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  • Tarot Reading for

    Astrology Forecast-June 2015

    1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Six of Cups


    In the sections below we'll talk about how Mars and Mercury are causing problems domestically,

    but it's worth mentioning that these two planets are also having an effect on your mind, and this

    month you'll find yourself much more scatterbrained and confused. It goes without saying that

    this can have a negative effect on your output at work, and if you're not able to maintain focus,

    this can be a very trying month indeed. We recommend you do your best to keep the blinders on,

    possibly going step by step methodically. This could help you at least a bit in getting your work



    You'll most likely desire spending more time away from home, due in no small part to the fact

    that Mars and Mercury are causing problems between you and your siblings or neighbors. And,

    like many an Aries, the way you'll avoid these issues is by going out and seeking out romantic

    flings. This isn't a good month for meeting someone with which you'll want to start a

    relationship, but if you can maintain a little restraint, there won't be any real harm arising from a

    meaningless fling with an attractive stranger.

  • In Love

    Both above and below this section we talk about the fact that Mars is in your third house this

    month while at the same time Mercury is causing a retrograde in the same arena. Put simply, this

    means that you and your partner may encounter problems with your neighbors or your siblings

    (which appears to be more likely), and since money may come into play, this can cause a bit of

    fighting between you and your lover. But instead of letting it come to that, why not see your

    partner as a respite from these problems, and talk them over with him or her? That would make

    things easier on the both of you, rather than letting an annoying part of your life spill over into

    more important parts.


    You stand a good chance of having to purchase things that you won't want to spend the money on

    and, perhaps worse, these purchases won't even be for your own benefit. Most likely you'll have

    to help out your siblings or neighbors financially, and this could cause friction between the two

    of you. The reason for this is a Mercury retrograde in your third house, which at the same time is

    being ruled by Mars during this period. The third house rules such matters as, you guessed it,

    neighbors and siblings, and the friction between these two planets will translate to friction

    between you and these people.


    The Mars and Mercury factor ruling your mind right now is, as we detailed above, causing you

    no shortage of stress and confusion. This is a month where meditation and breathing exercises

    can help you greatly. Aries is a sign that is ruled by the head and, for better or worse, you're more

    affected by mental issues like this than nearly any other sign in the Zodiac. And, sadly, your sign

    is one of the least likely to try out methods like meditation. But we do implore you to at least

    give it a shot. You may be surprised how much peace and stability you can gain from something

    so simple.

    2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: XV The Devil


    This month continues the growth in your work life, and it couldn't have come at a better time.

    Now begins a period wherein you can see some significant improvement in your career. Saturn is

    backtracking into Scorpio this month, and his influence will help you to make sense of business

  • partners, networking, and other career-related things. You'll be more able to tell who and what is

    helping you and holding you back. Clarity is the watchword, and you'll be filled with it. Try to

    make use of it, though, because Saturn will only be helping you in this regard until September,

    when he starts to head back to Sagittarius.


    While Saturn (and Mars) will be helping you grow in the workplace, his influence may perhaps

    be most apparent and maybe most welcome in the realm of Love. The influence of Saturn on

    your house of relationships will be almost immediately apparent, and there's a great chance that

    you'll start dating someone new and exciting during this time. This won't be a short-lived fling,

    either: This relationship will most likely be healthy and mature, helping you to shed off all the

    baggage that held you back in the past. It's a good time to be a Taurus, especially a single Taurus.

    In Love

    Any Taurus already in a relationship needn't fear that they'll be tempted by a new lover during

    this period, however. In fact, you Taureans who are already spoken for will also get to enjoy the

    influence of Saturn. Your relationship, no matter how old, will experience some growth, and

    you'll be able to rid yourselves of the petty problems that have been holding you two back. You'll

    learn more about what it means to truly be together, and you'll fall even deeper in love. If you've

    been drifting apart from one another, you'll be happy to see the connections reforming. Not too

    shabby, Taurus, wouldn't you say?


    Unfortunately, there's rarely good news across the board for any given sign in any given month,

    and for Taurus, the drawbacks are found in the arena of money. In the first couple weeks, an

    annoying Mercury retrograde will poke and prod at your earnings. You'll likely see some kind of

    unforeseen expense creep up, or you'll make a minor budgeting mistake that will force you to

    pinch your pennies a bit. But by the middle of June these problems should fade, and you'll have a

    better outlook on money coming into July. It isn't ideal, but it could always be worse.


