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Photos from The Release. See page 7.

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God's leading is evident in changes following


Upper Room Family Reunion and Indoor Picnic

The Release

Church Under The Bridge




11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024Phone (713) 465-3467

Fax (713) 365-2808www.chapelwood.org

Chapelwood’s Mission is to embody God’s grace as we receive it to those who need it.

The Chapelwood family is a service-focused body of believers who welcome all to experience God’s grace and goodness through Christian community. While we are determined to “take church” to those who do not belong to a local church family, we also delight in serving those individuals and families within our church. We provide ongoing faith-building activities and meaningful fellowship opportunities for men, women, youth, and children.



JUNE 6, 13, 20, 27 MERCY STREET5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall *

JUNE 7, 14, 21, 28SANCTUARY SERVICES 8:25 *, 9:45 *, 11:10 a.m. *

CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICEMeditation, Communion,and Healing Prayer8:45 a.m., Chapel

THE BRANCHFamily Service in Spanish 10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Road

UPPER ROOM11:15 a.m., Upper Room *

* Services are broadcast live on the web.




05, 06

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Bible Study for Dummies

Premarital Seminar

August Women's Book Study

Singles Summer Dance Party


Scott and Spence Adams - Super Place Camp

UMW Sew Sociable

Houston Food Bank

Monica and Don Hausmann

Love it. Wear it. Give it.

Foundation Scholarship Student Care Packages


New Members

The Chapelwood Foundation

2015 Foundation Dinner Underwritters and


Staff list

Joys and Concerns

















On Sunday May 10, during our Mother’s Day Common Ground Service, we had the opportunity to dedicate our new prayer wall, built this past year as another way for our students to interact with God. It was a gift in honor of Alec Hilman, a freshman who passed away in May of 2014. He had a deep love for God and for others to have a personal relationship with God. Below are the words that are on his plaque:

Alec Christopher Hilman 8/19/98- 5/29/14

Alec will always hold a special place in the heart of this community as a young man of faith, prayer, and

service. This wall is dedicated for the glory and honor of God, and serves as a reminder of Alec's deep desire for others to encounter the living God.

“Walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have received…” -Ephesians 4:1

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I shared recently with the staff that the word “lead” comes from an old Indo-European root “leith,” which means “to cross a threshold.” Crossing a threshold is language we use in both life and death. In order to live into some new things God offers us, we may have to let go of other things in our lives.

There are several staff people crossing significant thresholds in July. Gregg Taylor will depart as Pastor of Mercy Street to become a chaplain with reVision Houston. Melissa Maher will move from her position as Directing Pastor of Adult Discipleship to become the Pastor of Mercy Street. Josef Klam will move from Directing Pastor of Family Ministries to Directing Pastor of Adult Discipleship. Gregg, Melissa, and Josef all expressed a sense that God is leading them in these changes, as you will read in this article.

Please keep the Mercy Street community, Gregg, Melissa, and Josef in your prayers. We can all relate to the uncertainty of transition, but we can also relate to how God does amazing things when new doors are opened!


Dr. John Stephens


God's leading is evident in changes following discernment

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By now, you are probably aware that after seven years at Chapelwood as pastor of Mercy Street, and being just one of many parts of this beautiful community, I will be leaving to work with Houston reVision. ReVision's mission is to leverage the power of community to connect kids on the edge with mentors, positive peers, and life-changing resources, all toward helping folks revise the narrative of their lives toward a more hopeful future. There are a number of things I'll be doing with reVision, but in a nutshell, I'll take on the role of pastor to help cultivate and develop this community. Officially, I will begin with reVision on July 1.

This decision hasn't come without a lot of reflection and prayer, and even sadness about leaving Mercy Street. And with all that, I am excited about this new chapter which this wonderful community has played a huge role in preparing me for.

I'll avoid the temptation to keep writing here and instead direct you to the message I gave at Mercy Street on Saturday, May 2, which is available at www.chapelwood.org/greggtaylor/

Chapelwood is our home church, so I am not transitioning from being a part of the many relationships that are very important to me. Of course, Amy is the Director of Local Serving here and our kids are plugged in here. You will be seeing us around.

Your prayers around the transition will be extremely beneficial. I will be thanking you over and over before I leave, but let me just say here that I am grateful beyond words to you for allowing me to be with you these last seven years. God's presence through the Mercy Street community has given me and my family experiences and encounters with mercy and grace that will shape us the rest of our lives. You have spoken life into me as we've lived this life together.

