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  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk



  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk



    Hollk can be found among the Cserht hills inHollk can be found among the Cserht hills inthe north of Hungary.There are ruins of a castlethe north of Hungary.There are ruins of a castlebuilt after the Mongol invasion in the 13thbuilt after the Mongol invasion in the 13thcentury.The village has 67 protected buildingscentury.The village has 67 protected buildingsthat are characteristic peasent houses.that are characteristic peasent houses.


  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk



    The residents of the village (400 people) are theThe residents of the village (400 people) are thePalc people. Beside their special dialect,theyPalc people. Beside their special dialect,theyretain their traditions and their colourful, richlyretain their traditions and their colourful, richlydecorated folk costume. It is a part of the Worlddecorated folk costume. It is a part of the WorldHeritage.Heritage.

    Hollk castle

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    About the villageAbout the villageHollk the one-street oneHollk the one-street onecharacterize the region representscharacterize the region representsa village type the basis structure ofa village type the basis structure ofwhich onto the central roadwhich onto the central roadperpendicularly, the double line ofperpendicularly, the double line ofnarrow houses settling down innarrow houses settling down inband plots means it on the Palcband plots means it on the Palcsettlements the joint familiessettlements the joint familiesaccording to a custom onto oneaccording to a custom onto onesingle plot you build, and you erectsingle plot you build, and you erecta new one to the family's staffa new one to the family's staffnumbers simply behind first housenumbers simply behind first houselooking at the street with hislooking at the street with hisincrease. The little church coveredincrease. The little church covered

    with shingle with a wooden tower,with shingle with a wooden tower,which was built out of publicwhich was built out of publicsubscription in 1889, depends onsubscription in 1889, depends onthe island developed in thethe island developed in thevillage's centre, on top of the hillvillage's centre, on top of the hill

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk



  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk



  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    National ParksNational Parks

    Hortobgyi National ParkHortobgyi National Park

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    The first Hungarian national park wasThe first Hungarian national park wasestestaablised in 1973 and became the countrysblised in 1973 and became the countryslargest protected area.largest protected area.

    Hortobgy is the largest continuous area ofHortobgy is the largest continuous area ofnatural grassland in Europenatural grassland in Europe..

    It was not formed as result of deforestation orIt was not formed as result of deforestation orrover control. The major part of the area of therover control. The major part of the area of the

    National park is formed by natural habitats,National park is formed by natural habitats,alkaline rasslands, meadows and smaller andalkaline grasslands, meadows and smaller and

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    There are artificialThere are artificialwetlands, too. Thewetlands, too. The

    fishponds cover quite afishponds cover quite alarge area, and alarge area, and areservoir called lakereservoir called lakeTisza was established inTisza was established inthe 1970s. The marshesthe 1970s. The marshesand fish-ponds areand fish-ponds aresignificant bird nestingsignificant bird nestinghabitats and migrationhabitats and migrationsites.There have beensites.There have beenregistregisteered apperancesred apperancesof 342 bird species,152of 342 bird species,152

    species of which nest inspecies of which nest inthe National park.the National park.Thousand of cranes canThousand of cranes canbe seen everybe seen everySeptember and OctoberSeptember and Octoberas the fly above theas the fly above thegrasslands to theirgrasslands to their

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Over thousands of years the wild animalsOver thousands of years the wild animalsgrazing on the grasslands of Hortobgy,grazing on the grasslands of Hortobgy,the aurochs and wild horses, werethe aurochs and wild horses, were

    gradually replaced by domesticatedgradually replaced by domesticatedanimals. A large number of grey cattanimals. A large number of grey cattlle,e,long-haired sheep and herds of horses canlong-haired sheep and herds of horses canbe found here. Less ancient speciesbe found here. Less ancient species

    aremthe curly bristled mangalica pig andaremthe curly bristled mangalica pig andNonius horse. The surface of Lake TiszaNonius horse. The surface of Lake Tiszasuits and attracts floating and diving birdssuits and attracts floating and diving birdslike grebes,cormorants, and coots.like grebes,cormorants, and coots.

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    The fauna is very rich.The fauna is very rich.

    Heron colonies are realHeron colonies are realtreasures in gallerytreasures in galleryforest but black stork,forest but black stork,black kite andblack kite andsometimes saker nestsometimes saker nesthere as well. In the earlyhere as well. In the earlysummer the meadowssummer the meadowsand hayfields blossomand hayfields blossomwith flowers of commonwith flowers of common

    comfrey, purple,comfrey, purple,loosestrife,yelloloosestrife,yelloww irisirisand blue clemantis.and blue clemantis.

