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Page 1: June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS - Amazon S3June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS Operation Christmas Child!Throughout the year, we will be collecting items for shoebox packing. For June, please begin

June 2019


Operation Christmas Child! Throughout the year, we will be collecting items for shoebox packing. For June, please begin collecting small toys: Jump ropes, Balls, include air pump if needed, Jacks, Small dolls, Silly Putty®,

Playdough®, Yo-Yo, Slinky® We cannot send candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans. There is a collection box in the Worship Center foyer. Please remember the shoebox recipients in your prayers throughout the year. Nursing Home Service at The Willows, in Fruita, Sunday, June 30, 3:00 PM. Contact Pastor Dan if you can help. Ladies Bible Study 2 meets for the last session of Old Testament Survey on Tuesday, June 4. Men’s Group continues to meet throughout the summer. The Ladies’ Prayer Group meets in the Activities Center foyer on Wednesday mornings at 6:45. Please contact Karen Vejraska (970-242-8904 or email [email protected]) for more information. Fourth Friday Fellowship Fun Night—on hiatus until the fall.

To grow fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20 It’s Really Black and White

Titus 1:16 – 2:3 (NLT) Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good. As for you, Titus, promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching. Teach the older men to exercise self-control, to be worthy of respect, and to live wisely. They must have sound faith and be filled with love and patience. Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. My dear sisters and brothers in Christ. This year we have been talking about loving God and loving others the way Christ loves us. Jesus said to us in John 14:15 “If you love me, you will obey my commandments.” And in John 13:34, He tells us, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” There is more than an expectation to attend church, tithe, or come to fellowship dinners… There is an understanding that our faith really will be seen in our changed lives. Lives that actively show the love of Christ. Lives that reflect Christ and His hope to a dark world. In my devotional time this last week, I read the following devotion by Pastor Omar Al-Rikabi on the passage above. I really loved the message and challenge, so I thought you would, too. I love you all, Pastor Dan CONSIDER THIS In college I studied literature and history, which meant I was trained to automatically look for things others might not see. What’s the context, the world of the author, the language, the symbolism? What is the deeper meaning? But sometimes the words just mean exactly what they say. An English professor once told our class the story of meeting Ernest Hemingway’s wife at a conference. He went on and on with her about how her husband used this and that image to symbolize that and this idea, but she cut him off and said, “Ernie just wrote stories. All of you came up with all that other stuff.” In the story of Scripture, context is everything. Knowing who Paul was writing to and where, what the culture was like, and how the language was used help us better interpret and apply the Bible. But sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) we get caught up looking for the deeper meaning (and full disclosure: we preacher and teacher types love to try to “find” or “see” something new to preach… it’s a problem).

Please have bulletin items to the office by 11:00 AM on Wednesdays . You can either call (242-7380) or email ([email protected]).

At A Glance

Continued on page 3

Page 2: June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS - Amazon S3June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS Operation Christmas Child!Throughout the year, we will be collecting items for shoebox packing. For June, please begin


FM 21-76 Department of the Army Field Manual


SURVIVAL _____________________________________________

One of the big killers in a survival situation is complacency. There is a story about a soldier who was captured because as he was evading capture, a woman walked by whistling a song he knew. Instead of remaining quiet, he unconsciously whistled along. For a moment, he forgot where he was and it led to his capture. Therefore, in our acronym S.U.R.V.I.V.A.L. it is important to:

R-Remember Where You Are REMEMBER WHERE YOU ARE is a basic principle that you must always follow. The Army field manual says, “If there are other persons with you, make sure they also know their location. Always know who in your group, vehicle, or aircraft has a map and compass. Pay close attention to where you are and to where you are going. Do not rely on others in the group to keep track of the route. Constantly orient yourself.” In other words, keep your head in the game and always remember that you are in a dangerous situation. Stay Focused! Ministering to young people is an exciting ministry, but one of the things that is hardest to overcome is the idea that since they are young, they are not fully involved in the spiritual warfare of the faith. The invincible mindset is a real asset, but can lead to making some really bad decisions, simply because they forget that they too are targets of the evil one. This isn’t only limited to our kids though. Many adults in the church, simply go through the motions and feel safe. By attending Sunday, eating at potlucks, and if truly dedicated, an occasional Bible Study, many think that they are inoculated to the lies of the enemy. This leads to Christians who simply go with the motions and do what “feels” natural. Unfortunately, what feels natural to a fallen people is unnatural in the Kingdom of God. We must daily pick up our cross and follow Jesus. We cannot allow ourselves to think that there are days off, or even worse, that there is not real fight of which we are a part. We must always remember where we are and stay focused on running the race set before us. It is only then that true victory and contentment will be found. Where do you stand with Christ? Is He a fascinating person, or is He Lord? Does your life revolve around

