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Joy in serving together

Philippians 2:19-30


Some strategic relationships in my life. (My

dad, Tony Chester, Fred Pitts, Gene Cornett,

Jim Weston, Alastair Geddes)

There is a joy in serving with others, but in

particular there is joy in serving with

intentional relationships and strategic


One of the things that Pastor Andrew taught

me and taught our staff is having 3 strategic

relationships in your life: Mentor, a peer,

and a mentee (Disciple)

Transition: This morning we are going to

look at 2 of these 3 relationships that the

Apostle Paul had, and I want you to be

thinking through if you have these

relationships in your life, if not why not, and

if not, how can you begin to develop these

relationships? Too many of us are just

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sitting here on Sunday morning, or even in a

small group, but not really developing

intimate relationships. Intentional!!

These relationships will be a source of great

joy to your life and spiritual journey.

Let’s look at Paul’s relationship with

Timothy, the man he discipled.

Philippians 2:19-24

I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to

you soon, so that I too may be cheered by

news of you. 20 For I have no one like him,

who will be genuinely concerned for your

welfare. 21 For they all seek their own

interests, not those of Jesus Christ. 22 But

you know Timothy’s proven worth, how as a

son with a father he has served with me in

the gospel. 23 I hope therefore to send him

just as soon as I see how it will go with me, 24 and I trust in the Lord that shortly I myself

will come also. (ESV)

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Transition: Here is what I want you see in

these relationships that can bring you so

much joy in your life.

I. Character of a person you disciple.

A. Spiritual Character (V. 20 – I have no

on like him.)

1. That is high praise.

2. The man the Apostle Paul most

invested in was a man of great spiritual


3. When investing your time look for

people of character, integrity.

4. Their yes is a yes, they show up on

time, they look to do the wise and

appropriate thing.

B. Genuinely concerned for others. (V. 20

– concerned for your welfare)

1. Timothy was sacrificial.

2. Cared deeply for others.

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3. He cared for the church – surround

yourself with people of who love

Jesus’ church.

4. He cared by using his time, talent,

and treasure for others.

C. Gospel focused. (V. 21 – the seek

their own interest not those of Jesus


1. Timothy cared deeply about

forwarding the gospel.

2. Timothy wanted to see Christ


3. He wasn’t self-centered on his own

desires and interest.

4. The kind of person you want to

invest in, see the gospel of Jesus

going forward is not on the

periphery, it is front and center in the

life of that person.

Timothy was gospel focused…Timothy


D. Seasoned. (V. 23 – Proven worth)

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1. He had been in the faith for some


2. He had gone through some dessert

experiences and came out the other


3. In selecting church leaders to serve

in a church Paul said this…

1 Timothy 5:22

Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands,

nor take part in the sins of others; keep

yourself pure. (ESV)

4. A Godly person welcomes


5. I like to use the phrase, “Trust, but


6. None of this, “Well don’t you trust


7. Godly man is both trustworthy, and

welcomes accountability – “Sure,

look at my computer.”

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8. “Sure, talk to the person who said I

hurt them – I would love to sit down

and make amends.”

9. A seasoned person is a person that is

trustworthy, and because they are

still sinners, love accountability –

It’s a both/and.

Fifth – the person you disciple should


E. Servant. (V. 22 – servant to the Lord.)

1. Is this person humble, and see

themselves as servants of the Lord?

2. There is no task that they are above,

because they are serving the Lord.

3. If the ministry calls for moving

chair, or slinging tables, or cleaning

toilets, they are ready to go, because

they are serving the Lord.

F. Teachable. (V. 22 Son with a Father.)

1. Does this person think they can learn

anything from you?

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2. Do they have a heart posture of


3. Do they see team and working

together as valuable?

4. Teachable – I will not work with or

give time to someone who does not

seem to be teachable.

G. Available. (V. 23 – I am going to

send him immediately.

1. To be discipled requires time.

2. A person has to be willing to make

sacrificial time to grow in Christ.

3. Look for a person, that puts in the


4. I have seen people overwork around

the church and sacrifice their family.

5. I am not talking about that.

6. Most serious disciple of Jesus I

know, don’t have tons and tons of

consuming hobbies (Fishing,

boating, golfing, hunting, gaming).

