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Using representations in Geometry




Areti Panaoura

Department of Education

Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education

Frederick University

Nicosia, Cyprus

[email protected]


Students’ cognitive performance on any mathematical concept is related with the

respective self-beliefs on understanding it and on using strategies in order to

overcome cognitive obstacles. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the

role of various aspects of apprehension (perceptual, operative and discursive) in

geometrical figure understanding and the respective students’ self-beliefs about using

representations as a useful tool for understanding geometrical concepts and for

solving geometrical tasks. The interest was concentrated on finding the structure and

the interrelations between students’ self-concept beliefs, their self-efficacy beliefs

about using representations and the geometrical understanding at primary and

secondary education. A quantitative study was developed and data were collected

from 1086 students in Grade 5 to 8. Confirmatory factor analysis provided support

for the invariance of the structure for the geometrical figure understanding across the

two ages groups and it affirmed the existence of a coherent model of self-beliefs

dimensions about the use of representations for understanding the geometrical

concepts, which becomes more stable across the educational levels. There are

interesting differences concerning the interrelations among cognitive and non-

cognitive factors between primary and secondary education.

Keywords: self-beliefs, geometry, representations

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Using representations in Geometry


The importance of studying and teaching geometry is well established in the literature

and is stressed in contemporary mathematics curricula not only as an autonomous

mathematics field, but also as a mean to develop other mathematical concepts.

(Gagatsis, Sriraman, Elia & Modestou, 2006; Kurina, 2003; Clements, Sarama &

Wilson, 2001). Through the study of geometry, students are expected to learn more

about geometric shapes and structures and how to analyze their characteristics and

relationships (NCTM, 2000), building understanding from informal to more formal

thinking and passing from recognizing different geometric shapes to geometry

reasoning and geometry problem solving (Daher & Jaber, 2010). The importance of

the environment to teaching and learning geometry is emphasized in the literature

(Clements & Battista, 1992; Harrell & Fosnaugh, 1997).

Students experience a wide range of representations from their early childhood years

onward (Elia & Gagatsis, 2003). Representations can differ with respect to their

informational content and their usability. Given that a representation cannot describe

fully a mathematical content and that each representation has different advantages

using multiple representations for the same mathematical situation is at the core of

mathematical understanding (Duval, 2002). Mathematics textbooks use of variety of

representations in order to enable students to understand in a higher degree the

mathematical concepts (Panaoura et al., 2010). In geometry, the understanding of

mathematics requires that there is not any confusion between mathematical objects

and the respective representation (Duval, 1999). In education it is important to

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investigate how pupils use and react at each teaching tool or procedure and what

beliefs or conceptions develop. In geometry the use of representation is a necessary

component of learning and there are not many studies on students’ conceptions about

its usefulness and on their self-beliefs about using them. The present study

investigates students’ beliefs about the use of representations in the learning of

geometry and mainly the interrelations of different types of self-beliefs such as self-

concept beliefs and self-efficacy beliefs with the geometrical understanding.

Researchers embrace the belief that the development of geometrical concepts is

multifaceted (Walcott, Mohr, & Kastberg, 2009) and agree that concept formation in

geometry is potentially different from concept formation on other mathematics

disciplines. We consider the present study to be a contribution to the extension of

theoretical approaches of the cognitive and non-cognitive processes that underlie

understanding in the learning at the specific domain of geometry.

Representations and the teaching of geometry in mathematics education

As a mathematical domain, geometry is to a large extent concerned with specific

mental entities, the geometrical figures. At a mathematical level, geometrical figures

are mental entities, which exist only based on their definitions and their properties.

But, a distance is identified between the geometrical-mathematical meaning of these

specific concepts and students’ personal meanings of geometrical figures, since in

students’ minds these figures are often related to real objects (Mesquita, 1998).

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The research in geometry and spatial thinking has evolved from studies in

psychology, when in the 1970s some researchers were interested in the relationship of

spatial abilities to mathematical learning and problem solving (Owens & Outhred,

2006). Several mathematics educators have investigated students’ geometrical

reasoning based on different theoretical frames. For example, van Hiele (1986)

developed a model referring to levels of geometric thinking, Fischbein (1993)

introduced the theory of figural concepts and Duval (1999) reported the cognitive

analysis of geometrical thinking. Duval distinguishes four apprehensions, as he called

them, for a geometrical figure: perceptual, sequential, discursive and operative. Each

has its specific laws of organization and processing of the visual stimulus array.

