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Page 1: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen

[email protected] hAp://aekko.com

+45 51942412 hAps://www.linkedin.com/in/jorgenlarsen/



I have been working with soCware development for the last 27 years as a

developer, project manager, general manager, marketer, CTO, COO, and

CEO. Over the course of this period, I have accumulated extensive experi-

ence and knowledge of the soCware development process, methodologies,

management, esRmaRon, process improvement, quality assurance and re-

cruitment. My focus is on delivering quality products and soluRons, on

Rme, by using people-oriented leadership and management. I strive to

combine a high degree of knowledge with simplicity while keeping in mind

that we are only humans trying to do magic with technology

■ InnovaRve, dynamic and open-minded.

■ A real leader with a solid core-value system.

■ Inspire confidence and belief in people.

■ Visionary with strong intuiRon (gut feeling).

■ Both general and in-depth knowledge about technology.

■ Strategic and raRonal with strong analyRcal and systemaRc skills.

■ Driven by a desire to create beAer soluRons in less Rme than the norm.

Profile Highlights


■ I will build high-performance organisaRons with trust, freedom and openness.

■ I will care for people much more than high profit margins.

■ I will embrace and respect the values of others.

■ I will protect the people in my organisaRon from business bullshit.

■ I will openly collaborate with partners and customers.

■ I will act as a servant leader.





Page 2: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen

Business Management

Human Resource Management

Finance & budget

PR / MarkeRng

Partner Network

Sales & Offerings

Project Management


Resource Planning

Risk Analysis



Technical Management

Technical Review and SoCware Design (architecture, UML, etc.)

Leadership of programming teams (Python, C++, JAVA, C#)

Process and Methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, XP)

Process improvement (CMM)

Quality Assurance




Skills & QualiRes


Page 3: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen

Top-level leadership (CEO/COO)

Chief ExecuPve Officer at Headnet ApS, October 2013 - August 2017 Headnet ApS provides Internet soluRon based on Open Source technology.

✤ Major restructuring to make Headnet ready for new markets. ✤ In my period at Headnet in a very compeRRve business segment, I was a part of

creaRng 4.1 million in profit. ✤ OpRmized method and processes for beAer projects. ✤ OpRmized and professionalized the customer experience -- friendly support func-

Ron, high-performance level hosRng, service level agreements, contracts, etc. ✤ Implemented a company-wide modern approach to personal leadership with

freedom and trust. ✤ Front-runner for everything to do with new strategy, organizaRon, services, etc.

Chief OperaPon Officer at Headnet ApS, October 2012 - September 2013 Headnet ApS provides Internet soluRon based on Open Source technology.

✤ Measurement and improvement of uRlizaRon and other key company figures. ✤ Project poroolio management ✤ OpRmizing project management, soCware development and general management

pracRces. ✤ Management of the team in Copenhagen and the external teams in Ukraine and


Department Manager at SDC A/S, January 2006 - January 2008 Established a new department to develop and support SDC’s two core Internet products (PortalBank an Internet bank and MedarbejderPortalen an Intranet portal) that are used by app. 150 banks in Scandinavian.

✤ Responsible for a team of 15 people technical people. ✤ Planning and coordinaRon of acRons and strategic plans with other departments. ✤ Improvement of methods and processes (release process, change management,

bug tracking). ✤ Leadership of system criRcal task forces.

CEO at Jayway ApS, April 2008 - November 2008 Hired to get the Swedish Java consultant house Jayway started for real in Denmark aCer a couple of years with slow growth.

✤ Got the basic paperwork in top shape (company handbook, new employment con-tacts, etc.)

✤ Established simple and efficient tools (e-mails, meeRng booking, CRM, invoices, etc.).

✤ Saved Jayway ApS from bankruptcy before leaving.


Steffen Mogensen, Manager,


"As a manager, Jørgen, finds

innovaRve soluRons to situa-

Rons he faces. Even in a chal-

lenging environment he im-

plements fundamental

changes without kicking up a

lot of dust. He is good-na-

tured, yet principled."

