cross Country (Divisional, Regional and Cities), the grade 4’s visiting Kortright Centre, JCS Thanksgiving Food Drive to benefit the St. Francis Table, a visit from Mr. Lego, 2 successful Fire Drills, Pizza Days, Lunch Lady, Halloween Dance, classroom visits from Father Kachur and Father Lobay, and Thursday morning visits from the Ukrainian Credit Union to support our students’ banking needs. Congratulations to Sophia Zinchenko, Ivan Nechyporuk, Lily Hosak,Anita Ternova,Ivan Dovbush and Stephan Dovbush who went onto the Cities Cross country meet. A huge congratulations goes out to Lily Hosak who placed 6th in the Cities for her age group and Ivan Nechyporuk who placed 7th for his age group in the Cities. Next year we hope to see many more students trying out for our Cross Country Team, including our junior and intermediate classes. Cross Country running is not only a healthy sport but a fun one as well. We are looking forward to seeing many JCS families at St. Nicholas Church on Sunday, November 5th at 9:30am to celebrate Mass together as a JCS community. Our choir will be singing and afterwards refreshments will be served to JCS students in the church hall. What a great way to celebrate the “Year of the School” with a Family Mass, food and socialization. We thank Father Kachur and Father Lobay for all of their work and commitment to our school, teaching and nurturing the Ukrainian Eastern Rite. And finally, we ask that all parents mark their home calendars for a very special event that is taking place in the evening of Tuesday, December 12, 2017, the JCS Christmas Concert. Students from grades 1 to 8 will be performing and showcasing their many wonderful talents at MP/SJ High School. More details to follow. We hope to see you all there. A. Iwasykiw


Reporting Progress Report Cards will be sent home on Tuesday, November 14th. Parent/teacher interviews will be held on:

Wednesday, November 15 5:00 – 7:30 pm

Thursday, November 16th 5:00 – 7:30pm

Friday, November 17th is a PA Day- No School

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Дорогі батьки / опікуни,

Жовтень – ще один продуктивний і сповнений цікавими подіями в житті школи

Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого місяць промайнув як один день. Ми починали з мистецької

події “Відчути Мистецтво”, організованої школою Father John Redmond, де учні 7-их і

8-их класів мали можливість ознайомитися з мистецькими програмами, котрі ця школа

пропонує; ; потім були “Cross country” - змагання по бігу (районні, регіональні та

міські), прогулька 4-их класів до Kortright Centre, збірка харчів для організації St.

Francis Table до Дня подяки, візит пана Леґо, дві успішних тренувальних

протипожежних тривоги; а ще – Дні піци, програма «Пані з обідом», танці на Галовін,

відвідання класів отцем Качуром та отцем Лобаєм та візити Української кредитової

спілки для задоволення банківських потреб наших учнів(нагадуємо, що УКС

приходить до нашої школи кожен четвер. Діти можуть створити свої рахунки і класти

гроші на них. І це все можуть робити тут, у школі, кожен четвер. )


Софію Зінченко, Івана Нечипорука, Лілю Гойсак, Аніту Тернову, Івана Довбуша

та Степана Довбуша.

Всі вони пройшли до міських змагань.

Наші величезні вітання Лілі Гойсак, котра посіла 6-те місце у своїй віковій групі та

Івану Нечипоруку, котрий зайняв 7-ме місце у своїй віковій групі на міських

змаганнях. Наступного року ми сподіваємось побачити набагато більше учнів у

команді по бігу з молодших і старших класів. Біг- не тільки здоровий, але і такий, що

приносить багато задоволення, вид спорту.

Запрршуємо і сподіваємося побачити багато родин з нашої школи у церкві святого

Миколая в неділю, 5 листопада о 9:30 ранку, щоб разом відсвяткувати Службу Божу

як шкільна громада. Наш хор буде співати під час Служби, а потім запрошуємо всіх

учнів нашої школи до церковної залі на перекуску. Це прекрасний спосіб

відсвяткувати «Рік школи » родинною Службою Божою, смачною їжею і приємним

спілкуванням. Дякуємо о. Качуру та о. Лобаю за всю їхню працю на благо нашої

школи, навчання та підтримання українського східного обряду.