June 2-5—Junior Camp (3-5 grades), cost $120 6—Senior Day Camp, free will offering 9-12—Middle School Camp, (6-8 grades), cost $150, need Glenwood Caverns waiver 16-19—High School Camp (9-12 grades), cost $170, need White Water Rafting waiver 21-23—Women’s Camp, $80 Youth Camp forms are available on the website:

http://www.appletonchristian.org/connect Scroll down to Youth section and click on needed forms. No physicals are needed this year. • 9:30 AM, Sunday adult class, A.R.K., Activities

Center, Jonah. • 6:30 PM, Tuesday night Men’s Group, MPR,

Activities Center, Romans • 6:30 PM, Tuesday, Ladies’ Bible Study 2, Old

Testament Survey, A.R.K., Activities Center. Last class, June 4

• No Youth Group during June due to Camps • 9:00 AM, Saturday small group, The Gospel

Project. Last session May 11. Resumes in Fall. July 4—Independence Day, office closed 12—Missions Team Meeting 25-28—Men’s Gold Rush For more information on any event, go to our website

and click on calendar. Then click on the event to get more information.


Continued on page 3

Page 3: June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS - Amazon S3June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS Operation Christmas Child!Throughout the year, we will be collecting items for shoebox packing. For June, please begin

Greetings from the Elders of ACC. For many months, we have been considering what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:18-20 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” His instruction didn’t end with baptizing believers. He told us to teach everything He commanded us – this includes teaching others to do the same. Only in this way can His message of salvation be perpetuated. The apostle Paul, had the same idea in mind when he wrote his final letter to Timothy: 2 Timothy 2:2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. The goal is to create disciples of Jesus to be like the disciples of Jesus who made us disciples of Jesus. It’s all our job, not just Pastor Dan’s and Pastor Alan’s. It’s hard, but it’s Christ’s expectation. At the World Mission Conference this March, I met Matthew Anderson who is a missionary to Utah. His message of discipleship caught my attention (i.e., slapped me upside the head). So, we invited him to come speak to the Elders and other interested parties at ACC. The approach he advocates is the approach that Jesus used in making disciples – through relationships. Jesus walked and ate and sat and, well, lived with people. During all this walking and eating and sitting and living, He talked and taught about every little observation and circumstance they encountered. It’s called looking for the “teachable moments”. We all need to be involved in other people’s lives in a way that we can be teaching and learning in all of life’s “teachable moments”. Mr. Anderson also talked about the maturing process of becoming a disciple. This is the process of growing from “babes” to maturity, and it’s expected of all of us. (See 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Hebrews,


The Elders have created this section

of the newsletter to keep our

members informed of some of the

events and projects on which we are


Him, or is not that important? Do you make every decision based on Who He is or on what you want? I challenge each of us to ponder our relationship with Christ. Are we truly dedicated to Him, or simply going through the motions? Are we whistling along with the world, unaware that it will lead to our capture, or are we being diligent in pursing the things of God? If you need to repent of a lukewarm relationship, then won’t you do that now. Ask God to return your passion to you, then start using that passion to pursue His kingdom and His righteousness.

Until next time, remember that in Christ we are not just surviving, we are thriving.