According to his theory, to function as a geometrical figure, a drawing must evoke

perceptual apprehension and at least one of the other three dimensions. Perceptual

apprehension refers to the recognition of a shape in space. It indicates the ability to

recognize in the perceived figure several sub-figures and the ability to name figures.

Sequential apprehension is required whenever one must construct a figure or describe

its construction. Discursive apprehension is related with the fact that mathematical

properties represented in a drawing cannot be determined through perceptual

apprehension. In any geometrical representation the perceptual recognition of

geometrical properties must remain under the control of statements (definition,

denomination). However, it is through operative apprehension that we can get an

insight to a problem solution when looking at a figure.

While teaching geometry, very often educators fail to give the essential attention to

the precise structure of the figure on the board, for various reasons such as old

material and time pressure (Gagatsis et al., 2010). In such cases, educators often take

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for granted that students will rely on the processing of the verbal statements of the

problem in order to understand it. The results of Xistouri, Nicolaou, Koukoufis and

Gagatsis (2005) indicated that many students do not rely on the verbal statements of

the task as much as the educators expect, and quite often their performance can be

affected negatively by a figure.

Self-concept and self-efficacy beliefs in mathematics

Cognitive development of any concept is related with affective development (Zan,

Brown, Evans & Hannula, 2006). Affective domain in mathematics education is an

area to which considerable research attention continues to be directed (Leder &

Grootenboer, 2005). The literature suggests that there is an influential connection

between affective mathematical views and performance in mathematics (Ai, 2002;

Schreiber, 2002). The relationship between affective factors and learning in

mathematics is not simple, linear and unidirectional; rather it is complex and

convoluted (Grootenboer & Hemmings, 2007). Marsh and Craven (1997) mentioned

that, “enhancing a child’s academic self-concept is not only a desirable goal but is

likely to result in improved academic achievement as well” (p. 155). The anticipated

improvement of student’s performance is based on the existence of a reciprocal

relationship between self-concept and academic achievement (Marsh, Trautwein,

Ludtke, Koller, & Baumert, 2005).

According to Pajares (2008) “self-efficacy should not be confused with self-concept,

which as a broader evaluation of one’s self, often accompanied by the judgments of

worth or esteem that typically chaperone such self-views” (p. 114). Self-efficacy

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beliefs refer to matters related to one’s capability and revolve around questions of

“can”, whereas self-concept beliefs refer to matters related to being and reflect

questions of “feel”. Academic self-concept is referred as self-perceptions of ability,

which affects students’ effort, persistence, anxiety (Pajares, 1996), and indirectly their

performance. It refers to individuals’ knowledge and perceptions about themselves in

achievement situations (Wigfield & Karpathian, 1991). Self-concept includes beliefs

of self-worth associated with one’s perceived competence (Pajares & Miller, 1994).

Besides an individual impression, students could develop their academic self-concept

externally through a comparison with their classmates (Wang, 2007). Bong and

Skaalvik (2003) state that academic self-concept primarily indicates one’s self-

perceived ability within a given academic area, while academic self-efficacy primarily

indicates one’s self-perceived confidence to successfully perform a particular

academic task. According to Ferla, Valcke and Cai (2009) academic self-efficacy and

academic self-concept, measured at their natural specificity level, represent

conceptually and empirically different constructs, even when studied within the same

domain. Their study further suggests that students’ academic self-concept strongly

influences their academic self-efficacy beliefs and not vice versa.

An issue that has received major attention from the education community over the last

years refers to the students’ difficulties when moving from primary to secondary

school and to the gaps in the curriculum requirements, the teaching approaches, aids

and methods (Ferguson & Fraser, 1999; Zeedyk et al., 2003). Sdolias and

Triandafillidis (2008) studied to transition to secondary school geometry in Greece.