Gregg Taylor shares about his decision to leave

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Melissa Maher talks about her transition to Pastor of Mercy StreetWhile a sense of my call into vocational ministry came nearly 20 years ago, I have wrestled with that calling along each turn in the road. Faith and doubt, certainty and fear—full of hope and shrinking in despair. Two things have held me steady in my faith journey—God's faithfulness to work for shalom (peace, wholeness, healing) in my life AND my growing desire to hear people's stories and connect them with God's work of shalom in their lives. Even when I was in corporate banking, my interest at the table with the CEO, CFO, and top lenders was to know their stories. How did they get to this point in their career? What was their greatest hope and biggest fear? (You can imagine how those questions were received in a boardroom!) That curiosity and the nudge of a call to ministry bring me to a place today of 16 years in full-time volunteer or vocational ministry.

The chance to be the Lead Pastor of Mercy Street is the next place where I will grow in my awareness of God's shalom in me and in those around me. When I was being ordained, my sister gave me a painting by B. Andreas with the following words: "This is a giant block of whatever is most difficult for you to carry, and trust me on this, you'll carry it more times than you can count until you decide that's exactly what you want to do most, and then it won't weigh a thing any more." Serving at Chapelwood the last seven years, I have had the chance to walk with people as they carry heavy weights and see them transformed into weight-less gifts. Following the pastoral leadership of Matt Russell, Sean Gladding, and Gregg Taylor is a privilege. Each of them have been dear friends and fellow pilgrims on the journey. The strength of Mercy Street has always been and continues to be the community. Its authenticity and humor is the collision of brokenness and shalom.

You won't see me as much on Sunday mornings, but I hope to see you on Saturday nights at Mercy Street. The door is always open to come and hear the stories of redemption—to cry tears of pain and to laugh at the surprising arrival of joy. Come join a place that seeks to create a safe harbor for the hurt, the lost, the seeking so that we might experience the radical grace of God.

Josef Klam excited about leading the Adult Discipleship teamI started working at Chapelwood 18 years ago. Since then I’ve had many different jobs, primarily within the Student Ministry, later expanding into Family Ministry. The staff and the community of lay leaders have always encouraged and pushed me to continue to grow. That’s one great thing about Chapelwood – and it’s worked out well! I enjoy the changes that come with new responsibilities. For the last six years, those responsibilities have shifted toward staff development: raising up leaders and making sure that everyone’s aligned. There’s nothing more gratifying than watching people grow and become excellent at what they do using skills they didn’t know they had. We’ve got strong leaders in place in all our director roles in Family Ministry, and they all have a clear understanding of where we are as a church, where we’re going, and how their ministries are moving in the same direction.

I don’t foresee any major shifts in regard to what we’ll be doing in Adult Discipleship. Our Ten Core Values are our “stakes in the ground,” and will be important for every ministry area and every worship community, not just Adult Discipleship. What does it mean to live into these Ten Core Values? We have several years of heavy lifting, if you will, on the ideas of experiencing, and growing, and sharing God’s grace. Within the context of faith formation and development of our adults, we ask, “What does it really mean for an adult to grow in grace in groups in their relationships with one another and God? In the Student Ministry we’ve got just seven years from confirmation to graduation to develop and execute a plan. Adults include all ages from post-college into retirement. I don’t have all the answers, and have much to learn, but we have the framework of our core values and EGS. I’m a “people person,” so one of the things that I think I’m most excited about is that this transition will mean the ability to deepen relationships with people I’ve known, loved, and respected for a long time. The Adult Discipleship team is a team of experts who know how to do their jobs really well. They are competent, they are tested, and they continue to excel in their areas.

I‘m really excited. For the last 18 years, I have been amazed at our congregation's capacity to dream and grow, and I am more energized than ever about the future that God has in store for Chapelwood.

God's leading is evident in changes following discernment (continued)

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THE RELEASE is 75 minutes of corporate prayer and praise where we come together to "LET GO" of our burdens, weights, sins, stresses, and worries in an environment of anticipation, gratitude, and excitement. Join the Upper Room Worship and Prayer teams for a night of uplifting music, explosive praise, and transformational prayer. If you are in need of a spiritual, emotional, relational, or physical breakthrough, then you don't want to miss THE RELEASE! Childcare will be available so bring the entire family.

For more information, contact Cherri Washington, (713) 365-2808.

Join other volunteers to bring church and a meal to the homeless of Houston. Meet at 6:15 p.m. in Chapelwood's Youth Building lobby to ride the van or carpool. If driving directly to this event, please arrive at 2715 St. Charles by 7:00 p.m.Dress is very casual -- jeans and T-shirts are fine. We need greeters, servers, cooks, and people to help set up and clean up. For more information, contact Phil Miller, (713) 402-8392, or Clay Everett, (281) 808-5095.