На закінчення, просимо всіх батьків у своїх календарях зазначити особливу подію,

Різдвяний концерт, що буде відбуватися у вівторок 12 грудня, 2017 року у MP/SJ High

School (більше інформації отримаєте пізніше). Учні 1-8 класів будуть виступати і

демонструвати свої численні таланти. Сподіваємося побачити там всіх вас.


Анна Івасиків

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NEW!!! Teaching and Learning at JCS is being disrupted daily by parents/guardians that continue to sign out the children early in the day, before 3:30 pm for not so urgent reasons. Some students miss 30 to 45 minutes per day of good teaching and learning. Teachers have been expressing their frustrations as this causes great disruption to their lessons and end of the day routines. As of November 1st, the school office will not be calling out students after 3:00pm unless it is an emergency. This way students will continue to learn, there will be less disruption to teaching, and students will have ample time to record their homework in their agendas. Please respect this decision, as teachers need uninterrupted time to cover the curriculum and students need that time to consolidate their learning without disruptions. We ask that when you come early to please stand outside the fenced in pick up yard and wait for your son or daughter.

Entry Routines Once again we are asking for everyone’s cooperation when dropping off your child to school, both in the morning and in the afternoon when you are picking up your child. In the morning, parents are asked to say their goodbyes on the sidewalk and remain outside the fenced area, both the small fenced in area and the big fenced in area. The only adults in the school yard with the students should be the supervising staff only. This will enable the supervisors to give his/her full attention in ensuring that all students are safe. A congested area makes it extremely challenging for staff to properly supervise the students. Once the bell rings, parent/guardians are asked to say their goodbyes and not enter the school. Many parents continue to walk into the school when asked not to and this causes a disruption for all. When your child is late, we ask that students pick up a late slip and proceed to their classrooms. Parents are asked to say their goodbyes in the foyer and an adult or student will walk your child safely to their classroom. We ask for everyone’s cooperation in this two matters.

KISS and RIDE/BUS LOADING ZONE We continue to experience serious difficulties with our Kiss and Ride Zone and our Bus Loading Zone. The Kiss and Ride Zone are for cars that are quickly dropping off their children in the morning and/or picking them up in the afternoon, 10 minutes maximum. Your cooperation and assistance is essential in this matter. If you would like to walk your child to the yard, please park your car on a neighbouring street and cross the street with your child. We continue to have close calls and this can be very frightening. Please take the time to walk your child across the street. Some parents use the staff parking lot to park their cars and walk their child/children to the school yard. All parking spaces are assigned to staff. Please DO NOT park in the staff parking lot.

School Bus Information All inquiries about arrival times, traffic delays, departures, and lateness need to be dealt with directly with the bus company SWITZER at 905 361-1084. Switzer dispatchers will be able to provide you with up to date information, traffic information as they are in direct communication with the bus drivers. In addition, bus students will not be permitted to change buses or go on other buses at the end of the day to go home with another student to work on homework or other activities. Parents will be required to make their own private arrangements as the bus company does not allow this practice. Also, any information about school bus delays can be accessed on the Toronto School Transportation Group website at: https://www.torontoschoolbus.org/school-bus-delays/

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Weather Fall has finally arrived and with this season comes the cold temperatures. Students are reminded to dress appropriately for the cold weather as ALL students will be outdoors during these temperatures, especially before the morning school bell (jackets, gloves, mitts, scarves, hats, boots). Once the extreme weather conditions are upon us (approximately -17/-20C), recess and outdoor play will be shortened and/or held inside.

NUTS This is a reminder to all parents that JCS is a peanut free school. We have many students with life threatening allergies to all kinds of nuts and eggs. Nutella is a product that contains hazel nuts, and we ask that parents refrain from sending Nutella in lunches. Thank You for your assistance with this life threatening matter.