    You may feel a bit more lethargic this month, and somewhat devoid of excess energy. There's a

    reason for this: In the last two months, Mars, which has been in your sign, has been giving you

    extra impetus in many areas of your life, and you've been a bit charged all around. With Mars

    leaving Taurus, you could experience a bit of a crash, but it shouldn't be too much of a burden.

    Yours is a sign that handles its energy well anyways, and the worst you can expect is a little extra

    tiredness and slightly more noticeable fatigue. But by the end of June, you should be back in

    fighting shape.

  • 3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Five of Swords


    Challenges at work are unfortunately quite likely for Gemini this month, due to Saturn

    backtracking into your sixth house, which rules such things as coworkers, daily tasks, and

    productivity. On the bright side, this planetary motion won't have a negative affect on your

    overall career prospects, but we would be lying if we told you you won't experience any

    day-to-day stress and problems at the workplace. Arguments with coworkers and superiors are

    quite possible, and confusion and slow productivity are almost guaranteed at some point. Do

    your best to work through this, Gemini. That's the only advice we can really give you.


    June doesn't bring much hope in the way of a long term relationship, but you will notice that

    your sex drive is a bit higher this month, and you'll be more likely to engage in a one night stand

    if you feel so inclined. This of course comes with plenty of warnings and potential problems, but

    as long as you're mature, responsible, and (above all) safe, there is no reason for two consenting

    adults to have a little fun. After all, with the stresses piling up in other parts of your life, this may

    be just what you need to help balance yourself out.

    In Love

    Geminis in a relationship can enjoy the higher sex drive without having to deal with the guilt and

    walk of shame that their single counterparts may experience this month. In truth, this is a great time for you to become more intimate and sexual with your partner. Even the healthiest

    relationships can sometimes suffer from a lack of physical connection, and it always helps to

    ramp up the volume in this respect every now and then. Consider this the perfect time for hitting

    the refresh button.


    This month Mars enters your house of money, and it couldn't come at a better time. With

    difficulties at work thanks to the influence of Saturn, it's quite a relief to know that your financial

    situation is likely to improve over the next month and a half or so. You may even get a raise or

    promotion at work, despite the actual day-to-day aspect of it being full of hardship. This is why

  • we mentioned earlier about the daily drudgery being harsh but the actual overall progress of your

    career remaining unscathed.


    Your sense of balance may be a bit out of whack this month, and depending on what your

    livelihood consists of, this can cause problems. Gemini rules the arms, and you can tell a lot

    about where Gemini fits into a person's chart by analyzing these upper appendages. Long and

    short arms alike tell us that Gemini plays a part. But overall balance is also related to the arms,

    and any Gemini who works as a server or any other job related to balancing things may have

    some problems this month. Vertigo and inner ear problems may also be a possibility. Keep an eye

    out for any of these problems, and nip them in the bud before it's too late.

    4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: X Wheel of Fortune


    The last several weeks have been rough on your subconscious, but for good reason: You've been

    shedding baggage that has been holding you back, and while this is healthy overall, it has

    occupied your mind and taken a toll on your productivity at work. This month you're a bit more

    clear-headed, but you won't be fully back in perfect form at the office. This is thanks to Saturn

    backtracking into Scorpio, which will cause you to struggle a bit harder to finish tasks. Cancers

    involved in physical labor will notice this more than any of their peers. But if there's any

    consolation, know that many other signs this month are feeling this squeeze.


    Luckily, Saturn's influence won't be completely negative. At least not for Cancer. As Saturn nears

    the end of his run in a certain sign, he becomes much more friendly and generous. He's been

    ruling your house of love for quite some time now, and while he's dealt out some tough lessons

    over the last couple years, he's now ready to deal out some kindness. This is a great month in

    which to meet someone who has the potential to stick around for a long time. Any Cancer who

    has been craving a true, loving, lasting relationship should definitely get out there and start

    looking. You may be surprised how quickly you find love.