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Scott and Spence Adams are long-time veterans of Super Place Camp – an annual VBS-style program for special needs kids held in the summer. The program rotates between Tallowood Baptist, Memorial Drive Methodist, Grace Presbyterian, First Baptist, and Chapelwood. Scott and Spence sat down with Allison Carter to fill her in on what Super Place Camp is all about.

Scott: Super Place Camp is a week-long Bible School that’s geared towards the special needs community. We have been many, many times. As you know, it moves from church to church, but this year it’s back at Chapelwood. We have been to every venue.Spence: I love the shows. Every year on Friday everybody gathers in a room . . .Scott: They always sing songs as part of the worship experience.Spence: OK, I got this.Scott: They sing as part of the worship every day, and so by the end of the week most of the kids have learned all of the songs that they sing. On the last day, they usually get everybody together, and they all sing the songs at a time when the parents can come and watch. That’s the show. It’s nothing elaborate but it’s fun to see the counselors and kids get together and sing the songs. I will tell you from a parent’s standpoint that one of the best things about camp is the people who run it. Some of them are church employees, some of them are from their respective church education departments, and some are counselors who return every year. Spence, who are some of the counselors you remember from years before?Spence: Luke . . . Sarah the snack lady . . .

Scott: One of the best things is that every church is unique. So, camp has a little different feel each time. But – it’s so connected to the special needs community, including Circle of Friends, Brookwood, and other organizations here in town. All age groups participate. The day is built around crafts, Bible stories, and singing. The last 30 minutes is a wind-down time where they all eat their sack lunch, and then the parents pick them up afterward.Spence: Last year, one of our counselors threw out candy to the audience at the show!Scott: Obviously the program is fantastic for the kids in that community, but also it’s great for the people who volunteer. We occasionally will go to the grocery store and see them, and they’ll recognize Spence, and they’ll talk to him. And he sees the same people from year to year because they’ll come back and work again at the next church. Spence: I like the music. Everybody comes up on the last song. Last year we had a DJ.Scott: Well, a counselor played the songs along on their iPod speakers, or something. In different years the kids have played along in instruments like drums and rhythm sticks. It allows different levels of participation. Not everybody likes singing - some of them aren’t capable of singing – but they can participate. From a parent’s standpoint, one of the things that happens is that a lot of these kids are plugged into programs related to the school year. During the summer, they might not have any planned activity at all for getting out. So this program, even though it’s only a week long, is a great opportunity for these kids to see other kids, meet different kids, and for the parents to have some free time. It’s

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Super Place Camp is a yearly camp for children and young adults with special needs in the Houston area. Chapelwood is hosting this week-long camp this year and we need your help to make this a success! To volunteer, visit www.chapelwood.org/superplace.August 3-7

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


a community thing.Spence: Last year, we had a Super Place Camp T-shirt.Scott: We have a whole collection of T-shirts. Spence likes to wear his old Super Place camp T-shirts.

There’s a website for signing people up. Usually, if my memory serves me correctly, there’ll be a link at each of the churches that will say, “We’re helping sponsor Super Place Camp . . .” and it takes you to the sponsoring church. A lot of the people in the community are aware that this goes on every year, and they look forward to it. Chapelwood has a registration link up for it in the Children’s ministry website. It’s from August 3-7, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Spence: One time we had a great show at Tallowood. That was the best show!Scott: Camp participants range from kids like Spence who are highly verbal and love to sing, all the way to kids who have more profound disabilities, who may be wheelchair bound, or may not be able to speak or self-care. However, there’s something about being in that community and participating that validates them. The more functional kids are so open to the others that it really is sort of a boundary-less community. Especially the counselors who return year after year – they’re the same way. They open up to these kids and see what’s unique and beautiful about each of them. It’s really neat. Spence: Last time everybody all sang together at the show.Scott: The counselors break the kids down into groups, like the zebras, or the lions, and then combine or move the groups apart depending on the activities they’re doing. The groups are

arranged so that they’re small and functional, and so the kids who need a lot of help can get a lot of help. The camper-to-counselor ratio is usually pretty close to two-to-one. Some kids are even given their very own counselor because they need more help. We have loved the program for two reasons over the years. Number one is because it’s been such a great social experience for Spence. It’s a chance for him to be exposed to a new community. The second thing is it’s really been enlightening to go to the different church homes and participate in their world a little bit. The small differences at each church are wonderful, but the consistency from church to church is also good.

I don’t know how many of these special needs community things you’ve been to but this one is heart-wrenching, and wonderful, and spiritual all at the same time. To see these kids who don’t have all the same advantages that a lot of us have, well, they don’t always understand the Bible in the context that we understand it. But, they are completely in a moment of spirituality as they can have it. It takes extraordinary people to run this program. I work with special kids, but I couldn’t do this. It’s a really extraordinary program. It’s just a neat, neat thing we’ve been able to do and look forward to year after year.