ELECTRONICS We are having difficulties with the use of personal electronic devices (PED) in school during class time, indoor recess and outdoor recess. Students are using their PED’s in the classroom, in the washrooms, at recess, to chat and to post to friends during class time when they should be devoting their attention to the teacher’s lesson. Much information and great learning is missed when your son/daughter continues to use their PED in class for chatting purposes. As per the school agenda, students are asked to power off their PED’s and safely secure them in their school bags unless instructed by the teacher for educational purposes. Noncompliance with this will result in the confiscation of the student’s PED and a phone call home to parent.

We also ask that parents take the time to monitor their daughter’s or sons use of their PED at home. It has come to the attention of the office from classroom teachers that many students are on sites that are inappropriate for viewing to minors.

___________________________________________________________________ BOOK FAIR

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj is hosting another Book Fair this year! We invite you to share in this celebration of books and reading with us. The students will visit the Book Fair in the library during the week of November 13, 2017. Parents are invited to our Book Fair during the Parent/Teacher Conferences. Throughout the Book Fair week students will also have the opportunity to enter our Family Event Draw and win $50 in books-$25 for your family and $25 for your child’s classroom library. Please help us raise funds to buy brand new books for the library this year. With every $10 spent at the book fair, $6 goes back to our school! Come and support your library. Pani Daciuk Library

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This year JCS has initiated a Student Mentor Group. Students were nominated from grades 7 and 8 to organize and implement activities and fundraising events within the school to provide them with the opportunity for leadership and community building. The members are: Stephanie Pyatnychko Sophia Zoriy Kateryna Zhurybida Anna Petroseniak Oleksiy Gnatushenko Daria Gerus-Loukiahtchenko Roman Voznyy Katherine Morozevych Anastasiya Burdash Dinis Pogribnyy Sofia Bolonna Maxim Vitinsh Denis Khatnyuk Michael Czomko Anna Klyuchenko Matthew Pinchak Marko Holowatsky Viktoriya Novytska Michael Moskal Julian Petruk Aleksey Koretskyy In September, the mentors did a wonderful job helping to facilitate a very successful Terry Fox Run where we raised almost $7000. The Civvies Day funds for September were also included in this amount. In October, the mentors assisted with a school food drive in support of St. Francis’ Table. We collected over 1100 food items and $250 of the October Civvies Day funds will be donated as well. They also helped organize a spook-tacular Halloween Dance for all of the students. Our next endeavour will be to support Help Us Help the Children. Monies collected for the November and December Civvies Days will be donated towards this charity. We will continue to keep you posted on all future projects. Thank you for your continued support! ___________________________________________________________________ JCS is pleased to announce the return of our Christmas planter fundraiser. Since 2015, we have raised over $9000 and have made many technology enhancements in the classrooms. However, our technology in the school is still undersupplied, and we are hoping that parents and students take part in this fundraiser this year and purchase at least one planter per student. PLUS!! The student who sells the most planters by December 1st will receive a FREE APPLE iPOD. Parents may pick up their Christmas planters at the school on Wednesday, December 20th between 3- 6:00 pm. (please see order form enclosed in Newsletter)

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SMOKE-FREE ONTARIO ACT The Smoke-Free Ontario Act came into effect on May 31, 2006. Under the Act, smoking of holding lighted tobacco is prohibited inside any school building, site and facilities and on the grounds surrounding the school buildings. If caught smoking anywhere on School property could cost the individual $305.00. For additional information on this Act, please visit the web site at www.toronto.ca/health or call Toronto Public Health at 416 338 7600.

Pediculosis – Lice Please read the following information for facts and tips regarding Pediculosis. The most obvious sign of head lice is scratching. PREVENTION

To stop the spread of lice, we ask that you monitor and check your child’s head periodically.

A tip to prevent lice from spreading on girl’s hair is for girls to wear their hair up in a bun, a ponytail or a braid. Hair spray on the braid or ponytail is a common tip.

Rinsing with vinegar after washing your child’s hair is another common tip. TREATMENT

To check your child’s head, part the hair in sections and look for small grey or brown insects, slightly larger than a pin-head. Lice lay tiny silvery white eggs called nits. Nits can be found over the entire head but are most common behind the ears and in the nape of the neck. They stick to the hair shaft.

