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  • Interchange Outer East EnewsletterJune 2015

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    Welcome to the June edition of the Family ENewsletter.With our website and facebook pages now being the main avenue for news about IOE happenings,whynot make a regular visit to www.ioe.org.au to check out the articles, galleries, Member pages andcalendar - its a great way to keep in touch.

    Friends of IOEAre you a Friend yet? Is it time to renew your subscription for the coming year? Subscription costis just $35 (individual) or $55 (family) or $100 (organisation). All funds go directly into running ourfantastic family support programs.Recommend us to your friends, neighbours, workmates ... anyone! We need your help inspreading the word about Friends of IOE to the wider community.For more info go to the Friends web page or give Erin a call on 9758 5522 .

    Program Dates

    School Holiday ProgramThe June/July holiday program was published early to benefit both families and program organisation.Info and forms are available on the website Member Programs Info and Forms and Admin pages.Applications have now closed but you can still apply for possible unfilled or cancelled places.Click herefor direct links June-July School Holiday Program SHP online application form Any questions? Pleasecontact either Samantha or Bee on 97858 5522 or email [email protected] below: April holiday activity - keen footy supporters.

    Mums Support Group

    Next Outing for 2015: Saturday 18 July Join us to celebrate Christmas in July at the famous

    Subscribe Share Past Issues RSSTranslate

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  • Cuckoo restaurant in Olinda. $45 for more than you can possibly eat plus entertainment! 11.30am- 5pm approx. RSVP immediately so we can secure our booking.

    We have decided to take a different approach to mums activities from now on by planning a block ofactivities in advance, with one activity per month. If Dads Group can do it so can we ladies! To view andapply for the upcoming outings and Annual Weekend Away, click here Mothers Support Applications -also available on the Member Program Info and Forms and Admin pages. Thanks ladies for your outingsuggestions, I have worked some of them into the plan, after all Mums Group is all about doing what youwant to do. Please note it may be possible to reduce advertised costs, dependent on numbers andfunding available. RSVP asap so bookings can be confirmed. Any questions about Mums' Support?Contact Sandra 9758 5522 or [email protected]


    May Outing: What a relaxing day! The sun shone on our picnic by the beach at Rosebud, then it was offto the Peninsula Springs for an afternoon of total relaxation. Natalie and Judy came prepared with theircreams and scrubbers for the steam room, the cold plunge pool felt wonderful after the sauna and theview from the pool at the very top of the hill, was stunning. We returned to IOE an hour late - testimony tohow much we enjoyed the day. Also read about our March outing Cruisin' Down The Yarra

    Dads GroupIOE's Dads program is now being run in partnership with Parent Support Network, extendingopportunities to an even greater number of Dads. Fred is still at the helm and is now running monthlyactivities for Dads from both organisations. With footy watching, dinners, sporty active stuff and city sights- there is something for everyone!Check out online application form to see the planned activities for the remainder of 2015 and register atthe same time.One click and your done! You can also register via the Members Forms page.

    Read the write up from the May weekend DadsGroup Getaway for a snapshot view of whatwent on when the Dads got together.

    Not yet a Dads Group devotee and want to findout more about the program? Contact Fred [email protected] or Erin (Fred's PA)[email protected]

    COMING IOE EVENTS - make a note of the datesDecember/January Family Camp

    http://www.ioe.org.au/mothers-support-applications/http://www.ioe.org.au/members/program-information/http://www.ioe.org.au/members/forms-administration/mailto:[email protected]?subject=Mums'%20Supporthttp://www.ioe.org.au/cruisin-down-the-yarra/#sthash.Ghfb27VK.dpbshttp://www.ioe.org.au/dads-support-application-form/http://www.ioe.org.au/members/forms-administration/http://www.ioe.org.au/dads-group-getaway/#sthash.e9Ze4K69.dpbshttp://www.ioe.org.au/dads-group-getaway/#sthash.e9Ze4K69.dpbsmailto:[email protected]?subject=Dads%20Supportmailto:[email protected]?subject=Dads%20Support

  • Do something different this New Year. Spend it with other IOE families and a bunch of youngItalians who will be visiting as part of the ongoing Melbourne Milan (MelMi) exchange program,now in its sixth year. Camp will be held at The Summit in Trafalgar from Thursday Dec 31 -Sunday Jan 3. To find out more about the campsite and its facilities visit www.thesummit.net.au Applications close Tuesday June 30 apply online Dec/Jan Family Camp Application

