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Totally delicious and superbly warming winter recipes

from Jason Vale


Juice Master's Hot 'N' Spicy

Tahini Choco Beaney

Get Ripped

Green Superfood

Orange, Mint &

Ginger Zinger


Spinach, Watercress, Rocket & Sweet

potato Soup

Carrot, Coriander

& Orange Soup

Arthritic Elixir

Chlorophyll Power

Get Juicy This WinterWith the chill of winter in the

air there's no better way to warm

up than with tasty low HI (Human

Intervention) soup or a beautiful

freshly extracted healthy juice with

a kick! Together with the Juice Master

team, I have created ten of the finest

winter warmers for your pleasure.

J'M-SipThis is the Juice Master’s take on a Lemsip, only without a drug

in sight. It has become widely known as the J’M-sip (pronounced “Jemsip”). Fresh apple, ginger and lemon juice mixed with hot

water, sweetened with a spoonful of Manuka active honey. Even if you don’t have a cold this is just beautiful on a cold winter’s night.

Golden Delicious Apple1

Fresh Ginger Root3cm chunk

Lemon1⁄2 medium (unwaxed)

Manuka Honeyone heaped teaspoon

Hot Water1 half cup


For Colds & Flu

...It's A Hottie!

Juice the apple, ginger and lemon (leave the peel on).Pour the juice into your favourite mug. Make sure you only half fill the mug and then top up with hot (not boiling) water from the kettle.Add the Manuka honey, stir well and sip your way back to health.

Best Served... If you need one of these, chances are you are lying in bed watching old re-runs on TV, tissues by your side. This should soon have you up on your feet!


Plus a funky glass

mug helps you feel better sooner!

Soooooo Good For you!

The health benefits of

honey and ginger in

treating respiratory

problems are unmatched

by any other concoction.

Recipe from the Funky Fresh

Juice Book & App

Juice Master's Hot 'N' Spicy

A perfect pre-bedtime juice to keep you warm and toasty. If you’re still a little peckish this is the perfect way to finish your day. This one we call the Hot ‘N’ Spicy..

Golden Delicious Apples3

Cinnamon1 good pinch of cinnamon


Why This Is Soooo Hot!

Juice the apples and pour juice into a saucepan. Slowly heat but DO NOT Boil. When nice and hot, pour into mug, add cinnamon and get cosy!

Best Served... just before bed, this delicious and warming juice if far better than any hot water bottle!

Soothing CinnamonCinnamon has been shown in studies at the Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Korean Hospital, to reduce cytokines which are linked to arthritic pain. A perfect solution for the cold winter months!

Recipe from the 7-Day Juice

Challenge Book & App

No pushing please! Everyone will get a chance to be in the juice.

Arthritic ElixirGrab some easy relief for Arthritis during the cold winter

months! We recommend that you remove ALL dairy foods, ALL white refined sugars, carbohydrates and wheat products while

at the same time drink the following juice twice a day.

“I am juicing either twice or three times depending how the day is going I may have a light

dinner or just juice throughout the day. My eczema has all

cleared up and my arthritis in my fingers seems to have totally gone to sleep. My knuckles are even returning to normal size instead of the swollen joints

causing me such discomfort, I have movement back!”

– Avid Juicer

“Hi Jason, I feel compelled to write to you and thank you. I started juicing purely for health as I felt unfit, fat, tired and had no energy. Also I had a problem with one of my ankles for about 7 months. Well one week on, I feel GREAT! I have bags of

energy and my ankle is totally normal with no pain whatsoever!”

– Sarah G.

Read All About It!

Pineapple juice is one of the only sources

of the strong anti-inflammatory enzyme

bromelain. Bromelain helps the body to

break down protein. Incomplete protein

breakdown (i.e. poor digestion) is a

condition implicated in arthritis.

The polyacetylene in celery juice is perfect

for the relief for all inflammation including

rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout,

asthma and bronchitis.

Pineapple1/4 Medium

CherriesOne large handful (Pitted)

Celery2 Stalks

GrapefruitOne-Half Medium (Peeled)

Ice CubeOne large handful (Pitted)


Joint relief for the cold

winter months!