    In Love

  • Cancers in a relationship will enjoy Saturn's kindness as well. There is a good chance that you

    and your partner have had your fair share of fights and difficulties throughout the last year. But

    the darkest days are behind you and the silver lining is shining ever brighter as we head on

    through 2015. This is a period where the two of you can put all the negativity behind you and

    grow as a couple in the way that you did when you first started dating. In a year where many

    signs are seeing their relationships end, it is indeed good to be a Cancer.


    In the next couple months there will be some terrific growth for Cancer in the area of finances.

    August brings with it the influence of Mars, helping you increase your net worth noticeably and

    quickly. September will deliver a Lunar eclipse that will usher in a period of reaping the benefits

    of the hard work you've put in this year. But as we stand here in June, it isn't immediately

    apparent that good things are on the horizon. But that's why we're here: If you see more

    stagnation than growth in June, just know that the best times of the year, monetarily speaking,

    are just around the corner.


    Dehydration may creep up for Cancers born closer to the cusp between Cancer and Leo. As such,

    we recommend that you do your best to maintain optimal water intake throughout the month.

    Cancers not born near the cusp should follow suit as well, if only to be better safe than sorry. For

    Cancers who live in a region where June means Summertime and hot, energy-sapping days

    should take this to heart even more so. Avoid salty foods that can leach any remaining water

    from you, and try to limit your exposure to direct sunlight at the hottest time of the day, if


    5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: The Fool


    Camaraderie is the name of the game in June for Leo, at least as far as work is concerned. You'll

    find that you're getting on better with your coworkers, and for Leos who are in managerial

    positions, you'll have an even better relationship with your underlings. Leo is a sign that meshes

    well with most people anyway, but you may surprise even yourself with how your friendships

    with your colleagues grow this month. Add to that the fact that there are no tricky planetary

    alignments getting in the way of your productivity, and it's easy to see that this will be a very

    low-stress month at the workplace.

  • Single

    There doesn't appear to be much in store for you this month in regards to romance. But this

    month you probably won't care a whit. You're more likely to enjoy a conversation with a stranger

    that doesn't involve flirting, pickup lines, and so forth. And this can be a good thing indeed,

    because this month provides the possibility to make new friends of the opposite sex. We can all

    benefit from a wider array of friends, and it can be a comfort to have a female friend that you can

    talk to without having to put up a front. Likewise for a male friend.

    In Love

    This month you'll find yourself more inclined to pal around with your friends rather than

    spending all your free time with your significant other. Now, this doesn't mean that you're getting

    sick of your lover. And it also doesn't mean that a night out with your mates will translate into

    new opportunities and the risk of infidelity. Really, this is more of a harmless, innocuous desire

    to reconnect with your besties. And that is indeed healthy. You need a strong, supportive group of

    friends to be there for you, and all too often we lose touch with our friends when we strike up

    serious relationships. So enjoy the night out with the gals, guys, or whatever. Your partner will

    just have to understand that you need this time to make sense of the world.


    This month continues the trend of a relaxing, easygoing relationship with your money. You're

    growing as a person, and the stresses of finances don't bother you as much. Also, you're better

    than you used to be at holding on to money. Much of these lessons were instilled in you within

    the last couple years due to the motions of the larger planets in the Solar System. Will there still

    be hiccups along the way? Sure, but you're in a better position financially than you've been in

    quite some time, and that's nothing to sneeze at.


    Leos born early in the sign, near the cusp of Cancer, stand a higher chance of experiencing

    dehydration this month. Unfortunately, this also coincides with the higher likelihood of you

    going out and enjoying the good times with your friends. That translates into alcohol

    consumption for many Leos, and we all know how that relates to dehydration. Try to keep your

    imbibing in moderation, and see if you can't drink an eight ounce glass of water for every beer,

    shot, or glass of wine you consume. Also, it wouldn't hurt to have a sports drink waiting for you

    on the nightstand when you wake up. Most importantly, stay safe out there, Leo.

  • 6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: V The Hierophant


    A Mercury retrograde in your house of Careers may cause some friction this month. You may

    start seriously entertaining the idea of going back to an old job where you thought things were

    better. You also may think about going back to school and seeking out the career that you feel

    you were born for and better suited for than what you're doing now. Whatever the case, try not to

    make any snap judgments. This is just more of that Mars-Mercury tangle that's been affecting

    your work life in the last few months. Try to weather this storm and see if those feelings persist

    in the Fall. If so, then you can start making those choices with a clearer head.