Steen Lehmann, Principal

Consultant and CTO, Jayway

"I've had the great pleasure of

working with Jørgen in the

management team at Jayway

Denmark. Jørgen has a very

pleasant way of working with

people, both employees and

customers. A great manager

with impressive technical

depth, experience, and people


Work Experience


Page 4: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen

Chief Technology Officer at Headnet ApS, June 2011 - October 2012 Headnet ApS provides Internet soluRon based on Open Source technology.

✤ Management of the development team in Copenhagen and the external teams in Ukraine and Rumania.

✤ OpRmizaRon of processes and methods. ✤ Improvement of team uRlizaRon. ✤ Technical adviser on important customer projects. ✤ Builded an enterprise Drupal plaoorm. ✤ Hired new talents.

Chief Technology Officer at Periskop Aps, Jan. 2001 - March 2002 Periskop ApS was a Content and Knowledge Management soluRons provider. The soluRons were primary based on MicrosoC technology. Customers included Siemens, Egmont, Kommunernes Landsforening.

✤ Management of the development department of 13 developers. ✤ Responsible for the development process, methods (XP/RUP) and internal stan-

dards like documentaRon, test, code, etc. ✤ Responsible for strategic technology decisions.

Head Of Technology (CTO) at Tripledash ApS, July 2000 - Dec. 2000 A quick venture in the last period of the dot-com era. The main mission was to con-quer the broadband market with interacRve soluRons. The company closed down business almost before central parts of the company were up and running.

Dev. and Team lead at Force Electronics A/S, Feb. 1999 - July 2000 Development and producRon of satellite receivers and set-top boxes. Coined the concept of using Web technology to create a new technology base for the next gen-eraRon of products. Established a team that developed a modern embedded Web-browser that was used as the graphical user interface for the next-generaRon prod-ucts.


Sune Engsig, Project Manager,

Periskop ApS.

"Jørgen has great experRse in sys-

tems architecture and design.

Combined with a great interest

and experRse within communica-

Ron, collaboraRon and manage-

ment, Jørgen is able of communi-

caRng complex systems design

issues to lesser skilled colleagues

and customers. This has, in my

experience, allowed for beAer

products more in touch with the

customer's needs."

Steffen Mogensen, Manager, SDC


"As a manager, Jørgen, finds inno-

vaRve soluRons to situaRons he

faces. Even in a challenging envi-

ronment he implements funda-

mental changes without kicking

up a lot of dust. He is good-na-

tured, yet principled."

Technology Leadership & Management (CTO)

Work Experience


Page 5: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen

Project Manager at SDC A/S, April 2005 – December 2005 SDC is a full service IT supplier and partner for small and medium-sized Nordic fi-nancial enterprises.

Project Manager for SDC’s portal systems used by app. 150 banks in Scandinavian. Managed important product improvement projects before being promoted to de-partment manager.

Work Env. Specialist at IO InteracPve A/S, Sep. 2003 - March 2005 IO InteracRve develops advanced computer games for the global market. They are mostly know for the Hitman game series.

The work consisted of researching, conceptualizing, designing, and implemenRng tools that could offer process support in the organizaRon. The main focus was to build and implement a project- and taskmanagement system in the development department and in the two large game development project teams.

Technical Project Manager at ScanXJour A/S, April 2002 - June 2003 Scan·Jour is specialized in developing integrated document and records manage-ment systems mainly to the public sector.

Project manager in the development department and parRcipaRng in the develop-ment department management group. The Project management included small and larger projects for customers like Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening, JusRtsminis-teriet, GentoCe Kommune, Fødevaredirektoratet, etc.

✤ Planning and leading the soCware projects. ✤ Resource Management of 25 developers. ✤ Improving the soCware process via the projects (primary using the philosophy of

Scrum and the RaRonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance).


Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project

ExecuPve, IT PracPce A/S.

"I worked with Jørgen for 6

months, when consulRng for SDC

in 2005. Jørgen was newly hired in

SDC but quickly managed to es-

tablish himself as an authority and

a capacity. He is friendly, con-

strucRve and effecRve and man-

aged to make a difference very

quickly. Jørgen is a people manag-

er with a thorough technical back-

ground in IT. He can easily lead

any team and deal with whatever

problems are thrown at him. He

was a pleasure to work with. I give

Jørgen my warmest recommenda-


RecommendaPon from Thomas

Howalt, Business Development

Manager, IO InteracPve

"Jørgen was the driving force in

developing an elaborate yet easy

to use task management system.

