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By: Allison Witheford

Page 2: Judaism11 1

Stories of origin, important people

The religion started with Abraham and his wife Sarah Sarah and Abraham had 1 child named Isaac which means

laughter Later on Abraham married a woman named Rebecca One descendent was Jacob, Moses was also a descendent of

Abraham Moses rescued slaves from Egypt Moses received the 10 commandments

This is a picture of moses with the ten commandments that God gave him

This is a picture of when Abraham almost had to sacrifice his loved son Isaac

This is a picture with Abraham and Sarah who had their son Isaac

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Holy Writings

The Holiest writing in Judaism is the TorahIt includes 5 books the Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and DeuteronomyIncludes the “old” testament (5 books of Moses)Lives in holy ark dressed like a “Queen”Can never be touched with hand, can only be touched with the “Yad”When dropped present people must participate in a 40 day fastHand written, takes about a yearThe torah is read at bar/bat mitzvahs

A torah scroll the holiest writing in Judaism

This is a “yad” it is used to read the torah so the torah does not get dirty by oily hands

At a bar/bat mitzvah the child reads a portion of the torah scroll with a “yad”

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Symbols and Objects

Shofar A rams horn It is used during the month before Rosh Hashanah Used to wake people up and ask forgiveness Star of DavidMost common symbol of JudaismNamed after King David now on flag of Israel

Kippah Round cap worn on headWorn during prayer, eating and studying ETCShows that humans are beneath/dependent on god

These are kippah’s they are worn on both men and woman's head, it is usually used during praying

This is David’s star it is the most common symbol in Judaism and is on the flag of Israel

This is a shofar it is a rams horn and is blown many times throughout the year

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Holy Places & Places of Worship


A place where any type of Jew or non- Jew can go to pray

Some synagogues have party rooms, schools, offices, and libraries, etc!

A common prayer that is usually used at the synagogue is Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha‑olam... Which means “Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe...

The word synagogue means “house of assembly”

Western wall

Part of a vast retaining wall that had been destroyed many years ago

Most visible structure remaining from the Second Temple

Symbolizes the indestructible attachment of the Jewish people to the land of Israel

Tourists vist it and is a big tourist attraction in Israel

This is a nearby synagogue in Wellesley where everybody is welcome!

The western wall where many people go to pray

This is a inside look at synagogue, in the temple they have all types of rooms to pray in

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Rites of Passage

Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a coming of age, moving on with life when children “become” an adult for boys you become a man at 12 for girls 13 when you really start to observe the commandments and Torah A rite of passage could also be getting married, and having a funeral

This is a girl in Wellesley holding the torah at her Bat Mitzvah

In fiddler on the roof during one scene people get married under a Chuppah

A Jewish funeral remembering the person who died

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Celebrations and Holidays

Yom Kippur Celebrated for day of atonement when god decided each humans faiths You fast for 25 hours

Passover commemorates the story of the Exodus when the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt

Hanukkah Remembering the victory of winning over the Greek armyYou can light the menorahPlay the driedel

The day of atonement

This is the Passover sedar with many different things on it

A menorah you light on the 8 nights of Hanukkah

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Core Beliefs

Core belief of Judaism: One god ONLY Jew's believe in only one god (Monotheism) When Abraham made a deal with God to only worship him and none

other Abraham was rewarded with being the father of a great nation Before this most people were polytheistic (many gods)

This is a picture of a agreement which Abraham and God made

Abraham with the 10 commandments that God gave him

When Abraham and God made that deal no one would ever break it

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