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Page 1: July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 1 LSST Program and Development Status Kirk Gilmore SLAC/KIPAC/LSST.

July 7, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review Page 1

LSST Program and Development Status


Page 2: July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 1 LSST Program and Development Status Kirk Gilmore SLAC/KIPAC/LSST.

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Development of the LSST concept

Endorsed by several NAS panels and reports on

astronomy and high energy



Community Committee Developed

“Towards the LSST Design

Reference Mission”

Strauss et. al.



“LSST: From Science Drivers

to Reference Design to

anticipated Data Products”

Ivezic et. al.


Astro-ph: 0805.2366



LSST probes 100x fainter & enables the exploration of the time domain.

LSST Science Requirements


LSST Science Council



LSST is motivated by massively parallel astrophysics to answer a wide range of today’s pressing questions in cosmology and fundamental physics

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LSST Science Requirements focus on 4 Representative and Divergent


LSST enables multiple investigations into our understanding of the universe

Dark Energy-Dark Matter Exploring our Solar System

LSST will find 90% of hazardous NEOs

down to 140 m in 10 yrs

“Movie” of the Universe: time domain Mapping the Milky Way

LSST will map the rich and

complex structure of our


Discovering the transient and unknown on multiple time


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Key LSST HEP Mission: Dark Key LSST HEP Mission: Dark EnergyEnergy

Precision measurements of all four dark energy signatures in a single data set. Separately measure geometry and growth of dark matter structure vs cosmic time.

Weak gravitational lensing correlations

(multiple lensing probes!) Baryon acoustic oscillations Counts of dark matter clusters Supernovae to redshift 0.8

(complementary to JDEM) Probe anisotropy! LSST unique

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LSST has submitted an NSF proposal for $242 M of Construction funding

* Construction proposal submitted in February 2007– 60 Month Construction and Commissioning– Ready for MREFC Funds in FY2010 - Expect in FY 2011 – Proposed as Public Private Partnership to Share costs

• NSF MREFC - $242 M• DOE HEP - $50 M• Private - $100 M

* Current Design and Development– NSF 4yr Award = $14.2 M– DOE Lab Participation– Partner In-Kind– Private Donation

* Operations and Maintenance– Summit, Base, Archive, Data Centers = $45 M/yr (2016)

(FY06 $ with Contingency)

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The LSST proposed schedule

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Summary of LSST project progress since last DOE Program Review

1. Recent Project and Camera DevelopmentsA. $20M award from Charles Simonyi & $10M from Bill Gates - Primary/Tertiary mirror fabricationB. $1.5M from Keck Foundation and $1.2M from Eric Schmidt (Google CEO): Total = $2.7M - Sensor prototyping (RFP)C. Conceptual Design Review in September 07 (CoDR-NSF)D. IN2P3 (France) involvement is evolving (~$600K M&S in 08/09 + in-kind FTE)E. AAS in Austin - 28 Posters (on http://www.lsst.org) SPIE in Marseille - 12 Papers on LSST

2. Camera ScheduleA. Currently in R&D - 53 people/14 institutions and universitiesB. Anticipated transition to MIE (construction) in 2010C. Telescope first light 2014D. System first light 2015E. Full science in 2016

3. Camera BudgetA. Working primarily with SLAC M&S B. Using budget to support reviews via prototyping and analysis: M&S and labor and FPT to outside institutionsC. IN2P3 ramping up

4. ScienceA. Science collaborations (10) starting to engage and establish projectsB. Science Requirements Document established

5. LSST Project/camera related EventsA. P5B. LSST Project All-hands meeting in May (~150 people)C. PDR (NSF) 2nd qtr FY09; CD-1 (DOE) ~same time

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The LSST Project is a Complete System:Image, Analysis, Archive, Publish and Outreach

Telescope and Site


Data Management

Cerro PachonLa Serena

Education and Public Outreach

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Science drivers for the LSST camera

1. Constraining Dark Energy and Dark Matter2. Taking an Inventory of the Solar System3. Exploring the Transient Optical Sky4. Mapping the Milky Way

Major Implications to the Camera

• Large Etendue• Excellent Image Quality and Control of PSF Systematics• High Quantum Efficiency over the Range 330 – 1,070 nm• Fast Readout

Main SLAC activity: development of LSST camera

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LSST camera conceptBack Flange

Filter Carousel


L1/L2 Assembly

Filter Auto Changer

Valve Box

Utility Trunk



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LSST Camera Deliverable Org Chart


(Harvard)WBS 3.5.8



WBS 3.5.4

OpticsOlivier (LLNL)

WBS 3.5.5


(SLAC)WBS 3.5.7


WBS 3.5.1

Camera Body Mechanisms


WBS 3.5.3

Data Acq. & ControlSchalk(UCSC)

WBS 3.5.6

Corner RaftWFS/Guider


WBS 3.5.9

UtilitiesNordby (SLAC)

WBS 3.5.2




SLAC/LSST M&S to outside institutions via Financial Plan Transfer

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Overview of Financial Data – FY2008