He is very knowledgeable about

soCware development processes.

A genuinely good guy!"

Portfolio & Project Management

Work Experience


Page 6: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen

Manager & cofounder at coMinds, February 2010 - May 2011 Build the coworking community coMinds from scratch to a place where 35 micro companies had their business running.

✤ Project management of all the phases of the project. ✤ MarkeRng of coMinds primary by network and social media. ✤ Day to day operaRon of coMinds (markeRng, sales, ...)

Professional Networker at Trifork, December 2008 - November 2009 Building professional networks supporRng the Aarhus based company Trifork’s acRv-iRes in the Copenhagen area.

✤ Planning, markeRng and hosRng aCer-work seminars. ✤ Improving mass communicaRon channels like the conference website, newsleAer,

micro sites, etc. ✤ AcRvaRng social media communicaRon channels like TwiAer, Facebook and blogs. ✤ Development of the new trifork.com Web-site from scratch.


Torben Hyllested, Managing Di-

rector and VP Business Develop-

ment, Trifork A/S.

“Jørgen is one of the rare people

that both manage technology and

at the same Rme have excellent

leadership capabiliRes. He is a

"swiss-knife" with his broad

process, technology, networking

and commercial knowledge and

experience. Jørgen has high ethics

a.m.o. how treat to other people.

Jørgen keeps himself very updated

in all aspects in the InformaRon

and Technology market space.”

Sales, Marketing & Networking

Work Experience


Page 7: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen

“The great aim of educa1on is

not knowledge but ac1on.”

- Herbert Spencer (1820–1903)

Aalborg Universitet

Studied Computer Science

1993 - 1998

Frederikshavn HTX

Higher Technical ExaminaRon Programme (HTX)

1991 - 1993

Frederikshavn EFG

EFG Technology & CommunicaRon

1989 - 1990

Sindal Skole

7-9th Grade, High School

1986 - 1989

Mosbjerg Skole

2-6th Grade, High School

1981 - 1986

Vrå Skole

1st Grade, High School

1980 - 1981



Page 8: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen



"I’ve enjoyed working alongside Jørgen for the past year in Trifork Acad-

emy and have admired his experience and technical knowledge of the

soCware development market. Jørgen has extensive knowledge on net-

working and sales in the soCware development business and has signifi-

cantly contributed to Trifork’s strategy on how to approach the market

and our customers in a serious and effecRve way. Jørgen is a dedicated

manager profile with great personal skills and I can only highly recom-

mend him."

Jacob Stenderup, Account Manager, Trifork

"Jørgen is a very dedicated person who worked very professional and to a

very high standard on our work environments at IO. I give him the high-

est of recommendaRons."

Karsten Hvidberg, CTO, IO InteracPve A/S

"Professional and a very high ability to find ways to "do it beAer and

faster" if needed. Good sense of feeling for people of what whey need, to

do a beAer job, and even enjoy it at the same Rme. Good at holding the

focus but have the skills and ability to move fast or change focus, if

needed. I highly recommend Jørgen Larsen."

Sonny Korte, Sojware developer, Scan Jour A/S

"Very good chief of technology. An "outside the box"-thinker with a sin-

cere interest in management of soCware development processes."

Christer Østergaard, Sojware developer, Periskop ApS

More recommendaPon/references can be found at:

‣ hkp://linkedin.com/in/jorgenlarsen

Page 9: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen



Hyltebjerg Allé 43,st.tv.

2720 Vanløse


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: (+45) 5194 2412

Born: December 12th, 1973

in Hjørring, Denmark

Marital Status: In relaRonship with

Marianne Laursen. Living together

with my two kids William (2005)

and Alexander (2009)

Page 10: JØRGEN LARSEN - aekko.com · Scrum and the Raonal Unified Process with CMM as guidance). RecommendaPon Ole Kristensen, Partner, Project Execuve, IT Pracce A/S. "I worked with Jørgen


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