Pack the cherries (with the pits removed) tightly into the chute of the juicer followed by the grapefruit (peeled – but with as much white pith left on as possible), pineapple (no need to peel if your juicer will take it) and celery. Juice the lot, pour over ice and enjoy.If you find you are not a grapefruit person – as many people aren’t – simply make the juice without the grapefruit but with a whole medium pineapple.

Best Served... Pack the cherries (with the pits removed) tightly into the chute of the juicer followed by the grapefruit (peeled – but with as much white pith left on as possible), pineapple (no need to peel if your juicer will take it) and celery. Juice the lot, pour over ice and enjoy.If you find you are not a grapefruit person – as many people aren’t – simply make the juice without the grapefruit but with a whole medium pineapple.

Recipe from the Funky Fresh

Juice Book & App

Kale likes the cold, brrrr...Kale needs to be exposed to winter frosts so some of

the plant’s starch can be transformed into sugar.

Get RippedSometime it’s a little hard to keep motivated in

the depths of winter. Packed full of Vitamin K this delicious workout juice helps strengthen bones,

improve your blood and increase brain function!

Golden Delicious Apples2

Celery1 stick

Cucumber1⁄4 medium

Spinach1 small handful


1 small handful


Get ready to get ripped

Put the apple in first. Pack all of the other ingredients into the chute and then use the second apple to pack everything in tight. Juice everything on the highest setting on your juicer.

Best Served... If you, like many, are doing that little bit of exercise to look your best for the beach, then make this juice, just before and after training to help you, as Jason would say, “let rip on the beach”.

K is for Vitamin K!Kale is a nutrient powerhouse. Just one cup of steamed kale contains 1328% RDA Vitamin K and 354% RDA of Vitamin A.

100 g of fresh spinach

leaves contains about

25% RDA of iron.

Recipe from the Funky Fresh

Juice Book& App

Carrot, Coriander & Orange Soup

This recipe is packed with vitamins B, C and folic acid, plus potassium, sodium and magnesium. It helps with

a whole heap of ailments but tastes great too!

Organic Butter15g (1⁄2 oz) organic butter

Onion1, peeled and finely chopped

Carrots455g (1lb) thinly sliced

Vegetable or Chicken Stock700ml (1 1⁄4 pints)

Fresh Coriander1tbsp (15ml)

OrangeJuice & pulp of 1 orange

Black PepperFreshly ground

CorianderChopped to garnish


A Souper Winter Warmer!

Melt the butter in a pan over a low heat. Stir in the onion and carrots and cook gently for 5 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients, cover the pan and cook gently for 30 minutes, until the carrots are soft. Allow the soup to cool slightly. Puree in a blender, return to the pan and reheat gently. Serve garnished with coriander.

Best Served... you can’t beat a nice warm soup on a cold winters day! You can either eat it right away or stick it in a thermos flask and take it out with you!

Healthy Eyes and SkinCarrots are rich in vitamins B, C, D, E & K and have been proven to improve skin, hair and eyes!

Carrot’s not only give you healthier

looking eyes but also help to ward

off macular degeneration and can

even help you to see in the dark!

Recipe from the 'Turbo Charge

Your Life' Book

Where better to enjoy this than overlooking the mountains at the Juice

Master Rustic Retreat?!


can combat anaemia

helps the body fight infection

boosts the immune system

helps purify the liver

reduces or eliminates body odours

soothes gastric ulcers

improves varicose veins

helps cleanse the bowel

helps neutralize free radicals

helps sores heal faster

destroys bacteria in wounds

supports healthy heart function

has many anti-carcinogenic properties

has antiseptic properties

has high levels of antioxidants

is high in vitamin A, C, E and K

is high in folic acid, Iron and Calcium

Chlorophyll PowerGive your body a boost with the amazing powers

of Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is nearly identical to the oxygen-carrying haemoglobin

Pineapple1⁄2 medium

Cucumber1⁄4 medium

Lime1⁄2 (peeled)

Celery1 1⁄2 stalk

Spinach1 handful

Green Leafy Vegetables1 handful (kale + cabbage + watercress)