They had found that the logical steps that lead to rigor in secondary school are

stripped from children’s past experiences from primary school. The students’

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difficulty to adjust to new schooling environment is evident to a considerable extent

in their performance in mathematics (Whitley, Lupart & Beran, 2007). According to

Schumacher (1998) the transition to secondary school is accompanied by intellectual,

moral, social, emotional and physical changes. Pajares and Graham (1999)

investigated the extent to which mathematics self-beliefs change during the first years

of middle school. By the end of the academic year, students described mathematics as

less valuable and they reported decreased effect and persistence in mathematics.

Much more research is needed for the students’ beliefs about the role of

representations in relation to their self-beliefs about using those (Patterson &

Norwood, 2004). The present study attempted to investigate students’ self-beliefs

about the use of representations for solving geometrical problems in relation to their

self-efficacy beliefs, their self-concept beliefs and their mathematical performance in

geometry at primary and secondary education. Keeping in mind the transition problem

from one educational level to another (Mullins & Irvin, 2000; Zeedyk et al., 2003) our

aim was to confirm a theoretical model with differences and similarities concerning

the primary and secondary school students’ geometrical figure understanding in

relation to their affective performance concerning to the use of representations in

geometry. The main purposes of the study were: (1) to propose and validate a

framework which describes students’ performance at primary and secondary

education in the various geometrical figure understanding (2) to identify the

interrelations between different types of self-beliefs at both education levels and (3) to

identify the interrelations between self-beliefs and students’ geometrical performance.

We believe that an integrated model of the interrelations among the cognitive and the

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non-cognitive factors will be helpful in scheduling interventions programs for

improving students’ geometrical performance.


1. Participants

The study was conducted among 1086 students, aged 10 to 14, of primary (Grade 5

and 6) and secondary (Grade 7 and 8) schools in Cyprus (250 in Grade 5, 278 in

Grade 6, 230 in Grade 7, 328 in Grade 8). Students belonging to 83 classrooms of

primary and secondary schools were tested. The authority for all the schools in

primary and secondary education in Cyprus is the Ministry of Education. All the

schools use at each grade almost the same teaching methods, tools and curriculum.

The educational system in Cyprus is centralized nationally. Mathematics syllabi in

primary and secondary allocate a specific number of hours to the teaching of each

topic. Instruction in the classroom is restricted to a single textbook series for each

grade provided by the ministry of education.

2. The test battery

A test with 12 tasks was constructed and a questionnaire with 23 items was

developed. Most of the tasks of the test were designed in such a way that they cover a

major part of the content of geometry in the mathematics curriculum. The tasks of the

test were content and face validated by a number of experienced mathematics school

teachers in both primary and secondary education. Moreover, the test was piloted to a

small number of students before its final administration for the data collection. The

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same test was used for both levels of education because we were not interested in

comparing students’ performance. The test was divided into three parts:

1. The first group of tasks includes task 1 and task 2 concerning students’

geometrical figure perceptual ability and their recognition ability, respectively.

2. The second group of tasks includes area and perimeter measurement tasks, namely

tasks 3, 4, 5 and 6. These tasks examine students’ operative apprehension of a

geometrical figure. The tasks 3, 4 and 5 require a reconfiguration of a given

figure, while task 6 demands the place way of modifying two given figures in a

new one in order to be solved.

3. The third group of tasks includes the verbal problems 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 that

correspond to discursive figure apprehension. On the one hand, the verbal

problems 7 and 8 demand increased perceptual ability of geometrical figure

relations and basic geometrical reasoning. On the other hand, tasks 9, 10 and 11

are verbal area and perimeter measurement problems.

Representative sample of tasks used in the test appear in the Appendix. Right and

wrong or no answers to the tasks were scored as 1 and 0, respectively. The results

concerning students’ answers to the tasks were codified with Pe, Op and Ve

corresponding to perceptual, operative and verbal problem tasks, respectively,

followed by the number indicating the exercise number.

A questionnaire (Table 1) was developed for measuring students’ beliefs about the use

of different types of representations for understanding geometrical concepts such as

the area and the perimeter. Items were created with responses using a 5-point Likert

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scale ranging from 1=strongly disagree, to 5=strongly agree. The reliability of the

whole questionnaire was high (Cronbach’s alpha was 0.81 and 0.86 for primary and

secondary education respectively). The test and the questionnaire were administered

to the students by their teachers at the end of the school year in usual classroom

condition. The questionnaire administered before the geometry test.

