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Page 1: July 2017 - Events - First Baptist Church of Shallotte · rady Shearer from hurch Pro Tools has noted that the best way to reach ... lasses will resume in September 2 7glorified that

Non-Profit Organization

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Permit No. 318

First Baptist Church of Shallotte

4486 Main Street Shallotte, NC 28470

Phone 910.754.4048 Fax 910.754.2642


Office Hours:

M-F 9am—3pm

Early Celebration Service 8:30am

Sunday School 9:45am

Morning Worship 11:00am

Evening Worship 6:00pm

Wednesday 6:30pm






July 2017

Jul-1 Job 20-21; Acts 10

Jul-2 Job 22-24; Acts 11

Jul-3 Job 25-27; Acts 12

Jul-4 Job 28-29; Acts 13

Jul-5 Job 30-31

Jul-6 Job 32-33; Acts 14

Jul-7 Job 34-35; Acts 15

Jul-8 Job 36-37

Jul-9 Job 38-40

Jul-10 Job 41-42; Acts 16

Jul-11 Psalms 1-3; Acts 17

Jul-12 Psalms 4-6

Jul-13 Psalms 7-9; Acts 18

Jul-14 Psalms 10-12

Jul-15 Psalms 13-15; Acts 19

Jul-16 Psalms 16-17; Acts 20

Jul-17 Psalms 18-19

Jul-18 Psalms 20-22

Jul-19 Psalms 23-25; Acts 21

Jul-20 Psalms 26-28; Acts 22

Jul-21 Psalms 29-30; Acts 23

Jul-22 Psalms 31-32

Jul-23 Psalms 33-34; Acts 24

Jul-24 Psalms 35-36; Acts 25

Jul-25 Psalms 37-39; Acts 26

Jul-26 Psalms 40-42; Acts 27

Jul-27 Psalms 43-45

Jul-28 Psalms 46-48; Acts 28

Jul-29 Psalms 49-50; Romans 1

Jul-30 Psalms 51-53; Romans 2

Jul-31 Psalms 54-56; Romans 3



God Country

Page 2: July 2017 - Events - First Baptist Church of Shallotte · rady Shearer from hurch Pro Tools has noted that the best way to reach ... lasses will resume in September 2 7glorified that

Last month I explained that I was now preaching from a new Bible translation called the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) and why I made that decision. But you may be wondering how that applies to you. So in July and August I want to devote some space to helping you understand Bible translations and have a better idea how to pick a translation that suits you.

In August, I will review specific Bible translations that I think are solid and which I would recommend. But this month, let’s lay some groundwork. When it comes to picking a translation that you will study and carry, and, hopefully, use often, here are a few key pointers and principles to keep in mind at the outset:

First, remember, they are all translations. Every Bible in a modern language is a translation of the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic--the original languages of the Bible. Jesus did not speak in English and Paul did not write in English. So, your objective is to use an English translation that is most faithful to the original languages, and which you can clearly understand. The purpose of a translation is to produce the content of the text faithfully in clear language so you can understand and learn the content.

Second, know the difference between a translation and a paraphrase. A paraphrase is not the same thing as a translation. Paraphrases are plentiful and popular because they condense wordy passages into sound bites but they also modernize many archaic words beyond what they actually meant, and even add words and phrases if it enriches understanding. Examples of popular paraphrases include The Living Bible, the Good News Bible, and The Message. Owning and reading a paraphrase is not bad, but you need a full and accurate translation of the languages of the Bible to know what the scriptures actually say.

Third, the best translations are produced by evangelical Christian scholars who trust the Holy Spirit to keep them faithful to the text. In other words, you want to own a Bible that was produced by people who actually believe and love the Bible, and who are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Fourth, with that, the best translations are produced by a group of scholars who hold one another accountable for their fidelity to the original texts. Avoid making a translation produced by one individual your only, or even primary, Bible.

Fifth, as evangelical Christians, we believe that the Word of God should be available to everyone. This year marks the 500th anniversary of the launch of the Protestant Reformation. We, as Baptists, are a product of that event. And a distinctive conviction that ignited the Reformation was the belief of our forefathers that the Bible should be available in the vernacular of regular people. The Bible should not be just the property of scholars and kings. Everyone should have access to God’s Word. That’s why translations are needed and necessary.

God’s Word is powerful, alive, eternal, and without error (Heb. 4:12; 2 Tim. 3:16). He has given it to us so we can

communicate His revelation to the world. Therefore, we must know His Word and understand it. To do so, we need translations that are understandable and accessible as well as accurate.