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7. All these things have a place and are

a part of a well-balanced life, but

they are not the consuming interest.

8. Following Jesus, serving the church,

being discipled are all given

significant time, and even priority.

Transition: Timothy was discipled by Paul

and significant ministries and churches that

the Apostle Paul had started were handed off

and entrusted to Timothy, his disciple. The

second person we see in this text is a peer.

Epaphroditus is a peer. Not an Apostle, but

someone that comes along side Paul, helps

his ministry be successful for the furthering

of the gospel.

II. Joy in honoring fellow-workers.

Philippians 2:25

I have thought it necessary to send to you

Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker

and fellow soldier, and your messenger and

minister to my need, (ESV)

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A. Defining fellow-workers in

ministry. (V. 25 – fellow worker)

1. Brother – Family relationship,

intimacy and care.

2. Fellow-worker – puts in the hard

work alongside you, not lazy.

3. Fellow-soldier.

a. Sees ministry and serving for

what it is: A spiritual battle.

b. Understands this time here on

earth is not peace time, but war


Illustration: Story of Joshua fighting

Amalek and Moses raising his staff to

victory and needing the help of Aaron and

Hur to help him.

Exodus 17:12-13

But Moses’ hands grew weary, so they took

a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it,

while Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one

on one side, and the other on the other side.

So his hands were steady until the going

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down of the sun. 13 And Joshua

overwhelmed Amalek and his people with

the sword. (ESV)

Main Point: What a strange story. Why

does God put such weird stuff in the Bible?

They are lessons for us. In ministry we need

each other. No one, and I mean no one can

go it alone, and this keeps us humble,

dependent on God, and inter-dependent on

each other. We all need our arms held up

from time to time.

B. Honor fellow-workers that you serve


Philippians 2:26-30

for he has been longing for you all and has

been distressed because you heard that he

was ill. 27 Indeed he was ill, near to death.

But God had mercy on him, and not only on

him but on me also, lest I should have

sorrow upon sorrow. 28 I am the more eager

to send him, therefore, that you may rejoice

at seeing him again, and that I may be less

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anxious. 29 So receive him in the Lord with

all joy, and honor such men, 30 for he nearly

died for the work of Christ, risking his life to

complete what was lacking in your service

to me. (ESV)

A. Not much else to say.

B. We should honor men and women

who serve the Lord with selfless love

for the church.


Hand out a card with self-stamped envelope

and honor those who served Christ/or make

a video.


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Sermon commentary for 10-18-2020 Pastor Nate Weis

Read Philippians 2:19-30 together and answer the following questions.

What is the theme of this passage?

• The importance of discipleship. Paul speaks in this text of two men who are important to his ministry. The first is Timothy, who is his protégé in the faith. 1st and 2nd Timothy were written to this young man who Paul says “I have no one like him” (v. 20). He mentions his selflessness (v. 21) and how he is like a son to Paul (v. 22), which speaks to the intimacy of their relationship. The second is Epaphroditus, who is “my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier” (v. 25). This is high praise from Paul. Paul speaks of his recovery from illness because of God’s mercy (v. 26-27) and calls on them to rejoice at seeing him again. Paul had clearly discipled these two men, and this shows us the importance of pouring into others so that they may have fruitful ministry for Christ.

• The importance of honoring faithful servants of God. In verse 29, he says to “honor such men.” They “risked their lives” to serve this church (v. 30). This passage is really a long section honoring two faithful men of God and shows us the importance of honoring and valuing those who labor in ministry.

What challenged you in this Scripture?

• Let a little silence happen as people mull over the message and their response to it. Don’t be too quick to jump in with an answer; some may need a little time to reflect. At the same time; don’t be afraid to let folks know the areas that hit you hardest...it will allow your group members to see your growth as a believer.

• I am challenged by the need for discipleship in our day and age. There is always a need for mature believers to be discipling other believers to grow in their faith, and all of us have a need to be discipled. Ask you group- “Who are you discipling, and who’s discipling you?” If the answer is no one, ask them to consider who they can invest in.

• Ask your group if there is a pastor or leader in the church that you can show honor to (October is pastor appreciation month, after all!). Maybe come up with a creative way to show love and appreciation to those who work hard in ministry for our edification.

In what ways does this passage help you savor Christ more?