Super Place CampAugust 3-7, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.If you are interested in helping with Super Place Camp, please contact Jennifer Palomo, [email protected].

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UNITED METHODIST WOMEN’S SEW SOCIABLETuesdays, July 7, 14, 21, and 28, 9:30 a.m. – noon, W202We will work on completing projects for various ministries and charities. The main focus is making Linus quilts and blankets to be given to children in Houston area hospitals. Other work in process or in the past includes making isolet covers for premature babies in Memorial Hermann Children's Hospital; book bags for UMCOR and Wesley Community Center; costumes and craft items for Chapelwood children; pillow cases for Small Steps; walker pockets for the Chapelwood Gathering Place, and other handmade items given to charitable organizations.

Sewing skills are useful, but not required. Please plan to attend some if not all of these sessions. We have fun being together planning and completing our projects.

On Tuesday, July 28, we will have a celebration luncheon in W203 displaying our gift of love items.

For more information, contact Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720.

BIBLE STUDY FOR DUMMIES Saturdays in June, 3:45 - 5:00 p.m., Fireside RoomDo you want to know more about the world's greatest all-time best seller - The Bible? Ninety percent of Americans own a copy of the Bible, and while it's the most widely read book, it's also the least understood. Regardless of whether you are an experienced Bible reader, a new Bible reader, or you think the Bible is a condemning, worthless book.This study is for you. Come and do a step-by-step study of this fascinating book with us and let the Bible come alive for you. You'll find answers to such questions as:

Where did the Bible come from? Who are the ten people in the Bible I should know? How can the Bible possibly help me in my daily struggles? How can the Bible be a helpful guide to life's big questions? How can I study this ancient book if I hate studying?

When: SaturdaysTime: 3:45-5:00 p.m.Where: Fireside RoomLeaders: Donna Clark-Love, Kathy HammelContact Jessica for more information: (713) 354-4487 or [email protected].

PREMARITAL SEMINARSaturday, August 29, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., W101-102 The premarital seminar is offered to couples preparing to marry, and is strongly encouraged by our pastors.

Prior to the seminar, couples will be asked to complete the Prepare-Enrich customized couple assessment that is available online and which identifies couple's strength and growth areas in the following categories: communication, conflict resolution, partner style and habits, financial management, leisure, sexual expectations, family and friends, relationship roles, and spiritual beliefs. On class day participants will be given their Prepare-Enrich results along with workbooks. Kaisi Cunningham, wife of Andy Cunningham, Pastor of Young Adults and Men's Ministries, will walk the group through each of the categories, allowing time for discussion between partners and for exercises in the workbook. Andy and Kaisi have been married for 11 years, and Kaisi has a Masters of Counseling and Divinity. She has been Certified in Prepare-Enrich for the past 12 years and has worked with numerous pre-marital and married couples. Couples will be seated at private tables for two, so that conversations will be between partners.

Couples who complete all eight hours of the seminar will receive a Twogether Texas Certificate entitling them to a discount on a Texas Marriage License.

For weddings not scheduled to take place at Chapelwood, an $85 per couple fee will be charged to cover lunch expenses and materials. There is no charge for the seminar for couples who are marrying at Chapelwood. A light lunch is included.

For information, contact Donna Lowe, [email protected]. To register, go to www.chapelwood.org/premarital.

SAVE THE DATE FOR THE AUGUST WOMEN’S BOOK STUDY Tuesdays, August 4, 11, 18, 2511:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Fellowship HallThis year’s United Methodist Women’s book study is Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God by Cynthia A. Bond Hopson and Sarah Heaner Lancaster. Women from all Chapelwood communities are invited to join us as we share the ways that happiness can sometimes be elusive and yet found in the middle of very simple moments with family and friends. The book is available for purchase in the Chapelwood Bookstore.

For more information, contact Diana Bates at [email protected].

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SINGLES SUMMER DANCE PARTYFriday, June 12, 8:00 - 11:00 p.m., Fellowship HallCome and have fun with over 100 singles from across Houston at our Singles Summer Dance Party!

Enjoy the FREE West Coast Swing lesson with Michael Stephens and dance to a variety of music with DJ Ed Madonio.

Dress in your summer coolest and enjoy great food, fellowship, line dances, and mixers.

Cost is only $10 at the door. All proceeds benefit the Singles Rice and Beans Project. For more information, contact Gloria Mounger at [email protected] or (713) 354-4465.

HOUSTON FOOD BANKWednesday, June 17, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.Houston Food Bank Keegan Kitchen 2445 North Freeway, Houston, TX 77009Spend a day serving at the Houston Food Bank Keegan Kitchen with fellow Chapelwood volunteers. The van leaves Chapelwood at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 12:30 p.m.