    Magic Mike XXL - Ladies Fundraiser Movie Night

    Mark Monday July 13 as 'OUT PARTYING' on your calendar. Gather your girlfriends and headto Village Cinemas in Knox for a fun, sociable evening in support of IOE programs. Tickets are$30 for movie, drink, popcorn ... and a goodie bag. Tickets from IOE office, or order and pay byphone 9758 5522. Get your raffle tickets too for a chance to win some fab prizes. Downloadposter

    Volunteer Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings

    Head down to Bunnings in Ferntree Gully Road, Scoresby on Sunday June 28 and grab a snagor two. Everyone loves a sausage sizzle (except the vegans and vegetarians - they can eat thebread and sauce!) Vollies will be cooking up a mountain of snags to raise funds for our VolunteerSupport programs and initiatives. Yummmmmm If you want to help out on the day give Jess orMarce a call on 9758 5522 or email [email protected]

    IOE's Annual Shopping Tour

    Its on again! Get ready to shop 'til you drop on Sunday October 11 from 7.45am - 6pm. Cost is$45 incl lunch. Visit 10+ outlets for bagsful of bargains. Always fun, always sociable, alwaysexhausting! To register or for more info contact Kerri 9758 5522 or [email protected]

    NEW NEW NEW from Active 8Glee ClubCalling all 'wanna be" dancers, singers, performers. IOE is looking at starting up its own stageskills and performance group specialising in singing and movement.It will be an inclusive group open, not only to Interchange families and friends, but the communityas well. Sound like something for you? Then please get in touch with the ACTIV8 team on 97585522 or [email protected]

    Get involved with other Active8 initiatives

    Youth Hangout Friday - if you're 12 - 21 and are looking for something fun to do every secondFriday night come along to IOE's fun, flexible, youth lead hangout group at Millgrove'sCommunity Hall. Interested? Call 97585522 or email [email protected] Download the poster.After School Sport 4 Fun in Knox and Millgrove every Monday 4pm - 6pm during school term.Learn and play sports in a fun, non-competetive environment. Open to all young people aged 10 -18 Contact Heather or Karina [email protected] Download flyer.Love Lego? New members are welcome to come along to The Yarra Valley Brick Club inSeville.Juniors (5-10) meet Thursdays 4pm - 5pm. Seniors (10+) meet Wednesdays 7pm -8.30pm. contact Amy [email protected] or check out their Facebookpage Yarra Valley Brick Design Club Download flyer

    http://www.thesummit.net.au/http://www.ioe.org.au/december-2015-january-2016-family-camp-application/http://www.ioe.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Magic-mike-poster.pngmailto:[email protected]?subject=Bunnings%20BBQmailto:[email protected]?subject=shopping%20tourmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]?subject=Friday%20youth%20hangouthttp://www.ioe.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Youth-Group-Millgrove.pdfmailto:[email protected]?subject=Sport%204%20Funhttp://www.ioe.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ACTIV8-Sport-for-Fun-2-locations_web.pdfmailto:[email protected]://www.ioe.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/YVBC-Poster_web.pdf

  • Please noteApplications for all advertised activities can now be made ONLINE using the links from thisEnewsletter. All application forms - online links and forms for email/ print can also befound in the Member Forms and Administration Page.This newsletter is also available on the website on the Publications page and the MemberNewsletter page.

    Program News

    Sickness - stop the spreadHelp us stop the spread of germs. If your children are unwell please don't send them to program oractivities. Similarily we expect support workers to cancel shifts if they are unwell.Changes to plans can be inconvenient, we know, but if we try to contain sickness at home it will stop thespread to other participants,workers and the community in general. Many IOE participants are particularlyvulnerable to respiratory infection, so in winter it is important to be especially diligent. We wouldappreciate if you could notify us of any cancellation asap - we understand this is not always possible - togive time to fill shifts and cancelled places. Thanks for your cooperation.

    Have a Complaint - let us know!Balanced Options has been conducting sessions at the variouspost school sites, talking to the young adults about how they canmake a complaint if they are unhappy or have issues with anyaspects of IOE programs or people. This is a crucial way ofempowering people, allowing them to know that their opinionsand feelings are valued.

    IOE is very open to hearing from anyone who has a complaint in regard to its procedures, services,programs and personnel. Complaints let us know what is not working and help to maintain and improvethe state of all aspects of the agency The IOE Complaints Procedure and Complaint Forms, in a varietyof formats, are readily available on the website on the Contact Us and Policies and Procedures andMember Forms and Admin pages. If you are unhappy with something - let us know!

    IOE DiscoHeld every fourth Friday of the month from 7pm - 10pm, and now in its 11th year, the 'Funk It Up Friday'Disco attracts a crowd of happy dancers at its Bayswater venue. Open to Interchangers of all ages, theDisco is fully accessible and supervised, so everyone can safely let their hair down and keep their feet orwheels moving to the latest grooves. $10 entry and snacks available. Please rsvp to Rachael if you willbe attending [email protected] , .