    This month you won't be so worried about the dating scene and, interestingly enough, you'll

    actually feel less inclined to spend time with the opposite sex. Male Virgos won't see the need to

    try to hook up with any given female during a night on the town. Instead, they'll actually enjoy the time spent with their male friends, with courtship playing second fiddle. The same goes for

    female Virgos. They won't fret over going home alone, not with the fun they're having with their

    girlfriends. We could all use these periods in our life, where we remember that friendship is just

    as essential as romantic love to our overall health and happiness. Now if we could keep this in

    mind at all times, we would be much better off!

    In Love

    Virgo is a sign that is nothing if not industrious, level-headed, and serious. Sometimes this aspect

    of your personality can take the reins a bit too hard, and your partner may take umbrage at your

    icy disposition. But this month you'll be far more fun and fancy-free, as it were. You may even surprise yourself with your ability to laugh, act silly, and just generally have a great time. This is

    a wonderful period in which to just let loose and enjoy life, with all its wrinkles and flaws. This

    is also a great time to reconnect physically with your partner, so make sure to take advantage of

    that as well.


    Luckily, the retrograde related to your career shouldn't have any bearing on your finances and,

    compared to the last couple months, you should actually start seeing more improvement in areas

  • related to your pocketbook. The rest of the year actually bodes pretty well for Virgo as far as

    income is concerned, provided you don't make that knee-jerk decision to quit your job this

    month. But we know that your sign is very measured and clinical in areas like this, so you'll

    likely make the right decision objectively. While it's been a tough year for Virgo in some

    respects, it should be reassuring to know that your innate common sense is helping you weather

    it better than nearly any other sign could hope to.


    You're a bit more susceptible to issues related to your back this month, and any Virgo who has

    suffered back injuries in the past should be doubly aware of this. Try to avoid any heavy lifting

    this month and, if you absolutely must haul that heft, remember to lift with your legs. This goes

    without saying for anybody during any time, but it bears repeating. Some aspirin or similar pain

    reliever can help for the minor backaches that may come into the picture, and now may also be a

    good time to take a look at the mattress you sleep on every night. Is it comfortable yet firm?

    Does it provide good support? If not, it may be time for a new mattress.

    7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: Ten of Cups


    Mars enters your house of career this month, and it is just one of the many machinations that

    we've talked about in the last couple months that is helping to catapult you to success during this

    middle part of 2015. You'll have a much clearer sense of your goals and you'll have an easier

    time accomplishing them. You're more driven, with more energy and mental capacity. By all

    accounts this is the best time of the year for Libra and, as far as work is concerned, you're

    experiencing perhaps the best growth in this sector than any other sign in 2015. And to think that

    it's going to get even BETTER. Enjoy it, Libra, because you've definitely earned it.


    Your self-confidence is brimming throughout the month, threatening to spill over onto anybody

    who dares stand in your path to true love. In past months you may have been too shy to sidle up

    next to that handsome hunk or bodacious beauty, but this month the ball is in your court. And

    even if you get rejected, it won't sully your confidence a bit. After all, they don't know what

    they're missing! This is a perfect opportunity to seek out what you really want in a relationship

    and then get it.

  • In Love

    In the last couple months you've grown more intimate and closer to your partner, and this goes

    for both Libras in longstanding relationships and those of you who have just recently begun a

    relationship. While the intimacy may taper off just a bit this month, the love and togetherness is

    still there. And this is a good thing, because you can't simply be lovey-dovey all the time. There

    is little room for growth in such a situation. And growth is the order of the day for Libra in this



    In much the same way that your career and work prospects are in full gear, you can rest even

    easier knowing that your financial well-being is expected to improve right alongside your other

    fortunes. And to think, we're not even halfway through the year yet! But that being said, don't let

    this gradual financial boom (and your increased confidence) lure you into a fearless state of

    spending. With great power comes great responsibility, and while it's okay to treat yourself to a

    little something now and then, don't break the bank expecting the good times to last forever.