Ange and John Keck(Julian, Tristan, & Evan)

Katie and Joey ForrestMarsha and Brian Lloyd

Kay and Michael Stimson(Ethan and Aidan)

Alex and Rob Snow(Juliana & Victoria. Not shown.)

Brooke and Corby Robertson(Jake, Hunter, & Bradyn.

Not shown.)

Membership is your commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Ginny Itz, [email protected] or (713) 354-4446.

Picture not available: Mary Ann and Charles Crocker

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Monica and Don Hausmann teach a Children’s Sunday School pre-K class. Don owns a small packaging business, and Monica has kept busy with Girl Scouts and PTA since their children were born. They have three daughters: Madeline, 17; Jessica, 14; and Samantha, 5.

MONICA: We’ve been here at Chapelwood about five years. Our littlest one is the reason we’re here.DON: We were both raised Catholic, so we had started going to the Catholic church. We were married there, and our older kids were baptized there. The church began to change in many ways and slowly we stopped going.MONICA: Because of that, we didn’t raise our two older daughters in church. And then, when our surprise daughter came along, I said, “We have to go back to church.” Don said, “We’ll go find another Catholic church,” but I had always heard that Dr. Jackson at Chapelwood was just amazing, and so I said, “We’re going to Chapelwood!”

DON: Our daughters played sports here – volleyball and soccer. Chapelwood is a whole community, and has all this stuff for the kids, and I was really open to coming here. So, we started coming and really liked it.MONICA: And here we are – and we teach Sunday School. Go figure! Nobody would have pegged us for that.DON: Occasionally when I’m out of town, one of our daughters will fill in for me. MONICA: That is the best thing! It becomes a family affair. Our older girls will go to church or just come and assist with the crafts. These young kids in our class LOVE my teenage girls. The kids make a connection with their teachers. They really do, so I try to get us in whenever we can.DON: When you sign up, you do so knowing that the kids, as they grow up, really need to have someone consistent they can trust. I’m okay with that.MONICA: When we trained, they asked us to commit to serving twice a month. We said we’ll do it twice a month up until volleyball tournaments hit in April.

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DON: And then we did it a month straight before that because we knew we were going to be out so much later. They email the lesson to us ahead of time so we can be prepared – that’s very helpful.MONICA: It’s not difficult at all. The staff comes up with the lesson plan, and gets everything ready. What we do is read the kids a story, and talk about it, and then we’ll do a craft that relates to it, and then at this age, pre-K, they go see Jennifer Palomo, also known as “Miss Peacock.” She does this great storytelling, and the kids love her. We all gather in her room and she explains the story and acts it out, in a fun, outgoing way. She “concretes” the lesson in – and when she asks them questions, they know the answers, almost before she asks. They all say, “I know! I know! I know!” We are always so proud that they remember what we talked about.DON: We’ve had as few as nine kids, and as many as 23. It gets crazy when we’re at 23, but that’s pretty rare. Usually we’re talking about twelve to fifteen kids.

MONICA: There are three classrooms that teach our age group. We have a core group of kids in our room who come on a regular basis. Every now and then you get some kids you’ve seen just a couple of times. But we know them – and remember their names. Of course, there are other kids in other classrooms that we don’t see until we’re in the large storytelling group. DON: If anybody wants to give teaching Sunday School the time and try it, they’ll fall in love with it. I look forward to doing this on Sundays, and doing even more with the kids as they grow up. To see these crazy kids become older, and hopefully be able to rely on you . . . It will be nice to be able to do this as the kids grow up. MONICA: Seeing them grow in their faith – that’s really cool. I love Chapelwood.DON: We both love Chapelwood.MONICA: The kids have touched my life. They really have. We’ll do it again next year.

Let Christ’s light in you Color Their World!Join our Volunteer Team.

Find out more at chapelwoodchildren.org

Page 14: June Chimes


LOVE IT. WEAR IT. GIVE IT.Prom can be very expensive! Love it, Wear it, Give it is a community service outreach event to assist high school girls in the Spring Branch Community by providing them prom dresses and accessories free of charge. This mission helps to promote self-confidence, individual beauty, and diversity by making each girl's prom dreams a reality. Photography by christiminter.com.

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LOVE IT. WEAR IT. GIVE IT.The Chapelwood Foundation has been awarding college scholarships

to students in our community since 2005. The majority of the students in the scholarship program participate in the Collegiate Challenge program at Northbrook High School in SBISD. In this program, students are mentored by Chapelwood members and other volunteers who help them apply for admission to college as well as scholarships. The students are highly motivated and highly qualified. They are trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. The scholarship committee considers it a blessing and a privilege to walk alongside these students as they pursue their educational dreams.