3. Data analysis

In order to explore the structure of the various geometrical figures understanding

dimensions (for the first research question) a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)

model for the total sample was designed and verified. Bentler’s (1995) EQS

programme was used for the analysis. The tenability of a model can be determined by

using the following measures of goodness-of-fit: 2x , CFI and RMSEA. The

following values of the three indices are needed to hold true for supporting an

adequate fit of the model: 2x /df < 2, CFI > 0.9, RMSEA < 0.06. The a priori model

hypothesized that the variables of all the measurements would be explained by a

specific number of factors and each item would have a nonzero loading on the factor

it was supposed to measure. The model was tested under the constraint that the error

variances of some pair of scores associated with the same factor would have to be

equal. The exploratory factor analysis of students’ responses at the self-beliefs

questionnaire was used in order to identify the major components of students’ non-

cognitive performance and the means of those factors were used for the CFA model.

Specifically, for the second research question, a confirmatory factor analysis was used

in order to indicate the statistically significant interrelations between the self-efficacy

beliefs and the self-concept beliefs. Finally a confirmatory factor analysis was used in

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order to indicate the differences and the similarities of the interrelations among the

cognitive and the self-beliefs factors at primary and secondary education.


The presentation of the results is following the structure of the three research

questions. Firstly we present the results of the confirmatory factor analysis and the

model which describes students’ geometry understanding at both levels of education.

Secondly we present the results of the confirmatory factor analysis and we analyse the

model of students’ self-beliefs to solve tasks involving geometry and the

corresponding interrelations, and finally we present the model which indicates the

structure of students’ geometry understanding in relation to their self-beliefs.

1. A model for students’ geometry understanding

The third-order model which is considered appropriate for interpreting geometrical

figure understanding, involves six first-order factors, two second-order factors and

one third-order factor. Figure 1 presents the results of the elaborated model, which

fitted the data reasonably well (2x /df = 1.98, df=220, CFI = 0.99, RMSEA =0.03).

The three second-order factors that correspond to the geometrical figure perceptual,

operative and discursive apprehension, respectively, regress on a third-order factor

seemed to represent the geometrical figure understanding. On the second-order factor

that seemed to represent the perceptual apprehension the first-order factors F1 and F2

are regressed. The first-order factor F1 refers to the perceptual tasks, while the first-

order factor F2 to the recognition tasks. Thus, the findings reveal that perceptual and

recognition abilities have a differential effect on geometrical figure perceptual

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apprehension. On the second-order factor that corresponds to operative apprehension

the first-order factors F3 and F4 are regressed. The first-order factor F3 consists of the

tasks which require a reconfiguration of a given figure, while the tasks demanding the

place way of modifying two given figures in a new one in order to be solved

constitute the first-order factor F4. Therefore the results indicate that the ways of

figure modification have an effect on operative figure understanding. The first order

factors F5 and F6 regress on the second order factor that seems to represent the

discursive apprehension, indicating the effect measurement concept exerts on this

type of geometric figure apprehension. To be specific, the first-order factor F5 refers

to the verbal problems which demand increased perceptual ability of geometrical

figure relations and basic geometrical reasoning, while the first-order factor F6

consists of the verbal perimeter and area problems. As it is obvious the same

geometrical figure understanding structure holds for the primary and the secondary

school students.

To test for possible similarities between the two educational level multiple group

analysis was applied, where the proposed three – order factor model is validated for

elementary and secondary school students separately. The fit indices of the model

tested are acceptable (x2/ df =1.86, df=485=903.78, CFI=0.97, RMSEA=0.04, 90%

confidence internal for RMSEA=0.036, 0.044). Thus, the same geometrical figure

understanding structure holds for both the primary and the secondary school students.

This invariance of the structure indicates that the cognitive processes students use for

solving geometrical tasks at primary and secondary education are similar.

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Figure 1. The CFA model of the geometrical figure understanding.