    SiblingsOnce again we have to thank Freemasons Victoria and Monash Gully branch for their continued financialsupport of Siblings. At a recent morning tea when final payment for this financial year was completed,they confirmed their ongoing support for the coming year.

    Take 28 excited siblings, a tent village to sleepin, lots of activities including an inflatable city tokeep them busy, parmas for dinner and youhave all the ingredients for another fantastic Allages Sibling Camp - this time held in May at the

    http://www.ioe.org.au/members/forms-administration/http://www.ioe.org.au/media/publications/http://www.ioe.org.au/members/newsletters/http://www.ioe.org.au/members/newsletters/http://www.ioe.org.au/contact-us/http://www.ioe.org.au/about-us/policies-procedures/http://www.ioe.org.au/members/forms-administration/mailto:[email protected]?subject=disco

  • Summit in Trafalgar.Use the online form to register for Sibs for therest of 2015 (available on the Member Formspage) . Contact [email protected] for more info.

    Purchased OptionsDoes your young person have an interest that he/she would like to pursue but doesn't want to do italone? By using individuals' combined funds to purchase shared support, Purchased Options is creatingcost effective opportunities for people to socialise and pursue interests. Holidays, camps, leisureactivities, involvement in special interests such as photography and karaoke - are all being madepossible through the Purchased Options program. Contact Deb [email protected] if youwould like to explore these funding use options.

    Overseas tripsIOE is committed to continuing to provide travel opportunities for participants. Through the sharing ofsupport staff and volunteers, young people have been able to experience the sights and cultures of theworld - memories that will last a lifetime and would be totally financially out of the reach of many ifpursued through external travel organisations. This year small groups have headed off to exploreEngland and Paris, Las Vegas and, closer to home, Central Australia. Later in the year New Zealand willbe the destination for another two groups. Keep a watch on the website for postings of reports and picsfrom these amazing trips.Planning for 2016 is underway for three separate trips to USA - theme parks in Orlando, Wrestlemania inTexas and the bright lights of Las Vegas - plus trips to Italy, Fiji and Japan. Details of these will beavailable soon.If you would like to find out more about travel opportunities with IOE or have ideas for future trips pleasecontact Erin [email protected]: our travelers soaking up the history of England


    http://www.ioe.org.au/siblings-program-application/http://www.ioe.org.au/members/forms-administration/mailto:[email protected]?subject=Sibs%20Programmailto:[email protected]?subject=purchased%20optionsmailto:[email protected]?subject=travel

  • Its winter and its COLD, brrrr. Enterprises has a huge stack of firewood just waiting to bedelivered to you. Very competetive prices, quality wood, free delivery and stacking.Contact 9758 7893.

    Read one satisfied customer's glowing report Wonderful Wood Delivery Service . Order now andadd your name to the growing list of warm and happy people.

    Bits 'n PiecesBabies, babies and more babies at IOE Bel and Paul Sadler have welcomed little Zali intotheir family. Brother Tate is quite besotted with his new sister. Peter Mac and partner Leah areproud parents of baby Penelope - she has already paid a visit to her many IOE aunties anduncles. Current trend is baby girls. With another five births imminent we're waiting to see if thistrend continues.So there will be more additions to our rapidly growing IOE family to announce inthe next newsletter.Just in case you didn't know Department of Human Services DHS has been re-named and isnow Department of Health and Human Services DHHS . Might explain the 'undeliverable'messages if you have been emailing them (as we all do!!)Melbourne University researchers are conducting a study on what mothers of children (0 - 18)with disabilities need from services to better support their mental health. Survey takes about 25minutes to complete and is available at https://redcap.mcri.edu.au/surveys/?s=Y4RNPMNXRA ifyou would like to take part.Disability Loop is a new website from Australian Federation of Disability Organisations AFDOwhich will keep you up to date on disability and the NDIS with regular news,stories, resourcesand information. Check it out at http://www.disabilityloop.org.auInformation sessions plus newsletters from other disability organisations are regularly postedon our Member Training and Information Sessions and Newsletter pages. There is lots ofinformation out there - take a look to see if there is something of interest to you.