If your child has head lice, please make sure that the office is aware so that a notice can be sent home to the other classmates to have their parents check their hair. Rest assured, the student name will always remain anonymous.

Treat your child with a special medicated shampoo or rinse that is made just for lice. It is available at most drug stores.

Once treated, remove the nits using the special comb that is included in the kit daily over several weeks.

When we suspect or are alerted to the fact that there might be an outbreak of lice, JCS administration immediately contacts the Public Health Nurse to check for lice. The Public Health Nurse has alerted the office that many students have unclean hair and some have a bad case of psorias, which can be mistaken for nits. We encourage all parents to check their child’s hair regularly.

HOMEWORK Homework is a long recognized thread in the fabric of Catholic Education. The Toronto Catholic District School Board believes that homework represents a tradition of partnership between home and school. It represents an opportunity for partnership, a co-operative effort between home and school, involving parents, teachers and students. Homework can be defined as an important and relevant learning activity that is related to the school program, and that takes place in a variety of settings in the home or in the community. When children complete homework, they consolidate and reinforce the learning from in-school experiences in a practical and meaningful way. Homework is a planned and purposeful activity that is linked to The Ontario Curriculum Learning Expectations, Learning Skills, and Ministry of Education Reporting Guidelines, and the Ministry of Education Curriculum Guidelines.

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For homework to be an effective extension of the school program, the school, teachers, parents,

and students must share the responsibility for developing and maintaining good homework


The school: - develops and communicates school guidelines for homework to be used by teachers, parents,

and students;

- offers information to assist parents in helping their children at home (e.g., Curriculum Nights,

interviews/conferences, newsletters).

The teacher:

- explains to students the purpose and importance of homework and its connection to school


- teaches skills necessary for the student to complete homework (e.g., note-making, preparation for

upcoming test);

- provides homework that is clear, meaningful, purposeful, and understood;

- assigns work that is appropriate to the student's age, developmental level, learning style,

maturity, skills, and individual needs;

- uses homework as a vehicle for developing and reinforcing learning;

- monitors, checks, or evaluates homework, as appropriate;

- communicates regularly with parents;

- summarizes and reports on homework completion in the Learning Skills section of the Provincial

Report Card.

The parent:

- provides encouragement and appropriate support, without doing the homework for the student;

- expects the student to complete homework regularly;

- provides an environment (i.e., workplace, block of uninterrupted time), usually in the home or in

an alternate setting, e.g., Homework Club;

- shows interest in the student's schoolwork and progress;

- maintains regular contact with the teacher;

- continues to read to and with the student in English, French (French Immersion), or in the home

language(s) of the family throughout the early years of a child's schooling.

The student:

- ensures that he/she clearly understands the homework (i.e., assignments, criteria, timelines);

- asks for help if homework assignments or expectations are not clear;

- completes homework regularly;

- prepares appropriately for upcoming lessons;

- participates actively in all aspects of the school program;

- manages time and materials appropriately (e.g., uses school planner, submits homework on time,

organizes necessary materials);

- studies appropriately for tests and examinations;

- communicates regularly with teachers and parents;

- monitors progress and sets goals, as appropriate;

- assumes appropriate responsibility for homework completion as he or she proceeds

through school.

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Tips for parents:

- Make sure your child has an appropriate place and sufficient time for homework. - Be a positive role model about the homework your child receives. - Be a monitor and a mentor in your child’s learning at home. - Communicate promptly with the school when homework concerns arise.

Tips for students: - Pick a good time and place to do homework. Your place needs to be comfortable and to make

studying easy.

- Remember to budget enough time for lengthier projects and assignments.

- Spend more time on more difficult homework, and complete it first.

- If homework is getting too hard, seek help.

It is with great pleasure to communicate the EQAO results to our parent community. The teachers and students performed above TCDSB and Provincial Levels in Mathematics, Reading and Writing.

2016/2017 Achievement Results, At or Above Provincial Standard

JCS Grade 3 BOARD PROVINCE Reading 90 Reading 76 Reading 74 Writing 93 Writing 78 Writing 73 Mathematics 92 Mathematics 63 Mathematics 62

JCS Grade 6 BOARD PROVINCE Reading 94 Reading 90 Reading 81 Writing 98 Writing 82 Writing 79 Mathematics 75 Mathematics 48 Mathematics 60


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Greetings from the CSPC (Catholic Schools Parent Council)! Our school year is off to an amazing start!