1. The first, second and third coefficients of each factor stand for the application of the model in the

whole sample (Grade 5 to 8), primary (Grade 5 and 6) and secondary (Grade 7 and 8) school students,


2. PEA=perceptual; apprehension, OPA= operative apprehension, DIA= discursive apprehension,

GFU=geometrical figure understanding

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2. A model for students’ self-beliefs

The principal component analysis of students’ responses to the items of the

questionnaire revealed five factors (KMO=0.887, p<0.001) with eigenvalues greater

than 1. Varimax rotation was used and as a consequence uncorrelated factors were

revealed (Costello & Osborne, 2005). The eigenvalues, percentages of variances

explained by factors and the highest factor loadings of the items at each factor are

presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Factor loadings of the factors against the items associated with

participants’ beliefs

Item F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

The diagrams (e.g. circle area, rectangle area, number

line) are useful tools for the problem solving in


The use of materials (e.g. fraction circles, dienes cubes)

is important for the primary school students.

The construction of a figure or a diagram is useful for

the problem solving in mathematics.




I prefer solving problems which present the data at a


I can easily solve area problems.

I can easily explain the solution of a perimeter problem


I can easily solve problems which present the data at a


I can easily solve problems which present the data


If someone asks me to explain the solution of an area

problem, I prefer to do it verbally.

I can easily indicate the data of a perimeter problem at

a geometrical schema.

I prefer solving problems perimeter problems which

present the data only verbally.









I can easily solve the problems of area which need the

construction of a schema.

I am very good in solving area problems.

The schemata help me in solving area problems.




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I can easily solve the problems of perimeter.

I can easily explain to my classmate the solution of a

problem of a perimeter by using a schema.

I can easily find the perimeter of a figure.




I can easily use formulas for solving problems of

perimeter (e.g the perimeter of a rectangle is 2X (length

+ width)).

The good student in mathematics can present his/her

solution and explain it by using many different ways.

For the correct solution of a mathematical problem, the

use of an equation is necessary.

I find it easy to explain at my classmate how I have

solved an area problem by using a formula (e.g.

rectangle area=widthXlength).

When I solve an area problem I construct a schema.

If someone asks me to explain the solution of a

perimeter problem I prefer to do it by using a schema.







Eigenvalues 7.87 5.28 2.92 1.85 1.45

Percentage of variance explained 30.1 16.7 8.77 6.01 4.20

Cumulative percentage of explained variance 30.1 46.8 55.5 61.5 65.7

The first factor corresponded to students’ beliefs about the use of representations and

materials for the better understanding of mathematical concepts (F1). The items at the

second factor expressed students’ self-efficacy beliefs in using representations for the

understanding of geometrical concepts (F2). The third factor represented their self-

efficacy beliefs about solving problems of area (F3), while the forth factor seemed to

represent their self-efficacy beliefs about solving problems of perimeter (F4). The

fifth factor corresponded to students’ self-concept beliefs about the use of diagrams,

figures and representations in understanding mathematical concepts and their beliefs

in using them as useful tools for explaining their geometrical thinking (F5).

In order to confirm the structure of students’ beliefs in respect to the use of

geometrical representations, indicating the major interrelations among those beliefs, a

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CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) model was constructed. Figure 2 presents the

results of the model that fits the data reasonably well for both the levels of education

(primary education: x2

/df= 1.14, df= 208, CFI=0.972 and RMSEA=0.020, secondary

education: x2

/df= 1.45, df=209, CFI=0.949 and RMSEA=0.03). The second-order

model, which is considered appropriate for interpreting students’ self-representation

beliefs, involves the 5 first-order factors, which were the results of the above

exploratory factor analysis and one second-order factor. The first order factors

regressed on a second order factor explaining the students’ self-beliefs about using

geometrical representations for solving geometrical tasks and understanding

geometrical concepts, indicating that those factors are not independent.

The loadings of the whole model are higher in the case of secondary education (the

second number of the loadings at Figure 2) almost in all cases. It is an integrated

model of self-beliefs factors concerning the use of representations for solving

geometrical tasks which becomes more stable across the educational levels. Students

seemed to realize which tools and external or internal procedures help them to

understand better the geometrical concepts.