    Facebook Twitter Website

    Copyright © *|2014|* *|Interchange Outer East|*, All rights reserved. ph 03 9758 5522; fax 03 9758 5899; email [email protected] ;emergency mobile 0439 883 667; web:www.ioe.org.auOur mailing address is:

    Interchange Outer East5 - 7 Yose StreetFerntree Gully, Vic 3156Australia

    Add us to your address book



  • June - July 2015 School Holiday Program Compic

    SHP Application Forms must be received by 9am Wednesday 3rd June 2015

    DAY ACTIVITIES Date and Time What we will be doing: Wheelchair

    Accessible Cost

    Mon 29th June 10am – 5pm

    Inflatable World & Swimming at WaterMarc http://www.inflatableworldoz.com/ringwood

    http://www.watermarcbanyule.com.au/ No

    Tues 30th June 10am – 5pm

    RAAF Museum: Point Cook http://www.airforce.gov.au/raafmuseum/ Yes

    Fri 3rd July 5pm – 12am

    AFL at the MCG Yes


    Tues 7th July 10am – 5pm

    ‘Inside Out’ Movie and Melbourne Museum https://imaxmelbourne.com.au/movie/inside_out_3d Yes

    Thurs 9th July 10am – 5pm

    Peninsula Hot Springs http://www.peninsulahotsprings.com/


    Fri 10th July 9am – 5pm

    Snow Day at Lake Mountain http://lakemountainresort.com.au/ No



    10am Wed 1st – 5pm Fri 3rd July

    Lyrebird Park - Yellingbo http://www.lyrebirdpark.com.au/overview.htm


    10am Mon 6th – 5pm Wed 8th


    Cavehill Creek – Beaufort http://www.cavehillcreek.com.au/index.php



  • June - July 2015 School Holiday Program and Application Forms




    Monday 29th June

    10am – 5 pm Inflatable World & Swimming at WaterMarc

    http://www.inflatableworldoz.com/ringwood & http://www.watermarcbanyule.com.au/

    No $27

    Tuesday 30 June

    10am – 5pm RAAF Museum: Point Cook The birthplace of the Australian Flying Corps and the Royal Australian Air Force, the museum tells one of Australia's most important aviation stories,

    that of the second oldest air force in the world.


    Yes $25

    Friday 3 July

    5pm – 12am AFL : Hawthorn vs Collingwood at the MCG (Including dinner)

    Who will you support - the Mighty Hawks or The Pies?

    Yes $45

    Tuesday 7 July

    10am – 5pm ‘Inside Out’ Movie and Museum New movie released by Pixar.

    https://imaxmelbourne.com.au/movie/inside_out_3d for a description of the movie.

    Yes $25

    Thursday 9 July

    10am – 5pm Peninsula Hot Springs Spend the day relaxing in the hot springs in



    No $25

    Friday 10 July

    9am – 5pm Snow Day at Lake Mountain


    No $30

    CAMPS Wed 1 – Fri 3 July

    Wed 10am Fri 5pm

    Lyrebird Park - Yellingbo


    Yes $140

    Mon 6 – Wed 8 July

    Mon: 10am Fri: 5pm

    Cavehill Creek - Beaufort


    Yes $140

    RSVP by 9am Wednesday 3rd June 2015



    • Participants must be aged between 5 and 18 years old. A person is eligible until the end of the January School Holidays after they have turned 18.

    • Participants must live in Knox, Maroondah or Shire of Yarra Ranges.

    • Participants must be living at home or low cost accommodation

    • Participants must be currently registered with Interchange Outer East

    • Participants must have an intellectual, sensory or physical diagnosed disability

    • Lower priority will be given to those whose sole disability is Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, OCD, ODD or Tourettes syndrome

    • Group Dynamics: In this program, your child is matched 1:1 or 1:2 with a volunteer. However, Interchange must take into consideration appropriate mix of high and low needs with participants, volunteer experience and vehicle availability. This may affect your child’s eligibility for particular events.


    Yooralla Breakaway CUT OFF date for June/July School Holiday period funding is 5 weeks ahead of the start date of your request CRCC no longer have a set CUT OFF date for School Holiday period funding however the sooner the application is received the more time they have to work with it. Please note CRCC provides short term/emergency funding & cannot be accessed for consecutive holiday packages. When applying for funding state the dates & costs of the Interchange activities you are applying for, even though they may not have been confirmed by us.

    To complete the application form, please select your chosen activities and camps and number them in order of preference (for both camps and activities). Don’t forget to save the changes you have made to the form. To email, copy to form and paste as an attachment and send to Interchange at: [email protected] or print and post to 5 – 7 Yose Street, Ferntree Gully 3156. A much easier and more direct way to apply is to use our online form (linked to the Member Forms page of the website and the latest E-newsletter) One mouse click and we’ll have it - EASY!!


    • Late applications will automatically go onto the waiting list and will not be processed until a vacancy occurs.