God Bless, Pastor Alan 928-580-9856 [email protected]

But sometimes there is no hidden symbolism. No deeper meaning. No figuring out what it means for us today. Sometimes the black-and-white print is really black-and-white teaching. Exercise self-control. Have love. Be patient. Don’t slander. Don’t get drunk. Teach what is good. Pretty straight forward teaching from the first to the twenty-first century. So why do these things? For Titus, NT Wright sets the scene: “But what if there’s a town in the ancient Mediterranean world which has never seen Christians before? This is a new community, organizing itself in a new way, refusing to join in with normal public events like the sacrifices which celebrate the various gods and goddesses, including the special local ones. Its members no longer frequent the drunken orgies they once did. They are even rumored to refuse to take the oath of allegiance to the emperor… People will be watching.” THE PRAYER Jesus, it’s really black and white: Help me live a life that reflects you, so that when people watch me they see how much you love the world. Amen. THE QUESTION What is your scene today, and who’s watching? For the awakening, Omar Al-Rikabi

Continued on page 4

Black and White, cont.

R-Remember, cont.

Page 4: June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS - Amazon S3June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS Operation Christmas Child!Throughout the year, we will be collecting items for shoebox packing. For June, please begin


Graduations/Receptions: Saturday, June 1, 2019 Nick Waggoner ACC Activities Center 11:30 AM—3:00 PM Saturday, June 15, 2019 Elisabeth Wilson ACC Worship Center TBD

Camp forms are available on our website: http://www.appletonchristian.org/connect

Scroll down to the Youth Section and click on the links for the registration form, waivers, and poster with camp dates and rates. Write checks to ACC.

Physicals are not required for camp this year. Middle-Schoolers need the Glenwood Caverns waiver; High-Schoolers need the White Water Rafting waiver. Camps will each be for three days only. We need a headcount for each camp. Please contact Pastor Alan if you intend on going to camp, 928-580-9856

and James.) Mr. Anderson uses human growth terminology to help identify our maturing as Christians:

• Babies – needy, messy, hungry, helpless

• Toddlers – autonomous, but self-centered

• Young Adult – Christ-centered, focused on others, but needing a place to work

• Adult/Parent – Reproducing and pouring into others The goal of all of us is to move to the next stage of maturity and to help others do the same. These are exciting times here at Appleton Christian, as we feel the calling to step out of our comfortable stages to become more mature disciple-makers. In parting, here are a couple of questions for you to consider:

How would you define a disciple of Jesus? How would you define a disciple-maker of Jesus?

John Wilson, Elder

Elder Corner, cont.

Page 5: June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS - Amazon S3June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS Operation Christmas Child!Throughout the year, we will be collecting items for shoebox packing. For June, please begin

Mission of the Month

Doug Winter, Chaplain Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MesaCJMinistry

Mailing Address: 2536 Rimrock Avenue, Suite 400-171 Grand Junction, CO 81505

Chaplain Winter Cell: 970-712-2568 Birthdays: Doug—September 12

Wedding Anniversary: July 7

Ministry: The mission of the Mesa County Jail Ministry is to bring the healing power and grace of Jesus Christ to broken relationships with God, with family, and with community. Because we live in a sin-racked world, all our relationships are broken to varying degrees. Yet in spite of our brokenness, God invites each of us to follow Christ's example of love, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to participate in His work of healing and redemption.

As Jesus took the initiative in seeking the lost, our ministry accepts the responsibility to actively seek those who are in need of hope. Our goal is to accept people where they are in their spiritual journey, providing grace where less-than-perfect people participate in His acceptance, and forgiveness. Prayer Requests: We ask that you be in prayer for the support of this ministry, for our Chaplain and for ALL the dedicated Volunteers that serve in this ministry. Our needs are little, our responsibility great. Prayer for the spiritual battle; paper-backed Christian books; and funds to support the Chaplain’s position, purchase bibles, reading glasses, and instructional materials.


Missionary Prayer Planners are available in the Welcome Center of the Worship Center. The Planners have information on all of the missions ACC supports. Pick one up Sunday (or have a pdf emailed to you) to help with praying for our missions.

Page 6: June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS - Amazon S3June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS Operation Christmas Child!Throughout the year, we will be collecting items for shoebox packing. For June, please begin

First Service Communion Servers June, Lead Server July, Lead Server 2-TBD 7-Saul Tompkins 9-Connie Fudge 14-Mark Murrell 16-Jack Costello 21-Connie Fudge 23-Jim Rogers 28-Jack Costello 30-Steve Moseley

ways to send Prayer Requests:

Include on your bulletin prayer card on Sunday (check the box to be included

in the weekly email distribution); OR email

[email protected] ; OR call Paul @242-8904, or

Jason @314-0456, or Nancy @241-0858.