At our October 17th meeting we were happy to welcome several new parents to the CSPC


Remember, all parents are welcome! Even if you cannot attend the meetings, there are other

ways that you can become involved at the school. Every bit of help counts!

Below are some upcoming parent involvement opportunities:

Pizza lunches: How much do parents and kids love pizza Wednesdays? Our amazing

Sandra Pinchak has been leading this initiative for several years and we are all very

grateful for all her hard work! In order for this operation to run smoothly, we do need

parents to help with the logistics of pizza distribution! If you are available on a

Wednesday (or multiple Wednesday’s) to assist, please reach out to Marta Gadacz, our

pizza volunteer coordinator, for more information. [email protected]

Mykolay Day: This is our biggest CSPC sponsored event which will occur on Tuesday

December 19th. Our Mykolay committee, led by Natalja Oksa, has been busy

preparing for our special visitor’s arrival to the school. Every year we call on JCS

parents to come help with preparations. If you are available to assist on December

18th, please reach out to Natalja Oksa for more information. [email protected]

Below are some upcoming fundraisers to look out for! Both have prizes to be won for top


QSP Fundraiser: If you or your family/friends subscribe to magazines, please

consider doing so through JCS QSP. Magazine subscriptions make amazing gifts and

purchasing via QSP helps support school initiatives including beautifying the school

foyer, library and purchasing new technology for the classroom! For more information

please reach out to the QSP parent lead Marianna Kaminska

[email protected]

Planter Fundraiser: You will be receiving more information about this shortly. This

fundraiser occurs twice a year: at Christmas and at Easter. Monies raised are

specifically allocated for technology investments in our children’s classrooms. For

more information please reach out to the Planter Fundraiser parent lead Tanya

Sklierenko [email protected]

Below are two more reminders for you:

Class Parent Communication JK-Grade 3: The Class Parent initiative allows for

the CSPC to have a parent contact in each class to send out important communications

to you via email. Please fill out the Class Parent Communications Form or contact our

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Class Parent Coordinator Olena Shklar to add your name to the list.

[email protected]

School Mass: All of the JCS community is encouraged to attend the Monthly

Children’s Mass at our St. Nicholas Parish. It is a great way to meet other families!

This year, we will be assigning a different class (classes) to host the lunch social

following the mass downstairs at the church. For more information, or if you would

like to help, please contact Oresta Kovbel, our Parish Liaison. [email protected]. We

look forward to seeing you on Sunday November 5th at 9:30am!

Our next CSPC meeting is Tuesday, November 14th, at 7pm. If you cannot attend, please

consider volunteering in other ways – some things can even be

done from home.

For more information please contact our volunteer coordinator

Olena Shklar. [email protected]

Happy November!

Stephanie Soltys and Liijanna Shklar

Co-chairs JCS CSPC

Reminder to all parents that the monthly calendar and newsletter are on the Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School

website. Please access the website for information at



If you would like to have a hard copy sent home with your child, please call the school office and let us


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Three $25 Indigo Gift Cards to be WON $25 Gift card to ONE Top fundraiser in EACH division (JK/SK Classes, Primary, Gr.1-3, Junior Gr.4-6,

Intermediate Gr.7-8)

Browse the catalogue for 100’s of popular magazine titles.

Order a magazine for your child and raise a READER!

Shop Online at www.QSP.ca! There are 100’s of additional items to choose from online! Premium gift wrap, Vesey’s flower bulbs, gourmet treats, jewellery, kitchen gadgets and more! Choose delivery to home or school. Send gifts all over Canada and our school earns more $$$.

Spread the word! Register at QSP.ca and share our

fundraiser with friends and family.