The existence or the non-existence of interrelations between different types of self-

beliefs is interesting. There are not any statistical significant interrelations between

the beliefs about the use of representations and the self-efficacy beliefs about using

them for solving area or perimeter tasks. This is an indication that students understand

the solving of those tasks as different from other geometrical tasks. There is a high

statistically significant interrelation between the students’ beliefs about using

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representations (Brm) and their self-concept beliefs (SCr) about using them for

solving or explaining the solution of geometrical tasks [primary school (0.847),

secondary school (0.876)], indicating that students who believe that representations

are useful tools for understanding geometrical concepts tend to use representations in

order to solve tasks and in order to explain to someone else the solution of a

geometrical problem. At the same time students who use representations for solving

tasks, seems to have already positive beliefs about the usage of this learning material.

As it was expected, the highest statistically significant interrelation is between

students’ self-efficacy beliefs for solving tasks concerning the concept of area (Sea)

with their self-efficacy beliefs (Sep) for solving tasks concerning the concept of

perimeter [primary school (0.923), secondary school (0.925)]. Students develop

similar self-efficacy beliefs for both the concepts because in primary education they

solve many problems, which ask them at the same time to find the area and the

perimeter of a geometrical figure. Students with high self-efficacy beliefs about their

ability to use representations, express positive beliefs about the use of representations

on teaching and learning. The relation is higher in secondary education (0.853) than in

primary education (0.728) where students have more experiences with Euclidean

geometry, they have more positive beliefs about the usefulness of representations and

they have more positive self-efficacy beliefs. Very important is the non existence of

statistical significant interrelations between the self-efficacy beliefs with the self-

concept beliefs.

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Figure 2: A confirmed model on students’ self-beliefs about using

representations in solving geometrical tasks


1. Brm= beliefs about the use of representations and materials, SEr= Self-efficacy beliefs about using

representations, SEa= Self-efficacy beliefs about using representations for the concept of area, SEp=

Self-efficacy beliefs about the using representations for the concept of perimeter, SCr= Self-concept

beliefs about using and explaining geometrical representations

2. The first and second coefficients of each factor stand for the application on the model of primary and

secondary education.

3. The interrelations of students’ self-beliefs with their geometrical performance

The third model from the confirmatory factor analysis confirms the interrelations of

students’ self-efficacy beliefs, self-concept beliefs, beliefs about using representations

in geometry and students’ geometry understanding. Figure 3 presents the results of the

elaborated model that fits the data reasonable well for both the levels of education

(primary education: x2

/df= 1.44, df= 223, CFI=0.903 and RMSEA=0.03, secondary

education: x2

/df=1.39, df=218, CFI=0.928 and RMSEA=0.02). The loadings of the

whole model are higher in the case of secondary education. It is an integrated model

of cognitive and self factors concerning the use of representations in geometry which


.847 .876 SEr





.607 .987

.623 .979

.833 .686

.963 . 978

.811 .834

.628 .653

.859 .840

.923 .925

.816 .830

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becomes more stable across the educational levels. The interest is concentrated on the

interrelations of the second order factors which were used. The highest statistically

significant interrelation is between the geometrical figure understanding and the self-

efficacy beliefs about using representations indicating that students with high self-

efficacy beliefs are the students with the highest performance in geometrical tasks.

This relation is higher in secondary education (0.915) than in primary education

(0.823) indicating that students’ performance influences to a higher level their self-

efficacy beliefs, as they become older. Similar is the situation in the case of the

interrelations of students’ geometrical figure understanding and their respective self-

concept beliefs (primary: 0.623, secondary: 0.719). The situation is different in the

case of the relation of students’ beliefs about the use of representation and their

performance. Although the interrelation is statistically significant in both cases, it is

higher in the case of primary education (0.847) than in secondary education (0.714).

In secondary education teachers use more representations and geometrical figures in

order to present mathematical proofs but not in the case of problem solving tasks

involving area and perimeter. Very interesting, as at the previous model (Figure 2) is

the non existence of statistically significant interrelation between students’ self-

concept beliefs and their self-efficacy beliefs. It seems that self-efficacy beliefs and

self-concept beliefs stand as different constructs.