For shut-in communion,

please call 242-7380 during office hours or contact person listed below:

June Teams






Clip and post in your home as a reminder when you serve, or put into your smart phone.

Contact Us:

Pastor Dan Baker [email protected]

Pastor Alan Dyson [email protected]

Elders: [email protected]

Dan Baker 822-2717 [email protected]

Michael Costello 260-6261 [email protected]

Alan Dyson 928-580-9856 [email protected]

Doug Steiner 250-9900 [email protected] Kevin Vig 216-7993

[email protected] John Wilson 640-6326, Chair

[email protected]

Diaconate: Jeanne Baker 908-399-8012

[email protected] Aleta Beaslin 245-5009 [email protected]

Barb Easlick 330-417-0617 [email protected] Malinda Lyons 245-5632

[email protected] Debbie McDonald 270-4733

[email protected] David McElfresh 719-930-0012

[email protected] Kelly Messamer 424-6864 [email protected] Barb Robinson 208-4981 [email protected]

Josh Vig 623-5688 [email protected]

Donna Ward 623-3665 [email protected]

Lacey Weber 210-5361 [email protected]

Charlotte Zangerle 245-6907 [email protected]

Communion & Offering Meditation

First Service Second Service June June 2 Dave Sloan 2 John Wilson 9 Josh Vig 9 Josh Vig 16 Dan Baker 16 Michael Costello 23 Alan Dyson 23 Nancy Hagerman 30 Dave Sloan 30 Malinda Lyons July July 7-Josh Vig 7-Josh Vig 14-Dan Baker 14-Jenny Nichols 21-David McElfresh 21-John Wilson 28-Dave Sloan 28-Michael Costello

GREETERS First Service Second Service June June 2 Charlotte Zangerle 2 Kelly Messamer 9 Sandy Calkins 9 Randy & Beth Pifer 16 Steve & Peggy Moseley 16 Jenny Nichols 23 Mark & Jennifer Murrell 23 Doug & Jan Steiner 30 Kelly Messamer 30 Brett & Debbie McDonald July July 7-Dan Smith 7-Kelly Messamer 14-Aleta Beaslin/Barb Robinson 14-Randy & Beth Pifer 21-Charlotte Zangerle 21-Jenny Nichols 28-Sandy Calkins 28-Doug & Jan Steiner


June Prayer Families

2—Judy Devine

Chois Devinney

9—Sandy Devinney

Dave Downey

16—Scott & Jodi Draper

Alan & Kari Dyson

23—Barb Easlick

Glenn & Shirley Ewing

30—David Foster

Tom & Connie Fudge




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Prayer Schools

2—Thunder Mountain Elem

9—Tope Elem

16—Wingate Elem

23—Bookcliff Middle School

30—East Middle School

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Page 8: June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS - Amazon S3June 2019 THE APPLE PRESS Operation Christmas Child!Throughout the year, we will be collecting items for shoebox packing. For June, please begin

The Bible affirms the power and importance of prayer and we, as a church, are committed to pray for each other. Let us know your request and we will lift you

up in prayer.

Unsubscribe: If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter,

please contact us with your address or email with UNSUBSCRIBE in

the Subject line. Thank you.

The Apple Press 2510 I-70 Frontage Rd

Grand Junction, CO 81505

JUNE 2019 Our Mission

To grow fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School for all ages

You can also access the directory on your computer. Go to: https://members.instantchurchdirectory.com/ to create an account using the email address you have listed in the directory. You will receive a confirmation email and once you click on the link, your email address will be validated. You will then need to log in, just as an email account, every time to access the directory. You will be able to view the infor-mation, but the phone numbers and email are not hyperlinked as with the smart device app.






Connect with us:


970-242-3682 fax

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

To sign up for Applets, Newsletter, or Directory PDF up-

dates, please send an email with Subscribe to Applets, or

Newsletter, or Directory PDF in the Subject line.

[email protected]

To sign up to receive prayer requests,

please send an email with

Subscribe in the Subject line.

[email protected].


Listen to sermons online


Click here for Calendar


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