Broccoli Stem3cm chunk

Ice Cubes1 small handful


How to create

Peel the lime, leaving as much of the white pith as possible – it’s where most of the nutrients are.Juice the pineapple (no need to peel if you have a good juicer) and all the other ingredients. Make sure you pack the spinach and leafy vegetables tightly into the chute of the juicer, before juicing, to extract the most juice.Pour over ice and get ready to feel the power!For an extra dose of chlorophyll add a small teaspoon of wheatgrass powder or spirulina – it takes it up several levels! If you can do a wheatgrass shot – even better! If you’re adding spirulina or wheatgrass powder then you will need to whizz it all up in the blender before drinking.

Best Served... at the Juice Master Rustic Retreat – of course! It’s a place of health, relaxation and beautiful views. Or perhaps you could have this green powerhouse on the go.

Recipe from the Funky Fresh

Juice Book & App

Spinach, Watercress, Rocket & Potato Soup

‘Deep energetic spinach, watercress and rocket infused with the mellow flavours of dreamy sweet potato.’

Red Onion1 small

Sweet Potato1 medium

Vegetable Oil1 tbsp

Vegetable Stock Cube1

Black PepperFreshly Ground

Watercress, Spinach & Rocket1 mixed bag (140g)


Heat it up!

Peel and chop the red onion and sweet potato into small pieces.In a large saucepan heat the oil and add the onion and potato.Gently sweat the vegetables over a medium heat with the lid on for 10 minutes.Prepare the stock by dissolving the stock cube in 1 pint (570ml) of boiling water.Add the stock, seasoning, spinach, watercress and rocket to the pan, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes.Remove from the heat and, using a blender (hand or jug), blend the soup until smooth.Pour into a bowl and enjoy.

Best Served... after a long walk along a wintery windswept beach.

Why is this soup-a good for me?

Spinach, watercress and rocket are all deep-

green salad leaves and, as such, have many health

benefits. They are packed with chlorophyll, the part

of the plant that quite literally traps sunlight

energy and releases it into your body’s cells.

Did you know that spinach contains many nutrients, the most famous being iron. Unfortunately, spinach is not the best source of iron for the body as it also contains substances that inhibit iron absorption.

Recipe from the Juice Yourself

Slim' Book &'Soup 'N'

Juice App'

Orange, Mint & Ginger Zinger

Gorgeous freshly extracted, creamy orange juice, with a hint of fresh ginger, blended with cooling mint and ice.

Oranges4 medium (peeled)

Fresh Ginger Root1cm chunk

Fresh Mint1 large handful

Ice Cubes1 small handful


Time For A Zing

Peel the oranges leaving as much of the white pith as possible for a creamier and more nutrient rich juice.Juice the oranges and the ginger.Place the mint into your blender, along with ice add the fresh juice. Blend for about 60 seconds, pour and enjoy!Best Served... lying in the park with friends on a beautiful day, after a good old game of rounders (if you are in America you call it “baseball” and take it far too seriously!). If that’s not possible, simply serve in a gorgeous glass.

Okay, so we have removed a great deal of the fibre to make the juice, but still, who would have thought

that about the humble orange?

Clockwork OrangeYou would have to eat 7 portions of cornflakes to get the

same amount of fibre you get from eating one medium orange!

Oranges With No A-peelThe oils in orange skin are indigestible,

but the pith is where most of the nutrients are found. So when

juicing oranges remember: no skin, just pith makes the juice

creamier and healthier!

Oranges With Appeal

Hesperetin and naringenin are flavonoids

found in citrus fruits. Naringenin is found to

have a bio-active effect on human health

as an antioxidant, free radical scavenger,

anti-inflammatory, and immune system

modulator. It also been shown to reduce

oxidant injury to DNA in vitro studies.

Recipe from the Funky Fresh

Juice Book & App

Tahini Choco BeaneyIn the style of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang this smoothie is “Truly Scrumptious” and should satisfy the cravings of even the biggest choco-head! Dense raw cocoa extract blended with deliciously nutty tahini, creamy banana,

a swirl of honey and a splash of almond milk.