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Figure 3: A confirmed model of the interrelations of students’ self-beliefs about

using representations with the geometrical figure understanding


1. SEB= self-efficacy beliefs, SCB= self-concept beliefs, BR= beliefs about using representations,

GFU = geometrical figure understanding

2. The first and second coefficients of each factor stand for the application on the model of primary and

secondary education.


The first objective of the present study investigated the role of perceptual, operative

and discursive apprehension in geometrical figure understanding, according to the

Duval’s (1999) theory. Structural equation modelling affirmed the existence of six

first-order factors indicating the differential effect of perceptual and recognition

abilities, the ways of figure modification and measurement concept, three second-

order factors representing perceptual, operative and discursive apprehension and a

third-order factor that corresponded to the geometrical figure understanding. It also

suggested the invariance of this structure across primary and secondary school

students. Thus, emphasis should be given in all the aspects of geometrical figure

apprehension in both educational levels concerning teaching and learning. If we

accept that there is a gap in the teaching approaches, tools and methods (Zeedyk et al.,


.598 .615




.823 .915

.623 .719

.787 .714 .805 .823

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2003) we have to take into consideration the existence of the same structure which

underlines the similar cognitive processes.

Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that there is a stable coherent model of self

dimensions about the use of representations for understanding the geometrical

concepts. Cognitive geometry understanding and self-beliefs construct an integrated

model which is the same in different educational levels. The confirmation of the

model and the significant interrelations underline the impact of the cognitive domain

on the affective domain and vice-versa (Schreiber, 2002). The non existence of a

relation between the self-concept beliefs with the self-efficacy beliefs at the present

study confirms the findings of Ferla et al. (2009) that academic self-efficacy beliefs

and academic self-concept represent different constructs even when studied within the

domain of mathematics.

We have to take into consideration that although there is not a direct interrelation

between these two self-beliefs dimension at the second and the third model there are

many indirect relations. For example there are significant interrelations between self-

efficacy beliefs with geometrical figure understanding and at the same time between

self-concept beliefs with geometrical figure understanding. A future study can

concentrate on the regression of cognitive variables on self-beliefs variables and vice-

versa in order to identify the exact direct and indirect relation.

Recent experiences and success or failure in solving geometrical task affect the

development of self-efficacy beliefs, self-concept beliefs and beliefs about the use of

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figures, diagrams and representations in geometry. The significant interrelations of

students’ self-beliefs with their mathematical performance in geometry confirm that

students with lower performance have at the same time negative self-beliefs about the

use of representations because they are not able to use them fluently and flexibly as a

tool to overcome cognitive obstacles on understanding a geometrical concept. A

similar result was found at a previous study about the concept of fraction and

decimals (Panaoura et al., 2009; Panaoura et al., 2010).

The invariance across primary and secondary education on the structure of the models

underlines the need to develop curriculum and teaching methods that have continuity

from primary to secondary education. It would be interesting in future to examine the

effects of intervention programs aiming to develop students’ geometrical performance

by improving students’ self-beliefs and vice versa. At the same time we have to

underline the limitation of the present study that the results concern only a specific

educational system and that the sample of participants was not representative. It

would be important to schedule and develop a study with more generalized results and

by investigating many other dimensions for the transition from primary to secondary

education. Finally, there are unanswered questions especially concerning the lack of

specific interrelations between self-beliefs dimensions which can be explained further

by developing a qualitative study, asking students to explain and justify their

cognitive and non-cognitive performance.

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1. Name the squares in the given figure:

2. Recognize the figures in the parenthesis (KEZL, IEZU, EZHL, IKGU, LGU,


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Using representations in Geometry

3. Underline the right sentence:

a) Fig. 1 has equal perimeter with Fig. 2

b) Fig. 1 has smaller perimeter than Fig. 2

c) Fig. 1 has bigger perimeter than Fig. 2

4. Peter combines Triangle 1 and Triangle 2 making Figure A. Calculate the

perimeter of Figure A. (Op6a)

5. In the following figure the rectangle ABCD and the circle with centre A are

given. Find the length of EB.

6. Themistoklis has a square field with side 40m. He wants to construct a square

swimming pool which is far from each side of the field 15m. Find the swimming pool


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