FY 2008 FTE by Job CategoryLSST

Temporary PhD, 0.8

Engineer / Computing

Professional, 5.0

Graduate Students, 0.0

Permanent PhD, 1.7

Other, 1.2

Administrative / Technician,


Total FTE: 8.8

FY 2008 Total M$ by SubsystemLSST

Electronics, 0.8

Allocation of PPA DPS, 0.3

Management, 0.6

Systems Engineering,


Cryostat Assembly, 0.2

Camera Optics, 0.3

Camera I&T Planning, 0.0

Camera DAQ, 0.1

Camera Calibration, 0.2

Camera Body & Mech, 0.8

Total M$ of LSST: 3.2

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Overview of Financial Data 2007-2010

FY 2007-2010 Total M$ by Cost TypeLSST












FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10



Labor M&S Allocation of PPA DPS

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The LSST Camera Team: 72 People from 16 Institutions

Brandeis University J. Besinger, K. HashemiBrookhaven National Lab

S. Aronson, C. Buttehorn, J. Frank, J. Haggerty, I. Kotov, P. Kuczewski, M. May, P. O’Connor, S. Plate, V. Radeka, P. Takacs

Florida State University Horst WahlHarvard University

N. Felt, J. Geary (CfA), J. Oliver, C. StubbsIN2P3 - France R. Ansari, P. Antilogus, E. Aubourg, S. Bailey,

A. Barrau, J. Bartlett, R. Flaminio, H. Lebbolo, M. Moniez, R. Pain, R. Sefri, C. de la Taille, V. Tocut, C. Vescovi

Lawrence Livermore National Lab S. Asztalos, K. Baker, S. Olivier, D. Phillion, L. Seppala, W. Wistler

Oak Ridge National Laboratory C. Britton, Paul StankusOhio State University

K. Honscheid, R. Hughes, B. Winer

Purdue University K. Ardnt, Gino Bolla, J, Peterson, Ian ShipseyRochester Institute of Technology

D. FigerStanford Linear Accelerator Center - G. Bowden, P. Burchat (Stanford), D. Burke, M.

Foss, K. Fouts, K. Gilmore, G. Guiffre, M. Huffer, S. Kahn (Stanford), E. Lee, S. Marshall, M. Nordby, M. Perl, A. Rasmussen, R. Schindler, L. Simms (Stanford), T. Weber

University of California, Berkeley

J.G. Jernigan

University of California, Davis

P. Gee, A. Tyson

University of California, Santa Cruz

T. Schalk

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

J. Thaler

University of Pennsylvania

M. Newcomer, R. Van Berg

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Major camera risk mitigation scheduled prior to construction are buying down risk

R&D Effort Plan Status

Demonstrate sensor performance

Establish all specs are met:

Flatness, high fill factor, electrical parameters, mechanical packaging

Study phase sensors received and being evaluated. Prototype contracts being generated.

Efficient sensor procurement

Establish cost, yield and performance of sensors

PO’s being drafted that address risk areas. Prototype phase starting

Establish reliability of shutter and filter mechanisms

Build prototype mechanisms and test

Design completed. Procurement of parts begun

Evaluate outgassing properties of cryostat components

Contamination control demonstrated in engineering cryostat

Contamination testing started. Materials selection process begun.

75cm filter w/multilayer coatings produced with non-uniformity of <1% .

Fabrication of samples in large coating chamber to evaluate uniformity of filter transmission

Passbands defined. Total system throughput modeled. Some witness samples already produced. RFP to potential vendors ready.

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BNL and sensor group are providing leadshipfor schedule driven sensor development



X-ray images

• Request for proposals for prototype science CCDs

– issued Feb. 2008– contract award June/July 2008

• 5 high-resistivity, thick CCDs from study program have been extensively characterized

– design models validated– behavior of dark current, quantum efficiency, and point spread function vs. thickness, temperature, and electric field– flatness and surface morphology– antireflection coating

• CCD controllers for 4 new test labs under construction

– UC Davis, SLAC, Paris, Purdue– allows full-speed testing of segmented sensors

• Components for CCD/electronics chain testing in assembly (Raft/Tower electronics: prototype by end of year

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RFP for Prototyping Filters in 08

• 75 cm dia.• Curved surface• Filter is concentric about the chief Filter is concentric about the chief ray so that all portions of the filter see ray so that all portions of the filter see the same angle of incidence range, the same angle of incidence range, 14.2º to 23.6º14.2º to 23.6º


• Filter RFP being sent out to selected vendors

• Filter prototyping will qualify vendors to fabricate science filters

Filter 1 2 u 330 400 g 402 552 r 552 691 i 691 818 z 818 922 y 950 1070

Half-Maximum Transmission Wavelength

LSST Ideal Filter Set












300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100

Wavelength (nm)

System Throughput (%)

u g r i z y

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Contamination test chamber at SLAC

Fore or Preparation Chamber

Main Chamber

FORE MAIN Camera Controls

cold finger

Other major efforts using SLAC resources

Working is proceeding on plans to deliver a prototype test stand by end of calendar year 2008 - Goal by PDR

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* LSST Camera R&D progressing well toward NSF full LSST PDR, scheduled for early 2009.

* A contemporaneous DOE CD-1 would keep the project on track to enable first light in 2016.

* Significant growth in this program is envisioned beginning if FY10, with LSST replacing GLAST as the major development effort in particle astrophysics and cosmology at SLAC.

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