Submit orders on or before: November 7th 2017 Please make cheques payable to: JCS CSPC OR

Order ONLINE at www.QSP.ca using our

Group Online ID: 3718616 (or simply search our school name)

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CATHOLIC SCHOOL 35 West Deane Park Drive

Etobicoke, ON M9B 2R5

(416) 393-5413 Fax. (416) 397-604

(in affiliation with St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church)

November 2017

Dear Parents,

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School is pleased to announce the return of our Christmas planter fundraiser. Since 2015, we have raised

over $9000 and have made many technology enhancements in the classrooms. However, our technology in the school is still

undersupplied, and we are hoping that parents and students take part in this fundraiser this year and purchase at least one planter

per student. PLUS!! The student who sells the most planters by December 1st will receive a

FREE APPLE iPOD. We will be keeping the students up-to-date throughout this fundraising drive of the top sellers and

planter quantities.

This potted Christmas arrangement of flowers, all of which are grown in Southern Ontario, are available at a cost of $20.00 per


This elegant potted arrangement makes a lovely Christmas gift for family and friends.

The funds generated by this fundraiser will continue to go toward technology enhancements for each classroom.

Order form and full payment, cash or cheque are due by Friday, December 1st.

Parents may pick up their Christmas planters at the school (room 108 – class looking the pick-up yard) on Wednesday, December

20th between 3- 6:00 pm.

If you are not interested in purchasing a planter, but would still like to make a donation towards the Technology Fund at JCS, your

support in this way is also greatly appreciated.

8” potted floral arrangement including cyclamen, poinsettia and frosty fern

Name of student___________________________________________________________ Grade__________________________


Number of Christmas planters ___________________ Total $ ($20.00 per planter) _____________________________________

I do not wish to order a planter, but wish to make a donation towards technology for the school in the amount of ______________

Paid by cash or cheque_______________________Amount Enclosed______________________

Order form and full payment due by Friday, December 1st, 2017

Cheques payable to “JCS”. Please include student’s name, grade and teacher in the cheque memo

Page 14: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School - WordPress.com · Year of the School November, 2017 Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School Virtue for the Month - PEACE “Peace I leave to you,

November Message from Trustee Ann Andrachuk

Staying connected and up to date is becoming increasingly important in our day-to-day lives. In recognition of this, the TCDSB offers more ways than ever to stay up to date on what’s happening at your school and across the system. The TCDSB sends out an eNewsletter to anyone who subscribes. The emails include highlights from board and committee meetings, school activities, bus cancellations, school closures, budget updates and special bulletins. To view past issues or subscribe please visit http://www.tcdsb.org/News/eNews The TCDSB and many of our schools, principals and senior staff are also on Twitter. Their

feeds provide a window into the amazing stories unfolding in our classrooms and schools. Jump on Twitter and search #TCDSB. As the School Cash Online system continues to roll out across the Board, CSPC members and parents have access to a wealth of resources to help them get familiar with the new system. Take a look at some online resources at www.tcdsb.org/FORPARENTS/schoolcashonline Daylight savings time ends on November 5th when we “fall back.” While we all remember to turn our clocks back an hour it’s a great reminder to change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors as well.

Finally, November 11th marks Remembrance Day across Canada. At 11 a.m., please observe a moment of silence to remember those who have sacrificed their lives so that the rest of us may enjoy the freedoms we so often take for granted. Have a safe and pleasant November. Sincerely, Ann

Monthly Update from the Board - November 2017

Don’t Forget to Turn Your Clocks Back Weekend of November 4-5, 2017. Enjoy the extra hour of sleep!

November’s Virtue is Peacemaking Find all the monthly resources associated with our virtues of the month online


Congregated Elementary Gifted Program The Toronto Catholic District School Board offers Full Time/Congregated Elementary Gifted Programs for students in Grades 6 to

8 who have an exceptionality of Giftedness. These programs are integrated into the regular school community. Important aspects

of the program are curriculum extensions in depth, breadth and pace, daily continuity of programming, collaboration with like-

minded peers and leadership opportunities. A Parent Information evening will be held for parents/guardians interested in exploring

a full time elementary Gifted Program for their child with the exceptionality of Giftedness.