Fairtrade Raw Cocoa Powder1 tablespoon

Tahini1 tablespoon

Manuka Honey2 teaspoons

Banana1⁄4 (ripe & peeled)

Almond Milk250ml

Ice Cubes1 small handful


Tahini Bo-Beaney

This is “Truly Simple” to make! Just add all the ingredients to the blender and whizz-up until “Smoothly scrumptious”.

Best Served... When you feel like indulging in something chocolatey, sweet and devilishly delicious.

Cocoa-tastic!Did you know that a cup of cocoa has almost three

times the antioxidants of a cup of green tea?!

Cocoa is the powder of the raw cacao bean and is as far away (on a health front) from

mass produced, sugar loaded commercial chocolate as Mary Poppins is from Lord

Voldemort. It is renowned for its high anti-oxidant levels and is believed to enhance

mood, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes.

You must try this one and I

mean MUST! This genuinely

tastes like a rich-creamy

chocolate milkshake.

Can I Remotely Justify This?Absolutely you can! Tahini is a great source

of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and pangamic acid.B vitamins play an essential part in the

running of the body. They promote healthy cell growth and division, including red blood

cells, which helps prevent anaemia.

Recipe from the Funky Fresh

Juice Book & App

Green Superfood“Superfood” is a term used to describe foods that have a

particular high concentration of vitamins or minerals. It could be argued that all fruits and vegetables are indeed “super” foods. After all the humble lemon saved thousands of lives

because it cured scurvy – which is pretty super if you ask me!

Golden Delicious Apples2

Broccoli Stem3cm chunk

Celery1⁄2 stalk

Cucumber1⁄4 medium

Spinach1 large handful

Unwaxed Lemon1⁄4

Fresh Ginger Root1cm chunk


How to make

"super" in a glass

Place one apple into the chute of your juicer; behind it tightly pack in the spinach, followed by the lemon, ginger, broccoli, cucumber, celery and the other apple. Juice the lot and enjoy!

Best Served... when you are feeling a little bit like Bridget Jones on a bad day but instead of reaching for the ice cream and cookies, you decide to inject some super food into your system and make yourself feel super healthy instead of super sick! Just a thought...

Broccoli supports the body’s natural detoxification system because it contains… get ready for the science bit - glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin, and glucobrassicin, these phytonutrients are found in a special combination in broccoli. This dynamic trio is able to support all steps of the body’s detox process, including activation, neutralization, and elimination of unwanted contaminants.

It’s “this” easy being green!

See Why Broccoli Is So Super

Broccoli is a gold mine (or should we say “green”mine)

of nutrition. This green gem can be good for your sight.

The carotenoid lutein in broccoli can help prevent

age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Broccoli is also a good source of vitamin A which is

needed to form retinal, the light-absorbing molecule

that is essential for both low-light and colour vision.

Recipe from the Funky Fresh

Juice Book & App

Which Juicer Should I Buy?One of the most frequently asked questions here at Juicy H.Q. is “What juicer should I buy?”. There are two main types of juicers you can buy:

Centrifugal Juicers - The most popular type of juicer and usually one of the cheapest types, centrifugal juicers are quick to juice with and easy to clean, the juice is perfectly smooth and can chomp through almost all fruits and veg. They are sadly not suitable for juicing wheatgrass.

Masticating Juicers - These juicers produce the best quality juice money can buy because the process of juicing involves less heat and air than a centrifugal juicer. This means you can store your juices for up to 48 hours in the fridge (as opposed to 5-7 hours in a centrifugal juicer). They have slightly more parts than a centrifugal so take a little longer to wash up, and the feeding chutes are smaller so you need to cut up the produce into small pieces. You can juice wheatgrass in a masticator.

I’m a Centrifugal


I’m a Masticating


To check out our full guide to all types of juicer please visit www.juicemaster.com/best-juicer/

Packed full of

hundreds of

delicious recipes

Loved These Recipes?You can make many of these juice PLUS hundreds

more with Jason Vale’s ‘Funky Fresh Juice Book’!

Now Availbleas a Handy App

For iOS and Android!

Find out more atwww.juicemaster.com/funky-fresh-juice-book/

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