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park

    By:Juhsz PetraBy:Juhsz Petra

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park

    The most important part of this parkThe most important part of this parklies between the Rivers Danube andlies between the Rivers Danube andTisza. It is a sandy land sparselyTisza. It is a sandy land sparsely

    covered with patches of grass. Incovered with patches of grass. Insome places the sand still moves atsome places the sand still moves atthe mercy of winds creating ,,minithe mercy of winds creating ,,mini

    desert with rippling sand dunes. Indesert with rippling sand dunes. Inother places prairies guard theother places prairies guard theindigenous plant and animal life,saltindigenous plant and animal life,salt

    lakes serve as wild birds nestinglakes serve as wild birds nesting

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park

    These,together with the reed-filledThese,together with the reed-filledmarshes,the scattered patches ofmarshes,the scattered patches ofmedieval forests all exemplifymedieval forests all exemplify

    distinctive natural treasures. Thedistinctive natural treasures. TheKiskunsg National Park wasKiskunsg National Park wasestablished for their protection andestablished for their protection anddisplay.The most famous praire ofdisplay.The most famous praire of

    this protected territory is Bugac withthis protected territory is Bugac withits famous Hungarian Grey Cattleits famous Hungarian Grey Cattleherd,groves ofherd,groves of

    treespine,poplar,juniper-,islands oftreespine,poplar,juniper-,islands ofreeds standin out from clum s ofreeds standin out from clum s of

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park


  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park(animals)(animals)

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park

    Small salt lakes are important roosting andSmall salt lakes are important roosting andnesting places for rare wild fow andnesting places for rare wild fow andmigrant species. The open-air museum inmigrant species. The open-air museum in

    the heart of the praire depicts the oldthe heart of the praire depicts the oldshepherds life of wandering from place toshepherds life of wandering from place toplace.Sandy and marshy meadows areplace.Sandy and marshy meadows areadorned with orchids and irises in springadorned with orchids and irises in spring

    and purple banket of Meadow Saffronand purple banket of Meadow Saffronpleases the eye in autumn while largepleases the eye in autumn while largepinks and marsh Gentians blossom in Julypinks and marsh Gentians blossom in Julyand August.and August.

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park


  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Kiskunsg National ParkKiskunsg National Park

    The most often-visited site of theThe most often-visited site of theKiskunsg National Park is theKiskunsg National Park is theTserd forest.The KiskunsgTserd forest.The Kiskunsg

    national Park has an Environmentalnational Park has an Environmentaland Nature Conservation Studyand Nature Conservation StudyCenter.Center.

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Lake FertLake FertLake Fert is situated on the territory of Austria and Hungary,andwas nominated jointly by the two countries for inclusion on theWorld Heritage list.

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    A part of the Fert-Hansg National Park, it was declareda biopshere reserve by UNESCO in 1979 and is regardedas one of the iternationally significant natural water areasof Europe.

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    It is the most western example of the Eurasian steppelake,and at the same time it is Europes largest saltwaterlake.The water is shallow, and the depth constantly

    changes,but on average it is always below onemetre.Reed-growing areas and inner lakes separated byreedbeds are connected by a 240 km network of canals.

    Th l k i nd d b lt pl in b nd t

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    The lake is surrounded by salt plains, bogs and wetmeadows to the east and south -east.Salt plains areexcellent sites for both nesting and migrant birds. 2000gulls breed on the three islands of the lake.A forest lies

    on the more hilly western shore and contains a large areaof strictly protected Early Spider Orchid.

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk



    By:Juhsz Petra

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    T O K A J H I S T O R YT O K A J H I S T O R Y

    The wine-growing area wasfirst mentioned by the nameTokaj in 1067. The town itselfwas first mentioned indocuments in 1353. Its firstcastle was a motte, which wasdestroyed during the Mongolinvasion of Hungary. By the

    14th century the town alreadyhad a stone castle, belongingto the Disgyr estate.

    After 1450 Tokaj was theproperty of the Hunyadifamily, so afterMatthias Hunyadi becameking, the town became royal

    estate. In 1705 Francis IIRkczi ordered the castle tobe destroyed.

    After theAustro-Hungarian Compromisethe town prospered, butwhen the world wars came, itsuffered a lot, lost its

    importance and its townstatus. Even its role in wine

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk



  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk


    Tokaj WineTokaj WineTokajiokaji ((HungarianHungarian:: of Tokajof Tokaj) is the name of the wines from the) is the name of the wines from theregion ofregion of Tokaj-HegyaljaTokaj-Hegyalja inin HungaryHungary. The name Tokaji (which is of. The name Tokaji (which is ofProtectedProtected DesignationDesignation ofof OriginOrigin) is used to label) is used to label wineswines from this winefrom this winedistrict. This region is noted for itsdistrict. This region is noted for its sweetsweet wineswines[1][1] made from grapesmade from grapesaffected byaffected by noblenoble rotrot, a style of wine which has a long history in this, a style of wine which has a long history in thisregion. Tokaj is mentioned in the official national song of Hungary.region. Tokaj is mentioned in the official national song of Hungary."Hungarikum" is a term used to refer to uniquely Hungarian products,"Hungarikum" is a term used to refer to uniquely Hungarian products,

    especially cuisine. Tokaji is a Hungaricum.especially cuisine. Tokaji is a Hungaricum.

  • 8/14/2019 Juhsz Petra Hollk




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