And sixth, remember that language is dynamic. Language is a changing thing. By God’s design the original languages of the Bible are no longer in use, so they are not changing, but modern languages still change (remember when “gay” meant “happy”?). The English of the 19th century has changed in the 21st century. So modern translations are needed and necessary for all generations to fully grasp God’s Word.

In our day, with Bibles so plentiful, you’ll find that shopping for one is similar to shopping for a car. If you consider the translation to be like the make and model, then once you decide the translation that you want, you will have to pick your preferences from among the many options available. Large print, thin line, cowhide. Student Bibles, soldiers’ Bibles, and Bibles for moms and dads. The list is nearly infinite. But remember, this is packaging, nothing more. Focus first on the translation—what matters most—and once you decide that, you can pick out the packaging that suits you.

And one more thing. You may want a reference Bible. What’s that? Reference Bibles simply provide you with Bible study tools along with the packaging. Some are the study tools of individuals, such as David Jeremiah or Charles Stanley. Others are produced by a group, such as a King James Study Bible. Either way, be sure that your reference Bible is produced by trustworthy scholars or teachers who love God’s Word and are faithful to it.

So that should lay the groundwork if you are hunting for a new Bible. Next month I will offer the translations I prefer and explain why.

In the meantime, read and study your Bible and get to know God better!

See you Sunday!

With love in Christ,

Pastor Bob

Ministry Snapshot for July 2017

Building Fund Balance: $11,727.09



message series finance



Worship Care Openings

8:30 AM | 11:00 AM| Wed 6:30 PM

Serve once per month. Background check required to serve in this ministry. Visit fbcshallotte.org/iserve

Prayer for Our State, Nation and Boston Mission Initiative Tuesdays | 5:30 PM | Conference Rm



Ministry Meeting/Dinner July 17 | 6:30 PM Larry Speakman, Director 269-3186

I have researched how best we can reach our brothers and sisters new to the area, as well those who live among us but do not yet know the love of Jesus; and found some very fruitful methods many church families are using in their discipleship to the communities they live in. Social media is one of the primary approaches many churches are using today to reach out to folks in their community and share with them their need for Christ. A recent pew study found that 68% of adults in our country use social media, while only 46% attend church. Brady Shearer from Church Pro Tools has noted that the best way to reach adults now is not through print media but through social media. Those in the age group 18-34 spend 6 hours a day on social media; those in the age bracket 35-49 spend even more time on social media averaging nearly 7 hours a day; and even my generation (from the past dudes) spend over 4 hours a day on social media. Well with a family explosion coming our way, and the need to reach as many as we can in His name, maybe we should look to develop and create innovative social media platforms. Come to me with your ideas and how you may share in this discipleship opportunity. If our evangelism efforts are to be successful I remind myself and you my brothers and sisters, that reaching these folks may be the easiest thing we do. Our follow-up outreach will need to be personal through our GROW ministries and radical hospitality to those who accept our invitation to visit FBCS. We all need to look to expand our discipleship through these programs as well. In His Love…. Don Evans


Ministry Meeting/Dinner Next meeting in September Jane Buffkin, Director Dance for Joy Mondays | 10:30 AM Cancelled July 3

Series Starts Jul 9: When the Fire Falls: Experiencing the Power of God in Troubling Times Sermon Podcasts Available Listen or download messages preached at FBCS on our website or from iTunes™.

Centrifuge Summer Camp | July 7-11 Cost $325 All forms and payments due now

LoveLoud July 17—25 | 9 AM Kickoff July 16 | 6 PM Dominican Republic Mission Trip July 30—August 7 fbcshallotte.org/mission-trips


DiscipleLife Classes Classes will resume in September

2 7

How to Pick a Bible Translation, Part 1

In the corner last month I shared with you I felt God was leading us to reach out to our new and existing neighbors, to share the love of Christ with them, and welcome them to our home at FBCS. You the body have shared with me this too is your heart for Jesus. And God continued to speak from the NT to me - Jesus told his disciples in John 15:5a “I am the vine you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit” Jesus continued in John 15:8 “By this My Father is glorified that you bear much fruit; so you will be my disciples”.

ministry meeting

Quarterly Ministry Meeting July 9 | 6PM All ministry leaders come prepared to share updates. Snacks graciously provided by Adult Sunday School classes.

Page 3: July 2017 - Events - First Baptist Church of Shallotte · rady Shearer from hurch Pro Tools has noted that the best way to reach ... lasses will resume in September 2 7glorified that

KICKOFF - Sunday, July 16 at 6pm

A wonderful opportunity to share Christ's love to others.

Do you or someone you know have a need for yardwork or housework?

Are you willing to help with beach reach and other evangelistic outreach?