We are always looking for additional ways to encourage the students in our program. Chapelwood member Judy Walker and her daughter, Tammy Smith, recently came up with the wonderful idea of making care packages that would arrive during the week of finals. Judy and Tammy gathered their friends and other Foundation volunteers to put together care packages and encouraging notes for each student in the program. We received many emails and cards thanking Chapelwood for this unexpected and joyful surprise. Here are a few of their grateful responses:

I really want to thank Chapelwood church for being so kind and caring to students. I am very thankful for the blessings you all have given us. I received the care package, and it just made my day. The note that came along with the package was very sweet, and warming. I want to thank Debbie Long for constructing my care package, it is perfect! Thank you all so much, everything you all do for us is appreciated. God bless you all, and I want to let you all know that you guys do make a difference, I am proof of that. You all have helped so much!

Thank you, Yesenia Garcia

Hello! I am a student who received a care package for my finals week. I just wanted to say a BIG Thank you. Your generosity is unreal! It really made my day seeing all the goodies I got in the mail. Such a sweet gesture! Thank you so much. I feel so honored to be a part of this awesome foundation.

"Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38)

Ericka Mayorga

Hello, I would like to thank you and the foundation for the amazing package that

I received today. It is much more than what I was imagining! Thank you so, so much, it really made my day and it will make the rest of my semester!

Blessings, Sheila Rojas


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THE CHAPELWOOD FOUNDATIONYour gifts to the Chapelwood Foundation can be a special way to honor someone or mark the joy of a special occasion while helping to build an

endowment for Chapelwood in perpetuity. For more information, contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or [email protected].


Terri JonesMarcia Hudgens

James Whitson, Jr.Donna Dawson

Elizabeth M. ReynoldsLorraine Podd

John Marshall MyersShary and Marshall Heins

Brad HubbellWomen’s Perspective Class

Claire JohnsonSusan and Bob Johnson

Sharon BerryMelba and Larry Ainsworth

Kay Newman

Jennifer SmithSue and Mike Gaskins

Joanne MillsDona and Carl Badgett

Jo Reid

Parker ScottDona and Carl Badgett

Carol JensenDona and Carl Badgett

Ed Jensen

Evelyn CliftWayne Payne

Judith and Victor Hampton

Oliver Reeves DavisLoma and Bill Hobson

Benjamin E. TaylorTanya Tullos and Lee Appleberry

G.R. BurtnerJanet and Peter Tomlinson

Linda CondonJo Reid

Foster SempleJo Reid

Ardath GrimesCandlelighters Sunday School


Christine SharpeDonna and Mark Greek

Teresa and Clayton Cannon

Suzanne HowellDorothy Cooke

Barbara BakerTom Baker

Dr. Pete DaltonErin and Matthew Roorda

Edwin G. Young, Sr.Ed Young

Don SmithSusan and Tracy Little

Laura Andrews WorthamCarrie and Jeff Hoye

Donna DawsonJudy and William Roberts

Fellowship Sunday School ClassSue and Mike Gaskins

Sandra Auchter WillinghamNell and Bernie Auchter and

familyTrisha and Ted Mohle

Linda and Dick McCasland

Laura Andrews Wortham (continued)

Laura and Rollie ChildersDona and Carl Badgett

Meadow Wood PTAPamela and Kevin FerwornGuzzetta Benefit Services

Merle CarlsonRuth and Mike Nordmeyer

Shirley and Gerald BettsLynn Guggolz

Becky and J.W. BrenhamMira and Bert Golden

Sarah ParksJoan and Henry Hill

Janice and Larry SmaihallGayle and Jack Hillman

Kay NewmanLoma and Bill HobsonLeslie and Gerald Teel

Meredith and Kenneth TekellBonnie and Richard Denson

Patricia DumasAnne and James Kirkpatrick

Rockie Deboben

John E. StephensMopsy and Gary Andrews

Jim JacksonMopsy and Gary Andrews

Rita and Wick StuckeyMopsy and Gary Andrews

Ross, Kary, and Davis PalmieSue and Dike Howe

Carleton ColeCandlelighters Sunday School Class

Mopsy and Gary AndrewsLeslie and Gerald Teel

Susan and Jim TurleyCharlotte and Larry Whaley

Bruce WeaverPamela and Bob Moore


Jane and Jim Wise (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund)


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George Anderson-WoodMopsy and Gary Andrews

Dot AugustLinda Bailey

Dorothy BakerMary Ann and Jim Balock

Dottie and Don BatesNancy Batt

Margaret and Leonard BedellIrene and Bob Bening

Rosanna and Myron BlalockDeborah and Greg Blauser

Margaret and Billy G. DwyerPam and Mark CallahanJanet and Fred Castrow

Becky ChapmanLaura and Rollie Childers

Ray and Raymond ChiltonKathy and Bob Christy

Hazel and Carleton ColeKaren and Gus Comiskey

Joann and Mike ConeYvonne and Tim ConklinJennifer and Rob Cooksey

Connie and Bill CoxCRC Family Charitable

FoundationKay and John Crockett

Helen and Dennis CroweJane-Page and James CrumpDeborah and Wayne Culver

Carolyn and Platt DavisMrs. Ross E. Dawson, Jr.