    • Allocation confirmations and invoices will be sent on Tuesday 9th June 2015. If you have applied via email your allocations will be sent to you via email – remember to check your Inbox (and Junkmail) on Tuesday 9th June 2015. If you require your allocations be sent via post, do not fill out the ‘email’ section of the form


    If an activity / camp is at risk of unsafe weather conditions, Interchange may change or cancel the

    camp or activity. This may occur during the planning process or even during the activity.


    If there is insufficient interest in an activity Interchange may change the activity. Families who

    have expressed interest in the advertised activity will be informed of the change. (The date and time will be

    stay the same)

    mailto:[email protected]://www.ioe.org.au/members/forms-administration/


    Age (As at 1 January 2016):

    Parent/Guardian Name:

    Phone Numbers:



    Municipality (Mark with x):

    Knox City Council Maroondah City Council Shire of Yarra Ranges Other:

    Does the participant reside in the family home? Yes/No

    Preference (1- 8) Include camp in your preferences

    Date Activity Cost

    Monday 29th June Inflatable World & Swimming at WaterMarc $27

    Tuesday 30th June RAAF Museum: Point Cook $25

    Friday 3rd July ALF : Hawthorn vs Collingwood at the MCG $45

    Tuesday 7th July ‘Inside Out’ Movie and Museum $25

    Thursday 9th July Peninsula Hot Springs $25

    Friday 10th July Snow Day at Lake Mountain $30

    Wed 1st – Fri 3rd July CAMP: Lyrebird Park $140

    Mon 6th – Wed 8th July CAMP: Cavehill Creek $140 Do you have any ideas for activities that YOU would like to do with Interchange in future school holiday programs? Write them here!

  • APPLICATION FORM FOR FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMS To register for Mothers’ Support Group,,Dads’ Support,and Sibling Support 2015 please complete this form. Don’t forget to save the changes you have made. Copy and paste the attachment into a new email and send to Interchange at: [email protected] *You can also apply via our online forms (preferred) which are linked to the latest electronic version of the ENewsletter and available on the Member/ Forms and Administration page of our website. MUMS’ SUPPORT GROUP


    Contact phone nos.:


    Please indicate your interest by marking with an x

    Christmas in July at The Cuckoo - Saturday 18 July : Yes No

    Lunch & 10 Pin Bowling at Knox - Sunday 16 August : Yes No

    Foodi Melbourne Night Food Safari: mark preferred date Sat 12 Sept Sun 13 Sept Neither

    Cuban Jazz Festival Rochford Winery – Saturday 24 October Yes No

    2015 Weekend Away 20 – 22 Nov Yes No



    Contact phone nos.:


    Please indicate your interest by marking with an x

    Saturday 25 July – Lunch, Skydeck & Footy Yes No

    Wednesday 12 August – 10 Pin Bowling & Irish Pub Dinner Yes No

    Saturday 29 August – Skeet Shooting at Werribee Yes No

    Wednesday 23 September – Melbourne Wheel & City Dinner Yes No

    Thursday 22 October – Archery & Dinner Yes No

    Sunday 15 November – Winery Lunch & Segways Yes No

    Tuesday 24 November – Nmini Golf & Dinner at Sophias Yes No

    Tuesday 22 December – Christmas Drinks & Barefoot Bowls Yes No

    SIBLINGS PROGRAM 2015 - registration of Interest



    Contact phone nos.:


    Please register our interest in the following Sibs Groups for 2015 – please mark

    5 – 8 years 9 – 12 years teenage

    mailto:[email protected]://www.ioe.org.au/members/forms-administration/

  • APPLICATION FORM FOR FAMILY CAMP – for print/email To register for December 2015 – January 2016 Family Camp at The Summit in Trafalgar, please complete this form. Don’t forget to save the changes you have made. Copy and paste as an email attachment and send to Interchange at: [email protected] or print and send to IOE 5-7 Yose Street, Ferntree Gully 3156 *You can also apply via our online form (preferred) http://www.ioe.org.au/december-2015-january-2016-family-camp-application/ which is also linked to the latest electronic version of the ENewsletter and available on the Member/ Forms and Administration page of our website. FAMILY CAMP Thursday December 31 – Sunday January 3 - registration of interest







    My family would like to share with another family: Yes No

    Other family’s name:

    mailto:[email protected]://www.ioe.org.au/december-2015-january-2016-family-camp-application/http://www.ioe.org.au/december-2015-january-2016-family-camp-application/http://www.ioe.org.au/members/forms-administration/

    combined juneInterchange Outer East June ENewsletterLocal DiskInterchange Outer East June ENewsletter

    shp_combinedJUNE-JULYSHPCompicJune-July SHP info and application

    June 2015 Family support applications


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