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Page 1: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

The Gupta DynastyJulieJinySunny

Page 2: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

The Gupta Dynasty

The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in

northern India. It is also called the Golden Age of India because of its prosperous inven-

tion and discoveries.

Page 3: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Thesis Statement

Gupta Empire culture had its own indigenous characteristics. All political, economical,

religious, social, intellectual, and artistic parts played essential role in the Empire, but

intellectual an artistic were most significant cultural elements of Gupta Empire.

Page 4: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.


How power is distributed and how decisions are made.

Page 5: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Since its culture was heavily influenced by religion, the Gupta leaders considered social status very important. Thus, they took a step toward stable development by setting a strong central government.

Page 6: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

500 years after the Maurya Empire col-lapsed, the Gupta Empire ruled over region for 220 years, which brought the Golden Age in the India, and yielded its power over India to next rulers who won the war.

Page 7: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Merchants and artisans could prac-tice their political power by electing city governors. Both the central government and villages shared their power in order to rule the people ef-ficiently.

Page 8: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.


The making and distributing of money and wealth

Page 9: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

In the Gupta Empire, farm-ing and trade flourished, so farmers ,merchants, and arti-sans were common jobs.

Page 10: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Villages mostly used domestic goods, but people also exported goods such as cotton cloth, pottery and metal ware to East Africa, Southwest Asia, and Southeast Asia for such goods as salt, spices, and manufactured goods.

Page 11: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Agriculture flour-ished in Gupta Empire; landlords let farmers use their lands and re-ceive some parts of harvest. Framers usually harvested wheat, rice, and sugar cane.

Page 12: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.


How a society describes the super-natural

Page 13: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

In Gupta Empire, religion even af-fected the education. Students went to religious schools, so they were exposed to religions from when they were young.

Page 14: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Caste system, which is social leveling sys-tem of Hinduism, and dowry are ex-amples of how reli-gion influenced in their society, and built many aspects of Gupta people’s lives.

Page 15: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Primarily, Hinduism and Buddhism were domi-nant religions in the Gupta Empire, so the rit-uals were highly devel-oped, and people con-sidered those rituals to be very important. Gupta people favored Hinduism at first, but later they started to support Bud-dhism and Jainism.

Page 16: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.


How individuals in a society interact with each other

Page 17: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Family affairs usually focused on men. For example, the eldest man was the head of joint family, and en-joyed the authority.

Page 18: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

People were gathered in the Gupta court to watch the performances, weddings, relatives’ houses, market places. They also assembled to in-teract with each other at village council.

Page 19: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

In India, education flourished during the Gupta period; their mathematics and science developed a lot.

Page 20: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.


How a society tends to solve prob-lems

Page 21: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

People in the Gupta Empire recorded rules and laws, where as they did not write down current events because they considered current events less important than rules and laws.

Page 22: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Mathematicians of Gupta Empire created the concept of zero, started using Arabian numbers, and devel-oped the decimal system, which we still use today.

Page 23: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

In Gupta Empire, doctors first started to inject vaccines to prevent people from getting diseases such as smallpox, set bones, and deliver surgery. These facts prove that the Gupta people’s technology was highly devel-oped.

Page 24: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.


What a society sees as beautiful, how it defines beauty and how it en-tertains itself

Page 25: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Their literature was developed; peo-ple liked telling stories such as folk tales to other people, and they also recorded those content.

Page 26: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

Religion highly af-fected the Gupta art such forms as danc-ing, paintings, sculp-ture, and music. The Gupta art later spread to other parts of Asia, introducing Gupta Empire to other cul-tures.

Page 27: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

A lot of Gupta architects dedicated their lives to build some Buddhist shrines, and Hindu

stone temples to respect their gods.

Page 28: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.


Among other PERSIA elements, Intel-lectual

and Art are the most important el-ements of

the Gupta Empire.

Extraordinarily well-developed tech-nology and prudent and delicate art reflect Gupta people’s high-quality lives.

Page 29: Julie Jiny Sunny.  The Gupta Empire is the ancient Indian empire that existed from A.D. 320 to about 540 in northern India.  It is also called the Golden.

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