Mary DuboseAnnette and Lee Duggan

Barbara Bering DundasEileen Eastham

Blaire and Monty EcholsPeggy and Gary Edwards

Amy and Rob EggertJanis and Jerry Elmore

Marty and Roger EthridgeJacki and Brian EvansSue and Mike Gaskins

Carol GayAllison Gower and Jeremy Konko

Donna and Mark GreekMarilyn and Mark Green

Joan and Bob GreerWilda and E.J. Grivetti

Barbara and Samuel GuyMarguerite Hall

Margaret H. HareNita and Doug Heard

Shary and Marshall HeinsJanis and Randy Henry

Clay HightowerGini and Dean Hill

Glenn HilmanLeslie and Tom Hix

Joan and Kevin HodgesLou and Mark Houser

Dana and Henry HoustonBarbara and Carter Howard

Sue and Dike HoweGinger and Evan HowellJudy and Henry Jackson

Ed JensenJean and Bill Jensen

Kim and Rich Jochetz

Susan and Bob JohnsonJudy and Milton Klasing

Rita KnowlesKen Kuykendall

Bobbie Ann and Bob LarkinsCarolyn and David Light

Karla and Bill LowerreEd Lynch

Marie and Mat MathieuCathy and Jack McCantsLisa and David R. Miller

Clayton MillsHelen and Jim Miner

Pamela and Bob MooreAnna Murr

Kay NewmanChris and John Ogren

Cleta S. OrtloffSusan and Ed Patterson

Wayne PayneJane and Elwin Peacock

Grace and Carroll PhillipsHugh Phillips

Anne and David RaeDiane and Brent Rager

Jo ReidSharon and George Reynolds

Karen and Russ RidgwayJill and Allyn Risley

Mary and Rick RobertsMary Jane and Jack Roeder

Tracy and Scott RoganNancy and Bill Sartain

Farrell and Stuart SaundersAngie and Jim Schwartz

Judy and Roy SharpCarol and Mac SharpePam and Joe Slovacek

Janice and Larry SmaihallMarcy and Ken SpaldingSabra and Frank SteedAnn and Bill Steiner

Charlene and John StormsEdloe and Doyle Stuckey

Jane SugarsBetty Ann and John Taylor

Sally and Bob ThomasDot and Bill ThompsonPam and Jerry TreadwellLonna and Ed Turner

Johnye VoilesLiz Wachendorfer

Janet and Tom WalkerLisa and John Walker

Lynn Stanley Webster and Ron Webster

Allison and Curt WegenhoftMary Sue and Jim Westmoreland

Karyl and Charles WhiteMary Lou and John Williams

Sara and Kelly WilliamsLinda and Cliff West

Norma and Joe WheatNancy and Ken Wiech

Jane and Jim WiseCarrie and Ron WoliverSandra and Ron YatesCJ and Lynn Yeoman

Anne Zappe



Page 18: June Chimes



ContactsBaptisms: Pasha Lilyana Ghannad, daughter of Jennifer and Blake Ghannad,

on April 12, 2015. Tobin Nash Weekley, son of Sarah and Chris Weekley,

on April 12, 2015. Eloise Marguerite Allen, daughter of Whitney and David Allen,

on April 12, 2015. William Patrick Jacobson, son of Kathy and Chap Jacobson,

on April 12, 2015. Marion Jo Sealy, daughter of Meredith and David Sealy,

on April 12, 2015. Ella Caroline Adams, daughter of Margo and Conrad Adams,

on April 12, 2015. Lila Kate McQueen, daughter of Annie and Tyler McQueen,

on April 12, 2015. Cash Benner McQueen, son of Annie and Tyler McQueen,

on April 12, 2015.