Contact Wanda Truesdale 910-540-3048

What can you personally do to LoveLOUD?


Needs: Monetary donations, snacks, bottled water,

homemade lemonade & cookies


3 6

J u l y 1 7 - 2 5

Bos ton Miss ion In i t ia t ive FBCS is partnering with Milestone Church & Pastor Jay Mudd in Natick, MA!

Milestone Church has unt i l the end of Ju ly to have the new worsh ip space

ready and they s t i l l in need of resources. Pray about how FBCS can be

invo lved c los ing the gap. Every donat ion goes to he lp create an anchor in

MetroWest Boston for church p lan t ing.


2 0 1 7


Adriani, John


Anderson, Darrell

Anglin, Dell

Baker, Dennis

Ball, Robert

Barr, Charles

Barrett, Ed

Benton, William

Bernier, Daniel

Bollinger, Lee

Bowen, Jody

Brown, Jerry

Brown, Rodney

Buchanan, Ian

Buffkin, James

Buffkin, Ricky

Caison, Bradley

Caison, John

Caison, Richie

Canady, Jackson

Carico, Dicky

Carico, Ian

Carpenter, Tommy

Carpenter, Nicholas

Carroll, Eddie

Caulder, Clifton

Causey, Wes

Cheers, Bryan

Church, Shannon

Cox, Walter

Davis, Bobby

Davis, Graham

Davis, Henry

Dunn, Woody

Dunteman, Richard

Eidson, Carl

Elliott, Terry

Elmore, Darrell

Etheridge, Dwayne

Evans, Donald

Evans, George

Ferguson, Raymond

Frick, Jacob

Gales, Henry

Giordano, Mark

Gray, James

Green, Max

Hall, Brian

Hall, Tony

Hayes, Justin

Hewett, Anthony

Hewett, Jeff

Hewett, Roy Michael

Holcombe, Phil

Horne, Jeff

Horne, Norman

Hughes, Earl

Hughes, William

Inman, Billy

Ivey, Tim

Jackson, Todd

Jarrell, Ed

Kain, Richard

Kennedy, Leonard

Lee, Larry

Long, Billy

Long, David

Long Jr, Marvin

Masters, Richard

May, David

McDonald, Phillip

Mclean, Ron

Mullins, Alex

Munching, Aaron

Murphy, Jim

Nealy, Stephen

Norris Jr, Buddy

Pittman, Lonnie

Pittman, Melton

Pressley, Kevin

Pryce, Vernon

Richardson, Daniel

Rogers, Tom

Rutledge, David

Sellers, Devin

Sherman, Tom

Skumanick, Tony

Smith, Christopher

Smith, Derrick

Smith, Greg

Smith, Ricky

Smith, Tim

Spangler, Chuck

Speakman, Larry

Strother, Ed

Taylor, Forrest

Thompson, Peter

Todd Jr, Curtis

Tripp, Lacy

Tripp, Phillip

Varnam, Hubert

Varnam, Mark

Walker, Jason

Ward, David

Watkins, Bo

Watts, Zach

Webber, Paul

Wicker, Michael

White, James

Whiteside, Justin

Williamson, Wilfred

Winfree, Gordon

Woods, Woody

Zizwarek, Joseph

Men Eligible for Deacon Consideration

2So the twelve summoned the congregation of the disciples and said, "It is not desirable for us to neglect the word of God in order to serve tables.

3"Therefore, brethen, se-lect from among you sev-en men of good reputa-tion, full of the Spirit and wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task.

4"But we will devote our-selves to prayer and to the ministry of the word."

Acts 6:2-4

Each family member of FBCS, may nominate up to 8 men for deacon consideration.

July 16, following the morning worship services, we will nominate deacons for the coming year. Please review what the Bible says about deacons, pray, and come prepared!

Page 4: July 2017 - Events - First Baptist Church of Shallotte · rady Shearer from hurch Pro Tools has noted that the best way to reach ... lasses will resume in September 2 7glorified that


4 5

4 years old - 8th grade

Mon July 24


Thurs July 27

6 :00 - 8:30 pm

4 old - 8th grade

Mon July 24 through

Thurs July 27

6 :00 - 8:30 pm

Please Note: FBCS Upward Sports Program for the fall will not offer flag football & cheerleading.


Experiencing the Power of God in Troubling Times

New Sermon Series Coming in July

July 12—September 6

Join us

for this

study in

the main




at 6:30




Please join us for our quarterly ministry

meeting. Ministry leaders please come

prepared to share updates.

Snacks will be graciously provided by the

adult Sunday school classes. Sunday, July 9 | 6pm

A Study of Elijah

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