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Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy)

JUAN BERTRAN FIGUERAS studied Medicine in the University of Barcelona and finished in 1885-86 (the thumbnail portraits of his Graduating Class include only one woman). (fig. 1: Juan Bertran Figueras) He married to Rosa Valls, and had six children: Josefa, Montserrat, Sofia, Loreto, Manuel, and Pilar. He died the first week of December 1945 (buried the 5th of December). Only Montserrats descendents have survived. Montserrat Bertran Valls, his daughter, marryed to Manuel Gals Martinez. He was a Catalan republican politician who died exiled in Mexico in 1962. Montserrats children were Nria and Isabel Gals Bertran. -Isabel Gals Bertran married to SiroManuel Lorenzo Salazar (born in Canary Island, where they meet during her exile after the Spanish war), and they had eight children: Manuel, Maria-Nieves (or Neus), Victor, Ester, Ana, David, Marcos and Mario. -Nria Gals Bertran married to Emilio Cirujeda (a young relative of Vicente Cirujeda, the Spanish theosophist) and had four children: Isabel, Maite, Jordi and Javier. Pilar Bertran Figueras, his youngest daughter married to Ramn Masip and had a child called Rosa, who died on November 2011, without any descendents. Juan Bertran Figueras was very involved in Homeopathic studies right since the beginning of his career, and he started to work as a doctor through all over Catalonia travelling for five years until he married in Torrelles de Foix on the 1890. She was Rosa Valls, the daughter of the Major of Torrelles de Foix, and the teacher of the village. Since then on, he was also interested in pedagogy and politics. They moved to Barcelona at the end of the century and settle down first in Travessera street (in Gracia) and later in Salmeron street (in Gracia). After his wife died, he moved with his children into their second residence in Bertran street (in Sant Gervasi) where he established his clinic until his retirement. As a doctor, he was involved in health care research, homeopathy and vegetarianism. As a man of his times, he was interested in theosophy, pedagogy, photography, and politics, and he belonged to several associations involved in and education and philosophy (Instituto de Educacin Integral y Armnica de Barcelona)i. He was in the Official List of Doctors in Barcelona in 1899, when Dr. Robiralta signed his permission and license. In Barcelona he met Antoine Nebel, en 1924ii and participated in the edition of the magazines Revista Homeoptica and Revista de Homeopata Prctica since 1913. -1By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy)

(Fig2) Medical Licence. Married to a teacher, he participated in the creation of Instituto de Educacin Integral y Armnica de Barcelona and in the proposals of natural education defended by the Instituci Pedaggica (later know as Instituci Integral Harmnica). He was involved in Theosophist studies, in Esperanto language development in Catalonia, and in Natural medicine. As a doctor, he worked developing homeopathy, and he collaborated in the European network translating texts from German, French and English. He also collaborated in the development of Ibero-american homeopathic movementsiii, and he was member of honor in the Mexican Instituto de Homeopatia. He kept detailed records in personal notebooks. Hundreds of annotations with clinic stories can be seen through his books, where he collected personal observations on his Catalan patients. (Fig3, Fig4, Fig5: Joan Bertrans books with medical records between 1897 and 1898.)

-2By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy)

(Fig 3) Medicine records 1.

(Fig 4) Medicine records 2.

-3By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy)

(Fig 5) Medicine records 3. Juan Bertran Figueras was involved in the decision of starting an international league of Homeopathy. He registered the whole movement in the Revista Homeoptica (1912)

(Fig 6)

-4By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy) It seems that the proposal was first made in Marsella on the 28th April in 1912, and it was announced by Juan Bertran in the Revista Homeopatica (Barcelona) :


Fig 8 -5By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy)

It is interesting to notice the names of the provisional committee of 1912, seen at the bottom of the page 119: Antoine Nebel (Lausane), Espiney (Lyon)

(Fig 9) Juan Bertran Figueras attended the preparatori meeting in Marseille 2012, and other meetings after the first world war, both in Lausanne and Geneve, according to his family records. Juan Bertran has probably met some of his international colleagues in Lausane and Geneve during his earlier studies. For to the texts included in the homeopathic magazines published in Barcelona, he kept in contact with his European colleagues, such as Jean Jarricot (honorary member of Barcelona Medico-Homeopathic Society). For sure he met them when he participated in the International Homeopathic Congress in Paris (1923), as well as in the Congreso Homeoptico Internacional de Barcelona (1924) and in Rotterdam in 1925 when founding the the LIGA MEDICORUM -6By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy) HOMOEOPATHICA INTERNATIONALIS (LMHI), on the 10th septimbere 1925 in Rotterdam (the LIGA MEDICORUM HOMOEOPATHICA INTERNATIONALIS). On the 10th September 1925, in Rotterdam, Juan Bertran and Agust Vinyalsiv, another Catalan colleague, were the two Spanish doctors attending the founding meeting of the LMHI. The 14 initial founders were: 1. Dr. Roy Upham, U.S.A., First President 2. Dr. George Burford, England, Vice President 3. Dr. H. Fergie Woods, England 4. Dr. C. Granville-Hey, England 5. Dr. Edwin A. Neatby, England 6. Dr. Victor Ellwood, England 7. Dr. M. F. Kranz-Busch, Germany 8. Dr. J. P. Tessier, France 9. Dr. E. C. Tuinzing, Holland 10. Dr. Augusto Vinyals, Spain 11. Dr. Juan Bertran, Spain 12. Dr. Petrie E. Grouleff, Denmark 13. Dr. A. Moeira Piedras, Brazil 14. Dr. Pierre Schmidt, Switzerland

-7By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy)

Some photos from that event are added in this document. Fig. 10

Dr. Juan Bertran Figueras

Fig. 11 Juan Bertran and Agust Vinyals. Arrows can be eliminated and pictures can be enlarged to appreciate faces and signatures.