    This month there are no negative health issues to fear, and if it seems like things are too good to

    be true for Libra in June, just remember that we all get to experience the pure, unmitigated

    kindness of the stars from time to time; Aries had a particularly beneficial 2014. And don't forget

    that we also experience periods where it seems like the cosmos have a vendetta against us;

    Scorpio had quite a rough patch last year. So don't feel guilty about this great period, and don't

    expect the other shoe to fall. Just enjoy yourself and the happy circumstances you're

    experiencing at this moment.

    8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: IV The Emperor


    In the next couple months there will be some interesting shakeups related to your work life, not

    least of which is Jupiter's transition from Leo and your house of Careers. We've discussed how

    Saturn likes to bestow kindness upon his subjects as he prepares to move on to another sign.

    Jupiter is generally kind at all times, so when he leaves a sign there isn't as much of a need to be

    generous. But all the same, he has been known to give a final boon as a goodbye gift, and this

  • could arise in June. At any rate, you can expect an easy, smooth, streamlined month of work, free

    from general stresses and difficulties. And it will get better as we head on further into the

    Summer. Not too shabby, eh Scorpio?


    This month will present some frustrations related to love, and it will more glaring with Scorpios

    who aren't in relationships. The drive of Mars in your house of intimacy will give you the desire

    for a deep connection and someone who truly understands you, but the retrograde of Mercury in

    this same area will cause you to become annoyed and irked that you can't find such a seemingly

    simple thing to make you happy. This isn't a good time to look for love, because even if you get

    the chance to meet someone interesting, your personality at this moment will turn off such a

    person. Best to wait it out, Scorpio.

    In Love

    Scorpios in a relationship won't be as fully disenfranchised as their single peers, but there will

    indeed be the chance for some friction between you and your mate. If you feel as if your partner

    isn't understanding you or communicating effectively with you, you'll take umbrage and be more

    likely to lash out. Luckily, this effect shouldn't last long; by the end of June you'll get relief as

    Mars and Mercury move on to cause trouble in other areas and, at least for the time being, your

    relationship will be safe from their compound complications.


    As Jupiter prepares to leave Leo, you'll have a more stark understanding of the lessons you've

    learned throughout his time in this sign. Remember in 2014 when your work and financial life

    was full of difficulties and setbacks? It was a tough time to be a Scorpio, but you learned from it,

    and the first half of this year has been much kinder to you. This month you'll have a better grasp

    of why you faced monetary problems in the past, and what you need to do to avoid making the

    same mistakes in the future.


    Issues related to the throat stand a chance of creeping up on you this month, and since even a

    minor throat issue can be symptomatic of something far worse, you would do well to get it

    checked out if such an issue lasts longer than three days or so. If you're a smoker, this is the

    perfect time to quit and reclaim your health. In truth, you may find yourself coughing too much

    to even enjoy the cancer sticks. Swollen lymph nodes may also present themselves, and strep

    isn't out of the question. Make sure to be vigilant in fighting any of these illnesses, should they


  • 9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: Eight of Wands


    This month may present some problems at work (as well as the other serious aspects of your life) thanks to Saturn backtracking into your twelfth house. Put simply, when Saturn is in this

    house there is the desire to hide away and avoid the major life problems present in your current

    situation. Any work problems you experience at this time are much more likely to result in you

    becoming depressed and evasive, rather than confronting and solving the problem head-on.

    Luckily, there is nothing forecasted this month that should cause you problems at work, but if

    things become difficult, do try to analyze these problems objectively and avoid retreating into

    your shell.


    This month presents the very real possibility of you trying to escape from your problems, and for

    a Sagittarius this often can mean drugs, drinks, and sex. You stand a good chance of spending a

    lot of your time this month at a bar or other social setting, trying to ignore the reality of your

    various situations. While there isn't anything bad in and of itself with unwinding with a cocktail

    or two and chatting up an attractive stranger, this should be a diversion, not therapy. Take stock

    in how much time you're spending blotting out your mind from reality, and if it feels like it's

    happening too often, try to curtail the good times.

    In Love

    This is not a good month in which to settle any problems between you and your partner. If the

    two of you have any disagreements, you'll most likely avoid any arguments or serious talks and

    instead close off all lines of communication, preferring instead to go to bed early or spend a little

    alone time. It goes without saying that one of the worst things in a relationship is to go to bed

    angry, and we all know that communication is essential to a healthy couple. Though you may not

    want to deal with anything as serious as this, we suggest that you do your best to try and confront

    it anyways. It can save a lot of heartache down the road.