• Paul speaks of “the work of Christ” to describe the ministry of these faithful men in verse 30. We need to remember that all of our work in ministry is “the work of

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Christ.” Christ is working in and through us to empower us to serve him, and we do what we do to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ, not our own interests or agendas.

How is this passage calling you to further obedience in your walk with God?

• Who is discipling you? How can you honor them?

• Who are you discipling? How can you be more effective in reaching those younger than you in the faith to help them grow?

• Consider reading Hebrews 13:17 together. Who are the pastors and leaders in your church that you can show honor to? How can you do that as a group?

How can this passage of Scripture shape your prayer life?

• Pray for opportunities to make an impact for Christ in whatever capacity you are able. Our calling is to make disciples: pray for opportunities to pour into other believers and to be discipled.

• Pray for your pastors and leaders in the church. They desperately need your prayers and encouragement to do the ministry God has given them to do.

What are three practical takeaways from the sermon you listened on this passage?

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Small Group Questions Joy of Serving Together

Phil 2:19-30 October 18, 2020

*You do NOT have to answer or discuss every question. Feel free to just pick a few. These are meant to guide you in truth. If you are having trouble answering a question, ask your small group leader to help you. They are committed to helping you develop as an authentic follower of Christ.


1. What is your favorite item you’ve bought this year?


Here are some suggested sites in order to dive deeper into God's Word: blueletterbible.org, desiringgod.org/articles/all, biblos.com, ccel.org, logos.com, connect.ligonier.org, thegospelcoalition.org/channel/bible-and-theology. 1. Read the scripture verses listed above and discuss the following

questions together. What is the theme of this passage?

2. What challenged you in this Scripture?

3. In what ways does this passage help you savor Christ more?

4. How is this passage calling you to further obedience in your walk with God?

5. How can this passage of Scripture shape your prayer life?

6. What are three practical takeaways from the sermon you listened on this passage?

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EMAIL(S) AmandalLeichWilsonbmnlllllllicksdidddhid idddhididddhilllllllPLEASE DO NOT ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LISTI ’M A FIRST T IME GUEST

NAME(S) AmandaLeichWilsomnbmninhicks lll l lMR. MS . MR. & MRS .

8 A .M. 9 :30 A .M. 1 1 : 15 A .M.SERVICE ATTENDED:

STREET ADDRESS AmandaLeichWilsomnbicksdidddhididddhididddhillllll

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for locations, times, & event details, visit gocoastal.org/eventlist

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College Art Showcase / October 30 / 7 pm .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Looking for a date night idea? Come to Coastal Yorktown & check out the local artists of Coastal’s College Ministry! [email protected]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Men of Coastal Dinner / October 19 / 6:30 pm

Join us at Coastal Yorktown for an awesome time of great friends and food as we grow in relationship with Christ and learn how we can serve the local church. gocoastal.org/men Suggested donation $5.

We Are Coastal / November 7 / 5–8:30 pm .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Interested in learning more about Coastal? Come to Coastal Yorktown to learn about who we are and how we can work together to build God’s Kingdom. Register at gocoastal.org/nextsteps


Full CircleMen of Coastal Dinner @ Yorktown


Student Small Groups not meeting 24


Peninsula Rescue MissionBreakfastPrayer @ Yorktown

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Coastal Yorktown | October 18th 2020

Don’t forget! Sermons and further resources are discussed on the Post Sunday Podcast (posted each Wednesday). Your question may be addressed there!




I’d like to know more about accepting a relationship with Jesus.

I. C H A R A C T E R of a person you disciple.

A. S P I R I T U A L C H A R A C T E R .

B. Genuinely C O N C E R N E D for O T H E R S .

C. G O S P E L F O C U S E D .

D. S E A S O N E D .

E. S E R V A N T .

F. T E A C H A B L E .

G. A V A I L A B L E .

II. Joy in honoring F E L L O W -W O R K E R S .

A. D E F I N I N G fellow-workers in ministry.

1. B R O T H E R .

2. F E L L O W -W O R K E R .

3. F E L L O W -S O L D I E R .

B. H O N O R fellow-workers that you serve alongside.


Philippians 2 : 19–30



I’d like to register for We Are Coastal.

I’d like to know more about Baptism.

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