-8By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy)

Dr. Juan Bertran Figueras

Fig 12 Lunch after the ceremony, 1925.

-9By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Dr. Juan Bertran Figueras

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy)

It is interesting to see Juan Bertran Figueras involved in other innovative suggestions in this period: he was also attending medical conferences of Vegetarian colleagues in Barcelona during the same period, and offering conferences on the subject medicine, homeopathy and emotions. Among his documents and articles it is possible to see how he was searching for therapeutic agents against cancer, and how he experimented with water therapies against infections and light therapies against depression and stress. List of Homeopathic medical doctors in 1916 in Catalonia, published in the magazine Revista de Homeopatia Prctica:

Fig 9. Revista de Homeopatia prctica

- 10 By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)

Summary: Joan Bertran Figueras, (Medicine Doctor, Homeopathy)

He also participated in theosophical debates on the magazine El Loto Blanco and other magazines at the beginning of the XX century with Dr. Robiralta, Ramn Maynad and Roso de Luna, among other Spanish theosophist, and encouraged his daughters to be involved in pedagogy, politics and social activism during all their lives.v He died in 1945, after many of his colleagues were dead. Many other friends, as well as his own daughter Montserrat Bertran, had been sent to exile for political reasons after the Spanish Civil War. He was already cut off from many of his networks in Europe, but he still kept mail and exchanges with South America, especially Mexico where his daughters husband, Manuel Gals, was exiled. All the professional and personal documents of Juan Bertran Figueras (handwritings, notes and conferences) and his books from that period are available and under scanning process.

- 11 By Neus Lorenzo Gals, nlorenzotec.cat (Barcelona January 2012)


He developed educational ideas based in hygienic practicies, natural education, and collaborative learning in Instituto de Educacin Integral y Armnica de Barcelona. In 1912, hi participated in a political and educational meeting with Ramn Maynad, Josep Puig Cassanyes, Antoni Soler, Bru Llad, Antoni Sabat Mur, Josep Gom,Ricard Durn, Joaquim Sabat [http://books.google.es/books?id=fsv5BXOWe-AC&printsec=frontcover&hl=ca#v=onepage&q&f=false] ii See also: Biographie du Dr. Antoine Nebel, (1870-1954) par le Dr R. Sror [http://www.google.es/url?sa=t&rct=j&q= %22en%201924%20%2C%20nous%20le%20perd%C3%AEmes%20dans%20la%20foule%20en%20regardant%20un%20d %C3%A9fil%C3%A9%20de%20troupes%20en%20partance%20pour%20le%20maroc %22&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homeoint.org%2Fseror%2Fbiograph %2Fnebel.htm&ei=qT4FT5H5O8nG8gPc_amqAQ&usg=AFQjCNH0LjqqZqdJNwCLKG_OJjwopoS9hw] Last checked on the Internet 3 Jan. 2012. iii Ibero American homeopathy was very related to the activity in Barcelona. [http://www.elsevier.es/sites/default/files/elsevier/pdf/287/287v03nEsp.Congresoa13151253pdf001.pdf] iv Agusti Vinayls attended the initial meeting of International Ligue 1925, together with Joan Bertran in Rotherdam. He was also involved in the edition of homeopathic magazines en Barcelona (1916) [https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/? ui=2&ik=bf4e23b257&view=att&th=12d575725172d792&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=f_gikimilg1&zw] Last checked on the Internet 3 Jan. 2012.v

EL LOTO BLANCO: REVISTA TEOSFICA, RGANO DE RELACIN ENTRE LOS TESOFOS ESPAOLES E HISPANO-AMERICANOS , 1917 Barcelona 1917, Vol. 1, ao 1. Con artculos de: Baring, Anadh Behan, Juan Bertrn, Annie Besant, H. P. Blavatsky, Vicente Cirujeda, Federico Climent Terrer, Andrs Crespo, Blanca Dalbe, Dna, Viriato Daz Prez, E. Duboc, Julio Garrido, Miguel Gaudier, M. L. Hall, Enrique de la Hoz, Jinarajadasa, A. C. De Jongh, R. M. L., C. W. Leadbeater, Eliphas Levi, Lob-nor, Ramn Maynad, Matilde Navarro, Jos Pavn, Jyotis Prachan, Mario Roso de Luna, Jos Roviralta, Juan Salas Antn, A. P. Sinnet, Manuel Trevio, Esther Valle, M. Venkatarao, Manuel Verdugo, Jos Xifr. Presentacin de Jos Pavn. Fot. en b/n. 416 p. 23x15 cm. [http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL? bi=1125578802&searchurl=kn%3Dannie%2Bbesant%2Be%2Bc%2Bw%2Bleadbeater] Last checked on the Internet 3 Jan. 2012.

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