Our Prayers and Sympathy Expressed to: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young II and family on the death of Ed’s father,

Mr. Edwin Gary Young, on April 4, 2015. The family and friends of Mrs. Bill (Evelyn) Clift,

who died April 6, 2015. Mrs. Susan Forney and family on the death of her son,

Mr. Steven Forney, on April 13, 2015. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. (Mac) Sharpe, Jr. and family on the death of

Mac’s mother, Mrs. Christine Sharpe, on April 20, 2015. Mr. W. O. (Bill) Grimes and family on the death of his wife,

Mrs. Ardath Grimes, on April 24, 2015. Mrs. Hazel Wallace and family on the death of her husband,

Mr. Wesley W. Wallace, on April 24, 2015. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hebert and family on the death of his father,

Mr. Andy Hebert, on April 26, 2015. Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Humphrey and family on the death of

Betsy’s father, Mr. Andy Hebert, on April 26, 2015.


Recently Hospitalized: Levi Benjamin BassiliCara CoeCheryl CostaChuck DragisticCarolyn LightJudah Lee Wood

John Stephens – Senior PastorBob Johnson – Executive Pastor/Worship Communities PastorBob Lindsey – Business Administrator/Manager of Music Ministry

ADULT DISCIPLESHIPAndy Cunningham – Pastor, Young Adult and Men's MinistriesGinny Itz – Ministry Director, Connecting MinistriesMelissa Maher – Directing Pastor, Adult DiscipleshipAllen Quine – Theologian in ResidenceJanine Roberts – Ministry Director, Global and National Serving MinistriesTeresa Rossy – Ministry Director, Learning MinistryNancy Sterling – Ministry Director, Praying MinistryAmy Taylor – Ministry Director, Local Serving Ministry

CHILDREN’S & YOUTH DISCIPLESHIPCindy Booth – Ministry Director, Children's MinistryJosef Klam – Directing Pastor, Children's, Youth, and College Discipleship Karen Lopes – Ministry Director, Special Needs MinistryCarolyn Park – Administrator, Chapelwood School for Young Children Sarah Pattillo – Ministry Director, Youth and College MinistriesCason Sicking – Ministry Director, Recreation Ministry

PASTORAL CARE & REACHINGScott Endress – Pastor, Caring, Sanctuary Reaching, and Senior Adult MinistriesBill Stell – Assistant Pastor, Pastoral Care Wick Stuckey – Coordinating Pastor, Caring Ministry

WORSHIP COMMUNITIES AND MUSICRichard Gandy – Ministry Director, Worship and Arts, Mercy StreetLuis Palomo – Community Pastor, The BranchStephen Roddy – Ministry Director, Adult Traditional Music and the ArtsGregg Taylor – Community Pastor, Mercy Street Christian Washington – Community Pastor, Upper RoomWayne Watson – Ministry Director, 9:45 Contemporary WorshipJerry Webber – Community Pastor, Contemplative Worship and Directing Pastor, Center for Christian Spirituality

OTHER MINISTRIESTeresa Cannon – Ministry Director, Chapelwood FoundationKaren Firenza – Ministry Director, Marketing and CommunicationsBond McCall – Ministry Director, Technology for MinistryIvan Rhone – Ministry Director, Kitchen Ministry

11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808www.chapelwood.org

Page 19: June Chimes

31 JUNE 1 Gathering Place 11 am, W101


3Chancel Choir, 7 pm

4 5Singles Game Night7:00 pm, YB Gameroom

6 Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship HallMercy Street End of School Party

7Singles Rice & Beans, 11 am, Fellowship Hall

8VBS (June 8-12)Italy Trip (June 8-19)

9 10 Chancel Choir, 7 pm

11 12Church Under The Bridge, 7 p.m.Singles Summer Dance Party, 8 pm, Fellowship Hall

13Ireland trip (June 13-24) Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

14Second Sunday ChickenUR Family Reunion and Picnic, 11:15 am, Upper Room


Camp Chapelwood(June 15- July 16)

16 17 Senior Adult Serving at Houston Food Bank Chancel Choir, 7 pm

18 19 20

Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

21 Father's DaySUMMIT (June 21-26)

22 23

24 Chancel Choir, 7 pmThe Release7 p.m., Upper Room

25 26Parents Night Out 5 pm, Nursery


Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

28 29 30 JULY 1

Chancel Choir, 7 pm

2 3Mission Trip to Haiti (July 3-11)Church Closed

4 Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

5 6 7

UMW Sew Sociable9:30 am, W202


Chancel Choir, 7 pm

9 10

Church Under The Bridge, 7 p.m.

11Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall




PRAYERS FOR TRAVELPlease be in prayer for those traveling traveling over the summer. God be with you till we meet again.

Italy Tour with john Stephens, June 8 - 19Ireland Choir Tour, June 13 - 24SUMMIT, June 21 - 26 Haiti Mission Trip, July 3 - 11

Page 20: June Chimes

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Vol. V, No. 06

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Church, 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024.

Periodicals Postage paid at Houston TX.

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This summer, take a trip... to a new worship community!Find out worship times and locations on page 2.

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