The Parent Information evening will take place at St. Edward School, 1 Botham Rd., on November 23, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

School Cash Online We are now in Phase 2 of implementing the School Cash Online Payment system to all TCDSB schools. This new cashless system

option offers parents the convenience of paying online for school activities and purchases from the convenience of their own

home. School Cash Online will be an efficient payment alternative for families, however participation in the application is

voluntary. Schools will continue to accept traditional methods of payment.

For more information, please visit the School Cash Online website at


Spotlight on Your School During the Year of the School, let’s celebrate our school communities. Through video or song, shine the light on the best that your

school has to offer. Who are the people who make it special? (Parent volunteers, Priests and others from the parish community,

dedicated teachers, Talented and enthusiastic students)

Page 15: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School - WordPress.com · Year of the School November, 2017 Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School Virtue for the Month - PEACE “Peace I leave to you,

Consider creating a school song or a 30-second video clip that celebrates your school.

Celebrate Diversity * Celebrate Excellence * Celebrate Faith * Celebrate Your School

Use the hashtag #ShineOnTCDSB! Deadline for submissions is Friday, February 23, 2018.

The 2017-2018 TCDSB Awards Season has begun!

Nominations are now open for the following TCDSB Alumni Award, Award of Merit and Friends of Catholic Education Award

which will be presented at Awards Night on May 7, 2018.

Deadline: third Friday in January (January 20).

TCDSB Alumni Award: Open to TCDSB alumni who are still active in the Catholic community and who have distinguished

themselves in their career or accomplishments.

TCDSB Award of Merit: Open to former staff, parents and trustees who have made outstanding contributions to the TCDSB

and to Catholic education (can only be considered for award after a three-year period has passed since departure from the


Friends of Catholic Education Award: Open to members of the general public (individuals or organizations) who have

accomplished extraordinary service to Catholic Education but who may not be Catholic.

For nomination forms and information, visit: www.tcdsb.org/awardsnight

Prime Minister’s Awards: Recognizing Excellence in Education Do you know an amazing teacher or early childhood educator? Consider nominating them for a Prime Minister’s Award.

Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence and Teaching Excellence in STEM The Teaching Excellence in STEM Awards honour outstanding Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics teachers

that help develop the culture of innovation Canada needs today, and in the future. Nominate a teacher today! Nominations

accepted until January 12, 2018.

Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education The Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education honour ECEs for their leadership, exemplary early

childhood education practices, and their commitment to help build the foundation children need to make the best possible start

in life. Nominate an educator today! Nominations accepted until January 12, 2018.

TCDSB Young Disciples Ignite Day As we continue to celebrate the Year of the School, the Nurturing our Catholic Community Team invites grade 6 students and

teachers, parish priests/youth ministers and parent councils to TCDSB’s Young Disciples’ Ignite Day. This free rally for

Grade 6 students is designed to ignite their faith and inspire acts of service in their respective school communities.

Through a teaching Mass, community building activities, music, and guest speakers, students will be invited to embrace the

mission of discipleship and continue to promote acts of faith in collaboration with school communities, families and parishes.

Dates and locations are as follows:

Tuesday November 28th 2017 @ Blessed Cardinal Newman (auditorium) - 9:30-2:15 pm

Thursday November 30th, 2017 @ Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton (auditorium) - 9:30-2:15

pm https://www.tcdsb.org/schools/bishopmarroccothomasmerton/news/20172018/pages/youngdesciples.aspx

Angel Foundation for Learning Evening to Feed the Soul Gala

November 10th. For details and ticket information: https://www.aflgala.org/ Help feed hungry children, and support a variety of

opportunities for students who need assistance.

Other Dates to Note:

November 1—Take Your Kid To Work Day

November 1—All Saints Day

November 2—All Souls Day

November 6-10—Treaties Recognition Week

November 6-10—Holocaust Education Week

November 11—Remembrance Day (Schools to commemorate on Friday, November 10th)

November 19—World Day of Poor

November 25—Christ the King Rally and Youth Conference

November 27—TCDSB Caucus Meeting

December 3—Advent Begins Visit www.tcdsb.org to get more information about any of these events

And remember to subscribe to ENews to receive regular updates via email


And/or follow @TCDSB on Twitter to get all the latest news and information

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