    Money is an area that you most likely will want nothing to do with this month. And while we

    often say that evading a problem is less healthy than dealing with it before it becomes

  • exacerbated, we do understand that finances is a very tricky and dangerous area to handle when

    you're fully in the right state of mind. Naturally, you should continue to pay your bills, but as

    long as nothing besides that is pressing, it may actually be a good idea to just leave well enough

    alone with your finances, until later in the Summer when you've got a better head on your



    As mentioned above, the likelihood of you suffering from depression is very high this month,

    and we don't have to tell you what an insidious and deadly disease depression can be. If you find

    yourself spending most of your time alone, in a dark room, with thoughts of misery and woe

    plaguing you, we recommend that you try to force yourself to spend time with friends and

    family. Studies have shown that these people can be better than many medications at helping to

    pull you out of your funk. Try to get some daylight hours outside as well, as sunlight has also

    been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression. Most of all, just try to stay strong, Sagittarius.

    10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Ace of Pentacles


    Ever hear of the adage Doesn't play well with others? Well this month you'll be exhibiting the complete opposite; you'll be a team player at the foremost, cooperating effectively with your

    colleagues and superiors in order to accomplish the most work in the shortest amount of time.

    You'll share great ideas and accept the ideas of others without judgment. Much of this has to do

    with Saturn backtracking into your eleventh house, which rules such matters as friends, peers,

    group activity, and teamwork. Since these factors are essential to any well-functioning business,

    don't be surprised if your supervisors take notice of your skills in group work and reward you for



    As we mentioned last month, you're in a great period that will help you to find love and, more

    importantly, keep it. This month Mars enters your house of relationships, and you'll be more

    driven to seek out a romantic companion that truly speaks to you on all levels. If you didn't heed

    our advice the last couple months and seek out some possible soul mates, it isn't too late. Mars is

    all about action, and he'll help guide you to the right person. You just have to trust him.

  • In Love

    The odds are good that many a Capricorn is in a new relationship during this time. The

    machinations of the cosmos over the last couple years have made it so that only Capricorns

    whose long-term relationships have been true and meaningful are still together and happy. But

    those Capricorns in a young, fresh relationship have plenty to be happy about. The actions of the

    stars over the next couple months will make it easy for your relationship to grow without you

    even having to do much about it. Just put in the requisite sweet words and kindness and, like a

    Chia Pet, you'll see this lovely relationship blossom into something greater.


    While most of Capricorn's outlook seems pretty positive for June, there is the possibility of a bit

    of difficulty in the first couple weeks of June, related to your finances. Because of the influence

    of Mars last month, you may have to work a bit harder to budget yourself and your earning

    statement for the beginning of the month may be slightly less than you planned. But luckily these

    problems should right themselves by the middle of the month and you can go back to enjoying

    what really is a bountiful June for Capricorn.


    Problems related to the knees may arise in June, and since this is one of the more vital areas of

    your body, we recommend that you keep a discerning eye on them. Sadly, the fact of the matter

    is that many Capricorns already have knee problems of varying degrees. Each Astrological sign

    rules a certain body part and Capricorn rules the legs. Leg injuries are more common for

    Capricorns in the way that head injuries are more common for Aries. If you feel that trick knee

    acting up, do whatever your usual routine for easing the pain might be. Ice it up, heat it up, take

    aspirin, whatever. One thing you shouldn't do, however, is try to push through the pain. This

    could have disastrous consequences.

    11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Five of Pentacles


    In the first couple weeks of June there won't be much to speak of regarding work. Routine will

    play a big part, and while there won't be anything necessarily bad to speak of, there is the chance

    of being bored by the rote tasks you perform. But shortly after the middle of the month you'll get

    a visit from your old friend Mars who enters your house of work. During this time you'll have

  • much more energy and you'll accomplish more than you have in the last couple months. What's

    more, there is a high possibility of an offer of some sort, be it a reward for your diligence or the

    chance to take on a project that will help you rise in the ranks. Whatever the case, the good times

    will continue through July, so make the most of it.


    This month will seem like a total reversal of last month, where you preferred to eschew the

    dating scene and focus instead on the relationships with your friends and family. And, to be sure,

    it is definitely important to have a strong bond with your platonic partners and your relations.

    But this month you're fully ready to get back in the game, and you're more clear-headed, on an

    even keel, which will help you to find the right person to help romantic love return to the

    forefront of your mind.

    In Love

    Finally that Mercury retrograde is out of your hair and you can go back to enjoying the happy,

    comforting relationship that you deserve. Hopefully you took our advice and remained

    diplomatic during this period, and now that things have leveled out, it's time to look toward the

    bright future. Now, that being said, there is still the possibility of spats in the first week and a

    half or so of June. The retrograde doesn't fully leave until the middle of the month, but things

    should level out a bit before that.


    Toward the end of June you'll notice some healthy growth in your bank account, which is always

    a welcome sight. It won't come in the form of luck or a bank error in your favor, though, but

    rather as a result of the increased workload you're taking on in your career. The best bit, perhaps,

    is that you'll be more busy in all areas of your life so you won't have the time to spend all of this

    excess money. And with the good fortune continuing in this area in the next couple months, it's

    easy to see how the rest of the year looks very bright for Aquarius as far as money is concerned.


    This month you will most likely be free from any major diseases, injuries, or anything else that

    could bring extreme misfortune upon a body. And while that is all well and good, we should let

    you know that you DO stand the chance of being a bit more tired this month. You won't

    experience physical fatigue more easily, but you will have a slightly harder time waking up each

    morning. Sleep will be a beautiful respite for you and it may be difficult to pull yourself out of

    bed each morning. Sure, this is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, but a couple late

    days at work can set you back. Make sure to set a backup alarm and put a timer on that

    coffeemaker so it can bubble up as you sleep and wake you with its enticing scent.

  • 12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: IX The Hermit


    The next couple of months will bring some very interesting occurrences to your work life. Some

    will be good, some will be not so good, but none will be that bad. By all accounts, the major

    theme will be growth and progress, and it will play a part in your career aspects until the end of

    the year. This month, however, is fairly uneventful in light of the things to come. As such, this is

    a great time to get all your ducks in a row; try to get ahead of your workload and see to all your

    tasks so that you can approach the coming months with all of your energy.


    Last month saw you pull away a bit from the dating scene, preferring instead to spend time

    surrounded by friends and family. This was par for the course for several other signs as well. And

    early this month there will still be the inclination toward the company of platonic mates and

    loved ones. But toward the end of June you'll start to re-acclimate yourself to the idea of

    romance thanks to Mars entering your house of love. You'll crave love and find it easier to fall

    for someone. You'll be sweeter and more endearing as well. This will continue on through July

    and into the beginning of August, meaning this is the perfect time to meet that special someone

    and start something significant.

    In Love

    This is a great month to reconnect with your partner. The last couple months have seem some

    various issues creep up that have kept you and your lover from being as intimate as you may

    have liked; spending time with family, extra hours at work, that sort of thing. But from now until

    August there is a great impetus (owing to the influence of Mars) which will help the two of you

    form an even stronger bond than you had earlier. This is a great time to be a Pisces in love.


    Pisceans will be happy to learn that they'll have a bit of extra money coming to them from an

    unexpected source. The chances are good that it may be an old friend or family member paying

    back a debt that you had all but forgotten about. A rebate for some sort of purchase is also a

    strong possibility. Before you get too excited, though, it doesn't appear that this monetary sum

  • will be especially fruitful. Probably something in the neighborhood of a hundred dollars or so.

    But who has ever turned their nose up at a little extra folding money, right?


    Vitamin deficiencies are something to look out for this month. You may find yourself feeling the

    lack of enough vitamin A, or D specifically. Basically, be on the lookout for fat soluble vitamins

    versus water soluble. We would recommend that a multivitamin may be all you need to help

    replenish your stores, but studies show that these vitamin supplements aren't as effective as we

    used to surmise. It seems that the only truly dependable way to get your vitamin stores up to

    snuff is to eat the foods that contain them. Stock up on what you need raw leafy vegetables for vitamin A loss, or nuts for vitamin E deficiencies. And remember to keep this habit up, because it

    is definitely one worth having.

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